HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-02-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
The IJ. F. W. U. sleeting will he
held al the hone of Mrs, J. Campbell
on 'February 19th. The topic "&Ial.
lug the Most of Life," will be taken
by Mrs. Harvey Johnston. Roll call
a Valentine verse There will be tt
demonstration of a "Fancy Dessert
by Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull.
A fine baby boy arrived at Bert
Johustou's Friday of last week.
Harvey Johnston was at Goderich
on Monday, along with the other
Morris eouneillors, intending the
Railway Board meeting no the 'los-
ing of the railroad from Clinton to
The report of the \V,.\. of Bethel
Church, I\I hills*p, given in the re-
port of the annual meeting should
hitt shown the I\V.:\. rcccri>is a'
The Ladies' Aid of St. George's
Church are holding a pancake social
at Mrs. R. Hoy's en Feb. 21st. Fur-
ther particulars next week.
Quite a number of young people
are staying in the hoose with the
chicken pox.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Johnston on the arrival of a
Mrs. David ]Watson has returned
from Monerief, and is at the home of
her son Mr. John \Varson, on the
boundary west.
Mr, Leslie Routledge spout the
week end with Itis brother in Tor-
Mrs. W. C. Bennett. Mrs, C. Sell-
ers and Mrs. \\'nn. Kelley were 10
Kitchener one day last week,
Miss Mildred Hurley of Heidel-
burg, was a recent visitor with her
sister. Mrs, C. Sellers.
Mr. Garnet (Funning has been 00
the sick Net.
Mi. l,Vrn. Joints, Mr. and Mrs. Gil-
bert Johns. Misses Etheleen and.
Eileen Johns visited Air. Mal Mrs.
Fred. Long 10 Atwood on Sunday.
Miss. Dorothy Johns. who has spent
the past three weeks there. returned
home with them.
The Alission Circle held a pot luck
supper on Monday evening in the
church. A good number attended.
Miss Beatrice Puce returned hone
from Kitchener on Suturday atter a
week's treatment in Kitchetner hos-
W. I,
The reaclttr ]anter I\\onion'. 11-
tfate In.1 t\a '>eld at the honk
of Mrs. Dale Nixon oil Wednesday
tt t crneon. The meeting. opened with
Institut: Ode and Lord' ,grayer re-
peated iu nai m. Roll call w u.
answered by Why 1 joined the insti-
tute and What 1 1.110. out it, Min-
utes of the last meeting nere read
and adapted, Treasurer's- report ainj
ihusine... It was deckled to have a
hos .octal at illr . lame M. eott's
on a meek ir,si Thursday, Mrs. 101-
l'11 Kerr, canven<r of pulhlnity \lrs,
Thoma (ioecnl el favored ititll a
vlo, 'The he 'Old Rugged Cross," Then
we Sang "Silver Threads Among. the
Gold." .\ debate. resolved that the
actor is Teter than horse -potter.
\ilirniatiye side, t\1r,. Victor Lee and
'Iran MacFalrlane; negative side, iMrs.
Haugh Chesney and Shirley T)ldtield,
tin affirmative side tunatln; rhy a tete
points. Motto was taken by \sus
James t\I Se. •tt, -1 drop of Ink
makes.thousands think" Offering
P.t. taken 'Pie meeting closed by
singing the national anthem. .\ soc-
ial half hoar •wa spent \i r;. herr
moved t vote of thanks -to Mrs.
Nixon .for the Use of her home.
Mr. John McCulloch is able 10 be
out again alter his recent:illness,
Mr. Roy McCulloch. spent a couple
of days this week at the Hepbure
Me. and Mrs, Harold Pethiek " of
Dublin visited Mr, and Mrs,-Flltner
Chappel 011 Sunday.
Messrs. Bill and Ernie Harburn
and Allan Quance went to Toronto
on Saturday to. see the • hockey
Pilot Thomas Couper who recently
revolved his wings int the R.0 1,F„
and his mother, Mrs. Couper, visited
•friends Here
Mr.. Lorne Burns of London visit-
ed Ovel' the week end ojitll his par-
ents here.
Mr. Lorne Maloney of London has
purchased a new hone for himself
on Lands Grove ave.. London. We
congratulate Mr. .Maloney.
Visitors: I.\iissrs Miry and Eileen
Jordan, London, With their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Tosepll Jordan;: \1 i--
t51nriel looby, London, with her
mother, Mrs. .\. \l. 1.00hy; 1.10yd
• 51cCartay in London aro' his wife
who' has been a patient in St. Joseph's
Hospital. returned honk Ree. Fath-
er Collins, St. t atrick's Church, Lon-
don, visited w itlt. Reg. Dr. Ffoulkes
alt Sunday,
Mrs. lame.-Kraunk opt entertains]
at two tables of five hundred on Fri-
day evening, ;Mrs. I. V. Flynn enter-
tained at tire hundred on two even-
ings last week.
The t arhte and dance held last
Friday night was well attended, The
?lilts winners were, Ladies, most
games, Mrs. Graham Kerr, lone
hands, Miss Mann; men's most
games, Mr. Walter Scott; lone
hands. Mr. Jack Carter. After lunch
a few hours were epent in dancing,
' We are pleased to learn thtit Mt'.
Janes Brewster bee returnedhome
from Westminster Hospital, London,
after a serious operation.
The 1\V'.1, and a\\'!\l.5, 0111 in the
hasemetit of the ehanh Wednesday.
Fel. Sth, with the president in the
chair. ,Hymn 415 \vas snag followed
by prayer by Sirs. Toll. 7'he roll call
showed •seenty-one members ,present
and was answered by a verse on
Courage. _Niter the 'offering was re-
ceived 'Margaret Halbkirk gave a
reading' entitled "\ Prayer." During
the :business period i; tea0 deckled to
have the 'March meeting and Day of
Prayer on Feb 28th 'flus part of the
meeting. was elosed by singing hymn
Jai followed by prayer. Mrs. Sottler-
ville now took 1wer end hymn 319
was sting roll coved by prayer shy
Mrs. C,anhaut. The Scripture reading
14110 read responsively from Psalm
719. The topic was ably taken by
Mrs. Church front. the -Pilgrims of
the Rona) Road. She role a very:
interesting sketch of the life of I51iss
Shipley, Hymn 4110 was sung follow-
ed by the national anthem and the
Lord's pratyer. \ very touching ttat-
ure-,.if the Maung avis the -presenta-
tion o1 a Nein Testament to two of
our oldter bnys Ralph Davidson and
George lase, \\ ho have.pledged their
fives for King and Country. and are 1
home on furlough. \It iCrato con-
ducted the devotional part, taking
bis words o1 faith and a urtue from
the •:is:111 chapter of Aphe iatts: The
presentation 'vas Male by lir;, h:.1
'toll, after \\hielt the hymn, `IOu-
ward Christian Soldiers" tea, sntlg 1
and the meeting closed with prayer.
Messrs. Cliff Snaith, Ken Thornton
and McNichol have been engaged in
cutting wood for Mr. Melvin Slam
The flowers ou the altar of St.
Peter's Lutheran church at the Sum
clily morning service were donated
by the .Ladies' Aid iu memory of the
late Shirley Rock. who would have
celebrated her fourth birthday ou
Monday, Feb, lath.
Word has been received of the
death of Otto Ernst of Detroit. Mr.
Isrnst was the husband of C'ltristine.
Wolfe, daughter of the late Mr. and
Air:+. John Wolfe Sr. Among those
who attended the funeral were; Mr.
John A. Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. George
Wolfe, Mrs. Entnla Quevengesser and
Ethel, and Mr. Tran]: Dill.
"This province ever use 100,000 horsepower of Hydro electricity?—abouod..I0
"Develop cheap Hydro powerfrom waters locked in a wilderness of
bush?—it can't be done!" , . . So they said not so many years ago.
n0 Ire.
x t"7ITI1 faith in the ideal of co-oper-
�{ atit'c municipal enterprise -de-
signed to provide power "art cost" for
all -Ontario citizens invested close to
$5110.000.000 in their Hydro system.
And today's record shows the result . , .
Today. all classes in Ontario enjoy
the economies and living henefits that
cause from the use of o'er tun million
horsepower—mainly developed iu forty-
six droeneratinl4 stations—distri-
buted-over thousands of miles of hydro
lines. Today, Hydro service in your
home costs you less than ever—over
the years, rates have gone down, down.
down. Today, there are over 110,000
rural users of $ydro service. including
approximately, 50,000 farms. Today,
Abitibi Canyon: Ontario's inning industry is a young
giant grown into manhood, helped by
Hydro s work in wiring the wilderness.
And today, on "the front line that runs
through the factories", Hydro power is
turning the wheels of war production -
speeding the output of trucks and tanks,
ships and shells, guns and greatcoats,
bombers and bullets.
You can be proud of your Hydro
system. It is part and parcel of your
town ... it is vital to Canada's war
effort ... and Hydro relies on you for
the public support that makes it strong.
e Vxl7ddr�r
Messrs. ]loss and Bill Scott and
Miss Elizabeth Scott and their
mother. Mrs. A. T. Scott. attended
the funeral or the late Mr. John
Beattie at Watford on Saturday,
Miss Myrtle Peart of 1-lensall vis-
ited with Mrs, John Cairns last week,
The members of the Brucelielct
Patriotic Society, which was organ-
ized on July 11. 1940, for the purpose
of supplying comforts- to our men
enlisting 101' Overseas service, wish
to thank all those who have contrib-
uted to tate success of the organiza-
tion. To date the Society has pre-
sented nine iniiia.11nd signet rings,
'also sett; parcels to thethree boys
already overseas, Bob Dalrymple,
Jim Burdge, Ross Grainger. Special
thanks to the ladies who did such a
splendid job of packing these boxes;
also for the contributions of home-
made candy, It is very gratifying to
know the boys received and greatly
appreciated these boxes, It is telt in
the near ;attire thele will be many
more of our boys going overseas,
which will clean added expense,
and 1t is the hope of the Society to
com1tn110 the work, which, of course,
Will only be possible through the
support of interested friends in the
community. Those who wish to con-
tribute will find subscription lists in
the following places Brucefteki Post
office, Berry's and McCully's store,
Vele is a chance to do your bit,
The W.A. held their February
meeting in the S. S. room 00 ,Feb. 5,
The first part was spent 01 serving.
Mrs. 3, IS, Niusta'cl took the clove.
'loud pert, after which Mrs. Wilson
took the chair for the business. Min-
utes of last meeting were read aid
approved. The roll call was answered
by 35 members on a verse of Valen-
thte. It was moved by Mas. Dawson.
seconded by Mrs. Johnston, that we
form in groups. Carried. Roll cull
for Mgreh to be flu St, Patrick, Meet -
bug closed with the 5lizptllt benedic-
W. M. S. Meet -
The W. M. S. met on ]Wednesday
afternoon, Feb, 5, with a good at-
tendance. Mrs. Allan Johnson pre-
sided. The meeting 0110netl with Mrs.
Henderson singing responses to
opening passages. Hynttt 280 wns
then sung. This was followed by
prayer. The offering was taken and
was followed by a business discus-
sion when the -question 01' a mission-
ary quilt was discussed. It wits nutt-
ed that the blocks be made for the
next meeting and the quilting be
held fu March. A vote was taken to
elect a president for the W. A; Mrs.
Henderson was elected and Mrs.
Norman Alexander was appointed as
vice president of W, M. S. in Airs.
Hendersons place. The topic, '•'fine•
\\Fork of Our Missionaries in Koen"
was taken by Mrs, Chandler, Thls
was followed by hymn 348 and a Clos-
ing prayer.
Alr, and Sirs. Archie Parsons and
family visited on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs, Joseph Linden in Denfield.
Miss Esther Price and Messrs. El-
more and Edward Gackstettet' of
Dashwood visited ori Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey.
There was no service in the Unit-
ed Church uta Sunday owing to the
illness of the pastor Rev. Mr.
Miss Isabelle Alexander, teacher
near Sheddon, spent the week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
The )toys who were training in
Chatham returned to their homes
here on Saturday with the exception
of Wilmer Jones, who is confined to
the hospital. We hope that he too
will soon be able to return home,
Rev. Chandler has been confined
to his room for the past week, and all
hope to see him restored to his
usual health soon.
Mrs, John McNaughton bad the
misfortune to fall recently and break
her arm and her many friends wish
for a speedy recovery.
A large number from the district
attended the Ladies' Institute Scotch
entertainment and euchre at Hensel'
and all report a real outing.
Several around the village have
been suffering from severe colds and
sore throats.
Mr: R. J. Cooper spent the week
end in London with friends.
Mt: Thomas Butt, who has been
seriously 111 in Seaforth Hospital, is
improving slowly and all hope to see
hint home soon,
The Blake Charcll held their con-
gregational meeting on Monday
The Women's Auxiliary will meet
for their February meeting at the
home of Mrs. Harold Finlay on Wed-
nesday afternoon..
Emma Dinsmore spent a few
days in Seaforth,
int', Thos. Dinsmore attended the
funeral of a friend in Seaforth on
The home of the late Mr, and Mrs,
R. N. Douglas has been purchased
by AIr. Swa•tentruber.
,,...u.sommam. .......,
Second Show starts at 8,30 each night of the followmp Double BiIts
Dennis Morgan Elizabeth Earl
"Rivers End"
Wayne Morris Jane Wyman
"Gambling On The High Seas"
Dennis Morgan John Payne
"Tear Gas Squad"
A singing cop taught the underworld n lesson. - Ate)
Margaret Lindsay Borls Karlo)t
"British Intelligence" .
"They Drive By Nite"
"Ladies Must Live"
Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions
From All Stations in Eastern Canada
GOING DAILY FEB. 15 - MAR. 1, 1941 inclusive
Return Limit - 45 Days
COACI3ES at fares approximately 11/sc per utile
TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1&e per nine
STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 15se per mile
Cost of accommodation in sleeping cars additional
BAGGAGE CHECKED. Stopovers at all points enroute
going and returning
Similar Excursions from Western to Eastern C'auada During Sams
Tickets. Sleeping Car Reservations and all information front any
The \Vest Elid group o11 Circuit 22
held their progressive epelu•e pates'
on Friday evening of last week at
the home of Mr, and Mrs, Geo.
Brown. The prizes for atom games
were won by Mr. Nelson Letlr for the
men and Master \Vats Pollard for the
ladies, as he was playing as a lardy.
I This week the gathering will be at
the hoary of Mr, and Mrs. \\'rn, Bell,
The correspondent wishes to correct
a mistake whit']] n'as Hayle las) week.
At the party ]held at the hone of Air,
and Mrs. Geo. Pollard. Mr. Reece
Ferris 'von the prize for most games
for the mets hi plater of AIr. Kellaud
and Mrs. Frank McGregor unci
Miss Helen accompanied by Mr. and
Ahs, Isaac Rapson attended the pro•
grc'ssive onenre patty Held at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, Percy clibh-
Ings near Smmuerbill. and enjoyed a
splendid evening and lunch, Mrs.
Frank McGregor won foe -most games
for ladies, and Mr, Neville Forbes for
num. Prizes wore also given int'
Most lone hands and booby piizt•s,
The proceeds or 111e 'seting go to
Summerhill lied tins. stir. Jones of
Port Albert., who was spending the
svetk end at the home of Mr, anti
Mrs, Isphriant Snell also attended the
Mrs, Ernest Knox holidayed the
latter pail of last week and begin
nine of this week at the lion' of her
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shots
brook, in Londesboro.
Mrs, Clifford Shobbroolt visited
one day last week at the haute of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and Mrs. Jennie
Ladies of the Hai•lock Group met
on Wednesday afternoon of this weep
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Roe to quilt a refugee quilt.
Mr. Gordon McGregor has been as-
sisting his uncle Mr. Wm. Myers,
near Londesboro, for the past week.
Messrs. Guy and Thomas Leiper
spent Saturday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson,
Ales. Wm. Bell spent Monday., after-
noon at the hone of Mr, and Mrs,
Itobert \\'aluson.
Air, R'nt. Leipt'r was do ("tinto;t
Saturday 10 111001 ]tis father, Wader.
Leiper, who had been in (loderich
for it few days.
Mr. Isaac Rapson spent 'Tuesday
evening of 111s1 week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Beacom,
The fourth card -party of the Sur.' —
merbill Iced Cross (east of Smumer
hill and Farquhar and Fast Line)
was held at the Route of 1)1r. anal.
Sirs. Pere Glbbings. Friday evening.
Feb. 7. \\'1111 prizes going to ladies
high, Mrs. 'Frank McGregor; an'u's
high, AL•. Nevll Forbes; ladies lone
hands, Mrs. Eddie Farqulun'; men's
lone bands, Mr. Warren 0ibbings:
ladies hoohie, Mrs. \\'es Hoggart ;
men's hoohie. A1r, lithos Farquhar.
Lunch was served by the host stud
hnsteN$, The parry' realized 5415 t„?
the 8itn tterhill Red Cross. queer:
from a distance were Private Johmi)
Jones of the lt.:\, F.. 1'nrt Albert, 11r.
Al Nettles, Porter's 1111), Air. um.
Airs. Fratilt MacGregor and iletrt..
and Mr. and Mrs Isaac Ranson. fro:?.
I-itu'lnt-k. Mr. turd Mrs. Wes Sb01 •
brook, and Aliss Dorothy Mr•Intyre
Of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. John It
Shobbrooit. and Alt: and Mrs, Bert
Sholihrualt and family of Londe,
born; Al r, and Mrs. 'day Townsenr.
and Annette. Tua'itet'saltitlt. A goon:
time was enjoyed.
Mr. Eph Snell was in Toronto a
few clays hast week, returning home
The annual meeting of the Unite:'
Church was be1)1 on Tuesday even-
ing thplay oreport m
all the diseparetmenAtsgofod the cltfrourelt
was of gtvetl.
The Mission Band will meet ou
Saturday afternoon at the home o:
Airs, Fred NlcClyntont.
Several members of L. 0.' L. 1035
visited Bayfield Lodge on Monday
evening last,
Want and For Sale \ds. 3 weeks '50c
All models and prices of Radios. See our large display.
We also have Battery Radios and Batteries in stock.
Farmers are particularly requested to investigate our line
of Battery Radios before buying.
Now is the time to get the most enjoyment out of a Radio,
when radio }reception is at its. hest. We carry the well
Inown makes such as Westinghouse, DeForest, Rogers,
Spartoni, etc.
Complete .Display of Electrical Goods
Radio Repair Work
Phone 75 Seaforth