HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-02-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
HENSALL 'Church on Friday, Fe'hruary _Zeth,
also fora quilting to be hold in the
Continued From Page One toe lrt n], N ghruat w Ot1t
s/ r! ] „ - '2r lite an
were given their -several readings and ureal :birthday party • will he held
finally passed. diorton and Parkins, \larch cath \its, C. A, NieDorel
?hat we adjourn to mets again IMar. very ehly gave the turfy on Rev, 01
,rd. Carried. James A. -Paterson, tvet jackson, which ,woe most inter
- Clerk. lut;.
The village treasurer, ;l. A. Pater- \ars, Mary Lind at is ri iting f
sen reports that he has received London With her sister, Mrs. Murray
11,045.00 in prepayment of taxes for Nlr. and ,Mrs. .Cline Flynn of 1 -on
the month of January and will receive don visited ,n Sunday with the lot
las prepayments at any time and ai- ter's parents. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Par
'lewv a discount of 5. per cent per an- skins,
num,. so would advise the ratepayers Mr. T. C. joynt a .pending a few
to take advantage of this. plan and days in - Toronto. with his son, Dr
help the village by - ,helping them- Geo. Jovnt. •
,elves. ' The .\rrrold tCirele of Carmel Pres
IMrs Nora. Stinson went the week •Ihvterian Church stet at the home - o
tea at her home in London, ndon, 1Mi Sally IManson on Monday even
• Mr, Mervyn Breen ,visited 01 1'- tn_ and the pra,gram ei the nKgtfe;S
Tome over the week end, was followed in the glad Tidings and
Mr:. Alice Joynt serer. a day last opened with a hymn followed 1)y
rrwek at London. prayer lot i Saliy Manson and
Mr. \lvin Kerslake and 'Mrs. D. responsive prayer, (0111 wed hy- the
,\\ a k: were in Tari nt w for a few L wool , prayer. 1\Iia Irene Hog,gartit
- -day, this week led to reading followed by ro p mice
iar . AnnieS:aun ierw ork vt.itd reading. \li Sally Manson read a
-c-ver Inc wweek end with friends al selection and led in prayer and a
Plytt he mu was steer. Miss 1)kllIvena read
Miss 'Margaret Hnhl.irk Detroit i .alar ee, i'he bn iue. s was discussed
and the roll call anorered thy the pay -
•The Library •Board of 'Varna As-
o• sociate Library held their monthly
1 meeting at the home of Mts. L.
- Beatty on Monday evening, Feb. 11),
- Owing to the small attendance it
was derided to postpone the euchre
i1 and dance which twos to have been.
• held Friday evening, Feb. 114.
- i The February meeting of the
Varna \\r, M. S. was held in - the
church with eleven members present.
c The opening Hymn was "Forth in
• Thy name 0 Lord we go." Mrs.
Ralph Stephenson led in prayer,
f Roll Call was answered with words
- Onward or Forward. Text word for
March to be Victory, The president
Mrs. S. Heyes and Mrs. Peters were
to meet with the Auglicau in eon-
, s e l this geek in town.
'Miss. Eveivn Cur lett visited on tient of membership fees. Miss Beryl
"...io tdaY with ller ,dant, Iles. P. Pfau read a selection and led in pray -
De vim. er for men on active service. Nike
Mr. Lewis Clark Sr. Attends :,Mabel. Workman led in prayer for
Funeral of His Brother—. - victims 411 the war and Miss 'Manson
'110 Lewis Clark. Sr. was in St, led in prayer for Peace. After singing
Michigan, this week attending a hymn :Miss Jean McQueen read
tee funeral of tri, 'nether, the late and led in prayer -for Oephan rissiiwn.s.
'saints Clarke, Oho passed a way last :\ responsive reacline leas led by Sa1-
Thursday at the age vl fie years. The ly Manson and the iuectinl; closed
deceased was horn in Scotland. and with a hymn and the national anthem.
ea.n]e to Canada when a yonng hoY- Refreshments were served.
• Stry wing are two stn,, Walter. Al- Douglas-Cox.—
got•t \licit, and ,William, of De-• Catharine Ermine Cos. daughter of
.treie and one daughter, Hilda, a: ler. and !Nile. J. It. Cox of Windsor,
bete, tires. brothers, John of Ed- and Allen Johnston Douglas,
a enton, Lewis, of Hensel, Matthew son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T, Douglas,
c•f Crediton. and one sister. Mrs. Pet- of Hyde. •Park, were united in mar-
c -r ,Moir, Thames Road, INIr. Lewis siege in eniet ceremony at the home
Clark, Miss Ethel Clark, IMrs Gordon of the bride's parents on Settureaye
Wren and N1 r. and Mrs. ,Alvin '\\-erm Fele 3tlt. -ivy Rev. - .\. LI. El.oa of
attended the funeral Monday morn- I\It 11rydee,. The bride, .given-
given11M, . • -
Mission Circle.— charming gown of white Corded tat -
i marriage by her father, ,tore a
The Mission Circle of the l.'nitet feta with julict cell caught with
1Cherch held their regular ;upper wreath of .:range hlos.outs. she ear.
at the home of \lis. Marg- rigid a hotuhuct n1 street pea. and d eir-
aret Johnson ,in Friday evening-. The chills with streamer, of sweetheart
program opened thy singing a hymn roses. Little Douglas \-air. nephew of
after ,which Miss Elva \le:0ueeo led tate groom, attended as ring -hearer,
in prayer: The mono we as- given fol- Mrs. S. Sayers, Amit of the bride,
- len el by the Scripture reading by payed the wedding ntti-ic. Mrs. Cox
Cbl .s Gladys QdCKenan, The minutes wore a becoming -Own of prairie
.,of -the previous meeting were read rose silk ,eith a cor-a4e of violets.
and telopted and the roll a1: answer- airs. 1)001;as, the bridegroom's coo-
el.IMisa Norma t'o.,k gave the Nits- then, was attractive in a dress of
sicnary topic with Misses Edna Saun- wild wood- crepe with matching ace
dercock. .\Lary Clark and Mary Hood- ce_.ories and a corsage of talisman
win - taking :part. Miss Margaret roses. -For a travelling costume the
Shepherd was appointed second cite bride chose 0 start dress of E;gypt-
Peesidett and Miss Gladys 1reKcnzie fan bronze crepe with matching hat
appointed assistant. The March meet- and brown accessories. The couple 1.
lag will be held at t111 home of Miss will reside it 541 Ridout street, Lon -
/Mary Goodwin.ion The groom is a grandson „1 NineFire Destroys Barn.— 'John Johnston and a nephew of :Miss
The barn on the Stewart farm two Margaret Johnston :1:d Mrs. John l
mites southeast of Hee art on winch Parke, Henson, i
Mr. and Nfrs, ;Tack Madge reside, was ; The Senior 1V,1. he;d their regular I
destroyed by fire about midnight gin meeting at the home .,f i\rr., wen,
Sunday. Mr. Madge was. in the i)arn Weir en Wednesday evening, Roll
shoring when a 'beast broke loose call was answered ,hy a poison and
and kicked the lantern upsetting it. it: antidote. The motto was "Health
All the livestock was saved except Is Precious, Let's thtard It," 'N1 r•. '
fifteen pigs and a hundred hens. A \V' A. NiacLaren was co -hostess.
quantity of grain was lost. The barn Y.P. Skating Party,—
and contents were cowered by insur- I The yonni; people of Carmel
ante.. 'Church Held a ,eery sneeessful akat-
Young People's Union.— Mg party on the local rink on Tates -
Miss Gladys McKenzie presided ,lay. There was a large attendance.
over the missionary program at the (lames were enjoyed in the school -1
Y.P.U. meeting held on 'Monday ev-'room of the church following the
ening, Mies Gladys Passmore read skating after which refreshment.
the Scripture. Matthew chapter 25. ' Were screed,
After singing "From Creenland's aey\\'e regret to rep ,wrt that Mr :Ilex. '
-Mountains." INfis' Gladys Luker very Buchanan had the misfortune on Sat-
-,biy gave the topic on 'Hiss Marion urday to fall and fracture his atdde. I
Kim, an outstanding missionary. - •Mrs. James Morris and family of
Rev. R. A. Brook sang a delightful Kippen have rented the dwelling on
solo, "Open My Eyes That I May Richmond street owned Iby Mrs, F,
See." Miss Ruth Brook accompanied grits and has moved into sante,
-at the piano Contest; were directed 111r. Walter MarBeath Sr. of Breve-
hy Mies Gladys McKenzie, field is .pending a few days in town,
G. E. Buchanan, K,C., Passes - 1 A meeting was held in the school -
At Sudbury.— - room of the United Church .141 ;Mon -
.is E. Buchanan, K i.. who died day afternoon for the purpose of in-
-sddenv at his home in Sudbury, .trnetinir canvassers for 1-Ienoall. Ki -
was a cn of the late Dr G. and Mrs, peen end Zurich district for the sale •
ae rana.t , f Zurich, echere he spent of wear sayings certificates. \lr. E. 1.. 1
boyhood days- He was t , cousin Mieklc was in charge of the meeting.
Mrs. I. Eder. Hen all anephew Ii,.rn—Ig- Heit.all, on Sunday. i'ei]-
ef M.. Andrew I tcl]anan and tae nary 9th to !Nis. and Mrs: Ernest
-:r \Ir. AIe-o l x iarai The de- Doerr, a daughter.
ase e was city selicitctr for Su i:bury
men:: years. 1Mr. Pt ratan went' TUCKERSMITH
adh.ary in 1901' after :eradeatine The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club met
neetion with the day of prayer. A
letter was read advising us that our
allocation was x132, die same as lflst
Year. (circulars about war savings
stamps and temperance pledges were
read, These were left over for fur-
ther discussion. Several quilt blocks
were brought. in. Hymn 451, For-
ward be our Watchword," was
sung. Mrs. Lee McCo)nell took
charge of the Meeting for her group,
Mrs, David Stephenson led in pray-
er. The scripture lesson from Luke
11:1.17, was read responsively. Korea.
was the subject of study, Mrs, D.
Stephenson, Mrs. W. Johnston and
11lrs, Fred Reid each read about Miss
Maud MacKinnon's work in Korea,
Miss, Lee McConnell took up the
study of Miss Maria Khn, a native of
Korea. We then sang, 0 Lord and
Master of us all, Meeting closed by
singing national anthem and prayer.
Report of the Varna Red Cross So.
' dely for the past month. We have
shipped the following articles: 5
dresses, 6 001115, 1 pr, of pillow
covers, 43 prs, of socks, 9 prs. of
mitts, 1 pr. of gloves, 1 weater.
1 Some of the ladies that cannot get
to the hall too work each week have
I been making quilts at home and don-
ating tlrent to the Iced Crows. This
assistance is much appreciated by
the society. At'e there others who
could help in this way?
The Cheerio Club had a very sue.
eessful dance. The proceeds will be
donated to the. British War Vlathns
Miss Edyth Beatty silent a few
days in London with her sisters.
Mrs, Morton Elliott is spending li
few days with her daughter in
The Varna boys have returned
home from Chatham after taking a
month's training.
The Members of the Cheerio Club I
of Varna are pleased to antlaltnt'e'
that they have the stmt of $25 to
send to the British War Victim
Fund. The club wishes to thank all
who helped make their British War
'Victims Fund dance a success, also
those who banded their contributions
in since, and hopes that it will re-
ceive the support of the community
It any war effort it might undertake
in the future.
The Cheerio Club apoasored a
dance in the hall last Tuesday night
which was a success, and the young
people had a very pleasant time,
Atnong those present were Miss Jean
Reid and bliss Stewart of Clinton
Hospital staff,
Miss Edith Beatty has returned
home after spending a few days
with her sisters in London.
Mr. George Connell passed away
at his home, Parr line, on Friday. De-
t'eaeed had been In poor health for
some time. The funeral was held
from the United Church 00 111ouday
and was largely attended. Rev. Mr.
Penrose, a former pastor, and Rev,
Mr. Peters took charge of the ser -
Township council met in the hail
Mr. G. H. Beatty sold a fine pure
bred ,Jersey cow to 14M, Nelson Reid
A Former Stanley
Girl Promoted—
(Taken from Hamilton Spectator):
Miss Roxie Palmer, who has as:<ist-
ed blind citizens here for six years,
has been appointed to the head-
quarters staff of the Canadian Na-
tional Institute for the Blind at Tor-
onto. Approval was voiced in many
circles today. bliss Palmer hes been
the social service worker here piece
191.4 for the Hamilton Wentworth
board of the institute. At a meeting
of the Unity Club, tributes were paid
Miss Palmer by representative blind
persons for the sympathetic and
friendly services she had rendered
then during her six-year terns here.
Similar sentiments were expressed
at the meeting of the Hamilton.
Wentworth Board. A unique feature
of this meeting was the reading of
a presentation address composed 'by
G. Watson, Echlhi, one of the blind
Members of the Unity Club. Mir. Wat-
son's poem, A Friend, aroused un-
usual interest, It )refers specifically
to Miss Palmer and is reproduced
teen Osecode Hall and ,eeatne One
1-1- 1.1,e ».s successful lawyers in the
He was a tnen]her of Nickel
A.F. St A.M.. and was ,,re.:-
r:er.t of the Sudbury Dar Association,
received his early edtcation at
:ederieh Collegiate `Institute, Sur -
are his wid:_,wt two r rothers,
r-roiessor Milton A, - Bechaaan, of
r`,eersitr of- TJrento: Dr. Norman
_ ltcllanan, Peterbaro, and two
s.•tvrs, \lisoes :Clara and Pearl :Buel:t-
,r oi 1 ,rento
ee .te flat e ,:,,tel far the St. Val -
ti: _o and dance on Friday
se:ening :order the auspices c.1 the
radian Legion.
Tames A. Peterson
week wit's to wire- and
feevel,it: Toronto.
•L, e i'atsy Steer visited lest week
110 home of be: grandmother.
w_r=. nrazir:r, in London.
!Miss Helen Moir .pent the week
ti in Exeter 'Visiting 1100 for*cher-in-
i.,,,y and sister, lir, and Mrs. Law small admi.sintt charge for the .Hien.
Misses Helen Flynn an'l Edith
at the home of Mrs. Roy Pepper on
February 5th, with an attendance of
27, The roll call was answered with
a Valentine verse, The Red Cross re-
port was given by Mrs. Fear, which
showed that -a total of $13.85 had
been raised during the past month
for Red Cross work. The program in-
cluded a solo by Viola Pepper, and
readings • by Mrs, G. McGregor and
Mrs. N. Garrett. The national am--
themwas sung and all repeated the
'homemakers' prayer, afterwhich the
afternoon was spent sewing for the
Red Cross. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. N, Selby
on March 5th,
Tee 1111r intend. h.riding a box
Social at Turner'srne=. Church on Friday,
Feb, 21st. Ladies are asked to take a
hex of lunch and there will be a
rence Bar}
Parkins of Exeterspent the ,seek
:lid with the latter's parent-, IMr. and Cecelia Eckart. fourth daughter of
Mrs, Jas, Parkins,•
Mr. and Mt's, John A. Eckert, was
W,M,S. Meet.— 1 operated on for appendicitis last
The regular meeting of the \V.M.S. Monday and the many friends wish
of •the United Church was held in her a speedy recovery,
the school room of the ,church with 1 Our boys at the age of twenty-one
Mrs, C. A, McDonnell presiding and are called to report to join the
theme Way tl rough meeting Prser M was
"Finding i colors.
theKilling pigs and making sausage
for Fee read the Scripture after and cured meat is the order of the
which Mrs. ILatnmie led in .prayer, day, to put in reserve for the sum-
Mrs. Maude Hedden sang a solo en-
titled '"Jesus Is Tnue, Mrs, T. 3.
mer months to treat the boys when
Sherritt accompanied at the piano.
Mrs. W. B. Cross presided over the
business. Mrs. R. A. Brook and ,Mrs,
C. 'Cook reported making seventeen
calls on shut-ins, ,Arrangements, were
made for the World Day of Prayer spent a few days with friends in our
Fo 1be: held in 'Carmel Presbyterian burg this week.
opened by singing a hymn. The
theycome home on leave,
The sideroads and concessions are
still impassable for cars,
Mr, Fred Eckart from Egmondville
A friend is one who understands
The things behind the Beene;
The one who comes with gentle
And mends the broken dreams.
0f Farm Stock and Implements,
Fred W. Ahrens has received in-
struction from the undersigned pro-
prietor to sell by public aution at
Lot 27, Con, 2, Township of Logan,
21,f miles west of Nlitcbell, tient 144
miles north, on Wednesday, Feb. 19.
Sale to start at 1 o'clock sharp.
Horses -1 black agriculture mare
S year$ old; 1 bay agricultural mare,
6 years old.
Cattle --3 Durham crows fresh with
calves by their sides; 1 Holstein
Cow 'fresh with calf by her side; 1
white cow flue middle of March; 1
Durham cow due March 28; 2 Dur-
ham cows due hl April; 1 Holstein
cow clue in April. (These cows are
all young.) 4 Durham and 11000lord
steers, fat, 2 years old; 1 Durhaie
heifer, fat, 2 years old; 4 steers and
1 heifer, 1 year old, 4 fall calves,
Pigs—Yorkshire sow with 10 pigs
hY her side. Poultry -100 Leghorn
hens and 20 Rock pallets,
]trtplements-M, 11. binder, 6 ft.
cut; M. H. mower, 5 it, cut; 114. H.
hay loader; cultivator; disc; steel
land roller, hay redder, 4 sec,
harrow, horse rake, seed drill, 13
hoe, 2 furrow riding plow, Fleury
walking plow, single furrow ridhfg
plow, scales, 2000 ]b, cap., fanning
mill, hay ruck, with sliding rack;,
wagon, truck wagon, nearly new; set
sleighs with flat rade, gravel box,
Deering McCormick cream separa-
tor #2, nearly new cutter, rubber
tire top buggy, scuffles, turnip drill,
fattening crate, hem kettle, washing
machine, clothes horse, met pulper.
Harness ---2 sets double harness; 1
set single harness,
Feed—About 10 tons good hay,
stack of hay.
Cross cut saw, horse blankets,
robe, sausage filler, sausage grinder,
scythe, ladder, lawn mower, good
cattle dog, extension table, several
kitchen chairs, logging chain, forks,
hoes, whiffletrees, neckyokes, and a
host of small articles about the
house and bairn too numerous to
mention. Terms of sale: Cash or
cheque, No reserve as the farm is
sold and everything will be sold to
the highest. bidder. Auctioneer's de-
cision final In ease of all disputes.
Fred ]Mannon, Proprietor.
Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer,
A friend is one with gentle eyes.
Who sees no flaw in others,
One who never shall despise
The tears of broken brothers.
A friend is one who a tower,
Of strength in time of need,
That friend is with you in the hour
You need a friend, Indeed,
Passing of Geo. J. Connell—
There passed away early Saturday
morning at his hone, Parr Line.
Stanley Twp., George James Connell,
in Ida 84111 year. Tine late Mr, Connell
was born in Caledon Twp. At the age
of four years he moved to Walter's
Falls, Grey County. From there he
settled on the ninth concession, God-
erich Twp„ where he remained 42
years, thence to the Parr Line, Stan-
ley Twp„ where he spent the past
nineteen years. -Mr. Connell was
married in 1897 to Asenilh Sturdy,
who survives with their four child-
ren: Roy, of Tuckersmith Twp;
Emily 'Mrs. M. G. Marks), Toronto;
Cecil of London, and Harold, at
home. Also surviving are two sisters
and two brothers, Mrs, W. Herbison.
Clinton, Mrs, Nee Carter, Londesboro,
Jacob and Charles of Saskatoon.
Three brothers predeceased, John.
Philip and 'William D. There are
also two grandchildren, Ross and
Carol Marks, Toronto. A private fun-
eral service" was held at the home,
followed by a service in the United
Church, Varna, on Monday afternoon.
The services were conducted by the
Rev. John Penrose, Exeter, assisted
by the Rev, J. R. Peters, Varna, The
many beautiful floral offerings testi-
fied to the esteem in which the de-
ceased was held. The pallbearers
were William Edwards, l"l'ed Ford.
Ben Pearson, W. S. Broadfoot, Ralph
Stephensoi and Charles Stephenson.
Flower hearers were George Jolm-
soy, Alfred Johnson, Lloyd Keys and
George Reid. Friends and relatives.
were present from Lansing, Michi-
gan, Toronto, Owen Sound, Goderich,
Clinton and Seaforth,
Nliss Anna Scotehrner of the Brom
son line, spent a few days with her
sister, Mrs, Jas, Black, of near Sea -
Miss Evelyn Elliott. of Mitchell is
visiting her sister, Mrs, Bart Dunn
Jr. of the Bronson line.
Mr. Percy Johnston, Mr. Nelson
Heard, rMr. Elgin Porter and Mr,
Harold Penhale, No. 3 Stanley School
Board, motored to London on Satur-
day, on business for the section.
Mrs, A. Rouatt . of Bayfield is
spending the winter with her sister,
Mrs, Jas, Dewar.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Snowden and
Miss Marymotored to London on
Friday last.
Miss Irene Seotchmer of the Bron-;
son line, has a position in Toronto.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks '50c;
Buy In Egmondville
Robinhood Flour 98 lb. bag 3,09
Bruce, Pastry Flour 24 1b. 59c
Macaroni 7 lb. 27c
Pie Cake Shortening 2 lbs, 23c
Pure Lard 2 lbs. 18c
Oranges 2 doz. 39c
Rolled Wheat ,,,,,. 5 lbs. 21c
Bulk Corn Starch , , 3 lbs: 21c
Red Rose Tea , , Ib. 65c
Red Rose Coffee lb. 49c
19c in trade only for grade A large Eggs
W. J. Finnigan
Card of Thanks
NIrs, George Connell and family
wish to express their appreciation
for the expressions of sympathy Mir-
ing their bereavement; also to those
who sent flowers and those who
kindly loaned their cars,
Auction Sale
There will be sold by public
auction on Monday, the 3rcl clay of
March, 1941, at 2 pan. at Lot 28,
Concession 5, in the Township Of
Hibbert,the following goods and
hattels:-1 black horse; 1 driver, 1 hay
loader, 1 wagon, 1 set Of. scales, 1
hay rake, 1 binder, 1 rack, 1 disc
harrow, 1 set of harrows, 2 ploughs,
quantity of hay, 400 In, of oats,.
quantity of beans, and household fur-
niture, 1 drill, 1 land roller.
There will also be offered for sale
the Yarm property, being Lot 28.
Concession 5, in the Township or
Hibbert, subject to a reserve bid,
10% of the purchase price as a cash
payment and the balance within 30
Harold Javkson. Auctioneer.
Elmer D. Bell, Seaforth, Ont.,
Solicitor for the John Lavin Estate,
31 first class little Pigs for sale. i1
ready to go. Phone Hensel] 31 on S6.
Jersey cow, 3 year all, just fresh•
ened, for sale. Apply to Palmer
Coombs, Egmondville,
IF BACKACHES are slowing you up.
take RUN»ACAPS. Pains and aches
are relieved after the first close.
1lcKhtclsey's Drug Store.
About 300 bushels of turnips. AP
ply to Jno. McNay, phone 336 r 25,
2 oil burning 12 dozen egg incub-
ators. Easily operated and in guar-
anteed condition, Mrs, D. G. Mac-
Farlane, phone 848-3, McKillop.
Reliable man for farm, work, to
start any time. Single preferred;
married man without children con-
sidered, separate rooms available.
Fara] close to town. Apply to Sea -
forth News,
National Radio Institute and
Radio Physics Nurse Undue( e
On service work for past 12 years
and attached free
For Economical and
Efficient Radio Service
Call 841 - 23, Seaforth
Used Cars
1929—Ford A Coupe
1931--For(1 A. Coach
1932—Ford V 8 Coach
1935—Pontiac Sedan
1936—Forel V 8 Coach
1936—Ford V 8 Sedan
1937—Ford V 8 Sedan
1929 Forci A Panel Delivery
1985 Ford V 8 Panel Delivery
1936 Ford V 8 2 -ton Stake
• Truck.
1934 Chev 2 -ton Stake Truck
Fordson Tractor & Plow
Call in and see our
Barrister & Solicitor
' Attendance in Brussels
Wednesday and Saturday
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build
Ing, Seaforth, Office hours:
Tuesday, 'Thursday and Saturday
1:30 p.m, to 5 p,m, Saturday
evening, 7:30 p, en. to 9 P. m,
Modern house, North Main Ste
now occupied by Mr. Scott Habkirk,
Immediate possession, Apply to 17.
L. Box.
28 cords of hard maple 14" long,
also the tops from these trees, Wood
may be seen in bush on lot 26, con,
12, JMIcKillop, Call Mrs, Albert Me.
Gavin, phone 831-4, Walton, Ont.
Mouse on Side Street, Seaforth,
close to Collegiate and Main Street,
Two bedrooms upstairs. Electric
lights. Good basement and furnace.
Apply Maurice Melady, R.2, Dublin.
Phone Dublin, 17 r 22,
Save your woollen materials and
have them made into Blankets, Tar-
tan Motor and Broadloom Rugs,
\'400l batts 35c per 1b. Write agent,
S. Carter, Seaforth, Ontario,
Rubber Goods, Sundries, etc., mail-
ed postpaid in .plain, sealed wrapper,
8d% less than retail Write for mall -
order catalogue, Nov -Rubber Co„
Dept, K-21, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont,
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Jennie Nicholson.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Jennie Nicholson, late
of the village of Bayfield, deceased,
who died on or about the 6th day of Ike
December, 1940, are hereby notified
to send in to the undersigned on or
before the 14th day of February,
1941, full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto.
having regard only to claims of
which the 'undersigned shall then
have notice, to the exclusion of all
ethers, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not then
have notice for the assets so distrib-
uted o' any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth this 28th day of
January, 1941.
Seaforth, Ont,
Solicitor for the Executor.
Notice To Creditors
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the
Estate of Hannah Retta French, late
of the Village of Ifippen, in the
County of Huron, Widow, deceased,
who died on or about the 6th Novem-
ber, A.D. 1940, are required to deliver
to Charles W. Cooper, Henson, On-
tario, or Frank Upshall, Kippen, On-
tario. the Executors of the said
Estate or F. Fingland, 151.C., Solicitor.
on or before the 15th day of Febru•
are, A.D. 1941., a full statement of
their claims together with particu-
lars thereof, and the }nature of the
secan'ities, if any, held by them all
duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned date the Execu-
tors will proceed to distribute the
estate of the said deceased amongst
the persons entitled thereto having
regard only to such claims as shall
have received due notice and in
accordance therewith
Dated at Clinton, Ont., this 25th
day of January, A.D. 1941.
Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor tor the said Estate.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
entWindstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information cheerfully given