HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-23, Page 4PAGE FOUR
:nowdon lir,. posb,L,.;,
The annual meeting of the Auxili-
ary of the W. M. S. was held Jan. 8
with Miss Knox presiding. All re-
ports presented showed the past
year to have been successful in
increased membership. active group
work and $408.27 raised, w'hic'h was
over the allocation. McKillop group
had charge of the study book and
Mrs. MciVIichael read the story of Dr,
Norman, a missionary in. Japan,
Miss Mary Humphries visited a
few days in Stratford last week.
Mrs. W. C. Bennett spent the week
end in Toronto.
The U. F. W. 0. meeting was held
at the home of Mrs. H. Kirkby on
Jan. 15th with 17 ladies present.
Mrs. J. Campbell and Mrs. J. Bewley
gave splendid reports of the con-
vention in Toronto. Mrs. Coutts re-
ported that tate U. F. \W. 0. had raised
$205.00 in 1940. The Red Cross had
received $42.00 of IL 11 was decided
to do some refugee work this year.
Mrs. H. Kirkby gave a paper on "Pre-
natal Care and Infant Feeding." The
February meeting will be held- at
Mils. J. Campbell's.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kennedy of
Mount Forrest with friends.
Misses Motiicti Byrne and Ursula
Krauskopf were week end visitors in
Miss Marion Dill of London at the
home or her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
P. Dill.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Etue have re-
turned home from their honeymoon.
and spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. T. J, Molyueaux.
Messrs. Patrick and Joseph Mc-
Connell with London friends.
:Miss Peggie Walsh of Toronto is
spending a week at the home of her
Mr. and Mrs. James Shea spent
the week end in Toronto. and attend-
ed the Boston Bruin • Maple Leaf
hockey game on Saturday night.
Their nephew John Crawford is one
of the Boston players.
A highly respected resident of Mc-
Killop Township in the person of
New Warden Has
Long Experience
Reeve Leiper of Huilett Macre
First Appearance in County
Council in 1911
James Leiper,t'eeve of Hullett
township, ivho was honored nn Tues-
day with the wardership of Huron
county, has had long experience in
municipal life as he entered It In
1905, He 'represented the township
iu the county council for IS years at
various periods. His first. appearace
at the county council was in 1911.
"I little thought then, that thirty
years later I would be elected the
warden of Huron county;' the veteran
legislator smilingly remarked.
He was born of Scottish parents.
who were early settlers, in Hallett,
end has lived there all his lite. In
1900 he married Miss Annie Hamill
ton. of Hullett. They hare a fancily
of live sous and two slaughters, John
of Clinton; Guy and Thomas ut
home; Brilliant who is the teacher of
the home school, S. S. No. 11, Rollet
Robert of Toronto, Miss Agnes, Tor
onto. and Hiss Jean, at home. Mr.
Leiper operates a forret of :ISS acres.
H<- specializes in pure-bred Polled
.lugus cattle, and Clydesdale horses
stock of which he imported from
Semi:ma 23 years ago. Ile is a liberal
in polities and a member of the Pres
ay ,'I ian ctittt•clt.
Airs. \licir:u•1 Walsh. celebrated her
Ise birthday art Monday at her
tane, receiving congratulations front
a-. group of relatives and Mends.
Mrs. Walsh who was formerly Miss
Margaret Maloney is a native of Mc-
Killop Township and has spent the
greater portion of her life to that dis-
trict. She was married to the late.
Michael Walsh more than 00 years
ago and about 25 years ago Mr. and
Mrs. Walsh retired from fasting aid
lived In Seaforth until lir. Walsh
died about two year's later. Since
then Mrs. \\'aisle has resided with her
son and daughter-lnduw. Mr, and
Mrs, John Walsh, McKillop. With the
exception of defective eyesight, Mrs:
Walsh enjoys excellent. health and is
in foil possession of all her faculties,
Site has one son John. with whom
she resides. and three daughters,
Airs. Andrew Kelly of Stratford. D1rs,
Patrick Williams, Hibbert township,
oitd .ALE. Dint 'Williams. of 1)uhltu.
Fite nisi. has 17 grundi'ltilth't•u.
'11'c' are ghat to report that Mr.
John :Maloney of London. who has
been in 1 eritit it condition for the
past three weeks, is recovering. Mr.
Maloney hus received two blood
transfusions, and will soon return to
his home.
Mrs. John Downey of London spent
a few days visiting her sister, Mrs.
John Dalton and other friends. '1'he
many friends of Mrs. Dalton are very
pleased to know she is gradually re-
covering from her recent accident.
Word was received here of the
death In Chatham of Sister Bridget,
former Bridget Delaney, and a sister
or John and Joseph Delaney.
Airs. P. O'Sullivan aid John Hest -
Jags have gone to Kitchener to
spend the winter with Alt', and Mrs.
Jos, Moylan.
Mr• George Powell had a very sue+:
eessful auction sale lust Wednesday,
and has moved to Seaforth where he
bus work with Alt'. J. Scott.
IVlf. Jack .'ronin from Detroit Is
visiting Itis Brother Dan: and many
nihel' friends.
The 0.1'.0. hart u very successful
dance on Friday night. The crowd
was not as large as usual but the
-girls report they were very popular,
owing to the large number of young
mein present.
The many friends of Barbara Car-
lin are pleased to see her able to be
out again.
The St. Columban school is being
wired for Hydro.
Miss i;vely'n Malady of London
spent the week end at her home
Miss Katherine Lane spent the
week end in Toronto.
Mn and Mrs. \\'nt, Ryan of London
spent a few day's with ASL•. and Mrs,
Terry Flannery.
Aire. John Dalton is improving
nicely after being hit by a car while
crossing the highway near her home.
Messrs. John and Joseph Delaney
were in Chatham last week attenilhtg
the funeral of their sister.
Mr. and \h's. Joseph \loylan and
baby of Kitchener spent Sunday with
friends here.
"Every- duty, well and honestly done, is a contribution
to victory." THE Pauls, MINISTER OF CANADA,
Poles, wires, cable, switchboards -these are the mate-
rial parts of the telephone system:
But then,there are the people who make these things
serve you -over ten thousand of them. They build,
maintain and improve the telephone plant -bring its
service to you. All put warmth and life into your
telephone. To the nation's war effort their work is vital.
Long ago we found that you can't rule courtesy and
friendly interest into being. Telephone courtesy
comes from inside. It is, in essence, the will to serve.
Without the men and worsen workers who have
caught this idea, telephone service as you know it
would not be possible. tCe
i 5
It is they who make ue p/rN
a living reality of our a '•.��
policy. "the best tele- Hyl t(
phone service at the
lowest cost consistent �� Zo � S
with financial safety." °iv(.tsy'
Cantnned From Pnae One
Mettle bill y 1(1111 trustworthiness he
stressed as dualities of leadership.
Warden Leiper expressed his ap-
preciation and thanks to' the honor
accorded hial. He was glad to see so
many of the former oouneil returned
and welcomed new members. He was
Proud of the part .played by Huron.
county in the war endeavor and in
spending $23,000 on patriotic pur-
poses, including the purchase of Sky
Harbor airport. and hoped the good
work would be kept up and bettered
by this year's council; that not a
stone would be left unturned by the
county and the Dominion to rid the
world of Hitle'ism.
With the county free of debt for
Sir first time in a hundred years, the
new .warden asked that -the centenary
ut the county hue observed iittilrgly. •
He advocated a pay-as-you-go .pol-
icy and leaving the mill rate The
same as last year in order to allow
further assistance in the tear effort.
He asked that consideration -be given
ter preparations for the Provincial
pion in,.; match which js to be held in
Huron county in •1P42, and expressed
approval of the pau'ehase of addition-
al land at the County Brune last year.
improved roads lore the result of
creditable work clone by the road
commission. Feeling reference turas
utadc' by' the 'warden to the death of
ex -Reeve )liver Hemingway of 11al-
lett -
strikingcommittee camp ed rf
the uillolvin wa> unncd: Recur 111.
H. I uckev, Percy 1 asntore, \ 1'.
\lci)onttiti. 1t, (train and R. 1 -Bow-
Reeve kaymond - Rednnoud Was ap-
pointed a number of the (food Roads
Commission itir three years, and
Reeve Percy Passmore to t'he .Criot-
inal-.\cubit Board, -
It was decided to continue the child -
ten's shelter committee as a means of
contact ,between the council and the
l hildreo's Aid Society. 'l'he duties of
the airport etntt111ittee were transfer-
red to the warden': committee.
The 'warden's committee will be en-
trusted with the administration of the
war effort for '119141, il'cluding ,patriot-_
is grants as to 19140, with the approval
of the county council, on 111001011 -of
Reeves Whitmore and Duncan,
'Grants of $2: r0 the 1?tut, I\\'lest and
South Huron district '\\'omen's In,
s13101es were authorized On a motion
sponsored by Reeve: Grain and 'Liver-
tnorc. -
huve Raymond Redmond was ap-
pointed delegate to the Federation •of
:\gricuttu a at 11rese'nt meeting in- T•or-
e. -
'1'Itree resolutions from Perth
County asked that restrictions ,he lift -
cd prohibiting the exchange of ega
for merchandise in stores; that assist-
ance. be given in f eight ionevssinns
to ('astern farmers or groups of form-
er,: V't Carloads .f wheat fr,.mt the
west for feeding purposes; that the
Canadian soldden with farm expet'-
ieuce 'ire released ,taring harvest and
haying seasons.
'i)r, L W. Shaw, pltysic'ian - 01 the
County Home rcDorteft fant' tee 11
deaths and fifteen adutissions iu TAO.
The institution is filled to elmteity-
i'he oldest inmate is ninety, and the
youngest sixty-one-. The average isle
.Conntluuicatiou:r 'm; the Board of
-Trans-port Comm1'sion reads:
"I ant directed to request that you
file with the rbc and as early as pus-
sihle, your .Mitlissions, if any, with
respect to the application to tlhandon
the C. N. R. - railway line between
,Clinton i1nttotion and \Wiltgham."
Copies of the application and material
were attached.
Council adjourned to sleet on'\\-ed-
nesday at X110 aau.
'Before ad'journnient ex -Warden
George Feagan announced •that it had
been intention to take the members
on a tour of Sky Harbor Airport and
entertain 'them at a banquet there but
owing to other social functions ar-
ranged for their enjoyment, it had
;been decided to ,postpone it to June
session. The 'Goderieh Lions Chub are
•^wing a dinner of Thursday. and on
,\Wednesday', - the new dining roost at
the British Exchange Hotel was
„paned with a dinner when the'Coun-
cil were the :guests of the ,proprietor,
+\\'. 'l'..Pellaw, -
Continued Front Pow, One
-onu•i•uari,.ms *c•7:^,_': tf•,c jnniur ..en-
ticate- ,tell :o;u• silver -ea-- Wry'.
1-011 1t 0,ar,ls for attendance,
/011111103 school, represented ':,y ,91is-
lean Scott, reported an upward tr'•n:i
With- '9lathers day collection :1011 2I.
Rally clay; $117:95, and a t.dal Conlri-
'hut un of 1i 05. Mrs. H. R Scott
treasurer of the R.arlta a Kirkman
.\uxiliary, with 61members. gave tie
total receipts as $1401.97. $414 nn,r_
than last year. lack Thompson repre-
sented the Young People's S 'viety,
which has a !balance of $34.551.
'Bibles have been purchased for the
young men wyho. enlisted front the
church. 'Mrs. 1. 'C. Greig reported
$359.02 the .offering from the Senior
11\"". A. including the AlrKillop
• branch, and an outfit for an Indian
boy, The Ladies' aid made 11' quilts
for refugees; McKillop 'branch con-
tributed 'three quilts.. for the refugee-.
The chair has lost several m011100r.
through removal and enlistment. Fear
retiring members of the boar's of
management. Cr, 11.Ferguson, IC
Smith,-.Ernest'Geddes, fames T. Scott,
Were re-elected Al NICK.ellrr
Sapp rated treasurer.
\ cote of thanks Was tend r ' tile
, members of t e Ladies' AA I i :...
A- a token of apprr cialirm 1 .rte
faithful and r•fflenent a'r•,irr- read'-rr.,l
rut, ron"rraat.i.,n i v tin.
_ ,t
!'d.r:;h tack told ,71r-. T:.teir 1, ,lar.
wt, rat el 'front 'J 10 1(1 to :Pi
Lutic1.1 Was SPE7turi ',y b I:14i,', and
'•i )oya,l,t. - „cal 1ta'1' hc..t, - ,p• n'
Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 250
®r dl E I
Jon Hall
"South of Pa.g'O Paggo)' Frances Farmer
Mon. Tues. Wed.
John Hubbard Mary Astor
The comedy that- will sur-
prise you when you see
things happen in Turnabout.
by REX tEACS.. w:Pl
:4 ,0
14(01)5 • (tor ED15111)a • 11u, .,:vxiA!
`,.0 i(TR£a GREEi4 • A WARMER 000m.
..• ,..,,,, , e•.,. r.an Ploy by Itenn•II, 44i4et
f"Dance Girl Dance"
I Miss Kathleen Russel of. Russel -
dale spent the week crud with ;Miss.
Agnes Scott, -
Mr, and Mrs. 'Phomas Scott visited
with their sou at Brodhagen last
week, -
Mr. James Howe spent it tow clays
in Stratford last week,
Mrs. Dalrymple has returned to
her home after visiting her aunt,
Mrs. Houghton.-
oughton.Ah•, Tont Scott Jr. spent a day •In
Brantford last week,
The Marion Ritchie Auxiliary of
the Presbyterian Church held their
monthly meeting at the home of
Velma and Verna Wallace on Sotttr-
dtty, Ten. members and two visitors
were present. The -president Mrs,
McLaren was in the shah-, and the
meeting opened by singing hymn 607.
Grace McLachlan read the scripture.
After several items of business had
been discussed and settled bit's.
Thomas Sena Jr. gave Ir splendid talk
taking as Tier text, "Where there Is
no vision the people perish," She
made it clearly understood that the
text applies to individuals and socie-
ties as well as to nations. Alter sing-
ing 11)01111 419 the meeting closed by
repeating the Lord's prayer ill Alli-
son. The hostesses served a dainty
'Nttl'se Iieneont is al present- on
duty in Clinton hospital, -
Mr. and Mrs. \Vtu. Pel,per ut flour
Bruct'tield t'isited \loltday n1' 11151
week at the home of the puree's
Parents 1011'. and Ales. A. W. Me.
Air, and Mrs, Audrey Itnux. anti
Messrs. Harold and Bert Beacom
and Miss Edythe Beacout, Messrs.
Wm, and 'tom and Miss .lean Leiper,
Miss Helen McGregor and (Jordon
McGt'egor, Air. and Mrs, \\'tat, Knox
Jr, and Mt'. Isaac Rapson attended
the progressive euchre party and
dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Warren and Mr. and Mrs. J. (I, Gibh-
ings Friday evening of last week.
The proceeds of the evening for the
Red Cross.
Nurse Beacom also spent Friday
evening at the home of the above
A'Irs, Isaac Rapson d: at present
holidaying at the hone. of Air, and
Mrs. Warren Gibbiugs.
Air, Harold Beacon recently pur-
chased a tine new truck. B'e wish
hint good lack.
Alt- 1'h,) i:1,ox .t -itr. F.1
•,Venins :1- 4.;tto.., n'.
1441'. and Airs, Flple, Snell ettle't7l,bu
ed Pte. Phil Egerton -1wireless. op -'r
atorl and Pte. John Joups 1111ectl-
ante.) of the R. A. F.. Port. Albert
over the week end,
We are sorry to hear that P -'re
Gibbings is laid up with rheumatism.
We wish hint a speedy recovery.
Miss Marion Forbes of Saltford
sp0n1 the week end at her home
Mrs, John li, Shobbrook, of deo.
Lonclesboro, visited with ler. and
Mrs, Percy Gibhings a few days last.
Mrs, Eph. Snell unit JIut sp-ent
Tuesday of last week In Hamilton,
Pte. Phil Egerton and Pte. Johr1
Jones spent Sunday with Mr. -sod -
Mrs. \\', Gibbings.
AIr. and Mrs. Warren (libbing_, arr1
Mr. and Mrs, John Cibbings enL�r
tamed a number of friends from
Harloek, Porter's Hill. Port Alb,,et,
Tuekersmith,_ Auburn, Clinton and
Toronto to a progressive euchre and
dance on Friday 171h• The winner::
In progressive euchre were: Ladies, -
first. Miss Doris Mann; linen's fir?t,
Koss Mann: ladies, Ione hands, Mr.4.
Pere l:ilibings; men'; lone hands,
Mr. l:ddh' Farquhar: ladies. boob! r,
\urs. Ed Farquhar; men's bootie, \1r.
Ray Townsend, The honored 11-•-'5
were Private Phil Egerton and Priv-
tne ,Iohn Jouos of 111' 1C, A.F.. P":t.
Albers. and Private B. Scott of -
onto, also lir. and Mrs. John Alae -
Ross and Doris. Another ,.vent
Mrs. Willis Wan Egtiloud's birlh+l;:y.
Adrian B'hitr
and Ro.-s 911111: t:1.-
ercd the 1;u„sty with n uumbet •t"
soigs fwd Ltnvrenc" \\'ltil. wil t
jaw's burp. The ilex of flu, party
ng In help the Suutut•r(ttli 11-1
('foss. Proceeds amounted to X:.. , )
The lunch was se11'e11 03. the 11.4'
eases Nt's, 77'. and J. Cibbiugs. Mtt.+i':
for the .lance provided by' Air.
Mrs. J. Mann, and Ross and Ale.
\\'illus Vaulegmond.
A bt'iglt1 little girl, aged 4 and bee
brother, urged 6, were spending the
night with their taunt. When bedtime
ennui, the auntasked how they ;raid
their prayers, The little girl answer-
ecl: "Sometimes 1 s.ty tltent on lnutu-
nty's knee and sometimes to the si'ici
of the bed,"
"And how about you, little boy"?"
'011, I don't need to pray. I s le:-lt
with daddy."
Applications will ire t•eeelveli 1-4- to
Fehrnrny 'ird for the n)sitict' .;
tttd also ,\uditi,r., - ..
ll,tli••tt Township. for 114I.
.1 W. 91' i'OUL, i'G_ri:.
Lo11r1. „
4Y5...,14g 0P•0..•00190.4.44"....., et,..,tit
Ali models and prices of Radios. See our large display.,
We also ha /e Battery Radios and Datteries in stock.
Farmers are parti;ularly requested to investigate our line
of Battery Radios before buying.
Now it, t,11r: t-jttho 1.r, gritthe most. enjoymlent out Of a Radio,
v'h'tre ('ar,ir, ri:r,r,f,tirrh is at its hest. Wecarry the well
known rrla.kas: ;>etr'h a:. Westinghouse, Dei+orest, Rogers,
Spartriti, etc,
Complete Display of Electrical Goods
Radio Repair Work
Phone 75 Seaforth