HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-03-13, Page 2PAGE TWO
Qualify Geeta
Goderich Police Chief
Will Retire—
Goderich town council last decided
to reorganize its police force. R. C.
Postlethwafte, for 7 years chief of
police. will retire, and applications
for the position of chief of police
and eight sergeant •will be asked.
While Chief Postletllwaite is reliev-
ed of his police duties. he is being
retained as street inspector. weed
inspector. etc., at the same salary as
at present.
Opening Law Practice—
An addition to the legal fratern-
ity of Goderich is William A. Suth-
erland, B.A., who is beginning prac-
tice In the offices on North street
for many years occupied by the late
Judge Charles Darrow. He is a son
Mr. 7. Arthur Sutherland and the
late Mrs. Sutherland, and a grand-
son of the late Huron County Regis.
tray William Coats. He completed
his law course at Osgoode Hall in
1940 and was called to the bar in
September last.
Appointed Chairman—
The appointment of J. D. Thomas,
of Goderich, as Huron County (;hair -
man of the Canadian War Services
Fund. has been announced. Mr.
Thomas is well known throughout
the county where he has been active
in a large number of organizations.
The Canadian War Services Fund
will launch a mammoth "six -in -one"
Mee to seeure urgently needed
funds for the Canadian Legion,
Knights of Columbus, Salvation
Army. Y.M.C,A., Y,W.C,A., and 1,0.
D.E. The drive opens on March 25th..
How Would A Lot of the
Hockey Fans Celebrate—
Holly ;',eves. M.P.P.. would take
the tables and chairs out of the
beverage 'nems. if the beverages
were taken out, too, the rannls.
could be Put to None good use. says
the Goderich Signal -Star.
Car Markers For 1942
To Be Orange And Black—
Manutactu'e of the 1042 Ontario
automobile liceuse plates • has al-
ready begun at the Ontario Reforma-
tory at Guelph. The plates for next
year have black figures on an
orange -yellow background. 100,000
paha of markers will he made by
Surveying Road to
Port Albert—
Three Department of Highways
engineers are at present engaged in
Preparing a profile of the Blue Water
highway from Goderich to Port Al-
bert ah•port. This gives credence to
a widespread report that this stretch
of heavily.travelled highway is to be
paved ag soon as weather permits,
It is the usual work that precedes
the preparation of plans and specifi-
cations for the calling of tenders.
The engineers, likewise the politic-
ians. state they have no information
on the subject. but it is known that
the Department of Transport, Ot-
tawa. has been pressing for a hard -
surfaced road to Port Albert and, in
fact. on main contributory roads to
all airports, and might even consider
sharing the cost as a war emergency,
Local highway men point out that
parts Of the road which are ultimate.
ly to be abandoned for a diverted
route, including that et. Port Albert
village, are'to be left as they are at
present,—Goderich. Signal -Star.
Ask For Improvements
On Blue Water Highway—
A large delegation representing
the Blue Wane' Highway Aesociatinn
headed by W. Guthrie, 1I, P.P. for
West Lambtan, and G. L. Parsons of
(lodericll: waited upon Hon. 'P. 11,
31c•QuestOe, Minister of Highways at
Toronto recently, and asked for
improvements in the road between
Sande end liirtcardine, The deputa•
tion stressed the "feeder" portion of
the road between Forest and Grand
Bend. It was 110101ed oul that Patted
Mates tourists sometimes travel
Ode far. then on seeing the condition
of the road extending 00 into the
north country turn back in disgust
end head for some north Michigan
(710011. Particular attention was dere
ec•te11 also to the portion of the road
between Goderich and Kincardine,
over which there is a heavy traffic
to and from the air training schools,
A letter was presented from Fred
Walker of Oakwood Park. Grand
Bend. offering the Department of
Highways all the gravel necessary
to complete the surfacing of the
road between .Forest and Grand Bench
free of charge , This gravel lies in
pits five miles long in the Pinery
close to the road which is to be
surfaced. Mr. MoQuestea, in his re-
ply, stated that the Government,
owing to war conditions , was not
considering any capital expenditures.
but this highway would be given
first consideration in work to be
dole during the year,
Team Nearly Drowned—
Arthur Solana') of Walkerton, who
maintains a summer -resort at what
is known a5 Russian's Lake, on the
loth concession of Carrick, engaged
Clavenve Pneelunau of Car•lsrnhe
with his team to assist him ie put -
ling up a supply or ice from this
lake. While thus employed, the
horses 11ccidontalty broke through
the ice, and sank to the bottom of
the lake. for a time it looked as
though the horses would be drown-
ed, but the workmen finally suc-
ceeded in getting theta out or the icy
depths with little injury to the
animals.—Mildmay Gazette.
A. J. Goldthorpe Dles Suddenly
Albert. J. Goldthorpe; 71. Memel'
reeve of Colborne township and a
widely known 00001er member of
Huron county council, died suddenly
in his sleep at his Monte about 2
o'clock Saturday morning. lIlr. Gold-
thorpe, who farmed all his life in
Colborne township, was a man of
ninny interests and always took an
active part ,in the life of the com-
munity. He was a former President
of the Goderich trotting raid pacing
association, A native of Colborne,
he was the son of the late Thomas
Goldthorpe and Jane MoLareu. He
was a Conservative in politics and a
member of the Anglican church. 'Re
Is survived by his widow, formerly
Miss Emma Hamilton, one daughter,
Mrs, Allan R. Moore, Stratford; two
Signs of spring— sons, Bee of Goderich, and George
Last week clucks were seen flying of Toronto; one brother Joseph of
Goldtlto'Pe, or Ontario; and
toward Lake she Huron: Does this wean three sisters, Mrs. Hattie Friteley,
that we are to have an early Spring?
There to a robin in the vicinity of Goderich; Mrs, FI, J. A. MacEwen,
Goderich, and Mrs.
Centre Street that evidently thinks ()field of Dundas.
the worst of the winter is over as it One son Oliver, died in January of
flies about apparently not in the this year. The funeral was held from
least bothered by the cold. We hope
the robin knows its stuff and that
Spring is just around the corner.—
\Wingltam Advance•Tintee.
Going To Fort Erie—
Mr. Bert Marker. who has been
employed with Traquair's Hardware
at Exeter, has accepted a position as
machinist with an aircraft company
at Fort Erie and left last week
that plaice. 91)'. Barker came to
eter from Goderich.
"litery duty, well and ircutestly done, is a contribution to victory.
Tier: Perla: ettetet;a or 010401.
That's our answer to Hitler's challenge, and no doubt it's yours too.
Work and save. Save all you can -- and buy Car Savings Certificates
rine! They offer you a prime investment; a real opportunity to serve
your country and, at the sante time, protect yourself against future
contingencies. -
Canada's 3,800,000 small savior's account holders, each with less than
51,000 in the hank, together account for over 90% of all savings deposits.
It is they who must make the War Savings Campaign successful.
This Company and its 10,700 workers are doing their bit. A salary
deduction plan is in effect. Its objective of 100% employee participa-
tion, and 5% of our total payroll, i$ well on the way to being achieved.
All our workers are now active in selling War ePtI,
Savings Stamps. Every one of our offices in An ,;�u/e
Quebec and Ontario is selling War Savings a t5yi'r t 4
Stamps. Now is the time for all of us to showy
what Canada means tons,
0, M. HOGGARTH Wks 2`v W
�'4,oiq, <caerxey.
Manages. Www` !] ° o
Afeeetelliteitc \cn�/
his late residence on Monday a£ter
noon at 2 o'clock, to the Colborne
Called To Active Service—
Dr. W. E. Weekes. of town, has
been called to Active Service with
the Royal Canadian Army Medical
Corps. He is to report for' duty at
London on March 17th. Dr. Weekes
Cot' offered his services early in the,
Ex- war and is just now being called,
He will have the rank of provisional
captain, --Exeter Times -Advocate.
Died In Goderich Twp.—
After an illness of four and 0.11510
months resulting from a stroke,
Marlon A. Stirling passed away last
week at tine home o0 her brother,
Janes R. Stirling, Goderich Town-
ship, where she made her home all
her life. She leaves to mourn 11 bro-
thel', Alfred of MacGregor. Mani-
toba, and sister (Sarah) Mrs. P. W.
Cross of Grosse Isle, Man., and Jas.
R. at home. The funeral was held
last Thursday afternoon from Bay-
field United Church. to Bayfield
cemetery. The pallbearers were six
nephews Fraser, Jack, Bob, Grant,
Douglas Stirling and Mu'rav Mac-
Injured Soldiers Taken
To Westminster Hospital—
Ptes. Robert Yanke, 20, and Jerry
Sterling, or the Scots Fusiliers,_Kit-
chener, attached to No. 10 training
station at that city, who were badly
injured hi a motor crash at Goderich
Friday night. have been transferred
to Westminster military hospital at
London. Sterling was still In a semi-
conscious condition wizen moved.
Yanke, who has a broken leg. was
brighter, Donald Johnston, 28, Brant-
ford civilian, and driver of the bad-
ly wrecked car, remains in Alexan-
dra hospital suffering from concus-
sion and shock. The automobile in
which they were injured skidded on
an icy pavement coming into Gode-
rich on No, 8 highway, left the road
and struck a maple tree,
Party Enroute To
Wedding Has Accident—
Several guard rails and a tele-
phone pole were damaged when a
ear driven by Tom Wing Gipp, Pal-
merston restaurant owner, got out
of control on the outskirts o) Kirk -
ton enroute to a Chinese wedding in
Loudon. Some of the passengers
were slightly injured.—Mitchell Ad-
John S. McNeill, Fullerton—
I11 for the past two years, John S.
McNeill passed away at his home in
Fullerton village on Monday. A son
of the late Malcolm McNeill and
Margaret Salmond he was horn on
lot 12, concession 9, Fullerton town-
ship; over 82 years ago, residing
there until twelve years ago when
he retired to the village, His wife,
Jane Dodds of McKillop, whom he
married on December 281h, 1893, and
one son, Carl, who resides on the
Wm, survive. The late Mr. McNeill
was a member of Fullarton United
Church and his pastor, Rev. W. A.
Leitch conducted the funeral service
at his late hone. Interment was In
the Woodland mausoleum.
Invite Goderich Y. P.
For St. Patrick's Party
The Young People's meeting or
First Presbyterian Church was held
an Tuesday, Mar, 4. electing opened
With a hymn and prayer, Mr. C.
Reilly, presldeut. presided, Seriptnre
from St. John was read by Join0
Thompson, During the bushiest, per-
iod it was decided to hold a Young
people's Sunday evening service in
the noel, fnutre. An invitation was ex-
tended to the Goderich young pea-
p1e to meet with the Soatorth group
for a St. Patrick's party, as a storm
Prevented their coming last month.
Hymn 437 was sung, Rev. Mr. Jack
discussed the third chapter of the
book, "Christian Faith and Practice"
with reference to the Goodness' of
God. Mrs, Kentlh Campbell told
glow the hymn Ninety acid Nina
crone to be written. Miss Patterson
and Mrs, 10, Kling sang the hymn as
a duet. Miss Alice 13eid tool: the
study book, Goforth in China, telling
of his first mission days in China.
Mr, George Hays took tip the collec-
tion and meeting was closed by sing-
ing hymu 682, God Save the King
and the benediction.
The World's Day of Prayer in the
schoolroom of the church Friday
afternoon, Feb, 28th, with Mrs Brit-
ton taking charge, The theme "Thy
Kingdom Conte," was followed by
silent prayer, Hymn "Listen the
Master Beseecheth," was sung.
Prayer by Mrs. Britton; Scripture
reading, the 48tH 9501111, by Mrs.
Chas. Riley; a talk on Drayer by
Mrs. John Nottingham. Mrs. Lind-
say offered prayer; hymn. "0 Thou
Who Contest from Above," Mrs.
Lindsay gave an interesting address
on prayer, after which a discussion
was held. Prayers were offered by
Mrs, B. Snell, Mrs, John Notting-
ham, Mrs. G. Addison, Mrs, Chas.
Riley and Mrs, Wm. Britton. Hymn
"From Every Stormy 'Wind that
Blows," was sung. Closed by all re-
peating the Mizpah benediction.
Mrs, Austin Dexter held a Red
Cross quilting on Wednesday after-
noon and three quilts were quilted.
1•isitors: lir. and 'Mrs. Martin, Se-
britlgvills. with \Ir. and 'Mrs. IC. lle-
Guiggan; Norman Kraemer, eldest
son of ilir, and Mrs, Albert Kraemer,
is convateeeing at homefollowing an
accident when 'he .fell on the ice in-
juring one leg; ••Private and Airs, Hall,
Stratford, were -guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Butters; Mrs. Turner
of Parkhill is a guest et .the home of
Mr. and (Mrs. ,Mayr; Mrs. Terry Ryan
ni Stratford attended the funeral of
her aunt, Miss Annie Maloney. at
Dublin on Thursday.
Piss Annie !Maloney (lied a4 Lon-
don on 'Tuesday after an illness of
several weeks. She was the -laughter
00 the late Patrick and Catharine
Maloney and 'was in her (17th year.
She and her brother, the late Patrick
1\latloney, resided On a farm 00 Cha'
4th ronces0ion of Hi'lihert for the
greater portion of their live, and re-
tired 'to Dublin about thirty years
ago, Patrick :Maloney died "five years
ago and since that time his sister
lived in •London. She was an excnt-
plary Catholic and a member of the
Altar Society and the League of the
Sacred Heart. The fueeral was held
on Thursday morning afnnl the Don-
ohue and \\'e'her funeral home, (Lon-
don, to St. Patrick's Church, Dublin.
where Requiem Mass was celebrated
Iby Rev. Dr. Foulkes at 9.3/1 I\liss
Mary Peale presided at 'the organ
and Ilirs. L. Fortune, Seaforth. sang
''Mother Dear 0 Pray For Me" at
the offertory. A ;group of relatives
and friends attended the funeral of
one who u110 so highly res'peetecl in
the community. The pallbearers were
James Shea, James Kranekopf, Dan
ICoste•1do, John T. Ryan, Thomas
'Williams and 'i. V. Flynn. Interment
took place at St. Patrick's cemetery.
Re r. !Dr. Filial—ices n(1ciatcd.
Of 20,000,000 Yards from South
Africa to Lancashire
Clyder= amounting- in all to :20,000-
000 yards have been placed with the
Lancashire rotten industry by the
South African 'Government,
Much of the material is in keen
demand at hams thigh ,Sutfth Arrive
will 'be given first call upon it.
Pic cla,, of cloth wanted ie large-
ly for ',drills'' whist, are such an im-
portant part of military equipment.
"Denim." are al, required. These
u4 ll) eecdr,1 nr overall clop. are
already be.n • 11:1•,1 un a color a9 scale
for the 11011an peltate Ponces in
wntl Aftu is „ri'r• are a.ntlrie•t-
ecl with a large ilea, "rr "duck,' The
last 'generatioe remember, these tent
cloths so made ui mu. 11111 Nrrw'a-
days not many (en) I •, k." u are made
of linen and nose !'el, rete i> ,hurt
the cotton trade are meeting' this
now' demand .n,rr,• t cheaply and as
serviceably 104 !brfen
"I'll help
you avoid.
tasty bread"
Clinton Mail Carrier
Retires On Pension—
A familiar personality about the
Clinton post office and railway star
tion will be seen less frequently
about Chose busy places after April.
1. Janes Perry, who for tate past
nineteen years has lead the job
transporting the mails to and Irtt�
the C. N.R. trains and Clinton poet
office will be retired on pension by
the department at the end of next
month. Me. Perry was a relative of
the late Mrs. S. S. Cooper, and for
nitre years carried the mails inkier
Mr. Cooper's contract. For the past
ten years he had the contract hire•
self, and during the 711(01e niuete'=a
years he did not miss a train 1)01+•
rection, Jimmie tits lie has aiway.;
been familiarly addressed i had be.
come a station platform familiarity
Short of stature and handicapped by
a foot deformity he nevertheless 105
a faithful and efficieut public .ser'•
ant. 111r. Perry 711(0 give11 the
tion of 001111n.g nn pension a yea'
ago, it is luuderstood, but prefeered,
finish out This ten year's at the me e
transportation. He has well carnal
Ids retiring allowance and it is hop.•
ed he will he spared many years 1'
enjoy it, Mr. Perry never married ail.;
since Mr. Cooper's death has had hie
own bachelor home. Mr, Frank Lay-
ton, garage proprietor, has beet'
awarded the contract.
An inquisitive tourist stopped by
farmer who was plowing with hie
Tourist Ito farmer whose mule
stopped every few steps)—"What is
the matter—your mule sick?"
Farmer --"No, he is the heaithies'
mule around here."
Tourist—"Weil, what is the matter
with him?"
Farmer—"He's so seared be might
not hear me say 'Whoa,' he stop.e
every once in a while to listen."
"0 have a :brother 'with a wooden
"That's nothing. I've a sister who
has a cedar cheat"
Kilted His Artiste Wife To Spare
Her Miseries Of War
Read.. .111 'Phe American Weekly
or The Detroit Sunday Tinnes..,how
a fatuous English language expert
was too supremely happy to endure
the sight of ' war's horrors. so he
broke under the strain of his own
imagination and slew the woman he
loved, before the Nazis could, Be
sure to get this Sunday's Detroit
Collecf'to this number