HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-02-13, Page 6IBE TO YOUR FAVOSUR E MAGAZINES AND THIS NEWSPAPER ATA BARGAIN PRICE 1a II _� • /rG 1 A ::.. 111,1- N.- �-.r�• PAGE SIX SPrt 414 r a ,i�^'i ill?e ..,441.04C 1 ' t K.ai tI+, fah a his ata 't n;, he - r. t 1 "1 1-71011. 11 not being tint; fora waren, 10 boast in his more shred and aleft narratives. Ae soon ae he had conga eyed in that fearful strife, houses he :avant to the eastern shore, !elide With caution, and wound his way i amongst the Iroquois. concealed b The darkness, undetected, and, in th retain, even unsuspected. Once indeed he: had been questioned: but answer in,g that he was Arrowhead, no fur they inquiries were made. By the pass ing remarks, he won ascertained the Gilt party was out expressly to inter rept ,Mabel and her uncle, concernin whose rank, however, they had evil freely .been deceived. He also ascer rained enough to know that Arrow mead had betrayed them CO their enc mies, for senile motive that h was 00 now easy to reach, as he had not ye received reward of his .services. Pathfinder communicated no more of this intelligence tohis companion than he thought might relieve thei e,2Tpreaetisions, intimating, at the tame time. that now sa, the moment for exertion, the Iroquois not having: ye' entirely recovered from the con- fusion .Created by their lo=ne,, "We shaIl find them at :he rift, I ,lake no manner of doubt:" continued he: "and there it will he our fate to :nays thein, ''r to fall into their hands. The 'distance to the garrison will then be so short, that I have been thinking of the plan of landing with \lahrl tyself, that 1 may take her in, by soma cif the byways, and leak the 'canoes eo their chances in the rapid "It will never succeed, Pathfinder tagerly interrupted Jasper. '(Mabel is 001 strong e'nottgh eo tramp the woods in a night like This. Put her in my skiff, and I will lose my life. or carry her through the rift safely, dark as it is." "No doubt you will, lad; mu one r.'u;thtsyour willingness to do any- thing ny- t 1 n t .o serve the Sergeant's daught- er: but it meet he the eye of Provid- ence, and not your own, that will take you safely through the Oswe.,t :: in a night like this." 'And who will lead her safely to the garrisnn if she land? Is not the night as dark on shore as 00 the water? or do you think f know less of my calling than you know of yours?' "Spiritedly said, lad; but if 1 .honid losemy way in the dark—and 1 ite- •:ve no Haan can .ay tru'y that such :;tine ever ye happened to me-- . 11 1 should 1.,.,• fay way. n.,:miler t", 'A',071,1 .10411e 't' ,, than a night iu e forest; , .ehcre a raise turn oi -.he '.ad,fle, . „ 'hroa.1 :1:•er ,' , pnt y..17 :gid 17, yens. 0:^tan hits the river. oat , ; which it ...;.re than pr....,m.ble the .,r ea01'' __.,,12122 .v..t7i.i'n,•,'r -roe r..ve.. will leave it to \tense; her, lf: I re:',1 1 frit -1e evil: feel more 1:111 ;11 tl',r rati.t." 't haves srea t e..nfidcnce iti '121•.1 :t1='serer' t':e _irl: and have eani • +hat either 211 do a:1 1, 0 otherei e he :!lashfal. I :have known r seamen in he t low latitudes c swim ', t for it hours at 1a time among sharks fifteen - or et enty feet long," r, Thus is extraordinary!" exclaimed d Jt per, telco had not yet acquired that n material part of hie trade, theability y W spin a yarn. "1 have always heard e that n was certain death to venture , in the water among sharks, - ''I forgot to say, that the lads al- - ways took capstan -bars, or gunners' - handspikes, or crows with theta, to t rap the hearts over the nose if they - got to he troublesome. No, no, I have g liking for hears and wolves, though a - whale, in my eye, in very mach the - same as a red herring after it is dried - and salter. 'Mabel and I had better stick to the canoe," t "Mabel would do well to change t canoes." added Jasper. "This of mine is empty, and even Pathfinder will al- low that my eye is surer than hie on s the water," ✓ "That .I will, cheerfu•ily, ,boy. 'l'he water (belongs to your gifts, and no one will deny that you have improved them to the utmost. You are ri,.;ht'en- ongh in believing that the Sergeant's daughter will he safer •int your canoe Then in this: and though I we -mid gladly keep her near myself, I Have her welfare too much at heart not to give her -honest advice. Bring your would not have made the proposal he will ;,rive you what you must consider as a precious treasure." "1 do so consider it," returned the youth, not losing a moment in com- plying with the request; when Mabel passed from one canoe to the other, taking her seat on the effects which had hitherto composed its sole cargo. As soon as this arrangement was made, the Cannes separated a short distance, and the paddles were used, though with great care lo avoid mak- ing any note. The conver.ateun grad- ually ceased: and as the dreaded rift was approached, all ibceanie impressed with the gravity of the moment, 'Filet their enemies would endeavour to reach this point 'before them was al- nu•.t certain; and it seemed so lints probable any one should attempt to pas: it, in the profound obscurity which reigned, that Pathfinder was confident ,parties were on -both sides of the river, in the hope of intercept - Mg them when they might land. He would not have ade the propo,a1 he .fid had he tint Melt sure of his own ab- ility to convert this very auticimetion of seere-s into a means ,,. '4-leafing:he phut r.' the I r vl.t As the ar ran:..in•n2 now ,..sod, noAever, ev- erything depended on the skill of those - 're, guided the rot'.:.es; for ills+:fid either hit a rock. .f not split asunder, it w old almost ,-ertainly he ns. - e-1, anr1 then wnuid Come not only all tee hazard, the river itself, hut, or \l r, ., tie e,:rainly nf fal:in . rat', site hands „1 her :burster,. nu. uttvost Ca-rnm:pectie,n armeequenrl)• ham necessary, and each one wee too 111.7,711 e•r_-,s-rel with his ,a11 11 1.dts to ,,1 a di,1,..111,01to utter mitre than ;+._ ,•...71,•,1 ir,r in tilt exigencies of The .,, \+ . eat; t, ae sil,•ntlr at. aa,:;, the ;.r ;.i the- rift n<r'un,- au,iitdc. and it required all the fortitude of Cap t . keep his seat. while these boding ,...1111, ,vert approached. .,mid a dark- ness 4411,!, scantly permitted a v-ie,x of the outlines of- the e eo,led shore and Of the gloomy ,•r elf above hid ]read He retained a vivid impression of ,the fail., and his imagination- :was not now idle in swelling the dangers of the rift to a level 'with those of the: headlong deseen, he had that day made, and even to increase ithem, un- der the ineleence or doubt and -uncer- tainty. In this, however, the old mar- iner was mistaken, for the Oswego Rift and the Oswego Falls are .veru different in their characters and vio- lence; the former being no more than a rapid, that glances anto7ng shallows and rocks, while the latter really des- enved the name it bore, as has 'been aleeady shown. ihfai)el .certainly fellt :distrust an.d'ap prehension; but 'her entire situation was so novel, and her reliance on her. gnide ,S,0 great that she retrained a t, r --:r 111, -..,:her h it ice 21111 :n: 1'11 1 -m._. . ...•tld t liis to rpll the , .:'.c•e, evith the .certain:•- eve ha ti+ere heMer rn- .._ «L.q„ e e!°11 r' or 0 iu -t,.r t n:. uncle can .nide for mat" rata er ese 2,0 ii' , _ en,.- . t. -a: "\shsie foe lea. e 'fear deft like -his on the river. ale ides. ,Master tali der, to say lie fort ef the sat- eae-. you overiook the sharks." ':shark.! who ever heard of sharks the wlhlerne,s?" \y! sharks, or •hears, or wolves— matter what you call a thing, so it has the mind and power to bite." "'Lord, lord, marl rIo vein dread any creator: that is to be found -in :the American forest? A ca-tamount is a s'kear. animal. I will allow, but then it is nothing in the hands of a pract- ised hunter. Talk of the Mingos and their devilries if yoti will; .but do not raise a false alarm about hears and wolves," °jAy, ay, 'Master Pathfinder, this Is all well enough for you, who prlba`bly know the name of every creature you Would meet. :Use is everything, and it makes a. man bold -when he might THE SEAFORTH NEWS 'elf -command which might mut have existed -had itis- clearer perceptions of the troth, or been hotter ,•te m:tinted with ,the hclg,les;•pea of sten when mated in opposition to the power and majesty of Nature, "Is that the spot you }thee nien- tionedF" she said 2,+ Jasper, when the roar of the rift first came tli.ctinealy on her ear. "It is; and I beg you to have con- fidence in tor. We are not old sc- qutint:ntces, Mabel: hut we live many fiat,. in one, in this wilderness. 1 think already, +.hat 1 have lanote you u•s!" " 1nd I do no: feel as if you were a stranger to me, I wper. I have every reliance on your x14111, as well as on poor dihpe,ition to serve mc,•' "\\'e shall see, we ,he'll see. 'Path- finder is striking the rapids ton near the centre .1f 11 ht. river; Rbc bed of the ,eater is t•lo.ser to the eastern shore: tint I cannot make huff hear one now. Hold firmly to the canoe, Jfalrel, and fear nothing„” :\1t the next moment the swift cur- rent :had sucked 'them into the vitt and Inc :three or four minutes the awe- struck, rather than Rhe alarmed, girl saw nothing aroiilil her but sheets of glancing faun, heard nothing but the roar of waters, Twenty atinte.s did the canoeappear about to clash 'against some curling and bright wave that showed itself even amid that tibectrr- iaty; and :rs often did it glide awtty again unharmed, impelled by the vig- °rouA arm .of hint who .governed its movements, Once, and once only, did jasper scent 10 Base connnnid of Itis frail hark, during which held space it fainly whirled entirely round; hut Iby a desperate effort he brought ftregain under control, recovered the lost channel, and was soon rewarded for all his anxiety 'by finding himself feeting eluietly in the deep water below the rapids, secure from every danger. and without having taken in enough of the element to serve for a thanght, "All is over, :Mabel," the young man cried •cheerfully. "The danger is peat, and you may now indeed hope to meet your father this very 1111;'111,' "God be :praised! Clasper, we shall owe this great happiness to you." "Tire Pathfinder may claim a full share in the merit; shut \what has be- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1941 come of the other :canoe?" 1 sec sono+thing near us on the water: is it not the boat of arta• friends?" A few strokes of the paddle brought jasper to the side of the ob- feet in yue:tion: it watt the other ea. two, empty and (bottom upwards. No Sooner dial the • yang man ascertain this fact, i1ltan the began to search fur the swimmers, and, to his great joy, Cap was ..,on discovered drif time down withtt c 1+ 1 torrent' u tree id et plan preferring• the chances of drow- ning to nhose of laitrling annul;g sae. ages, .He was hauled Mao the canoe, though nen without difficulty, and then The search ended;'Inc Jasper was -convinced that elle Pathfinder would wade •til the shore, bre water being slladleiv, iu ttrefcrence to 'a 2111- dnnrng his :helov-t'd rifle, The remainder of the passage ryas short, though made aurid elarkuess and doubt. After a .short .pa.1.1t t', a dull roaring- sound teas die:uul, which at times resemiblell the mutterings of Metall! thunder, and then again itiou.ht with it the washing of wat- ers. jasper amlotilCe'd to his -com- panions that they now beard the surf of the lake. 'l.ow curled spfis 01 land lay before then, into the hay formed by one of which the canoe glided, and itl1en 0 shot up noiselessly upon a era)'elly beach. The transi- tion that followed fres so 'liurried and great, that \Ldbel srarcc'ly knew what passed. 1n the course if a few minutes, however, sentinels had been linseed, a gate was opened, and ,the agitated ;g'!rl found herself in the \%ruts of a parent who was almost a stranger to her, CI.1AP'CER VIM I. The rest iflrat succeeds fatigue, and which attends a newly awakened sense of security, is generally sweet and deep. Such was the fact with Mabel, who did not rise from -her lnunble pallet—such a :bed ' a.. a ser- geant's 'daughter might -claim in a re- mote frontier .post—unail long after the garrison had obeyed the usual stmltans of the drams, anti had as- sembled at the morning parade. .Ser- geant IDunhani, on whose shoulders fell the task of attending ito these or- dinary and daily ditties, had .got through all his morning avocations, and teas 'beginning to think of •his breakfast, 'before Itis rhil1 left her 20010, 101(1 lame into The fresh air, cgna:1y bewildered, delighted, and grateful at the novelty and .security of her new situation. At tate tine of which we are writ- ing, 'Oswego was 011e of .the V4110 111.1 frontier posts of the British posses- sions on this continent, ht had not long been •oe•cttpied, and etas gat rison- :d by a 'battalion of a tegument which had been originally Scotch, ,but into which many Americans had Ihcen re- ceived since ite arrival in this c mmtry; an innovation that had led the way to Ilabels father filling the humble but responsible situation of the Oldest sergeant. 'A dew young officers also, who were satires of 111e colonies, were to be found in the -melee. The fort itself, like most works of that character, was .bolter adapted to re- sist an attack of savages than to wi'tln- 411(11d a regular siege; hut the great difficult)' of !1ransport!n,g heavy ar- tillery and other nccessuries rendered The occurrence of the latter a probe- bil1Iy . o remote as scarcely to enter into The estimate of 'the engineers who had +t. r planned et 'il defences, There 1 l e 1 fence., were bastions of earth and logs, a dry ditch, a stockade, a .parade of con- eiderable extent, and barracks of logs, that answered the 'dotible spur - pose of dwellings and fortifications, A few light 1'eltl-pieces stood in the area of the fort, ready •to 'be -conveyed to any ,point where they might he wanted, and one or +two heavy iron guns looked out froth the summits of the advanced angles 15 so many ad- meniti0ns to 'the andaciotts +to respect their power, 'When Mabel, 1uiieting the -conveni- ent, but comparatively retired but w=here her father had been permitted to .place her, issued into the pure air of ahe morning, she found +herself al the foot of a utastiou, 'which lay, in- vitingly (before her, with a promise of giving a coup d'oeil of all that :had been concealed in '21117 darkness of the preceding night. Tripping up the grassy ascent, the light-hearted as well as light-footed girl found herself at once on a point where the 41:412, at a few varying glances, would take in all the external novelties ,f her new :situation. To the southward clay The forest, through vyhirh she hacl been journey- ing so many weary days, and which.. had proved so full of dangers. It THE THRIFTY ECONOMICAL WAY TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS NEW5PAPERe D YOUR FAVOURITE MAGAZINES tT SENSATIONALLY LOW PRICES v- y......:, ssse f ti: rs'✓ti-.tt..r.♦ rvr^-- .yam �N/ �Y✓ ^,�W •.:"-•f .,. ^IIS .--.�...i. r 4iI These offers are good for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look them over and send us the coupon today. -ALL-FAMILY OFFER This Newspaper, 1 Year, and Your Choice Any Three of These Publleatlon.s CHECK THREE MAGAZINES—ENCLOSE WITH OIRD1011 E I Maclean's Magazine, 1 yr. [ 1 Chatelaine, 1 yr. [ 1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 yr. [ 3 National Home Monthly, 1 yr. 13 Canadian Horticulture and Home, 1 yr. 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Sownmaenl 1 she $ 1 ata alteofceln0 (below tee ostler desired eale a rtee-'s outeoriptdeei pe yeas paper, I H 1 liepee-Nems ! 1 lulls 7yasiaarte PeetOWNS ...omm.N..»coo .w.».N......«......,w,a.. ...........NN,.. ✓Vi'•.. .N. .......,.y 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B„ Graduate of University of Toronto. Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate ol: University of Toronto. The Clinic is tut equipped 1 Ywith complete and modern x-ray and other up-to•date diagnostic and thereuptie equipment, Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday In every month from 4 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p,m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6 J DR. F. J. R, FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto, Late Assistant New York; Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square', throat hospitals, London, Eng. At. Commercial Hotel, Seaforth; third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth 011nic first Tuesday in each month. -63 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. AUCTIONEER GORDON M. GRANT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can be made for Sale Date et the Seaforth News, or by writing Gordon M. Grant, Goderich Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed, F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction• eer for Perth and Huron Counties. Sales Solicited. Terms on Application, Farm Stock, chattels and real estate property. R. R. No. 4, Mitchell, Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed in Huron and Perth Coun- ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. For information, write or phone Harold Jackson, 658r12, Sea, forth central; Brucefield Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates In First -Clan Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont OFFICERS President, Wm. Knox, Londesboro, Vice President, W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Secretary Treasurer, M. A Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. McIiercher, R.R.1, Dublin; Jolly E. Pepper, R.R.1, Brncefield; J. F Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt Blyth; Wm, Yeo, Holmesville. DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William, I{nox, Londesboro; Claris Leonhardt, Dublin; James Connolly, Goderichl Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clintoni Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post - offices. ae as eeparated from the stockade by a belt of open land, that head ,been principally cleared 'of Bs woods to form 'the martia'I constnuctitna around iter. This pla•cis, for such in fact was its military nisi, Wright have covered a hundred acres; :hut with it every sign of civilization :ceased. All tbe- yond was forest' that d-ense, inter- minable forest which 'Mabel could now 'picture to herself, th.rotugh- her recollections, with its hidden glassy lakes, its dark rollitrg stream, and .its world of nature, 'l e iiittg from this 'view, our hero- ine fele 'her cheek fanned by la fresh and .grateful (breezes, :much as she had not experienced since quitting- the far distant coast'. 'Fiore a .new s-cene 'pre- sented -itself: altiho.utgh expected, +It was oat without a start and a low ex- clamation 'indicative of pleasure, dealt the diger eyes of the .girl idranik in its beauties. To the north, and east, tend west, , in every direction, in sbaOrlt, ov'- et- one entire half of the novel (pano- rama, lay a field of rolling ''waiters.