HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-16, Page 7THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1941 pikilaaMMERAMISIMI . gailaYa dliPit}1F°�i:.�d`3SuL' .^fid TEE SEAFOR.TH NEWS PAGE SEVEN Sanforized Shrunk Overalls and Smocks $2.50 Value --On Sale Clearing 200 Suits and Coats, broken lines at a ridiculous price. 25 Men's and Young Men's Suits, Worsteds, Tweeds and Serges. Some with Two Pairs Pants veralls 9 OZ, At a price you will never see again 1 LADIES' axion � � 1 more available. See these al- e Children's Cornbinatio 11 t tt Init—Be sure to see til+' 'r mteataimmenammiumazignsmausaummisszwzolimmoo Our Famous "LIGHTHOUSE" GUARANTEED OVERALLS For this sill' only 1.4 y °}t 4 tovi.CV,lei? ,,r r�.� r Magog colors. �s 400 rens prints in different pattern,,, and r;.'uiar 1.00 line' 7 c MEN'S FLEECE LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS • 1 i1'O1 en lines only. Be sure to seta these. Sale Fric,t, MEN'S HEAVY SHIRTS AND Double. breasted. $1.25 value counter soiled. Clearing at RIBBED DRAWERS . Some are c COMBIIIATIONS1 5 MEN'S HEAVY FLEECE ....CLEARING PRICE MEN'S LEATHER CAPS Fur Ear Laps — SPECIAL MEN'S HEAVY CLOTH CAPS Fur Lined Ear Laps 89c 79c e' s ire 1 E 1.33 Values up to $2.50. To clear MEN'S FINE SHIRTS All colors, white included, in this lot. Regular $11.25 feature. On sale c rmxza1.4.M.•rcwmas.:. HEAVY JUMBO KNIT WORK SWEATE SEE THESE AT ONLY _L49 ■ Men's Work Sox 14p PAIR EXTRAY �r WOOL WORK SOX Opposite Post Office { .V ,,14 7' r. 8 only Young Men's Tweed Suits, with 2 pai of Pants To clear $9.f, 11 MEN'S /S HI 2 , RERRINOFN BONE $1S 0ka 17 MEN'S BLUE SERGES 925.00 VALUE TO CLEAR rs 12 Men's and Young Men's Suits, double and single breasted, greens, blues, checks and stripes To dear $16'15 3 only Oversize Suits, size 46, 48, 50 $16.50 SPECIAL PRICE ,� IIMMIWNEMIEWEIMMUF 19 Tweed Winter Coats 27 SUITS 14.'95 To clear $13.951 Odds and ends.. . ccessensessmasm Ea 10 Men's Coats, meltons, checks, silvertbnes. A snap $10.95 ellinnialean 23 Coats, Silvertones DARK AND LIGHT SHADES $14.95 FRAIN- 4 only Men's Horsehide Coats with fur collar mackinaw lined, reg. 14.95. On sale $1 E . 25 Pigtex Leather Jackets 4„95 s • 10 Glove Leather Jackets $7.95 BLACK, BROWN, GREY, GREEN, SLUE.:. use:. 9 only Men's Pony Horsehide Sports Jackets To clear ss, J? i BOYS' CLOTH WINDBREAKER .. v.g8 RUBBER FOOTWEAR AT LOW PRICES EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, with red sole.......$1.69 Men's Bushman $1.59 Boys' $1.29 Youth's .95 RUBBERS Men's Rubbers 69c Boys' Rubbers 49c 590 490 39c Women's Rubbers Misses' Robbers • Child's Rubbers • MEN'S OVERSHOES - 1 buckle, good quality i 2 buckle • • $ 4 buckle i Boys' 2 buckle 1+tell Rea value. Don't miss This i e k i �4 r1 Twin Se_aut Styled. Ten -rose and ~whit, LADIES' WOOL !hver S One Lot Only ters memeemralramiruak c n ose Special e 1.29 1.79 2.45 .98 MEN'S RUBBER BOOT! with Leather Top 12" ,........ to clear 15" To clear 1 Boys' E 4 50 inch tnbfast squares. Only a iew left at this price cx .mcu�� ,sn'• .• CHILDREN'S NAVY Fi cc To Clear LADIES' MOTOR BOOTS 2.98 3.25 2.89 CHILDREN'S OVERSH 2 and 3 buckle lar a?a7: 1C31ti r n :ti 4.14,0 ,t 9 OES 8c LADIES' ARCH SUPPORT SHOES ENE Wirlth Special $ 1.98 Ibex BLANKETS 70" x 84" On Sale $2.16 1411 1 Group of Children's Strap and Oxfords Patent Iiid Marquisette Curtain Material .39 value To clear c 25c SEAFFOR T H. Ont.