HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-30, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
:Child Returns From Hospital. -
;Herold, two-year-old S077 11r,
.and \irs. Grant Ford, rear te„ home
feeeday after :'icing confined to
,jeseq,.'ca s Hospital, London lor. the
east several weeks. The ehilei 'choked
w,tetr• eating Peanuts and was taken
to St. jvseph's Hospital +shcrc he
was under observation- for some tinte
and finally an operation pas Perform-
a t and t peanut was found .drowsing
io the windpipe. This .wae r tnnoved
eme the child improved sufficiently, to
hese the hospital.
Presentation,- -
1 vert pleasant evening was pent
entiy at the hence of Mr. and :Mrs,
\:et, -Chapman and Mr. and- Mrs.
L.rne Chapman honoring Mr. and
(.s. Allhert Shirray tree \laybelle
lohnsi who were recently married.
There were over forty neighbors pre-
sent and pre-greesive euchre was play -
rd Mrs. Ben Elder won first priee for
tee ladies and Mr. Jas. \le t wen first
xr:ze or the men.. Followi g this Mr.
and \ire Jhirray were presented with
an easy chair, the address beim read
(by Mr. Lorne Chapman. Mr. Shirray
•made a eery, fitting. reply. Refresh-
ments were served.
Shower for Bride Elect,-
A large number of relatives and
friends gathered at the home of Mr,
,i -:d Mee. Wesley !Coleman on Tees -
(ley evening in honor of their daugh-
dee Annie whose marriage. will take
place on Saturday.,A highlight of the
)aogram was a mock wedding with
Mrs. Wilfred Weide), Mrs. Alex,
iousseau. Miss Dbmrhy Munn and
- Miss Helen Pick taking part, Miss
Aileen Munn favored with- a piano
-•:o \lis. es -Betty - and Jean Arm-
strong sang a duet and ;Miss Helen
Lick played piano solos. Games and
- contests were played, after which the
bride -elect was ;presented with cream
and red kitchen gift.. which were
brought in in decorated baskets by
Jean Mousseau, Betty Armstrong and
Shirley 'Coleman. The 'pride thanked
.The annual meeting of the eongr•e•
gation oe Uuif•.s United Church. Wal-
ton, was held on Tuesday evening..
January 21st. Following -a supper
served by the ladies Of the congeega-
iion, all joined in community singing.
The pastes'. Rev, F. A. Gilbert. then
conducted a devotional service and
presided at the business meeting
which followed Mr, Rae Houston was
elected secretary. The reports pre
-rented :Showed suecessful work for
the year and favorable balances at
the close of 1945. Miss 11. Smillie
presented the reports for the .Cour
nittee of Stewards Whitt showed. re
ceipts of $2054,00 for local purposes
and $436:00 for the Missionary and
and Maintenance Fund, both being
increases over the previous year, The
Women's. Missionary Society exceed.
ed its allocation and reported $458.00
raised during the Year, The Sunday
School, the Mission Band, Baby Bend
'young People's Union and Women's
Association all gave encouraging re-
ports of the year's work. The total
raised by the congregation for all
purposes during the year exceeded
$3400,00. The session reported lei
new nefnbers with the membership
now at 277. In the election of officers
Messrs. John Leeming. George Mac.
Arthur and Arthur McCall were re•
elected to the eninutittee of stewards
and all ntlter officers were re-elected
for the coining year. During the past
year the exterior •of the church was
redecorated and other improvements
made to the church property. In Sep
tember the 75111 Anniversary of the
founding of the church was observed
and Duff's Church now enters the
final quarter of the nest couture of
its work with a loyal and enthusi-
estic congregation.
The congregation of Knox United
Church. Moncrieff, held -its annual
meeting on Thursday evening, Jan.
23rd, Rev. F. A. Gilbert conducted the
worship period and presided at the
business session. Mr. Alex Mann was
appointed secretary. The treasurer.
all for the beautiful gifts and refresh- Vallance hnglish, gave the report for
Teems were then served.
Bingo Largely Attended. -
The bingo sponsored my the Cana -
Legion, proceeds in aid of Red
(Cross. \'v ar Service committee and
Legion. nvhieb eas heid in tiie town
hall on Friday evening was largely
attended in spite ,+f the , e neition of
• the road,. The .'pecial prize of a
}a also r e blanket was eon by Mr.
t\\ esley jones of Cr rmar:y Mr. E. 1.
laliekie made a spec..ii on behalf of
the. War Saving Staniu committee,
etating that a personal canvas,. would
•he made in Fe rnary. '\Ierdoch's tr-
chestra provided music for the dance,
Receives Letter from England.- •
Mrs. M. Hedden c,f Heesall receiv-
ed a letter last week from her moth-
er in England. who has four eons and
two eons -in-law in active sernfee. Two
of her sons were killed in the first
great war. She writes: In answer to of the national anthem.
v0ur welcome letter which 1 was airs. Chas. Case, east boundm•y, is
render the doctor's care at present,
but hope she will soon be improved,
Mr. Harvey Stevenson is doing as
well as can he expected in Clinton
Hospital where he underwent an
the Committee of Stewards, showing
receipts of $622.00 and a balance on
band of 552.00. The Missionary and
Maintenance Fund showed a, sub,
stantial increase with receipts of
$111,45. During the year the Wom-
en's Association raised $303.00 and
the W.M.S. 561.00, The other organ-
izations including. the Sunday School
the Young People's Union and. the
Mission Band all presented encourag•
ing reports and favorable balances.
The amount raised by all organize.
tions for all purposes total $9775.00.
The session reported 8 new members
received during the year. In the elec-
' tion of officers Messrs. Alex Spieran
Roy Patterson and Vallance Inglis
were re-elected as members of the
committee of stewards. After the
business was concluded. the ladies of
the congregation served lunch and
-the meeting closed with the singing
Most pleased to receive. must say
that this war is dreadful. They have
fi mend tits place where we live,
t es:rovnlc house* and buildings. We
e ve a shelter in our back garden.
One night when the siren. soundeei operation last week.
we had to run for the shelter where opCpl. W. C. Bennett of Trenton is
we were from 0 p.m. until. e; am. Cpl.
his furlough at his home,
-'Barons were dropping so fast over us
3 Fainted. IMrs. Ray Carter, son Jack and her!When we are in bed we can sister Miss Nettie Smalldon left last
hear them over the housetop.: making Wednesday Mi Inc St Welland where they
suth a terrific noise, we are really will make their hone, as Rey Carter
frightened, thinking they will drop has a steady lob and been there for
their combs on us. Three aon'bs fell tete past two mouths.
o:: the railway close (beside where we � heir Gordon Holland. Pettawawa
live. It is terrible and none of ne are Camp, spent the week end with his
sate. People keep flocking here -from brother Robert Holland.
Landon, We are still on ration, half I Corporal Fingland spent a few
pound of butter, two ,pounds of sugar, days with his brother, Colin Ping -
shill, ing and 10 pence worth of Iand, last week.
meat to ase dour of 11 for one week, The Walton community re -organ.
Two ounces of butter, half pound .of The
their unit of Red Cross with
.agar, tiaarter pound aI margerine Inc Mrs, E. H. Close of Seaforth in the
each ne son. It. is nothing hut !black- chair. The election of officers took
010 when the moon is not out and it place and are as follows: }ten. Pres•
is pitch dark. not a light must be ident, Miss 'Mary Smillie; president.
shown in our windows or the wardens , Mrs. W. C. Bennett; vice president.
are on your track. Won't it he glori- Miss Ethel Dennis; sect., Mrs. Bert
M.1.5 when this war is over and We can Anderson; treasurer, Mrs. Moody
:have tile ,amps in the streets and. in lIntland. Knitting convener. Mrs•
.cwir homes: But we nest hove faith Herb Kirkby. Hospital and sewing
and erns, in Providence. ! supplies, Mrs. Nelson Reid. Refugee
t and quilts. Mrs. Routledge. Auditors
- Mrs, Art TtieCall and Mrs. Ed Bryans
AUBURN lies, Bennett moved a vote of thanks
to ski slide et ' awier± to Mrs. Close and ladies who camp
-.vas the scene ,.f great merriment from Seaforth for giving us the in -
,C.11 Saturday afternoon ween four formation concerning Red Cross
rears arrived with officers frene Port Work, The next meeting to be held
-i hent air eon, accompanied `,c their the 3rd Tuesday of February. They
1e hope all those interested in carrying
-Mr. Awl Mrs. \\iltia'n l.V'alsh, elf out this great work will attend the
London. •+itis ilii. and Mrs. Thomas meetings,
Walsh; Doreen Vincent was a week- We are glad to report that Mrs.
end visien at Blyth; \Ir, and airs. Robert Scott is improvhig after bay -
Gordon Smith, and jean ;\icD,•well, ing bronchial pneumonia. She is at
r' Goderieh, with Mr. and 'MN. John the home of her daughter. Mrs. Her -
L. McDowell: Charles- Nevins and VeY McCut.cheon, 6th line Morris, and
Norval McPhee, are both patients in is a sister_of the late Andrew Knight.
.the d"soderich hospital. •They are mak-
Maty Shoetreed, R.N. has been
;us favorable progress toward reeve -
attending her.
I)0nald King, •%omzgest son of
Mrs• Ray Carter and Jackie have
Ili' and firs. Russell King injured left for Welland to join her husband
his sitonlder recently 'while nlaying 0n where he has a position,
Miss Helen Steins of Kitchener,
ire near his home, Jahn tson. visited her mother fora short time,
end iii Alfred _Asquith are recover -
from ickne s, Aubert' Toil of
,Goderich with. his parent- Mr. and ;
Knitting Instructions
for Rifle Mitts, Two -
Way & 'Whole Mitts
1lsstred by the Red Crnssl
Rifle Mitts -
MATERIALS: 3 ozs Special Light
Red Cress Service? Yarn, yet of 4 No.
13 Steel Knitting Needles (points nt
bods ends).
Tension nsion 9 ars, equals 1 inch,
RIGHT MITT: Cast on 60 sts, 120,
20, 201, Work 4 ins, ribbing (K1, 1,11.
To make gusset for thumb: 1st
round: P1. (Inc, 1 st. in next st. KL)
twice, Pl. Knit to end of round.
*"Next 3 rounds: knit, purling the
res. which Werepurled in previous
round, 3th round: P1. Inc, 1 st, in
next st, Knit to the 2 sts. before the
next purl st. the. 1 st. in next st., Kl,Pl. Knit to end of round.** Repeat
from ". to *47 tuitil there are 20 sts.
between the 2 purled ars. Next 3
rounds: Knit. purling the sts. which
were purled in previous round. Next
round: Kl, Cast on 11 sts, Slip next 20
sts, onto a thread and leave for
thumb. Knit to end of round. (62 sts.
in round). Knit even in rounds until
work measures 2 ins, from the 6
cast -on sts.
To make finger; KS, Slip all but
last 10 sts. onto a thread, Cast en 4
etc. Knit last 10 eta, Divide these 22
sts. - on 3 needles, Knit 3 ins, even.
Next round: (K2tog,) 11 tinges, Break
wool, Thread end through retraining
sts. Draw up and fasten. securely.
To make mitt section: Slip 22 sts
from thread onto one needle, the re-
maining 22 sts, onto Ind needle. Join
wool at base of 1st finger, Pick up
and knit 4 sts, Knit 10 sts. from first
22 sts. and slip them onto needle
with the 4 picked -up sts. Knit remain-
ing 12 sts. onto 2nd needle. Knit the
22 sts, from 3rd needle, Knit the first
sts. from 1st needle and slip then)
unto 3rd needle. Sts. are now- divided
12. 12. 24. Knit even in rounds - until
work measures 21/2 ins. from the 4
picked -up sts.
To shape top: 1st round; 1st needle:
Knit. 2nd needle: Knit to -Iast 3 sts
K2tog. K1: 3rd needle; Ill. 81. 1. Kl.
p,s.s.o. Knit to end of needle, Knit
2 rounds even. Repeat last 3 rounds
once. 7th round: As 1st round. 8th
round: Knit. Repeat last 2 rounds
once. 11th round: 1st needle: K1. SI.
1. K1. Knit to end of needle
2n1 needle: Knit to last 3 sts K2tog.
K1. 3r0 needle; 111. 81. 1. 1{1: p,s.s.o.
Knit to last „-sts. I.2tog. K1. Repeal
last round 3 tinges, Slip remaining 4
sts. from 2n0 ueedle onto 1st needle.
Graft top.
The Thumb: Knit the 20 sts. which
which were left for thumb. Pick up
and knit 6 sits. at base of thumb. Di-
vide these 26 sts. on .) needles. Knit
214, ins. even. Next round: (K2tog.)
13 times. Break wool. Thread end
through remaining sts. Draw up and
fasten securely,
LEFT MITT: Work exactly eta gi•
ven for Right Mitt until finger is
reached. Proceed:--
To make finger; K18. Slip remain,
ing sts. onto a thread. Cast on 4 sts.
Divide these 22 sts. on3 needles.
Join hl round. Finish linger and
work remainder of Mitt as given for
Right Mitt.
<. Fred Toll. Mr. Joseph Carpenter of Chatham
The Canadian Girl= t Training_:1spent the week end at the hone of
-t e. +n heiUnited churchoFriday
'easement for . hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
c'r meeting on evening. Carpenter,
,Miss Helen Marsh w•as in charge and Mr, Ted Carrel and his friend Miss
Marcella Wood mf Guelph. with
Miss Genevieve McCarthy of 'lo'•
onto with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
M. McCarthy,
Miss Helen Krauskopf of London
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flanagan
returned home after spending two
months with Mr, and Mrs. Philips
Flanagan in Tornoto,
Mr, John Walsh and James Kraus•
kopf and Mrs. Frank Smith, mem-
bers of the board of the continuation
high school, made an official visit to
Stratford recently.
We are pleased to know that Fran.
ces Rowland is recovering from his
serious illness.
Mr. Michael Darling visited with
friends in Waterloo.
Mrs. Rowland of St. Columban vis-
ited with Mrs, P. Rowland.
Miss Mary Pryce visited with
Tune March. gave the Scripture read -
''mg. Ruth Wilson led in prayer
;Betty Craig sang a solo accompanied
at the piano iby her sister. IMiss hla 73.
Craig pi Stratford. Vivian S•tratt than
gave a ,piano instrumental The el-
ection of officers resulted as follows:
President. allies Beaty Craig: vice-
president, Joan Sheppard: Ruth Wil -
eon. treasurer: Vivian Strengthen,
pianist and secretary. Helen Marsh.
Mrs: IW. H. Sheppard, the ,girls
leader, wara present for the meeting.
19 Enlist For The Navy -
Nineteen Goderich Great Lakes
sailors Joined the Canadian naval
service in a variety of capacities dttr-
ing a short visit of a recruiting unit
to Goderich last week. Their visit
was unheralded, but the news seemed
to get around quickly, and for a time
men were in a waiting line prepared
to offer their services,
Two -Way Mitts
MATERIALS; 4 ozs. Special Hea-
vy Red Cross Service Yarn, Set of 4
No. 11 "Aero" Steel Knitting Needles
(points on both. ends).
round hand at thumb 8 ins. Tension;
61's sts. equals 1 inch.
RIGHT MITT: To make flap -With
2 needles cast on 26 sts. 1st row: *til.
Pl. Repeat from * to last 2 sts. 1(2,
Repeat 1st row 11 times. Break wool,
Leave on spare needle.
ets. which were picked up at base of
thumb, (16 els. in round), Knit 2re.
ins. Next round: (K2tog.)5 i.itftee.
Sew the ends of the flap-lir position
on wrong side of mitt.
LEFT MITT: Work exactly as giv
en for Right Mitt to end of gusset
-shaping and rearrange sts. as fol•
lows: -1st needle: (the needle with
the ets, of thumb gusset). Ki. Slip
last 19 sts. of round onto this needle,
Divide remaining $2, sts. on 2110 and
3rdneedles. Knit 6 rounds even in
plain knitting ending with 8rd needle.
Work remainder of mitt -to corres-
pond with right mitt.
Whole Mitts MATERIALS: 4 ozs. Special Heavy
Reel Cross Service Yarn. Set of 4 No.
11 Steel Knitting :Needles (points at
both ends).
round hand at thumb 8 ins.
Tension: 6142 sts. equals 1 inch.
Work from *5 to ** as given Inc
Two Way Mitts, see above. Knit
25 rounds plain knitting. Proceed -
To shape top: *K6. K2tng. Repeat
from * to end of round. Knit 5
rounds even, 7th round: *K5, K2tog.
Repeat from * to end of round. Knit
4 rounds even. 12th round: 5Ie4 K2tog
Repeat front * to end of round. Knit
3 rounds even. 16th round: *Tib
K2tog. Repeat from * to end of
round.. Knit 2 rounds even. 19th
round: *Ii2tog. Repeat from * to end
of round. Break wool. Thread end
through remaining sts. Draw tap and
fasten securely.
The Thumb: Knit the 16 sts, which
were left for thumb and pick up and
knit 4 sts. at base of thumb. Divide
these 20 sts. on 3 needles, Knit 20
rounds. 21st round: `K3, K2tog, Re•
peat from * to end of round, 22nd
and 23rd rounds: Knit. 24th round:
*K2tog. Repeat from * to end of
round, 25th round: Knit. Break wool.
Thread end through remaining sts,
Draw up and fasten securely. Work
another mitt to correspond.
Brother of Mrs. Jas, Wright Dies
At Springfieldt-
i eorge Stewart insurance man,
hanker and notary .public for many
ye'n's and formerly a school teacher
at Springfield and hi a number of
,Western Ontario points, died on
Jan 9th at his home following a brief
Pure Lard per Ib. 7c
Sugar 10 lbs. 69c
Chocolate Mailo Cakes -
2 Lbs. 29e
Good Size Oranges -
2 doz. 35c
Grape Fruit 7 for 25c
Libbys Pork and Beans-
3 cans 23c
Kellogs Corn Flakes --
Large pkkes with
Fancy Glass .. 2 p'leges 23c
Lux Soap 4 cakes 18c
Life Buoy Soap , , .. 4 cakes 25c
Camay Soap 4 cakes 18e
Palmolive Soap , , 4 cakes 18c
Fairbanks Carbolic Soap-
6 cakes 22c
Ivory Soap .. 4 large bakes 29c
Sunlight Soap ,.,, 10 cakes 49c
Red Rose Tea per lb. 65c
W. J. Finnigan
nni an
Auction Sale
Lambert Saleyarcl, Strathroy, Sat-
urday, Feb, 1st. 50 Head of Mixed
Cattle, yearlings and two -year-olds,
mostly Steers. Trucks to deliver.
Terms cash. A. G. McAlpine, Ane
Mr, and Mrs. Norris Sillery were
in Springfield last week attending
the funeral of Mrs. Sillery's uncle
the late George Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wallace cele
brated their thirty-sixth wedding am
uiversary on. Sunday, January 260,
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Wallace on Monday were
Mr. and Mrs. -Norman Walker and
son Bruce of Brucefield, Mr. and
Mrs, Orville Blake and son Gerald
and daughter Bernice, of Colborne
township, Mrs. Edythe Wallace and
son James, and Marion Wallace of
Seaforth, Mrs. Milton Holmes and
her daughter Mrs. Ruby Todd, and
her daughter Pearl and son. Leslie
and Mr. Lees of Regina, Mrs. Thomas
Calwili and two sons William and
Jack, and Mr. Stanley Dutot of Bruce.
field, It was. Mrs. Milton Holmes 36th
anniversary also.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe and two
daughters Lois ,lean and Mary Lou
Pneumonia attack. He was a protein- of Harlock, started, but owing to the
condition of the roads were not aIle
est figure in '.Masonic circles and ee-n'
rive in municipal, educational and a.g- to get here,
ricultural affairs of the district, \irs Miss Anna Watson of Egneotedville
Stewart was in his 715th year. lir, visited Grace 'Wallace on Sunday.
Stewart mac :horn in 'Levan township The. February meeting of the 'Fuchs
1 ' e•smrth Ladies'Club will be held at
in 1806, a -on of Arthur Stewart and the home of Mrs. Roy Pepper on
Margaret Hamilton, North of trended 'Ireland Wednesday, Feb, 5th. Roll call to be
pioneers itt Perin county. He attended
answered with a Valentine verse,
Charles W. Gordon (Ralp
school in Logan tcRlp h p, wleerc Members e asked to be on time to
Lonnor) are
the meeting at 2 o'clock as
wile one of his early teachers. He there is a lot of Red Cross sewing to
continued to Mitchell High School, be done, ,
Stratford model school and -Toronto HILLSGREEN
Normal. He taught school in Logan
from 1545 to 11088 end then at Brod- We are pleased to report that Mr.
Ross Love is ajile to be out again
after having his tonsils removed,
Chicken pox is prevalent among
the children in this community.
Mr. Anson Coleman is smiling
these days. A little boy has come to
stay at their home.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Mary Stephan is not so well and has
been taken to London for an x-ray,
Her daughter, Mrs. Wagner of Zuie
ick, accompanied her.
Mr. and Mrs, Elzar Moussea.0 and
daughter Marilyn of Tillman visited
recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm
f Lodge
of Perfection, Rose .Croix, London„rhe \V '\. intend holding a Valen-
and was a 3Lind degree Scottish Rite
I\Eason 0f Moore Consistory, Hamil_ tine social in the near future. Further
ton He was a member of Rameses 1 The euchre
ire week.
Tensile of the !Mystic Shrine, Toron-' The euchre and dance held in the
1 hall last Friday night was fairly well
to, and transferred to Mocha Temple, attended. The prize winters were:
'London, when i1 was formed He was Ladies most games, Mrs. Stewart
a past 1)D`Gi\I. of \Vilxm District Dolmage; lone hands, Miss Margaret
and in 1940 was appointed Ontario Montgomery; 0100's most genies
representative to the Grand :Lodge of Me. William Kerr, lone hands. Mr
Ohio. At one time Mr, Stewart was , Art Alexander. After lunch a Pew
police magistrate in Springfield, He hours were spent in dancing.
was among those who organized the I Privates Ralph Davidson, Alex
Springfield l'ttlrlic 1-ihrary Board. a of the El inx
beam until 1890 when he carne to
Springfield and was- principal of the
public and continuation_ school until
1'00(1 when he became as.soctated .vide
the old 'Traders lIan'k and -remained
as manager after it was merged with
the Royal Bank, r -Ir opened up his
insurance husiness and was appointed
a notary •pulblic in 192$3, then from
1923 to '1193 returned as principal of
the school, ;Since that time he had de-
emed himself to his business. ,lir.
Stewart wars a ntenrher .and past mas-
ter of Thoth Springfield Lodge, No.
259, and Malahide Lodge No. 1140
(Aylmer),A.F. and AM.; wasa past
,principal of Aylmer (Chapter, R A,.M.
He was a member o -London Lodge
The Mitt: **Cast on 48 sts. loosely
(16. 16. 16.). Work 31.e ins. ribbing
(K2. P2). Knit 6 founds plain knit.
ting. Proceed: -
To make gusset for thumb: 1st
round: P1.- (Inc. 1. st. in next st. Kl)
twice. Pl. Knit to enc: of round.
*Next two rounds: Knit, purling the
sts. which were purled in previous
round. 4th round: Pl. inc. 1. st. in
next st. Knit to the 2 sts. before the
next purl st. Inc. 1 st. in next et. Iii.
Pl. Knit to end of round*. Repeat
from e to * until there are 16 sts, be-
tween the 2 purled pts. Next 2 rounds
--Knit purling the sts. which were
purled In previous round. Next
round: K1. Cast on 4 ets. Shp nexi
16 sts, onto a thread and leave Inc
thumb. Knit to end of round.**
Rearrange sts. as follows -
1st needle: (the needle with the
sts. of thumb gusset) 26 sts. 2nc1
needle: 11 sts. 3rd needle: 11 sts.
Knit 6 rounds even in plain knitting
ending with 3rd needle.
Next round: Iia. (P1, Iii,) 11 times,
Knit to end of round. Repeat this
round 5 tines. Next roland: Ie2. Cast
off next 22 sts, in ribbing. Knit to
end of round. Next round: Place the
needle containing the flap sts. behind
the first 2 sts, on 1st needle. Knit tn-
gether 1. st. from each needle twice
Rib across the next 22 sts. on spare
needle. Place the last 2 sts, on spare
needle behind) the last 2 sts. on 1st
needle and. knit together' 1 st. from
each needle twice. Knit to end of
round. Next round: T{3. (P1. Ill) 11
times. Knit to end of round. Repeat
this round 5 times. Kelt 10 rounds
even slipping the' last st off the let
needle onto 2n0 needle and knitting
the 1st st, off the 1 et needle onto 3rd
needle in last round. The sts, are
now divided 24. 12, 12.
To shape top: 1st round: 1st
needle: K1. K2tog. t.b.l. Knit to last
3 sts. K2tog. til. 2nd needle: K3.
K2tog. t•b.l. Kirit to end of needle,
3rd needle: Knit to last 3 sts. K2tog.
K1. 2nd round: Knit. Repeat these 2
rounds to 16 ate, In round. Slip sts.
off 2nd needle onto end of 3rd needle.
Graft top.
The Thumb: Knit the 16 sts. which
'were left for thumb, and pick up and
knit 4 sts. at base of thumb. Divide
these 20 sts. on 3 needles, Next 2
rounds: Knit, dec. twice over 'the 4
Kett and George Case g
For some time he was secretary and Regiment, Toronto, are home of
a member of the Springfield School leave,
Board, For '13 years he was secretary Mrs. Earl Dapple and baby daugh
of the South (Dorchester Agricultural ter have returned from Scott Mentor.Society and at times twee auditor for ial Hospital and are spending a while
Speo Dorchester and the ,Village of with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Pryce.
Springfield and secretary of the Ay1- Kenneth Eaton stood first in his
mer and Malahide Telephone Stewart'Com- wform et high school in the recent test
pang Mr. ars an elder and exams havtng passed in all twelve
Sunday school superintendent at subjects with a.0 average oaf
76 p,c.
Chalmers Presbyterian Church at Mr. Russell Holman returned bone
Springfield and tr nsferred to the last week from Scott Memorial }Hos
United Church at time of union. For pital after a serious operation.
more than thirty years Mr. Stewart The airplanes are certainly doing
was Springfield correspondent .For their duties these days., You can heat'
The 'Landon Free Press and follow- a continual bum for several hours.
ing die death of his wife also took The W. A. and W. M. S. of Caven
over 'her work as correspondent for Church, Winthrop, will meet in the
the St. Thomas Times (Journal. His Church. Wednesday. February 5, at
wife, the 'former (Marion Baker, of 2 o'clock. Roll callwill be an
Springfield, died in 1193(7 and he is Courage.
ureived by one son, .Yobs Hall Stew-
art, Cleveland. O., .and one 'grand- (
datrtghter, 'Marion Kemple Stewart, of l Tlie •W.A. of St. John's Chm•ch wets
Cleveland; a 'brother, Alex Stewart, held at the Noma of &h•s, M. -Reid) on
Windthorst Sask., and five sinters,
Nies, Prank (Wessman, Bornholm, i Mt • and 1jfs. Lee 14IcConnell, Me.
Ont, Mrs, William Gregg, Moose- and Mrs. Ernie McClinehey, attendgd
Jaw: i\des. ';Tames Wright,9T. 0050' the funeral of Mrs. Chester Dunce',
and .\ars. Charles Pilgrim California, (nee DI ie Johnston) a native of
The ,funeral was held from his dtome, Stanley Township. Deceased had
One mile west ,of the 'village on the been ill for some time and passed
Springfield road, on Weclnesday to away in Flint, Michigan.
Aylmer cemetery. The 1unerad was' The manual vestry of St. John's
tin -der (Masonic auspices. Church was held on Tuesday after.
noon. The following officers were
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wright, Mr, elected: Church wardens, Messrs.
Carl Deihl and ,Frank Weekes. Lay
delegates to Synod, Frank Weekes;
substitutes, E. Muter; board of man.
agement, Mrs. J. Beatty, Mrs. M. El.
liott, Miss Edith 'Beatty, Mr, E
Clutter, Mr. M. Elliott, Mr. Winner
Reid; Sidesmen, Mr. W. Townsend"
R. Elliott, H. Chuter; C. Elliott; andi•
tors, G. H. Beatty and Mrs, E.
Mossop, The treasurer's report of the
W. A, was given by Miss E. Mossop
showing a balance on hand.
Mr. and Mra, W. Townsend spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clutter. -
Mr. and Mrs, W. Ball' of Clinton
spent Sunday with the latter's
mother, Mrs. 'Mossop.
Mfrs. Thomas (Weight, Hamilton, Tuesday.
Frank Wright and Miss Laurabelre
Wright attended the funeral of Mrs.
Wrights brother, the late George
Stewart, in Springfield, last week.
Mrs. Plovright, Mrs, Muir, NTrs,
Wilson. Mr. William and Mr. Law-
rence Scott of Barrie visited with
Mr. and Mrs, James Wright recently.
Husband -"We've had this car for
seven years and never had a
Wife -"You mean we've had this
wreck for seven years and never had
a car,"
Want and For 'Salle Ads, 3 Weeks !SOc
Barrister & Solicitor
Attendance in Brussels
Wednesday and Saturday
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court ,
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build
ing, Sea -forth. Office hours:-
ours:Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1:30 pan. to 5 p.m. S"'aturday
evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p, m,
Additional Want Ads on Page 2
Range, coal or Wood, price 510.
Box stove, coal or wood, price $5.
Kitchen table, $1; dresser $2; side-
board, $5. Patrick Flannery, Dublin,
R. R. 1,
Save your woollen materials and
have thein made into Blankets, Tar.
tan Motor and Broadloom Rugs.
Wool batts 35c per Ib. Write agent,
S. Carter, Seaforth, Ontario.
Good feed beans; also Mandarin
soy bean for seed, for sale. Phone
6581.23, Seaforth central, Wallace
Ilaugh, Brucefleld,
Collie pups. Ross Leeming, Tele-
phone 831-12.
1 Quebec range, reservoir and
warming closet; burns wood or coal,
Al shape, Phone 6601,22, Seaforth,
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Jennie Nicholson,
All persons leaving claims against
the Estate of Jennie Nicholson, 1a.te
of the village of Bayfield, deceased,
who died on or about the 6th day of
December, 1940, are hereby notified
to send in to the undersigned on or
before the 14th day of February,
1941, full particulars of their claims.
Immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the e
said estate will be distributed +;-
amongst the parties entitled thereto.
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then
have notice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claire the undersigned shall not then
have notice for the assets so distrib-
uted or any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth this 28th day of
January, 1941.
Seaforth, Ont.
Solicitor for the Executor.
Are now ready for delivery. But
act quick before any further rise
in war costs are added.
Farmers prices will be o.k. this
year, so let's go, boys.
We have for sale:
One Sedan demonstrator, heater
and defroster. 1941 Willys.
One Coach demonstrator, heater
and defroster, 1941 Chevrolet.
One Coupe, all fully guaranteed,
1938 Willys with heater and
defroster, at $550
One International Panel 1 -ton
truck, 1935, in fine shape for
farm and general delivery.
For quick sale $375
One Ford Coach, 1936 model, a
nice job $400:
One Willys half ton Pick -Up
Truck, a dandy. 1939,.,.$490
Phone at once 34-616, 'Clinton,
for demonstration or particulars.
J. E. Hugill & Sons
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bondr,.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed'
in first class companies.
Information' cheerfully given