HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-03-06, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1941
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Chase & Sanborn Coffee 1 lb. tin 46c
NIBLETS 2 14 -oz. tins 21 c
QUAKER Puffed Wheat PER PKG.. 6c
Hillcrest Shortening .... 2 1 -ib. cartons 25c
Vanilla Icy Wafer Biscuits per lb 19c
Vegetable or Tomato Soup 2 10 -oz tins .17
Keen's Mustard % ib. .. , , .27c 4 ib. 49c
Zebra Stove .Polish, Small tin. , , ..10c large tin 15c
Catelii's Macaroni or Spaghetti 16 oz. pkg. 1Oc
javex per btl. 15c
Canada Cornstarch..... ........... .... ..... ........ per pkg, 10c
Rinse large pkg. 23c
Castle Floor IWax 1 lb, tin 25c
Golden Net or ;Unicorn Cohoe Salmon ?/z size tin 18c
large tin 29c
medium size pkg. 19c
per tin 12c
large pkg, 5c
McLaren's Nut Crush 16 oz. jar 25c
Hawes Lemon Oil 12 oz. btl. 23c
Camay Soap 4 bars 19c
Aylmer Chili Sauce 10 oz. btl. 15c
Crunchie Sweet Mixed Pickles ...... .... 27 oz, jar 28c
Aylmer Lima Beans in Tomato Sauce 2-16 oz. tins 23c
Aylmer Tomato Catsup 12 oz. bti. 14c
Aylmer Infant's Food, 5 3 tins 2ijd
Aylmer Pork & Beans 2-15 oz. tins 13c
Quick Quaker Oats 2 - 15 oz. 13c
Aylmer Pork & Beans 3 large cons
Sani White Toilet Tissue 3 bottles 19025c
Magic White Bleach lb'. pkg. 5c
Royal York Cheese TA 2 lg9c
Finest Bulk Macaroni
"Royal York" Orange Pekoe Tea
Tea Bisk
Gillett's Lye
Handy Ammonia
oz. tin
lb. pkg. 37c
Burford Peaches 2 15 -oz. tins 25c
Lenten Suggestions
Baked Beans Vegetarian, Vegetable Soup Vegetarian,
Pancake Flour, Cheese—all kinds, Canned Fish, all
kinds, Kraft Dinners, Mushrooms, etc.
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N. Pryce
McKinley's CHICKS
Government Approved, Pullorurn tested
Call 97 r 11, Hensall, for good chicks for 1941.
Hatchery is located 4 miles north of Zurich.
J. E. McKINLEY, Zurich, Ont.
Miss Edith Stewart, of Clinton,
Called on Rev. and Mrs, C. C. Keine
at the beginning of the week.
Private and Mrs, Clarence Nolan
of Kitchener spent a couple of days
last week with the former's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Jarred Nolan.
Mr, Glen Pinkney spent the week
end in Toronto with his mother and
brothers Carl, Lorne and Floyd
Mr, AldIe Eckert, R.C.A:F., has
been transferred from Sky Harbor,
Goderich, to Picton, Ont.
Mt'. J. M. Eckert has returned home
from Toronto where he attended the
telephone meeting.
Mrs, Con Eckert who has been
under the doctor's care since last
Saturday is improving nicely.
Mr. Lorne Burets of London spent
tate week end at his home here.
Mrs. John Burns spent Sunday
with her mother, Mrs. Pat Stapleton,
Misa Ina Gray is spending the
week in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan enter-
tained a number of friends at their
hone on Thursday evening. Euchre
and dancing were enjoyed,
Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Ross were
in Detroit over the week end at-
tending the funeral of a relative.
Miss Alma Lawrence left on Sat-
urday for Toronto where she has
entered the Wellesley Hospital
Training School for Nurses.
Mrs. H. Lawrence spent the week
end in Toronto, the guest of the
Rev. W, L. Lawrence and Mrs. Law-
Mr, William Sclater leaves on
Thursday to return to his home in
Mr. Jim Scott of Toronto spent
the week end with his mother, Mrs.
H. R. _Scott.
Mr's. M. R. Rennie and son Ronnie
returned Saturday from Sundridge.
Miss Bessie Eckart, of the teach-
ing staff of Bruce County, spent Sun -
clay with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
J. ]V'I, Eckart. •
Mr. John Henderson, Egmondvdlle,
wase taken to Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal on Wednesday morning to under-
go treatment. His many friends wish
him a speedy recovery.
Miss Grace Chalmers of Stratford
is visiting friends and relatives
around Cromarty.
Mr. Roy McDonald had the ntis•
fortune to he kicked by a horse nn
Mr. John Scott is spending. a few
days with relatives in Mitchell and
Mr. Leonard Houghton of 'Harris -
ton spent a day with his mother.
Mrs. Lindsay .McKellar and baby
son have returned from Scott Mem-
oriel Hospital.
Miss Pearl Houghton spent a few
days with Mrs, Lorne Elliott, Staffa,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ross and dau-
ghter spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Alex McLaren.
The regular meeting of the W. M.
S. and W.A. and Day of Prayer of
Duff's Church, McKillop, was held at
the home of Mrs. Russell Dorrance
on Friday, Feb. 28th, Mrs. Dorranee
opened the meeting with a hymn
and prayer. The minutes of the last
meeting were read and adopted,
and .roll call given. Day of prayer
program was followed throughout,
the ladies taking their part in read-
ings and prayer. The W. M. S, busin-
ess was then discussed. It was de-
cided to have the Easter thankoffer-
Ing at the home Mrs. Ross Murdie in
March. God Save the King was sung
and lunch was served by the hostess
and helpers.
The McKillop Charge completed a
successful year in 1940, meeting
their M. and M. allocation and all
other obligations. Bethel Church has
given $25 to the British War Victims
Fund and Caven Church Woman's
Association a similar amount to the
Navy League.
Mr. Noble Holland and son Bill
were iu Toronto last week on busi-
The many friends of Mr, S. G.
Switzer will be pleased to know he
is improving favorably after his re-
cent illness.
Mr. Melbourne Ball is In Windsor
acting as switch operator on the
Mr, S. G. Switzer is spending a
few days with his daughter Mrs.
Noble Holland,
Miss Eva Holland is spending the
week end with her sister Dorothy in
Mrs. Will Smitlrers of Toronto is
visiting her sister Mrs. Frank Glew,
FARMERS, Their Families And Friends
Our McCormick •- Deering
Power Farming Entertainment
Afternoon Show Starts at 1.30 Sharps
Evening Show Starts at 7.30 Sharp 1
See BOB COOK, the "MAGICAL COMEDIAN." His second act of pro-
ducing Rag Pictures and trick drawings is worth going miles to see.
See and hear about the new McCormick -Deering conventional four wheel
tractors, the W4, W6 andWD6; three new stream -lined tractors with
many revolutionary features designed to provide maximum power re-
quirements for any farmer at lowest possible cost. Find out about the
new Farmalls—four of them—A, B, H, & M, which have created new
records in fuel economy, and general satisfaction.
New sound moving pictures, including comedies galore—educational
films and films of general interest to all.
The International Harvester Company factory trained engineer will be
on hand to answer questions and give free and helpful advice.
JOHN EACH, Seaforth
The World's Day of Prayer was
observed in St. John's Church on
Friday. Although the day was very
cold there was a good attendance.
The offering amounted to over $4.
Mr. Cable of Windsor was the
guest of Mr, and Mrs. Wnt. Reid
on Sunday.
At time of writing Mrs. Harvey
Coultice is very low.
Miss Jean Reid, nurse in training,
Clinton Hospital, spent a few days
last week with her parents,
Mr, Harold Rathwell of Windsor
spent Sunday at the parental home.
Mr. and Mss, Joe Coaltice were in-
vited to the hall Thursday night,
where they were met by a host of
friends and were presented with a
miscellaneous shower of good and
useful articles. The evening was
then spent in tripping the light fan-
tastic toe. All report a good time.
Mr. John Gillies and Mr, Bill
Campbell went to Owen Sound on
Monday to get the freight boat Cap-
tain Secord ready when the season
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Eaton. Larry
and Keith spent a couple of days with
Mr, and Mrs, Alonzo Sperling of
Messrs. William Montgomery of
Ingersoll and Andrew Montgomery
of Guelph spent the week end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. A.
Pte. Ralph Davidson, Elgin Regt.,
of Toronto, spent the week end with
wife and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett, Mona
and Billie spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. George Eaton.
World Day of Prayer.—
The World Day of Prayer was held
Friday, Feb. 28th at the home of
Mrs. Wm. McSpadden with twenty-
four members in attendance. The
president, Mrs. Toll, presided and
the World Day of Prayer program
was followed. The prayers were tak-
en by the following ladies: Mrs.
Church, Mrs. MacFarlane, Mrs, Pe -
thick, Mrs. Hogg, Mrs. Blanchard,
Margaret Hahkirk, airs. Alexander,
Mrs. Bolton, The Bible reading was
given by Mrs. Austin Dolmage,
Psalm 46, Mrs. Frank Johnston and
Mrs, Chas. Dolmage gave two short
readings. A. duet "Sweet Hour of
Prayer," by Mrs, Wm. Dolmage and
Mrs. Harvey Dolmage was very much
enjoyed. During the business the
W.A. voted a donation of $25 to the
Navy League. Mrs. Wm. Dodds gave
an interesting sketch of the lite of
Miss A, J. Archibald, a missionary
of San Fernando, Trinidad. The
meeting closed with the national an-
them and prayer.
Pte. Ernest J. blathers, of the
Transport Co., Kent Regt.. London.
seem the week end with his sister,
Mrs. Arthur Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Watt recently
spent the week end in Toronto.
Ladies of 23 Circuit Group ntet 00
Thursday of last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, A. W, McEwing and
quilted a quilt for the Red Cross and
on Tuesday quilted one at the hone
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Watt. Alto-
gether since early winter they have
done 6 quilts.
airs. James Scott. Jimmie and
Kenny have been up from Toronto
owing to the former's father being
sick. The beginning of last week Mr.
Simon McVittie seemed to be get-
ting along pretty good but the latter
part of the week, the nurse, Miss
Kathleen Beacom, was called back,
having been home for a few days.
Mr. Thomas Cole who has been
staying at the home of his niece, Mr,
and Mr's, Leo Watt, went to Toronto
last week with Mr. James Scott.
Mr. Isaac Rapson visited Friday
afternoon of last week at the home
of Mr. and Mts. Peter Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox spent
last week in London.
Mrs. Peter Taylor visited a couple
of days last week at the home of her
sister and brothel' Euphemia and
Jimmie Lowery near Kinburn.
Mr. Frank McGregor, accompanied
by his sister, Mrs, Jennie Knox, vis-
ited their brother Mr, and Mrs. John
.McGregor, in Walkerton on Sunday,
Miss Beryl Carter spent the week
end with her friend Miss Lydia Bell,
The West End Group on 22 circuit
held their progressive euchre and
dance party on Friday evening of
last week at the home of Mr. Reece
Ferris. Among the visitors besides
the group were Mrs. Albert Vodden
of near Londesboro, Miss Beryl Car-
ter of near Kinburn, Mr. Cliff Ball of
'Windsor and Mr. and airs. Peter Mc-
Mr, Wm. Brown recently sold a
fine horse to Mr, Clifford Shobbrook
of near Londesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson spent
Saturday afternoon at the home of
air. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson. Mrs.
Watson also called on Mrs, Thomas
Miss Edythe Beacom, who is teach-
ing near Auburn, had a few holidays.
having been laid up with German
We wish to extend sincere syrup•
athy to Mrs. Simon McVittie and
family and other friends, The form-
er's sister Miss Annie ,Tohnston. of
Walton. was laid to rest on Monday
in Brussels Cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Neil and
Murray spent Suuday at the home of
Mr- and Mrs. Ward Knox.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Knox got their
supply of 1500 chickens last week.
We wish them the best of luck.
Miss Marion Appleby is holidaying
with her grandmother and uncle,
Mrs. Jimmie Knox and Ernest.
Visitors: Corporal and Mrs. Jim
Lloyd of Toronto with Mr. and M rs,
Wm. Vock Jr.
Private Harold Querengesser of
Windsor with Mr, and Mrs. John G.
Miss Aimeta Pushelberg of Lond-
esboro with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. 2'. Pushelberg.
Mr, Jack Dempsey and Howard'
Querengesser of Stratford with Mr,
and Mrs, W. L. Querengesser.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rode of De-
troit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prueter.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jacobs, Wil-
fred and Lawson, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bauer, in
The Women's Patriotic Society
quilted 3 large quilts and 2 crib
quilts at the home of Mrs. John Ane
stein on Thursday afternoon.
Don't Forget !
Sponsored by the Young Ladies'
Admission 35c and 40c
D'Irs, Wm. Smith of Exeter spent
the week end with Mrs. A. Hohner.
Mrs. Wm, Wright of Seaforth
spent a few days with <VIr. and Mrs,
J Grainger.
The Red Cross Society are holding
a Refugee Shower and Supper on
Friday, March 14th, in the basement
of the church. Here Is s chauee for
You to do your bit as anything new
will be accepted. They are also hav-
ing an egg contest. Bring in your big
eggs, brown and white eggs. Don't
forget the date, March 14th.
Mrs. Abe Zapfe and Blanche spent
the weep end in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Kling and daugh-
ter of Egmondvlile visited Mr, and
Mrs, T, H. Wheeler,
Mr. and Mrs. F. Temperton of Ha-
milton are visiting Mr. and Mrs, G.
The Red Cross Society wishes all
people who have any Old iron, rags,
or papers to bring them in and leave
with Mr. A. Paterson, on or before
March 15,
We offer our heartiest best wishes
to. air. Walter IVIcBeatlt Sr. who on
March lst entered his 92nd year. Mr.
MeBeath enjoys life to the very full-
est degree.
Messrs. Carlyle Cornish and Archie
Mustard and friends spent the week
end in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, J. K. Cornish and
Anna and Mrs. J. O'Brien spent Mon-
day in Stratford,
Misses Dorothy Swan and IEa3'
Snider spent a couple of days in
The United Farni Women held
their monthly meeting 00 Wednes-
day. Feb. 26 at the hone of Mr. C.
Haugh:. In absence of the president
the meeting was in charge of the vice
President Mrs. W. Douglas. The meet.
mg opened by singing "Coating
through the Rye." followed by the
creed. After the minutes and roll can
Mrs. Douglas read an article entitl-
ed "Policy of honesty." The secret-
ary read Mr. L. Harman's letter, a
letter regarding the folk school was
read by Mrs, H. Dalrymple. Mrs.
Snider then favored us with an in-
Sponsored by the Young Ladies'
Admission 35c and 40c
From Mar. 10 to March 24
Reg. 95.00 Permanent. machine
or nrachineless .. 3.96
Reg. 93,95 Oil Permanent ,.,2,95
Reg. $2.95 No -Ammonia
1.95 & 2.50
Featuring FInger•Waving and Mar-
celliag in the latest styles
roll call by their arst schoolteacher,
A quilt was partly quilted and an.
other quilt being patched. Bandages
were rolled. Lunch was served by
Mesdames Percy Gibbings, Wes Vod-
den, Chas. Merrill and Norman Bali.
Knitting brought hack was, 2 sailors'
scarves, 1 pr. long seaman's socks, 2
turtle neck sweaters, 5 helmets, 3 pr.
two-way mitts, 2 pr. mitts, 5 pr. sold-
ier's socks. -.
Mr. and Mrs, Hinson Whiteford of
Ingersoll were week end visitors at
Mr. Jno, Herdman's,
Miss Joy 'Whitlock of St. Thomas
spent the week end with relatives in
this vicinity.
Miss Blanche Harrison of Farquhar
visited on Sunday with Miss Dorothy
Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker re-
turned from their honeymoon on
Sunday and left Monday for their
home in Nissouri.
The marriage of Miss Ina Joy
Ford• daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Henry Ford of Osborne, and Mr.
Newman Albert Baker. son of JIr.
strnmeural solo. C'enr ereuts yvere and Mrs. Wm. Baker of Bdansbard,
given byt Mi's, J. Carrairns. ribs, Haugh was solemnized at the Thames Road
read u letter regarding the farmers' `manse on Feb. 21 at 11.30 a.m, Rev.
radio forum, Paragraphs from the •Win. 1'fair ey were at•
Bine print relating to the topic, i tended by 'Missofficiated. DorothyThJohns, friend
"Pulling together" were read by Mrs, of the bride, and Mr. Alfred Baker.
A. McQueen and Mrs. J. Snider. The' brother of the groom. Dinner was
topic was given by Mrs.
C. Hauge, served at the home of the bride's
Mrs. L. Eyre read u poem, "To tile' Parents to the immediate relatives
Brucefielrl stalwarts." Mrs. Cait•us,
who had charge of the socialmnhbride wpro• anuquamaiiueberig blue25.Tcorde crepe. ore streetau
gramme, conducted three contests, length, trimmed with Irish lace; the
The men's club joined in singing bridesmaid wore clover rose crepe.
"Men of the Soil." after which lunch Amid showers of confetti, the young
was served by the hostess and couple left for a short honeymoon its
friends. March meeting will be held St. Thomas and London. The bride
at the home of 11r, and Mrs. A. AIc- wore a wine satin back crepe dress,
Queen. air force blue hat and coat, They
Air, C. Haugh attended the funeral will reside on the groom's farm near
of his sister the late Mrs. Simpson 3Ve11buru, Nissouri.
Schluchtei, In Pigeon, Michigan, on I A kitchen shower was tendered
Monday March Sed. i Miss Ina Ford, bride of last week. at
Miss Kathleen Snider spent a sou- the home of Miss Dorothy Johns, on
pie of days in London last weep Tuesday of last week, when about
with her sister Miss Irene Snider, I forty ladies gathered, in spite of a
bit. Melvin Snider of the air very stormy day. There were many
force, Jarvis, spent the week end lovely articles which are so useful in
with his parents. I a home. The bride expressed her
The World Day of Prayer service thanks and the afternoon was spent
on Friday, Feb. 28, was held in the in music and contests.
school room of the church. The
theme, "Thy Kingdom Conte." The
meeting was in charge of Mrs. Hugh
Aikenhead, Bible readings were giv-
en by Mrs. J. Horton, Mrs, J. Cairns
and Miss M. Swan; prayers were
offered by Mrs. H. Atkenhead, airs.
C. Haugh, Mrs. C. Brock, Mrs. R.
Allan, bins. R. P. Watson, M rs. H.
Dalrymple, Mrs, A. T. Scott, Mrs, J.
Snider, Mrs. J. B. Mustard and Mrs.
A. McQueen. Devotional reading giv
ell by Mrs. Jas, Moody. Miss Edith
Bovey was appointed key woman for
A number of quilts for the Red
Cross are being quilted these days,
Mr. Clifford Shobbrook has recent-
ly purchased a tine horse from a
neighbor Mr. Win.. Brown.
Miss Barbara Snell spent the week
end visiting friends in Hamilton and
and Toronto:
Misses Lois Farquhar and Marg-
aret Cornish last wek started work•
ing in the Wearwell Hosiery In Clin-
ton. We wish them every success.
Friday evening, Feb. 28, Mrs. Jim
Forbes and Nevil assisted by Marion
and Isabel, held a card party its aid
of the Summerhill Red Cross, it be-
ing their turn in group east of Sum-
merhill and Farquhar and East line.
The evening being very frosty there
weren't as many there as otherwise
would have been but a very enjoy-
able evening was spent first by play-
ing cards, the winners being; Lad-
ies' first; Mss. Warren Gibbings;
men's first, Mr. Ephriant Snell; lad-
ies' lone hands, Mrs. Warren Gib-
bings; men's lone hands, Mr, Wes
Hoggart; ladies' boobie, Jack Clay-
ton (playing as a ladyl; men's boo-
ble, Mr. Andrew Lawson, After
which a dainty lunch was enjoyed,
served by the host and hostess. A
sing song. followed led by Mr. and
Mrs, Gerald Clayton and Isabel
Forbes with the other guests joining,
Mr. Adrian White spent last -Wed-
nesday In Loudon.
The Summerhill Red Cross held a
Meeting at the home of Mrs. Gray-
don Neal on Feb. 26, with 22 memb-
ers being- present, answering to the.
;lir. and 'Mrs. Andrew McLellan.
Rod: and Ada Way visited with
friends in Mitchell on Sunday; .Mr.
and airs. Bert •MadDonald and an'-
iiy wr t blr. and Mrs. Tim Scut of
Eirodhagett: •Mr'. Lindsay alcKel't•
and young son have returned •home
from Seaforth bospitall Miss Pearl
Houghton :pent a few days with ibi
and lairs, • Lorne Elliot and son
Frankie Miss Grace Chalmers is Vie-
iting,with Mrs. R. -Scot and family;
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Wallace, Ca -
lingford, with air. and IMrs. Ge r,3e
"Do you mean to tell me that Jack
and Mary have been married?"
"Of course."
"Why, I thought Mary was one
of those modern girls whodidn't
believe in mjrrriage?"
"''ell, that's what Jack thought
tool" -
Annual St. Patrick's
Novelty Dance
Come with the Crowd To
Hats, Horns, Streamers, Confetti
and Novelties
ORCHESTRA of Kitchener
Dancing 9130 to 1.30 — Admission 50c
AD.MiISSPON 30c - -