HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-02-06, Page 5IT! EUCHRE AND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1941 Railway Hearing at Goderich About L:H, .-B., Feb. 10th. The Board of 'Transport .Commis - shiners %ti11 hold a meeting in (lode - rich nn 'Monday-, February 110th, to heir the argument of the Canadian National Raihyay in connection with their applicati'0 to close the railway (reit Clinton Junction to \Vinghant Junction. The railway has notilield tuunicipalitit-• affected that they t..e made application to clese this sirs 1t a 111retng ,i le1te.tlitatvel3 tlrz,• mnniup,,l,ti.e-,. in l.htli a c„tnn11lue .', - (t,rmtd ,,1,1112 and 1111- :,,utmitIe,• i• !,,1,1111,2 its final meeting this week to prepare a statement to lie presented to the commission at the Goderieh meeting, The railway claims tt deficit on this line of aihout $9,000 a year and makes the claim that it will he larger iii 144(1. The committee are of the opinion that the litre should not she closed at this time and are ready with strong rep- resentation for the contntis.ion. BORN 31(1N'ritt)311'1f 1 • to 39cto•iu 1[uspi• tat. London, lanutu'y 2i, 1941. to 31r. and 31rs. Neil 3Iontgomery (iwins, tt hey and girl). THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS i t Frank Ar fun tldc.f. the in- strnttmr ;,tall Woodstock training ceutra, spent the week end with his parent 31r. and 311, Win, A. Archi- Aldie Eckert, 14.6..1 1 Go. icn spent the week- end with hk parents, lir and IMrs, J M. Eckeat. He has Clown over Seaforth from Sky Harbor several times, (Miss Dorothy MacLa1 en to, is visiting her parents Mrs. 33. E. 1\lacLaren, Mos- Rita Simpson or Walton is visiting her sister, 131r.. I\\•. E. Mac- -. Laren. Mrs. .3. W. Dunlop and Mrs. Har- ry Stewart, E.emondtitle, ,spentthe week entl in Kitchener with Miss IMarw Stewart. ('aptaiu F.rhni.h li, 3i r. and Sirs. Fletcher Ritchie, 131ks Anna Wood, Mrs. Edith 'Wallace, 'Mie E. Howes and Iliss PhyllisKnuckle :attended. the v un„ people's r,tntt'i'ence itt 'Lon- don over the weed: end. Sergeant. J. I:, Beattie, R.C.A.F.. Port Albert, visited his parents, Mr. Mrs, '1'h Beattie, for his holi- day . 1 t'.. Stove Lepel ittl ui Waterford re- turned home Sunday after spending a few weeks with lir. and Mrs. (\\"ut. p rot t, 31r.. Win. Sproat has returned af- ter spending a fete days in Stratford with her sisters, i.\irs Smith attd Sirs. Uttrcl,ill. 31rs, Norman. Carter k, spending a couple of weeks with her eousuns IMr. and Iles. Frank :Campbell at West- field. \I1. Scott It ibkirk has rented the house nit Victoria street rccenfly va- cated by Mr. Gordon Bender, Mr. and Mfrs. lohu :McLachlan, 1lir. and Mrs. It. \lcLachlati and Mr. Joint :Mamie and 31r. and 1311s. \\'ill McLachlan attended the funeral of Sirs. Peter McLachlan at Brantford on.Monday. 1 loutblighti have been placed at the top of the ,town hall tower to illumin- ate the Union Jack al. night. Mr. and Mrs. 33'. J. Duncan were in Toronto on 31t,nd'ty attending the wedding of their son, 1 utttenaru Basil Duncan, to Miss Peggy Turner. Leslie Hogg of Preston spent true week end With his parents, 1311', and 31 rs. Wan. Hagg. .31rs, W. G. Pee was,:altecl to Sud- bury owing to the illness of her dau- ghter, I\lrs Myomas Heale. rIles. Mite Dortance atul Ilr. Stan- ley Dorrante were called to Oshawa on royalty on account of the illness of her sou. ,311. ;Lack Dorramce with Ansett 01,10 ia, MISS Jessie Walker of Mitchell visited Mrs. 'Manson Sr. on 'Wed- nesday. Wed- ne d tv. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewai t .I g• nulndville, Mr. - and Mis, Millon Stewart and ('41. and Mrs, Arnold Scott. 14I(tfCillnp,were at Exeter on 1 Monday attending the funeral of the late Andrew .Entetson Stewart of Toronto. Miss. Mildred .Finnigan is visiting her sister Mrs. W. Rollins of Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kling and Marilyn visited on Sunday in 1141ttItell with Mr: and Mrs. Jath Pcltmtnds, Mrs. Reghr ttutl Roth Ann of Kit• Owner have returned after a month's visit here: Mr. and Mrs. Kett McLean accompanied nied them and spent the ,,reek end in Kitchener. Miss Jean Dale el Kitchener spent the week end with het' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dale. Mis. S. Lyre has gone to Sarnia to spend several months ,,with her sot of 'I'tiron- Mr. and McKinley's CHICKS Government Approved, Pullorum - tested Stock Call 97 r 11, Hensall, for good chicks for 1941. Hatchery is located 4 miles north of Zurich. J. E. McKINLEY, Zurich, Ont. NIESSIBIESISIXIMBEMBIBRIEBBEIEUREENOMMIgir Attention Farmers! With a scarcity of farm help and prospects for higher dairy prices than previous summer seasons Purchase that new Labor -'Saving McCORMICK - DEERING MILKER now Conte in and see us about 011e ]few Income Purchase flan on all new equipment Electric Supplies. Paints JOHN BACH MAiN ST. SEAFORTH Dealer for I.H.C. Machines & Repair Parts FORMER RESIDENT DIES AT MIMICO \ ,tree Emeses Stewart. for many year's manager of the \luntneti and district oranelt of the :\ppleford Tarter Product. Intl., cried Saturday at his home 89 Superior Avenue, .11i - mica. He was in his serenity -fourth• year and had been in ill health for several years.Born near Exeter Iles Stewart Ata - for some years. associat- ed with his brother, (eorge Stewart, in the Seatorth 3ltllm. C mnpany which .they owned. lit was for More than twenty live year: a resident of Montreal. He retired five years age. While in I\Ioamexl he lived in :Westmont acid was a member of St. 'antes the Apostle (Anglican) church. He was also a member of the Mason- ic Order. He had been a resident of 31intico for the past two years. Sur- viving are his wtdnw, Mary E. Eliz- abeth \'ivnan Stewart, who was form- erly of Mitchell; two daughters, \it's. L. W. Inwood of Montreall and Mrs. J. V. tic:\ree of 1Mintico, and one .stn C, H. E. Stewart with the R.C.A. F. at Ottawa. ,Burial took place from Exeter on Monday to IlcTagg'art's .cemetery. Rev. 1Mr, IP'tige of the 'United;Church officiated, The padllhcarer :vete Har- ry 'Stewaet, Egmond:ilh and live Exeter men, John Stewart, Elmer Stewart, 'Cecil Stewart, (John Bolton, Ed. ILindenfield. Among those- •foto a distance at- tending the fntteal were his brother, George Stewart, Belleville; Mrs. IIc- \ree and Mrs. Inwood. HOLD MEETINGS The Junior W. A. of Si, Thomas Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Holmes. There were 10 present and enjoyed a tall. nn missionary work, alter which hutch was served, The Guild and Senior 14, A, held their -meeting on. Taosday afternoon with 16 members present, An intaig- Mary teawas held which was very successful. At the close of the meet• ing an enjoyable lunch was served. 8.0.1, AT HOME The S.0.1. "At Home" was a splendid success. The prize winners were; Spot dance, Mrs: Best and partner, Thos. .,Clark (Stratford) elimination dance, Barry Marshall Marten). Master of ceremonies was Francis Phillips. Tag and novelty dances were enjoyed, especially the new English dance: PAGE FIVE RKS F R VICT IS WAR SAVING muszsammumagsmarnoss YOUR COUNTRY MUST HAVE TWO MILLION. REGULAR PLEDGED WAR SAVERS. THE SEAFORTH COMMITTEE SOLICITS YOUR SUP- PORT. You can surely afford 25c per week. Then pledge to buy threecertificates this year. If you can afford 50c per week, pledge to buy six certi- ficates this year. 0 Many can afford $1.00 per week. They will pledge to buy 12 Certificates this year. 0 Some can do more. All must do their utmost. When the' canvasser calls be prepared to DO YOU SEAFORTH WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE 1111‘. 4111181116181081, HOT Valentine Supper 9 WED., FEB. 12TH. Supper, served from 5 to 7 o'clock EVERYONE WEL('OME Admission 3i t In North Side UIYI•ted Church Schoolroom 'Under the Autipiees of the Woman's Associathin Valentine Social Under auspices of W. A. of Cavell Church Winthrop WILL BE FIELD IN Ti(K CHIlltclt TUESDAY, FEB. 11 AT 8 P. M. A splendid programme consisting of at short play. readings, and ntnsiee' ttttnibet'S. Lunch will be served. Admission 25c. Children 100 HULLETT On Friday evening. Jan. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hogarth and family. entertained friends and neighbor's and children nun:bo'ing 3S to a fowl supper and progressive euchre. The winners in euchre were; Men's high- est, Mr. Isaac Rtpsnn; larl(ts' high- est, Mrs. James Forbes; men's lout hands, Mr. Isaac Rapson; ladies tone hands, Mrs. Isaac Rapson; ladies boobie, Mrs. Isaatc Rapson; men's boobie, Mt'. Neville Forbes. 'there was a collection gathered for Sum- merhill a Red Cross amounting to $3,75. A very enjoyable eveuing was enjoyed by all. Private ,Johnny Jones tram the Pott Albert R, A. P'., visited Mt'. and Mrs. Heinlein Snell, Saturday, prior to his return to England. Private Jolles will return by eeroplauo, as the aeroplane. ntc'cbnnic. We wish him a safe relent to his haute Atom, and good luck.' Mrs. Isaac Rapson returned home Sunday atter spending a few weeks with her clliug'hter Mrs. Warren Gib- hings. Mrs. Ray Townsend, and Annette, of Tuckerstnith, and Mrs. Brown, of Clutton, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hogarth. Mr, and Mrs. John (ribbings visited Fridayy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fear.. Mr: Fear' has been bed fast for some time:' BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Roy A'leLVan. who yeas Visit iitg tit the home of her unit., Mr John N1eNaughtot, left for her Monte in Uttlf Lake, Sack. Mrs. Joint McNaughton had th,. misfortune to fall in her home on St nd'iy morning. in the tall sIn broke her left arm mit( hnt•t het hatch, Mrs. M'Nauigllton htts the syntltathy of her friends. Alt's. Clarence Smillie of lit stall is ponding a few liars 22 ln'r pan 1111$ 11r. 'end 11, .1.21,Nanglltrm. t'oulnttiiti"n s..i e w111 he lield at illy morning .•.t.1tat S11111111 y. Feb Illtb:.preparateo seethe will he em Friday, Feb. 14. '1'h.• \V.:IL 5 will also hold ,heir 110,1111g the tato• ata 'R11'110011 alt. 1.,11- .-' joint meeting of the L'uihru Farm mem and women will 1ie held on Tuesday. Feb. 1silt tit Iwo o'ttoek at Mr. C. Haugh's. Miss Anna Cornish or Louden spent a few tar: at hours. here. Pte. the Zttpfe and Pte P. 'lar risen of Toronto spent the week end tit thea homes here. .hiss Evelyn (i1'aittgt.l, 1t.N., nl Gotlerith. spent a-eotlple of Clays at her home here.. 131iss bene Snider of London silent the week end at her home here. Maw. Jamieson has returned point after spending a month with friends in Toronto. At the .instal congregational sleet Ing of Bra retleld United Cltureh Hee. Harold 16, Wright was Omit:mar and Jno. B, Niustard was secretary All the organizations of the Chtn'el' reported very favorable statement. for the year 1940, with total reveille- from evenuefrom all source:, of $3,8519.51, of which $991.5.1 was contributed to Missionary and 1\4aitltt.u1311t'e atitd other philanthropic enterprises. Thr three retiring managers, Bert McKay Jno. McBeath and ,Ann. 13. Mustard were re-elected for a three year term. Fred J. Burdge was appointed church treasurer. Time session re ported supervision over me families and the matter or war savings certifi Cates was discussed ut considerable length, and ti committee to handle these certificates was suggested. BLAKE Mrs. Clarke visited recently with her daughter. Mrs, Finnigan. itt Exeter. Miss Beatrice Manson bas - heed visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Gordon Manson and faintly itt Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride have purchased a hone in Kipper suck iu tend to move out there in the near future., They will be greatly missed from this cenm comity, Miss Carol Oesch of Flenstill is visiting her grttncimother, Mrs. Rudy Oesoh. At date of writing Mrs. S wartzen truber is seriously ill. Cutting wood is the order of ' the day with the men now. Want and For Sate Ads, 3 weeks 50r. D -A -N -C -E ! • IN WINTHROP HALL FRIDAY, FEB, 7 Euchre Starts at 9 Lunch Served MANN'S URCIIESTiL-\ .\ ousslt)N :Ino VARNA The 1'.11(. of the Felted cline will hold their regular tweeting jitriday eveuidg at the home of anti. Mrs. Fred McClymout. Mre George Clark is at pet+sell it. Nutlbaty with her niece who i. tou:t- ill. Rev. Joint Graham of Bayfield gave a very interesting address on the= stars itt the United parsonage Friday night. A number of the young ptvtitb of the three congregations were pre sent. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H, Beatty motored to Toronto last week. They were accompanied by the latter's mother Ml's. Welsh. Mt.' E. Chuter sponsored u euchre and dance Friday night in the 'tali. Proceeds to be devoted for hall supplies. Wedding bells are ridging. GET TOGETHER NIGHT AT KIPPEN FRIDAY, FEB. 7TH DANCE TO ROY McKENZIE'S ORCHESTRA Clinton - Dashwood - Hensall - Sea - forth • Zurich, etc. We will be looking for you flashing your Collegiate Col- or's 1'ot' individuality. A prize. of $:i, for best crowd from one tower and for Original Yell. So get the Gang to gether, and, have the hest time ever. You can't let your home town down'. GENERAL ADMISSION 38c C. Watson. Manager. FARMERS SPECIAL RADIO SERVICE CALL LORNE E,. LAWSON National Raclin Institute and Radio Physic's Course Graduate 00 service work for past 12 years BURGESS BATTERIES & EXIDE STO1,iAGE BATTERIES delivered. ttud attached free For Economical and Efficient Radio Service Cali 841 - 23, Seaforth Mita 4t, , .t o SMART VALUES — FEBRUARY i{ilf F Mil d Y ! 6 TO FEB'Y 12 "Golden Net" or "Unicorn" Finest Red Cohoe SALMON /a size tin 14c CARNATION MILK 2 large tins 17c Texas Golden Unsweetened Grapefruit Juice, large 50 oz. tins 23c Singapore Sliced PINEAPPLE 2 16 -oz. tins 2c NIBLETS CORN 2 14 -oz. tins 25c AYLM ER IRISH STEW 2 15'/z oz. tins 27c Limit 12 tins to 0 customer Keen's Mustard, ,/4 -lb. tin.,..27c Brock's Bird Seed Catelli's Macaroni or 'Spaghetti Savex Lipton's Tea, red label, black or mixed Canada Cornstarch Sunlight Soap r Hawe's Floor Gloss Aylmer 'Peaches, halves in heavy syrup Aylmer Asparagus Tips, fancy quality Aylmer Spinach Aylmer Peas and Carrots' Aylmer Rosebud Beats, fancy quality Castle Floor' Wax Hillcrest Tissue _ Candy Kisses Odex Soap ,.., Snowflake Ammonia Flusho "For Toilet Bowls" Red. Plum Jam Mazda Electric Bulbs, 40, 60, 100 watt Fine or Coarse Flake Oatmeal Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour Blue Boy Coffee Royal York Coffee % ib. tin ....27c Crunchie Sweet Mixed Pickles McCormick's Pineapple Sandwich Biscuits, 1/, lb. tin 49c per pkg, 15c 16 oz. pkg. IOc per battle 15c 1,4 lb. pkg. 37c 2 bars llc bats 11c 2 15-oz.tin59c 12 oz. tin 270 19c 15 oz. tin 19c 1G oz. tin 13c 16 oz. tin 15c 1 lb. tin 250 3 large rolls 25c 2 lbs. 25c 4 bars .19c 3 pkgsl 15c per tin 21c large 2 lb. jar 25c each 20c 6 lbs, 25c per pkg. 17c 1 lb. bag 37c 1 1b. tin 49c large 27 oz. jar 28c per lb. 17c Ross Diss J. Sproat PHONE 8 N. Pryce PHONE 77' li Railway Hearing at Goderich About L:H, .-B., Feb. 10th. The Board of 'Transport .Commis - shiners %ti11 hold a meeting in (lode - rich nn 'Monday-, February 110th, to heir the argument of the Canadian National Raihyay in connection with their applicati'0 to close the railway (reit Clinton Junction to \Vinghant Junction. The railway has notilield tuunicipalitit-• affected that they t..e made application to clese this sirs 1t a 111retng ,i le1te.tlitatvel3 tlrz,• mnniup,,l,ti.e-,. in l.htli a c„tnn11lue .', - (t,rmtd ,,1,1112 and 1111- :,,utmitIe,• i• !,,1,1111,2 its final meeting this week to prepare a statement to lie presented to the commission at the Goderieh meeting, The railway claims tt deficit on this line of aihout $9,000 a year and makes the claim that it will he larger iii 144(1. The committee are of the opinion that the litre should not she closed at this time and are ready with strong rep- resentation for the contntis.ion. BORN 31(1N'ritt)311'1f 1 • to 39cto•iu 1[uspi• tat. London, lanutu'y 2i, 1941. to 31r. and 31rs. Neil 3Iontgomery (iwins, tt hey and girl). THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS i t Frank Ar fun tldc.f. the in- strnttmr ;,tall Woodstock training ceutra, spent the week end with his parent 31r. and 311, Win, A. Archi- Aldie Eckert, 14.6..1 1 Go. icn spent the week- end with hk parents, lir and IMrs, J M. Eckeat. He has Clown over Seaforth from Sky Harbor several times, (Miss Dorothy MacLa1 en to, is visiting her parents Mrs. 33. E. 1\lacLaren, Mos- Rita Simpson or Walton is visiting her sister, 131r.. I\\•. E. Mac- -. Laren. Mrs. .3. W. Dunlop and Mrs. Har- ry Stewart, E.emondtitle, ,spentthe week entl in Kitchener with Miss IMarw Stewart. ('aptaiu F.rhni.h li, 3i r. and Sirs. Fletcher Ritchie, 131ks Anna Wood, Mrs. Edith 'Wallace, 'Mie E. Howes and Iliss PhyllisKnuckle :attended. the v un„ people's r,tntt'i'ence itt 'Lon- don over the weed: end. Sergeant. J. I:, Beattie, R.C.A.F.. Port Albert, visited his parents, Mr. Mrs, '1'h Beattie, for his holi- day . 1 t'.. Stove Lepel ittl ui Waterford re- turned home Sunday after spending a few weeks with lir. and Mrs. (\\"ut. p rot t, 31r.. Win. Sproat has returned af- ter spending a fete days in Stratford with her sisters, i.\irs Smith attd Sirs. Uttrcl,ill. 31rs, Norman. Carter k, spending a couple of weeks with her eousuns IMr. and Iles. Frank :Campbell at West- field. \I1. Scott It ibkirk has rented the house nit Victoria street rccenfly va- cated by Mr. Gordon Bender, Mr. and Mfrs. lohu :McLachlan, 1lir. and Mrs. It. \lcLachlati and Mr. Joint :Mamie and 31r. and 1311s. \\'ill McLachlan attended the funeral of Sirs. Peter McLachlan at Brantford on.Monday. 1 loutblighti have been placed at the top of the ,town hall tower to illumin- ate the Union Jack al. night. Mr. and Mrs. 33'. J. Duncan were in Toronto on 31t,nd'ty attending the wedding of their son, 1 utttenaru Basil Duncan, to Miss Peggy Turner. Leslie Hogg of Preston spent true week end With his parents, 1311', and 31 rs. Wan. Hagg. .31rs, W. G. Pee was,:altecl to Sud- bury owing to the illness of her dau- ghter, I\lrs Myomas Heale. rIles. Mite Dortance atul Ilr. Stan- ley Dorrante were called to Oshawa on royalty on account of the illness of her sou. ,311. ;Lack Dorramce with Ansett 01,10 ia, MISS Jessie Walker of Mitchell visited Mrs. 'Manson Sr. on 'Wed- nesday. Wed- ne d tv. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewai t .I g• nulndville, Mr. - and Mis, Millon Stewart and ('41. and Mrs, Arnold Scott. 14I(tfCillnp,were at Exeter on 1 Monday attending the funeral of the late Andrew .Entetson Stewart of Toronto. Miss. Mildred .Finnigan is visiting her sister Mrs. W. Rollins of Sarnia, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kling and Marilyn visited on Sunday in 1141ttItell with Mr: and Mrs. Jath Pcltmtnds, Mrs. Reghr ttutl Roth Ann of Kit• Owner have returned after a month's visit here: Mr. and Mrs. Kett McLean accompanied nied them and spent the ,,reek end in Kitchener. Miss Jean Dale el Kitchener spent the week end with het' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dale. Mis. S. Lyre has gone to Sarnia to spend several months ,,with her sot of 'I'tiron- Mr. and McKinley's CHICKS Government Approved, Pullorum - tested Stock Call 97 r 11, Hensall, for good chicks for 1941. Hatchery is located 4 miles north of Zurich. J. E. McKINLEY, Zurich, Ont. NIESSIBIESISIXIMBEMBIBRIEBBEIEUREENOMMIgir Attention Farmers! With a scarcity of farm help and prospects for higher dairy prices than previous summer seasons Purchase that new Labor -'Saving McCORMICK - DEERING MILKER now Conte in and see us about 011e ]few Income Purchase flan on all new equipment Electric Supplies. Paints JOHN BACH MAiN ST. SEAFORTH Dealer for I.H.C. Machines & Repair Parts FORMER RESIDENT DIES AT MIMICO \ ,tree Emeses Stewart. for many year's manager of the \luntneti and district oranelt of the :\ppleford Tarter Product. Intl., cried Saturday at his home 89 Superior Avenue, .11i - mica. He was in his serenity -fourth• year and had been in ill health for several years.Born near Exeter Iles Stewart Ata - for some years. associat- ed with his brother, (eorge Stewart, in the Seatorth 3ltllm. C mnpany which .they owned. lit was for More than twenty live year: a resident of Montreal. He retired five years age. While in I\Ioamexl he lived in :Westmont acid was a member of St. 'antes the Apostle (Anglican) church. He was also a member of the Mason- ic Order. He had been a resident of 31intico for the past two years. Sur- viving are his wtdnw, Mary E. Eliz- abeth \'ivnan Stewart, who was form- erly of Mitchell; two daughters, \it's. L. W. Inwood of Montreall and Mrs. J. V. tic:\ree of 1Mintico, and one .stn C, H. E. Stewart with the R.C.A. F. at Ottawa. ,Burial took place from Exeter on Monday to IlcTagg'art's .cemetery. Rev. 1Mr, IP'tige of the 'United;Church officiated, The padllhcarer :vete Har- ry 'Stewaet, Egmond:ilh and live Exeter men, John Stewart, Elmer Stewart, 'Cecil Stewart, (John Bolton, Ed. ILindenfield. Among those- •foto a distance at- tending the fntteal were his brother, George Stewart, Belleville; Mrs. IIc- \ree and Mrs. Inwood. HOLD MEETINGS The Junior W. A. of Si, Thomas Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Holmes. There were 10 present and enjoyed a tall. nn missionary work, alter which hutch was served, The Guild and Senior 14, A, held their -meeting on. Taosday afternoon with 16 members present, An intaig- Mary teawas held which was very successful. At the close of the meet• ing an enjoyable lunch was served. 8.0.1, AT HOME The S.0.1. "At Home" was a splendid success. The prize winners were; Spot dance, Mrs: Best and partner, Thos. .,Clark (Stratford) elimination dance, Barry Marshall Marten). Master of ceremonies was Francis Phillips. Tag and novelty dances were enjoyed, especially the new English dance: PAGE FIVE RKS F R VICT IS WAR SAVING muszsammumagsmarnoss YOUR COUNTRY MUST HAVE TWO MILLION. REGULAR PLEDGED WAR SAVERS. THE SEAFORTH COMMITTEE SOLICITS YOUR SUP- PORT. You can surely afford 25c per week. Then pledge to buy threecertificates this year. If you can afford 50c per week, pledge to buy six certi- ficates this year. 0 Many can afford $1.00 per week. They will pledge to buy 12 Certificates this year. 0 Some can do more. All must do their utmost. When the' canvasser calls be prepared to DO YOU SEAFORTH WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE 1111‘. 4111181116181081, HOT Valentine Supper 9 WED., FEB. 12TH. Supper, served from 5 to 7 o'clock EVERYONE WEL('OME Admission 3i t In North Side UIYI•ted Church Schoolroom 'Under the Autipiees of the Woman's Associathin Valentine Social Under auspices of W. A. of Cavell Church Winthrop WILL BE FIELD IN Ti(K CHIlltclt TUESDAY, FEB. 11 AT 8 P. M. A splendid programme consisting of at short play. readings, and ntnsiee' ttttnibet'S. Lunch will be served. Admission 25c. Children 100 HULLETT On Friday evening. Jan. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hogarth and family. entertained friends and neighbor's and children nun:bo'ing 3S to a fowl supper and progressive euchre. The winners in euchre were; Men's high- est, Mr. Isaac Rtpsnn; larl(ts' high- est, Mrs. James Forbes; men's lout hands, Mr. Isaac Rapson; ladies tone hands, Mrs. Isaac Rapson; ladies boobie, Mrs. Isaatc Rapson; men's boobie, Mt'. Neville Forbes. 'there was a collection gathered for Sum- merhill a Red Cross amounting to $3,75. A very enjoyable eveuing was enjoyed by all. Private ,Johnny Jones tram the Pott Albert R, A. P'., visited Mt'. and Mrs. Heinlein Snell, Saturday, prior to his return to England. Private Jolles will return by eeroplauo, as the aeroplane. ntc'cbnnic. We wish him a safe relent to his haute Atom, and good luck.' Mrs. Isaac Rapson returned home Sunday atter spending a few weeks with her clliug'hter Mrs. Warren Gib- hings. Mrs. Ray Townsend, and Annette, of Tuckerstnith, and Mrs. Brown, of Clutton, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hogarth. Mr, and Mrs. John (ribbings visited Fridayy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fear.. Mr: Fear' has been bed fast for some time:' BRUCEFIELD Mrs. Roy A'leLVan. who yeas Visit iitg tit the home of her unit., Mr John N1eNaughtot, left for her Monte in Uttlf Lake, Sack. Mrs. Joint McNaughton had th,. misfortune to fall in her home on St nd'iy morning. in the tall sIn broke her left arm mit( hnt•t het hatch, Mrs. M'Nauigllton htts the syntltathy of her friends. Alt's. Clarence Smillie of lit stall is ponding a few liars 22 ln'r pan 1111$ 11r. 'end 11, .1.21,Nanglltrm. t'oulnttiiti"n s..i e w111 he lield at illy morning .•.t.1tat S11111111 y. Feb Illtb:.preparateo seethe will he em Friday, Feb. 14. '1'h.• \V.:IL 5 will also hold ,heir 110,1111g the tato• ata 'R11'110011 alt. 1.,11- .-' joint meeting of the L'uihru Farm mem and women will 1ie held on Tuesday. Feb. 1silt tit Iwo o'ttoek at Mr. C. Haugh's. Miss Anna Cornish or Louden spent a few tar: at hours. here. Pte. the Zttpfe and Pte P. 'lar risen of Toronto spent the week end tit thea homes here. .hiss Evelyn (i1'aittgt.l, 1t.N., nl Gotlerith. spent a-eotlple of Clays at her home here.. 131iss bene Snider of London silent the week end at her home here. Maw. Jamieson has returned point after spending a month with friends in Toronto. At the .instal congregational sleet Ing of Bra retleld United Cltureh Hee. Harold 16, Wright was Omit:mar and Jno. B, Niustard was secretary All the organizations of the Chtn'el' reported very favorable statement. for the year 1940, with total reveille- from evenuefrom all source:, of $3,8519.51, of which $991.5.1 was contributed to Missionary and 1\4aitltt.u1311t'e atitd other philanthropic enterprises. Thr three retiring managers, Bert McKay Jno. McBeath and ,Ann. 13. Mustard were re-elected for a three year term. Fred J. Burdge was appointed church treasurer. Time session re ported supervision over me families and the matter or war savings certifi Cates was discussed ut considerable length, and ti committee to handle these certificates was suggested. BLAKE Mrs. Clarke visited recently with her daughter. Mrs, Finnigan. itt Exeter. Miss Beatrice Manson bas - heed visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Gordon Manson and faintly itt Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride have purchased a hone in Kipper suck iu tend to move out there in the near future., They will be greatly missed from this cenm comity, Miss Carol Oesch of Flenstill is visiting her grttncimother, Mrs. Rudy Oesoh. At date of writing Mrs. S wartzen truber is seriously ill. Cutting wood is the order of ' the day with the men now. Want and For Sate Ads, 3 weeks 50r. D -A -N -C -E ! • IN WINTHROP HALL FRIDAY, FEB, 7 Euchre Starts at 9 Lunch Served MANN'S URCIIESTiL-\ .\ ousslt)N :Ino VARNA The 1'.11(. of the Felted cline will hold their regular tweeting jitriday eveuidg at the home of anti. Mrs. Fred McClymout. Mre George Clark is at pet+sell it. Nutlbaty with her niece who i. tou:t- ill. Rev. Joint Graham of Bayfield gave a very interesting address on the= stars itt the United parsonage Friday night. A number of the young ptvtitb of the three congregations were pre sent. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H, Beatty motored to Toronto last week. They were accompanied by the latter's mother Ml's. Welsh. Mt.' E. Chuter sponsored u euchre and dance Friday night in the 'tali. Proceeds to be devoted for hall supplies. Wedding bells are ridging. GET TOGETHER NIGHT AT KIPPEN FRIDAY, FEB. 7TH DANCE TO ROY McKENZIE'S ORCHESTRA Clinton - Dashwood - Hensall - Sea - forth • Zurich, etc. We will be looking for you flashing your Collegiate Col- or's 1'ot' individuality. A prize. of $:i, for best crowd from one tower and for Original Yell. So get the Gang to gether, and, have the hest time ever. You can't let your home town down'. GENERAL ADMISSION 38c C. Watson. Manager. FARMERS SPECIAL RADIO SERVICE CALL LORNE E,. LAWSON National Raclin Institute and Radio Physic's Course Graduate 00 service work for past 12 years BURGESS BATTERIES & EXIDE STO1,iAGE BATTERIES delivered. ttud attached free For Economical and Efficient Radio Service Cali 841 - 23, Seaforth Mita