HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-02-06, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 194' L© "naw—conte .on—just let me lead thou down the next bleck— that' Where 'ole' girl friend lives !" .1'H1 SEAFt)RTH NEWS Tu-- Snowdon Bros., Publishers • - WALTON The next mei'tin of tf1e \ .,lton Reel Cres, will be held en 1110 fourth '111 day 1 t]ht•uar9. Mr. Gordon Murray spent Satur- day at Glamis on business, Mr. and M.S. W. J. Humphries spent Saturday in London. -hiss glary Humphries has gnne'to Windsor to take a course in the • Luke's hair dressing school. Before going the Anglican eougtegatinn pre- sented her with a lovely silver Ids - cult and cheese dish. also a nicely worded address. Miss Beth Shannon has taken a position in Stacey Bros, creamery in Mitchell. Dlrs. 1. Bolton is -pending the win- ter with her slaughter airs: W. .1. Hamplu'ies. The many friends of Mrs: H. Campbell are sorry to hear she is under the -doctor's -Cure. The -animal meting of Bethel Church. 11rKiliop, was held in the church. Rev. R. W. Craw presided. The finau'ial reports for the year were given. showing all obligations met and a favorable Mauve in all departments. The receipts for the year were as follows: General fund. $322.29; missions and maintenance. S54.111; Sunday School. k72.11: W. M. S. $32.50: 1\ 1. 1:i4. 1. The 1540 of- ficers were all re-elected with one - exception. lir. 'Willis Dundas being appointed to the hoard of ste1111(1s in place of 1Ir. D. Crawford. Win re- signed. It was decided to .end a con- tribution to the Lord Mayor's War Relief fund. and any who wish to leave their i-ontributions with w11. Looming or Earl -Mills, At, the close of the meeting, the W. A. Held a brief devotional and business meeting, during which Mrs. It. W, Craw• deliv- ered a talk o11 mission work in Japan. A social half hour was enjoyed by the congregation at the eonclustnu of th • business period. Misses Ilelen and Norma Steiss of Kitchener spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. D. Steins. ' Mrs. Bert Anderson spent a few days with her parents 1i'. and Mrs John Mills in Blyth. l'pl. \V. C. Bennett was• called to Ottawa nil Tuesday and appointed postmaster of RockclitIe R.C'.A.F. postofice nit of Ottawas. BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dykeman of '1'o• routo. Mr. and 'Mrs. Carl Mikes. and fancily of Enke'. Miss Marie Koehler of 5111,11 1 911•s Mae McLean of Ot- tawa. Miss Catharine Rock of flitch• ell with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kleber Sr. Dir. Howard C,lnec•engesser mut Jack Dempsey of Stratford spent tate week end with MIr. and Mrs. \\'m. L Querengessee Messrs. Charles and 1'la1:m'e t.rt of Kitchener visited with 11r said Mrs. Jelin G. Hinz. Mr. Alfred Quetengesser is visit- ing with his sister, 1911. .9. Arlmekle in Toronto: The Woolen's I'ettriotic Society will meet 101 Wednesday evening - Feb. t'dtli. • MIr. coni Mrs. George Victor, high ly re.speeted residents of this viilage• ced.duated- their diamond wedding Thc aged couple are enjoying fairly rood health. Dir. Victor is in his s7th year fund Mrs. Victor sI year,. 1i' Victor was bm'u in Waterloo county and has been a resident of this di's- trice the greater. part o1' his life, no fore retiring to 'the tillage 15 years ago he was a very successful farmer living nu tiv, faint now occupied by Ids -oninlcw, \\m Bach Mrs. Vie t, 1 was horn in Germany auci r<unc he this country with her parents when a little girl. They have a taus By of three daughters. Mrs: Fred Htliebt'eeht anis Mrs. \Vin, Betel o1' Legal: township. and 'Iiss Martha Victor at Mime. They were present with their families to observe this :anniversary With their parents, TWO beautiful bouquets of carnations were placed on the altar of St, Peter's Lutltettan Church on Sunday morning. by Miss Martha Victor iu honor of this occasion. HARLOCK .lir. Peter Taylor spout the week reel in Toronto. Mr. John Rapson returned Imine Monday Hight after holidaying for a few days in Toronto, 9L•. and Mrs. Warren Gibbings. Jean and Kenneth. spent Sunday at the home of 1Ir. and Mrs. Isaac Rap- son. Mrs. Beeson. who had been vis iting at the home o1' the former for tile past few weeks. r'el11911ed ionto with theta. li'. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson attend id the fowl supper and progressive. euchre party at the house of. 1i•. and Mrs. \\'e.U'y Hogarth neat' Summer hill Friday evening of last week. There were thirty-eight present in• eluding cltildreu and a real good din tle•r turd evening was enjoyed by all Prizes were given for both ladies and gents most games. loge hands and booby. There was a charge of tett cents which goes to Summerhill Red Class, Mr, Isaac Rapson spent Thursday evening of last week et the home of Warden Leiper and faintly, .1'Ir. Thos. Knox has been busy hauling his waxing turnips to Blyth and we are pleased to know he is getting a gond grade which is en. con -raging for the amount of work he has had with them, The January tweeting of the Ladiee Aid and \\'.31.S. of Burns Church was held at the dome of Mrs. Albert Brigham. The February meeting is to be held this Thursday. Ladies of Ilillock group quilted One day lust week at the home of Mrs. Bert Allen and the weep before at the home of 1lrs. Norman Shen - herd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGregor, He• hen and Gordon, attended the lung ressive euchre party at the house of 51r. and Mrs. Myers near Summer, hill Friday evening of last week Pro- ceeds to go to Summerhill Red cross SIi's. F.d S)•l111 visited part of last W eek at the 110111e of Mrs. Wen Brown. A progressive euchre and dance w as held Friday night of last week at the home of 3i'. and Mrs. George Pollard. Wieners for progressive Mrs. Geo. Brown Hud 111. Selland McVittie, A pleasant evening was spent. CROMARTY Miss Sarah McKellar and ills. Eldon Alien are snider the doctor's care, Alr. and Mrs..Lawsou and family of Buffalo visited Dir. Lawson's sisters Mrs. \\'. O'Brien and Sirs Jei'frey over the week end. .lir. and Nis. Andrew Mrl.achlau 11r.. Jas. Barbour and • .lir. Gordon Hoggartlt attended the funeral of Mss.. Peter McLachlan in Brantford 011 Monday. The death of Mrs. Peter Magic's law. a former resident of this vicim ity, occurred nn Seturda1 In a, prix ate nntsing home in Brantford. She wits in her eigthtith year. She was formerly Ruth HoggaI'th dluglctet of the late John and Mrs. Iiciggarth Silo Was married 57 yeas. ,11;o to Peter McLachlan. who sloth.'• her Site also left to mourn her loss two 01111d0en, three grandchildren, one: sister. Mr.. Miller of Caron. Sask. and one brother. air, R. G. lloggartit of Cromarty. McKILLOP Uee 19ti.sion Rand of 9)19.11". Church, \icKillon, held their meeting at the home of Mrs, David Shaeto:1 till. lcitli a gond atten- dance. 390011,1,1 opened 11 singing the 'Mission hand 1190111 followed by the Lords prayer in unison. scripture taken front Mark 111:23-2e, was read by .Avis FnrSos. "Jesus Loc. 151.0was sung and the instal - men, of officers t.'.'5 place. The leader, Mrs. :David Shannon; pre'.i- dent, Ghdy. Forbes: 1st -c•ice, Stewart Henderson, 211d tic", ,Ma -501 Camp - ',c 1: sec, hest". Henderson: treas., 11,9;19 I• e1111` el \\',,''rl Friends sec., 11r•'er 'Walters .._Enlist, Beth Camp - hell; mail .Sox convener, Stanley Dor- ranee, Closing -hymn was sung and the -benediction repeated in unison. ,\ social half hoer was spent. The Niis- .ion nand 11i11 hold their nest meet - Me at Sirs, 1)tn'id Shannon's on Fell. 8931 .ice WINTHROP Don't forget the euchre and (lance here this Friday night. Mr. and Mrs Foster Bennett. Moue and Billie. spent Sunday with 191r and Mrs. George Eaton. Messrs. Irwin Trewartha and Olay^ et' Pryce attended the Jersey 'weed- ers' association held in Hnt01 London last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton. Larry and heith, spent a day with Ma'. and Mrs, Lon Sperling- of Gorrie last week. '1r. and :Mrs. Thomas Pryce spent Sunday with 1.11'. and Mrs. Matthew Armstrong. Ml'. Armstrong is still eat listed to his bed through illness. The W, A. of Caren Church is bidd- ing a Valentine social 111 the church Tuesday everting. Feb. 11. at 91 pan A splendid programme. and iuuclt will be served. Mr. and Mr.. Gen. Fox and Miss Lois are visiting at the home of Mr. Charles Dolmage. 97r. Fox has sold his farm twat. Durand. Michigan, and is spending a week hero looking for u .unable farm. STAFFA • uwnu.c at :inane of the Staffa \Volnen s Institute was held in the Staff,( town he'd. Rev. '\lr. \lcbw ,rth was chairman for the program which ea,as-imposed ni ;piano duets and piano selectious, and tae dancin.1, "by Jean I\IacKriSIr. \'i-it„r.: 11 N. Frtnoh a •\litchell, with ]519. and Mrs. A. \\ \e tris: Airs. A. C -eller, of Rean1e.taith \Ir. and 'Airs, \\'. t•. \Vnrdrn: Alis f ahel Drake, 'terse -ill -training at Kitchener Hospital. with her parents, ISIr and Mrs. Ken Drake; 'Mr. anti !Mrs. t),'\3'. Reed and '11r.. jack Sadler in Lon- don; Mfrs. AL Hndgert r(':n•ned 11„1114 With 1119111 after visiting lie( parents, \Ir, and Airs. J 31 \(''Ions; \lr. and "Every duty, well and honestly done, is a contribution to victory.” THE P113IE MINISTER OF CANADA. Mary is the -voice with 0 smile". Mary is the efficient person generally known as a telephone operator. As an operator she knows much about telephone equipment — how it should he used and handled. But Mary is best known for her personality — for her coolness in emergencies -- for the grand things she has done time and again, ignoring her own danger, intent on one thing only-- to keep the standard of telephone service high. We pay respectful tribute to Mary and all the girls who work with her. Her devotion to her job sets a standard of public service. Tactful, patient and courteous, Mary is the medium through which ice this Company and its public ;tie S are always in touch. She plays a vital part in Canada's war effort. Manager. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Second Show starts at 8.39) each night of the following Double Bills NOW PLAYING —DOUBLE BILL GRANNY GET YOUR GUN AND "INVISIBLE STRIPES MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "The Dead End Kids on Dress Parade" AND "The Man Who Talked Too Much" With GEORGE BRENT, VIRGINIA BRUCE NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "Rivers End" The greatest story of The North West Mounted 59' Oliver Cnrweee AND "Gambling On The High Seas" DENNIS MORGAN GLORIA DIXON COMING - "TEAR GAS SQUAD" and "BRITISH INTELLIGENCE" Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions From All Stations in Eastern Canada GOING DAILY FEB. 15 -MAR. 1, 1941 inclusive Return Limit — 45 Days TICKETS GOOD IN— COACHES at fares approximately 1Ac per mile TOITRIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 10'.c per mile STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1%sc per mils Cost of accommodation in sleeping ears additional BAGGAGE CHECKED. Stopovers at all points enroute going and returning Slniilur Excursious from Western to Easterw Caunrla During Seine Period Tickets. Sleeping Car Reservations and all Information from any Agent ASIC FOR HANDBILL CANADIAN NATIONAL 15.1rs, I. M. dfillet' ,plietl1 crle'hrated their 5L11d wedding anniversary at their home with 'their ftuni13 hying Present for .0 eer including \ir. and Mrs. Worden \tiller, Mr. anti Nlrs. Roy Miller, Logan; \I0. and 11 r.. Percy \hi]te•r, 31 sunt Pleasant; iI'r. and \I r. R,1:u•rt \l l ler, Farquhar; Mr. and Mrs. 31. 'Sit'C tardy and Ntr, and 31rs. J. Hodgeet. Farquhar, and Mrs. M. Hodacrt, London. .and i\Ir. 'anal Air.. Gordon lioagartln \!r. and 311-s. Ed 1,aeiswn attd children, of Flint, I\li,ha„ln. sem; :he wtekeItcl at then sister's, Nirs. \\,li- ter O'Brien;'Miss FLn•rocc and Miss Ida Cooper returned t" their home in Seaforth after secede]4 a fele Weeks with their sister, SIrs. F. 3. H.,nihiey. HURON PLOWMEN Contented From 1'„D, en, tee wont'l al attend. I.. E. Cardiff, NM.1'., and NV. L. \\'hyM n:11i4,l a list of delegates t„ attend the Pr,r1 incial .3-sr.,:ati',n meeting in Toronto. for the purpose of nuking definite arrangements foo the 1!)12 international to be held in Huron. The delegate. (90re na11104 in .,rutty: (;,mpri.iui£ an suit') lu:,d e•arir. the first named to nrori,14 11•an,por- t:]11''11 '1h0 rcrvtarj was' in.trus.'t' d t':, 111:1k,• arr:,n:a•lntel - 0• a . ,,tell fitupi''er t,' ,1,''l1 ,r:•]c flu» el delegation and fof feec,.'l,'9be 1 enter ''1e . 'ii -,».'4 .11 Chairman i. 1). 'i"anr. esti! ;rrrn..• tin. 'i'h' de:oar,(- are: t South Isere n Percy Pa-e:17,,rc, 'I 1,vo:,s Prude. 319 4- iiam Uni11n, .\rc•llio 31 (119a:l. - R,111;1 ,1 1Viiliaut.; N,,rth 1-1:u',n Gordon Alctiaviu. Ilt•rt Hcntingeay, 1. II. Scott, I. 11. Eckert: Central—W. I.. 1,\Vi,yte, W. J. Dale, oto.. 'N1cGrr, „r, •E. C. Howell and piper: al.o J. ]C'. Shearer, .1. 1). 'I'hoehes, ]Ingle Hill, George Feaean,W11,1101 Haack(. The county cotmcil group, composed of Warden J. Leiper, ]. W. Gamble and Fred Watson will make their own transportation arrangements. L. E. Cardiff. \1.P., wil'1 attend. It was ar- ranged that the semi of '$5011 he bor- rowed to meet 1941 and early lxk2 current cspendinn•e. J. '3I. Eckert and I111411 . Hill tccr.r atppointedto go t'., St. "I'iloma' and. in peed mlynal..alvaged front flue Elgin county International mllich 91' Elgin t\latrh-ecretar0 write- co111,1 be used at the 11111',,n \latch. They will also ascertain salvage price: J. 11. Scott, define:In of the 11;11..*'; quct committee. repeated that: th:- ',amulet will be held in Seaforth with the hien .np',o.n•tine it With a lard grant. Perry Passmore r,'c. 411111011de l that all Fart1! rr09r. 111,91' at least te:1 men ,•o:idiot' ill rnlwpetilire 'p lgW'ln ;( .,' s t,1 •1.101' 1110111 eXpt'1"ivilee All i c,,n11400100 J,efor,• entering- the hi. notch, recommending also that plow • inn drm"n trati,,,, .i,e hold with tit,' ,thit•rt in View. Rt•evr, will he cirru- larize,l in !hi- emittertion. II aa 91,' reported that the deb, ati.,rt appearing before. the county council were ,;19(11 a splendid reception as I stated that :1 recommendation for ... 1911,1111,1 grant Will 'Sr. forward 9,1 ,,... l,> _' comic". 1'te .peen, Air. ])Yuri, ELIMVILLE \\'. H. Ili-1iry of tlalnil'.- tine we,•k end Elgin Skinner and Mr. of Loudon y909, at Ih. 1 10010•. ocet' 1 h lire); owl. .'lir. and lis. 1lIlt.on \\late:me ,. Inge•rsell visited at 191r, ,in.,. Bene' tlnnl'. 011 Sunday. .111'. Howard ,minis nitderw'•n1 operation in St. J.-epl's 1b,spi1t11 1 Lundell recently. H,• is t'eeoterild- nicely. Mrs. Johns spent a few 4.1,y - the city with hint. "So 91'.nrr wife has- gone aWay for her health. '\\'rah did she have?” "'thirty ponn,ls her father gav: her." dlnlni!--''Has your wife learned re, drive the car yet?" .1amiper—"Yes. In an advisory capacity." R7\DIOS All models and prices of Radios. See our large display. � We also have Battery Radios and Batteries in stock. Farmers are particularly requested to investigate our line I of Battery Radios before buying. Now is the time to get the most enjoyment out of a Radio, when radio reception is at its best. We carry the well known takes such as Westinghouse, Del♦ orest, Rogers, Spartan, etc.. Complete Display of Electrical Goods Radio Repair Work EXPERT RADIO REPAIR WORK BOSIIART ELECTRIC Phone 75 Seaforth