HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-23, Page 6PAGE SIX THE SEAFORTE NEWS The Inland Sea .VORMSMEIS.70/401 "61111111110111111111=1.111111.1.1111111111111111.1111111111111111 "'Not in his mind. jasper. That they 'kept a vigilant hatch over the one scalp has more honour in it. ac- Proceedings of 'the latter, in order to icordin-g to the Sarpent's notions a oil their own future nmve- warfare, than a field covered with s:ain, that kept hair on their heads. Now. there was the rine young cap- tain of the e0th that threw away his life in trying to - brine-. off a three -- T. -minder from among the enemy -in the last -krinunaee we hal: he thought lie was carting liononr: and 1 -liave known a youne ensign wrap r•imself up;ri his coloms. and go to s'cep !n his hloeil, fancyhat he -tits ;vine- on some:bine- -e-fter even Ittiffaio-skins!" 'Yes, yes; One Can umlerstand the Ht of roz ers'gn.- tilts, are •Chltigachg.......V. cols ours she will Ifte2 them t. she': a rens chidren-- Here the PatIt- finder interrupted Illtuself. s'toolt his in melancholy, and tiki .11,oi inoltican stem remains! 1-1 has no .yaildren tO delight vittropitit,; triSeto lonour his .1e, ls; he is lone man in this aetrd. and yet he stands true to his :raining and his gifts: There is something liontst and respectable in these. you muss jasper!" Here a great outcry front antonz the Iroquois was succeeded by the tuiek reports of their rifles. and so eager did the enemy become. in their eairt to drive the Delaware back from his victim, that a dozen rushed nto•the river, several of whom even dvanced near a hundred feet into the foaming current. as if they aci tially meditated a serious sortie. That -Chingaehgook continued unmoved. as 'he remained unhurt by the missiles, ,ccomplishing his task with the dex- terity of long habit. Flourishing. his reeking trophy. he gave a war whoop its most frightful intonations. and for a minute the arches of the silent woods and the deep vista framed 1're course eq the river echoed a ith c. terrific that 13eighel hotted her ityad in Irrepressible fear. while lier for a single instant actually nn -- tate! flight, 'This surpass -es all have heard ftrearn the wretches," jasper exclaMied. st-pping his ears, equally in h.t.rror and disgust, 'Tis their music. ,i-; the'r •lrittr. ama fife: their trumpet's ant'. tiari.ms. iltt'e doubt they love these sounds: f 'they stir up in thenn tierce feelinots. a desire for hiood.- rerttraed the Pathfinder. totally unmot-ed. tit thi•ntatitt them rather Frightfill ',heti a nere yont,gster: •but they hove it-te- ,ame like the whistle st,f the .;•ae-tst.vill •-tre ...Min f h..atslaird in. my ear no .te, All the screeching r,rityles that could stand laettvt net: the faile and .Tarri,an would have n ef- fect my narves at this timf, .day. 1 say it not la it,asting. Jasper: for the man that lc-ts ,,,Y,terelice, tl•trtach the ears must tae hut a -.teak heart at the l..,et ; -Olitnk and t• -e- ,"tellig more intended to alarm .thildrer than such as • 'out the forest face the 'los-. 1 •he now -at'‘fied. iere come- 'aith the -Tale, tt- rtJtit," -.1as,per turned ave';a• Crudit 1,, ,tware tease ireni the e. alert, io T sl.trt.• n :re ilistnnst at hi- late errand; law, int int- ri•.-er and lArtn„ ,:f ••,, :,7athfinder renorded his friend Canoe,- Tim, tite philosophical indifference of would seem to me that our -aft-t had made up his mind to he course would hy the water." different to things In deemed itt;- -If, indeedand yet it might easi12. r.-;aterit'el. As the- Delaware passed hi Inc. as soot, as it is a little dark- -deeper into the bushes. with a -t-iew er. (Well, well, I am not sartain it will to. wring his trifling calico dress and not ibe the hest. Though, mere we .prepare his rifle for service, to :gave only a party of men, it would the like one glance of Irlurnlph at his .rnmpan- a hunt to the lusty and brave to play ions, and then all emotion connected at ihicle-and-seek with yonder mis- with the recent exploit seemed to creants on the other shore. Jasper," ceas-e. continued the •guide, into whose "jarnter," -resumed the guide, "step character there entered no ingredient down to the Station o if Master -Cap, which !belonged to vain display or and ask !hiin to join us; we have little theatrical effect, "will you -undertake tient for a council, and yet our plans to bring in the canoe?" must be laid quickly, :for it will not "I' will Undertake anything that be long ;before them Mingos will be will serve and protect Mabel, Path- . plotting ^0.1.11 ruin." finder," The young man -complied; and in a '"Tiliat is art -upright feeling, and I -dew minutes the four were assemlbled suppoie it is -nettle, The Serpent, who near the shore, completely concealed is nearly naked already, can help you; dram the ,eiew of !their enemies, while and this will the cutting off one of the ments. By this time the 'lay had so far ad- vanced as to leave but a few minutes and the passing light and an Obscur- ity Ibat promised to he- even deeper than common. The sun had already set, and the ttvilight of a low latitude wasnlel soon pass into the darkness tief deep night. Most of the }mites of the party rested ,tot this favourable cirs clonstancy, though it a not with- out its danger., also. as thy \-itt 'entity vilii r011id favour their es• cap, Aould "it as likely to conceal the :heir wily enendys. "The in hItt Itt h come, men,- Pat:tinder commemted, -when our leht.tmust le. ,, d,in order that ,te !met act together, and with a r"glit understanding of our errand and gifts. In 1.:1 htt-ir's time these woods sill lite „ot dark as midnight; and if we are ever to gain the garrison, it must t. done under fat.evir of this ;Wyatt - :age. 11'ha t say 2aoti. Ala ;ter Capli. for. th,tugli none of tite most experi- enced in conilmts and retreats in the wood., your years entitle- yon to speak first in a matter like this and in a council." -Well, in my Itulgtuytr. all we have got to to og hoard The canoe when it 0.1, to he ,0 dark the ynemy's look -outs can't see us, and run for the haven, as wind and 'tide will allow." "That is easily said, hut not so easily done,- returned the guide. -We shall be more exposed in the river than 'hY 'following the woods; and then there is the °Mein-, rift between us, and 1 ant far from sartain that Jasper himself can carry a boat safe- ly through it in the dark. 'What say you, lad. as to your own skill and judgment " ant of !!astf-r -Cap's opinion about tisituz the Cat1OC. Mabel tentitr to walk through tiovamps and among rott- i Iret••itt-itch a night as promise- t, nt and then 1 ilways feel myself -tomer of heart ;in.! truer of eye .,Nhen tfloat that, a -11 -.re." nt of heart yon always lot-, lad, .0i•raiilly true of eye for haPc] rtmuch itt broad •0 iittit' in tite It -mak Alts tnel the LintariO has no trees, Or :• 1 delight a hunt- ett'• 't•iirt! •fl, opinion, friend-. thtr• s tch .r and much agaltott it. r tray 'ee sl .'tater leates trai"— litat--s none. E-itt-4,:etee, here- avay, tiloitel, say what ort ehve Then a Catii 1- • 4.1-1 easy ,viten it itt -trrett, all,i tin, ten- der ':itt- 'the Sens, all ti- daumitter nt,tion. on the ot',er ricer xi:* hate •e,nt the clott-i- itt ti t,av ti -a, rift 1- to 11;ing for litoat to venture itt'. even lay day- • n fairh., no asured itt' itt ttt tlp• ..y,rrisoti.1 rail on land 'I, 1 ,-a '1e dark. 1 an-, means oi them devils to work their ha'rm." -• - This material plan ibeing settled, the different member. tt.1 the .party prepared themselves to put the pro- ject in execution. The 'shades of even- ing fell fast -upon theforest: and by the time all was ready for the attempt, it was found impossible to discern ob- jects on the opposite shore. Time now pressed; for Indian cunning could de- vise so many expedients •for passing to narrow a stream, that Pathfinder .was getting impatient to quit the spot. While jasper and his companion en- tered the river, armed with nothing but their knives and the Delaware's tomahawl,t, observing title greatest caution •itt to 'betray their tnovements, the guide !brought from her place of concealment, and, thicitling her and Cap proceed along the sltore to the foot of the rapids, itt, got into the canoe that remained in his ipossession, in order to carry it 10 the same place, This was 'cattily effected. The ca•noe was laid against the thank, and itabel and !her uncle entered their seats as usual; While the lelathfinder, erect in the stern, held hy a Jutish, in order to prevent the swift stream !front sweep- ing them (town its current, Severzt! minutes of intense and breathless exs pectation ifollowed, while they awaited the result of 'the hold attempt -of their comrades. • •- It will he understood that the two adventUrers !were compelled to swim across a sleep and rapid channel before they could reach a part of the rift that admitted Of wading. This portion of the enterprise was otieffected; and Jas?i it and -the Serpent struck the 'bottom side liy• side at the same in- stant. Having 'secured iirni footing-, thtvt It1101.1 Of each other's hands. told waded slowly and with extrrenty caution in tilt suppostal . direction of the canoe. lint the darkness was t,,, ready so deep that they soon aseers mined they were to he inn little aided hy the sense• of ,ight, an.d that their seareli must be conducted on that wino!, viiables the woodsman to find Ili- iway vhen the sun is hid, no stars appear, and all would seem chaos to one less aecust. omed to the mazes oi the forest, Un- der these circumstances, Jasper sub- mitted to (be guided by the Delaware, whose habits hest -fitted hint to take the lead. Still it was no easy matter to -wade amid the roaring clement at that Imur, and retain a clear recollect- ion of the localities, By the time they believe themselves to be itt the centre of the stream, the two s'hores were discernible merely by masses of obscurity denser than common, the outlines against the clouds !being bare- ly distinguishable -by the ragged tops of the trees. Once or itt itt, the 'wand- erers altered their course, in •conse- (ponce of unexpectedly stepping into deep water; for they knew ithat the 'boat had lodged on the shalilowest part nf the rift, In short, with this -act for their compass, Jasper and his com- panion wandered about in the water Inc nearly a quarter of .an hour; and at the end of that period, which tbegan to appear interminable to the young man, they found themselves apparent- ly no nearer the olbjeet of their search than they had :been at its C0111. Inencenient. just as (bit Delaware iwas about to stop, in order to inform bis associate that they would elo well to return to the land, in order to take a fresh departure, he saw the 'form of a man moving about in the water, al- most within reach of bis arm, gasper was at his side, and he -at once under- stood that the lroquoi, were engaged on the same errand as he was himself. "Nlingo!" he uttered in jasper's car. -The si•rvent will show his brother how- to be cunning,' The young sailor caught a glimpse of tit t• figure tit that instant, and the startling trill!' also flashed on his mind. l'ntlerstanding the necessity of trusting all ao the Delaware chief, he kept betel,', while Ids friend moved ealti,-,usly in the direction in which the strange form had vanished. In an- other moment it was ,een amain, eviti- enintivine towards themselves. The waters made such an uproar that link na.i to itt apprehended front ordinary sounds, and the Indian, turning his licad, -1...11VC it to 'the C1111111111; the Great Serprnt.'' exclaimed the setrange says age, adding, in the languaJe of his people, "The canoe is found, lint there were none to help nie. Come, let us rat, it i'rom the roek." ansevered Chin gacle gttok, who understood the dialect. Lead; tve Will foilOW2' ,tralla.er, unable to distingutsh between voices and accents amid the raging of the rapid, led the way in the THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1941 necessary •direction; and, the two others -keeping close at 111- iltel$, all three speedily reached the canoe, The Iroquois laid .1,04,i of one end, Ching- achgook placed himself in the centre, and ,Ittaper went to itt- opposite C.X* trentity, as it wee important that 'the stranger should not detect the pre- sence of a pales:face, a discovery that might the made by the parts of the dress the young man still wort', as well as thy the general appearmtee of his head. "Lift," said the 3rottitois in the sent- entious tnanner of his race; and hy trifling effort the canoe was raised !from the rock, held a moment in the air to empty it, and then 'placed •care- fully on the water in its proper pos- ition. All three held it firmly, lest it should escape !from their thumbs ander the pressure of the violent current, while the Iroquois, •wha led, Of course, being at the -upper end of the !boat, took the ,direction a the eastern shore, or •towards the ipot Where Ili; friends uvaited his retarn. As the Delaware and jasper well lenew there must be several more of the Iroquois on the rift, from the .eir• cumstance that their own appearance had occasioned no surprise in the in- clividual they had met, ,both felt the necessity of extreme caution. Men less bold and determined would have thought that they were incurring, ton great a risk by thus venturing into midst of their enemies; frau these hardy borderer; were unacquainted with fear, cert accustomed to hazards. ritt,! ,so well understood the necessity of at least preventing -their foes front getting the boat, that they would hare cheerfully' enctinntered even ,m,reater to secure their ,bject. So all-import- ant to the safttty of NItthel, indeed, did jasper deem the possession or the de.. !ruction of thi, eamze, that he had drawn his 'knife, and stood ready to rip up the hark, in ordur to render the the boat tempiirarily unserViceahle. anything oct'et' to compel :lit Delaware and himself to abandon their prize, In the meantime. the Iroquois, who led the way, proceeded slowly through the ugter in the direction of his own party. still grasping the canoe, and dragging his reluctant -followers in his train. Once 'Chingachgook raised I1.; s tomattaiwk, and was about to bury it in the 'brain of Ili, confiding and un - SUBSCRIBE NOW TO YOUR FAVOURITE MAGAZINES AND THIS NEWSPAPER AT A THE THRIFTY ECONOMICAL WAY TO SUBSCRIBE TO THIS NEW5PAPER'' ttOYIJUR FAVOURITE MAGAZINES T SENSATIONALLY LOW PRICES s•-• •••••••" • . • ---- These offers are good for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look them over and send us the coupon today. 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Abe Platase cap WA of nuigazInoi atter chocking *moo demiroll, rill out oonpon easefully ane Man to poor betel Contleineci:8 osiodmos •I sea ellsookkag War see eider desseed wits a Waleresegespike te rotor I1 AS-Zreessfas ( neser-Triato 1 :maw ratemiee ROMS • • • • • **me. •••••• ••••••. *fro ea•••••• $44 e.••••• rem Mass ••••.............•.•ame.0.••emosesuepaseralf091 aoftleseassmonamatiemmeeMessr, 3.606.••••••••• ....... ono....0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr, E. A. McMaster, M.B„ Graduate of University of Toronto, Paul L. Brady, M.D., Graduate of University of Toronto, The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x.ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptie equipment. Dr. F. J. R. Forster, Speolalist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the clinic the first Tuesday in every month from 4 to 6 11,181. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5 J DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New YOrli Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, bloorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p,m, Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -53 Waterloo St., Stratford, Telephone 267. AUCTIONEER GORDON M. GRANT, Licensed Auctioneer Inc the County of Huron. Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at tbe Seaforth News, or by writing Gordon M. Grant, Goderich Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. F, W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction. eer for Perth and Huron Counties. Sales Solicited. Terms on Application. Farm SO:xi:, chattels and real estate property, R. R. No, 4, Mitchell, Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed in Huron and Perth Coun. ties. Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. For information, write or phone Harold Jackson, 658r12, Sea. forth central; Brucefield R.R.1. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest. rates in First-Clase Companies, The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont OFFICERS President, Wm, Knox, Londesbore, Vice President, W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Secretary Treasurer, IL A. Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. McKercher. R.R.1, Dublin; Johs. E. Pepper, R.R.1, 13rucelield; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt, Myth; Wnt. Yeo, Holmesville. DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Dublin; James Connolly, Goderieht Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex Mclilwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect, insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applicatione to any df the above named officers addressed to their respective post - offices. neiglidair, Jolt the probab- ility that the death -cry or the floating body might give !the alarm induced that wary chief to change his purpose. .11 the next moment he regretted This indecision, for the three who clung in the canoe suddenly found themselves in the centre of a party of no less than Tom others who were in quest of it. The mistress of tbe house was ex- plaining the household duties to the new maid. "This,'' she said in awed tones, "is a very valuable Persian rug." She paused, and added; "I want you to be very careful when you clean it, as it is very old and has been in the family for many generations." The new maid nodded. understand- ingly. "I can quite see it's old, ma'am," she replied, "but I dare say . we can make it last through the win- ter if we're careful."