HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-02-06, Page 2WILLIAM ST6SONS1110 PAGE TWO Pledge for War Savings Former Mitchell Lawyer Shot By Client— Fred Richardson. who was shot, by a former client while in his Port Hope office was a former Mitchell resident, carrying on. law practice souse 25 or more years: ago With 1. H. Thompson, Richardson. who now lives in Cobourg, was shot in the right jaw by a 22 calibre bullet last week, by an assailant, a former mar- ket gardener, who entered the law- yer's office at Port Hope and wound- ed ]rim. Condition of Richardson was not dangerous. Restaurant Raided— Mitchell's Chinese restaurant was visited by Provincial Constable J. M, Douglas of Stratford on Saturday night with the result that its opera- tor, Jack Fong, teas arrested. He ap- peared before Magistrate J. A. Mak- ins on Monday and was remanded on ball of $500 when be pleaded not guilty to a charge of having liquor in an illegal place.—Mitchell Ad- voeate. Pastor Dies in Car— Waiting for their minister. Rev. W. 3. Zimmerman, to conduct service last week members of his Fullerton Evangelical Church Congregation were shocked to find him stricken its his car some distance from the church, passing away a few moments later. He was in the act of driving from Sebringvilfe to Fullerton when he suffered a heart attack. When he slid not arrive at the church some of the neuters set out to see if he had been in an accident. and found his body in the ear. ROI'. Zinttierutut was erontineet in the Evnttg'•11ca1 Clanrell in Ontario and had held many responsible positions in confer once. being missionary treasurer for 24 years. and superintendent of eon f e et enc far 11 years. a s. T he late Mr. Zimmerman was bort[ at Tavistock 67 years ago, his parents being the late ,lulus Zimmerman and Gertrude Schmidt. After graduation in limo 1a0111 Northwestern College in Nap- ierville, I11., he conitnenced a bt•ill- •taut preaching career, being station- ed at Hespeler, Flnrvwood, Elinins, Hanover, Stratford, Grace Church, Toronto. Sebringvilie, and Fullerton, Moving To Exeter— Mr. Jesse Horn, of the lath con- cessiont of Usborne, i1as purchased from Mr, David Clarke, the brick residence on the c'ort>er of James and Andrew streets, in Exeter, now occupied by bit'. Ray Lanmtie. Mr. Horn, having rented his farm 10 itir, Clarence Johns, is retiring and with his brother, William, and sister. Miss Elizabeth, will move to Exeter. lair. William Horn has been quite ill for some time, Married In Toronto— The marriage of Miss Alice Barber, daughter of Mrs, Barber and the late Dr. Herbert Leslie Blit'ber, Toronto. THE SEAFORTH NEWS to Mr. llart'y- Dowser Ball of Kirk- land Lake. son of Mrs. Ball and the late Nelson Ball of Clutton, tools Blase recently in Deer Park . Cbapol. Toronto.`Rev. Frederick Joblitt offic- iated, Mr. Bert Barber gave his sister in marriage. Mrs. P. H. Jolley, her sister. was matron of honor. bit', Douglas Bull was grnotnstnutt for his brother. and the ushers were Mr. 111. Hunter and Mr. Harry- Ki)gour..A re- ception was held at the house of the bride's mother. The bride and groom Mit for Quebec and will live in Kirk- land Lake. Death of Miss Rebecca Elliott. -- Miss Elliott,—..Rebecca Elliott. Blue Water Hithwtt tiodericb township, died at her home lax -Wednesday nesday morning-. She suffered a stroke a year ago and since then had been in poor health. for many years Al iss Elliott with her sisters.\Ilse. Caroline and Mar- garet, conducted a dressmaking estab- lishment at the corner of North St. and the :yuan iu Goderich. Site w,u born iGoderich township, daughter of the late Thomas and 'Jane 'Currie f:'tliott. She was a member hi' the 'Church of England. Surviving are a brother, 'William J. Elliott and six sisters, Mrs. Mitchell and Miss Caro- line, Sarah, ...Margaret, Emily anti Franct'ts all living at the. homestead. Another sister passed away last April. The funeral took place from the fam- ily residence its Friday- afternoon, Rev. 'John Graham conducting the service. •Pa11'hearers were Donald \rel<enzie, :Alfred Warner, Walter Wallis. Herbert McGregor, James 1'oun_q and Samuel Westlake. Inter- ment 100.1 its 'Hayfield cemetery,_ Could Tell of Lake Huron -- Writing to 0 friend in Goderich. Lieut. '!red A. Crich. of the R,C,R., now at Whitley camp iu England, told of a chance tweeting in a Surrey village with John Debenitam, grand• father of the Johan Spencer Deben- haul who with a cottw'ade, Bert Aiden George, both of the Air Navigation PtMfhhed by the TY/a, Saving Committee. Ottawa: realize that Canada now calls on me ... to join in a great National Savings Plan ... necessary co win the war and vital to my own safety. —Mal, the gallant men of the Army, Navy and Air Force . . now on the fighting front ... need me on the financial front. They need munitions, material and equipment , .. and only by my money which represents the production of war materials can this support be secured. They are my protectors. They call on me to be their provider. —shut this will require hard work and many dollars. --that only by hard work and frugal living ... by LENDING all I can to Canada ... can II do my part to help to win the war and establish our future security. Pledge — that I will forego the purchase of unnecessary articles , however small the cost ... no matter how well I am able to pay for them ... which take labour and materials away from the great task of providing goods needed to win the war. —that NOW ... starting this month ... 1 will put a definite - part of my income aside in War Savings Certificates. I will have it deducted regularly ... each week , , , each month -either from my pay envelope or from my savings account, by arrangement with my employer or my bank manager." (Signed by) Wow THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1941 School at Port Albert, was drowned in Lake Huron on December 7th last. Lt, Crich and the regimental pttdi'e attended church in this village neat' their caiup and after the service. Mt'. Debewltam inquired of Lt. Crich he were not it Canadian and if he knew anything of Lalte Huron and Goderich, 10111011 bis grandson bad mentioned - in his letters. The Lieut- enant was able to assure hint that he did, having lived in Goderich far suite years. Tile elderly gentleman went on to explain that he had re- ceived do informatiotn about his grandson's death other than the of- ficial notification, and expressed a wish to know something further about it, and Lt. Grids promised to have 0 copy of the Goderich paper sunt containing the aecouet of the tragedy,--._Goderich Signtil+Star. Alr Force Van Ditched— Several members of the Royal Alt Force were injured early- last week while riding in a pastel van from Port Albert on the way to Goderich. The van skidded on the icy surface of the road, about four miles north of Goderich on the Blue Water high- way, struck a post and turned over on its side into the ditch. The in- jured were: Sergeant. Suggett, slight concussion; A.C. 1 Nortlteote, the driver, slight leg injury; A.C. 1 Shirt- Iite, facial injury; A.C. 1 Jones, facial laceration; A.c. 1 Drake, slight body injuries. The injured- men were treat- ed at a nearby farmhouse by, Dr, W, W. Martin, A.C. 1 Jones was brought I to Goderich hospital for fertile'. treatment, the other being removed to the airport hospital at Port Albert. R, C. A. F. Recruiting,— Twenty-two ecruiting—Twenty-two young men of Goderich and district made application for ad- mission to the Royal Canadian Air Farce while the mobile recruiting unit from 111.11 No. 1 headquarters was at Goderich last week. Recruit- ing, conducted in the Court House, was at a steady pace throughout the day, until 8 o'clock in the evening. Recruiting officers considered the turnout quite satisfactory and ex- pressed their approval. of the excel- lent type of young mets who apptieci. Applicants will go to military dis- trict headquarters at London within tate next few weeks for their medical and, in some eases, trade tests. Of those who applied, six were found suitable far air crew. The remitting cumber applied for service in a var- iety of trades, such as radio teehuir- iaus, airframe mechanics, clerks gen- eral, equipment assistants, security guards, general duties, and one as a cook. SAYFIEL,D The following is a letter received by lairs, Thomas 't.'asfle from -Ken- neth 'Castle. 1t is the first letter the fatuity has received front hint since he left Halifax on the '•Osloijurd" and it has relieved their anxiety con- cerning his .safety. It came by au malt ',Edinburgh, Scotland. Jan, 1d, 1)041. Dear [Mother and family, --Well, 1'11 bet you have been .)undoing what has happened to me but never worry because I'll ,be all right. 1 hope you got your Christmas present, I had no possible chance of sending gifts house so .1 figured you could -use the stoney to better advantage. Do you •reutetu- ber the last letter 11 wrote you saying .that 1 was ell the M,S, Oslofjtrd." duck was ,against ns and we got mined on the way from Bermuda to England. I stayed there ten clays and then went to Glasgow with another chum and got another Norwegian ship, an oil tanker.- When we were on our way to Edinburgh after 2001- itug (back from (Melte we had a ,coldf= sion with another ship whioh was in convoy, We were towed into Grange- mouth dryd'oek [which is about 'twen- ty-fitve tndles from Edinburgh. So now e -e are here .for .a month, I was ,clis- ap'pointed 'because we were supposed to go right to New York and then ,I was.going to pay off and conte home. But I guess it will be another month or two before I can 'think about it now. II am an oiler on this INorweg- ian tanker and am getting £i314.8 a month and a bonus 'besides. This is abau' 4I1i18:'00 per month and 711k 'a day for every day we are . in E'ng'lish waters. 'Vjrhen I :got paid on the "Os- doajord" I had £7;r which is about '$JIS10.00, 'I sent you £ 315 and 'kept the rest hut everything is taxed so much that .it 'does not last long. 1 w,ott'ld have written you sooner only I 'fig- ured that as it takes alt tact -a month for a letter to go across that 1 would he home by then. How is everybody at home? It is so long since J hove been 'home that -f guess everythody has •foegotteu ate, I guess the fishing - has !been over for a 'long 'tinge now, 11 .suppose Dean is still in Stratford, George and 'Ronny will the ,growing" up. First thing you 'know they will be as big and strong as 111e 111 11) 1 hope not such roamers as I ant. I set writ- ing this Metter on Tuesday 1110.30 a,u. At the same 'instant I ant. .writing 11110 getter it will be 6;30 at home. I hope Grandma -Currie 411111 iGranchtt,it Ci.:1e. are .keeping well. (tiw'e them my love and regards.I.as1 Saturday. night 1 was in Edinburgh and 1 u'ws jtt t ;ming in to sleep 'when a fellow eanat walking rap 'behind me. It nits it 'Canadian 'soldier front SeaforiIt. '1 knew hint well at horse 1-Iis name is Clive Coontlis, I -le was on have and had to go back the following day so 1)e sat and talked'albout the good old tunes at home until about 231) p.m. He sure was glad to see ate, , 1 stet two chaps from Toronto a few weeks aro. Their ship had sunk and they were stranded over here broke. 1 gave one of them a sweater, suit and coat and he maid a.. .:mon as he ,got home he 1)10116(1 :esti it 10 sue. 1 don't sut,po c itr lt:is sent it yet, has he? Veer loving situ. lien.(, CLINTON. t'hc death of -\Villiam 1. 5haddick, veteran of the First Great War, died can Saturday afternoon, Feb. dist, in his 43rd year. He was born in Hui - lett Township Miay 1, 1-898, son - of 'I'hontas Shadclink and the late Mrs. Sh rddicle formerly 'Miss Brantley, I -Ie suffered the loss of an aria vin the. tear hut carried on at his occu,patinn of farmer on con, 4, Stanley Tqt„ and also was s-ecreta.ry - treasurer of the public school section known as liah.d's School, In Iblay, 11932, he married ried Rae INeilans, of Clinton, who survives, also two -daughters, \asses Helen and Attn, at house; also the -father, Thomas Shaddlek, Hensall; three brothers and one sister, Ernest, of Hensall Charles, tt ies, of Kincardine; -\Ubu t, of 1 onclesboro, 011(1 Elva, Mrs, Seruton, of .Port Dover. The funeral, under auspices of Clinton Legion Branch, No. 140, 'was held on Tuesday afternoon, conducted 1)? Rev. 13. 1'. Andrew, of the Presbyter- ian Church, 'Clinton. Interment was in 'Clinton Cemetery-. The death of Margaret IMMuDuna'ld Crich, widow of 1\Vhit6cld ,Crich; oc- curred during her sleep on Saturday morning. Feb, 1, at the home of her son, :Howard Crich, Ttickersntith. She m•as in her 713th year. She was born in Huron county, daughter of Angus B. MleDatnald and Sara I\Val- ters McDomiid. Her husband pre- deceased her in 10211. They resided in Clinton three years prior to Mlr, t'rick's death. There survive 1 son, dotard, and three grandchildren; ;a si,tcr, Mfrs. C'lt:u'h', Layton. '1'or.,n- ea The funeral w'a, held ir.1nl the home on Monday at '2.30 p,nt. 'pith service conducted by lied. 1.1. G. Burton. Interment in Turner's .Cent, derv, 'l'uckersmith. Tested Recipes BEANS Vold 'kine r flay- eleimtitd hot luncheon and ,upper - dishes. Dried) white bean- 110) )tnutritious, satisfying and ieex•ocnsit'e fund for this purpose, They may -varied ilt many gays. The 'Consumer 1t•rtiotl. I\larkrting Service. Dominion Depau-tmewt .\grieultt,re, recuntt,tend. the tol'ow tested recipe,: Been Loaf 4 carp, conked ',esus. 11 cep bread eruutbs 1 teaspoon malt 1a.hlespeoni• tutmtto dketchap I egg - :A little popper Mash the beans, .Add other iMgred- ients in order given. Bake in greased gran 30 minutes. Serve hot with tont- ato sauce. (Serves 6,) Bean soup 1' cup dried ,beans 6 .clops cold water 14 cup chopped onion cup chapped carrot 2 teaspoons 'brown sugar 1/4 cu -p chapped cooked hast 11' teaspoon salt teaspoon dry mustard '1 tablespoon vinegar Soak ,beans in water over -night. Cook 1 hour in the water in which they 'were soaked. Add wagetalbles and salt and cool: 1 hour. Press through a coarse sieve, add vinegar, mustard, sugar and ham, Re -'heart (Serves 6.) 'Boston Roast 2 cups Iheans - -11 carp bread Icrunnbs 2 cuts .grated cheese 1 tablespoon saugar strip tttilk 1 small onion 1 tablespoon ibacan fat 3 teaspoon salt Soak 'beans over -night in 6 cogs water. Cook 40 minutes, drain and chop. ,Brown .onion in fat, odd milk, then 'beans, enuutbs and salt. Form in- to a- loaf. Iha'ke in a greased eau / an hour at 300 degrees F. Bean and t'antato scailap '1 ictm dried 'beans - - 6 cups water 11 small onion (optional) - 3 corps canned tomatoes cup grated cheese Salt and eelpper Soak :hears over -night in water, 'Ctltil. 30 minutes. 1Draiti, .put beans and tomatoes in layers in a baking dish, 'sprinkling each layer of beans with salt, pepper aindafinely- chopped o'iiatt. Bake % of an 'hour in a slow oven. Sprinkle top with cheese anis :bake 13 "F l give you tastier bread... fret from holes, doughyspots, soup' t t:St " MADE IN CANADA minutes longer -lServes t,.l Baked ttleans t Plain) '4 clops 101111e beans 't amend fat salt pork 1 tablespoon salt )stip molasses tor taste) y teaspoon pepper i teaspoon r»ttstu•d Soak beans ewer•nigltt. Drain. toe' with fresh seater and cook slowtiv about 30 minute- or until skin, tt betas await) Itburst and water is . most a'hsortbed. Isletse thin slice vt Pork in bottom of bean {cot. Put hears in part. Bury remaining 'mirk cut 11 in beans, leaving rind expose t Mix 111011„e, anti aeasouin10 with 1 ['lilt 'boiling- water. Pour over bean: .\dd en,tugh boiling water to cover beans. Cover and flake in 1 very 01,x(1 oven It to R hours. Remove eoc-r torah; last hour to 'scows the bean: and crisp the rind of the pork. All treeing water a, livened, &tris., hit, Baked Bean. 'ait:r !'utter'., Sa,tce1 cup taste heart. 3 tea.p( l ,i i lt,1e•P ,fl, nl„ia •,r. t'10ile. pod to. -41.44.1 1 11 ll1 , teaspoon -mit-tarn 1' ,ops :uun•d hawa!oe4 l ,ma11 0111.111 t ++ohn(l fat 41111 w'rk goal.: beat, liver-IliOitt. Drain. with fresh wetter awl -cook slowly abort 30 minima: or until skins begin to burst. Put half of .beans in -baking 111.11. d1'oar ober beans half the toma- toes 10311011 haye•been mixed with sate, mnlasse., sugar, mustard and chopped onion. .\del remainder of beans and cover •with tomato mixture. [Cut pork in smart ,pieces. Hairy in bean,, having rind' 0n 101). Cover and :bake about 4 lectors in ,very slow oven. ,Remove cov- er during last half hour of cooking to crisp the fat. If necessary, add mare tomatoes or water .during baking. mare 10 '0111 There were over 600 employees in the works, but the "boss" kept a kindly eye on then[ all. Presently he noticed one young man developing a very expensive taste in clothes; but lie said nothing until the lad turned up to worts in a smart little car. Summoning him to bis office, the boss said kindly; "How are you managing so well on your wages? I hope you're not ruin• sing into debt." ' "Oh, no, sir!" replied the young, man brightly, "You see, sir, I raffle my pay envelope every week, and alt the other men take a ticket." \Mort and For .Sale Ads. 1 week 25c of DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS Phone "Collect'tothis number 2.19 MITCHELL or 21 INGERSOLL