The Seaforth News, 1941-01-09, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Miss ;Mildred Follick, R.N., who
has been ill in 'Victoria Hospital, at
London, with Ipneu.monia, returned to
the home of her parents,
' Mrs. Thos. J. 'Suitor (nee Miss
,Hazel ,Coxsevorth) of 'Montreal, visit-
ed over .the week end with her mother
:Mrs, Ellen Coxsworth, who returned
:tome with her to spend the winter
Mrs. Harold Hanson and vfamily,
who has been spending thepast sev-
eral weeks with her ,parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Schwann, returned to
their home in Thamesville.
Miss Hazel Thompson returned to
Parry Sound to resume her duties at
the school there anter spending the
holidays with her parents Mr. and
Mfrs. Robert Thompson,
1r, Frank Coleman is seriously ill
at darts of writing. His many friends
Rape for some irmprctvement,
Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Drysdale left
this week for Mt. Clemens, where
they will spend a coupe of weeks,
Miss Lettie Love -teemed to Tor-
onto to resume her einliee as teacher
in one of the school, there, after
spending the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs- \Vin. Love.
Mir, and Mrs. \Vet, Daniels return-
ed hone after ,t elea•ant holiday in
Rev. \\'m. I\\er anti Mr: Weir
teent a few daythis week ,:silt n.;
relatives in Toronto,
\1r. Andrew \lcktnz e rctlirrtra to
Toronto to resume 1gs....miff., at
Knox. College. l ayout.', 'a :r; -Tend-
Mg the tiolitlav> •.tirh 'u- a enc,, \lr.
and Mrs. 'Wm. \(dice ie,
'Miss Margaret Ile' - t ; kit-
ed recently with t'r :.1117r. \I. t', j 01111
per the motto was given anti the
Lord's prayer repeated in unison.
Verses of the 'hymn, "Unto the Hills
Around," were sung between the
scripture readings. which 'were taken
by :Misses Audrey Twitchell, Elva
McQueen. Annie Funk and Mary
Clark, Miss Gladys MdKenzie led in
prayer. The missionary story Was ,gi-
ven by Miss Ruth Brook, Miss Irene
Douglas Very ably gave the topic on
a missionary in 'japan. 'Meeting closed
with the IMiz'pah 'benediction.
Toting People Meet,—
T'he regular meeting of the Young
People of the United. Church was held
on Monday evening, it being citizen- •
ship night, Miss Edna Saundercock
'presided. \iter a hymn Rev, R. A.
Brook led in prayer. The Scripture,
Luke 411-13, was read by Sties Elva
;AfcQaieen. Miss Goldie Cross favored
with a piano solo. 'Miss Norma Conk
gave the topic. ili,ssionary night will
be held next \Monday evening.
Womens Institute.—
\Ira. G. Case and'Mrs E. 1.. Atickle
were hostesses ;es t t the Senior \\'omens
institute .,n Wednesday evening at
the home of Mr Lase. Miss Beryl
Pfaff, pre :dent, presided. Roll call
was answered with a township of
Huron county \Ii -s \1 Ellis was the
special speaker yvin' an address on
1luron•<,nnty The motto. "'1.ife is
like a garden •11 hears the fruit you
e1, was Mery by 'riven by Mrs.
\\111 ',Weir. Mr- Hedden and Mrs.
Ile.s favored with a vocal duet entitl-
ed "Trees." " 7 he demonstration, "Pro- t
ducts of Huron.' was given by Miss
\I:nhol \\'nrknrut. Billy and Betty
11irkle played a piano duet.
The Women's ASsoeiation of the
:lulled Church will hold their an-
nnnal meeting on Friday, January In, 1
• J,olrtastnn, to J p,t11. in the school roost of • the
\lis .t1 I v tr
ed a pe,ition at F y r +,
'\Ir, anti \ir-. ':•i.• 1' 1
Flat t i 1••
Mr. Vie,or
n•- .ai'n Mr. .0..1 \i•
W. M. S. Meet -
1'11c re- t'a' 1 \ \t_*
1'iwr;day ift. .t,., -,n
.den• .\1r-. e - n
1,• c;ra!; Mr-. •..
The holiday season has had many
family gatherings in this :vicinity and
enjoyable (panties which made for a
lively season of pleasure for the many
relatives hereabouts.
Family gatherings were held on
Christmas at the homes of Roy Mc-
Culloch's, Alex McLarens, Edgar
Allen, Tom Laing's, Kenneth Mc-
Kellar's and Wm. Houghton's.
Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Reid, Doris
and Earl Sararas of Toronto, with
their parents.
Miss Laura McLellan of Harriston
at her home.
Mr- Robert Hoggarth of Stratford
with his daughter Mrs, Alex Aic-
Mr. Archie Hoggarth of London
with his parents.
Miss Helen :McNaughton of Tor-
onto with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs: B. 0. McDonald and
family with Mrs. McDonald's parents
at Brussels,
Ile. and Mrs, David Bruce and
Murray Balfour in Windsor.
Prior to her marriage the friends
and neighbors of Miss Margaret Al-
len gathered at her home on Monday
afternoon and presented her with a
kitchen shower.
The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian
Church held their first meeting of the
year at the home of Mrs. James
Scott in the village on Thursday taft-
a_•ce;.t- i'inu'c'h, A short progr•tinl will be
0:1011 51111 11111011 served,
ton- prayer s -1 -Vice was held in the
1..\e'er, I're'sbylerit a (11111Th on \\'i
evening, when Rev. R. A. Drool: gave
the special address. Service of prayte
will be held in the United Church on
Thursday , venilig at S 11.111. lice. Wet
\\'sir 11111 4100 the address. -
Mr. Joseph Hagan ltit this week
for Florida, where he will spend the,
Linter tuolvhe.
Mr. Robt.111.0 11C1r spent a day.
this week with \1r, and Ilrs. Harold
Hanson •1r Thauesvilte.
AIr. and ,Ili s,- Win. Taylor and clan'-
fly of Zurii li visited mi Sunday with
lir. and Mrs Glenn Bell.
11i. and Alrs. Lloyd liedden and
fancily ,it St. catharines visited Iasi
week with Mrs. Catharine Redden .
and 1-(r. and lits. Fled Kennings.
,hiss Alarillvena has returned to
her duties as teacher at the Continu-
ation School, after spending the hod
:day at her home in North Hay,
Messrs. Morris McEwen and Jaelc
Shepherd left for London where they
will take a course at the London
Technical School.
Messrs. Herb Hedden and Edward;
Little left last week for St. Cathay
Tues where they have secured elm
ployment at the General Motors,
Miss Eleanor Huukin of Thanes
Road visited last week at the home
of her uncle and aunt., Mr. Bud Mrs,
Roy Maclaren and son Don.
Air, Ferris Cantelon of Schomberg
visited during the holidays with his
mother Mrs. Kate Cantelon,
Miss Goldie Cross returned to St.
11r, \i erray ila ,
E.ligvth r o.
13,.'011 1.i .
r •-•!11.1
\111- 1••••1t11 1: „ 21,
and Elva INIQQueeran r 1
1. c ; thi. • itttnt.
he in, oinp: e c 1 c
Mies Irene D- to c a.1 m vis -
i.0:,1 last week i .,1111t, -Miss
Fame Logan. -
Mr. Allen Davidson. who • under
went an operas 8 recently l, ott
tiemorial Hos, he.. Seaforth. : re-
A. quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Baptist Church manse, Clinton,
at 10 a.m. on New Years Day. when
Maty Catherine. daughter of 11r.
John 13. Forest and the late Mrs.
Forest, was united in marriage to
William. son of Mr. and 21's, Ernest
Blacker of Clinton. The bride wore a
street length dress of robin's egg
blue crepe. A wedding dinner was Thomas to resume her studies at
served at the home of the groom's Alma College, after spending the
parents. They will reside on the holidays with her parents. Air. and
groom's Yarm near Clinton. Mrs. W. B. Cross.
School Board Meets— Air. Russell Hedden is spending a
The School Board met on January holiday in St. Catharines.
3rd at 8 p.m. in the council chambers Miss Norma Sangster returned.
with the following members present: (tome after spending a pleasant visit
Messrs. Alfred Clark, George Hess, with Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn in
Joseph Flynn, E. L. Mickle, Kenneth
Hicks Ed Norminton absent on other
business. George Hess was appointed l
chairman for 1941. A. L. Case was
appointed secretary -treasurer; J. W.
Ortwein, truant officer; George Hud-
son, caretaker, and S. G. Rennie mus-
ical instructor. The business of the
year was gone over and found to be
very satisfactory by the board. The
board will inspect the school January
6th at 4 p.m. and have a meeting
with the teachers to discuss ail
Post Nuptial Shower—
A post nuptial shower was held at
the home of Mrs. Henry Fuss, Parr
Line, on Friday afternoon, in honor
of Mrs. Wm. Blacker (nee Miss Mary
Forest) who was married on New
Year's Day. About forty relatives and
friends of the bride were present. A
mock wedding was the highlight of
the event with Miss Marjorie Deters
as bride, Miss Peggy Fuss groom,
and Miss Lexy Tostill flower gill. An
address was read by Mrs, Wesley
Richardson and the bride was direct-
ed by poetry to the beautiful and
useful miscellaneous gifts displayed
in different rooms. The bride thanked
everyone for the gifts. Refreshments
were served.
Miss Pearl Harpole, of London.
visited over the week end with her
mother Mrs. Grace Ha•pole.
Rev. W, A. Young,' Mrs. Young and
family of Fergus visited with, friends
in town last week and called on many
members of their former eon.
-Mrs. P. H. Devlin is confined to
icer room owing to illness.
The regular meeting of the Ladies'
Association of the United Church was
held on Thursday afternoon with the
president Mrs, James McAllister in
the chair.
Mrs. Jack Corbett has been spend-
ing a few days with Mrs, P. H. Devlin
who is ill.
John Selves Passes at :Woodham—
sFr. John Selves passed away at his
home at Woodham on Monday in his
714th year, The deceased had resided
on the 'farm on the boundary about
ave miles east of :E.ensall for •a num-
ber of years ,sial moving to Wood-
ham three years ego. Surviving is his
widow and one daughter, Mrs. J.
Jaq'u'e's, Woodham, and three sons,
Olifford, 'of London, John of the
boundary .and Bert of Hensel'. Funer-
al senvice will Ibe bed •Fromm Woodham
United Church on IWednesday after-
noon at 2 o'clodk, I.nterm'ent in Kinlc-
ton cemetery.
Mission Circle Meets.—
The regular meeting of the Mission
Circle of the United Church was held
on Thursdiay evening at the home of
M'is's (Norma .Cook. Foilowiittg the sup -
Last Sunday there were no serv-
ices held in this church owing to the
storm and bad road conditions.
Miss Jay Whitlock of St. Thomas
returned to her home after spending
the holidays with her sisters, Mrs,
H. Ford and Mrs, F. Horne.
The funeral of the late Mr. Robt.
Woods was held on Saturday after-
noon from this church. A large num-
ber were present. Mr. Woods had
reached the age of 86 years and 'was
held in high esteem. He is survived
by three daughters, Mrs. Lindsay of
Toronto, Mrs. McLaughlin and Mrs.
Down of London, two sons, Lewis,
also of London and Jackson at home,
also several grand children. Rev.
Mair and Rev. Penrose officiated at
the funeral. Interment was made in
the Elimville cemetery,
Miss Florence Bell, R.N., of Lon-
don, spent a few days at her home
here recently. -
The monthly meeting of the Crom-
arty :'uriliary of the W.M.S. met
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. (James Scott with the president
pry idin;g. Owing to the very wet day
and bad icy roadstheattendance was
not as large but was a good meeting.
The devotional exercises were taken
'hy tMr,, Hamilton and Mrs. Thomas
:'Laing and Mrs. Jamieson and the
Scripture passage was read by .Mrs.
John Hamilton. Miss Lila :McCulloch
gave a fine paper and Mrs. Roy Mc-
Culloch 'ga've a paper on the last !part
of ,the Study Boole entitled "The
Church Takes Root in India." !Mrs, T.
IL, Scott gave sonic interesting •cltr-
rent events and also added to the
program with a solo accompanying
herself on 'her autoharp. Lunch was
served and social ,time was enjoyed.
Miss 'Jessie Hodtgcrt of Exeter, is
visiting with IM -r. and (Mrs. James
Scott; Little Helen Kemp has 'rettern-
ed to Mitchell after hodiclaying at the
home of IMr, and .Mrs, ,Houghton; ,Mr.
and ,Mrs. •George 'Wallace and +family
and M'r, and ;Mrs, John Wallace anti
fancily with rela'ti'ves in .Carlingford,
Misses Margaret and Jean Pybus
of Zurich spent a few days recently
with her grandmother alts, 11
Me. Elmore Gaekstetter of Maslt-
wcenel.-and . Miss .Esther .Price of Lon.
don visited recently at the home of
Mis • I. Ferguson.
M'. and A's, Rohl, Parsons and
Sir. F. Ityekntan of Hensel) sperm
New Year's atthe home of Mr, and
Airs. Archie Parsons,
Mr. and Airs, Bernard Heys c1'
llaylield spent New Years at the
home of the latter's parents, Air, and
Mrs. H. Jones.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Martini and family
Of Hayfield visited recently at the
haute of Mr. and ahs. S. Rupp,
Quite a number aL.ended a shower
in ltonoc' of Mr, and Mrs. -Blacker
inee Mary Forest 1 at the hone of
Air, and Ails. H, Fuss of Hillsgreen,
on Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pybus ofZee-
icb spent. New Year's at the home of
Mrs, H. Ricker.
A very enjoyable evening was
spent on Monday evening when Rev,
and Mrs. Chandler entertained the
Young People at the Manse. The
evening was spent In crokinole, Chin-
ese checker's and music. A dainty
lunch was served by the hostess. All
returned to their horses after sing-
ing "There'll Always Be an England,"
Miss Isabelle Alexander of Shed -
don spent the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mr's. W. Alexander.
Miss Jessie Finlayson of Whalen
spent the holidays with her parents
Mr. and Mrs, J. Finlayson,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons, Ger-
ald and Harold, visited recently with
Mr. and Mrs, J. Linden, of Denfield.
Miss Helen Love spent the holt•
days with her grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs, W. Fairbairn of Hensel].
Mrs. Ma'gn'et Stafford of St,
Thomas has returned to her home
after a week's visit 'with her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Mrs. Alex McGregor and son John
spent a few days in Toronto recently
with Mr, and Mrs. 3. F. Patterson.
Mr. Ronald Caldwell spent the
Christmas holidays with relatives in
Miss Dorothy Deitz of Westervelt
Business College, London, spent the
past week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Wm, Heitz.
Mr. Clarence McLean of London
'was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, John
Henderson on New Year's day.
Mr. Wallace Watson has secured
tposition as caretaker of No. 14,
Sanley school,
Miss Erma Workman of Magnete-
wau spent the holidays with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Workman.
Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Ulch of Wind-
sor spent New. Year's with NI', and
Mrs. Norman Long.
Mr, Clarence Taylor of London
spent the week end with Thos, Butt.
Mr. Bill Witcombe of Ingersoll
spent the week end with Kippen
friends. -
A number from this vicinity at-
tended a reception last Monday night
at the home of Art Keyes of Varna
in ' honor of the newlyweds, Mr, and
Mrs. B. Keyes.
Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Herr of Sea -
forth spent New Year's with Mr. and
Mrs. Elston Dowson.
Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert Sinclair of
Toronto visited recently with Mr.
Sinclair's brothers William and Alex.
Mrs. Arthur Currie of Clinton has
been visiting over the holiday with
her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Switzer,
Mr. and Mrs. Urban Ducharme and
small Sell of Forest spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Switzer.
Sapper Dick McCabe, No. 48602, of
the R.C,E., 9th Coy, Petawawa Mflt-
tary Camp, spent his New Year's
leave with Mr. and Mrs, C. Switzer,
and family, also 'visiting friends
around Clinton and Brucetield.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Aubin gave a
dance in honor of Sapr. Dick McCabe
on Thursday evening. Dick was pre-
sented during the evening with a
silver cigarette case and lighter by
some of his friends. He thanked them
for the kind 'wishes and gift. A flee
time was reported by all present.
The Kippen East W.I, will meet
at the home of Mrs, William Martin
on Wednesday, January 15th, at 2.15
lam, Please remember the roll call is
a traffic law that is often broken.
We are sending boxes to four boys
from this locality who are overseas,
and would ask for donations of small
tins of canned food, tobacco, choco-
late bars, etc„ to be left at - either
store at Kippen or brought to this
Frank O'Brien Dies Suddenly—
The community was shocked ,by the
sadden death of Francis (Frank) O'-
Brien, which occurred at four o'clock
:Monday afternoon as the result of
heart attack, suffered while engaged
in his work in -the 'O'Brien Mill.- -
lir, O'Brien, who was in his 7.3rd
year, was apparently ht his usual
health and was engaged -at work with
itis son, Walter O'llrirn, when he sud-
denly collapsed and passed aivas' be=
fore medical aid could be :procured.
He had spent 'Sunday in his usual way
and attended the morning service in
the ''ailed .Church. His • stuldcit
death rause as a severe :hock to his
Tangly and friends, (.)n December 24
Mr. and .Alt.. Oliricn had •tic happi-
ness of celebrating their golden wed-
ding. 14e had also, resided in Hiblhei•t
tv,tn.hip near Citiselhnrst and Ttn•k-
ersmith township near hrucefisld.
While in Stratford he operated a groc-
ery 'business, his stain store being at
141 Downie street. While in Stratford
he had served as a member of the city
•A son of the late \ir. and 'Mrs. Ros-
well O'Brien, the departed ratan mar-
ried the former'\liss Margaret Treffry
on December 24. '11111). He was a dor-
mer member of the i3O:O.1 anal a
member -of the ,United C'hnrch at Staf-
fs, :being a member of the hoard Tor
Many years and, a dormer treasurer of
the church 1'1e had been greatly in,
attested in Sunday school work and at
the time of his death was the teacher
of the Bible Class. He also served as
superintendent tfor a time, The late
Mr. O'dlrien •took a keen interest in
the w'or'k of the Presibytery and was
a devout attendant at meetings of tine
.Besides his wife he is survived by
four sons. Cecil. Toronto, Wilfred,
tO-wen Sound, both on the teaching
staffs in those gibes, Dr. Harold
O'Brien, Elora, and Walter, State.
Also surviving are three brothers,
,'illiam of Zurich, John of (Manitoba,
Roswell of Saskatoon; two sisters,
Mrs. Alonza Melick of Flint, ales.
Daniel McPhail of Manitoba and
dour grand' h;tld•ren, Donald, John, Ed-
ity and Francis O'Brien.
The remains were resting at his late
residence he Staffa where 'fnneraal ser-
vices was held on Wednesday after
110011 at two o'clock. Interment in
BB'aird's cemetery, Brucefieid, Rev. IWe.
E. A'lworth of Staffs conducted the
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoggarth,
Ivan and Ross, of near Londesboro.
Mrs. Annie Townsend, Clinton, Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Oke, Mr. and Mrs.
Mervyn Lobb and family spent New
Year's Day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Townsend.
A wealthy Irishman was proud of
the opportunity to "sbow off" on the
occasion of a visit to London of a
compatriot. To dazzle hint he invited
him to dine at a fashionable testam-
"Now me bhoy," be said, "just
you follow my lead and I'il order
everything of the best,"
Seated at table the host led off
with; "Waiter a couple of cocktails."
'His friend gave him away however,
when he whispered audibly, "Waiter,
if you don't moined, I'd rather have
a wing."
Cash With Order At Our Low Prices
Pure Lard 2 lbs. 17c
First Grade 'Creamery
Butter 2 lbs, 75c
Red Rose Tea Per lb, 65c
Sweet +Oranges
Good 'Size 2 doz. 35c
Lux Soap 4 cakes 18c
Life Buoy Soap , , . ,4 cakes 27c
Camay Soap 4 cakes 180
Palm Olive Soap , • , 4 cakes 18c
Sunlight Soap .. , 10 ‘cakes 49c
Fairbanks Carbolic Soap
6 cakes 22c
Ivory Soap large cakes 2 for 15c
Castile Soap 12 cakes 23c
P&G Soap 5 cakes 190
Pearl White Soap .. 5 cakes 19e
Princess Soap Flakes
per pkge 5c
French Castile Soap
7 cakes 250
SUGAR— 10 LB„ 69c
WA J. Fill. ?, iii an
Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 250
Card of Thanks
To the Electors of McKillop.
Ladies and Gentlemen, -1 wish to
express my thanks for the fine sup-
port accorded me In Monday's elec-
tion. Wishing you the Compliments
of the Season.
Card of Thanks
I wish to thank the Electors of
alciiillop for their generous support
in the election for council, and I will
continue to worn for the best inter-
ests- of our township. Wishing you 0
I-lappy erre} Prosperous New Year,
Card of Thanks
To the Electors of 2,110iilolr 't'ow'n-
ship, ---Ladies and Gentlemen: Please
accept lily sincere tliunks for your
splendid support given 1(10 at the
e0115 on Monday. 1 hope 10 ceut11ne
to merit the confidence you have
placed in me. PFITII MALONEI-
The next meeting of the Hut'o)
County Council will be held in the
Council Chambers, Court House,
Goderich, commencing Tuesday, Jan-
uary 21st, at 2 P,1VI.
Allaccounts, notices of deputations
and other business requiring the at-
tention of Council should be in the
hands of the County Clerk not later
than Saturday, January 18th.
County Clerk,
Goderieh, Ontario.
Auction Sale
08 Household Effects at Mls, vel•
son's, Victoria street, Seaforth, on
Saturday, Jan, llth, at 1 p.m.
1 extension table, 6 dining room
chairs, 1 sideboard, 2 oak rockers, 3
odd rockers, 1 settee, 1 organ, •i
small tables, 1 oak library table, like
new. Quebec cools stove, 1 heater. 3
small cook stove, 1 coal ail stove, 1
kitchen table, 1 glass cupboard, 2
wash stands, 2 clocks, dishes, kitch-
en -utensils, 6 kitchen chairs, 2
couches, 4 bedroom suites, 4 mat-
tresses, 4 sets of springs, quilts,
blankets; sealers, crocks; lawn
mower, shovels, garden tools, cross
cut saw, buck saw, tools of all hinds.
Numerous other a'ticles,
Terns cash,
Mrs, James Nelson, proprietress.
Harold Jackson, auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Perm Stock and Implements,
on No. 8 Highway, 3 miles east of
Seaforth, Friday, January 17th, at 1
p.m. sharp:
Horses -1 horse, rising 4 years
old, good worker, single or double;
1 mare, rising 6 year's, in foal, good
worker; 1 horse, 8 years old, good
single or double.
Cattle -3. Durham cow, 4 years old,
just freshened 1 week, with calf at
foot; 1 Durham cow, 4 years old,
freshened 1 month, with calf at foot,
heavy milker; 1 Durham cow, 7 years
old, freshened 1 week, with calf at
foot; 1 Durham cow. 5 years old, due
to freshen May 1; 1 Durham cow, 4
Years old, freshened 1 mouth, with
calf at foot; 5 good Durhamheifers,
rising 6 months to 1 year.
Cattle all in good condition and ex-
ceptionally good milk cows;
Pigs --York sow with litter• of
seven pigs.
Poultry -60 Rock pullets, good
layers. 2' flocks of geese, 2 years old;
1 flock of ducks. -
Grain—A quantity of good grain.
suitable for seed.
20 tons of good clover hay.
Implements -1 outthrow disc; 4
section diamond harrows with suet•
cher; 1 McCormick Deering 11 hoe
drill, good as new; Fleury No, 21
walking plow, just new; 1 Portland
cutter; 1 wagon and box; 1 Viking
cream separator, good as new; 1 set
sieiglis; 1 set of back band harness
and a number of collar's, good as
new; 170 feet of hay rope, and 70
feet of trip rope, new; 1 hay forte;
forks, shovels, whiffletrees, bucksaw,
Terms cash.
Everything must be sold as prop-
rietor is giving up farming.
Gordon Grant, Auctioneer.
George Powell, Proprietor.
Barrister & Solicitor
Attendance in Brussels
Wecltiesday and Saturday
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, 11. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1;30 p.nt. to 5 5,10. Saturday
evening, 7:30 p, m. to 9 p. m.
Tenders for 20 cords of hard wood,
14 inchccs long, will be received by
the undersigned on or before Jan.
13„ 1941. Alex Dennis, Walton. Ont.,
11.R..2, See...Trcas., S. S. No, 7, Mc-
For 0 cords of hard maple body
wood 14 inches long, to be delivered
at S, S. No. 7. Tuckersulith. Tenders
to be received by Jan. 23, 1941.
Arthur Nicholson, Sea£ui•th,
'Secretary -Treasurer.
Desires housework, town preferred.
Phone 8391.14, Seaforth central.
Steer calf about 2 months old, herb
Musgrave, Egmondville. Phone 6681.2,
Seaforth central.
To supply S. S. No. 12, McKillop,
with 20 cords of 14 inch hardwood;
not more than one-third beech. Part
to be delivered immediately. Secret-
ary -Treasurer, Airs. William Church,
Walton. R. R. 4.
For 5 voids of 15 inch hard body
maple wood will be received up to
Jan. 18th by Mrs, Leo Stephenson,
R. R. 2, Seaforth, Secretary Treasur-
urer of S. S. No, 3, Hullett, Wood
must he delivered to the school be-
fore March 1st, 1941.
For U.S.S. No. 1, McKillop and
Logan wanted. 25 cords of 12" or 14"
green hard wood, or 7 cord of 4 ft.
green wood, to be at least 2/3 maple
and balance beech, To be delivered
by March 1st. Apply to James Nolan,
Sec., RR. No. 5, Seaforth, Ontario,
Must be all body wood.
Tenders will be received up to
Jan, 22 for the delivery of eight cords
of hard body wood, maple and beech,
14 inches long, to S,S. No, 9, Tuck-
ersmith; wood to be delivered by
April 1, 1941. Ivan Forsyth, secretary -
treasurer, R.R. 2, Kippen.
A set of sloop sleighs, or one bob.
For sale, ten pigs, six weeks old.
Phone 6551.24. S. Leyburne.
Place with from 15 to 25 acres of
land sufficiently equipped for poultry.
Give full particulars first letter. Ap-
ply at News Office.
Ten pigs two and a half months
old. Frank Phillips, We miles north
of Iiinbern,
Custom butchering done. Cutting
and sausages made. Also highest
price paid for hides. Also beef for
sale by the qt, Prices reasonable. J.
A. Nichol, Brussels. Phone 90-23.
Part of the ca' of Extra No. 1 Feed
Oats, to be loaded off car. W. V.
7 choice pigs ready to wean. Also
an Oxford ram, H. McLlwain, phone
852r23, Seaforth.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies.
Information. c'heerful'ly given