The Seaforth News, 1941-01-30, Page 1Come to your task `with purpose high, And uneontplainiig mind; • 3.00k to the days that onward lie, And surely you shall find Your just reward ---a rest well won, .A quiet heart, and 1tea vetis "\\''1I done!" • Come to your task with proper pride In skilful hand and brain, And, though the idler may deride, Se if HURON COUNTY'S rth LEADING NEWSPAPER The rnrelese world disdain, Remember that no labor's lost Which love; mid thongbe and patience Cast. teem. to your task. wbat'er 11 be, And bring the best yon know,. A will Unbound. a nal inc • free, Anil so in stature grow. Until, es all Cod's laborers can, Yon return the measure of a Man. .A. li. Cooper. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 83, No, 5 SEAz•OrRTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30. 1941 Phone 84. 31 a year. SPECIALS IVORY, Large ..3 for 21c. .Medium, 2 for llc HEINTZE 'SAINDWICH SPREAD 19c HEINTZE BABY SOUP 3 cans 25c APPLE -STRAWBERRY JAM 4 lb; tin 45c ROOBINHOOD OATMEAL - 6 lbs. 25c OUR OWN BLEND COFFEE 27c 1b. 2 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES with glass 25c PEAS, 3 cans 25c CORN, small tins 4 cans 25c PEAS, small tins 2 cans 15c `.HAWES LEMON OIL 25c TWOJONE SHOE POLISH - 10c tin '130O D B URY' S SOAP - 4 OAP - 4 cakes 25c BORAX, loose 13c 1b. CASTILE !SOAP, 10 cakes 25c IDEAL SILVER CREAM - 25c eadh MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES 18c pack Master's Hog Concentrate, $2.50 A. C.Routledge Phone 166 TUNE X aao ,IN eND W BROUGHT TO YOU BY YOUR !NEIGHBORHOOD 'blue coal' DEALER E. L. BOX - Phone 43 CFRB (Toronto), Tuesday 8.30 CFPL (London) Thursday 8.30 Northside United Church Bev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 11 a.m. "The Experience of Eternal Life." 2,30 p.m. Sunday School, 7 p.nn. "God's Use of. Man -Power." Thurs. 7.45 Prayer -service, St. Thomas Church Rector, Rev, Dr. Hurford. 11 a.m. "The Essential Life of the Church," 7 p.m. "The Sin of Nou•Interven- tion." Sunday School at 10 a.m. St. Mary's, Dublin 2.25 p.m. Sunday School. 3 p.m. "The Essential Life of Cbureh," the First Presbyterian Church Rev. Hugh Jack, Minister. Sabbath School, 10 a.m. Morning service, 11 a.m. The Sac• rament of the Lord's Sapper will be observed at this service. Evening service, 7 p.m. Subject "Our War Effort." Preparatory sem, lee, Friday at 8 p.m. Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., "A Slave to the Visible," 7 p.m. "Our Duty." McKillop Charge Bethel, 10.30 Caven, Winthrop, 2 p.m. R. W. Craw, Minister. BAYFIELD Mrs. F. A. Edwards returned home from a month's visit with friends in Ifltchener. The Baylield Branch of .the Red Cross are holding a euchre and dance in the town hall, Wednesday, Jan. 29. Mrs. W. 7. McLeod, Miss Elsie and Master Donnie arrived home last week from. Detroit where they spent a month. Miss Dorothy NlcLean of Clinton is 'visiting her friend, Mrs. Lloyd Mak Ins .this week. Miss Jean Dunn is visiting her brother 'Mr, B. Duni. Mrs. (Dr.) Metcalf is lending her home for a bridge and euchre for the benefit of ,Bayfield Public Library, on Tuesday, Feb. 4th. The many friends of Kenneth Castle will be glad to know that word was received from him this week that he was in Scotland, Ken. meth was on the Norwegian vessel that was torpedoed off the Irish coast. The fishermen are busy putting, their ice up for the summer. Mr. S. Castle of Simcoe was called :hone Sunday. His mother Mrs. G. Castle, is seriously ill. Agricultural Society Holds Annual Meeting Humphrey Snell Chosen Presi- ent at Meeting on Saturday Afternoon The annual meeting of the Sea. forth Agricultural Society was held in the Carnegie library hall, with a good attendance. Reports showed that the Society enters 1941 In good financial shape, The spring show will be held, and the date, while not definitely decided at the meeting. will likely be around April ist. Officers elected were: Hon. Press- dent, W. S. Broadfoot, Thos. Living. star (Clinton); 1-lon, Vice President. J. W. Beattie. The president Mr. Humphrey Snell was re-elected, also 1st vice presid- ent, William Beattie; 211d vice press• dent, J. M. Govenlock; secretu•y treasurer, Mrs, J. A. Kerr; auditors D, Wilson, A. Case. Directors: Hullett, James Leiner John Freeman; McEntee, Robert Campbell Jr., Gordon McGaviw, Mrs. Frank Storey Tuckersmitb, Robert Archibald, S. Whitmore, Miss Jean Scott, W. S. Broadfoot, Mrs, Paul Dreg; H. M, Chesney (Kippen); See - forth, Mrs. W. J. Dickson, Miss Ethel Beattie, T. O'Neil, Dr, Harburn. W. J. McIntosh, Mrs. M. IIay. Delegate to annual fairs convention to be held in Toronto at the King Edward Hotel on Feb. 13 and 34th, James Leiper, NORTHSIDE MEETING The annual congregational tweeting of Northside United Church, Seaford'. vas held last weak with illi a. line ate tendance. Rev, H. V. Workman pre- sided and Peter Moffatt was secret. aa'y. Reports werepresented from all organizations, revealing the healthy condition of the work. The statistical report of the session show ed 17 members added, infant bap - limns 7. Dr, la. Harbert, treasurer of the church, reported a very satin - factory financial condition with a bat ante in the treasury of 3200. The people were commended for their effortboth in support of the local work and to the missionary fund. which was to date 31,200. The W. M. S. contributed $593; the Alert Mission Band 327.85, an increase; the May Lane Auxiliary 3207.91, and the Wo. men's Association 3205.70. Officials were elected as follows; To the trustee board, James Black; stew- ards. 13. F. Christie, J, A. Westcott. 1. IL Weedmark and Frank Storey. Four retiring members of the session, Dr. F. J. Burrows, W. H. Golding M.P., Rev. C. C. Kafue and Robert Seeded, were )•e -elected to the sen• sign. Two additional members, Dr, F. Harburn and E. C. Chamberlain. were elected to complete the un- expired terms of the late William Black and C. H. Holland who has re• moved from Seaforth. Auditors for 1941 are Miss Annie Ferguson and Mrs. Edith. Russell. The congregation heartily endorsed the expression of appreciation of the special effort. of Dr, F. J. Burrows in organizing a recent successfulcanvass of tine congregation, of the splendid leader• ship given to the choir by Mr. and Mrs, ,T. A. Stewart, and of Miss Mabel Turnbull for her leadership of the junior choir. GIRL GUIDES The weekly meeting of the Girl Guides was held on Thursday, Jan. 23rd. The colors were dipped in honor of the late Lord Baden Powell, followed by "0 Canada." The Guides Spent most of the meeting studying for second class work instructed by Captain Miller. A game "Jimmy What Is His Name" was enjoyed by all the Guides. The meeting closed with God Save the Ring.` BRUCEFIELD Horticultural Society Elects Officers. The IBnuceficld Horticultural Socie- ty had :their annual meeting in the church 'basement 00 'Tuesday after- noon, Jan. 21Sth, Following are the of- ficers for 1941: President, Mrs. :Wal- lace Haugh; lest vice president, 'Mrs, Robert Allan; 2nd vice president, Mrs J. O'Brien; 3rd vice ,president, (Mrs. A. ,Monteith: secretary -treasurer, 'Mrs A. Zapfe; directors for one year, Mrs. J. 'Thompson; •\Irs. A. McQueen, ilirs. H. Aikenheacl, Mrs. R. ;Chap- man, Mr'. J. Nott: directors for tw'n years, Mrs. D. Fatheringham. IMiss S. Annis, \irs. T. B. Baird, IMrs, Patterson. \ii•s 11. Pearson. Audi- tors, Ross Scott, W. 'McIntosh: church. committee, Mrs. O'Brien, •firs. Geo. Swan, Rev. H. E. \Vri;glit, !Wallace Haugh. ,Cemetery com.nit•tee far IBatrd s cemetery. Mrs A. 1ide- Queen Mrs. J Thompson, 'Mrs. T, B, Baird, Miss 111. Pearson. The execu= dye meeting will he held Fob . 1'd'th and the St. Patrick's concert on 'March 914ith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas attend• ed the funeral of the late Mr, David Beattie in London on Wednesday, Jan. 22nd. Mr. Beattie was a former resident of Bi•ucefield. We are pleased to see Mr. David Tough, our ,tail carrier, back on his job again, after being indisposed last week. Mr. Jas. IsToOnlly, who is attending the training school in St, Thomas, spent the week end at his home here. Miss Betty Allan, who wrote the National Temperance Course last fall was successful in obtaining a prize from the county W. C. T. TJ. WARDEN Reeve James Leiper, of Hulled Township, who was elected War- den of Huron County for 1941, at the January session last week: CYCLONE LEAGUE SETS SCHEDULE A meeting. of the 'Cyclone 'Hockey League was held in Exeter on 'Thurs- day night 0 the arena.'Mervin Tie- rnan, Dashwood, Uva, elected presi- dent and •Elgin ,\teener, of Dashwood, was elected secretary -treasurer. The sante teams entered and a representa- tive from each was y , team .e�� leered.t I was ,decided to adopt the same rules as last year and the following sched- ule was drawn up: January 20--Lncan at Exeter, Dashwood at ,Crediton. 29--iCrcditon at Hensall, 'Lncan at Dasltw odd. ell --.Exeter at Da,hwood. February 3•-1Crediton at Lttcan, Hen -all at Exeter. 5.- Y:ncan tat liensail,,Crediton at Dash wood, 7-IDrnaall at Crediton, Da;hwond at Exeter. 1'O --Exeter at Crediton, Hensall at Lncan. 12 -Hensall at Dashwood, 11Exeter at Iiensall. 17 -Crediton at Exeter, Dashwood at Lucan, i211 -,Dashwood at .14ensal. 30 -Exeter at .Lncan, 26-Lncan at Crediton, MRS. WM. SHANNON HONORED BY W. M. S. The \\r;\4,S. and (W.A. of Duff's Church, I\fdKihbap, held their January meeting at belie hoose of Mrs, R. Campbell with the newly -elected president, Mrs. J. Hillebrecht, presid- ing 'throughout the meeting, Meeting opened with a hymn followed by prayer by the president while the pianist, \lies Alnia Lawrence, played softly appropriate music. Mrs. 'Craw conducted the installation of .the .11941 officers. A playlet entitled "Somebody Else,' acted by several women was mooch enjoyed. The study book was ably taken by Miss 11. \herdic Hymn 1192 was snug with Scripture readings given by MTS. Lawrence, Mrs Dorrance, Mrs. Hillcbrecht, A pleasing feature of the afternoon (vas the presentation of a life membership certificate to 'Mrs. \11n. Shannon, Tlic address was read by Mrs. A. :Watson and presented thy Mrs. W. Scott. Hymn 1127 was sum:; and the meeting closed Iby singing God Save the Ring. A delicious bunch was serv- ed by the lioness and lunch commit- tee. Annual Meeting of Egmondville Church Pot -Luck Supper Followed By Meeting - Fine Reports Given The annual meeting of Egmond- ville United Church congregation was held on Wednesday evening, Jan. 29. Instead of the usual afternoon sleet• ing a pot -luck supper was held at 6,30 o'elooly, followed by the 'business meeting. The pastor, Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A.,B.D., presided. Reports showed favorable prog- ress, the congregation leaving achiev- ed a financial position where all in. debtedness was met and a small bal- ance on hand at the end of the year. It was the first time 01 several years it was possible to make such a report. This is in a laa'ge measure due to the untiring efforts of the Woman's Association during the year, and the splendid efforts of the Young People's Society as stated in the report of the Board. Total mennb ership of the church is 283; 9 mem- hers were received by certificate, 1 by profession of faith; 9 removed by certificate, and 4 members by death, Mr's. James Morrison, Mrs. James Nixon, Thomas Richan'dson, Andrew Kirk, Mrs. John J. Elliott, James Cameron, Louis Fhu'chuetz and Isaac Miller. Total receipts raised for all purposes was 33701. Stewards . elected for three years were James McIntosh, Robert Tyre dal!, Casey Way, Alex Chesney. Au- dito•s, James Love, Gordon Finnigan. Aces Win Duncan ' Christmas Parcels Cup Opener I Were Appreciated r Beavers and Bears Tie N t Games on Saturday Morn- ing DMIcar tip ries ;Tot under tray on Saturday morning vith first tame in Grouts A resteliiiie in a 11-6 victory for the Ace over the Arir;s. - The teams: Acs -1 ,.rel, h Harri- son: clelenct, H. Scott, R. Coutts, F. O'Connor: left win:r. G. i)nnee: right wing, L. Dale: centre. 1. Fraser,. Goals were scored for the Ace, by )• Fraser 3, L. Dale 2, C;, Dupre 2, R. Coatis 2, F. O'Connor 2. Argo:. --..Goal, S. Fin: 1:: def. firu- ggcr, A. Hoff, 1. wine, D. Maclean: right wing. E. Doig; centre. A. Baker, Scorers for Argos- ---\. Baker 2, D. MacLean 2. A, Hoff 2. Referees, !loin, O'Neill and Albert - In Group P. the ...Beavers and the •fear- played to a -4-4 tie. Beaters t al. Y Beaton defence, 1)Stewart I. \Iilltkan, Al,Hulley; left wing, A Ryan, right %deg, Stan- hn'y, R. Doig: centre, 13.• Dnpee. Scorers for the Heavers; 13. Dupee 2, Stanbury 1 A. Ryan 1. Bear: --Goal, F. Swan; defence, R. 'Coombs, Elliott, D, Munn, D. Thorne; left tying, h. Hart, centre, 1) Strong right w!n I\1'alsh, Coals were ecored for the IBears �bj• D. Strong 3, 'Walsh 1. Referees same as first ;gams. Games scheduled for Feb. 1st are: Amerks v . Argos: Bruins vs. •Bears. Red Cross Notes Woolen comforts and ,itber neres- a ar articles for es the women of • the Auxiliary Territorial Serviii. of Gt. Britain, over whose sentare Her 'Maj- esty the Queen ha, expressed partic- ular concern, have been added to the work program prescribed by the Na- tional Women's \,'ar l'iVork IC'ontmia- tee of the 'Canadian Red 'C'ross. _The women of the Auxiliary Territorial Service act •as 'observers" on the coast of Britain, as cools, orderlies. as fire. fighters. as clerks, as truck •end ambulance drivers. 'They often live • under carate; or in • requisitioned empty houses, and ars on duty in all kinds of ,Weather, 'Pity stove from place to 'place at a moment's notice and.. have no time 0) look after their wardrobes. Locally we have been l asked to make .it) 'pair ankle socke, iCl ;cartes, 20 sleeveless pullovers. May We count on yon to help as with this ,work. "Knit Cs Mitts" comes crry of Bri- tish. Naval Heroes, Woolen mitts! The cold snaps which chill your ,finger; makes yon realize mitten necessity in Canada. Out of England comes an urgent cry Mr as many woolen mitts as the wo- men of Canada can .end oyeresas. Mitts of all kind twosway mitts. whole mitts and rifle mitts. England arse; for them in large quantities. They are needed now!. And now means right away! Not next week -or the week after. But to -day! LADIES' AID Mrs. \V. J. Free presided at the an- imal meeting of the 1 alliesAid :we- iety of First .Prehyterian church. The titivates .were read by Miss Belle 4'ampbell. The treasurer, (Airs, 1H. 12. Scott, reported a sncce.silal year, $379 having sheen raised: 3150 of this 1 amount eras. handed. to the 'hoard of !management to help _pay off the. Ichnrrh debt. The retiring president, Mrs. Free, thanked the members for their help during her terns of office. Iles. Hugh 'jack took the chair dar- ing the election of officers for 1941 which resulted as follows: honorary president, I\lrs. George Lowery; pre- sident, \irs. I\lae Dorrance; vire pres- ident Mfrs. 'Wigg; secretary, IMrs. I. \lac? avish.. treasurer, Mrs. H. 1:. Scott; sewing committee, Mrs. R, smith, •Mrs. 13. Grieve, IMrs, Lena Da- vis, Miss Helen .McDougall, ars. :\1. Dorrance: convener social commit- tee, 1Ir., 12, Eherhart; flower com- mittee, i\Trs. 'R. E. Eherhart, Mrs, R.- Smith, .Snniah, -Mrs Renting. Mrs. • ,.Munn: ,group leaders, 'Mrs. J. Sclater, hies. H. R, Scott, IMrs, R R. Holmes, Mrs. D. INixon, Mrs, M. \icKellar, Mrs 'C. Reith,IMrs McGregor, Eight- een quilts have Ibeen made by the Ladie Aid for the refugees and three quilts contributed for the same cause by the McKillop ladies. The clay for the quilting has been changed front Thursday to Wednesday. VETERAN OF BO -ER WAR . DIES IN TORONTO Alexander Bethune Was Former Sea. forth Resident The death of Alexander Bethune of Toronto, a former Seaforth resident. occurred on Jan. 75th at the resid• ence, 554 Maughan Crescent, Tor- onto, beloved husband of Georgina Cotter. The remains rested at the Williams Sheerin Funeral Parlors, 878 Kingston. Road, Toronto. Service was held in the Chapel on Jan. 17th. Interment was in St, Jolm's Cemet- ery, Norway, Mr. Bethune was- a son of the, late Dr. Bethune, well known doctor of Seaforth a number of years ago. Both members of Dr. Bethune's fam- ily have now passed away, another son, Dr. Fred Bethune having pre- deceased hie brother Alexander. It is recalled ,that Alexander Beth.. une was in the army during the Boer War in South Africa, and bad many interesting stories to relate when he returned to Seaforth, Seaforth Overseas Committee . Receives More Letters of Thanks --- \lure ietters thanking the Seaforth 0vecse•s, ('anlmitt.es have been re - (elver] by \1r. E. C. Boswell, chair- man, during the week, from loeal men in England who received Christmas parcels. L. Cpl. D. W. Dale, A19482, writes: "Somewhere in England." 2nd Batt. R. C. E, Dec, 19/40. To Seaford' Overseas Committee. Received your very welcome par- cel last night, and sure ant very thankful to you for remembering me. We soldiers over here appreciate anything from hone. We are getting along fine over here so far, altito- have it a little hard at tinges, but we ean expect that. The :weather is grand here today, but lately it has been terribly damp and misty. 1 have been on motorcycle dispatch riding for the last couple of months but right now we are working on pontoon bridge work, right over the Thanes River. This work is really interesting and you would be surprised how quick they can put up a temporary bridge strong enough to carry a 35 ton tank, We move about every two or three weeks. so pretty soba I think we will have covered half of England. I run into quite a few of the boys hereevery over ( Way so often, and it kind of makes you feel better when you know there are a 1 Uuteh of us over here. Seaforth is sure pretty well represented. Will have to close for now. I)ON DALE. - (continued as Page 'rhrec) SCHOO-L BOARD HOLDS - f FIRST MEETING M. R. Savauge Elected Chairman - Committees Formed Seaforth Public School Board slat on Jan, 15th, for its first meeting of the year. Officials and committees were appointed as follows: Chair- man, 11. 'Ross Savauge; secretary. treasurer, 111, el(lee liar ; property committee, J. A. Hotham, Rev, W. A. I.Brennner, M. R. Savauge; supply 1 eominlittee, Rev, Dr. Hurford, J. A. Westcott, M. McKellar, C. A. Barber was reappointed as representative to Collegiate Board, 1 year term, age P. B. Moffatt reappointed to library board, 3 year term. Hensall United Church Elects Officials Congregation Closes Successful Year- Program Given At Annual Meeting The annual congregational meet- ing of the Ln.ited Cherch was held on !Monday evening with :Rev, R. A. Brook, chairman, and opened by singing -The Church's One • Founda- tion," alteryvhlch Rev, -rock led in prayer. The address of welcome fol- lowed, tz,i,ert '.y Re v. Brook. '1'lte minutes of the previous meeting were read Iity the secretary, ,Mr. W. t). •000dwin, after Mess the various re- ports were e.iyee as follows: Session report 'by Mr. Henry Horton: Mies. ion Circle by ,\liss Norma Cook; S.S. report by Mr. Edison Forrest: Y.P. •Union thy- Miss Ruth ..Etrook; Bahv Hung report was given by \Irs. Geo. Hess in the absence of !Mrs. E. 0. heists. 1Wi\I.S. report by firs. W. B. Cross Board of Stewards, h -e Mr. E. L. \Tickle; treasurer's report. \Ir. G. M. Drysdale: auditors report, \Ir. 1.Geo, Folliok: !Mission Band report, given by -'Mrs. INV. M. Cross in the ab- sence of 3diss Kay Drysdale. \\',un:ons AssoCiation report was Given by Mrs. Jas. -1M cA (lister; insurance fund re- port by'Mr. \\'. R Dougall, !Mrs. G. M. Drysdale gave the report of the flower committee. Mist: i;ladys Luker favoured with a -piano solo and the Misses Ruth Brook and 0lary Good- win .sane a duet entitled "1 Passed 'by Your \Cindow," accompanied by Miss Greta l.anuie. Mr. Jas. Smillie, con - eviler of the nominating committee. reported the :following nominated'. Board of Steward !Messrs. Peter L. -\Ic\aughton, Elgin Routcliffe and David Dignan, \!r. T. J. S•herritt to oke the place of the late Mr George 'Jackson. Auditors, :\it : rs, R L Pat- erson and Mervyn Brown: press cor- resiondent '\Ire \lands :h3edden: Bower committee, Mrs. Elda Sint - mons, !Mrs. Geo. Hess: ,Mrs, 'C. A. IleDonell, Ales. W. R, Dougall, 'Mires. Win. Forrest and -Miss 'Bailer Scott. launch was served at the close. COMEDY PLAY FEATURE OF COMMENCEMENT A neueical' comedy under the 'direc- tion of ;Mr. Millburn Turner of Lon- don will be a special ,feature of the annual Seaforth 'commencement to be held in the Collegiate auditorium on Thurs-day and Friday, Feb. 217th and 218th. Athletic prizes will be (presented on Thursday evening, academic aw- ards at the 'Friday night entertain- ment. SHOP AT S AVA U 6 ES IT PAYS Intermediates Win From Tavistock - Friday Night Game Gives Sea - forth 5-4 Victory. -Play at Hensall (lin Friday night the Seaforth in- termediates broke „tit .,f the slump ,.Melt had dogged them ;ince the start of the 0,H. \. playing season and secured a .w in from 'Tavistock Green. ha is by 15-4. 4 t was a closely - contested Gatne and the Beavers de- erre. a great deal of credit for the tray they have kept the 'pressure on the other two teams in the group :until the jinx was 'broken, At least, every- one is confident that the boys have a4 last got rid of the big dose of 'bad lurk and that nothing can stop them from winning the ,group. Tavistock has beaten Waterloo twice and Sea - forth has trimmed Tavistock, so what stands between Seaforth and the group honors tAbsolutely nothing, the local '1' pester say. That is provided they can win the rest of their ,games, which depends upon whether the 'furistac'k and V1'ateaJooi ;games are on the level. It has 'been rumored .here for more than a 'week that the '!1' k d h nit tn•g ow'n ata t e Siskins were framing Seaforth, Sonne color is added to this thy the remark made Iby a 'Tavistock fan after Friday night's game: "j\\'eh, Seaforth can't (beat Waterloo." All we can say 15 that 'before the Beavers are through with them the Waterloo team will look like the meanitug the dictionary gives :for Siskin: "An .under -sized parrot." The first period on Friday night ended in a 1-1tie. At the end of the second,frame Tar-istock was an the long end of a 3-2 score, In the third period each team had scored one ;goal ma -king it 4-3 for Tasistock when Fanihafer was struck by a flying punk in the forehead and was knocked un- conscious. He was taken out for the est of the game and Seaforth netted two more goals. making it :4-4. l;oats were .cored for Seaforth ,by F. 91cEwan, \IeFaddin 431 ancl Flan- nery. Teristock goal; were scored by Vogt 12), •Pear on 1Voelfle. Seaforth; 'Goal Stade; defence, Hu- bert, R, McEwen; centre, McFaddin; wings, F, McEwen, Flannery; alters., Pickett, Draper, Sills, •Nicholson, !'ave tock: Fannhanfer and Sdtlitt; defence, \'ansie, Pearson; centre, Harris wings, \Woelfle, (Ridley; alters. Kaufman, 31atthtes, Morgenroth, 11Ic- Dermott, Vogt. 1\' 0 F A P Waterloo ., 3 2 29 17 6 Tavistock .. . , 3 2 24 22 6 Seaforth ., I 3 11 25 2 The Cyclone league ittarted this week at the south end of the county and .several of last year's Seaforth juniors are again playing with :Hen- sall, 'These include fete Nigh, Jack Nicholson. Bob .Gemmell, Melvin 'Messenger, and it is expected Cam Rintonl -will also ,lay when .he returns from camp earn m February. NORTHSiDE YOUNG PEOPLE HOLD MEETING The regular meeting of theNorth Side United Young People's held their weekly meeting Tuesday. January 28th, with Mr. Sam Scott Presiding. The meeting opened with hymn, Come Let Us Sing of a Won. derfui Love followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the, secre- tary Miss Maxine Lawrence and were adopted as correct by Miss Isabelle Forrest. The business was then discussed. Miss Jessie Dennis citizenship convener, then took charge. Hymn "Guide Me 0 Thou Great JeI'tovah," was sung and Miss ,lean Scale lead in -prayer, and Rev, Mr, Workman gave the Scripture les- son. Miss Jessie Dennis gave a read- ing. A very interesting address was given by Mr. Weedntnark, and en- joyed by all. The hymn The Day Thou. Gayest Lord is Ended, was sung. Meeting closed with Mizpah benediction, -