HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-30, Page 2D PAGE TWO THE SEAFORTH NEWS Notice To Creditors IN 'N111 ESTATE OF }I:\NN,111 RI1TTA FRENCH. Deceased, NOTICE is hereby given that. 011 persons haviug claims against the Estate of Hannan 'tette b'renelt, late r y a the .r 1, ill r , t ht en, in the ?; 11 County of 11aron. Widow, deceased. who died on or about the lith Novent- her, A.D. 1541). are required to deliver to Charles 1' Cooper, HensaIL Om tarso. or Frank Irpshatt, Kippen, On• tuba, the Executors of- the said Estate or F. Hugland, K.C., Solicitor on of before the ISth day of Febru- ary, A.1), 11141, a full statement of their claims together with particu- lars. thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any. helot by them all duty retitled by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only t.o scat claims as shall have received due notice and in atcordaitett therewith Dated at Clinton, Ont., this 25th day of January, A.D.1941. 1. FINGLAND K.C. Clinton Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. TENDER WANTED Tender for la cords of hardwood. not more than half heed'. 16" long. Tenders to be received by Feb. 15. 1941. To be delivered on or before May 1, 1,941. George H. Leonhard). Sec: Treas., Walton, R. R. No. 2: Tenders Tenders wanted to purchase brtilt house on Cameron Street, ti,elerich Ontario, formerly used as the Huron County Chitdreu s Shouter.: Tenders to be uccontpcwied with a marked t4 et t , r 1t e for , of t the tender price. r - a .< it be paid within le dry., the balance may he secured by mortgage at 4'5. Tender w1 also ,• • '). 1 ,let l t et et • h 1 1 led t the contents of the same house. 'l'en• tiers to he accompanied by 5%, of the tender price With a marked cheque. the bathluce to be paid before taking possession of the said contents. Address all communications to the undersigned, Any person Wishing to inspect- the - house or its contents may do so by applying at the Colony Cler'k's Otllce, Court House, Goderich. All tenders to be in the hands of the County Cleric 11ot later than Feb- ruary Stln. • N. W. MILLER, County Clerk. APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be received up to 1 ebruely seed for the position of Assesso', and also Auditors, for Hullett Township. for 19.41. J. W. 51cC00L, Clerk. Londesboro, HOG FOR SERVICE Purebred Berkshire hog, of im• proved bacon type. Fee :11, W. T. Livingston, proprietor. Phone 842r11, Seaforth central. aormenamamemmamp.morekloosmommetamassraraungnr.ra SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, lih'Ommtu Pitt, 5)12)1)3,Lumbago is (0'? noeosiniry. rso ttl'M\tAI+S al 0)1) 0 ter quick relief. 1ief. SlcKitulsl y'r Drug Store, TENDERS WANTED For 10 cords of hard wood, maple i,•i ) + 1 ecrh. Ili inches long, to be dells, eyed to Coustence United Church, Tenders to be sent by Feb. 13 to W. R. Jewitt.) ))+) Lt udesb c (, R.R.. 1 ARTICLES FOR SALE Robber Goods. Sundries, eta'., mail- ed postpaid hl 111)11)1, sealed wrapper. 80%r less than retail. Write for mail- order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., Dept. K-21. Box 9.1. Hamilton, Ont, TENDERS WANTED To supply S.S. No. 5. Tuottersmith, with cords of 24" hardwood, lit maple and 24 beech, Tenders to be in by Feb. 1st. Wood to be delivered Mar. 1st, 1941. Hugh Id. Chesney. Sec. Treas., 11.11.4, Seaforth. WANTED Reliable man to continue giving service on established Rawleigh route around Seaforth. Previous dealer now engaged in tear works. Rusieess very well established. Un- usual anusual opportunity to make large earnings from the start. For v'ont- plste information, a11P15 pt'omptly. The 11'. T. Rawleigh Co„.Ltd., Pox ML -364-5 2, Montreal, THURSDAY. JANUARY 80, 1941. VARNA 1)1r. ;tad Mrs. Geo, H, Beatty spent Saturday in(it-Morten. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. C. i)onkin of Flint. Michigan, formerly of Stanley. There to wa, us a )urger crowd at the cheerio club dance last week and all reported a good time. Mrs. Morton Elliott motored to Kitchener one day this weed:. Don't forget the big dance on 'rues. day night In aid of the British War Victims Fund, sponsored by the cheerio club. Air. and Mrs, Rill Townsend anent Sunday at the latter's parents. Miss Mary Hazel! is spending a few weeks in Varna, There Wtts a large attendance at the last Red Cross nteetiu , g Mr. and Mrs, Lee McConnell and Mr, and Mr's. Ernie McClinchey at. tended the funeral of Mrs. C. Dunkin on Tuesday. WEST BRODHAGEN While Mr. Wm. Koehler was tak- ing the ice out of the water trough at the barn one of his cows came to take a chink alongside of him, and another one came from the other side and gave the first one a bump in the FOR SALE 7 good pigs, Also 1 Peroheron mate rising 3 years old, good single or double and quiet. H. McLlw•atn, phone 8521'28. Seaforth. side so that she gave Me. Koehler a push, throwing 1110) over the trough, Wht•n he fell on the 1)_0 of Ute' trough, his ston)aell was badly hurt, Dr. Brady of Seatotth was called and ire was tauten to 50060)th Hospi tall and was operated on that after noon to remove a Mood clot that had gathered near the stomach, Last re- port is that he is restilig a little bet- ter now. and we wish the best for t Mr. Edward Doerr and his sister Anna spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Dors. Jerry Doerr and other friends, This was it stormy and very cold Sunday. Rev. l,eibold from Sebring. vdlle was here to give us a sermon. but he said the roads were very smooth and you could not drive very fast. Mrs. Henry Dietz spent two weeks In Brodhagen with bit. and Mrs. Ed Ahrens and ottier friends, but has re- turned home on Thursday, Mr. Charlie Eggert has improved enough cow so that he can go to the barn again, but he is a tittle slow. We hope be will soon be himself again. HIBBERT War Saving Certificate Meeting To Be Held— A meeting' will be held 111 Staffa Township Hall ou Friday evening. January 81st, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of explaining the war sav- ing aying certificate canvass. A special speaker will be present to outline this work very thoroughly, We would a predate a turnout as one and should be interested In this very worthy cause: "THE TASK WILL E GREATER IN 1 41 T_ ase ' {. IT HA BEEN IN 194 d 1 i nd more effort, it is �kiz ��.�� . f� � 1��-� more acrifice fin f;;f mor c ta'' n t r 1 , e in our daily lives ALREADY the pattern and pace of life in Canada have undergone a profound change. Gaps in employment are rapidly filling up. Some 350.000 Canadians who were unemployed before the outbreak of war are now employed. Another 200.000 are with our armed forces. Factories, which until recently were turning out goods for civilian consumption. have been transformnedinto humming arsenals, pouring out in- struments of war, Night and day shifts have become the rule rather than the exception. But the peak of effort is not vet in sight. In 1941 still more factories will switch to war produc- tion . .. new plants will be established. thousands more will be employed. This rising tide of activity must continue until we reach the flood of effort when every Canadian will be employed and working to his utmost, every possible square inch of plant will be utilized. every wheel will be whirring in the race we are waging against titne and the enemy. More men are working ... working longer hours .. . making more munitions . earning more money , . . producing more goods .. putting more money into circulation. Most Canadians are sharing in this in- creased national wealth — have extra dollars in their pockets. The effort the Prime Minister calls for is gaining momentum. but many Canadians, as individuals, have not vet felt the real pinch of sacrifice. Canadians of all classes are sharing tax burdens, but it must be admitted that up to date rhe larger part of the money needed for Canada's war effort has come from business firms and individuals with large incomes. They are paying high taxes. They have already invested heavily in War Loan Bonds. 6 RT. Hon. W. L. MACKENZI KINi? (NEW YEAR'S EVE, 19301 This is not enough. The plain truth is that Canada's rapidly expanding production for war purposes will require increasing sums of money. That is why the Prime Minister warned Canadians in his New Year's broadcast that rhe year ahead demands more effort and more sacrifice. Every man, woman and child is asked to Lend. Every dollar you lend will help to put another man in a job • .. making more munitions. Every dollar you lend. may save a soldier's life ... help to shorten the war. Small wage earners must carry their share of the burden. too. No one need go without necessities, but you are urged to forego the purchase of unnecessary articles . . . however small the cost . '. no matter how well you are able to pay for then ... which take labour and material away from the great task of providing goods needed to win the war. This is vour war. Everything you have ... everything you believe in ... is now at stake. This is a message to you . . a challenge to every Canadian . . . a call tc the colours ... a call for volunteers, Be sure to make provision to pay your Income Tax— payment is made easier by the new instalment plan. But be prepared to do more — budget your earnings to make sure that you will have money available to buy War Savings Certificates and to subscribe for War Loan Bonds. You will help Canada — you will help yourself. Minister of Finance o+ full- strength, pur thanks to the &r4ght rapper"y5, eem MAGE iN CANAO MAKE PERFECT ,i - BREAD WALTON The annual vestry fleeting of Si. George's Church was held on Mote - day- evening, Jan. 1111. at the home -af Mr. and firs. Bert Anderson. Rev. Mr. Watts was appointed ehairnton anti Mrs, Anderson secretary. The meeting opened with prayer and Striptme leading by Iter. Watts.f tet which business was (111ts tet i. The church treasurer tit Hat:y Bolger read the financial report r' 1949, which showed a balance , n hand at the enol of the year. Mrs. 1. Anderson read an encouraging putt of the Guild which also h)w '? a balance nn the tight side. The V' A. report was given by Airs. Hu':.• plu•i,•s and after all pledges 11,'.o met. they too had a small balance ... handl The foilowHlg ntdeets 100!0 ('10(10(1 Chumhwardens Mesta,. Harty Bolger anti Bert Anders) e . Select Vestry—Messrs. Edgar H=.14- iuger. Harold Bolger, Stewart Hun,- plu•te•s, Wm. Humphries. Mrs, 11. Ar. d.1:,ou and firs. Humphries. Delco:''.• to Synod—Harry Bol +r. Sub -dol - nate, ub deat(' Bert Anderson. Auditors. 51r 101(0 0, lir. R. Humphries. y r • I half horn' Was then enjoyed in wi;i • eweryane 1)0)11 part ina 1m14i, a1 , 101 -.al 1:111i0,..011!0.,1. 1, 010_ v .J - DUBLIN Mrs. 1'ianh t•'.•en,y hoes r aur Mottle from St. ,lose'pt1 -s Hosl-tr,.1 i ) erovr'rin , burs. Roland Kteinfeldt 11:t,s r;:• turned home from 81. Joseph's 11 Pitul and we hope for a speedy n cowry. Miss Rose O'C0unor spent the w' -t. end at Monte. ML's.• James (rummer visited ,ri• Mars, Albert. Cronin. . Hiss Rose ICrauskopf of Detroit '. spending a few weeks with her pa, eats, Mr. slid Mr. ioltn Krauskop .. HENSALL 51rs..1. W. Ronthnui •visited 41t1117..g the past week with 1101' 11311^511t"?' Miss ,dean 1onthron. in London. Mrs. Melvin Moir underwent °nominal (or the removal of 1149 10?e sits a1 ih1• office tit Dr. I. G. Smihi:' last week. Iles 11 Masse Is. spending a 10a: days in Windsor. • Mr, Morris Tudor of the R.('.A.F., ar St. Thomas. spout the wick er:d with his parents, Sir, and M's. Tudor. Airs. Jas. Patterson has heed ca;. tined to her room during the Past week with influenza. -Messrs. Ed Little and Russel He,l• den of 5t. Catharines spent the weed: end at their home here. Hiss Edited Parkins of Exeter vis, Red on Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins, Mrs. Catharine Heddeu and Miss Mona Redden left on Sunday for St. Catharines where they will spend the remainder of the winter. The South. Huron agricultural meeting was held 01 the Coaunercial hotel. Hensall, on Saturday. Ar- rangements were made for the seed show on Feb, 28, and the spring show April 5th, Mr. Garnet Sntatlacombe of Guelph is visiting with his brother, Mr. Fred Smallaconbe, FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently„ Simply phone "CQLIACT" so WILLIAM STONE SONS L1M,TED PHONE 21 • INGERSOLL PHONE 219 MITCHELL