HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-23, Page 5THURSDAY. JANUARY 23, 1941 ® ® TOPS IN a sTOIs s qo VALUE — JANUARY 23 TO JAN. 29 VAN CAMP'S CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES 2 large 28 oz. tins 23c HILLCREST SHIORTENING 2 1-1b. prints 23c LIFEBUOY SOAP 4 bars 23c CRUNCHIE LARGE 27 OZ. JAR SWEET MIXED PICKLES 27c ST. WILLIAMS ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE 2 ib. jar 23c AYLMER PEACHES Cowan's +',t����'w PF000,011 Lushus 590,7,0 Crown OP111 Tea Old 2 15 -oz. tins 27c Cocoa, v .....,.. , l c Ib. tin 161'. 1 Ib. tin 27c ab Jelly Powders, Assorted Flavors..3 pkgs. 25c Brand Corn SSybup,n2 Ib. tin 20c 20c , Bisk, medium 19c t Large 35c t English Floor Wax 1 Ib. tin 49c Old English No Rubbing Wax Woodbury's Facial Soap Vi -Tone, 6 oz, tin -27c; Rinso, large Pint tin 49c 4 bars 25c 12 oz. 47c per pkg. 23c .11.01•61.10=1.11MEMSSIMMIII .160.1 "Allen's" or 'Aylmer" Apple Juice 3 20 -oz. tins 25c "Angelus" Marshmallows, 6 oz. bag -10c; ..113 oz. bag 25c Plain or Iodized Salt 2 age. cartons 15c Fine or Coarse Flake Oatmeal 6 Tbs. 25c Golden Sultana Raisins `r tbs. 23c A.B. Gum Drops per Tb. 15c French Creams per lb. 19c Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 3 large rolls 25c Royal York Cheese ... S1 lb, pkg. 17c Royal York Tea i.; lb, pkg. 37c Singapore Sliced Pineapple °' tins 29c Sunlight Soap 10 bars 49c RED RIVER CEREAL PER PKG. 25c READICUT MACARONI 2 LBS. 9c HAND PICKED WHITE BEANS . ...3 LBS. 15c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. ryce PHONE 8 PHONE 77 HOCKEY Continued From Mtge nttc the satisfaction of all. .\ feud het - ween Flannery and Goalie Dahmer threatened to spread into a free-for- all at the end of the first period and caused some excitement. The second .period was really fast and the improv- ed 'Beavers more than held their own in the try to got iut'o the winning ,cot- tun0. There has been a re-.httlTle in the iR'eavero cabinet. Squeaky Oliver has resigned as the boys did not take too kindly to- a.ipep talk. "Jinx" Willis is back again and T. 1\CkFw-en is coach- ing. Seaforth — (ital, Stade; defence, F1ulhert, cFaddint centre, 1'•icke•tt; wings, Hildebrand, Sills; alternates. R. McEwen, T I\lchtten. Angus Mac- Lean, Flannery, Nicholson. \\-aterlo, Goal, Daimler; dcfemrc, Kappesm'r, •Conrad; centre, d.1nbcr. wings, {raw, Pfaff: alternates, Kick- er. Dargle, Lang, CCiair. Referee—Chick Apeel, Su'atford. Group Standing: v. 1 - i a Pts I'aeistork .... 2 1 16 14 4 \Waterloo 3 1 26 13 6 'tae, rth 0 - 3 6 21 0 VARNA Stanley Distriet L. 0. L. met in Varna Orange Hall on Tuesday last and the following officer's were elected: \V. M., Anson Coleman; D. D1„ John Parker; Chap., C, ('. Pil- grhu; Rec. Sec., Percy Jobnstol; Fin. Sec., Jim Petty; Tress;, Ben Rathwell; Marshall, George Clarice; 1st Lett,, tiered Me(aynlnn: 2nd I,ect., Nelson Reid. The officers were afterwards installed by County Mas- ter Lewis Clarke.. The Royal Scarlet Chapter of Stan- ley stet on Tuesday. Jan. 14, and elected the following officers: %V. C.. Fred Nlcelymout; D. O., J, S. Petty; Chap., A, E. Erwin, Rec. Sec.. C. C' Pilgrim; Treas. Elmer Webe 1 er; 1st Lett., Percy Johnston; 2nd Levi., Ben I611thw'el1; 1st Conti„ John Pease; Sud ('olid., Lewis Clarke;. marshnll, T. Stinson; herald. Anson Coleman. 8001 IDA. Geo. Clarke, DON'T FORGET The Seafnrth Collegiate "Al Ilume" to he held in the school auditln•inut. b'ririny. Jun. 31s1. H.A.F. Orchestra from Pori Albert. Admission 711e. McCormick Deering FARM EQUIPMENT Now is the time to see us and discuss your needs for the corning season. See us about the new income purchase plan Electric Supplies. Paints JOHN MAIN ST. �cr ,SEAFORTH Dealer for I.H.C. Machines & Repair Parts THE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE FIVE TOWN TOPICS Mrs. P. L. Brady attended the funeral of •a hert udmother late g the Mrs. Thomas Pumphrey, in Hamilton. on Saturday. She is spending this week with her parents in Toronto, Mr. Janes Eckert from Strathroy and Mr, Aldie Eckert, R.C.A.F., front Sky Harbor, Godetich, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert. Mrs. J. J. Hugill spent a few days In Stratford with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Broadfoot and Neil of Hamilton visited on Tues- day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tyndall, Tuckerstnith, and on Wednesday with the' formers mother, Mrs. A. G. Broadfoot, In Egmondville. Mrs, Hastings from Toronto is visiting Mrs. Jessie Brown. Mr, J. J, Sclater Is ill at pre- yent. Mrs, H. R. Scott will attend the runerat of Miss Helen Pearce In Tor- ncto on Friday. MISS HELEN PEARCE DIES AT FORT WILLIAM Word of the Beath of Miss Helen I'btul'e of Toronto, WKS received by lirs. If. R. Seott on Tuesday. Miss 't tree was frequently a visitor in eltortl.t where she lived as a young 101. When the Dominion Btunlc first Pen ed its Seaforth branch. her ether, the late W. le. Pearce was Ippolnted tutntager. Miss Pearce went o visit during the Christmas hall, aye with her brother and his fancily tt. Fort William. ,Front wort! received Here it is be• sieved she had not been ill previous, ly and ]ler passing, which had occh11•• red suddenly, was not immediately discovered by the family, Her brother, Ralph Pearce, is all engineer with the Air Force at Regina, and spent Christmas at his home in Fort William. Her two other brothers, Rex and Gordon. were killed overseas in the last war. Miss Pearce was en only daughter. The remains will arrive in Toronto on Friday for burial. EGMONDVILLE W.M.S. Our January sheeting was held in the vestry with 10 members present. Meeting opened by sing111g anti prayer. Minutes of November and December meeting rend and approv- ed, Mrs. Richardson was reappointed lunch convener. Mrs, Keyes. assist- ant temperance convener. Alt's. DTe. Millan brought up about a donated quilt to be quilted for Red Cross. Mrs. Keyes fend a letter of appreel- ((lion from Miss Cameron. Mrs. Gardiner spoke of our 'W.DT.S. reach - Mg our allocation and asked for sug- gestions for 1941. This w111 laid over. Mrs. Brown read a letter of appreeietion regarding contents of bale scut, Mrs. McMillen gave treas. mer's report and staling she had sent $252.45 'tawny and had 1,,:t coppers in copper fund. Dirs. 310Cluarrie report- ed 44 visits, li to shpt ins and s 1(1 sick. ATVs. Brawn and Mrs. McGon- igle were re -appointed 011 visiting committee. Ms's. Haney took study hook on Japan missionary, Dr. Nor- man, (born In Ontario), assisted by Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Clemenee. Mrs. Keyes, Mrs. Allan. The worship ser- vice was taken from monthly miss- ionary by Mrs, Goodwin. The offering W11$ received and meeting closed by singing a hymn and prayer by president. EGMONDVILLE NEIL SHAW Held at Watson's, the Neil Shaw. Egmondville• opened by the singing of hymn 41111, "Fight the Good Fight." after which the minutes were react and approved. Five fees for 1941 were received. The business period opened with the discussion of en- velopes for 1941. Mona Metfrt•got nue tinned that the envelopes be iooked Lifter by the secretary-. Janet Mc- Gregor se0oticled the matron. Trees- tlrel s report was given by last yeict•'1 treasurer M h, me Watson. The next meeting was discussed and is to be held the ih•st Wednesday in 1'ebru• ary at the manse. The devotional par - rod opened by the singing of Hymn 297, "Jesus thou Joy of Loving Hearts," after which Maynle Watson read the scripture reading. followed by hymn 155, "Breathe on Me Breath of God." Marion Wallace took up the offering. Isabel Forest rend a story on the Men of Africa. The meeting clos- ed by singing hymn 311, "0 love that will not let me go," after which 311x. Gardiner led in prayer. GIRL GUIDES The regular meeting of the Girl Guides was held on Thursday, Jan. 16. The meeting opened with 0 Canada followed by a moment's sil- ence in honour of the late Lord Baden Powell. After this the Gulden formed into the horseshoe position and the Guide prayer was repeated. A new recruit Donna Baynes was enrolled into the sisterhood of Guides. Letters of thanks were re- ceived for the Christmas boxes. Chalk football and the Strange Guide were played. The whiners were the Honesty and Nightingale Patrols. The nneetiug closed with a moment's silence in honour of the late Lord Baden Powell, followed by. God Save the King. HOLD SUCCESSFUL BARN MEETING AT OORRIE A largely attended barn meeting sponsored by the Benner Counties Ayrshire Club was head on the farm of John W. and Wesley Strong near Gerrie in Howick Township, last Thursday afternoon, Jan. 16. Alter the chairman,J. C. Shearer, Agricultural Representative, outlined the purpose of the meeting, he call- ed on John W. Strong, who assured the visitors of a very warns. welcome In visiting the farm and herd. Mr. L. E. Cardiff, M.P., Brussels, a new matt In the Ayrshire breed, spoke briefly and introduced tate guest speaker, Mr. R. H. Graham, Ontario Livestock Branch, Toronto, who took as his subject, "Livestock Production and Marketing." He stressed particu- larly disease prevention and the place of the Ayrshire breed 1n Ont- ario. Other speakers were Mr. J. 5. Knapp, Galt, sales agent for the Club. and Mr. W. F. Biernes, Lis- towel, oriel of the directors. Following the epeaking program. two classes of high-class Ayrshh•es from the Strong herd 10011' a ted for j(11.01115 inetructiou. Official judges were Ilr. Wilfred Scllneller, Baden; 21r. Jacob Schmidt. \Vaterhoo, and Mr. Oscar. Seheirholtz. of Hresluo. MAE LANE AUXILIARY HOLDS BIRTHDAY PARTY The Mae Lune Auxiliary of the Northside United Church held Its tenth birthday putty on Monday evening, The losing Circles of the society entertained the winning Circles at a 6.30 supper, to whicd, also was invited the C. G.I. T. group. The girls entertained the meeting with two enjoyable numbers before the regular meeting began. The first vice president, Mrs. F, J. Bechely,. took the first part of the meeting. The hymn. "Olt Jesus 1 Have Prom- ised," was stung. Mrs. Christie led In 31'ayeh'. Mrs. be J. 0ecliely conducted the business of the evening. Reports were given by the treasurer. t'brist- len stewardship sect, and temperancer sect. The meeting was then taken by the captain o1' (.'trole 1. hiss Luella Keine. The hymn. "A Better Day is ('owing." was sung. and prayer by Mrs. borne Dale. The lesson was read by Mr's. A. W,•steott. TTLe topic of the evening, a biography o1' Ur. Normals, 10110sc work was (1,11(1• 111. Jttptut, was presented by Miss L. Kafue, Hiss S. Wood and Mrs. H. Snell. Rev. 11. V. Workman installed the officers for the new year. The me etiog cloned with the hymn. "\Who .Dever Will," and the i\li'rpah bone dieting. NORTHSiDE Y. P. S. MEETS The regular meeting of the Notlr side United Church Young People's w•as Held on P0106;ly' 1V 'lliug. ,Lune ary 21st, with 11r. San Seim pre—b11. Mg. After the singing 1,1 the upeuticg hymn The Morning Light le 11roa6• lug. the Lord's prayer was repeated In unison. bliss Max11(0 Lawrence. secretary, read the wiuutes of last meeting, 10111(11 were 1140111 EH! 1(0 correct by Miss Jean Smiles The business was then discussed and bliss Jean Swale, misstouul'y l'on- vener, took charge of the meeting. The hymn, '"All Hall the Power of Jesus Name." 10118 sung. The psulnr 27 was repeated 10 unison anti Miss Edith Hoag lead its prayer, headings given by Miss Ethel Storey, Alass Luella Kafue and Miss Irene Work- man were enjoyed by all. after which God Save the liiug was sung. An int (resting nhtssionary talk was givt'ti by Miss Trout. 1111(1 "0 101811 to heartt1y thlulk Hove Trolft (01' 111' w'illiuguwss in delivering a this int pressive tolls. The hymn, "Fr,mt tireenl:aul'0 Icy Mountains," w,ts sung and the meeting dos) ti .,111;1 the Aiizlrih bene linin(. BORN \V11.8(1N--t 1 Soot, \1nt'rl'i,l tiuspi tat. on Tuesday, Jun. 21. 11011. to Ale. hind Airs. Elwin Wiisen. Ale !iillmp. a son. TAYLOR -At the Clinton hospital. OH Friday, Jun. 11', 1p#1. to .lir. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Hnilett, a son 1 Laurence Harvey t. DIED TRACEY—In Detroit . on Sunday. Jan. 19th, William John Tracey, age 69 years. The funeral will take place from the Funeral Parlors of H. C. Box, Main st., thence to St. James Church, on Thursday, Jan, 23rd, at 9 30 a.m. intet'tuent in St. Janes Cemetery. Sweater Swing AT KIPPEN FRIDAY, JAN. 24 TO CLAYTON STEEPER Balloon and Serpentine Dancing Both BOYS and GIRLS are requested to come in SWEATERS, so:— "PM on your old Grey Sweater. 11 2011 haven't any better; Stew -boots will do, they say. Then dash away to Kippen, and your steps will surely quicken, as the Hop gets uitdel' way." GENERAL ADMISSION 35c 0, Watson, Manager ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES JAN. 31 - FEB. 1 from SEAFORTH. To r Stauou Oshawa and East to Caru'vatt inclusive, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Pec thorn. Campbeliford, Newmarket. Collingwood. Meaford, Midland. North gay. Parry Sound, Sudbury, C'apreol and west to Beardmore, P. M, Trains Friday, Jan, 31. AH Trains Saturday, Feb„ 1 To TORONTO Also to Brantford. Chatham, Goderieh, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Falls. Owen Sound, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Strat. ford, Strathroy, Woodstock. See handbills far complete list of destinations For Fares. Return Limits. Train information, Tickets, etc•, consult nearest Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL. BRUCEFIELD Brncetield Horticultural Society will hold its annual meeting ou the afternoon of Tuesday. Jan. 28, in the church. Will all the members please attend. On Thursday. Jan. 16th, twelve gtris met and decided to form a Junior Red ('toss. Oftit ers elected were President Anna Aikonlieud; vic•.• pees.. :Marie Elliott; secretary. Elsie Elliott; treasurer. Fredlt Hiil. Mrs. Dalrymple invited the Juniors tomeet at her !tome on \\ t.duesday, Jan. 22, at S.Ju 111n. Each is asked to bring a new member and all girls in the eomluuuity are invited to join. The IT 11 farm wouteu held their deet meeting of the pear at the Thome of Mr. and Mrs. W. Stt ulcliouse on Wednesday. Jun. 15th. The president presided and opened the meeting by singing "How Pleasant 'tis to sleet again," followed by prayer. :Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. After the roll call. business- was usines-was conducted. it was decided we invite the Walton club to visit our club,. Two dollars was donated to tate Troll: school fund. Qu'stonalre was iu charge of Mrs. J. Cairns. We WPM( then joined by the 2leu's ('lnh, 1011011 we had the addresses that were given at the Provincial coaveutian read. The co-operative president. 1A'. It. J. Scott's address 00110 1'01111 by Dir. it. P. Watson; the 17.F. O. pre. slrlent Air. Dart Staul'1'er's address. by AA'. 11. Waldron; the secretary 3ir. JI. H. Iiaamuu's by IA's. 11'. Donghts: Mrs. J. Snider read 111' 1'. F. W. 0 president Ales 0. Andersen's alb dress: and 31rs. ,l. Cairns, the 'erect. :try Mrs. lametu'l Darutan's. :Mrs. .\ Illtc'imuatt gave an ,rxc,•ltent report of the rest of. the/011/10111 inti. "nett (t1 the Soil." was I t and Miss Iev,t 11180ltemse then tttnl'011 Hs Wit 11 1, humorottu+uduta, Airs C. Haugh read literature le the Brucke -1adb. 1nrnnt. 1D'. K.11 .11,,•lcsott gave 1) .tali, 011 the t'mn'ellt Talt R1111 1n1 our organ. (nation '170• at.. mutt t !nest by site; log "(sod Save the Kin:;." Dwelt was served by hostess tool fiends, We at',.• glad to !slued Uontglas \i' Beath who had an ;toad to pneu- monia is i'eooi•eaing. We hope to s,"' Douglas nut soon. The annual (muJe„g:tienal tneeting will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 211(11 at S o'clo('k. Owing to the storm on Sunday the (treeing service was c'anretlled. Aliso Doris Dutot of London spent the week rend at her house here. KIPPEN Mr. stud Airs. Janes Wright 10e1'0 In Spt'luglield on Wednesday attend- ing the funeral of Mrs. Wright's bro- ther Mr. George Stewart. Mrs. Minnie Little spent a few dues in London with her daughters Airs. A. 611101ng and Mrs. hat] Jones. Miss Viola Gordon at Slaxw'lt, Ont., has (('011 engag0d n0 teacltec of 5.S. No. 14 Stanley-. Alr. Itel,t. Jarrott and Air. 'rites. 110,1 0,0'0 00011 0011 101,4 10 thele „•1s ,0 1 h.' past week suffering toem ( i,-, ,1'tai tin. Ifr 111f:111 f 11' n1 i d•nt , u 1-tl -t. ty + 1111,i11.- 1*h1 ;Hiss 3,i111 nl tu' w,^ t ,1111 with her sister Grace in Stayers. Mr. and Airs. Keith Colborn,' and son Donald. Goderich, aor visiting with Airs. Colhorto s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dnyota(1 Quite a number from this district attended an organization meeting of fannies 111 Seat'orth last Saturday night, ML'. \4m. Workman Is ('mithl0(1 to I is lied suffering from an attack of pleurisy. Mr. R. D. Elgie spent the week end with friends in Toronto and also took in the hockey snatch. Mr, R. J. Cooper spent the week end with friends in London. Rev, and Mrs. Chandler entertained a (urge nuihber of the congregation to tea and a social evening recently which was very much enjoyed by all pl'eeeltl'. Mr. Ronald Caldwell returned home Crete Toronto where the spent the past few weeks with friends. The. Young People held their an- nual tneetiug on Monday evening and elected their officers for the conning year. - The January meeting Of the Kippen East '\ V.I. held at the home. of Mr. and MTS. \W01. Matin on Wednesday S- '-I- -L !. St. Columban Under Auspices of C. W. L. FRIDAY, JAN. 31 Moonlight Serenaders Lunch Admission 35c afternoon oont despite 11115 bad roach and stormy day., was a splendid meeting mid most of the members and several visitor's were present. The meeting, presided over by the president. was opened by singing the Institute Ode, followers by the Lord's prayer. The minutes of the previous meeting and several reports of activities were given and the roll call was answered by a (raffle law often broken, also by the number of cook books sold. A humorous reading by Miss Laura 'rremeer described all our taxation troubles and Miss J. Jolly chose for her solo, "Tire Old Rugged Cross," which was much appreciated. A vote of thanks was tendered to our host- ess and the committee served a very delicious lunch. The present war pro. jest is a knitting contest with Mrs. George Glenn and Mrs. H, Caldwell as Captains. Any person who would like to take part in this contest should call either of these ladies and get a supply of yarn. The annual meeting of St. Ae. dr«w's ('11111011, Kernel', will he held on Tuesday. January 2Sth, at 2 pee. Tile Officers' Congress of Youthg People of the United Church, South Huron. will be held at St. Andrew':.+ church. Kernel'. on January 27th, beginning with a pot luck supper a, 021'' p.ni.. fotiow•ed by a sing -snag ruder the leadership of tine Rev. C. E. Beuc•ann of Grand Bend. Pnufng People of Bruce.tield will 1'•r in chereer of the service of worshi;,. Shantz-Ropp— A pretty wedding was soletunl in the Dleunonit0 t'hurtlt. Zurich , Wednesday. January 15th. w'i.; Miss Vera 1I. Ropy. eldest tau.:::;' of Air. and Mrs. Sant Ropp. of a . Kippon, became the bride of 1'A::' W., youngest son of Norman and ' ..- late Sirs. Shantz of Preston. onto::• . The bride looked charming iu street length gown of Iy'lansen 10s- 001•11 faille crepe and matching -s cessorles. 'rhe bridesmaid was t:.1' bride's sister Miss Ina Al. Rop'., dressed lu a street length gown aqua green crepe back satin. groomsman was OrvaL \V. Shan';, brother of the groom. Rev. Step,he-: Peachey officiated. Following ::c ceremony a reception was hel, the florae of the bride's pare •.. After a short lloneylnoon Mr. ...,. Mrs. Shantz will take up resides .- near Hensall. The bride and 5:%),1,, have the best wishes of a hos, friends for their future happiness. The many friends of \1r. A: I10.401" will 110 pleased to learn 1. able to 1,e tip again after Isis re: ilia=.ss, Mr. told Airs. Jelin Cothran t day et canton 1 ec•ent.1: 1h, many- tnl,ucls r Mr. ;; , '- Jarrett .lI, l,, t 1111 1 sorry he 1 tl•,: .. to his hen with au attar.t vt fluenza. TUCKERSMITH \l t•. 1ttttlec I1 t. Mrs. 311 ,:m.1 her daughter Pc tl and \Ir. Rousse and 31I \Vallace and her dauglnor. Ruth motored out r+'\\ -e icy Roe's .,,r Halle S• it n atur t da n . On sundae Stanley Dutot took \ars Holme and 'Mrs. Todd mid her son and daughter to \l1'.. ;Cal -will::: near R1rueeheld to stay for a few days, Mrs. •Calw'ill, 'Hohnes and Mr. Dutot are sisters and brother. TWO DANCES EUCHRE - DANCE • iN WINTHROP HALL FRIDAY, JAN. 24 Euchre at 9 Mann's •Orchestra Lunch Served, Admission 30c .DANCE Arthur's Five Piece Orchestra WED.. JAN. 29TH Lunch Served. Admission 35c