HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-02, Page 12PAGE EIGHT T1-JJ3 SEAFCitT NJAAN S HENSALL the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, HARLOCK � Wilson Allen. We hapo all have enjoyed a Very Blain �In. 'IIensald tat Mrs. R J. (Mise,Mary Hemphill of London, Vaterson's Sloslpital, on Sunday, Dec- spent the holidays atith her parents,' Merry Christmas and wish Lo 1111 a ember lith, to Pte Win, John and Mr and Mrs. Hemphill. New Year of Health, happiness mud Mrs. !Miller, a •daughter I(,\larlrtne Mr and I\irs. Harold .Shepherd or Prosperity, BUFFET SUPPER J'ay)• '1'otout l spent t'lnistul,is with •her Squze of the Christmas gatherings la many !Canadian Nantes the Mr. and lairs. Win Hildebrand !pareuts, \lr. an,l Nies. 'lames Smiler spent 'Christmas with relatives in and ileal with \Ii. and i\'lrs, _ero were Miss Levine. Knox of Toronto 'Rusher of persons sridetrly increnees London. Shepherd. attended the family gathering ori tiering the holidayunser, far it is a (Morris Tudor,R IC.A F„ of Tor- I\lis. Nora Stinson spent Christina:. Christmas Day at the hoose of her time of family retmi nns. onto, spent-Christma,is with his par- :at her home in London. pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Knox, i \i ore Than usual thought needs to ea'ts,. Mr, and Beers. Stanley Tudor. air. and airs. Don Rigsby and dao Miss Hunt of ,London spent eahrise ghee Donna of Blenheim visited and brother Mr, and Mrs, Andrey ,be given to 'planning and serving mas holidays with her parents, \1'r. dtirtn'g the holaalay sc ison with \Ire. Knox, returning to Toronto on meals during this holiday season, so and Mrs. A, E. Hunt, Ri ih s parents. (Mr. and Mrs. Stew- Thursday. that they will entail neither too Much ,i-Iiss Dorothy Brazier of London is art McQueen. 1 The Manning Christmas gathering work nor too much time -in prepara- visiting !Dr, and Mrs. Steer and 1'at- Mrs. ilia. \t 11onald and Patsy was held on Thursday at. the hoose time Serving a Millet supper is one ricin. spent the Chu tmas holidays with of Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Shobbroolr, stay of simplifying the matter, pare - recent visitor with his sister,Mies ter. \Ir, and Mrs. Ted Taman in I.is- Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox attend- culariy if the family has ,grown to Hannah [Murray. toe i. ing. large ipraportions, or a number of Rev, W. :A. Young, Mrs. Young , lir. re t;, Fuer and Patsy spent lir. and Mrs, retells McGregor guests are ,being entertained. and family of I'ergns, spent NewC'bn out- yfill NITS Steer's mother, tie family entertained on Christmas' The consumer ,Sedtion, Marketing Years with Nlr, and t\lira. tVt A. ,N1 re Crazier in ,London and with Maclaren. his parent=, \lr, and Nies. Steer in eve. Among the guests were Mr, end Service, Dominion d)ap:lament se \1r, and Mee. Lloyd Passmore of ime Budges. Mrs. Ward Knox and little son, Mrs Agriculture. ,n,gge is main courses Delhi event t hrtsuitas with the for- Mr. Orville Bidden of St, Cathay- Jennie Kttox, Mr, and Mrs. Arthus which will make n satisfying supper or niers parents. Ilir. and ,\irs 'John ines visited at the home of his moth- Colson, Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox htncheon. when accompanied by a Passmore. er.'etre Catharine Redden on ,Christ- and Mr. McCallum, all enjoying a glass of chilled apple or tomato juice Mrs Verne Smith of Exeter Visited ma Day this week with her mother, Mrs. An- (Nike Hattie Sutherland spent a few real fowl supper and evening, for first course, a simple dessert en nit Saundercock. days recently with relatives in Lon- Mr, and Mrs. Ward Knox and little crackers and cheese, an assortment of Child Taken to Hospital.— ;ion, boy spent Christmas (linnet at the holiday cookers, and a ,beverage, Harold, two year old son of air. Mr. and airs, Harry Cook of 'far. home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs.l and Mrs. Grant Ford. choked on Fri- 0010ited with his parents, \[r. cost, also spending the afternoon at Jellied Tongue day evening When eating peanuts and soul \irs. Cornelius look was takers to Dr. Steer's office where Nies.Idannah Workman and Miss the ]route of the formsister, Nil eoak pt klIt brei tone in cold it was found that the peaanits had ;l+e• ,\label Workman are visiting at the and Mrs, Thos. Appleby. Other wetter for at least 2 hours. Place in conte lodged in the child's threat and home of \Ir. and Mrs. Herb Britton guests at the home of the latter kettle of cold water and ,bring slowly tete youngster was then taken to St. of Dublin. Tested Recipes Joseph's Hospital, London. where X- lelissee Kathleen and Hendee'bred• lets Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knox, to the .boil, Remove scum front (the re t k u en aturdiv The g11:11.t t u , i St\Int re lnlidniug Mrs, Jennie Knox and , and Mrs. top, reduce heat and rook below cboil- der oheervation and will probably .hcrl•tke and IPi11,- Mr, and Mrs. James Scott and ,pound, Remove from the water, peel rays w'e- ae l •. •. child is remaining in he hospital un- with airs. 1), Walks and M •\, Graydon bleil and little Murray, ink ,point, allowing 30 minutes Bier. have to undergo an operation to re- Mrs. Nichelle of Parkhill is spend- family, also Miss "Viva Cole of Tor- off the ,skin and remove (bones and mewe the c'bstruction. ink. the •Chrisuuae holidays with her tatty pierce frim the lane end of the The Late Walter Fee.— s, -la onto motored up on Christmas and 1 g h Simon Mctitttz farmer irs law and dao iter, ,\l•r. 111111 ie family tongue. Meanwhile boil down tete „c d Ilensall in the \Ir<. hen licks, attended the person of t\fr, Walter Fee, passed \l;„ \'era i\Jaeseear of 'London gathering at the home of lets and stock to about lt: asps, Curl tongue away Thursday in his Wild year at the ,pent Christmas at the home of air. Mrs. Nelson Lear, all the tautly he- around into a circle ;and press down ]tame of his daughter, Mee. E. J• ;utd :\!r•. t;. •\i. Drysdale, ing peesen1; also Mr. Thos, (.`ole, into a 'bowl in which tcmgate fits. Harris in Ailsa ,Craig, The deceased Mr. and !Mrs. Ab Passmore, ' of bi• tier -in-law of. Air. Simon MCYit Pour stack over tongue, cover with o village fora number of years. His the air Trebling C.1wo1 at Galt 5Ipent tie, who is at present living at the w•as a highly esteemed resident 01 the. Delhi and Mr. Kenneth Passmore of wife 'predeceased him several years the Clu•istntas holidays with their 'pa- home of his niece, Mrs. Leo Watt. ago, after which IMr. Fee went to re- rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid of 'Walton side with his daughter at Ailsa Craig, \Ire Alurea„t Hah'kitsk of Detroit Dere also evening guests. The for Surviving are two stns. George and ;lent a few days recently visiting potato chips, or hot Potato balls, Oliver of Hensall and two daughters, friends in the tillage. mer all returned to Toronto the day i , (Laura) Mrs. E. J. Harris, Ailsa Dr, eeein. T. Joynt of Brockville. after Christmas. Craig, and [(Margaret) \firs• Baugh- spent Christina: with ' his mother, Masters Donnie and Jimmie Watt ratan of Chicago.:Funeral. service was lire. Alice Joynt• are holidaying at the home of their dthe1 dl saucer or plate and place a heavy weight on top. Mellen chilled and set, cut into titin slices. X nte `;etr•e with cold slaw and THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1941 Heartiest Greetings And Best Wishes for Your HappiIness Throughout the Coming Year W. J. FINNI�G�A�N�& SONS Card of Thanks Mr, Harmon Brodhagetn and 1aun- ily wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness and em- pathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement. Also for the beau- tiful floral tributde and those who so kindly loaned their ears. Special thanks to the Rev. 11, P, i1, Hurford. • Election Cards To the Electors of the Township of McKillop I have been nominated for the position of Counrillnl• for the Town- ship of McKillop. I hereby resfieet- fully solicit. yettr support for my election, If. elected 1 promise to look to the best interests of ilio townshtP at all times, Wishing one and all a Happy New Year, Respectfully, JAMES E. McQUA1D. held on Saturday front tome of (Mr and 2Irs. Baht. \ltd eton grandparents, Ml'. and Mrs. Simon his daughter to Exeter eemetery 'spent Christmas at Bayfield, I Mrs Andrew Dougall Passes ! •alt iae eeichol of Exeter is visit- McVittie. Suddenly— - ing with friends here . - Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson Spent A pioneer resident of 'Hensall ,pass- Christmas visitors at the (tome of Christmas day and evening at the ed suddenly away at her ,home here ,Mr. and'Mrs. Jas Parkins were Mr' home of Mr. mid Mrs, Warren Gib - on f Mr I Cl' FlynnLondon, on Saturday to t o person o S. and Nies. -Cline yon oa binge near Clinton. Other guests for Andrew Dougall in her i7th year. 'Miss Edith Parkins of Exeter and The deceased was Ili her usual health leer. ,\lurray Parkins of Zurich. dinner were Mr, and Mrs, John G. and was able to attend her household Mr. and Nies. Lawrence Bayithant Gibbings and two Scotch air -port duties on Friday and after retiring and children of Exeter spent Christ- boys, Mr, George Henderson and Mr. suffered a heart attack and passed nine with her parents, Mr and Mrs. away at 2. a.m. on ... Harold Boyd. The both boys are sons `;aturday. Fortner- Peter weer, I\1 ' n r. the late Der. and Mrs Robert Pater- (Christmas at the home of Mr. and their public school education in 1yCh 'stena Paterson a daughter of \lrs. P He Devlin visited on of missionaries in India and got dent of son, the deceased was a lifelong regi- airs. Fred Corbett. India, later going to university in -the village, Surviving is one Mrs. D. Walks. Mr. and !Mrs. A.Scotland and although they can talk daughter, -Cassie, at home, and one Kerslake and Billy visited on ihrist- ' broad Scotch, they can also talk son, Wiliam. of (Chicago; one sister, utas with relatives • at St. ,Mary,. Mrs. Ketae Bcngoutgh, 'Hensall, anal I\Irs, Jack ,Corbett and Rose re- English as good as we can. They three (brothers. Robert, of Calgary; turned home after spending a few were both very fine young Wren -anti ,Jahn, of Toronto. and James, Hen- day s t isiting the farmer's parents \l r, we wish them good luck. Other salt. One sister, Mrs. Andrew•"\lurray and \irs ;Albert Morenz at Dashwood guests for tea at Mr, and Mrs. War ,passed away a month ago in .Calgary. \Ii e :\11105 Coleman loft on Sunday' Funeral service was held from the for Stratford •where she trill emend e'en Gibbings were Mr, John T. Knox Mr and mel Presbyterian C.lmrc . Frank (Coleman. who is ill. Mt,, y children, home of Mrs. Kate ,Bengough to Car- several week: with her aunt. ,Mrs. and Eileen of Wing Ian e and t. ,' h on [Monday c Percy Gibbings and shilt afternoon conducted by Rev, \\'m. ,eliss Jean tl.nthron of London and Air. and Mrs. Ephelam Snell, \V-eir. The floral tributes were very spent Christmas with her parents, Jimmie, Jane Mary and Richard for beautiful showing the high esteem in IMr. and urs..i. \\'. ,Bonthron. which the deceased was held. The Presentation.— es -ening. Mr, and airs. Clibbiugs tools ,pall'bearers were !Messrs. W. As. Mac- \#r. and airs. \\'. A. \facLaren the boys back to Port Albert air R. were very ,pleasanth surprised loll- port after enjoying a real good daY Laren. R. Y. N•IacLaren, W. ' Dougall, Andrew Dougall, 'Malcolm owing the church .service on Sunday and evening. Salt and ,pepper Dougall and r, Campbell. , morning when the mems ere of e Canadian Spaghetti 2 cups -uncooked spag'he'tti (broken into pieces) 1 16 ounce can tomatoes 5 slices ,bacon 3 tablespoons chopped onion •2 tablespoons flour a�e teaspoon salt 11 teaspoon 'Vascestershire sat 11 cup diced celery 1 cup ,grated cheddar cheese Cook spaghetti in boiling salted water. Chop the 'bacon and saute in Pan for or 3 minutes. Acrd 'the onion and cook together for a few minutes. ,Blend in flour and seasonings, then add the tomatoes :and celery. Add to the spaghetti, with the grated cheese, and turn into a casserole, Cover with ihu'ttcrecl erennhe, then brown in a 'hot oven (42'5 degrees F.) Serves ft. ce Creamed Chicken with Mushrooms Ie lb. mushrooms. 4 tablespoons Nutter '2 cups diced cooked chicken 4 tablespoons flour 2 cups milk l teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. Mrs. D A R ICa ulsbell h b the Interment was m Hensall Union Mt. and A, W, McEwing and peel anal dice tilt ritushroout;, ,Sante choir dish and a diem with e slier re- for 5 minutes to :WO tablespoons cemetery. i' 1 di•1 and a coffee table in honor Jim held the Christmas fanny gath- Family Party Held Friday Evening— ter st of their twenty-fifth wedding anuie- ering at their Hoene, Mr. and Mrs,'Nutter, •\lett remaining- rico ta;bbc- A church ,family party was held on ersary which (NI r. and 'Mrs Mar La r -a Wm. Pepper and Ball of near Bruce' spoons butter rat a saucepan, ,blend to Friday evening in the schoolroomen celdbrate on Saturday. The fo - Wield Mr. and Mrs, Jack c'w• n g the h of d S d 11 M if i flour, add theseasoning arid milk, the United Church with Rev. R. A. owing ,address was read by Roc. \\m• end Mr, and cook until thick. Add chicken Brook ,presiding. to program open- - \\-air: "Dear \lr, an r=. .' ac ar• • ed by singing carols with :bliss Greta en. \\'e are given to understand that Mrs. Norman Lloyd and children be- and mushrooms. Serve an toast or in The P t d \i ,\t L and little daughters Stir and c o Laramie at the piano. Recitations yesterday it was your joy to celeb- ing present, the latter retut•rung to patty shells. were given 'by Elaine Beer, Billy 'Car- rate the twenty -filth an•nicersary of tiler home in Kincardine the dayI lice and Jean Ingram, followed ,by .a our wedding and at this time we de after Christmas. Eating. Canadian apples either cook - ,play, "Santa Claus Up-to-iDate." Dr. your to congratulate you on the hap Smillie !favored with a Nina) solo• pt. ,event and to extend to you our The Ferris Christmas gathering ed or raw is a help to health and also "The Holy ,City," and Mr. Carev 'best rendes for years to come, of was held on Christmas Day at the to the Canadian frni'tgrotver. dys Luker Joynt sang "Danny Boy." Miss Gla- which we hope there wil'1 the many. of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bali, all 1 -- was accompanist. Misseswe.use this tccasion not only to the family in these parts being pres- There is 110 fruit richer in vitamin l Ruth Brook and !Kay Drysdale played mark this eventful day of your weld- len Mr Cliff Ball of Windsor, and mineral content than the Can- a l Bob duet e ass tt also b Can - and BoHess ,played a piano duet. A valuable work you do in connection Miss- Harkness spent Christmas,. ,a'd,ian apple. Auction Sale Of Household Effects at Mrs. Nel- son's, Victoria street, Seaforth, on Saturday, Jan. 11th, at 1 p.m. 1 extension table, 6 dining room chairs, 1 sideboard, 2 oak rockers, 3 odd rockers, 1 settee, 1 organ, 4 small tables, 1 oak library table, like new. Quebec cook stove, 1 heater, 1 small cook stove, 1 coal oil stove, 1 kitchen table, 1 glass cupboard,2 wash stands, 2 clocks, dishes, kitch- en utensils, 6 kitchen chair's, 2 conches, 4 bedroom suites, 4 mat- tresses, 4 sets of springs, quilts, blankets; sealers, crocks; lawn mower, shovels, garden tools, cross cut saw, bucksaw•, tools of all kinds. Numerous other articles. Terms cash, Mrs. James Nelson, proprietress. Harold Jackson, auctioneer. d t and !Miss Ruth Brook d blies 'but 1 to recognize the in ant, b in at the home of her and (Carey IIJoynt, Refreshments men Lare, for the splendid at fait r ,period f lk: d directed t y h of c n holidaying the s,s. Captain Seemed, is spending his holidays with his fantfly. lir. 13111 Campbell, also of the Cap- tain Secord, is holidaying with itis parents. Corporal and Mrs. Ferg Bullard, Betty and Jack, Mr. John Bullard and Mr. John Armstrong of Kintore, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett, Mona and Billie, Mr. and Mrs, Peter McCowan, Bobby and Jackie, NIr. Melvin Mer- riam and Mr, Bill Trewartha spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, George Eaton. Mr, Ken Bottles underwent an op• elation in Toronto hospital, and is doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Larry and Keith, spent, Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Lon Spai5ing 01 Gorrie. The Helping Hand, ' Mission Banti held there annual ineetiitg Saturday afternoon, Dec, 21. The meeting recreation o owe with the service praise in our o also opened by; singing hymn 53 and the Rev. R. A. Break. Nies. Ken Hidks gra atiou. We honor you, Mr. Mac- aunt, Mrs. and Mr. Wesley Beacom. WINTHROP Lord's pt'ayer in unison. The scrip- f h is were d faithful ft 1 _ ' A Happy New Year to All." tune reading taken from St. Matth. served at the close. leadership you have given the choir K�PPEN The euchre and dance held in the 2 1.12, was given by Reith McClure, Rev, Wm. Weir conducted 'ch, ,Os far so many years and we thank yam., hall last Thursday night was fairly in Carmel Presbyterian ,Church on ,Mrs. MacLaren, for the fine cantrtbu- Mrs, Susan Workman and son Orv. and Mrs. Smith offered prayer. The Sunday and ,delivered a ,very inspiring tion you 'make through your talents. ills Workman spent Christmas with well attended. The prize winners offering was received and the offers sermon at the morning {Service on And naw we ask you to accept from Mr. and Mrs. Ed Daley of Walkerton. I were, ladies, most games, Mrs, Jack ory response sung. Mrs. Toll told the the,text, `"Ye Must Be Born Again." our hands these slight tokens of our i M James McClYmont Staples. Lone hands, Mrs. Joseph stm'Y, Bhika the Bhil boy. Hymn 593 The choir sang Therefore s. W 'i11gI 1\Sac ren, ',One we ' - es for you m all things," r, a , visiting ng w ern Thought" soloist, Miss Irene 'Laren has been choir leader of Car- •Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Wright of lance, ars as follows: Pres„ Alice Byenman, •eta' ELMER D. BELL, B.A Barrister & Solicitor SEAFORTH. TEL. 178 Attendance in Brussels Wednesday and Saturday MCLONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build, ing, Seaforth. Office hours:- 05sdac, thursday and Saturday 1:311 n.m, to 5-p,nt. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 P. m, Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and implements At Lot 17, Con. 1, Stanley Town ship, on No, 4 highway, i anile north of Brucefteld, on Tuesday, January 7111 at 1 p.m, 1 Clyde mare, 6 years old; 1 Clyde gelding rising 3 years, 1 tears horses, general purpose; 1 Beritsitire hag; 100 Leghorn pullets. Implements -1 disc, 1 binder, 1 seed drill, 13 run, Massey Harris; 1 9-f 1. roller, 1 Massey Harris mower, six foot cut; 1 wagon, new; 1 hay- rack; 1 set harrows; 1 gravel box; 1 set sleighs with bunks; 1 set scales, 1000 pounds; 1 pig crate; 1 Viking cream separator, nearly new; 1 fan- ning mill; 1 buggy; 1 corn cutting box; 1 evaporator; 150-11. hayfork ropes and ca' and hayfork; 1 cutter; 1 drag saw; 1 root pulper, Massey Harris; Cockshutt hand scuffle•. newly new; numerous other articles. 1 mow timothy hay. 1 set harness, nearly new, 150 bus. nixed grain. 50 bus. crushed grain. Terns cash. John Aikenhead, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. esteem, ,\lay they ever remind you of Mr'• and Mrs. Dolmage. Men, most games, Mr. Aus- was sung. Mrs. Toll then. conducted this happy time and of our ,best wish- have spent the past week in London tin Dolmage. Lone hands, Guy Dor- the election and installation of offlG Mac- fth relatives. Give Thamkasoloist Sweetly and ^O $ etly Sia1 1 \I V i t3 21% arth. mel Church for the ,past fifteen years Schumacher visited during the The prize winner for the euchre vice pres„ IofllC1 Currie, seen Y Rev. R A. Brook conducted ser- and although taken by sunprise made held on the 12th of December were: ' holidays with Mr. and Betty Ni:ontgomery, treasurer, Gord- anthems. silver dish and Mr. Jas, Mus- Mr. Wm. Moore, who has been to Joseph Ernie Toll. their. regular meet - vices in the United Church on ,Sunday e ,ver fitting reply. ipeesirs. J• W. Bron- Christmas o Ladies, most games, Mrs. Little. and ,the dhoir rendered two 'beautiful y on Settles, pianist, Edith Blanchard• tiros made the Ipreseiitatcon of the Mrs. James Wright. Lone hands, Mrs. Joseph Dolmage. The W. A. and W. M. S. of Cavan t d •Jrelish drs,She coffee RennieebIc Ingersoll for the past few weeks, Men, most games, Church will hold g fine sermon Sunday norm g blr anti lairs S. G. th week end at its home in g 1Rev. A. ,M., Hunt delivered a very n+ at the ar r. resented'!and ngerso spent the Lone hands, Mr. McClure, in at the home of Mrs. Robert Mac - regular service in St. ,Paul's Anglican family spent 'Christmas with the for- A (lance will be held in the hall Faslane, on Wednesday afternoon, Church, metes brother-in-law and •sister, ,Mr. Kippen. this Friday night, Music by At•thurs •laza• 8 at 2 p.m. All ladies ate cord - Mr. N. E. ICodk is having an up -to- and Mrs. Howard Harris. Mr. Robert Jarrott is enjoying a orchestra of Wingham, date oil Iblurner installed in 'his dwell- ,Miss !Gwendolyn Britten of Dublin week's holiday in London and Ham- ially invited to be present to begin ing on Main street. is visiting at the (tome of her ,grand- Ilton; Mr. William Montgomery and Mr. Andrew Montgomery spent a few the new Year: holidays with their parents Mr. and An epidemic of chicken ,pox and mother, [Mrs. Hannah Wodkinan. whooping cough is prevalent among otic 'J' B. Forrest returned 'home the Chibdren in the village. after a very ,pleasant visit with •rela- Miss Joyce Stimson of Toronto vis- twee in Pontiac and other ,places in ited recently with her mother, .Mfrs, ,yfichfgan. A. Scruton and sister, Mrs. Peter L. tMcNa,ceghton, \Miss Grace_IBrook of London is tui- STANLEY sitinig,at the home of ,her mother, Mrs. 1 Members of the Allan family cele - ,George 'Brook. • brated Christmas at the home of M r. B•eginnin:g ,with the New Year the and Mrs. G. B. Westlake. stores will Ibe closed on Tuesday I Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Steckle held a nights until the spring months. family reunion oo Christmas day, Mrs. Russell Lave ,and son of Owe en Sound 'spent the ,C'hristmas boli- with all members of the family days with her 'parents, Me. and Mrs, present. J R McDonald, ! Mr, George Campbell and daughter !Mr, sand .Mrs. 'J. D. Stewart of Ki'ppcn have moved 'to the village far Mary were in Goderich on Thursday. the winter rcnanth•s Mr. and Mrs, Fred Turner of Gode- IMajor S. ,Barbour and Mrs, Beare rich, wltn spent Christmas at Blake, 'baler 'of 'St Hyacinthe, 'Que., sipent returned home with them, • !Christmas with her. 'parents, Mr and Mr. Orval Stephenson enson i and sister, 'Mrs, Penes Hogigarth. Mrs. A: Wylie, of Marlette, Michigan, and and Mrs, tCdarence Recd- of sent. the week end with their uncles London. !visited on Christmas with p Mr, Andreiy McKenzie of Knox College, Toronto, visited last week with his brother, Wnt. 3. McKenzie. Miss Etta Jarrott of Toronto is visiting with. her mother, Mrs, K. Jarrott• Miss Hazel Thomson_ of Parry Scimd, Miss Dorothy Thompson of Toronto, Miss Myrtle Thompson of London and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Priestup of Mitchell spent Christmas with their parents, Mt'. and Mrs, Ro- bert Thomson, Mr, and Mrs. Webster McNaughton of Picton spent last week with Mr, and Mrs. John McNaughton. Miss Beatrice Brown visited last week with friends in Clinton. Mr. Daviel -J. Stephenson and Mr Ralph Stephenson, of Varna. n Mrs. John 'Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell of Toronto spent Christmas with Mrs. James Campbell. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Little spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geddes of Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Papple spent Christmas with Mr: and Mrs, Thomas Pryce. , Miss Evelyn Campbell of Termite is speeding a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Corn bell Mr. John. Shannon, Mrs. Chambers Raymond and Wilbur and Mr. Thos.' Shannon spent Christmas with" Mr. and Mrs, Sol Shannon. Mie John _Gillies, chief engineer "of; IF THE NAZIS TAKE TO GAS A pump filter has been specially designed by a London firm for puri- fying tainted water in the event of the Nazis using poison gas in future air raids. It is a simple instrument, not much heavier than a garden syringe, -yet the cylinder of activated charcoal. through which the contaminated wat- er is pumped assures au adequate supply of clean water to people in air raid shelters, Portable pump filters of similar design are being regularly sent over- seas. They are equally valuable in securing to scientific anti prospect- ing missions a pure supply of water from streams or standing pools: GENERAL MAID Experienced preferred, wanted af- ter January let. Apply 201 Bridport Street, London, Ontario. HOUSE FOR RENT On Victoria street. Modern con. veniences. Ocoupled by Mr, 0. Bender, Apply to h:, L. Box. WANTED Custom butchering done. Cutting and sausages made. Also highest price paid for hides. Also beef for sale by the qt. Prices reasonable. J. A. Nichol, Brussels. Phone 90.23. FOR SALE 8 chunks, also 12 pigs nine weeks old. Reasonably priced. Apply to George Howatt, Blyth R. R. No. 1. ',hone 171-8, Blyth. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for 20 cords of hard wood, 24 inches long, will be received by the undersigned on or before Jan. 13, 1941. Alex Dennis, Walton, Ont., 1t.R,2, Sec,-Treas., S, S. No. 7, Mc- Killop. WANTED TO RENT Place with from 15 to 25 acres of land sufficiently equipped for poultry. Give full particulars first letter. Ap- ply at News Offlce, BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, often after first dose. RUMACAPS two- way action attacks the cause, re- lieves the pain. McKindsey's Drug Store. WANTED t Colony house wanted. 10'x12' in good repair, Apply at The News. office, PIGS FOR SALE A number of York cbunlcs, eleven weeks old, also nine pigs ready to wean, Apply to James Landsborough, telephone 6651,16. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- i ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All - risks placed+ in first class companies. , Information cheerfully' given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE ' AGENCIES