HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-16, Page 6MAIL TOtint' PAGE S1X THE SEAFORTH NEWS .',114x,Nt \s the P: tlitin,i„r 11:11 said. three t' were in the Iwo ,1111 their Ants at a poise, as ) lino in 1,•adiness t, sun the• d1F w'e'apons. ;old t1nhet stctd• lag erectin the sten to wield the :taldle._ Inthis manner ;boy loft the shore.hiving hail th-. p ;cuntien to t1..- e'al1,. previously. fio '111,'1•• .,.SO ::u• sip the stream as to ▪ r, 1.1 1114 , omnatitire•ty :till 3111.1 „hon, tlir vitt. It via, hepta' _ + 11 .1 qtr 1 , that th, savage who • ...,1 the hoar was .:hilted in the f,1, the inti:; steal swe:,'p of his 11:,-• seta the light 1,ark over 111, surface of the il't1111111)1 river ..< if it were 0 feather floating- in sir• ,Shrill I tiresdemanded Jasper in .1 whisper. trembling with e,tlger- ,,,ss r0 flltage. "Net yet, boy. not yet. There are '1;r tlu•ee of thein. and if Muster ';:l knows how to use the popguns ..r carries in his belt. we may even let them land. and then we shall re• cover the canoe." "But Mabel—?" "No fear for the Sergeant's daugh- ter. She is safe in the hollow stump, you say, with the opening jndgnnaiie- ally hid by the brambles. If what you tell me of the manner in which your concealed the trail be true. the sweet one might lie there a month and laugh at the Mingos." .'We are never certain. I wish we had brought her nearer to our own cover:" "What for, Euuelouce?" To place ter pretty little ]lead and leaping rears among flying bullets? No, no: she is better where she is. because she is safer.' "We are never certain, We thought i arselves safe behind the bushes, and yet you saw that we were dis• overed." "And the Mingo imp paid for his t vinosity. as these knaves are about de" The Pathfinder tea ed speaking: at that instant the sharp report t a rifle was heard, when the Indian '_n the stern of the canoe leaped high into the air, and fell into the water, holding the paddle in his hand. A small wreath of smoke floated out from among the bushes of the east- ern shote, and was 90011 absorbed by 'the atmosphere. That is the Serpent hissing!" ex- eaimed the Pathfinder exulting. "A bolder or a truer heart never beat in the breast of a Delaware. I am sorry :hat he interfered; but he could not rave known our condition." The ranee had no sooner lost its guide than it floated with the stream, and was soon sucked into the rapids e f. the ,fit. Perfectly helpless. the two remaining savages gazed wildly i:bout them, but could offer no resist- ence to the power of the elerneut, It vas perhaps fortunate for Cl higach- gd,ok that the attention of most of Iroquois was intently given to t a situation of those in the boat, t..se would his escape have been to the last degree difficult, if not total- :; impracticable. fiat not a for;- nus-• i. except to 101101 ,l his person 1'' nal smile covet and every eye w,. the two remaining advviit- .... do iess time than has been ..c, scary r to record tiles' 011111'. aurae,, the canoe were whirling and sling in the _rift. while both the savages had stretched themselves in .-s'voltanl. as the only means of pre- eerviug the equilibrium. This natural expedient- .soon failed then!: for. striking a rock. the light. craft rolled over, and the two warriors were thrown into the river. The water is seldom deep on a rift, except in par- titular places where it may have worn channels; and there was little to be apprehended from drowning, though their arms were lost; and the two savages were fain to make the best of their way to the :friendly shore, swimming and wading as cir- cumstances required. The canoe it- self lodged on a rock in the centre of the stream, where for the moment it became useless to both parties. "Now is our time, Pathfinder," cried Jasper, as the two Iroquois ex. rtd posed 11111.1 of their persons while witting in the shallowest part 1,l' the l rapids: the fellow n1 , ue'uu 1111110, and you 01111 1010, thy• lower." II tin ,xeil,I had ❑u young man 1,•- 1 enlia by all the !evident:: of the stir. 0114 1ee110, !hal the 101111,1 ,t pelt 1'00111 , his rilie 1s he .poke. but 11S010SSiy. a.. 11 a,'uld S0•111. 1''01' both the eual- ;i ,:s teeeed their arms i1, disdain. Tit. Pulhlltut,n• dial not tire, Isatt-,loure," Ile 111515,nv'd; •'I ,1, not seek hiood without a 1ou.e; and titsbulled is well leather- ,' 1.11 01 etirfully 'Milani down, for the tint„ of need. 1 love no Mingo. as is .fust •,,,1114 how much 1 1111v,r 0011- 1001e11 with the 11,lawtu•es, who are their lI)111al and natural enemies; but 1 never pull trigger on one of the miscreants unless it be plain that his death will lead to 511111e good cud• The deer never leaped that fell by my hand wantonly. l;y living much alone with God in the wilder- ness a 11111 it gets to feel the justice of such opinions. One life is sufficient for our present wants; and there may yet be occasion- to nee Killdeer in behalf of the Serpent, who has done an untinmrsome thing to let them rampant devils so plainly know that he is in their neighbor- hood. As I'm a wicked sinner, there is one of them prowling along the bank this very moment, like one or the boys of the garrison skulking be- hind a fallen tree to get a shot al a squirrel!" \s the Pathfinder pointed with his finger while speaking, the quick eye of Jasper soon caught the object towards which it \vat, directed. One of the young warriors of the 0110111y, burning with a desire to dis!/14111/11 himself, had stolen from his party towards the cover in which Cfiingacligook had concealed himself; and .as the latter .was deceived thy the aliparent apathy of Itis foes, as well as engaged in some farther llreparati pus ,if his "awn, he had evidently obtained a position where he gut a sight of the Delaware. This circumstance was apparent dry the arrangements the Iroquois was nuking to fire, for Chin;gachesef4 himself was not ,visible Groot the west- ern side of the river. The rift was at a hem] In the 1).wcgo, and the sweep of the eastern shore 'formed a 011115e s0 wide that Cltingaehguok was quite near to hit enemies -in a straight d'ir- ecti0n, though separated by several hundred feet on the land, owing to which fact air lines brought both parties nearly egnidi tart from the Pathfinder and Jasper. The general :yid:h „'1 the river being a little less than two hundred yards, •1111 necess- arily was whom the distance :between his two observers and the skulking Iroquois. "The Sa'rpent must be thereabouts," ,5 0erveri Pathfinder, who never turn- ed his eve for an instant ,from the young warrior: ''and yet he must be strangely off his attard to allow a \ling,' devil 10 set hi, stand so near, ,oath manifest sighs of 'bloodshed in his heart:' -Ste!" interrupted las•,ar--":hen- is 'Ie. ''1 o. the Indian the Delaware slut! 1t 110 lrt-tc,l 011 a rock, and 111 , .trent has forced tine head and ahoy,. the ',cater." t t ! n, y n -. quite likely. i1 / nm oat it is little Netter 1-11071 a 1.0 .,i /10111700011 when the life that -seas 'wreathed int, its nostrils has vie- ;dartd, That Iroquois will never harm sty one mf,re: but yonder sknllein:g savage is hetet on taking the scalp of my ,hest and most tried friend." The Pathfinder suddenly interrupted himself by raising his rifle a weapon of liuusual length, with admirable pre- cision, and firing the instant it had got its level. The 'Iroquois on the op- rposite shore was in 'the act of aiming when the fatal messenger', ,from Kill- deer arrived. His rifle was discharged, it is trate, but it was with the .muznle in the air. white the •ma'n himself plunged into the '.hushes, quite evid- ently hurt, if not slain. "The skulking reptyle brought it on himself," muttered Pathfinder sternly, as, ,droplping the !butt of bus ,rifle, ;he carrlfu,lly :commencer] .reloading it, ", hingacllgook and 1 have consorted together once We 55•ere,hogs, and have ,1 1 in company on the-Horican,. the Mohawk, the Ontario, and all the other bloody passes (between the country of 1115 Frenches and our own: and did tate 1/,011511 knave be- lieve that 1 would stand !by and see 111 ,hest friend cut off in anl'bush- ment?„ '.\1'e have .erccd the Serpent as. .rood a turn as he servedol It,, 'I`h,,,e rascals are troubled, Pathfinder, and are falling back into their rovers, since they .final we can reach them across the ricer. 'The shot is no great u11111er, Jas- per, 110 great 01011er, \sk any of the 1,(`:h, and they run tell you what Kill ,icer ('1111 do, and hots dont., and that, 511,11 the 'hu!Iet- ,sere 1',nit oar hearts 'Hot hailstones. N,,, this is no great mutter, and the 111011011411011 i tt nt+.l ,Ire\ it 11;,1,1 11'1 line -cif." "1s that a dog, or a darer. 1 01111mnlg 10 „51,1(1: this shore?„ Pathfinder start,/1, for 117.1 clll$h ..t , )jeci ,ya cro t:g ;'la .1r,am1, t 1. ve 111 list io1111,13 ,0101 11 11,0,5 1 .11, it a t .gradetl.) ,. :,n.: i,y tit, the onrrent. l .e..,,11,1 I , 'l1 sU<"d , tt the -•'.1,151, i•. 11 1 ,• t matt, and :111 In40111, though con ceaied ars at firs' to render it ho•t',1'.1 . lar , , ,T1,•• :u•ata4c] t 5,1. a; l .,.hcndrd, clost.:7 5d. ,,,n to -t 1, 1 nun's of to ranger. I yushinS• sonieth1ll '„tote him ;,s he swim,. . 11,1 his hcad r,r.:• = a ,lriitim flash," .said! jas'Tt•r. -rt. Indian d,viiry, .0 ,1)1 •1111 Christian !honesty 5111411 circumvent their arts." \s .the man slowly- approached, •:1e ,.l•rt•rs 'le41111 to 1,0,1 the occur• adv of their first hum, scion, and it was only when two -third, of the dre0111 were passed that the truth was really known. "The de, Sataneut, as 1 lis e!" rc- lafnuvl Pathfinder. !onlsing at Itis companion, and laughing until the tear, came into 1135 eyes with pure delight at the success of the artifice. "He tied bushes to itis heath, so it, to hide it, putt the horn 0n top, lashed the rifle to that shit till log he is hushing before hint. and has cone over 'to join his friends. Ali'» me! 'rite tithes and times that he and 1 have cut such pranks, right in the teeth of \lingos raging for 0110 blood, in ,the great thoroughfare rotund and atbout Ty " "'It may not be the Serpent after all i:'athfinder. 1 'cart _see no feature that 1 remember." "Feature \Vlio looks for'fea¢ures in all 1IIdia11? 'No, no bay: 'tis the paint that speaks, and acute but a Delaware would wear that paint: them are his colours, Jasper, just as y.500 craft on the lake wears St. 'George's Cross, and the Frenches set their talblecloths t0 fh)tteriug i1, the \vim!, with ail the strains of fishlbones- and ve•IIsi„ it steaks 101100 them, Now, you see the eye, lad, and it is the 0c, of a chief. 'emit, F.al1-dotice, fierce as it is in .battle, and glassy as it lu,eks from auton,g the leaves:'—here tine Pathfinder laid his finger lightly ,but imtirrescieels 011 his 0.1111,0111.0m- ;1.111,__."I have seen shed tears like rain. -There i, a sunt' and a heart :inde0 that red 01:i1,, ta.15. it: althongh they are a ',':tl and '1 •,5.11, y1+t 111100,•117 front „11,' own.' -N., one 1'11) is ae,lnainlld with the 1-0er ,loubted 1111, 5 it," relented l the ;het. e,atdly Orr 1 13,5 eon ,rtcd elil nim in sorrow, any in 11:1 •n .ns. 1 hon r 1fotrrol bion mail 't,o11, 00 1.1 !I, \, 1' -1 • 11, the I110.1. .seemly in 134117 merriment. hill. hi •1. 1 mnt.11. 11;0 111, Co, •ettlen:, •ns to -leen. 11ut0 ;lm, til . , ars Iltld th. Sarp,en: lets keen "1-:., tic k•,,,as r l , ;rad :int 1 -,,air .yei! behind m- '1:1,30: '11t ;, 1) !a Dare iris modesty in h`- 11mlost mom. 11••141 ,le 111+.1 1,7114 1i„ y sl00, r 5-'n'n 111',1 , :th'e, . S. , n' atiltI '1e sh , div,,e1,) in ir,mt of hi. 1101, 1•d411- r.ulr. lc 1)71 1111,10 •,ru•i'1 I,u.ition h.: 11:1.1 bice been acquainted before lea.in4 the caster.] side of the river. and rias; from ;he later lie .hook hinrel,f like a dug, and made •the usual exclamation-"Hugh 1" F'1'IR \'1 As the chief landed he was met by the Pathfinder, who addressed hint in the language of the warrior's people; "\\'a, it well clone. IChin.gaci gook," said he reproachfully, "to ambush a dozen 11\1ingos alone? Killdeer seldom fail, mle, it is true; ,but the Oswego makes a distant mark, and that mis- creant showed little more than his THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1941 head and shoulders above the Brushes, PROF ESSI0NAL CARDS and an oiuraetysed band and eye might have failed. \'on should has thought of this, chief, you should have thought orf this!" "The Great Serpent is a !Mohican warrior ---dee sees only his enemies when Ii is on the war -path, and his ,fathers •have struck the ,Mingos from behind, since the waters ihegan to run. "1 know your gifts, 1 1at11v your gifts, and respect 1110111 11x1, No titan shall hear 1111 clntplain that a red-sltin naaur'. But ;prudence as much becomes a warrior of valour: and 111111.1101 the Iroquois devils ,been looking after their friends who were in the water, a hot trail they would have made 111 yours," - '1\\''11at is the .Dei,rwa•e altont to 4,,?" exclaimed j111011', who observed at deo moment that the chief hal s td,lenlc left the Pathfinder and ad- yaneed to the hater's e l, ' , ,ipp:nemt1) 1)3111 an intention of :;,tin en, :in vin' river, "111 1,111, not =10 so 111:11 as t,e return to rhe ulI r .1L,re .or 'tn y tttint rte 111:10 ;wave 1„1•:.• ttell " 'Non he, not 1e, 1e is as 0141171 is he b. ',rn1, in the matin 11 m_h 0 ',,•. _elfa' of 11inl.clf fm the 11,. anl,111'1- ,r,n- Ilar3l lettdittt.t .1, tlthtat little :1•' I,. j•., 1they ward the Indian's hoc, the n a ee. "!1,tr' c, lad; -(: ^n4ach4 1,o„ is not ;i 9,nan ,viii ran, 1,r -el,•:, ,•li , \I 1l31:1n r!l', d. 'la- hi- gift, i l .,l+ti,:n• to .011 ' what o:L•11 to du: rnl.t "It' 51 , .,11t,,,rt1 nil'; '11-111 tall aro , or -trig k1l stir! ;1'to ;'ether dui 11,, owe kin.: had ',et'," 10;e,e „t,r•- 10;e,e naur' and ase 10 .211., ern Ili. and ,-_rill ,drink, aril it , . tittle n,e 71, 1 t‘'. ti r.eevemt him: 0 4ent1e- nem 111:,•-• hi- d, lienees, and a la It; lit r feathers, and it dors 110; avail 11111011 to strezillc against either; whereas an lndiau's nater' and -lift, are Hutch stronger than then,•. :and no doad1t 0171, ile'.t)1ce,1 '.1' the Lord for 111-i»tt v:1 i., though neither y0:l 1101' 1111• can follolr them in all their winding,” "\Chau doe, this mean? tier, the 1)elaware is swimming toward, the .hods that i lodged on the rock..\\'hy docs he risk 'this?" 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FilliBlekelt.....esImo a. es.... *se e.,o1691112. t.: MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto, J. D. Colquhoun, M.D„ am., Grad. mite of Dalhousie 'University, Halifax. The Clinic Is fully equipped with complete and modern xray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptie equipment. Dr. F, J. R. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first Tuesday In every mouth from 4 to 6 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be held on the second and last Thursday ie every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A„M,D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr, 11• H. Russ' office. Phone 6 J DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto, Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square threat liepitals, Loudon, .Eng. At C(.1lnmereial Hotel,. Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month. -63 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. AUCTIONEER GORDON M. GRANT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can be made for Sale Date at the Seaforth News, or by writing Gordon M. Grant, Godel'ich Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction• ter for Perth and Huron Counties Sales Solicited, Terms on Application. Farm Stock,•chattels and real estate property, R. R. No. 4, Mitchell, Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this office. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed in Huron and Perth Coun- ties, Prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. For information, write or phone Harold Jackson, 668r12, Sea• forth central; Brucefield R.R.1. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY 1Successors to James Watson) MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect ed at lowest rates In First-Claet Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. • HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont OFFICERS President, Wm. Knox, Londesboro, Vice President, W. ,R, Archibald, Seaforth; Secretary Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS ' F. McKercher, R.R.1, Dublin; Joh* E. Pepper, R.R,1, Brucefield; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth; Wm. Yeo, Holmesviile, DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt, Dublin; James Connolly, Goderichl Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post - office& whit for: that is, such hearts as .can 'le• .-itisti,.•d- in a clearing—to conte hither to live on game and tight the enemy.” "1 understand yon—your ,friend has gone to secure the scalp." " 'Tis his gift, and let him enjoy it. We are white men, and cannot nvan- gie a dead enemy; that it is 'honour ,in the eyes of a .red -skin to -do .so. -It may seem singular to you, Eau-douce, but I've known white 'nen of (great name and character -manifest as ,re- markable idees consenting ,their hon- our, 1 have:' "F 'tell you, white honour -'will not always conform to reason or to 'the will of 'God. J have passed days thinking of these natters, out in the 'silent woods, and 'I have -come lol'the opinion !that as Providence ,rules -all things, no gift is bestowed, witliou't some wise and reasonable end." "The Serpent greatly exlposes him- self to the enemy, in order -to ge,t,his scafipl This may ,lose ,u -s the day:"