HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-30, Page 3THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1941. setters THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE THREE MINIM RV Costs Cess than per average baaking MARRIED LANDSBOROUGH • GIBBINGS — On Wednesday, Jan. 32nd, 1941, by Rev. W. A. Bremner, Edith Evelyn, younger daughter of Mr, anti Mrs. R. \V. Gibbings, to William David, elder son of Mrs. Landsborough and the late William Landsboough, of Tuckersmfth, STANLEY The engagement has been announc- ed of Miss Ruby Snick; youngest tlaughtel'. of Mr, and Mrs. William Suick of London, to Mr. Joe Coultes, youngest soli of M1', 'and Mrs. H. Coultes of Varna. The wedding will lake place soon, 5'. FARm EQui 5 fMcCormick eerin ' mENT l Now is the time to see us and discuss your needs for the ;. coming season. See us about the new income purchase plan Electric Supplies. Paints JOHN ,Acll MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Dealer for I.H.C. Machines & Repair Parts 4 RJWIOS AH models and prices of Radios. See our large display. We also have Battery Radios and Batteries in stock. Fanners are particularly requested to investigate our line of Battery Radios before buying. Now is the time to get the most enjoyment out of a Radio, when radio reception is at its best. We carry the well known makes such as Westinghouse, DeForest, Rogers, Sparton, etc. Complete Display of Electrical Goods Radio Repair Work EXPERT RADIO REPAIR WORK BOSIIART ELECTRIC Phone 75 Seaforth Credited With Locating Body With Aid of Divining Rod— A. very large cougregalioe were present tit the funeral service held in the United Church, Monday after- noon, for the late live•year•old. Andy (hark, who was drowned ou Tuesdey last week, and whose body was not recovered until five o'clock Saturday. The service was conducted by the pastor of the church, Rev. W. A. Deseret. The pallbearers were: Don - aid SMha.tte, Donald Montgomery, Wil- fred Seli, Ralph Seddon, Jimmy Coombs, Gerald Brophy. Burial took place in 'Wingham Cemetery. From the time that the boy's father, Joseph Clark, discovered a hole in the ice on the Maitland River, 100 yards be- low the C.N.R. bridge, on Tuesday noon laet week, until the body was Pound Saturday afternoon, an inten- sive search was kept up by many willing workers. Ice was cut and re- cut in an effort to locate the boy. Wednesday evening Mr. Clark went to Cottam and secured the services of Charles Neale and his divining rod. Mr. Neale 12 years ago used this same instrument in the search for Jack Bur'gman, sou of Mr. and Mrs. W. le. Bur'gman, who was tar- ried to his death in the spring Roods of the river when a canoe upset. It was Mr. Neale and his party who -dis- covered the body about 200 feet down stream from where the accident took place. Iu the party besides Mr. Neale were Bert, Mitchell, Jim Seli, Jack Miller and Ken Sinnamon. Con- stable Gordon Deyell removed the body from the water and Coroner Dr. R. C. Redmond was called but decid- ed that an inquest was not necessary, —Wingham Advance -Times, TRAGIC END OF'"STAHLIN'S 100% PERFECT DELILAH" In an article to be found in The American Weekly In the February 2 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, Pierre Lazareff, former editor-in-chief of the Paris -Soh•, reveals startling facts about the confession and fan- tastic double life of the Communist "Black Angel" who made her dream of luxury real by betraying all who loved and trusted her. Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times. D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Office — Commercial Hotel Electro Therapist Massage Hours—Mon. and Thurs. after- noons and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation—Sun-ray treatment. Phone 227. BUS TIME TABLE Leaves Seaforth for Stratford: Daily 5.25 a.m. and 5.15 p.m, Leaves :Seaforth for Goderich: Daily except Sunday and hol., 1.05 pan. and 7.40 p,m. Sun. and hoe., L05 p.m, and 9.20 11.ln, Connection at Stratford for Toronto, Bnmilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit. Tavistock, Woodstock, Brantford Agents: Queen's, Commercial. Dick House Counter Chec Books We Are Selling Quality Books Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. Mkt .#nth SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, Christmas .Parcels Were Appreciated Seaforth Overseas Committee Receives More Letters of Than ks Cou tinned From Page One Somewhere in England. Dec. 25, 1940. To the Chairman of Seaforth Over- seas Committee: Dear Sir: Wish to acknowledge re• ceipt of your lovely parcel recently. Everything was so nice and useful, certainly appreciate that the boys over hel'e are so well remembered by the people back home. Thanking you once again 1 remain, sincerely yours, Cpl. JACK HOLLAND, Spr, J. H. Bolton. A19492. 2nd Royal Canadian Engineers. Dec. 22/40. Seaforth Overseas Committee. Dear Friends. 1 reeeleed your par- cel all intact and 1 was very pleased with contents and was very 1150901 as things over here are scarce and ex. pensive. Most of the Seaforth boys are all together. Including myself and them we all appreciate what you have done. Again thanking you, 1 remain, sincerely, HARRY BOLTON, Pte. J. R. Venus, A3542, R.C,R. Dec,, 16/40. Dear Friends. I received your par - eel and I am not able to tell yon on paper how 1110011 it was appreciated. We are stationed down on the coast of England, and it sure is a lonely job. There are 7 men in the section I am in and they all had a bit of the parcel. Whenever one of the boys get a parcel, they open it up and say "help yourself," so in the end we are just one big happy family. Well I will stop uow. Hoping you all have the beat of luck, and thanks a million, I remain, BOB VENUS. No. 2 Canadian Base Depot of Medical Stores. R,C.A.M.C., Aldershot, England, 26 Dec, 40. Seaforth Overseas Club. Dear Friends. I wish to thank you for the nice parcel I received from your organization on the 24th Decent. her. Needless to say, the contents were very welcome and greatly appreci- ated, especially at this time of the year and helped In no small part to make a midnight lunch in the bar- rack room a cheery occasion for all. Compliments of the season, and continued success in your efforts. Gratefully yours, H. A. WHITTAKER. 580797. Whitley Camp, Surrey, England. To the Seaforth Overseas Commit- tee. Many thanks for the lovely par- cel which I received to -day. And I was sure pleased to receive it. And 1 wish to thank all the members of the committee from the bottom of my heart. So far I don't know who the committee consists of, but I hope you drop a line orsoto let me know who all the members are. For I would like to write to some of them. As there is nothing else to put our spare time in at, we generally write plenty of letters. This Is a wonderful country. espec- ially Scotland. I would love to tour this couutry in peace time. For 1 really think a person could enjoy himself. Well I will close for now, hoping to hear front some of you very soon. So cheerio for now. Your sincere friend, PTE. CHARLES WOOD. A4122 Fri., Dec. 13, 1940. Dear Friends. Just a few lines to let you know that I got your parcel all right and was very glad to get it, and I want to say thanks very, very much. It certainly was nice of you to think of us fellows over here. We are having very nice weather here now. I guess you will have snow by now. It won't be long until Christmas and it is going to seem queer leaving Christmas without snow, We are liv- ing in a big estate in the middle of a village about the size of Hensel], and we are about six ranee from a city. It is about the size of London, Ont. We are learning how to build pontoon bridges and it is quite interesting. We do that for one week and then we learn how to build a steel bridge, which I think will have a lot of hard work to it. After we get that t1uo WO are going to move to anoth:r place for the winter. The old town Hurst be pretty dee,: by now en- account of so meey fellows in the army now. 11ut he . hoping we are bads main aeon oe I intake it cheery once more. I was 0p to Edinburgh, 50111 :_ri, on my last leave and 1 had a woes. i erful time, so I arm going balek the.f on my next leave. That is at theend of this month, Buzz Dale is o Lance corporal now, and Purley Belton our dispatch ruler. 1 have seen Jahn Strong Hued Charlie Woods ante Charlie Mowbray since 1 landed over here but not lately, so 1 don't know how they are getting along now, I haven't found Bob Venus yet. but I hope 1 can run across -]tint and Arthur Cameron. Well, I can't think of any more news to tell you, so 1 guess 1 will ring off fm' now. hoping this finds you all feeling well and happy. Once again thanking you very, very much for the parcel, yours sincerely, SPR. C. COOMBS, R.C.E. A35160 The following letter lies been -re. ceived by Mr. and Mrs, itobt. Strong, Egmondville, from their son, Lance torp. Strong. Somewhere in England. ' December 21, 1040. Dear Mother and Dad, 1 have a few minutes to spare before going on patrol so thought 1 would drop yeti a few lines to let you know that 1 am tine and that 1 received all the per, cels tine. The Xmas cake sure tasted good and the socks and the rest of the stuff came in awful handy There were so many people sent things to me that. 1 can't write them all, but norther would yini ]hank them for me by putting this in the paper so that they can all see I receivers the parcels tine. How are you and Dad keeping these days and how is Jean? I suer pose that you will he spending Xmas at home. Hew is the winter over there—lots of snow? We haven't had any snow here yet, but lots of rain and fog. It's not so frosty hero but the cold sure bites deep or account of the dampness. I got a parcel Prom the Seaforth Overseas Committee and one from Smitty, you know the one that runs the restaurant. I had a letter from Grace and kids and saying she was feeling fine. Also had one from Marie 0114 Pearl. Tell Dad I ran into Eddie Hart the other nigbt and he was ask• ing how he was. He was the first one I've seen from home since I've joined this outfit, as we are a long way from the rest. Well, Mother, this isn't a very long letter but it's all 1 know just now and just about all the time I got, so will close for now. Hoping to hear from you. Love to all. Yours as ever. your son, JACK. P. S.—Don't forget to thank the Overseas Committee. Returned From Formosa— Rev. and Mrs. George MacKay, of Tamsui, Formosa, passed through London this week en route to join their family in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. MacKay, the latter a daughter of the late Rev, John Ross, of Bruce - field, have been missionaries under the Presbyterian (9nn'ch, 111 For- mosa, for tine past 30 years. Follow- ing a comfortable return voyage they landed in San Francisco, the last Can- adian Presbyterian missionaries to be withdrawn front Formosa. bir. Mac - Kay's father, the late Rev. (18015e MacKay, was the founder o1' the mission. Fatally Stricken— Willianl Abe who for many years operatre a shoe repair shop 101 East street. Goderich, passed away cue flay last week athis home adjoining his place of business. He had 00011 no indication of being seriously ill until fatally stricken. Get After Distress Improved Vicks Way If a cold has "gone down," caus- ing coughing,, muscular soreness, or irritation in upper bronchial tubes, see what a "VapoRub Mas- sage" can do for you! With this more thorough treat- ment, the poultice -and -vapor action of Vicks VapoRub more effectively Petters TESlrritatedair passages with soothing medicinal vapors... STIMULATES chest and back likea warming poultice or plaster.., STARTS RELIEVING misery right awayl Results delight even old friends of VapoRub. TO GET a "VapoRub Massage" with alt its benefits—massage VapoRub for 3 minutes on IM- PORTANT RIB -AREA OE' BACK as well as throat and chest— spread a thick layer on chest, cover with a warmed cloth. BB SURE to use genuine, time -tested vICKs VAPORTIB, Will Visit In June George C. Feagan, director of Hur- on County Flying Training School, Limited, told County Council on Tuesday that the company had plan- ned to have the County fathers as guests at an inspection and din- ner at Sky Harbor airport Tuesday evening, but tbat the event had been postponed until June because the So- cial calendar of the County Council was filled for this session. The Coun— cillors, it was learned, had been in- vited out Wednesday and Thursday nights and it was felt that three ban- quets in a row would be overdoing things. Moreover, the weather would be more propitious in June.—Goder- ich Signal -Star, Jimmy Knows— "Have you overalls?" a delegate to the farmers' gathering held last Fri- day in London houted at the Honor- able Jas. G. Gardiner. The reply of the Minister was not reported. We can say this, however. A number of years ago one of the farmers living near this good town hired the then youthful Gardiner for farm work, The first job assigned to the hired boy was driving a balky horse. Our farm- er friend Raw the problem ahead of the future Prime Minister and Fed- eral Minister of Agriculture for the Dominion. and left the two to settle the matter between them. The boss chuckled, but the contest between the balky equine and boy went merrily on. The result? There was a good forenoon's work done and horse and minx lived happily ever after. Yes. "Jimmy" knows something about overalls and balky horses. Some folks say that he knows a little about bur man nature, Some go so tar 00 to say that he can do a fairish job at taking care of himself on the platform, but as 111r. Kipling used to say, "That is another story,''—Exeter Times -Advo- cate. Want and For Sale Ads, 1 ,week ac Western Canada Special Bargain Excursions From All Stations in Eastern Canada GOING DAILY FEB. 15 -MAR. 1, 1941 inclusive Return Limit — 45 Days TICKETS GOOD IN- COACHES at fares approximately 114e per mile *TOUI1RIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1sec per mile STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately lesc per mile Cost of accommodation in sleeping cars additional BAGGAGE CHECKED. Stopovers at all points enroute going and returning Similar Excursions Prom Western to Eastern Canada During Same Period Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and all information from any Agent ASK FOR HANDBILL CANADIAN NATIONAL: J. GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Come in and see the new Plymouth car and Fargo Truck We alto have a ; ervice Truck—if you have car trouble, t'hnne 179 and we will come promptly PHONE 179. A.'. Repairs 51:ictiy Cash. SEAFORTH ',\'e Aim To Please DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY P!4ONE COLLECT — SEA,1 ORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.