HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-02-06, Page 1Said the Robin to the Sparrow:
3 should really lice to know
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so!
rth Nems
Said the Sparrow to the Robin:
Friend, I think that it must be
That they have no Heavenly Father
Such as carer for you and me.
Phone 84.
$1 a year.
Huron s
Ann alyMeeting
OXYDOL, small 10c
Medium 23e
P. & G. Soap, 6 bars 23c
10c lb.
NAB'O'B COFFEE 25c r/z ib.
HEINZ CATSUP ... , .. , . 5c bottle
DALE TEA 43c % 1b.
26 oz. Jar 17c
ORANGES, sweet and juicy
20c doz,
26 oz. tin 25o
LIFEBUOY SOAP, 4 cakes 25c
WO'ODBURY SOAP, 4 cakes 25c
EPSOM. SALTS, 4 its. ...... 25c
SULPHUR, 6 lbs, 25c
Master's Hog Concentrate
41% 3.00 cwt.
A. C. Routledge
Phone 166
E. L. BOX - Phone 43
CFRB (Toronto), Tuesday 8.30
CFPL (London) Thursday 8.30
Northside United Church
Rev. H, V. Workman, Minister.
11 a.m. "Are Christians Abnormal?"
2.30 p.m. Sunday School.
7 p.m, "Earth, as a Mirror of
3 -leaven."
Thurs. 7.45 prayer -service.
Egmondville United Church
Rev, A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B.D.
10 a,m., Sunday School,
11 a.m„ "The Hour 0f Prayer and
7 p.m., "Jesus' Amazing Claim."
St. Thomas. Church
Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford.
11 a.m. "The Call of Jeremiah."
7 p.m. "Jesus Christ Our Saviour."
Sunday School at 10 a.m,
St. Mary's. Dublin
2.25 p.m. Sunday School.
p.m. "The Call of Jeremiah."
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister.
S. S. 10 a.m.
Morning service, 11 a,m. Subject,
"The Holy Catholic Church."
Evening service, 7 p.1n, Subject,
"The Abiding Christ,"
Midweek meeting, Thursday at S.
The weekly meeting of the Girl
'(guides was held .0n Thursday Jan. 317,
The 'Guides went to their patrol for
inspection. The flag was broken by
the colour party from the Canary
!Patrol. The meeting was .spent pre-
paring for second class work. The
colour party 'thele fell out anct the
meeting closed with God Save The
The Girl Guides Ore Making an ap-
peal for any kind of old ,clothing suit-
;vble for making into clothes. They
will gladly collect anything you have
for them if you will please notify the
!Guides in, your neighbourhood.
A meeting of the Seaforth and lis.
trict Temperance Federation was
held on Friday evening in the Car•
negie library hall with the president,
Dr. Harburn, in the chair. It was
moved by John Fitilaysot, seconded
by J. C. Laing, and carried unanine
misty that this Federation place on
record their approval of sending pe•
titions and letters to the government
at. Ottawa respectfully requesting
war time restriction of the sale of
liquor. It was requested that the
churches of the town and other or•
ganizations secure signatures and
personal' letters and also recommend
that similar action be taken through•
out the county.
A. G. Smith Heads Toronto As-
soclation - 194$ Officers
The 42nd annual meeting of 111e
Huron 01d Boys' Association of To-
ronto was held in the Y.M,C„A„ Do-
vercourt and College streets, on Fri-
day evening lclstwith a good atten-
dance representing all sections of
the old county, Amongst those pres-
ent were: Mr, A. G. Smith, Mr, H. M.
Jackson, Mr, J. A. MacLaren, Mr. E.
Floody, Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Belden,
Mr. R. Leiper, Dr. and Mrs. H. J.
Hodgins, Mr, and Mrs, J. Moon, Mr.
and Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Mr. Be S.
Sheppard, Mr. W. A. Buchanan. Mr,
B. H. McCreath, Mr. and lvlrs. W. E.
Hanna, Mr, and Mrs, S. M. Wickens,
Mr. and M's Don i\ieLea1, Mr's. 3.G.
t a 1G
Ferguson, Mrs 1, H. 13rown, n, Mrs. W.
W. Sloan, Mrs. E, DeLutey, Mr, H. C.
Sloan, 3011'. and Mfrs. W. D. Sprinks,
Miss A. Hamilton, Mrs, D. 'Thomp-
son, Mr, and Mrs. W. 13. Eagan, Mrs,
D. C. Young, Mr. Fowler, president
of the Juniors.
President-elect. Smith is a Wing -
ham Old Boy having been mayor of
the progressive town and formerly
editor of the Winghanl Advance.
Mrs. Smith was bora at Lanesville
in Ashfleld.
Dr. Ferguson, pastpresident, was
absent from the meeting, being called
to Ottawa 111 connection with war
Mr. Robe, Leiner received many
congratulations re his father's elec-
tion to the \Vardenship of Huron
County at last week's session,
Mr. H. M. Jackson is the new chair-
man of the program committee and
watch him stake things hum during
the incoming year.
Dr, Belden moved a vote of appre-
ciation of Dr. Ferguson's services for
the past year which was carried ma
On motion of Messrs. MacLaren.
and Floody, the secretary was in-
structed to forward a letter of con-
dolence to the widow of the late
Thomas A. Russell, Hon. President.
Officers ter 1041: Honorary preah"-
encs, Hon. J. A. Gardiner, Mr. J. A.
MacLaren, Mr. E, :i, B. Dungan, Mr.
A. C. McVicar, Dr, G. F. Belden, H.
M. Jackson; past president, Dr. J. G
Ferguson; president, A. G. Snaith;
vice presidents, W. E. Hanna, W. F.
Cantelon, G. M. Chesney, Dr, Byron
Campbell, M. Scarlett, A. McQuarrie.
honorary secretary, Mr. E. Floody;
secretory, Mr. R. S. Sheppard, A.
McQuarrie; financial secretary, Mr.
John Moon; treasurer, Dr, H. J. Hod•
gins; chaplain, Rev. R. C. McDermid;
auditors, H. 1. Morrish, Geo. E, Fen
Committees: Reception, Mr. A. G.
Smith, convener; refreshment, Mrs.
D. Thompson, convener; program.
H. M. Jackson, convener; Publicity
Mr. E. Floody, convener; visiting,
Mrs. H. I, Brown and chairman of
town committee,
On Saturday night the Junior W.A.
had a Sleigh Riding party. Mr. Old-
field loaned his sleigh for the
girls to go riding on, they went for a
ride can in the country for aiboue all
hour then returned to ,the parish hall
of St. Thomas Church when a de ic-
i0us lunch was served by some of the
;girl's mothers.
Bruins, Amerks, Win
In Duncan Series
First Shut -out of Season Goes
To Bruins - Saturday
. Games
In Saturday's Duncan Clip .games,
.\nterks 'defeated Argo 7.2 and the
Bruins shellacked the ];ear: 131:0,
The A teams were:
Argos: Goal, Brown: wings. 5.
Finnigan, K. Doig; defence, C. Hilde-
brand, L'rug_ger, centre, A. Ba'ker,alt.
1 . 'Doig. Scorers for Argos ,by Bak-
er and Hildebrand.
Amerks; Goal, J. Rice; defence, 13.
IhtadLean, W. Coombs; wings, J. Eis-
iler, 'Wilber: centre, '1W. Smith, su:h.,
C. McGill.
Goals scored for .oinerks by Willbee
1', 11\ .Smith 4, t\1, MacLean 2.
The teams in the B series were:
Bears; Goaf1, F. Swan; .defense, R.
'Coombs, Elliott; 'left using, K. Hart,
right wing, Walsh; centre, I). Strong,
sailhs., I3. Cook, D. -Thorne. Goals, (1.
(Bruins: Goal, C. Venus; defence,
H. Aineborough, C. Earle: 1. lwing, F.
O'Reilly, r. 'wing, O'Connor; centre,
D, Stephenson; subs,, 1<, Estton, G.
!Wilson. !Goals, O'Connor 6, F. .O'-
Reilly 2, 'ld'. A'inslborough 2.
•Charlie ,Venus has had hie first
shut out of the season. Bruins played
a 'very 'good game and there were
Hew !penalties. The Bruins defence
was good, Venus having only a :fete
shots to stop and 11e made good for
his first itime iii goal. The Bruins
are on the dvay for elle Cu'p. They are
a 'very cuing team.
Referees, A, Venus. and "Det" Eis-
The first meeting of the year or
Seaforth Collegiate Hoard was held
on Thursday evening, Jan. 30th, at
the office of the secretary -treasurer;
M. A. Reid, Tlie six weathers of the
board were preeent, Chairmen W. J.
Duncan presided. Officials and roue
mittees appointed were: Chairman,
W. J. Duncan; sec1'eltlry'il'easutel',
M. A. Reid; supply committee: A. F.
Cliff, W. J. Duncan, J. F. Daly; pro-
perty committee; IL Stewart, Dr.
McMaster, C. A. Barber; truancy of-
ficer, John (Miele,
Make Plans For
1942 Plowing Match
Committee Arranges For Dele-
gation To Attend Annual
In Toronto
'1'lie Heron ''lowing \latch com-
mittee for the 1 1142 event deliberated
1111311 midnight last Wednesday at
Clinton -discussing and arranging;
plans. j. 1). 'Phomas occupied '111e
chair and iu his opening remarks out-
lined the need of a harmonious and
energetic organization to Carry on
the necessary work 'locally. 3, W.
Gamble, chairman of the county
councilagricultural committee sent
regrets owing to illness hitt intimated
that he would attend the nteet1fg of
the Provincial Plowmen's Associa-
tion at the King Edward 'Hotel, Tor-
onto, February 111111. and 'the warden,
Jane. 9.ei,per, and Fred Watson
members of the agricultural commit -
Continued on Page Four
Red Cross Notes
You are asked to save your box -
top panels from Velveeta Cleansing
Tissues to aid the work of the Red
(Bross. These may 1)e placed In a box
provided for this purpose at the Red
Cross rooms or at arty Of the schools:
The drug trading company has offer
ed lc for each box top,any size.
This offer exph'es March 31, 1941,
Following is the monthly report of
the work done by the loclfl Red
Cross, Knitting 278 pair socks, 23
pa11' seamen's stockings, 32 pair of
mitts, 6 pair two-way mitts, 4 pair
gloves, 10 helmets, 67 scarves, 32
sleevleless sweaters, 6 turtle neck
sweaters. Women's Auxiliary Knitt-
ing: 8 pair ankle sox, 2 scarves, 1
sweater, total 469 articles.
Sewing: 62 suits pajamas, 139 pair
pillow Cases, 119 surgical towels, 25
dressing gowns, 20 sheets, 237 gauze
handkerchiefs, 268 khaki handker•
chiefs, 1 bed jacket, 23 comfort bags.
8 face cloths, Total 902 articles,
Refugee Work: 12 quilts, 17 pairs
niitts, 1 pah' bloomers, 4 boys' suits
1 pr. blankets, 4 sweaters, 1 slip, 1
coat, 1 pair gloves, 9 boys' shirts, 1
pair baby's bootees. Total 52'articles.
Records have been made and brok
en. We feel that a record has been
made by two ladies, Mrs, ,lanes Bar-
ron, who has completed 188 pr. socks
12 pair seamen's stockings, 6 pair
wristlets, 14 pair mitts, 1 scaf, 18 pr.
Pillow cases, 23 triangular binders
11 abdominal binders, 15 T-binders, 4
hot-water bottle covers. 13 pair eyi'
tunas, 120 gauze handkerchiefs. 21S
khaki handkerchiefs. Mrs. Janes Riv'
en's has completed: 142 pail' socks, 26
pair seamen's stockings and 7 pair
wristlets. While these women have
made outstanding contribution, the
work of every woman is appreciated.
All are needed no matter bow little
you feel you can do.
Every once in a while we receive
evidence that the boys overseas are
receiving the socks macre by our lo
cal ladies. A letter has been received
from 'F. Burgard, who was born in
Egmondville and attended school in
Seaforth, saying he had received a
pair of sock., with 15111011 was en•
closed a poem written by Miss Gra,
ham. "I want to take this Opportune
ity," says Mr. Humeri!, "of thanking
you local organization for the lovely
socks, which add to . the comfort of
every soldier."
The Right Reverend A. S. Tuttle,
M.A.,D.D,.LL.D,, Moderator of the
United Church of Canada, will ad-
dress a. meeting at Main Street Un-
ited Church, Mitchell. on Monday
evening, Feb, 10th. The meeting has
been arranged by the Lay Associa-
tion of Perth Presbytery,
Mr. William Smith, veteran Sea-
forth interior decorator, suffered a
fractured leg on Saturday evening
about 7 o'clock when struck by a car
driven by Sergt. Mitchell, who is in
charge of the Seaforth Co., Huron•
Middlesex Regt. The accident occurs•
ed in front of MacLean's garage in
Egmondville while Mr, Smith was
getting on Mr. Wm. Oldfield's sleigh..
The injured man was removed to
Scott Memorial Hospital.
53rd Anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. McLaren
Highiy Esteemed Egmondville
Couple Celebrate Their 53rd
Wedding Day
Mf. ''and Mrs -John McLaren. Fig•
tnnntiville, reecived flit' eongratula
tions and best wishes of tha it many
'r'e d last week o n the ncr Isco of
irnslti. c 1 n
their fifty-third wedding anniversary
whichwasquietly observed on 1111.
day, Jan. 31st, Mt. and Mrs. Mie'
Laren were married on Jan. 31, 185S
by Rev. Peter Scott of cranially
Presbyterian Chul'ch. The ceremony
took place at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr.and Mrs. Thomas
Stacey/ about two utiles from C'a•om
arty. Mr, and Mrs. McLaren started
their home on halt of the McLaren
homestead of 200 acres which was
fight across the road from the
Stacey's farm, New buildings here
built on the farm and here Mr. and
lvlrs, McLaren resided until coning
to Egmondville in the summer of
1919. Mr. McLaren' will be 83 on June
lfith oe this year and Mrs. McLaren
91 on August loth.
One of their sons, Alexander Me.
Laren, resides on the homestead at
(.'.ronlal'ty; the other son, Wilfred
McLaren, lives at Saginaw, lli1(111
gan; a. daughter, Mrs. J. W. Allen
(Ethel), is in Ednlontol, Alberta;
their daughter .Bessie (Mrs, R. 1.
Dawson of Reeselldalel died at the
age of 21 years.
Mr. McLaren is a son of the late
Alexander McLaren of Hibbert town.
ship. He attended the Cromarty
school in the days when it was a log
building crowded to capacity with as
many as 125 pupils attending, some
of them almost of grown-up age.
Nantes of pupils attending that
suited. still living ill'. McLaren cot11(1
reemit were Jack and Thomas Hog
earth Wand Meter, Miss Polly Hog•
gartil,' resitting together near Crone
arty, Sandy McKellar, Cromarty, and
Continued on Page Eight
The, regular sleeting of the North
Side Young People's Union was held
on Tuesday evening, Feb. 4th, with.
Mr. Sinn Scott presiding. The hymn
"The Morning Light Is Breaking,"
was sung and the Lord's player was
repealed in unison. Miss Maxine
Lawreiince, secretary, read the min-
utes df the last meeting, which were
adopted as correct by Mr. Workman,
The business was then discussed.
The missionary convener Miss ,lean
Smale then took charge. The hymn,
"Jesus shall reign Where'er the Sun"
was sung and Mr. Workman led' in
prayer, followed by responsive read-
ing taken from Psalm 25, and Miss
Isabelle Graham gave a very lovely
instrumental. The topic was given by
Miss Jean Smale on Confucius, and
enjoyed by all. The hymn 'Breathe
on Me Breath of God," was sung.
The meeting closed with the Mizpah
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
North Side United Church parsonage
Seaforth at four .o'clock Saturday af-
ternoon, when Elizabeth McEwen,
second deuithter of \(r. A. F. Cliff
and the late 'lies. C•inI7, Ibeaame the
,bride of Leading Aircraftsman Lloyd
Chester Hnggarth, of the R.C,A.F.,
'Camp Borden, :son of tate and % rs.
'Henry 'Hoggarth of Seaforth. The
bride wore a street length dress of
Persian gold woa1 crePe, ,latching
tntiha,i and corsage of American
Beauty roses and 'violets. She was at-
tencled by Mrs. G. IS Grindrod of
Mount Forest, wearing a :street length
ensemble of beige anti thrown woos
crcpc 1114 a corsage of 'Talisman
roses. !Mr. G. F. Grindrod was groom-
sman. After the ceremony the !bride
and ,bridegroom 'received at a •huffet
luncheon at the 'bride's home after
which they left on a trip to Montreal,
the bride travelling in a turgnoise
blue crepe dress, black straw 'hat and
three-quarter length Hudson seal
coat. Among the oilt-of-tow, guests
were 31r. and Mrs. A. Chart -rand of
Detroit. Mr. mid Sirs. Grindrod, of
'M.oum Forest, Mr, and Mrs. J. F'
Chuff of Woodstock.
The officers of the Seaforth Public
Library Board were re-elected at the
annual meeting held on Monday
evening in the library: Chairman, P.
B. Moffatt, and See: Treas.. James
Stewart, Dr. 141, 1431 Stapleton was
named to the board to take the place
of Lieut. Basil Duncan, who has en-
listed. The financial statement was
given by Mr. Stewart, and showed
total receipts of 91596. expenditures
91208, with a balance of 9288. 144
new volumes were added, making a
total of 3,977 volumes in the library.
Total circulation for the year 10,545,
number of borrowers, 301. The board.
re-engaged Miss Gretta Thompson as
I'V. Nelson Hill, 1 oderich, lras'leen
appointed local registrar, clerk of the -
county court and registrar of the Sur-
51,gate Court of Huron Cnuuty. At-
torney -General Conant- atwotulced on
Friday. Mr. Hill Will succeed 1314)ert
Johnston, who is reported to be ser-
iously ill.
t\lr. 11111 t,'s over his ,1 t fes Tues-
day, Ile 1s a native 0 'linileti Town-
ship and fur sonic years conducted a
hardware .tore at-.3u1)urn before go-
ing to t,odericl: ten tears ago where
he lias conducted an ul-urance busin-
ess. He is married. anal has env sun,
Aircraft+mau \Villiam 'Hfkl• note with -
the R.C..1.F: at Calgary.
Scotch Concert Given
In Hensall Church.
Burns Program Given Under
Auspices of Mission Circle -
Large Attendance
The Scotch concert -which was pre-
sented in Carmel Presbyterian Church
on Friday sponsored by • the •.4rnold-
Circle \vas largely attended and 'tic
program was vary much enjoyed.
Rev. \Vni \Veir sty as chairman fur the
evening and told many interesting
and humorous stories at intervals dur-
ina the program of "Sandy lMacTav-
ish:' `l.'lte opening number -was a nsale
quartette comi,riOimg Rev. Weir, 'R.
1. MacLaren, IVo A. MacLaren and
JamesHYn of
h entitled, "Lo =
Long Alco 'lir. Roy 1P,eIl very ably
ave an address on .the 1131 and
,Works of Bobbie Burns," which was
veiny much enjoyed. tMrs. ;Mtn Cairns
favoured with a vocal solo entitled
"'Jeanie with the tight B'rown_Hair."
Miss Irene Hopgarth accompanied at
the piano. Rev. D. C. Hill of Iixeter
gave two intrreeti11g atsd hulnorons
readings, entitled \n Old 'I'ilpe
Scotch Sermon" and "Sandy (M.'acTa-
'vis'h's three snit,." William and Andy
Doegatll sang ''a .Scotch educt in cos-
ein e, "Sandy McPherson and Sandy
1'facGee." Mrs. Dougall accompanied
at the piano. Rev. Andrews of 'Clin-
ton was present and played selections
on the !bagpipes. A vocal solo, "My
Ain Folic" Iby Mrs. MacLaren 'vas
very nevelt enjoyed. I\Irs. 'O1•allculnl
DORMS accompanied at the piano.
t\ir, Ross. 'MacKay favoured with
Scotch selections on the violin. A
sing song followed, using Robbie
Borns song :hent, printed ittGlasgow,
Scotland, A !ladies' quartette compris-
ing I\iisses Lois and Marion (MacLar-
en, Irene Hoggart'h and Mabel Work-
man, sang "I Loci Lass•ie," dressed
in Scotch costume. Mrs, W. A. Mac-'
'Laren accompanied. '01rs. Cairns
sang a solo, "tGeirtle Mary." Rev, -Mr
Andrews again riauvored with bagpipe
selections and the male quartette sang
"Annie •L'attrie." Rev. OM gave an-
other Scotch reading and Mrs. !Mal-
colm Dougall played a )melody of
Seoteh songs on the piano, Two vocal
solos by Rev. Weir entitled "A 'Wee
Hoose 1.\lang'the .Heather," and "The
End of the Road"brought the rpro-
gram to a close. \11 joined in singing
Auld Lang Syne.
Acknawledgntents have been re-
ceived Iby the Seaforth Overseas Com-
mittee of •smokes sent to the leen
Corporal Jack Holland says: "Wish
t;O acknowledge receipt of tirree bemi-
red cigarettes from the Seaforth Ov-
erseas Committee. Needless to :say 1
they area real treat and appreciated
•very tnuch.• The smokes dere are ter-
rible. so cigarettes from Canada are
certainly considered a real treat."
i'te. .0, Cameron, 1 C'dn, !RECCE
Sqn,. writes; - "Thanking you very
much for your thoughtfulness and
'kindness" -
'Harry Belton says: "Received your
kind gift of 300 cigarettes. and also
the rest of the Seaforth boys here in
oar company. Cigarettes are one thing
vc5 5415(11 w the in want of all the time.
The El 5111011 wake of tobacco Isere is
rotten and vera- expulsive. I had tt
letter trout \.r. Bos and h5 vcas tell-
inr5 me how they figured on lighting
t1p the town for 'Chris111185. 1 vrfsh I
had been them' to do it. By the time
I get home •1 will have forgotten
what a street light looks like a< at
night e'erything is in tlarkness and
anyone is 'liable to a heavy tine for
not putting on what they call •bdack-
nets on their windows, and \viten they
are on you cannot .yet' a crack of
light. Yon ought to try walking on
a crowded street. in it. You are
,humping into some all. the time. !W'et',
Mr. Boswell,- I will close ,for now,
thanking you again."
The Institute meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Dale Nixon on
Wednesday, Feb. 12, Roll call, Why I
Joined the Institute, and - What. I
Like About It, Members are request-
ed to bring in quilt blocks, size 18 x
20; sacks for quilt lining or a small
donation. -
Winning Streak For
Beavers Continues
intermediates Gain Strength
With Each Game -Chance
For Group Honors
'Las; Thursday night the Seaforth
Beavers 1)1115ed up farther in their
group by defeating Tavistock 'by a
,core 0-4. The Beavers were headed
by Hubert, !McFadden and Flannery.
In the first period there was .One
score for Seaforth, .McFadden from
Flannery at 9.52.
One penalty. Hulbert of ,Se'aforth.
Seaforth out prayed Tavistock in
the second period. Tas'istock's goal
getter was Matthies at 746. Seaforth
scored three !McFadden, 8.30; Piokett,
113.30, Flannery ,115.1S. Penalties !Hub-
ert. Vogt, McFadden.
The third period was :fast with Tav-
istock 'starting the scoring again, by
Matthies, ant 1,45, 'then Seaforth scor-
ed bw ecc \1rI?addcn gettinng. both the
Woodstock netted another,goal at
12419 got 'by Stillwell. Then Seaforth
ended the scoring at 19.13' ,scored by
Draper from a pass from Pickett.
Referee ---Chick Appel.
On Tuesday night the 'Beavers
shaded out the Woodstock Intermed-
iate A team 74 in 'a. ,practice game
which merited a larger attendance, In
'the •first period Seaforth got the ,first
goal at 4.17, scored Iby Pickett t(Dra-
per, Hildebrand- with Woodstock
tying 2 minutes later by McDonald
from Cook, iWoodstock ,scored twice
more in the first 'period, making it 3.11
for Woodstock, Cook of Woodstock
!got the only penalty handed out in
first period. The second period was
fast and furious, the Beavers shutting
,Drat Woodatoek .3-0. The third period
was best of all, (both teams giving sill
they had. !Woodstock started the
scoring when McDonald slipped one
past Stacie from Cook's pass. 34icFad-
din •siipped in two goals on passes
from Flannery and F. !M Ewen. At
12,'31) Stillwell scored for t\\''oodstock.
Tn end the scoring Draper tallied
from a pass he- Pickett at 19.33. The
'ars for the Beavers were •McFaddin,
Hubert, Flannery.
Woodstock stars were Cook, 31'c -
Donald and Smith.
The gams: Woodstock, Goal, Hart-
shorn, defence, Resnick, Smith; cen-
tre. Weiler, wings, Cook, McDonald,
tilts.. !\\'Mite, Roherts, 1Cobttrn Still-
well, Curry. Referee, F \\'i'ilis.
Clintoni'te who might know what
he is talking ahem, .claims that Clin-
ton ell] never be able at') support a
hockey team again until tlia't town
becomes an oasis. Scores of +patrons,
lie complains. had to drive t0 the
neig:boring towns, Jeafon111 or Gtad-
elich, and then return 'to attend the
games in Clinton rink, Linder the
pres1nt arrangement. Clinton fans
can watch their favorite Clinton stars
romp on Seaforth ice --•and e'very'body
is happy.
At the annual meeting of the Us -
borne and Hibbert Fire les0rance
Co. held at Farquhar on Monday,
Feb. 3rd, Mr. 'lolin 2McGrath was el-
ected presiders; by the !Board of Dir-
ectors for the ensuing ]tiro years
succeeding Mr. John Hackney, w'hosg,
term of office had expired.
The regular meeting of 'the Junior
Red Cross of: the High School: was
held Tuesday afternoon. Lois M'cGa-
vin presided. Teresa iMcfver Teed Ibhe
minutes of 'the last meeting end mov-
ed their adoption. Betty 'Matthews
seconded the motion and nt was car-
ried. An offer of one cent ipremieres
for every Velveeta tissue box -trop was
made. Any . girls who can sectiee these
or Red Rose Tea labels • are asked to
'bring them to the next meeting. The
new Red 'Cross magazines have lbeen
received. The girls adjourned for
work meetings after the 'b'usiness.