HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-02-13, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1941 THE SEAFORTH NEWS i (t yr 03 41: Si 0 SUPERIOR VALUES -FEB. 13 TO FEB, 19 MANNING'S Chocolate Marshmallow Biscuits..2 lb. 25c Aylmer Pork & Beans 3 15 -oz. tins 15c AVL ME'R Tomato' Catsup 2 12 -oz. bottles 25 VAN CAMP'S Tomatoes,choice quality ..2 15 -oz. tins 1 7c Aylmer Pie Cherries 2 15 -oz. tins 27c Kellogg's All Bran large pkg. 21 c Woodbury's Soap 4 bars 25c i n Da Food 2 tins 19c Champion g .c...c....13 tins 14c Classic Cassic Cleanser size tin 23c IIP rx __e ,.cncke a Salmon � large pkg, 25e per pkg. 10c large pkg, 24c bar 2 meds bars 11c large pkg. 24c large bar 5c Red +River Cereal Durham Cornstarch ,Lux Flakes Ivory Soap, large Oxydol, small pkg Kirk's Castile Soap large pkg, 24c Ivory Snow Van _ 2-2.5 oz. tins 190 Ammonia Handy Ammonia Van Cap's Tomato Juice 3 large pkg, 15c 0 02. 15c Valentine. assorted Candy 1 10 lb. 13c Licorice Allsorts r/ c lb. la Scotch Mints x lb. 110 0c Humbugs California Lima Beans, large 2 lbs, 25c10 cubes 25c Oxo Cubes, 4 cubes lOc .,.•............. 2 lbs. 19c Choyce Blue Rose R 2.6 oz, pkg. 19c 2-15 oz. tins 25c / lb, pkg. 170 / lb. pkg. 370 for 25c Medium size 2 lbs, 19c 2. large pkg. 15c 2-1 Ib. prints 25c per tin 11c 1 lb. bag 37c 2-16 oz. tins 19c Rice McCormick's Salted or Plain Sodas Burford Peaches Royal York Cheese 'Royal York Tea, more cups per pound Newport Fluffs, 13 oz. pkg. with tumbler Sweet Meaty Prunes, large size ....15c Ib Plain or Iodized Salt Hillcrest Shortening Habitant Pea Soup, large 28 02. till Blue Boy Coffee Country Kist Peas 9c 10c 1. ten 1.' \lother Parker; Tea Iiad1. 1L'onte;t C.1 11.11, •l'ilea- day y to 1311 Yellow Label 32c V, lb. Orange Pekoe 37c 2 lb, Zan darer la the Cup 211e Cups to Ike 22u13 teensomigiallmalowomme oss J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE 8 PHONE 77 COMMUNICATION Editor, The Seaforth News. In the met -mint of the accident in Egiunni4ville on the evening of Sat- urday, Feb, ist, when Mr. \VilI Sutith, decorator, o1 Seaforth, was injured, it was reported that the in• jawed titan was getting on Mr. '\\•m. 3.aldfield'a sleigh when struck. This ea» not correct. 'Phe sleigh, going north, was proceeding, 'well over on the east side of the road, owing to the car corning north up the hill. air. Smith nam walking' north on the left hand side of the road. The sleigh had not more alreaet of 1111•. Smith ,then the ear aruck hien, ily-slander, TOWN TOPICS Nirs. M. it, Rennie and Ronnie left c rid e wit to Tuesday t fo • Sun I owing n on lle It Y 1 g g the illness of her daughter-in-law, 'P is at pre- sent GordonRenin who M1 Cot p r ' hospital. sent in 0 fella 1 t Mrs. Joseph 'Bekaa is at present in Toronto to meet her husband, who is spending a Yew holidays. Mr, Fred Cook of ruckersmIth and l n tt. T. Hugill, et 1 b •tuhCr, Mrs. , his d. g e, N g t the past week with friends and rel- atives in Woodstock and Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Legg of Gode- t'lelt and son Willard Legg, of R. C. A, I'„ St. Thomas, spent Sunday at the home of NL'. and 1Vlrs, George 1VIcGaviu. Mr. Frank Clark of 1Vfunc•.hester, England, and Mr. Nevin McPherson, of Glasgow, Scotland, spent the week enol with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Neussio (nee Dorothy Howes), are visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Howes, at present. They will - leave this spring for British Columbia, Duron Presbytery of the United Church was held at Clinton Wesley. Willie United Church on Monday. Al - tending front this vicinity' were Rev. H. V. Workman, Rev, W. A. Bremner, Rev. A. • W. Gardiner, Rev. 1., W. C,'aw, Nelson Keyes, R, Scarlett, William Beattie, ,Robe. McFarlane, The Holmes Group of the Ladles' Aid of the .Presbyterian Church in- tend having s hot supper on Friday, Feb. 21st, The Catholic Women's League in- tend holding a supper on March 17, fifty per cent of proceeds to be don- ated to the lied Cross, Mr. James S. .Henderson of (lode• rich was a visitor In Seafo'th on Monday. Pte. Bert Whyard of London spent two days with his fancily last week, Mr. Harold Finnigan. of Hamilton spent tate week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan. Oban MaeTavish of Godertclt sweat the week end with his parents, NIr. and Mrs. John MaeTavish. Mrs. J. \Willocks and daughter of Ripley are visiting her parents, NIr. and Mrs. A. D. Armstrong. iVlr, Leslie Kerr of Toronto spent the week end with his mother Ml's. James Herr. Mrs. Archie McTavish is spending several weeks in Georgetown with het cousin, Mos. Meberm(d. ('ouuty - Constable Jennings w111 occupy the residence of N. Alain St, vacated by A'Ir. Scott Ilabkii•k. Remember the euchre in St. Thom- as' parish bran, Friday, Feb, 114, at 81115 Hatt,. McKinley's CHICKS Government Approved, Pullorum - tested Stock Call 97 r 11, Hensall, for good chicks for 1941. Hatchery is located 4 miles north of Zurich. J. E. McKINLEY, Zurich, Ont. Farmers! It's Here The New W 6 McCormick Deering Tractor .101 5 Forward Speeds. What a treat for different field and road operations. Come and see this Tractor. Inspect t thor- oughly. Drive it, Most economical tractor to operate of thelll all... ON DISPLAY AT JOHN EACH MAIN ST. SEAFORTH •. Dealer for I.H.C.. Machineschine� & RepairParts Electric Supplies. Paints MRS. 'WILLIAM SCLATER APPOINTED MODERATOR \1r William Sclater, one of the HAMILTON PRESBYTERY oldest residents ni Seaforth, passed pcacen111r (way 1111 I rtday, Feb. 7th,• " tDunnvllle C',hronicle' t or street 7n at her residence rs. S t e anniversary pf his �e at P. sixth aunt t ( 1 h i On t her east 1110 ,Its Sclatrr, whose becoming a member of the Presby - was Anderson, 'ret name was ate '5115 i i n J Koine. Rev. I. B, i rev of Hamilton. R baro at 4tronus;, Orkney is y lands, what she was Married 1n 1,57.4 B.A., was elected Moderator of the to her late husband who predeceased Presbytel•y. The three highest posi- hcr mem y -two years ago. They tions with which the Church earl Ir} sixty- aeen y cams tSeaforthenyeasaro n the Ude e has as honor thele then are the following: ago. and she h resided lu re ever sines.Although h c o Moderator of the General Assembly.. ndvaneed to years she was as bright which is the highest court of the as ever and possessed a wonderful clttti', and includes all of Canada, Memory, She had beauanactive Newehfoundland and Bermada. Rev. member of lira Presbyterian Church e 7, a former president of the Ladies' William Barclay of Hamilton was \ul Society and a rife member of the elected to this position at the meet- 1113(1011 (Mtssionare Soeiely. She tug of the Assembly in St Catharines was a line Christian •w•crauan Itusnter- pil" in 194(1. The second, Moderator of e.tle in her home and oed in tlo welfare. of othther inters so,- Synod. There are eight Synods in thec vi in;a' are six of a family, four +laugh- cht11'eit, each leaving a Moder 2.01'. tars, Mrs John I ntl aysnu Se fortlt: The Presbytery of Hamilton is sit - 11r. L. li, 21rus[ caret: \irs. :i. uated in tate Synod of London and Staples. Regina; (Mrs. Ldgar Lawson, Hamilton. Rev. R. A. Crausloin of \eburn, and 11111 n, , I\V. \ Solatcr, Rema, and !John Sclater of Seaforth, Welland is Modest to', The third. elm is critically ill. Moderator or Presbytery. The Presby - The. remain: of +lirs. Sclater were tery of Hamilton is the second larg- laid to rest in the family plot in the ay est. Presbytery in the church; having enl utic cc . they li \dot i,u sixty churches. Rev, I. B, Kafue. afternoon at ?�.3O, the funeral ta�kinuc place from her late residence. Rev. minister of Knox Presbyterian laugh Jack of First Presbyterian Church. has been elected Moderator 'Church officiated and paid high tri- et this Presbytery. Since coming to 'lute to the life and Christian charge- Dunnville from Grimsby a Year and to of the departed woman ant her a half ago, Mr. Keine has made a when police are ealled on the new deep and active interest fn the churchsystem at the town hal!. A call for of whish she was a consistent mem- host 01 friends in Dunnville. who join pollee at night occasionally rental'', ber for sixty-seven years. Rev. +H. V. in congratulating hint on his thew of. Workman of Northside tuited Ree. Sauce his advent. TGtox Church Church assisted and lame; 1 . Scott bus made remarkable progress, nn sang her favorite hymn. "There Is u Grccn Hill Far .\w tv," '1he beauti- membership, flnanc•lally, spirttuaily, calls in each month of September fel floral u'ibutea testified to the :11- and, in fact. in every (lepertment' October and November last, January teem ewhich tele departed woman Mr.Kahle is an ardent worker. and 1941 had 2 calls and the first week of wsa; held. The pallbearers were John BORN MELLEN—Dianne and .Larry Mellen announce the gift of a h10311er, who arrived at Scott Memorial Hospital, Friday, Feb. 7311, 1041. SAVAliGE—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Monday, Feb. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs, Ross Savauge, a daughter (Sandra Mae). I-ILTNT—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Thursday, Feb, 8, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hunt, McKillop, a 6011. WILLIS—In Scott Nlemoriul Hospi- tal, on Saturday, Feb. 3, 1941, to Sgt•Maj. and Mrs. Fred Willis, Seaforth, a sou. DUNGEY—In Scott Memorial Hospi tal, on Sunday, Feb. p, 1941, to Air. and Mrs. Roy Dungey, Seufortla a son, SOCIAL AT ST. COLUMBAN WED., FEB. 19th Under auspices of C. W. L• Arthur's Orchestra LUNCH Admission 35c DANCE!! in Winthrop Hall THURSDAY FEB. 13TH • Arthur's Orchestra Admission 35c LUNCH SERVED Valentine D -A- -C-E ! at Kippen FRIDAY, FEB. 14TH with Clayton Steeper AND HIS ORCHESTRA SPECIAL, IP EATURES ! Why yes, there will he ---Serpentine• broom and spot. dances. Door prize. Pmt for all GENERAL ADMISSION 88c A Valentine DANE! Sponsored by the Voting Ladle;' 'Sociality of Dublin • FRIDAY, FEB. 14 A FLOOR .SHOIW (The Four Aces) M!USIC BY JOE (HENRY Admission '315c PAGE F1VE TOWN COUNCIL Continued From Page Otte for a room ten feet square and Gila co r111! b• rr n e t without difficult K a c Y s in the hallway of the town hall ad- jacent to t nl t )resent accomodatioa. and the heatiug could be easily tak- en care of. If the rest room was out - aide the town hall or in a separate building. heating and caretaking would need to be considered. Abuse of a rest room Is alma a difficulty. A rest room for women provided rrovided in , the library basement some years age and eventually had to be closed. Councillor Parke said the town hall needed au entrance at street level and he had thought if the town hall ever needed remodelling that the front portico should beclosedin and an entrance placed at street level. Couue•illor Sills said there had bee: a proposal to build an addition to the rear of the town hall to give the hydro a heated work room. Au ad• dition might be built there to WO vide sweet' lop both purposes. Councillors referred to the fact gas stations and some stores already provide restrooms and thought It ad. visable to lied out If other towns ct similar siee are providing rest rooms Council authorized the property committee to co-operate with an'1 meet the W.I.committee. 11. B, Holmes was appointed pollee elet•k. in addition to his duties at the weigh scales and waterworks to give hint authority to receive messagee ed unanswered for half an ]tour if us one in authority was ill the neigh- borhood of the hall. A check on calls receive(1 showed there were seven a fearless speaker, and the 11ouo• lie February had three calls. The new llr:ttie, joint A. Ste wart, Burton official will give a amnlhl received was richly deserved, y report. \lair. \1. \Jclicllar. RusselPtoat Councillors requested information •a»d 'JohntMcKenzie. - about the present regulations goy' Among the relatives Land friends I - - ---- ' erttittg authority of provincial pollee from out of town herr' 191`..1. SCl Itr. NEW BOOKS PLACED to call a town policeman to act out. Regina, and his dattahter, Miss ;Mar- INT LIBRARY side the town. The recent ease of ion Sclater, 'l'oronto Mr, and \its.. the "burning. cross" in HarpurheY L. G. Kruse and eon William. Galt; \I r. and i\Its, Edgar Lu,cson and Ne}v boners ri•ceutiy receiwrd at 55115 taken as an example, The opiu• ion was expressed that under new Ltmice, \uhntn: Lair !John Hepburn the Sentoeth Public' Library: regulations the provincial police had of Toronto; Miss Vera S:clater, of St. 1 Fiction --Creat Mistake, Rinehart; authority to require any citizen to \lacy.; '\lr. and \{rs. J. i. Robertson, Crime Crime Incarnate, Wells; North of give assistance. Under the old sys- Mr. and \fra. Eimer Riiberteon, Dr. tile I1o,21,1 F911120; 8erret nl' the tette unto and municipal police were \\ car, /Nike Josephine Weir. \!r, utd made cnuut}^ constables and the. High 111 H. \ict,ac, \i, and Mrs. ''hit M.u'shbunks, Norris: Hird in the (county emir:table could then call on lip- and 1\U. and Mrs. Robert 91111 tree, GOudge; Partners, Hill, Man the local police to assist him outside \\'ho Went Back. Deepiug: Out of the municipality. til,s and '\[rs. C. Howson, :\ud,nrn: tale and Mrs. \rhott `Hill. \Ir, and the Fog, Lincoln Sons of the Other. (•oancillars felt tlutt w1th the on Mrs. Wesley Hill and daughter. of(ynbbs; Medical ('Kntne. ISu11115 win wr,lirr 11111 requh'edte go out o£ town 1 ndcrieh, C.. McDonald,mOoitald, Lnck»oyc; oaby present regulations, that instrue• 1. 0(31smure and tater. I\tis 111111the F3ell Tolls, IIeuting- tions should he issued to that effect, Uinrnu,r•e, Bda•l;e, aitd ltts, IR1:'alter:( whyFor; Faroe is the Spur. Sptiug; Last as the greatest menace at night was Cole, 'l oronto. Train Out. Oppenheim; Heart of to from fire. Child, alnitonte; \Vhiteoalt Heritage, A notice of motion was given by MRS, MARY GIVLIN ate da Roche; Invitutiot rn 1 n ('ounc•illor Sills to introduce a fly - Tote death occurred at her residence taw at the next regular meeting n€ on tioderirh ;treet East on Thursday. Dough•; Oliver Wiswetl; Roberts; council to license electrical workers. Feil, belt, of'Mary Flynn, a highly es- Tltr' Family, Fedoreva; Murder at plumbers and other trades. A list teemed resident and widowof the Little Cot hteta 'Rhode; Account Rend• of businesses and trades the town date Patrick Givlin ci McK111011. She aced, \3'cunvnrtb' gad C`ypras could license by bylaw was lead. .once of which the town already has wa. married 00 the 7th of 'January, (•hristia, (001'21111P nu Ptoutmce. Greig; Itemised, such as transient traders. 11898 and they settled on a farm on the fifth concession of McKillop Fielding's Folly, Keyes Adam Pen- hawkers and peddlers, billiard ,r here they lived for t.wel13'eight feathtl, F,„11,01;!111. Ftrtrlloy Tates rooms. etc. The definition of a trans. years, \Vhen \ir. 't;ivlin died in 1\lay.the Road, ('sinning; etre. Alhtivet, dent trader was given as one having 11919, Ntra. 1,ivtiu and her daughter,a localized business al one poiet. (NI rs Fran CS, nun ed to `0211,0tll 2truther; (4111'tly- My ('aptain Waits. Meeh discussion centred about the „here. they have ;ince resided. Mrs. Eaton.Subject, including problems cleat,' (,ivlin was a devotat member 01 St. Nnu^Firtnon B,l,tud the- Lilies. by nutsi(lP electrical workers. 311111111' N131,ie I Saw France Fall. ('ltunib yrs, soup and tobacco salesmen +James' Catholic Church and a kindly, ((rushee, dry cleaners, anal a.r' active yrouuan, deeply in teres in run; Empire on Seven Seas, Adams': teamsters, roofers, etc Loyal ,corns her home and chnrelt. The large ge num- 'Prelawny, Armstrong;Winston ars had encountered 1 great (Liffey tier of spiritual h•ibetee testified to the esteem in which she was held, Churchill, Kraus; Ctotatlian ()eel's- eni'bl iWee icenses for ,eau - a- Shc is survived by an only (laughter. ins. Buchan: Quebec' o Putchwlt' when they went to other plae.ee \Ii -s France•, Gie'lin, who 1111th re. Deeded; London Omnibus, Moront: Some of tete trades <anuuirl*.- cantly taught in S.S. No. let \hchilbup.aounh•y Editor. Hough: One Feet 111 would like 10 have Incensed were 11'' mho two +brother;, lotto Flynn, (tort' Heaven. Spence.; Green Hills Far under cnitncil's authority. tent, and ,oral took Flynn. Hallett. Councillor Holmes said new'. ir- The funeral tool: place on Ho1iday Away, Htirke. Formation had been secured nor. . ( ('ng from St. hones' [Church, to Juvenile—Ail Thru The Night other towns operating their oec. 211 St. nitmthan cemetery. High Nies,'Fit']d, Round the Year. ltuchle• y• Poe,t ',fleet plows but a local Plea' • was celebrated.Ihy Rev, Father T. 1'. Rooky Horse, Cottage; Susannah operated by Messrs. McCattttst an Hussey. The remains Here borne to Dennison; AmPharamr Boyce.. w•as now available at no Kate: her last resting place 13.522, by six nephews, hides operating 1.051: than if the 3°W13 1 Ire Writs I Lynn. lame Flynn. Arnold IC cps School, Howard; Niue Hoti• chased new 'egtiiliment. Their plow Dale, Clinton: !fokcph ,nt't !Williams.1°t zoos Thomson; Edna of the Islands, is operated on the front of a Delete, Joseph C,i,•lin and 1'henl:rs ,113liaA'nedany; Bright Heritage. Previuees; and under test had gone through Among' those oral a distance ,who Winning Out, NTcNeeley; Susan rti ft. refits without trouble. The Pro uteuded the funeral were \(r. F.. J,pose! at present is to do away with Duncan Toronto 'Mrs. \I U i nugh- Sandy Point.eelst ll; Mice on sidewalk plowing and plow only the tuts Stratford; Mr. and lairs. JohnHorseback, Tweedsmuir: Lassie roadways. Flynn, Dublin: Andrew Flynn. James (tame Home. Knight; Shining \\^at• Phe following is the report of tel? Flynn end Mrs. O. Flynn, Clinton;ars Barclay; Queens Booty of Red Finance Committee: Geo. Lowery. P. Reynolds, Mrs.r0e Flynn,, 'Chas. Cross. $9.90; Chas. P. Sills, postage. Wale; Shanahan and \\ ilfred FlynnStr,at- iord D. H. Wilson. 560.45; A. M. Hudson, WILLIAM ,BIGKELL $23.83; H, Snell, $75; . Jno. Currie. The death occurred at his home on MRS. MARY 51. •BRODERI.CK $42; Thos. Storey, $30; Jno. A. Louisa street. Seaforth, on Sunday \lary J. Ryan. widow of the late Wilson. $20; D. H. Wilson, cash re- mord of William Jame.; Bickel!, aitresixty-live years. \Helsel Broderick passed away on lief. $108,09; Canadian Surety Co., 'Che deceased was thorn to Hibbert Saturday at her ncnne ort Gndericb $30; Fidelity Ins. Co., $8; Canadian township son of the late 'William street East alter ao t1111Css with National Rlys., $17,96; County of Biekeld, He was a moulder in the pneumonia. f\.Irs. 'Broderick was burn Huron, $31 Bell Telepole Co. of Bell +Mondry in ,Henstell and came to in C r uulbrook, now Dublin, and Canada, $3.35; Jno. McKenzie nzle, $5.00; Seaforth when the firm located here was married in Mitchell in 1+88e to thirty -live years ago. continuing in her late husband. who predeceased Kerslakes, $7,35; Wm. Montgomery, the Bei} employ until Ire was forced her io4916.They went front \litrhell 538.00, to retire about five years ago on ac- to Detroit, returning later et Seaford' Motions—•Ptu•ke-Holmes, that the emelt of 'ill health, •\Jr, dtiekel1 had where lir. Broderick opened ,a1,a Fire and Water committee puretlase. been a member of the Seaforth town harness shop in 1\93. and was atter- 500 feet of hercules redder fire hose council for a nnmlhcr of years and warcls mayor of Seaforth f\{r,. Bro. wes a member of St. '''hum t' :\ng dcrick was a devoted member of St. with couplings complete, from the 'lican Church. jt -le was a quiet loan, :lame 'Caalalk Church and also of Dunlop 'rive and Rubber Co. a .killed craftsman and highly raw- the Catholic' \1 note n's League. ue. the• \I Saila l h t the 1 formerly e y e e Miss Nellie Freeman of 2tahnth viverl by an only sou. John i 'nod- erect three poles on the and one daoghte.r, '\fit, Marjorie trick and tw•o t tint;, illi s 1lameeth oe Brantford St., as per their letter Pickett or the Tnroato public schools G. Ryan, primp rl ii 1 1.102 n Sdhool. January 31st. teaching staff, also a Irother, Albert Cltieago and Miss 21,11uyn Ryan. of Keating -Scott, that the Salvation Bickell, Kirkton, and 511.0 sisters, Mrs Chicago, Two son' eredeccased her, Army Rescue Home, London, be Rogers, Rit'kton, and Mrs. W. J. \1c- Roy died in Detroit in late) and Fran granted $26,00. Lcud, of 'London. cis ), died in Seaforth 131 141(10, A private funeral ,vas held Ori The funeral took enact n I\\'ednes- Reid - Scott. that the Property Tuesday afternoon, bell. 1111th. Rev. clay morning, trout tit. James' Cath- (!mnntittee be authorized to meet and. R. P. A. Herford, 0.D., of tit. Tito - Rev. l hunch, to tit. Jana Cenu•tef}' en -operate with the Women's ittai- teas' Anglican Church, officiating.Rev. Cather T. P. Hu cy officiated. Interment was made in the 1\Caitland \•sistnt • were Rey, E,lss, weber, of tate and different committees re pro. Bank cemetery.hinkur t Rev. 171 hottlkes, Dnhl{n. posed rest room. 1'all)beaters watt 1. Fullaysun, b 3,113112(1 Tliglt \I, ywassaid. 1 : Reed -Sills, that Mr. 1;.. 13, I-Iulmes' Bell T' 1 nnu gut 4[.'\fel hoc, \\". FL 1'a19bt nus wa,r 11, st 1n.,. Dtycr be appointed Police Clerk to answer Golding \let'., J I Daly, Among calls, \\'m. il)ey e I eau., los. Dorsey, police calls and for which 10 011e he those from a distance 4110 attended Thos O'lcill, Ed. I. Bright. W. 13. shall be paid $26,00 per year. the fn•oerr0 were IMr.:and Mrs. W, T, Smith.Keating-Parke, that the Sea£ortl=. McLeod Harold McLeod Cordon Attending tate fontsl from a ilia - McLeod 'London: Mr. and !Mrs, A1 -stance were ;Mr. and Mrs. 1.1oseph Car- Agricultural Society be given tete beet Bncl•ell, I\�Lre. Roger Mt. and ,pc'unter, (Mrs. Kathryn Byrne, Mrs' same grants as last year for the. Routl!iv, Mr. and .Mrs. Green -Mary (McGrath, of Dublin; u; Mrs. Sprin Show and Fall Feb., ,provided, street, Mr. 9, Roger; INfr. and -Mrs. J. Conway, .of Hamilton;1\lass Flirt- g W. Roger, Mr•, 0O: Roger, IM.r. W. beth G. Ryan and Miss Kathryn Ry- these shows ate held. Bieketll, all of Kirkton; Mr. and 'Mrs. an, [Chicago; Hiss I\targ u'et Marks, Take notice that at next regular Crod,bolt, Exeter Mr, and Mrs: 1W'. J. of Hamilton; Michael Dunkin, Mitch- meeting of Council I will' introduce lJoynt; T. Siiv w•�; Mr. P, E. Freeman, bylaw to license; electrical workers, Mrs. T S lverteorne, Toronto; Mrs. •trades. F. Sills. ,C,. A. MacAlpine, IMitcha9l Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks 50c ltlixmbers and other Holmes -Reid. that the Bell Tele• Petted in the his community, u Society enc in tsc, phone Co'y be granted permission to Surviving are tis widow,1- LittleHow r ,t le: a.. She is stir- � . south side ell; '4Vn1. Duffy, McKillop.