HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-16, Page 1try
This world that we're a'livin' in
Is mighty hard to beat,
You get a thorn with every rose,
But ain't the roses sweet.
The Seaforth Ne
A small drop of ink,
Falling like dew, upon a thought,
That which makes thousands, perhaps
millions, think.
Phone 84,
$1 a year.
SALMON 1 Seaforth Reappoints
All Town Officials
c lb. Council Holds Statutory and
L First Regular Meetings on
klalf or Whole Fish
18c Ib.
35c doz.
with Glass Tumbler -
2 for 25c
3 Tins 25c
3 tins 25c
21c each
6 pack.
Package Rice Krispies Free with
1 Bran Flakes, 1 All Wheat 26c
GIANT CHIPSO- 45c pack
10o tin
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. , 59c tin
JAVEL WATER. 3 bottles . . ..25c
Masters Pig Starter. $2,40 cwt,
A. Ca Routiedge
Phone 166
. I
mural. DEALER
E. L. BOX - Phone 43
CFRB (Toronto), Tuesday 8.30
CFPL (London) Thursday 8,30
North Side United Church
Rev, H. V. Workman, Minister.
11 a.m. "The Opening of the
2.30 p.m. Sunday School,
7 p.m. "Divine Concealment."
Annual congregational meeting,
Wed., Jan. 22nd.
Egmondviile United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B,A.,B.D.
10 a.m„ Sunday School,
11 a.m., "The Futility of inaction."
7 p.m., "The Desire for Flattery."
St. Thomas Church
Rector: Rev. Dr. Hurford.
11 a.m. "Jesus the Son of God."
7 p.m. "St. Patel Shipwrecked."
Sunday School at 10 a.m.
St. Mary's Church, Dublin
2.25 p.m. Sunday School.
3 p.m. "Jesus the Son of God."
First Presbyterian Church
Rev, Hugh Jack, Minister.
Sabbath School, 10 a.m.
Morning service. 11 amt. Subject,
"The Quest for Life."
Evening service, 7 p.m. Subject,
"The Anger of Jesus."
Midweek meeting Thursday at 3.
, Annual congregational meeting on
Monday. Jan, 20, at 8 p.m.
McKillop Charge
Service at Bethel at 10,30 a.nl.
At Caven, 2 p.m.
At Duff's, Jan. 20th, 11 a,m,
Annual meeting at Duff's, Monday,
,Jan. 20th, at 2 p.m.
R. W. Craw, Minister.
Mrs. C. MacKenzie olbsenved her
Nth ,birt•liday at her home. S ,Mai
street, on Friday, Jan. lOth, Mrs.
MacKenzie has Ibsen a resident of
Seafferth for over '62 years, having
Dome 20 Canada fo'll'owing her mar-
riage in Svltherlandshire, Scotland.
A (host of friends join in wis'in'g
M:ms. eivlacKenzie many 'happy returns
of the day.
Phillips' fruit truck had a collision
with a deer on the highway near To-
ronto on Wednesday. It escaped the
wheels as it passed under the centre
o1 the truck and got away again,
though with a slight limp.
The stouter.). 11100Ung of elle Sea -
forth town council for 1041.42 was
held in the (.0011ci1 chambers at 11
1110. on Monday. The following mem-
bers, having blade the required dec-
laration o1' office, took their seats:
Mayor John J. ('111ff, Reeve John
H. Scott. Councillors M. A. Reld, J.
90. Keating. ('has. Holmes. R. G.
Parke, F. S, Sills, and II, le. _Smith.
The meeting opened with a short
service conducted by Rev. Mr. Work-
Report of striking committee, ap-
pointing s)11011ng c'oIltrllittees for
1941, to be the same as those of 1940,
1''inanee , Reid, Keating. Snaith.
Steel Holmes, Scott Keating.
Property: ty Sills, Snaith, Parke.
Fire & Water; Parke, Smith, Reid,
Relief: Scott, Holmes, Sills.
Court of Revision: Mayor. Reeve,
Smith, Parke, Keating.
Reid -Smith, that this Commit ex-
tend the Season's Greeting to the in-
coming r'ouge'd for the Twp, or
Tnedcersnlith for 1941-42. and hope
Haat the same cordial relations, that
have attained 1(01ween the two
bodies i1( tlae past, will be continued.
BATON. . of 1111a010 committee; . Pub•
lie School, ;:4uv.Uo; 11 H \Nilson,
$611)3; A. M. Hudson, $23,83; I1.
Snell, $7i,ii; Jno. Currie, 541. 5;
Thos, Storey, ,9 sal.. $00; D. II.
Wilson, cash relief. $66.08; Munici-
pal World, 42e; Canadian National
Rlya., $2.09; Canadian Legion, $10,,10;
Sell Telephone Co„ $5.18; N. Clu10 &
Sons, $3.54; Jno, A. Stewart, $5,25;
Fred Reeves, $3.75; W. R. Smith,
$5.81; Wm. Montgomery, $25.50; A.
W. Dick, $12.
F, Sills, 11, G, Parke, that this Mu-
nicipality recommend to Huron
County Road Com., erection of a new
bridge at Egmondville, and also the
continuance of the pavement from
Brucefield to Seaforth.
Sills, Scott, that the finance com-
mittee be authorized to continue the
pre -payment tax plan which has been
in vogue for 1940.
Reid, Keating, that the mayor and
tteasutel be authorized to maintain
the bank accounts of the town with
the Canadian. Bank of Commerce,
Seaforth branch. All cheques, with-
drawals, notes, etc., to be signed
jointly and that the treasurer be
authorized to deposit for the credit
of the town only ,any cheques, cash,
etc., and to arrange, settle balances
and certify all books and accounts
between the town and the said bank.
The following oflicials were re-
appointed to office; D. H. Wilson,
town clerk and relief officer, salary
$475 per annual; D. H. Wilson, town
treasurer, $250 per annnnl; Wm. Am -
eat, assessor and assistant tax col-
lector, $200 per annum; S. W. Archi-
bald, town engineer; Helmer Snell,l
chief constable at $75 per month; A.
W. Dick, fire brigade chief, $75 per
annum; John Currie, sanitary in -1
speotar, and inspector under the
weed control act and fruit tree con -1
trol act, $10 per month; John Currie,
assistant constable and street fore-
man, $55 per month; H. G. Meir,
town solicitor, $100; John MacTavisit
and Miss T3azel Reid, town auditors,
$37,50 each; H. Snell, tax collector,
and poll and dog and street oiling
taxes; Thomas Storey, poundkeeper
and scavenger, $60 per month and
free house. Dr. IIarburu, V.S„ mem-
ber of local board of health. Samuel
Hamra, William Morrison, Robert
Scarlett, fence viewers. Rev. Hugh
Jack, member of public library board.
Harry Stewart, member of Collegiate
Board, A. M. Hudson, assistant to
the clerk and treasurer at a salary
of $286 per annum. Dr. F. J. Bur-
rows, medical officer of health, 81110
per annual.
At the annual meeting of the Sea -
'forth (Branch of the Canadian 'Legion
held in their c'tulb rooms Jan. 110th the
'following officers were elected 4o
carry on 'for 1941):
Past President, Geo, D Ferguson;
President, John H. Earle; ,1'st Vice
President, 11. A\ \Gunn; 2ot1 Vice'
[President, D. 4. i\iuir; Treasurer, J.
A. 'Westcort; Secretary, IB. O. Muir;
1 Pensiot Officer C. P. Silts; .Chaplains,
I'Re'v. Father T. P. Hussey, Canon
,Alppleyard, Rev. E, W. Edwards;
Auditors, E. C. Boswell, 'Geo. D: Fer-
guson; 'Execiltive 'Committee, J. -\M'c-
IM3lian, W. A. 'Wright, H. Wi1'bee, R.
J. Sproat, O. E. Keating, Jas, T.
Red Cross Notes Townships Hold
Inaugural Meetings
Tuckersmith a n ci McKillop
Townships Appoint Their
Officials for 1941
I he
Seaforth Branch of the Iced
Cross 0orier; held it: .crun11 anima;
mer ing at the ,rnrk rooms un Tine -
day evening, Jan. 11-Ith when reports
erf the t''al•i0ll departments were Aly-
ea. The purchasing litg l'ointllitte e repn'Is
7.544 yards of material ',0.111 for hos-
pital snpplses rulel refugee work; 711(12
yards of gauze, 272 1,01111,- mh ur'Irn'.
'7 ;ole ittlµ- non-absorbent for IIr,llt•'t1
dressings and 10,102 j Ub, 'ouoi itt
knii ti114 .for the sertives {11111 111111}'
sundry article:. It ,'(11y der the
milted efforts of the roncener., their
committees and the blanc interested
ladies of Seaforth and the community
working with u' -who have been 101'
1118 t t theh' time all t h.til1tiilgl\' hat
,te are able to presea: the f,Ill,,wi,l
gratifying work report..
Mrs. .-3. 1V. \ioore reported ht,spl-
Contintleci on Page Five.
Huron Presbyterial
Hold Annual Meeting
Met in Clinton -Presbyterian
Church.- Mrs. Hugh Jack
Elected President
The . fifty-flllh' a1lil:t l 1.11 '. 111
011.0 of Mc Hanoi I'rt -Iyn-ries 11\
men's 'Missionary Societe.' of the i're-_
byteriam ('birch in 'Canada -c.o. hold
in ('limon l:'res'llvt,riait clutrci( ..11
\Wednesday, Janliory 4, With nlor1vl_
and afternoon •&'.slob.. Refirea•nt-
atfyes were 1,resent from..\a'bttl-u,
Blyth, 'Clinton, 1 oricrie'h, Exeter, Item
all and Seaforth,
The ..Sn ire. 1c -son Iva,. 1t 1(l by
\Ir 1. I\lacltliah t Seaforth, fol.
lowed by prayer 'sly the president --i91
Ow Presbyterial, Mrs. 11. jack of Sea -
The ]'resident's New Year ntrs.a,gc'
was 'based on the words, "The Lord
event before them in Et pillar of cloud
by clay." Referring to theChildren of
Israel the speaker said, "They real-
ized how snitch they needed guidance,
and their great need brought them in
closer touch with 'God. \Ve, too, need
guidance in these difficult times, when
our faith is challenged by the power
of evil '111 the world of 'loday. We,
too; may find that God is !behind the
clouds that overshadow tis, and that
He is able to make all ,things work to-
gether 'for good."
"1\lany calls will .count to us," said
the speaker, "for war work, and we
must 110 all we can to 'help: but we
mast not allow the work -of our
church and I\V!M.S. to suffer. If 'we
could only realize that our offerings
.are not just ;going to pay a worker's
salary, Isms to (bring new hope 'to the
lepers, to heal the eick, to- raise the
fallen, and to .care for the little
children, 'jut as our Lord did when
He teas 'here -on earth, surely our
'prayers and ottr gifts would the 'off-
ered glad''ly to .supply all (that is
needed. :es we look ,hack. we can see
that we have made mistakes, and leis
undone tiling: that we ought to have
done. in the coming year, forgetting -
those things that are .behind, may we
press 'forward to more consecrated
service for the Waster."
'I'n presenting the anmral report, the
secretary, ,Mrs. Al. A. Reid of Sea -
forth, stated that in Huron Presdny-
tery, there ere eleven senior auxili-
aries, one yontrg women's auxiliary,
one girls' group, six mission 'bands,
one - missionary club, and 1S2 home
helpers. Two executive • meetings
were held {luring the past- year. a
mission ihand conference, and the fall
rally at - Hensall. No sectional meet-
ings were llebl, but visits were ex-
changed 'by the various auxiliaries,
and these proved hath - helpful and
enjoyable. One fiftieth anniversary
11va0. celelht•ated 'during the Year: this
was hy the senior auxiliary of Carmel
Presbyterian chu001e 1Ieo.all.
- Tn the absence of the mission anent
secretary, \'les, W. Weir, o.f Hensel',
the report Wa:. .given 'by !Mrs. Reid.
showing a membership of .146 and
total gi'vings of 94160.81.
Mrs. J. •MacTavish 'of Seaforth,
ycrtmte_ W0111011'5 and C.G.I.T. secret -
Continued on Page Five
(Winnipeg Tribune)
Killarney, Manitoba, Jan. 9, -The
funeral of William Isaia.lt Fowler, 64,
was held Monday from First United
church to Killarney Lakeside cemet•
cry. Rev. C, 1V. Coleman conducted
the service. Pallbearers were: T.
Crawford, B. E. Shaw, R. Mc.
Cullougil, J. Franks, B. Mason and
Welsh. Mr. W. I. Fowler, who was
born near Seaforth, Ontario, came
with his parents to the Bullet dis-
trict in 1883. His wife predeceased
hien 17 years ago. He is survived by
three daughters, Mrs. R, Murphy,
Dora and Mae, all of Killarney dis-
trict; and two sisters, Mrs. Thos. M,
Christian, Killarney; and Mrs. W.
Massey, Belmont.
The olil 1'rl11nc4l 1cinlc a new lease
of lit'' on Monday 111 the telw'n hail
at Seol'orillb3:alsain taking the d••.'-
tarutteo of o€131 1. this dm,1'01 trine'
years, 1941 . 143, Rev. .lir.
Chandler of I attended 1101)
.epolte it felt' w enc uaragenu•u'.'
praying that God bray direct 1,1111
bless theirw•nrk during the year"..
Bylaws 1 and 2 were passed. tiuihor-
izillg the borrowing of ;1;,1)1111 front
the Canadian Batik of 1'otaiuerre,
and notifying the Uel,artlitent Jf
Highways, the 111110111H '1i xpe'udt
Tares (111 roads fur 11141-- 0fti0eu,
The fallowing official; W1.1'0
pointed fol. 1941: Reed inspectoa R'. '
S. liroa1loot n' an leen' utd 1-
toll(; assessor. .las. A. flay, .11"
salary: auditors, 1 t I.ev.. and 1rt
Finlayson, $!e ,ail: rroad-nio'n•-;,
tendent, R. Dalrymple at 7e• an home
.11c).1 1., 111 \lona' 4-.:i +t stile mem.
her 1 . O. 11., W. 1', Thetees'ni, .,1;01•
coy iueperlor, ,solu,,
s F.urle t 250 , n
hon1.1 mM Joe a mile nue way. Tu..
erlt was lisn•urred to pr,'pars-
1 bylaw' to authorize ;lase appoint
intents fur next meeting. The clerk
iwas ,uuhurized to order e opie• of
Ute Al unic'ipul World for 110.• of collie
Cil 1111(1 officials.
Thehe Commit for 13.41 14111- 11certain
rules for the gnidauce-of the Relief
01'I3ce: That all relief recipients be
notified that after Feb. 1st 110 relief
Will be granted nn1eas recipient can
show to the atisl'action of the (muu-
eil, the necessity for further relief
and are duly registered, according
to regniations of the Department.
end that each family receiving rent
relief; be notified that after Feb. 1st
the council will ,only be responsible
for 1111011 rent, mouth by 01011111; and
that a disability certificate will be
required from more than one doctor,
said certificate to be satisfactory to
council, and further the council will
not "administer relief to any party
who is a charge of any other munici-
pality. • I
The council divided into two com-
mittees for 1941. Jackson and Nichol-
son on committee with the Reeve,
and Bell and Chesney, r0ud commit-
tee. The Road Committee was in-
structed to investigate the possibil-
ity of securing gravel in the vicinity
of Egnlondville. That all accounts
payable on roads be hereafter rend -1
erectto the Road Superintendent on
o• before the 1st day of the moth,
in order to secure payment for
The collector was given an exten-
sion of time for collecting arrears, 0
and to report at February meeting. 1
The following accounts were paid:
C. Watson, hall for nomination, $4;
E. P. Chesney, treas. statement, $10;
Dept. of Health, insulin, 51.58; R.
Frost, tile, $1; relief, fuel, $21.75;
relief, supplies, 485.30; salaries and
postage, $52. The next meeting will
be on Saturday, Feb. 1st, at 2 o'clock.
-D. F. McGregor, Clerk.
Renttnued on Page Five
;Hrs. Thomas Coleman received
word last week that her brother. Mr.
John George Troyer. of Binscarah.
Manitoba, had passed away on Dec-
ember 31st. He had been ill all last
summer, and had been seriously eick
for two ,weeks before his death,
The late Mr. Troyer was horn in
1868, a sol of the late .101111 Troyer
of flay township. He was married in .
January, 1852, to Miss Almira Smith
eldest daughter of Henryenry Smith, of
Stanley township. They lived in lien-
sall for a time, and went to western
Canada about 35 years ago. They
moved to ilinscarth a number .20
years ago.
Mr. Troyer leaves to mourn his
passing, besides his wife. one son.
Emery, who lives in Manitoba. and a
daughter Amy (Mrs. Clarence Mc-
Kay), of Cano•a, Saskatchewan; also
four grandchildren Mrs, Thomas
Coleman, of Teel ersmith, is the only
surviving sister, of a family of eleven.
The funeral was held from the
United Church in Binscarth, of 'which
he was a member,
Mr. A. F. Clttff of Seaforth an.
nounces the engagement of bis (laugh-
ter Elizabeth McEwen to Mr. Lloyd
Chester Hoggarth, R. C. A. F.,- Camp
Borden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hogga.rth, of Seaforth. Wedding to
take place on February 1st.
.hiss A. C. Lawrence received a
letter this week from Mrs. Neville
Chamberlain, wife of the late Neville
!'hambrrlain. robin). Prime Minister
1,f Great Britain, i1( reply to a let 11.1
at sympathy sent by Miss Lawren'•'
at the time of Mr. Chamberlain's
each in November. The haler. 9110 -
tifully engraved (u black bordered
note paper, nays:
".Mr's. Neville Chamberlain is deep-
ly grateful for' the wonderful rues•
sages and letters \vllleh she has
received and she sends you her
hearri''11 blanks for your sympathy.
Highland Park. -
lierkfi�ld. ilasingetrolte,
November 194','"
Seaforth Couple Mark
• Goldened in
W d g AV
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stewart,.
High Street, Observed Event
on Tuesday.
Ail.. ;111.1 Mrs. J,1l:01 .7 1=11•w:,rt a - .>,.a,
'auie•tly ,11.erv'•d 111011' 110111,10 33,.11'
'111/1; 011 'rn'-sday. Jan. 1 41 11. 711•s.
Stewart w',s forrn„rly ilir>. Talton.
of (an,'lpil, and they \vetee married
tlo ,re on Jan. 14, 1891, by Rey. Mr,
Mr. told Hees. 5tew'al'1 came- 1,, r..
-irie in 5is,fru 111 011(11 71,'. 51,'wu-t
(las beet( t;nl;