HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-30, Page 7THURSDAY,THE SEAFO1 'PT NESS'S ter JANUARY 30, 1941, ,,,, - _ Y MORE TRAINING PLANES Canadian factories are humming a tune of promised victory these days as they turn out increasing numbers of training planes in which thousands of students will be instructed under the Ale. Training Plan. In this photo workers In a Canadian plant are shown assembling an Avro Anson machine used tor training bomber Brews, January Session of County Council Huron County Council Votes $27,000 For War Work In 1941 Inspector's Report E. 'C. Beacons, Inspector of public schools of South Huron, agave a com- prehensive report of the progress of education before II•euron County 'Co -un - ell on •Wednesday morning, The number of schools in ooIper.ati•on during the •fall term, he said, shows a decrease, date to the closing' of LIS.S. No. 10; Hullett and +Goderich where -holy three ,pupils were enrolled. There are note 77 rural and five turban schools. in operation, employing Ale teachers, 86 in the rural and 30 in the nu+ban sch(ols. The staff of Exeter ,public school was reduced •frotu six to five teachers, due to decrease its the enrolment 'ivlr. 1Beacot l stressed that the short- age of teachers has become even more .acute than last year, and stated that it is now 11111)0". ible 10 Secure qualified teacher*, other than married women, •who have 1cit profession, .and in a tinniber of instanree are now taking i!room. I•heec, he fell, would he av- ailable in sufficient numbers to prd cent the closing of ,toy school due to the lack of a teacher. As the number of students at Normal schools is be- low the average of former years, the present shortage will not be relieved during she current year .hut may even ,be accentuated. Salaries in rural scenols show an increase, the average being $m as compared with $7510 in 4939, The .lowest salary paid in rural schools is $050 and the highest $1,050. A few mcrca-ccs have 'here intuit in nnhan schools. The total enrolment in all schools was 12,18.49. a decrease- of 55 over the !previous year. To - date no refugee children front the British Isles have been enrolled in the dttspectorate. That a great <many could be accotu- modated Is apparent in the nura'I Schools, In spite of the severe 'winter and large amount of snow, the attendance was •particularly good and ;the children deserving of much credit. • The high percentage of 911.99 was reached, re- presenting the best record for some years. Tuckersmith was the leading lotvns'hip with 92,3, with 'IJs'borne •close !behind with 1X2.1'1' pet cent. Fluke lett was the only one 'with a -record less than 90 ,per cent„ having 59.04 per cent. Exeter lett theurban schools with 943,\•per cent. closely followed by -Clinton with 94.5)5. Last year 78 pupils, 1, in rural schools, and 63 in urhan, attended every school day. The total and general legislaeiee and comity •grants teeeived he alt chums was $:d1,1166.i6• a its mese of over $x,053 over the former year. The grant paid :hy the county on new eq- uipntelt -and intproenwnts trade by rural (boards was $2,7')5.1)2 an increase. of 51219.4 -over 11'939. 11r. 4leecont pointed out that gen teat school grant are based on the county asseSemeats, and the increase recently made in the as. e ,.tient of several municipalities for cutinty pur- po. es tgoing to have the effeot of re- ducing the school .grants to school In ards in those municipalities, cipalities, This was e pccitlly true this year in the cast- of the 'I`ow 5 of 1 b derich teal -ere the school 'grant was $1.0'00 less than the ,previous year. The inc'ea.e le the local assessment of Veborne Town- ship trade- in 1!)19 has also the effect of somewhat lowering the grant's to the schools ,there as the higher the as- sessment the- lower Mr grants. Special grants to boards for the teaching of ;melt eubjects as agricul- ture, music, manual training„ home ec- ononsia and for fifth cit -v, -repro entad tt1t tartia.l amounts; the total :£rant .for agriculture 'being 511471, some rural schools receiving as .hint as '$31. All such grants were with- drawn in 'i9'4C) as an economic ntea- ettre. School ground ,generally had sheen much improved by-keeputt, grass cut, planting flowers, shrubs and paroling the fence 'posts, a great deal of the work .tieing done by the children. Three school hoards, No, 114, Stan- ley. INo, 2, '1'uckerunith and! No. Stanley, had taken advantage of trans- portation grants, used to convey epu�p- ils to secondary schools. A fair amount of improvements had !been made in the accommodation, Mr, Beacons :urged the installation of hy- dro wherever possible. Teachers have been encouraged dur- ing the year 'to :promote activities of a patriotic nature to inculcate a realiz- ation of the advantages of living :in a country where there are still democ- ratic institutions. Flags have !been placed on the walls of every class- room attd saluting the !flag and pledg- ing allegiance to it are a part of the opening exercises in most schools. Junior 'Red Cross Societies have 'peen olsganized in •every school; and the sale of War Savings Stamps en- couraged to 'the extent that to dire end of 'November Ipapils have p'urctittsed approximately 1$3,200 worth of Stamps half of this total 'being !bought ;by the children of •Godericlt L' ulblic Schools. 'Clinton pupils also did well, !buying $722. ,Navy week was observed and a collection for the Navy League real- ized $200. Twelve concerts raised $400 !which was given to variotts'bran- cites of the Red Cross. an these con- certs the value of teaching of ntatvic was exemplified. There were :3144 candidates at the an increase, nor on .that of the Hmon High School Entrance as compared County Trustees' and !Ratepayers As - with 336 the previous year. sociation for a .grant, "Provision is being made this year 1, Speaking in favor of the •nrgauaza- to free boys now in entfance classes, tion of a emit of -the Federation of Ag - for work on the ferrite after the Ttast- rieu'tlure in eluron County, agricul- ,`4rt.iv^>!i✓.ri4.r"vi�?a'<nv;...�in.r i'4,. .:4f..•.r'.+=i :i: .?sero i4 The World's News Seen Through $ THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Nrtvspa(ter - it is Truthful -Constructive -Unbiased -Free from Sensational- ism -Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Dail} �: Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make , the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. 0 yThe Christian Science Publishing Society tt' One. Norway Street, Boston Massachusetts y'' Price 912.01 Yearly. or 91.09 a Month ♦, Saturday Issue. Including Magazine Section. 92 60 a Year s '� Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents y, y`- Name t+ kAddress •. e ��y, SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST > •v PAGE SEVEN commie in.tl art suispert pr ,yid'!»g it _. x„ v ded with. 1 ,Reeve Raymond Redmond, who had. tion t l.h ,se 1 h returned from the convention of L. E. ("aidtff, i1.1'.. !Hurn! arts, Just delicious t t• the council the Federation of Agriculture to' of their regltt t tor grant,. \lt 1 wit ':r the eect•etary of lithe \,\f 1'..\ stationed et Pott ,\l- her: tun ort, asked, con ideration of a grans fnr the eguiputtut �r tit rec- reation room •there. it Ma. agreed !that her request for ct !tearing for her husband he given on Thursday morn- ing, a; site only !ante to the council as a spectator. Reeve Watson, under enquiries, asked if Council received reports !from hospitals and Clerk Norman :Miller said the only tae received was from Clinton hospital, THURSDAY 01i Thursday afternoon council raised the salaries of county treasurer A. H. Erskine and county clerk 'Nor- man !Miller 'to $2,000, an increase in each case of ($04;0. The following grant' were •airtitor- ized: The Navy League, $3100; SaI- n•atiou Arniy for rescue work, :$31)0; each tlib'rary in the .county 5115; each plowing association, :$90; Seaforth, Clinton and Heneall Spring Shows, $80 each; Hensel! Seed Fair, $Its ag- riculeural office, '$'500; National Insti- tute !for the 'Blind, .$11510: each of7ib four hospitals in the county, $ 'Junior Exten;ion, Fund, $300; East, 1W'e•t and South H,urou \\'omen', In- stitutes. $135 each; F,•lue Water High- way Association. '$11'00: each School Fair $15• Ontario Conservation and Reforestation Association, $35; 'War ,Memorial 111i pita!, London. $25; Hospital for Sick Children, $35. •A request of the Salvation Army for a !gram to the Red Shield Fund that that foe the !Greek \Van Relief Fund were left •over for further dis- cussion in open rouucil, and no action was voted on the application of the auditors, Monteith and (Monteith. for gave t, c m tort: trey u of a bushel r' McLn,elt Red apples which he had ,been sent as the coot - and five minutes recces was atlow,ed eds delegate, gave a cotuprehen,t:ve for the enjoyment of them. Tite :reboil of the ,proceedings. He stated thanks of the council were expressedthat all the =agricultural ministers ! by Reeves 'L''owmati and Katz. were in sympathy with some 'kind .yf Hop, George Hoadely. of the Divi- organization ,being formed. siutt of Public Health and !Medical crlT titin 1:Jtu onAGgcori f eelsssobe til Services of Canada, of the National g !behind all Committee inr !dental Hygiene. of organized, they are away Canada, in an address asked that a other provinces and they need 'tq act recommendation be presented to the quickly. He dtrged sattne organization government hat legislation be enacted in Eluron, 'There existed in ;the coon•- whereby municipalities will the allow- 'Gil whole -hearted co-operation bet - ed to have a municipal doctor system, ween rural and urban reevesshown iat Hon. 'Mr. Hoadley, who is a former the fact bhaf it was the motion of two ;Minister of. Agriculture of Saskatche-. urban reeves which sent hint to the wan, entitled his address, '"Our Stake mnI�,!p,ouothe en the the Future." He quoted statistics !gantzeetiationg. and eep !koliticseep awayt frf o m cen- ofi the Dominion Canada wdtich n, he ed. H'e did not ap- sliuwed a growing of cleats rate. The Provetraclazattoof warn Hon. F. h\d. D•ewan's plan to hest in !preventive medicine is not too bate agricultural representatives do good for the •forces nn the home front the organizing. He suggested that the as well to: for the lighting forces, he nta'tter ort organization of a county •un- said. ft of the :federation ;be 'taken tap in each By the municipal doctor system, rnmticiality Iby each reeve, who would the doctor appointed gives The care calf .two meetings. From these ap- that is ordinarily ,given thy a +general point -two delegates, ,and have these 32 practitioner which includes medical delegates meet at the office in Clinton service,, ohstetrical care, and minor and appotut an executive. Mr, Red- sitrgery. fele acts as medical health of- mond closed by su(ggestin.g 'that a lice- for the municipality and or;an- grant of $1,000 be made to' the Agric- izes clinics Municipalities, to cover !'ultural Committee, to start the organ - the cost, •would have to levy taxes te:tttun to !lune. atpon The assessed value of the farm Reeve after reeve arose to express lands, usually 'between 573:10 and $10 aPPrava.l of the !plan. !O•thers expressed per enmity. The average cost per per- ethe ek(minie ) that the townships should son in rural area: 1s $2,1113; in urban $1,7? The. Finally a motion by Reeves !Whit- ;,eaker declared, is (more and Duncan that the county. ite system, the t which a 'preventive nue. in pcapte are 'grant $500 and 'that each municipality able 'to huy health instead of paying be asked for '$50 •was lost on the fol. for sickness. The eloctor', salary i, lowing dnision^ set by the !nnnicipaltty' - 1 Yeas --- Baker, Bowman. Demean, 1\1 r. Ley, e,cretary of the 1 M;C.A.e Scott, Hetherington, Shaddic'k, Tue- - at !!'ort Albert and Sky Harbor, key Turner, Whitmore -9. w•a, heard by council, to ask desist- Nay, -- Alexander, Armstrong once in providing equipment in the Dorrance, Prayne, Ganrhle; •Grain, recreation morns. .\ sports Program at 'Leiper, Livermore, McCann, MdDon- Sk y !Harbor is um trartirahle owing to aOl, Morriet, lassntore. Rothwell, I the students tieing busy .but die only 'Rate.. Rtcduuntd, Watson, Webster, e entatrve neater, e- un. a • e , l\\ -Bir -20.. er :et'ts r if 'the help l l 'I ;Anal el J pro - An antetulutent• granting $1,000 tet parents or others, 1. ht pro g f the Agricultural I(ontmt,ttee to pro- beintg extended under certain cancht mote the 'organization of the unit of war, one 01 which is'hat good school tarn-,-, im Mtaul week ends the Federation of Agriculture was alio i must the 'clone by the Eassse via- pattmcut at (Jot \ 1 n , x carried ort the folktwin;g di4ision: that and 'o los who are 'passed at I' I legnt 1 1 P Yeas Alexander, Armstrong, • ssful • r kick in the way they have Iheen tore machine and these movies a > i Dorrance, Fravtir Gamble, time. examination those who ares are.. 'tat , who arc eat- used, he said. They are most parr!- week and one variety show veil! ! be d a Crraintalilrthrran;wn, Leiper, Liver - ',won eeks n the faun anal ) •ere on the ,!arms for at least eight ;otic but they do uhject to he ince pec-cn'ted, Two. dance, will be ho'the more. r\lcu_'anu, I'assmare, Ratz, Ra't l cc t Ethe spring 1' High lttln ty it Farmers in coal iri<un with week. The men of the is , eon- well, Redmond, Scott, 'Thorn, !Wa'.- weeks-during I ) ittrance iii' certificates will he !:!:bogs prier" ens err laboring under speaker lit Whom i t int 1 tI , i and i .eon, \\'ehaer, I\\•Bir, Wilson -23. ,heal I t s•u• ext. July. 'ts 't ;ante sprit ere tor prii•.cs for butter and cunhn`t1 rotted ketlt theft loved ,.acs in- Fr • !Nays—oilier•, 17uncan, Shaddick, is , d n - i, thein extended Co •tic boy: in cc- 'yon cheese and :bacon. .\, a result of vain, .\-ked to state specifically ,r what Turkey, Turner. 11\'hitnuvrr. g c +hould .he of ,great the d.ondon conference, farmer, ore a donation would he used 1 The , Tort r.111'aittar !Committee vadat i schools 'and, ''stances in relieving -suing to baud :hrmsclyrs into ori wi- Ley said an uu!�tit for t t:t.-t at aauthority organize each caste of many t1; moving $ice stet elven authn the shortage le !orifi help that vruuldl govern so they can "pin it ut, F both coo of ',-tt, or a tars;,- utwneini•> for Or formation of a c,ntr.- srd•m inevitable." .*,ot•urnnlent,." The Canadian Fedora un ,vrt•en '^T.u. : �,. tit- Department ty- unit , t a,„tt.taL•at•e. d were most tion -is Dontinionaidc and „r,tuizetl \ resolution :skit. I - it ! harittC.' iii'!'. wr of Sounty Thr Sel T Fairs held -- ,Convention ' to !band farmers together it: a mailed of iliehw:n• to hoer the Blur \\-att'Y r 'u hi. address ; , the council. creditable. - The Teachers'.iii' t .herd •I'herr are only nyn drat-- 11i;;hwac !runt Bay sicld-\min•ra•y 11m9"-- , was held to usual. one day in 1.nntloh y •wts essed. eu gt•,ted the: proper menial iter: and the other in e recently hacks, the , a of financing ke fairly ,to rr-rn'.iced immediatelyI sit •+dd he pro: idea sec that the {cosi been •e• 1 r rt • and how to keep palatics I'rncinaia }:uuin,•rrhellrxwt . 'ted t n vonld 16e tared or 1»titf amort has rnrtmen b)e t t every party,., a. likely to 'he the roads its Huron '.sere lo„hel after tion of the =troll �t 1 crived from the er elated, of l the out scarce at. Farm labor . 1ti• are signing u, or going well. \\'hetlurr the ranancial set -ftp •' i.tt•r plane. .In his opinion au�ar� minting the speaker -fated, "that the. ,carer a; men 1curtailment, he could 'erly ehouItl he .tppointed t look e in of calf r eh eau rations is to ; into the said. paid h labor Fields, lime would mean felt Gaon of a ,.ser .sick male inmate- and a peaeti- h Id g l • 'owing for the duration of the 1 :sonic- said. :\t the present Bute tint say. Hr Felt �lu• -outset ,he con- ere woman to act as nurse with the v tt owiu: to the necessity for ,reel- 1,,r, The cannot cnis asking w'h that ;ides t at he Fenn we .i ,xct ,tint 'female, The 1fnntc is not a -hospital w^ar g eraion in she trate -oF presenting tha'ori 'l'hr resentnant i, 1that ;,dared. elft Fenn we- ity,sa learned' and he suggested that diabetics, 50!- t school w of th it' to classes, annoy rh. school get is toucy r, a sr1 Lite t, ,l nt cit 1 , I' • • rt• 'Jude, of the :\;size Came that action !-pries and mental .patients should be :\ cute of thanks to the speaker :with each school sof 'w stcteo •l t cn••!r, •'i placed where they would reeeiee nte•- nsnred ,by Ttceves Scott and �l;:u» k Pa Ole, rya; heartily endorsed. SI d thing f'a ibl i' 't moving pittttre ma - have arranged \with service clubs at Stratford to have twenty -tire Wren d s there. The recreation hall willhave a stage and moving it rep is needed by r r s wild t is Glared that a great deal of !good haat! chine, :\t fort .\ihert, the 1 iLC.A. conte out of that "famous nteetmg o London,” as it lot the de- partment know the feeling of farmer,: Farmers have a plicate thlnJ Statements onsioseemomosommEammamp We can save you money ou Bilt sad Charge ,Forms, standard sizes to Sc Ledgers, white or colors. It will pay you to see our samples. Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec• tlonai Post Binders and Index The Seaforth N tt. ws PHONE 94 curd undid tt survey m 'what: peopn• should he taken againstd I 1 11 I E[' Lordship ••vthed urn;- kcal and nursing, tiro The doctor of •ll • tt ! e• ntu{, the ut. taut can l, and what the oncernnu•ttt Sint m'•t ad t, ,n , . • . ion slrntkl act a: a hntfr.. din. Stretford and ':-to ev 'burctuts ••,'a !'tit, he wast n, v'1 cwt •,v, ,and refuse the entrance 'of such d'a• Committees Named I:e .otures of ;apply to sey.ure hrl'p the .7,,.ann+na, as no art 'n i»� to high taken. tient, and see that they are sent t,,, trikin: committee ''brought in for farmers. Boys go The f they desire to work oil lee eVerdras ,Willeet Haack, t' ,. the proper m that, ,. \Ir l lttr'- the following report which 'was ac» schools, t !dee !arms, will be • ;icer their ayademi. Feauan and d, 1?. t u lilt were t d.4. tun etre: t t the utvv .n,y t ceExe. standing if they ,t'ty on t he farit; d_)ti•n !n a-0 that 1e reef• tt 1t be fare proteeti,m gnu 11.te _d. 11 Executive sale - Councillor• EIet1.ive t t„ the unto•.,, I'1t.5int \ site ratty ,redid, he n1. eellWe Kaker, Durran, !,rain. Ln- 'sttt t,tc most t nl onset acrunt• i, the „•n• :uunu,t to get lea, 5 of ;l,sencc :,f tion meeting ml 0.1 it uttneuncnts'i,c ib• i oliocntg m ns tctr nr„ cr Leg! 1 11 roma e\+,• ra'' 15 made . f.1' the -.tl, . n.: . it: it '.x. rie! :, the -e- 1. l.e taativc - '\IcCrann, ht•' r Dorrance, ,Morritt. ee at.1 , u•d survey he had mole at the held fit Heron m lose'. , •m d11 ,- i •t n! 1 la v) int, ,. • cwxlu t••'1 11'i th i ,el L rant Finance - Rale, 'l'au•nele Thom, rooms!. of the teemed, inr d, a a` FRIDAY 1, rh ,' tt n to the \\'alsnti, i\\`Bir. tit tJ h the rural r, tees and a, a r, . , n ,n ! cut t {tint;g of -11,- `n 1,n, bels io»•-e _r,tin- ,,, ,. { ,n t :,, \t;.rc, ,l en•l t ptts,o Gdnr;tti„u - 'Kotyutan, Sitxddacic, -n,1, !tars.• .e''''"1 l"."1' • P 1, •, ' Alex:uader, trod seen Burd tip. 'n-si,lr, th , u,. ;1:n11,mze,l t m setons ,-1 i •n,ider ,• c section in thea ' .,nota. Whitmore, i M ct' „f 1 ill 1 of ela•er :,n 1 zr•t, r i. at ! ,• k'taputyi bster hl, Turner, Ratz half uaa, ,n' at,tn,.x t t1t c in luny. Tee•terre. to Good Brit \'I Y, Shearer prefaced Isis :uldu s by lee in the tett eflou for 1041, \tide Cotmuathe. County Home-Dorrance, Duncan, enumerating the qualities of the )tore situ• !\\ridden otnu.i•:ea ws u,e••tr'• i'ounv fors :\ru,stran4 wt., is Cke\' Glean, \\'al 011, {Id'll; sit t had presided 117,'e he came e rad [n ;nitttitil,tt11 ,it ,!r,'t I,+ I hd• 't l+ �^ •t , s lttto Unroll, Wilmot Haack, rya, riot_ prove', of the atmnril. Cann. - 1'ha+, a grim of »a.. Children', Shelter llfi'eu, FErthrr- rd i„t hi: 'posh:" 12. R. 1 )trnrl. The nt,,ti„n, sponsored by 'Reece, 0 the Colony 'Council .\ so..t tt: •;le iu.gton, Leper, "dtplonutttc and smooth:” lydorge •Garrard. Agriculture r0 ss Gamble, MoDuttalil' Fe tt;:m, for "good look.' ani )outs ,_,R. J.,,.:• vldt tn, ,,!meet ra•,ti J. \v \ nuuiv,t ,1„m rr,1 4tj Rreu, S. 'Whitmore, T-Iettterin Watson. Leiper, "talk,, hooks and acts lila H, 1\'hit t tet •tad+\ h, D),i nice ,, •s Police - tFIetheringtnn, Tuckey, nu,u;ly nr:uer." \Iennbrr. of the 'tgricult't'r` Of this amount, Steele!! ea, rn:wd eareieti t- ftalow That having - hrayne: a cotnntittee voiced their thanks and! Cruntnal Audit Passmore. Mill- co-operation Whit Mr. Shearer. Reeves to the 'Canadian Red •Cross headgatar_ :lard to the h,_:h tut of nulusl s co { ter at Toronto to ht• paid (luring the vncee an{ tna benefit e 1 •i t Turner and 'Bowman promised the odor campaign; 2.000 to the Sals.•tti„u by the whale t ,unto , c Gaud Roads -Scott. Armstrong' t. ,In•,•xt4np of the urban Genii Redmond: Ade deputation from the Blue \\:urn • army': Red shield land and $l0u t e. cin n1 tn.tntet},tt medical rt•.r- p the ry tmttt' ,vvrnmt t to re- -Equalization - '\\'ltittnore. Me- 11'gI say \,, wi 111 . 1 composed { the 1,rt•ek \\'ar Rea 1'tuul 1 he r,•o onnuruda r ,n to \\ :r quested +, enact 4 a 1 tr st t t Donald, lexantler, Gamble. Turner! t i ehriele - thaellWarden's 'Committee -- Turner. NI a) E. 1 Brown of kit. 11111101)),- that ou tt 1t local tinnier! t tt. to 11 lot,1 Rothwell, Dorrance, Bowman. Shad- \ 1 1 ,1 „u pecAeis n of tot 1 ! to' 1 ul ;.!::::11,101:1=„1,. , : c i u . 1 1 ,r ,.01.„. stn: r 1 t-1 tt, et a tttinn pa111 a 11 e 1 t e ti ,' R tit! ce in ai A he 71•ti led t, she re 1 , t•tm hilt at Port .\'tt•r erviee when ,itch ery.cr hill ''e t;( dine assistance it strut; e c7 nal o• w o ,.eel th "'".1'1t ;,+ 1'5'd n t ref runt' nt v t c'Irl"'". r the a tots.. _'t an ... he report of •the Covenof tttrt,ttl 1 road helm from i Forest ib a n'1to ander 111, supe ry l 1 n ,n 1 nom, e ,1st t•ndrnt mid tit • n t•o tl t to rc lain t n- sr Huron County jail showed 140 pp;r grout Kind and frim laytield t,• to the m , er, of h, is :,<• prit.insoner diner 'the year. The coat per hunarthee completed. 1. l.nch cu!mt: I' fed tt, the war !tool. e priere a per day t eight fl4tr Bun., along the ht„h,vay was he ng ',s••ri stn a ,1911,11 oo1 nineteen .' i is tl !nim to of lteal11 and nun!ca•'1 Three are at pres13owmsug.g to itr?20(1. the council voted t m•ro t the es- affair,, utl each comity Gums t ,f :le, Reeve R.tJ, .Bow' matt decorated) lit l britt rel former er comity I teti llt' 1,''.11''' use allow otic+ , t u e, ntY c•,n 1.'"'''''''' that the court room the re -decorated tit Clinton, em !moot- Bet to stable (C -on •able let utas, 1 t1 a ,1t Com -will -re \\ 1t. ,n and \\!son -- and :provided Coo new Commit ore, a, it from said thin if deed t t� t+om and Gardner) to $rift, . n ire rea'e Of "That the to unci tri f is officer e! he c. mark He the,County Cot any center- frau the province Comes, it t jars: $191), greeted e give to the. county council any. had visited many County e o had if the e tt le i is taxed1tvII are Provisional estimate, for 1at41 !all a detailed :me -mem of his null rte anti Cou pressed ies ed chambers and had earan foie cord mg to the equauranmi, it will be for a tax rate of 3.75 mils to raise expense the same as the other police p •Reeve Tut their Pane ted Mr, B left holding the Ibag. $203,470. Of this $81.3,148 as for the officers'Carried.�haddack Reeve Tuckey supported hot -Boy- Council carriedlegthe mmit!t e ,con -'Councillors \\'atson and tomo. He told of the receipt of'a let- tion of the legislative committee yon- general account and ti4,Lit1 is for --That 'the warden and Reeve Grain. ter from England in wlo f i was curving ofa'th the thatoltlsettrgovernmethe nt are tentative only andThese may be revisedestimates of Turitiberry, be delegates to the stated that then . of 'buildings county Peele nextsess'convention at Kitchener of cite Coun- this ion there: ere :urged that assume the cost of hospitatdzatlR Brofuce at tThe property was ants- ty ,Council A•ssociatiott,” Carried, this shouldeerily of is done here a !the ,pros- indigents; with the 'Conor' of itnplce to 1 'Cauncillprs 1Ganmhle and Watson- carrytof •this Gauss. hon that legislation ,findings t dings enacted deterectonmenda- tione- eCand renodellingwith 'oflttheeacourt "That the corn 'borer inspector, he re - the on business. Other reeves merit rhe fi e appointed ointed at the same salary as last and also centennial of the county council flu year." .favored taking into consideration im- tions of 1Roya1 Cpm!»t•saans, or ¢lis- -gout before the cete96ration of -tit I,C'ti,uncillors Livermore and Grain - passed in the Engineer's office continue their appointment;That the rs Livery Committee n- and other changes. A motion wathat ,gori the allowances mileage cto dis- ommittee to to ac 6cte recommendation slteirregt crttlof I" passed that ,the P•ropeety Committeecontinuees magi- the itte to Town to the that the for tenders on the house formerly used Iplans and esltunates for the re- and other expenses to jud'g ff' ls• 'teethe system an the court house be as a+Children's Shel•ter, and on the contents separately. s eco- , decoration and rearrangement of the strafes, s'hentfs and e ter o tc. . to courtroom m and report at the Jutta twith ral�placeCit0tinconfin menl hir nldaexecu- atorieaein thetCount lFlousetparte, was ublic lave session. Charles Asquith, Auburn, was ape 'tion of persons convicted of capital endorsed. poitkted to 'the 'Goclerich Collegiate offences; ;ree ve trl res alt ti neosoldier- s. '1, Reeves R. E, Turner, eo,',, r yne!W Maytute Boardet•for 19411; Education ing t \ha r to Exeter Board of, Education 'Che recommendation of the CauntY county cleric' Noonan ;Miller and Geo. y FTonte committee that the salary of S'chtieler, president of 'Goderieh (hoard Gfor 3 years; Reeve e E. Hospital Board; 1' to !the on to ih _Hospital Erwin I b 'I'tot ota4:0) to $45' Shad- to arrange were for the celebration the Board; F, R. 3tardn r the \Vingltredani mended Frayne, raising at to $50. t\ High School Board' for 3 Years; Fred ' council's centenary with power to add Davidson to the "1Wingham •General resolution' from the Tow•atship of Us- to the nuutber, $osipiaal Bo 1 ' !and for b Year: J. F. Daly borne that the Federal 'Government ' Reeves P. Passmore and If. Dan- te &eafantla JCollegaate Institute be ,farmers!oned ,for :dressed , fix pork atrices t$10 t1 510e taid can pet that received 14, J Bowman ation of 101, ,R d- !Bloitrd for 1'91411. Fairs „-,,s concurred in, mold .and 0, \\�alson investigate the Ilow•an'e tenders for jail stile- increased cost of -the administration the same as last year were authorize te !were accepted: nlfa't, D. 04Brteat, of j:usuce of the county of Huron dot on oration oG !Reeves !Webster and plies fifteen years and report Con?" asked the magistrate. George Armstrong. :groceries, J, C. !Curt; bread, E. 1U. ing the past vie Rept ' a 'Canada, of al 'Navy ,Lea- 'Cleveland, to the Jttnc session on the cause, and well, sir, her aini s getting' good:' ns, and R. Canada; the Sal. !Goetz Army, dt was moved or councillors Pass- make red means of for if possible, of j Want and For Sale Ads, 3 'seeks 5'Oc' and 'R. Sdtortree'd 'and R. IGioetz of the more and 1Whit}nore-•'that a grant of ways 'an'd means of correcting' the sit- Hu'ron 'Coutety Educational Associa- $2',000 Ibe 'given to the plowing match nation. ' 'Carried. Councillors Dorrance and Scott - "That the 'Warden, Reeves 'Gamble and ,Watson 'be delegate to the an- nual convention sof the 'Ontario ,Plow- men's Association. Carried. After the !passing of the necessary 'bylaws, Warden Leiper thanked, the members atad officials for their co-op- eration and the session closed with the singing of the !National Anthem, "She's thrown things at ire ever since we were married, sir" said the complainant. "And note, after twenty year's You are asking the court's protec-