HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-03-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS HENSALL Euchre!. Dane AND BINGO Breve George -Armstrong of Hay evee in Toronto last week eller:Wag tee r0atlinastel•s' t't,nventiil14. Mr. and Mrs. Albert a'iorenz re- Henssaall Town Hall tamed to. , their humat Da hwt t,'1 FRIDA k , MARCH iter spending several ,lays with taeir son•in-law and daughter Mr. At sealsharp. Sponsoead by Kipp a.• d Mrs. Jack Corbett. Saaa Instittne, i'anadien Legion in Miss Mary Coleman and friend Chem of • t'omme,ree. s=ent the week end with relatives l Tonto and attended the hockey game. Mr. W. D. Saunders of Exeter was awn on Friday. . - Mts. •Lawrence Baynllana and 61111. (1140 of Exeter visited for a few days .first week with the former•e pareutts, itir. anti Mrs. Peter Moir. - Fractured. Wrist— Ith•s. Carrie Ballantyne met with 11 painful accident on Friday after. noon when returning home from the prayer service in Carmel Presbyter - Jan Church when she slipped and fell on the icy sidewalk and fractured her arm. She was attended by Dr. D. G. Steer and removed to Scott Men. orial Hospital, Seaforth; where an x- ray showed a break at the wrist, Rev. Wm. • Weir conducted the services in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday and the choir sang two anthems "Let Us Bow Down and Worship," soloist Rev, Weir, and "More Love to Thee 0 Christ,' solo- ists Miss Irene Hoggarth anti aliss Lois MacLaren. el KIPPEN Auction Sale THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1941 Miss \Iabelle 'Whiteman Is visiting Of .Farm Stook, etc: 011 the Mill with friends in Toronto. Road. Tueltersntit-h, half a mile east Rete Lou \Vinson is seriously ill with blood poisoning which develop- 7 ed froth 11 sore in her foot, We trust she will soon tape a hour for the etl better. ld The Hensall town hall was pecked to Friday evening for the presenia. Oen of the three -act comedy drama, The Whole Town's Talking," pre. tilted by the Ailsa Craig hast, and directed by 'Mrs. H. Love, Rev. R. A. Brook was chait•man for the even- 1.('.1.. a1 111e 11111111 Church o and Miss Greta Lannuie played- March 171. Rev. Weir welcomed th -violin solos accompanied at the guests or. ilehali of the Society art' «anno by miss Helen Dick and Mr. introduced the speaker for the even "am Rennie favored with vocal solos ilia.Dr,-1a (1. 1, vvl showed mos 1 .'t'tntpanieri by Miss Florence Welsh 'nt e.ltit 11 scenery of Switzerland. Dr ot nae piano between acts. The play Pc;, a. l nb411 a world tour ;end ,les wee most <•reditably presented • and cri',c,i •Mese• pictures weondcrf!1!i• proceeds went to the local lied Ile a: -o s'.1owed piet'u•rs <,f Palraline Refreshments were seri :.Q To i.v1•'1 D1cu1y i. `,'ice] references. 1(1 , :e •-ttterraftters at the close. 11\ ar ,'I1 141,41 z vote thanks to • N. C, T, U. Meets— 1 Ir. Bill :,u 1 the meeting closed by The March meeting of the W. t'. T. - ,1 "Come Let l's Sing- Of .1 1'. has Reid in the school -room of the \\ mac Tea t," .,i1e6 which Rev. United Church with Mrs. Chas. Jinks We;r ed ,racer. 1'1.8 siding over the devotional period! \ mea .a.1. , e'u're and d:mce which opened by singing "Take Time all; , held :n :he token hall, Hen - Te Be Holy,' and "I Need Thee,;i1, :m Frd: ecenut. I\larch 7th. Every Hour." Mrs. Victor •Fee ','ead; 1'hc rm iii ''e placed is the eeripntre and Mrs. Erie Mooned} the tire bar the council-elmmihei• tools the devotional. The theme song :ow t,1 < 1r< ,N11,1 111 'played upstairs in :1tir t of the Living God."' was sung, the 1.1., :after which dancing with Mrs. Hedden and Mrs- Hess sang a mns1, 'ry 'Marl errs gree tea. duet entitled "Hear In Thy Name 0 The Lade, .lid of Carmel l'reehy- Lord We Come." Mrs. Elie Kennedy I urian C:rmreb will hold a St. Palrick's accompanied at the piano. A reading lin-cent tea and sale of home -baking entitled "Doing Her Bit" was given .'n Saterday. March 15x7'. by Miss Hattie Sutherland. A period! Reg.„1„ mcetin;41 of .the village of silent prayer for the recovery of council was held Monday evening ill Mies Jean Murray concluded the de', the codicil chamber at S p.m. with all votional period. Mrs. Geo, Hess then members present. \limites of the pre. presided and led In prayer. The bus -,.ions mer:in Were read and adopted. iness followed and Mrs. Chas, Jinks R. 1. Paterson, tax collector, reported and Mrs. Victor Fee were appointed .. to distribute copies of the Temper- having colleetn ;67.76 iglu Sice ante Advocate. Mrs, Hess was ap- osince last meeting, daving a ,balance pointed delegate to attend she 'anand s.Parki as outstanding, ing, collectbeSiacKor nual convention of the Ontario Tem.. Parkin:, that the tax co)'lectar 1 peranee Federation to be held in the'instrncted to return the tax roll at Metropolitan United Church. London,- the next meeting. T. 'kyle reported en Vlednesda,, Thursday and Fri- re the church shed windows as ,being day, March 12, 18 and 14th. The 'broken and was instructed to repair theme study, "War and the Drink the same. Correspondence read: Dept. Trade," was very ably taken by Miss,"' Forestry, Thamesville War Ser - Annie Consitt, inns. ''fetor Fee, Irs, t vice Organization, Mrs, E. Stapleton. Eric Kennedy, Mrs. Maude Hedden, Bi1'Is and accounts; Red Cross hoc - Mrs. Chas. Jinks, Mrs. J. Elder and 1011,, hall rent refund, $12: Hensall Miss Martha Hunter, Miss Consitt Hydro, hydro hall and motor, $6.6i1; gave a reading entitled "The Three 'G. Hess, $4L,L5; W. R. Davidson, MURDOCH'S RADIO PROGRAM at 1ti,3e. Ladi+s please provide holt Admission 35c Proceeds British War Victims Fut 1 Mr. Fred Brock of Hillsgreen eds- iced on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, 1' Robt, Hayman. Id IMrs, 'Thos. Hayman was called to London on Monday on account of. the illness of her sister, airs. Smith, in that city. Mr. R. J. Cooper and Mrs. Andrew „ B. Bell were. 'in Toronto recently on t- a business trip. et Miss Blanche Watson went to Tot' - 71 onto with a party of friends on Sat - 11 urday to see the hockey match at ' • Maple Leaf Gardens, e i Mrs, J. H. D. Upshall of Toronto s- has spent the past two weeks visit - Mrs. John Pseemare. Meets,— The Tau le -'t pie s Pinion 'net < Monday eie cin for its regular 1nee my which opened by Singing !lilt, Be the fie That 1111134:," after wbic Rev. R. 4 Brook led in prayer. 1'1 Scripture 1 - m was read by Mi Gladys - Pa mare alter w'hieh tl minutes of the previous .meeting wet read and adopted. The topic•. 011ri tiara Citizeushtp" was very ably ,given .1 Mrs. Geo. Hess, and Miss Glady Luker favored with a piano instrun ental. The meeting closed with hymn and benediction, Pictures Shown at Y.P. Meeting.— The regular meeting of the Toth People's Society of Cannel Presb terian 'Church was held on Mende evening- with \lis. Irene Hoggart presiding, and opened by the playin ;tt oft music by \1354 Mugare Don ,ill. Rev. 'Weir ted in prayer t\11 Sally Manson read the scrip :tart Psalm 32; The loan,; Peopl are invited to 'h1 the tt1ests 111 til ing with her mother Mrs. Robt, ' Elgie. aI Mr, \Vn1. Moore, who is spending the winter with his daughter Mrs. J. Witcombe in Ingersoll, was here for g the week end. 'Fresh} Mrs, Ross 13vadfoot visited on h Sunday with her mother Mrs, W. • McDonald of Seaforth, t' W. M, S. Observe World's _ Day of Prayer— _ The \\', M. 9, of the United Cbureh L' observed the World's Day of Prayer n on Friday arternbon, Feb. 28th at the r i Meuse. The meeting vvas presided - over by Mrs. N. Alexander and open- 1 'c1 with the theme, "Thy Kingdom • Coale," and a short reading. Hyinn 140 was sung, followed by a respon• sive reading. Hymn 379 was sung and a prayer was given in uuisea. Mrs. N. Alexander gave a short read- ing and Mrs. ''handler led in prayer. Hymn 60.2 was then sung, and the Bars," and the meeting closed by i coal, hall, 547,00, rink $3,75; O..Geig- singing a hymn, er, snow plowing $6.00; T. Kyle. sal- Worldes Day of Prayer ary, S55F. G. Bonthron, 'postage, Service Largely Attended— $5.00 County of Huron, hospitalize - The school -room of Carmel Pres -I `:on 520.10, labor rink --R. Dick, byterian Church was filled on Friday, X4,40; A. Dick $5; W, Dabus $22.60, afternoon for the World's Day of R, Sangster $1.30, K. McKenzie 50c, Prayer service in which the local J. Reid, 60c, H. J. !\Icliillan, supplies churches all took part. The following rink 40c. Total S242.50. 3-kKinnort hymns were sung during the serv- and Cameron, that the bills and ac - ice, "Thy Kingdom Come 0 God.",40111115 as read be paid. Carried. nor - "Jesus Master Whose I Am," "0 God ton and Mckinnon, that we adjourn Our Help in Ages Past," and "The to meet again on 7th of April. Carried Day Thou Gayest Lord." Mrs. C.' -James A. Paterson, Clerk, Hudson. president of Carmel W.M. I New books at Hensall public M- S.. presided for part of the service, rary—Fiction: The Family, Fedevora, and Mrs. Robs, Cameron, Mrs, J, (Anchor Man, Lea; Adan; Pinfeather, Dallas and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron led Buccaneer, Farnol; Destiny Rides in prayer. A ladies' quartette cam.' again, Brand; The Valley Beyond, prising Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Miss atoweny: The Man \Vho 1\Vent Back. Margaret Dougall, Mrs. W. A. Mac -:Deering; Mrs. Mintiiver, Struthers: Laren and Mrs. Andrew Dougall sang Fielding s Folly. Keyes; Invitation to "Far Away" unaccompanied. :bliss Live, Douglas: 'White Oakes 'Herit- Mary Fee presided over the period age: De La Roche: Early (Candle of devotion taken by St. Paul's Ing -I Light, Love Lace: Red Gardenias, (lean Church, and Mrs, H. Lawrence, Latimer; Seven Seas Murder, Mason; Mrs. R. H. Middleton and Mrs, Thos.!Uncle Uncle Calib's Niece, 1Larrimore; Lavender led in prayer. Mrs. W. B. Breakfast for Two. Garth; Rocheet- Cross, president of the W.M.S. of er s Rife, Stevenson; Mariana, Sol - the United Church, presided over a l uminer; Mrs, Lucton's Freedom. period of the service and Mrs. R. AI Young, The White Brigand, I\Iarsh- Brook. Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne and all; I\Iurder at Glen Athol, Lippin- Mrs. Chas, MCDonell led in prayer. eott: Sundown Jim, Haycox; Arizona Miss Florence Welsh and Mrs, Geo, Jim, Seltzer; The Glass Slipper, Eb- Hess sang a vocal duet entitled eriiart; Honeymoons Arranged, also "Have You Told Anyone About Strange Beauty. Greig; The Under-' Jesus." Miss Greta Laramie accomp-I tow, Knowles, Some of the Others, anied at the piano. The five minute/ Gibbs: Ranchers Revenge. Brand; A devotional period was taken by Hrs. Starry Night, Bower. Nott Fiction; W, A. MacLaren. How Dear to 1My Heart, f,facBri•de; The following are the winners at The Story of My Life, Keller; Inside) Asia, Gunther; ;Winston Churchill, Kraus: The Doctor and His Patients, Hertlzer: One Foot In Heaven, the seed show held on Friday: Fall wheat, W. R. Dougall, William Chap- man, H. Desjardine. Early oats, H, Desjardine, Wm. ;McKenzie, Robert Spence, juvenile; Boys Own Annual, Thompson, Wm. Chapman. Late oats, Hardin:,; Girls 'Ovvn Annual, Spratt; W. R. Dougall, Wm, McKenzie, H. Desjardine, R. Hicks. Hulless oats, Win. McKenzie. Barley, Andrew Dou- gall, Frank Hicks, W. R. Dougall. H. Truemner. Field beans, Wm. McKen- zie, W. R. Dougall, Robert Thomp- son. Timothy seed, W. R. Dougali, H. Desjardine, . H. Truemner. Red clover seed, Wm. McKenzie, H. Truemner. Sweet clover seed, H. Desjardine, William Alexander, Pot- atoes, W. R. Dougall. The judge and speaker was A. W. Mason of 0. A. C. Miss Kay Drysdale of Sarnia spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Drysdale, Miss Elva. McQueen has been con- fined to her room during she past week with a severe cold Miss Rtifo Vac) ('t,1'1 the week end in London. Miss Goldie Cross of Alma allege. St. Thomas spent the weds end ,with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. 'W. B. Cross. Nunn, and .Mrs. 'Lloyd Passmore and daughter, Anne,' and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore of ;Delhi visited ort Sunday with their parents, Mir. and Mehrtahle, Adams: B•obbsey Twins at Indian Hollow. Hope; Sandman's Tales. Walker; Sandman's Stories of Drucilla Doll, Walker; Children's Blue Bird Book, Le Blanc; Polly Kent Rides West, McCulloch; Girls Stones from Dickens, [Merchant; Story Book o4 Transportation, Peter- son; Story Book of Rayon, Peter on:1 Ginger Cookies, Forster. ,Juvenile: Nursery 'Classics: Jacko's Day,King; The Wizards Chair, King; The Story of Silky, ValfDreeeer; Mice on Horse hack. Tweedsmuir: Maida's Little Is- land, Irwin; Henry and the Garden, Tippet. They were .in the "Black Dog" when the talk turned to animals. "The dog," .said 'Long, in confident tones, "is man's best friend." "Quite true," Small 'heartily re- plied. "My molther hi -law pecked :up andwent the day after S bought a 'hull pup." Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks 50c, Bible reading, Psalm 662, was read by Irina Ferguson. Mrs, W. Harney then led in prayer, Various prayers and readings were again given by Mrs. N. Alexander. The topic "Link. ing East With West," voile given by Mrs, A. Mc\iu'trie assisted by Mrs. IW. Meats, A short Bible reading yraa given by Irma Ferguson and Mas. J. B, McLean led in prayer, The offer- / ing and roll call were then taken and there was a short business dis. cussion. Hymn 568 was sung and the meeting closed with the national an- ' them and the benediction in unison, Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Ger- ald and Harold, spent Sunday with \1r. and Mrs. J. Carter of Claude boye. Mr. and Mrs. W. Horsey visited Cal Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Enos Herdman of Varna. Mr, Clarence McLean of London spent Sunday at the Home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Johnson. Miss Mary Westlake who spent the past week with Miss Irma Ferg- uson returned to her home in Exeter. Miss Esther Price and M1•, Elmore Gackstetter. of Dashwood spent Sun- day at the home of Mr•, and Mrs. Oliver Janues. Miss Edna Dayman of Seaforth spent the week. end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Dayman, On Tuesday, March 4114, the Radio Forum of concessions 2, 3 and 10 met at the home of J. B. Sinclair with an attendance of 27 adults. The topic of farm machinery brought toin light the fact that all farm mach - r i cry is pohibitive in price. That co- operative buying of twine and fer- tilizer, has been a determining fac- tor in the price and that the cost of farm production cannot be decreas- ed unless the acreage is decreased and farming of the decreased acre- age intensified, Mrs. J. B. Sinclair had charge of the recreation. Songs and euchre were enjoyed 'with Mrs. Robert McGregor and Mr. Warren Schilbe first prize winners, Mrs. W. McGregor and Mr. Wm. Sinclair, consolation prize. A vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair was moved by Messrs. Ernest Chipchase and Robert McGregor. Lunch 'was served by the hostess and committee in charge. That the meeting be ad- journed'ves moved by Ernest Chip - chase and Robert McGregor. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, March llth at the home of Mr. Rob- ert McGregor. DUBLIN 'Dan Williams was called to Wheel- ing, West Virigina, ,where his wife was visiting their son, Louis Williams. Mrs. ryVilliams underwent a critical operation. At the series of Marathon Five Hundred games 'on Thursday night, prizes of war sa'vin•gs stamps were won 'hy Mrs. T. Brown, 'Mrs, T. 'J, IMolyneaox, (William Curtin, 'Mrs, William Stapleton and !S'Irs. F. Smith; :Vie, Betty Hanley is spending the Week -end in Toronto. A special meeting of Dublin :Contin- uation High School Board of Trust- eeswas held last week, all members being present. Inspector IG. N. Ed- wards was in attendance, Visitors; Miss 'Genevieve McCar- thy, Toronto, with 'her parents Il3Lr, and Mrs. MicbaelMcCart'hy; M•r, and 'Mrs. Lloyd Etue, Zurich, with Mrs. Mr. and Mr .. Thoma, J. I Molymeaux'; Charles Krauskop-f and IJ. IMelCormick Detroit, with Mr. and IMrs. James Kranskop-f; 'Miss Lucille 1M.cGrath, nurse -in -training at. St Mary's Hos- pital, Kitchener, with her 'aunt M,rs. Lillian Rowland; 'J McCann, Mt. Caravel, with Mr, and Mrs, IWr•111a111 Curtin. 'J'ames Shea spent the week- end in Toronto. .4 special High Ilvaass and Holy Hour Devotions were held at St. Pat - of R1'ueefiekl, nn Tu� sdaly, March le, tit 8p.nl.; Hors's ---1 black general purpose mare, S years old. to foal May 24th; 2 4bl1Aek enerul purpose colts broken,, rising 2 and 3 years; 1 bay lean, Cattle ---1 Hereford cow to freshen Juue 1st; 1 Hereford heifer, 2 years old, freshened 6 weeks; 1 Durham 8018. 3 years old, to freshen June 9;. 1 Durham cow, 6 years old, to freshen May 26; 1 Durham cow, 4 years old. to freshen June 4th; 1 Durham cow, 4 years old, to freshest May 26th; 1 Holstein cow, 7 years old, to freshen June 2401; 1 black cow, 5 years old, to freshen April 3rd; 1 Durham cow, 7 years old, fresh; 1 purebred Short. holm bull, 1 year old; 3 yearling cattle; 4 calves, 8 months old; 1 calf, Pigs -1 brood sow (York); 9 chunks, Quantity of mixed hay. Sudan grass seed. 200 bra, oats, 2 thicken shelters, Terns, strictly cash. Reg, Knights and John Watson, Proprietors. Harold Jackson, Auctioueer. Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects. Mr. Harold Jack- son has been instructed to sell by public auction on Thursday, March 20t11, at the residence of the late William Shaddick, five miles north. 'vest of Brucefleld, Lot 25, Con, 4, Stanley, at one 4.111. sharp: Horses—Brown mare ten years, in foal; gelding, 10 years old; Clyde, aged horse; Clyde filly rising 3 years, Year old colt. Cattle—Duehaut cattle, cow 7 years old, clue May 12111; cow 5 years old due May 9th; cow 3 years old, due Moy lst; cow 6 years old, due May 5111; heifer, due middle or August; 3 yolulg grass cows; Durham bull xis• ing two years, live Derham year old; 3 fall calves. Pigs—York sow' bled six \weeks; 5 chunks 1(10 lbs. Poultry- S;i rock hens, four ducks. implements—Deering hinder ti ft. \i. H. mower 5 41.; M. H. bean scufl'let' with puller; M. H. seed drill, 11 11oe with fertilator; M. 14, pity loader; 141. H. manure spreader: Cocksliutt riding plough; wanting plough; International cultivator, spring tooth; 4 section harrow; disc harrow; turnip drill, 2 buggies; fan- ning hill; 1 cutter; truck wagon. new; gravel box; hay rack; scat of sleighs; fiat mole;; DeLaval cream separator; root pulpae; 3 horse gas engine; circular saw; 2 cross cut saws, new; 4 cement pig troughs; colony house 10x14, new; brooder stove; wire stretcher; set of biteech- ing harness; back band harness; sin- gle set harness; 6 hgrse collars; hay NV for steel track and climber; the extinguisher; 70 sap pails and pans; pile of hemlock scantling; 34 Dodge ear coach; 10 tons timothy hay; shovels, forks, churn, double trees and chains, and other articles too numerous to mention. At the sante time and place there will be offered for sale the farm' lands containing 123 acres more or less being the west halves of Lots 25 and 26, Con, 4, and northerly part of Lot 26, Con. 5, Township of Stanley, subject to a reserved bid and other conditions of sale. Terms, chattels, cash. Estate of William Shaddick, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Antique Furniture. In Clinton. on Friday, March 14th, at 1 p.m., at the store of R, Tasker. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. rick's Church on Sunday for peace and victory. A large congregation was in attendance. MANLEY Mr, Thos, McKay made a business trip to London last Monday. There are many hoping the weath- er will let up so that the back roads can be opened up for traffic. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A M I-IANIZ �D Farming Conference featuring the Ford Tractor FERGUSON SYSTEM & Wheel -less implements AT CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH Sat. March 15 1 P. 117, to 4.30 P.M. DALY FORD -MERCURY DEALER SEAFORTH 2.1113011111 Saturday Cash & Carry Specials BUY III EGMONDVILLE Robinhood Flour Per 98 lb, bag 3,19 Parity Flour per 98 lb. bag 3,19 Prairie Rose per 98 lb, bag 2,69 Sepoy Flour per 98. lbs bag 2,69 Pastry Flour 24 lbs, 69c Bulk Corn Starch 3 lbs. 23c Jelly Powders 6 pkges, 25c Fairbanks Carbolic Soap 3 cakes 1 1 c Sunlight Soap 10 cakes 49c Bulk Soap Chips 4 lbs. 25c Bee Hive Corn Syrup , , , 10 lb. pail 73c Bee •Hive 'Corn Syrup 5 lbi 37c Aylmer Tomato Soup , 6 tins 29c Aylmer Vegetable Soup 6 tins 29c SUGAR 10 POUNDS 69c W Finnigan J. In Memoriam TRBWARTHA—In ever loving re- membrance of my clear mother and father, Mr. and Mrs, William Tre- wartha, who died in March and April, 1940: Just a tribute of love and rememb- rance To ones we will never forget, Your absence to us is a sorrow, Your loss we will always regret. —By Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Trewartha TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH To supply a Rubber tired Tractor, to draw the Grader for the Township of Tuckersn» th, where and when re- quired, Two tenders required—one for drawing tin 8 toot blade, and one for drawing n 10 ft. blade. Tenders to lie opened March 15(11, D. T. Mc'UREUUH, Clerks Auction .Sale Of Eat'nt, Farm Stock and Inlple- nlents. Httroltl Jacksmt, auctioneer has received instructions froth the undersigned proprietor to sell by public auction at Lot 1S, ('on. 1 .McKillop Township, 1K miles south of Walton, 2 miles east, on Friday March 7, Sale to start at 1 o'clock shar Horp,ses--1 gray mare, 11 yeti's old; 1 gray 'mare, 10 years old. Cattle—Durham cow due to fres]. en June 18; grey cow due to freshen May 8; red cow due to freshen May 7; red cow due to freshen June 5; roan cove due to freshen May 20; 1 fat cow; 1 fat heifer rising 2 years old; 2 steers, yearling; 1 heifer Yearling; 1 baby beef; 2 young calves. Implements—Massey Harris binder 7 ft. cut; Massey Harris hay loader; 4 section 110110ws; set of 2 section harrows; 10 ft. horse rake; Massey Harris seed drill, 13 disc; grass seed sower; Brantford walking plow, single furrow riding plow; set of Renfrew scales, 2,000 lbs.; post ]tole auger; fanning mill; ]ray rack and shift; stock rack; 1 wagon and box• 1• truck wagon and gravel box;. sleighs and flat tacks; set of light sleighs and pole; 1 cutter; 1 buggy; 1 scuffles; 1 iron sugar kettle; 1 root pulper; 1 pig crate; chop box; hay fork and 150' ft. of new rope; sling ropes and chains; pulleys, lad ders; McCormick Deering tractor 10-20; Massey Harris tractor plow, 3 furrow; Massey Harris stiff tooth cultivator, 11 inch teeth; colony house; 1 Renfrew cream separator nearly new; quantity of yellow bion som sweet clover for seed; seed bar• ley and seed oats. Numerous other articles. Every- thing intust be sold as proprietr is giving up farming. Set of double harness, set of single harness. Number of Black Minorca bens and pullets. There will also be offered for sale the farm property, subject to a re- served -bid, 112 acres, Lot 18, Con. 13, McKillop. Big barn, drive shed. Fine brick dwelling house, with slate roof. Spring creek, drilled well. A good farm. Some fall ploughing done. Terms on farm property, 10 per cent of the purchase price as a cash payment and the balance within 15 days. Terms—Cash on chattels, David Crawford, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements. lift miles east of Porters Hill on Wed- nesday', March 12, at 12 o'clock sharp. This will be one of the larg- est sales of the district. Terms cash. Estate of John Cox. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Farm Implements and Household Effects. On the Babylon Line, 11/a miles west of Varna, and 2 miles south of Bayfield Road, on Saturday, March 15th, at 1 o'clock: 3 beds, springs and mattresses; china cabinet; 2 dressers; 2 wash stands, couch, day bed, 2 dining room tables, clock, 10 kitchen chairs; 1 organ; 1 cook stove; 1 heater; 3 rocking chairs; Raymond sewing ma- chine; 2 small tables; lamps; dishes, and kitchen utensils. tc en 'ten ls. Implements -1 coal oil stove, Per. fection; 1 Coleman lantern; sap pan, palls, 12 doz. spiles; 1 Deering binder, 6 foot cut; 1 Deering mower 1 spring tooth cultivator; 1 sulky Mike; 1 M.H. riding plow; 2 walking plows, 1 set diamond harrow; 1 steel roller, 1 fanning mill, 1 light wagon, 1 set of double harness, De- laval cream separator. 1 corn planter, 1 wagon, 2 hay rack sills. 1 cultiva- tor, 1 M. H. corn scuffles with bean puller; 6 loads of clover hay, some. straw; 10 cords split wood; number of cedar posts; 2000 lbs, scales. Terms cash. - Robert Elliott, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. ELMER D. BELL, B.A Barrister & Solicitor SEAFORTH. TEL. 173 Attendance in Brussels Wednesday and Saturday IcCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 Er C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Offct in the Dominion Bank Build ing, Seaforth. Office hours: Tuesday, 'l'hureday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m, saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p, m, MAN WANTED For Rawleigh Route of 800 fam- ilies Write today, Rawloigh's, Dept. AIL -264 -SA -C. Montreal, Canada. PIGS FOR SALE Two bunches of little pigs, weaned two weeks; also two butches wean- ed a week, Apply to William J. Storey, Phone 845 r 6, Seaforth. FOR SALE 14 chunks; also a Durham cow, to freshen middle of March, Jack Flan- nery, Dublin, R. R. 1, phone 14r40, Dublin central. PROPERTY FOR SALE 191/.-, acres, natural drainage, Bank barn 36' x 50'. Well. 2 -storey cottage, Dwelling attached. Garden. Sold separately probably. ]t'irs. Scott, Cranbrook, FOR SALE Used Beatty Washer $29.50.' Apply at Sills' Hardware, FARM FOR SALE Lot 15, Con. 7, Hibbert Twp., 100 acres, with buildings, bush. Fans ploughing done. Situate 1 mile from Staffa. Apply A, Smale, Staffs, Ont. WANTED Capable woman, help with house- work, good home, good wages. 3 adults, Apply News Office. FOR SALE Eight weanedpigs and a butcher sow. Also a young team. Apply to Harvey Mcllwain, phone 852r23, Seaforth. HOUSE FOR SALE 8 room cottage, Goderich street east: Bath room, furnace, hardwood floors, electric lights. Apply McCon- nell & Hays. SPECIAL Save your woollen materials and have them made into Blankets, Tar- tan Motor and Broadloom Rugs. Wool batte 35c per Ib. Write agent, S. Carter, Seaforth, Ontario. ARTICLES FOR SALE Rubber Goods, Sundries, etc., mail- ed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for mall - order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., Dept. K -21, -Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of John Lavin. All persons having claims against the Estate of John Lavin, late of the Township of Hibbert in the Count, of Perth, deceased, who died on of about the 19thday of March, 1940 are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 6t3 day of March, 1941, full particular( of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of tht said estate • will be distributed amongst the, parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion ofall others, and the undersigned will not be. liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distrib- uted or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 17% day of February. 1941. ELMER D. BELL, Seaforth, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & gtaarantee bonds, Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSUIRANCE AGENCIES