HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-23, Page 8PAGE, EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS INVENTORY CLEARANCE S A L E ! C. NTINUES FOR ANOTHER 10 DAYS Here are a few of the many Bargains offered at this Sale A NEW SHIPMENT OF MAGOG, Fast Color print. .25 value Special price 16c yd BATH TOWELS— All colors 13c each Men's Dark Grey Flannel SHIRTS— To Clear 69c Penman's SHIRTS & DRAWERS— Special price .... 6'c GREEN FRONT DEPT. STORE, Seaforth HENSALL Eagagement— Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cole ,tau. Hay. wish to announce the etigage. e eat of their eldest daughter, Annie Edieh Cavell to Hugh L sols George r-lotenz, son of Mr. anti Mrs. Albert ",l:.enz, Dashwood. 'the ntar-te€;• to teke place early in February. S.S, Scholars Receive Awards.— eee anis eiven those .t riiiite he t1'irteentli last Ili it the .>n....1, Pier. t. t rce,,:a_e of its n c.nta,ic• ly rheic )N. Of the Junior class. 11 tchN :ctci.t ,;: ,rid t the teem of i'armr Presbyterian .0 ,rch on Friday eve f ne. 1annary hit, under the ansp,cts of the Arnold C`.rcle A humorous Scotch ; r..:;rani ie theing prepared. 'Library Board Meets.— The first meeting of the 1041 public (hrary .hoard yeas held Tuesday evcn- ing at 7.30 p.m. in the conncil chant- he- with the following mentherc be- ing present: Reeve R. E. Shaddick; Mrs. E. Norminton, Mrs. W. O. Goodwin, Miss IMattie Ellis. Rev, Wm, (Weir, . G. Rennie and Robert Moore. The minutes of the previous meting were read and adopts i. '\lo - eon that Reeve R. E. Shaddick the chairman for 1941, Librarian's report for 1940 was read, total circulation be - 're; 3,703 .hooks and total for .Decem- (her 406. The librarian reported re the checking over of books and eight are missing. The treasurer reported a cash balance of e11742S for the year 1940. 'Motion that Rev. Weir, Mr'. Nortninton, Mrs. Goodwin and Ii'hrar- 1an IMrs. Cameron he the hook com- mittee. 'Moine that 1 A. Paterson he -ccretary and treanr.r and Mrs. Cameron he librarian 1t the -ante eat- eries. (Motion that the.pamphlet a, re -.aced by Professor Fred Landon -bt handed to the Women's institute .arid that they he asked to 'kindly con- sider to undertake thi= work, Adjour- nment to meet again Feb. 11 at 7.30— James A. Paterson. Sec. -trews. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth and daugh- ter Gwendolyn of Detroit spent Sun- day with Mrs. Voth's mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson and grandmother Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. Zurich Man Dies In Doctor's Office— rhe death occurred It Dr. P. J. r e tine' in the schoi.lrootn of the day, of Mr. Chris Deitrich in his 64th year. The deceased was feeling ill and went to the doctor's office. and learned upon reaching there that the doctor had received a very urgent il, and when he returned to his c mice Mr. Deitrich had passed away. He is survived by four daughters, Monica, at home, and three daughters married, and two sons. Alex at home and Pious, of Mount t'arnel. Requiem High Alass was held in St. Boniface Church. Zurich. t 10 a.m. on Tuesday. Interment. in Mt. Carmel cemetery. "'dv.C.T.U. Meets.— Tee W.C.T.1.1. held their r;c:_•nlar in file scheol r o a 'f the United Church on Thursday ;fter- ,:ill \1 ss jean iMurray presid- 1,..:.A seas.n of prayer ..vas led by Martha 1-lunter, ;Mrs. Ed. Mc - 11 a n0 \lr-. Geo. foes-. followed Il,• ..c Lord's prayer. Miss Jean Mur- ray read a prayer and a hymn was Mrs. Hess then presided and teil in prayer. The roll call, minutes and business followed. The objective sicr ehe Exeter -Hensen .branch of the v C,T:L-. for the purchasing of a travelling held 'kitchen (mobile can- teen fundi is $20. Each member is asked to con'tribute. The regular meetings will he ` held the dourth Thursday in each month, Theme .of clip eheets, "Our Enemy on the Horne Frani." was taken by 'Mrs. Eric Ken- nedy, Mrs. Ed. IM.oQueen. (Mese An- nie •Consitt, \iFiss Martha Hunter, IMrs. John Elder, -Mrs. W. B. Cross and .Mee. Hedden. The meeting con- .oluded by singing a hymn after which Miss Murray led in prayer. lc% ,\ irst a targekf peppermint candy, 17 iecees longand xe'¢hing four and a kali po.ands aeilich is on display in t asci ,akeiho^, ,r.itdot:- and tea: donated 4ty Mrs, Eric Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy mon this candy in the State,. Rev. Wm. /Weir conducted services i!Carmel Presbyterian-l'hurch en rnnday. 11te choir sang all anthem at the lir n - s, rvice' r"title'! "S1n1g of inane." I\l i.. \la.eel Workman teas alit. 1/21 \•'e•, i)a. -Ison is vers unci \I... ,i - \,- aur'. ,1 glt;t•r Ir,ten- Aitb hr 6. \t. Dry -dale NI; Detrtit. Nir, i• ' .. :41212. \1^ . . , yr• 1/211...1. t:•, ila,•. \.is li' 1,tis \ Drool: ,•.,n,i•, •t, 1 sir- 'sic,- hi t r - .n t i l'i.ite.1 -lurch ,.,n sena .1.1e and the ct,er -on_ an4lxans. Young People's 'Union. - 1 -1,. Y, nt Pee*,te 1 cin n met en 1\l to l y e5ent,'„ t 'wing. Christian .o,r,1,•, „wcin_, ,till, I\1,.. Rutin of Trinity Church was held at the various secretaries. Some of the Pr„ol. pr i 1,"a. 111 meeting. opened home of Mrs- E. A, Featherston, In highlights were: A real live Mission 'n .lupi - S Irlier of C'hri t \rise."' the absence of the rector Mrs. R. J , Band was organized lust. Year with. \I -s lune Saundercock read the Larsen presided for the election of Mtac Novelle Robinson as leader, the Scripture and Miss Mareetoodiriir i which resulted tl n the fullest 'armee] with a pian„ inetrnmental. assistant. Inc 1941 is Mu, Elmore The topic entitled "C"rime," was arid) ing being returned to office for this Stephenson- Most of the members given by \lis.Elva -McQueen. il'uhl,� year: President, Mrs. Erie ''lock;'are readers of "World Friend” The lesson w'a` read by Miss Gladys 1.0k vice president, Mrs. Wm. Parker; Baby Baud is flourishing, there tieing er after which a Bible cttntes,t tray secretary. Mrs, Sunt McEwen; treas- directed by I\lis.. ellatiys (McKenzie. four new members last year, and six Carmel Church Annual Meeting.— 1 ore", Miss Lucy Woods, note et tom- members having graduated to the The annual congregational meeting mittee, Mrs. E. A. Featherston and Alission Band. The missionary month - of :Carmel Presbyterian tClntrch was Bees. H, re, McKay; visiting commit- ly secty, reported ten subscriptions,on BAYFIELD The annual meeting of Baytield Agricultural Society was held in the town hall, Bayfield, on Wednesday, Jan. 15th, when the following offic- ers and directors 'Were elected Inc 1941. President, Wm, Sparks; lit vice pres., Fled Middleton; 2nd vice pres., Belt Dunn; treas., Jas. H. Reid; sect., A. E. Erwin; directors— Frank Keegan, Ed Foster, Russel 'Grainger, Carl Diehl, Murray Grain- ger, Mrs. Gen, Little, Mrs. Fred Mc - Ewan, John Howard, Harold Stinson, Honorary directors—Wm. Stephen- son, W. Wise, Alfred Warner•, Mrs. Ed Foster, Mrs, Russel Grainger, Mrs. Thos. Snowden, Sant Houston, D. H. McNaughton, Mrs. F, Middleton. Thos, Snowden, Robt. Penhale. Aud- itors. John R. Cameron anal E. A. Featherston. The date of the Fall Fair was set for Sept. 24th and 25th, ;lir. 11. Weston and two friends, of Detroit, drove up to Bayfield Friday for a rabbit hunt. They were success - rut in bagging 14 jack rabbits. Mrs. M. Toms was called to Tor- onto last week owing to the serious illness of her niece. \:l'. Wm. Johnson is visiting his daughter Mrs. E. Weston in Gotha rich. The annual meeting of the W. M. S. of St. Andrew's United Church was The community was shocked 00 held and the following officers were Thursday, Jan. 16th to hear of the elected for the coming year: Presid- sudden passing of Mrs. ll. F, Merrier. ent. Miss A. M. Stirling; vice presicl• of the Goshen line, Mucin sympathy etit, Mrs. Fred Watson; secretary. is felt for the husband Lind family. Mrs. Robt. Scotclnntr; treasurer. The funeral, which wee largely at - Mrs. D. Dewar; missionary monthly, Miss .1 Stirling; tonlpel•auce, Mrs, \Walt,•r Wallis; st'ringer's, Mrs. aft" Tienzi,: baby fund, :firs. (lerllnel'; missioo band, 3I(sses Jean Ilnuu and 31ary Snowden. The W.A. , of the Si, Andre'w's W. 31. S. was held in the church an United t'hnreh elected the following Thursday aftcrnnon. the 16111. with officers the same day: President, the newly elec•te1 president presiding ill's. 1.. Maltius; vice president, \Miss STANLEY Pioneer Teacher Laid To Rest The following is taken from "The Maple Leaf," Gilbert Plains, Mani- toba: "Tuneral services were held in St. Paul's United Church, Thurs- day, Dec, 26th, for James S. Delgaty, who died Monday, Dec. 23rd, aged 81 years and 10 months, Rev. Wesley Affleck of the Bible Institute, Winni- peg, and Rev. Hislop Dickson, M.A., B.D., conducted the service. Pall- bearers were: George and Robert Delgaty, Wesley and Perry Shenk. Peter Weibe, J. A. Priest, Burial was made at Chatsworth Cemetery, Born in Huron County, Ont., Feb. 1511). 1859, Mr. Delgaty taught school for 38 years -24 years in Ontario and 14 years hr Manitoba. He retired from teaching in 1980 anti settled in Gil- bert Plains town in 1981. He mauled Laving Panner of Stanley Township, Ont., Dec. 23rd, 1885, Mr, and Mrs, Delgaty were married 55 years the day of his death. Mr, Delgaty was a lay -preacher and occupied many pun- pits in Ontario and Manitoba during his life, He was recognized as a Christian leader and was respected by all who knew him. Sorrowing are his wife, one son and seven grand- children." tended, was held on Saturday at Bayfield United Church. Interment in hayfield cemetery.. Burn ---To Mr. and 3lrs Inert I eon Jr.. on Jim, 17th, a son. 'rhe Jauuury meeting of Goshen throughout the meeting, During the Jean Dunn; secretary. tliss d, Still- husiurss Period the to call ut ing : treasurer, Mrs. 1'. Touts; flower committee. "Mrs. 1). Dewar, Ars. t'. Touts. The annual meeting of the Guild ht•eItiy imenb,.rs was responded to with payment of membership tees. Encouraging reports of the year's activities were received nem the held de dor elle evening and was wall to yin's. George ping and Airs. F, VVt, I The birthday secty. gave a most int - conditions. The ,the bad weather and road Baker. c:onditimta- The meeting opened by erosting report showing a balance of einging, "0 God of Bethel," after Mrs. Sarah Ellis ,\lcrner, wife 41f $5.86 to begin the year with, and which Rev, Wm. Weir led in prayer. Edward Merrier, died on 'Thursday, 1 several members still to hear for Mrs. 'George Ferguson recently purchased the 'property from the es- leite of the late Miss Margaret E. Haibkirlc and hal rented the dwelling to IMT. and Mies. Kenneth Hacks 'w'ho have moved into it this week. The members of the Senior !Wo- \Ir. Weir was then appointed chair- man for the meeting and Mr, ,Bonth' run, secretary. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the variate financial reports given, all 1be- ing most gratifying. 'fhe session re- port was read by the secretary in the absence of ',Mrs. A. D. ,\IrEw-en, trees - neer. Mrs. Jas. Patterson, treasurer of the Woman's :\seociation. gave their report. The Sunday School report was read by the secretary in the absence of Me, Allen Davidson, treasurer. The Young People Society financial report was given Iby Miss Violet Hyde and Miss Irene Hoggarth reported the activities of the year. The !Mission Banti report was given by Wks Max- ine Yardy and the Arnold Circle re- port by Miss tHelen Moir. The remc- tery report be i\1r, J. AV. .Bonthron men's •Ins'titute are selling tickets on January 16th, at her home on the 1940. The treasurer Mrs, Bruce Mc'- Gochen line, Stanley township. after; Clinchey joyfully reported the alloce- a short illness. She was formerly Mies , tion of $170.00 had been reached and Reid, a daughter of the late John forwarded to the Presbyterial tees - Reid and Eliza .\nn Clark, and was' tu•er. The members were listed In horn on the (Bayfield road in Stanley foot' groups with a leader for each temnship, 'NW' 174h, 11180. She was' group, namely—Mrs. Elgin McKinley. married in 19113. In 11)11 she moved 20Mrs. Perce Johnston, Mrs. R. hi, 'Bayfield, remaining there until 192b Peck, Mrs. B. Keyes, and a survey when she moved to the Gohen .Line, t was made for enlisting new members. In her family are two sons, \lerton, i While the organist Mrs. G. Anderson of Toronto, and Kenneth, of (iadericb softly played appropriate music, .the Township; ttvc' daughters. Mrs. Izette officers rallied around the front of Hallman. Xe`:- Dundee. and 1)(re. the church where the honorary presi- Grant Turner. Clinton; three sisters, dent Mrs. Jean McKinley conducted \lis' (Margaret Reid, Bayfield,M1lis the installation. The missionary pro- Elizabeth .Reid. Toronto, and Mrs.' gram on "Witnesses of the Way in and the can regaeicmal etatenlents ,\Vehster, 'Luckno:v, and one brother. Japan," was presented by several of revere given ,bc the-ecretary m the Robert Reid Stanley Township. Then the members giving the story of the funeral will be at 2.30 p,nm. Saturday front St. Andrew's Veins' church. In- terment will he in Bayfield cemetery. absence of the treasurer. \1 r. i•. 1;. ,Bonthron. The following were elected as member, of the ,board of manager,, Mr. Jae. Becugouth re-eleottel 31 essrs lames '\lustard .Jr.and Glenn Bell, elected. Property trueteee, eleesrs.1 Peter Moir and J. I\i Ptihron, and, hors, Messrs. W. A. I\lael-aren and ljantes A Paterson: recording. secret- ary. Dongla San:strr; ushers. all re- elected. The many friends of Mrs. Wm. Weir are pleased to bear that she is' much Improved after her 'Kent illness. Miss Edith Dick underwent an operation fm the rem°Val of her tonsils at the office of Dr. T. G. Smillie last week. Mrs. Nelson Blatchford is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mustard at Kippen. The annual crongregatiotnal meeting of the United Church will be held on Monday evening. January 27th. A good program will be provided and lunch served. Arnold Circle Meet— The regular meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Plureli was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Irene Hoggarth. with the newly elected president Miss Sally Manson presiding. The meeting opened by the playing of soft music entitled "The La'd's Prayer," by Miss Irene Hoggarth. Hymn, "Standing at the Portal," was sung and Miss Mabel Workman led In prayer. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Beryl Pbaff. Hymn, "For Thy Mercy and Thy Grace." was sung, followed by the roll call minutes and business. The topic "Hero's of our Home Land," (Jennie Lind), was very ably given by Miss' Sally Manson. A piano instrumental entitled, "Songs Without Words," played by Miss Irene Hoggarth, was very much enjoyed. The meeting closed by singing "Abide With Me,' and the Lord's prayer in unison, Owing to the condition of the weather and roads the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper which was to have been held in Carmel Church on Sum day was postponed until Sunday. January 26th. BRODHAGEN Visitors: Mr. Irvine Hinz of Tavistock, Mr, Hollatz of London and Harry Mueller of Stratford visited with Mrs. Win. Mueller. Air. and Mrs. Clarence liennewies and daughter of Mitchell with lir, and Mrs. J. L. Bennewies. Mr. and Mrs. G. Roy Hart of St'at- forci with Mr, and Mrs. L. G. Rock. Mr. Ea Gies of \Vaterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Louise Hillebrecht. Miss I-Ielen Shortt of Embro with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and Gary spent the week end with 3t'. and Mrs. Harry Schelienberger 111 Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. ilarold Hiegel. ('noires and Glen, spent Sunday in Kitchener. 31r. and Mrs, Manuel Benermann, Roy and Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins anti Larry visited with Air. and Mrs. Shortt at Embrn ati Sunday. The Women's Patriotic Society quilted three beautiful quilts at the home of Mrs. Wm. Vock Jr, on Mon- day afternoon. --- Cole-Slaw 4 cups shredded cabbage Let stand for 1/z hour in cold water MMlix together one cup thick sour cream and two tablespoons sugar. Remove cabbage from water, drain well. Add two tablespoons vinegar to the cream and immediately . com- bine with the shredded cabbage, (Serves 8.) Christian witness of two of our Can- adian missionaries, Dr. and Mi's. Norman, and of two fine Japanese women. Mrs. Erratt closed the meet- ing with prayer. Want and For Sale Ads,, 1 week 25c THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1941 MANLEY Word was received here of the passing of Mrs. Mary McLellan on Jan. 18th. in her 78th year. She was born In 1888 In Cincinnati. Ohio, where her mother died when she was an infant, Her father, the late Michael Manley. broughther and her two brothers, William and James. here to he raised by her graand- pu'ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Man- ley, and they received their educa- tion here until the boys grew up to manhood. Then they left to join their father to tante up the moulding ln'o- feesion. They predeceased her sev- eral years ago. She rentsiuetl here until 51 years ago when she went to Detroit where she secured a position and was later married to Mr. Mc- Lellan, who predeceased her many years ago. She is sm'vivetl by her only son Alex McLellan, who is em- ployed in the post office department,. with whom she lived until ler pass- ing. She was known here as Minnie Manley, and was of a genial disposi- tion, and there are few left to re- member her in her school days. The sympathy of the community goes out to her son and her friends here. Mr. William 'Koehler had the mis- fortune of getting thrown into the manger while attending to the cattle and got internal injuries. The late snow storm has again tied up car traffic onthe back . conces- signs. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 'weeks :50c BUY IN EG.MONDVILLE WE SELL FOR LESS Pure Lard per 1'b. 7c Sugar 10 lbs, 69c Chocolate Mallo Cakes— 2 lbs, 29c Good Size Oranges - 2 doz. 35c Grape Fruit 7 for 25c Libbys Pork and Beans - 3 cans 23c Kellogs Corn Flakes- Large pkges with Fancy Glass .. 2 pkges 23c Lux Soap 4 cakes 18c Life Buoy Soap , ... 4 cakes 25c Camay Soap 4 cakes 18c Palmolive Soap . , , 4 cakes 18c Fairbanks Carbolic Soap— 6 cakes 22c Ivory Soap .. 4 large cakes 29c Sunlight Soap ,,., 10 cakes 49c Red Rose Tea oer ib. 65c CASFI PRICES ONLY J. Finnigan BLAKE Severn 1 in this community are stnferiug from bad colds. Beans are being threshed and are about all threshed now it then vicinity. Air. and Mrs, Paul Ducharnte vis- ited his parents at Drysdale. Air, and Mrs. Roy McBride were visited by relatives from Amberley. Several attended the funeral of the late Mrs, Ed 3ierner of the Goshen Line, Saturday. Owing to the severs blizzard Stn1 day the ehnrch serviees Wt -re draiw it. TASTED RECIPES EAT MORE VEGETABLES Vegetables raw, vegetables freshly crooked. of vegetables canned; should be included in each city's menu. Vegetables in some torte are within the reach of everybody every day in the year. Vegetables all supply vita- mins, minerals. water and bulk. Scute provide carbohydrates in con- siderable quantity, and others furnish protein. There are Many ways to serve vegetables, besides plain, boiled and creamed. They may be escalloped, served au gratin, prepared as souffle or macedoine, Attractive garnishes, variety in sauces, relieve monotony. The Consumer Section, Marketing Service, Dominion Department of Ag- riculture, suggests the following recipes:— — Vegetable Chowder 1 cup canned corn 2 cups canned tomato 1 cup canned peas 1 cup string beans 9 raw potatoes, finely diced , 1 small onion, finely diced 2 stalks celery. lively diced Salt and pepper Put all together in a saucepan. Simmer slowly until potatoes are. tender. Season with salt and pepper. Add 1 cup rich milk or cream. Serve very bot. (Serves 6.) Carrots and Celery on Toast 2 cups diced carrots 11• cups brown soup stock Salt and pepper Toast and bacon curls 2 cups diced celery 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour Cook the carrots and celery together until tender and the water is absorb- ed. Make a sauce of the butter, flour and stock. Add to it the cooked vege- tables, season to taste and simmer five minutes, Serve on rounds of toast with bacon cutis made by fastening small pieces of bacon in curls with a toothpick and cooking- under the broiler. (Serves 6,) Mote.—Brown soup stock can be made with bouillon cubes or beet' ex- tracts, or canned consomme. Escalloped Onions in Tomato 6 large onions, sliced 3 tablespoons butter 1a3 teaspoon salt 11' teaspoon pepper ' tablespoons butter line cups 1.(1 510 juice Arrange half of onions to tassernle, sprinkle with half of the dour, the salt and peeper. Dot with butter. Finish all ingredients in a second layer. Pour on the tomato juice. Bake at 400 degrees F. for 35 to 411 ntlntltee, (Serves 6.) ELMER D. BELL, B.A Barrister & Solicitor SEAFORTH. TEL. 173 Attendance in Brussels Wednesday and Saturday MCCONNELL & ,LlAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. IVIcConaeli, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 • E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court it nry of Huron 1i. 1 1t. 1)o:notion Bank Bulli ecaf,e.th. O•dte 1,ours:— nsrola and Satartlay.. 1:.+t .m. Saturday evening i'..I d n1. to 9 p. m. In Memoriam 1'_Alti'DII1.L.- In loving memory of dein' ntotliei', Mrs. Robert A. Camp- bell, who passed away January 94111. 19.10. In our heave. you' mcutm'y lingers, Sweetly tender. fond mal ane; There is not a day, dear mother. That we do not think of you. —Ever remembered by her Faintly. FOR SALE 7 good pigs. Also 1 Percheron mare rising 3 years old, good single or double and quiet. H. McLlwain, phone S52r23, Seaforth. TENDERS FOR WOOD For U,S.S, No. 1, McKillop anti Logan wanted. 25 cords of 12" or 14" green hard wood, or 7 cord of 4 ft. green wood, to be at least 2/3 maple and balance beech. To be delivered by Match 1st. Apply to James Nolan. Ser., R.R. No. 5, Seaforth, Ontario. Must be all body wood. Macedoine of Vegetables 2 cups diced turnip 1 cup diced celery 1 cup canned green beans 2 tablespoons butter Cook turnip and celery 'together and combine with beans and butter. Season with salt and pepper. (Serves 6.) Beet Jelly Salad 1 cup finely chopped beets 1 cup finely chopped apple 1/4 cup finely chopped celery Ye package lemon jelly powder A little onion 1 cup boiling water Mix all ingredients. Pour into indiv- idual moulds. When set, turn out on lettuce. (Serves 6.) TENDERS WANTED To supply S.S. 110. 5, Tuekersmith. with 8 cords of 24" hardwood, 1/, maple and Ye beech. Tender's to be 10 by Feb. 1st. Wood to be delivered Alm•, 1st, 1941. Hugh M. Chesney. Sec. Treas.. R.R.4, Seaforth. TENDERS Wanted for eight cords of hard maple body wood 14 inches long. Tenders to be in by Jan, 31st, Wood to be delivered at the school by March 15th, R..1. Pethick, S.S. No. 10, McKillop. Seaforth, R. R, 1. WANTED Reliable man to continue giving service on established Rawleigh route around Seaforth. Previous dealer now engaged in war works. Business very well established. Un- usual opportunity to make large earnings from the start. For com- plete information, apply promptly The W. T. Rawleigh Co., Ltd., Box \1L-364.52, Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE Rubber Goods, Sundries, etc„ mail- ed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper - 80% less than retail. Write for mail- order catalogue. Nov -Rubber Co., Dept. 5-21, Box 1)1, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE Cheap for quick sale, 40 pigs and young cattle. Jac): Eidt, Walton. Phone S30 r 22, Seaforth central. ANNUAL MEETING The Seaforth ,Agricultural SocietY will hold their annual meeting in the Carnegie Library on Saturday, Jan- uary 25th, 1941, at 2 p.m. Financial statement, election of officers, etc, Humphrey Snell, President; Mrs. J. A. Kerr, Secretary. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & gaarantee bonds. Race reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given R. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES