HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-02, Page 9THURSD y, JANUARY 2, 1941 NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL JANUARY 2 TO JAN'Y 8TH FRY'S COCOA 1/2 lb. tin 19c SUNLIGHT SOAP, 5c bars -10 bars 49 HILLCREST PURE LARi1 b, prints 10c AYLMER IRISH STEW2 15 -oz. tins 2-'j c SAIR PITTED DATES 2 lbs. 35c St. Williams Seville Orange MARMALADE 2 Ib. jar 25c Lul':r'F�l .ratl,IgnFlilF1:PA0- '•t,egmex�l Wishing you a Happy New Year, and may it bring to you and yours an over- flowing measure of Health, f $appi ness and Success. .sxtfcc —+ C r;o0Ati►"a%C " 'e-1,.rc TIe ( Electro Theto6�f!",(' Hours PQobr P -a, T; noons 7.. ei / alipoid FOOT CORRECTTtca by manipulation—Sun-Pak treatment. ?,rrra t Phone 227. ----Pryce PHONE 8 PHONE 77 FARMERS ICE SPECIAL RADIO SERV Have your i i1Io set restored to original performance by a num with 12 years' experience, Call LORNE Et.ttLAWSON Radio R. R. 1, Clinton Phone 841-23 Seaforth All types of BURGESS Batteries and EXID'E STORAGE Batteries, Delivered and Installed FREE. Trade allowance oracle 00 old ones. NOIVIINATIONS Conrintied Prun, t'nec (Inc Morris Three mmmin,ttioes were received for the reeveship of Morris twp. at Monday's nomination. The present reeve, Frank Dnnean, and W. J. Hen- derson and Robert 'Wallace. For coun- cil, R. Gawley, Robert J. McMurray Frank Shaw, James Micltie, James Bryaus, Cecil Wheeler, Charles Coulter and Harvey Johnston. Those elected will be given a two-year term. TUCKERSMITH •ri-ii SEIAlfUltTli N.i wS TOWN TOPICS MARRIED AT CHICAGO BRUCEFiELD Mies Janet. PAGE FIVE M1 Mary Scott daughter of Death of Mrs. Thos. Campbell.— Mrs. R, L. Coates is spending tt Mr, and Mrs. George H. Scott, or 716 'death occurred pt Friday, Campbell.— few weeks in Piclterhig with her sun, B. .f9uclicl Avenue, Oak Park (Chi- Dec. .27th at her home on the third Mr. G. 3'. Coates and fancily. sago), and granddaughter of Mrs, conces;ior( oI ita•nl'ey. township. of Mr. and Mis, W. H. Pollard of Seb- George B. Scott, also of 716 S. Euclid Mary sionJohnston, wife of •tine late Thos. ringvillo spent tate holidays with avenue, and formerly of Seaforth, 'Campbell. The deceased was in ,her his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Po11' became the bride of Howard Warren Can year, a 'daughter of the late aid, North Main street, Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Alexander Johnstontand Rebecca Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kerslake and Ahrensfeld, 431 S. East avenue, in a Ax and born on her father's Mr, and Mrs. Howard Purdy and ceremony at eight o'clock Monday Reid, on wasorn road, lath, is little daughter Anne of Toronto were evening in the Euclid avenue Method- farmJune, n the She married d, tae Thos. Christmas guests of Mrs. W. E• ist Church. A Christmas setting form- June, 1071 .t She mn ri years ago and Kerslake. I ed the background for the nuptials, Campbell time -las resided d Mr. Joe Eckert, who spent Christ -with bouquets of calla lilies arranged thirdsithathatetimn of Stanley. ons late mss with his family here, has re-!, before pine and evergreen. The trees husband predeceased of heranfive years tinned to Pleton, 1 were artistically draped in silver and usShe is survived !by one daughter, Mr. and ;Mrs. Ruskin G. Keys and lighted with blue flood lights. The ago.ahe ISive on to homestead.ughter litele son 'haere returned to Windsor bride was given away by her father Mrs. Victor TayloroMorley, ea alter ,visiting their parents, ID4r. and and attended by her sister, Miss Lois and Arnold Taylor, and three sisters, Mrs. Nelson Keys. ' Ann Scott. The bride was attiredinMrs. Robinson- Woods of ,St. Helens. Mr, and Mrs, Secord Mc.Brien and a beige crepe suit and beige hat with rs. Robinson- Metcalf, London, and family of Hutliett, and 'Mr. and u\irs, which she wore a brown veil, Her Mrs, Elizabeth Johnston,tcalf, Ln, a d Walker Camille and ,family of Hensall flowers were orchid. The attendant ,Misurvive, Two brothers, IJelL and •spent New (Years day with Mr. and wore a dusty pink crepe gown, Samuel, predeceasedeher. The Eunnd er- M'rs, JIames Latds"boro. Slade Austin of Woodstock was al was herd from United Alastair Wigg, R C A:'F., Si. Tho- best man and ushers were Robert ,was at ?U the Monday, Church,, mss, was a holiday visitor at his Ahrensfeld, Frank Schuster, John 30th. The pastor, Rev. H. R, Wright,De home. Simerlin and John Edwards. Rev. C. officiated. The deceased had been a Mr, and ars. Patterson of Bramp- E. Diercks read the service and Mrs. valued,d. Ther e ased had United eats, ton :lpeot the holidays with her par- William Snaith played the organ, and (Church. pallbearers the MI - MI'. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Scott, Mrs. William Wright sang 0 Promise huch. The pallbearers ers were Ghet101- Mr. and fairs, IWillocks of Ripley Me. The reception was given for mediateer Ilioffat, John A. 1\ Gilmour. were New Years visitors with tlir. 75 guests in the church parlors, Geo.WBaird, etotJohn A. John Pop- and Mrs. A. D. Armstrong. where the bride's mother received in Mrs. ,Henry Hagbarth spent Christ- a dark blue crepe caress with dew- Per' Miss bone Snider of London. Miss Inas with her sister, Sirs. John Atkin- berry hat. The couple will be at home Blearier Snider and Alis Kathleen son, at Clinton. in Kansas City, Missouri. after De- Nlearider of Gderrian and Nor. thleen Miss Isabel Robiusou of Toronto eembsr the 28th. The bride attended Snider of 'Trenton canal i'. Melvin Bible College is spending the ]coli- the Oak Park High School and Me- with their parents, lit and Mrs, istmas days with her parents. Mr, and Murry College. The groom attend- John Shidrr, Mrs, Thos. Robinson, ed the Oak Park high school, the Mr. and Mrs. T. Dunlop and Mr. Miss Jean Watson, R.N.. of Strat- University of Illinois and was grad- Hurry d Mr visited during the ford, is spending a fete days at the natal from the Tri-State university Hurry with Mrs. sit d tenIngy and hone of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. in aeronautical engineering. hot and with Ross Scott. John S. Watson. Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Martin of STAFFA Mr, and Mrs. Frank Folby and Mr, moved to a dairy faint near Englehart uncle Mr. John Martin and visited on Friday withtheir Air, Ma and 'Sirs. I', ()'I,ttcn srrent the London lust Thursday. and Mrs, Hnglr NleLnchlau, fiftieth anniversary ,,f their wedding Mr. Wilfrid Aikenitead bus eu- Mrs. T. Richardson and daughter quietly at their home here ,u1 Tuve- listed. Mrs, McIntosh and two sons. Ronald day last. They had unite a number of lits. Ctrr•utan ilaugh. Marlene and and Eric McIntosh, spelt. the Christ- callers throughout the day to extend Peter, and Miss Alargaret Dttncatl utas holidays with the former's sister cangratatlatiens and they were the re- and Mr. Jim Eckel of Toronto spent . I cipients of man} "gMrs. On account of the week end with Mr. and •s. C.atGuelph. Mr. Andrew Little left on Saturday. sickness in the fancily only two t.f Haugh. to spend the winter at Brantford their children were present, Dr. J. H.. Sympathy 5 extended to Mr. and with his son, Mr, W. H. Little. " of ,out the ,end who clterd not bho e es here, death\or lean, Taylor and family a tlyrInNthie s. Miss Phyllis MaeLaren of Cromarty spent the week end with her grand- with the others, presented their par- Thomas Campbell, also to Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs, MaeLaren. !cuts with a well -titled parse. Campbell's sisters and other r elat- Miss Margaret M. Dundas of 001-i bliss Ila Drown of Kitchener Hos- ives, Mrs. Campbell passed away Fri• umbos, Ohio, spent Christmas with (pied with her mother, Mrs. Thomas day night. Funeral was held from the her mother, Mr's. W. A. Dundas. I Drawn; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Drown of United Church Monday afternoon. Mr, Robert A. Dundas, Toronto, 'London and Mr. and lairs. Nelson Mrs. T. Berry, Hensall. and Mr. spent a few holidays with his Postal of Stratford and 'Private John mother, Mrs. W. A. Dundas. i Drown of Hamilton with their moth - Mrs, Minnie Mercer of Toronto cr, NIrs. Thomas Drown. spent a few days visiting her sister 'Misses Ida and Florence Cooper of Mrs. David Boyd, McKillop, and Seaforth, with their sister, Mrs. F. other friends. eanvbly, Miss Mary Reid of London spent t\ir. and Mrs, 1-Ianvey Leslie visited Christmas with her parents, Mr. and in Toronto with her parents, Dfr, and Mrs. Wm. Reid. Mrs, Reid and Mary MrsH. Halliday. left Monday for Hamilton to visit her ;me, Air. and Mrs. Robert Reid, for the holiday. Dr. Reid Edmunds of Brantford visited his mother on Christmas day. TWO PRAYERS AT NEW YEAR'S Dedicated to Their MaJesti ti,our well -beloved King George I and Queen Elizabeth, in grateful mitmory of their visit to Canada. t\t AN EMPIRE KNEELING O Lord, another year has gone And still the war drum beats— Grant us, 0 Christ, the courage, high, That dames in London streets. O Son of Mary' and Thy Saints, We humbly call to Thee To arm and guard our fighting men— On land, in sky and eea. Jehovah, God of Israel, Thy chosen ones implore That Thou wilt be their God of Hosts Amid the battle's roar. And we, who name Thee other Names— At other altars bow— Our millions pray in many tongues, God keep our Empire now. Our noble allies, Lord, uphold Throughout the Hitler aright; And may their Spartan spirit, fine, Inspire our Empire's might. a And we at home in lesser ways, Whate'er our tasks may be— God make us kind and strong and brave To strive for Victory. God save our King—our statesmen guide. As we rededicate our lands To Thee and righteousness. Amen. Misses Rhea ]toss and Peer] Ross or IlaniiltOA spent Christmas with their mother Mrs. E. Ross, Air; and Mrs, Lorne Pepper of Niagara Falls with Mr. and Mrs, James Hay. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Powell and dau- ghter of Kitchener. Mr. Robert Pow- ell and Mr. Arthur Powell with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Pnllnattn, An epidemic of chicken pox is in the vicinity, The January Meeting of the Tuck- ersntith Ladies' ('lub will be held at the home of Mrs. William Rogerson on Janum•y 8th. Group 2 will be in charge of the nteetiitg and the roll call is to be ahsw.et•ed with a New Year's resolution. "I'tn tired cooking for you; you do nothing but find fault." "Let's dine at a restaurant, then —that'll give you a chance." Send era the names of ycser visitors. C A. Norris of Toronto and Norval Norris of Kitchener and .Le and 11rs. A. (Sliced and family of I\fiteltell spent Christmas with IDIr. and Mrs. \.I\%,' Norris Nlr. ,and Mrs Jack Edmunds of Mit- air. and Mrs,A. -Jeffery and ;we n- shell anis Mr. and Mrs. Frani: Kling ear •and Id \Viltiam dadk•r ti.l1'l and Marilyn also spent the clay with Mrs. Edmunds. Mrs. K. Shannon. sister of Mr. George Coleman, came last week from Stanley township, where she was staying with her niece, Mrs. Fred Manyntottt, and in spending ciie Winter here. Rev. H. C. Elford aucl wile of Itingstoit, Michigan. visited Rev. tied Mrs. Janes Elford over the holi- day. Rev. H. 0, Elford was :the speaker at the evening service last Sunday at the Egmondville United Church, Ahs. W. G. Edmunds left Monday to visit her daughter and son -hu -law, 04 SEASON'S GREETINGS JOHN BACH MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Dealer for 1"FI.C, Machines & Repair Parts Ottawa. Der. 22, 1940, TRANQUIL DAYS IN 0 I:orcl, tine Old year is 110 more, Its sullied page is turned; \\'itlt flying fool the entities, The dear dead year has spurned. The passing bell of midnight peals, \\'ith humble hearts we hear The clanging tongues ring wide the stews The birth of another year. No survey of our faltering, No memory of each fall Will cancel their unworthiness: They have passed beyond recall. and 9115. Harold Jackson Mf Turkel•^ Again, we gird our armour on, smith visited with Nits. Jas. Berry Intent our fight to win In this clean, unlived twelvemonth, new, That Time has ushered in. on Sunday. with AIT, and ;Mrs. A. Earl ni \\'llateu, talc s Isabel- Drake •of Kitchener with. her parents, .\ir and Mrs. K. Drake. •Archie Ht -earth of Western t'nic- er.ity. London. Ball his parents, dr. and Mrs. R Hogarth. tat. W. Thompson was. 0 Detroit visitor. • \liss Audrey Dinnio of r\\'hoatley. Albert Diunen of (;alt, Arthur Dinned of Toronto University. Harry of Guelph, spent the holiday season with their parents. tllr. and Airs. \\•m. Dinnin, Rev. W. E. and Mr-•. Ahlwoetit and keit visited in Windsor with Dr, and Mrs. L. Curtis, at Lindsey. \ldworties parents, dale, an,l airs. J. Miss Ina Gray attended the funeral Pryde, of her uncle, Mr. Gray, whose death _,—------ ocrurted in Toronto on Dec. 25. Aliee Mary Kling, R,N., of Hamil- ton is spending Friday and Seth -relay with Air, and Airs. W. D. Manson. RILEY-GLIDD O N A quiet Wedding was Solemnized 00 Thursday afternoon, December 26th. at the F,gmondville manse, when Cora Violet Irene Gliddoii, daughter of air. and tabs. Chester G1idd ul Blyth, be- came the bride of Frederick Charles Riley,,Constance, son of \dr, and all•;, 'Charles W. Riley, Ret, A. W.,Gard- iner conducted 'Mae ceremony. The iride was (becomingly attired in teal Ihtue with neat-ehin.g accessories and wore a corsage of roses. The rauple were attended by Miss Pearl Glidden, Seaforth, and Bernard '\V, Rttey, of Constance. Mr. and /Mrs. Riley will reside in Sea'foeth, BORN COOPER—In Irlibheet Township, on Sunday, Dee. 22, 1940, to Mr, and Mrs. Orval Cooper, a daughter, (Clara Marlene). MANLEY 'So, with Thy 'kindly aid, 0 God, Messrs. James and Vineent Eckert, We face the coming days, the former from Brooklyn, New And trust that in the paths of right York, and the latter front Weston, Thine arm wilt guide our ways, spent their vacation with their hm'ity, ChristianiaChristianof k lac pui'- eats, Dar. and Mrs, Peter Pckal't, From have returned to re ., their ,tudies From all these potty thought itole sins— Order word.e t l in their colleges of the ...'ntchasion FrThe tt'of Deliver us, 0 Lord. Amin: Order and theBasilnul Order. Mar. curd Mrs. 'l9um McKay. anus'- Guelph. Dec. 21, 1901!. punned by Their son Pte. Fergus Nle. r,, Kay and his family motored to Galt a. RUPERT ItROADFOOT, K.C. to visit their sous clement trod Ger- ; ---._-__-.� , all wbe are employed there. i A grey-haired chap got talking about ages. and he said he was only 28. "Blimps'!" said his friend, "What makes you look so old?" "Trying to keep young, • he replied. Eh?, "Yes --eight of them." "How do you afford such long holidays?" "Easy. One month on the sands and 11 months on the rocks." Send us the names of yoittr" v'isitons. linYear's Daoce Sponsored by the Lathes' Sodality in Dublin THURSDAY, JAN. 2 MUSIC 13Y ADAM BROCK Admission 40c and 35c DANCE!! in Winthrop Hall FRIDAY EVENING JAN. 3RD Arthur's 5 Piece Orchestra LUNCH SERVED ADMISSION 35c BAYFIELD Our selruol meeting Millie off quiet - 11 r. 1 \ kin. ,n remitted horn ly last Thursday with the ..ad boar*r ms.,.:ay lr_.ul , e mine Christmas in still in office, Messrs. Albert Siemon, liters,:!. Julut Deli% and John A. Eckert. Thos. nt ,lrn 1 l'tn•,1rrt� ,rtcbmer spent Christ - \I i. t. i'arkrr of London spent Murray was appointed caretaker. Word was received here of the Chrisnnas ttith itis q,arrrits, \Ir:. and death of Charles Switzer in Mild. Al J, Parker. • may at the age of 98 years and 'i 'Mrs. i \L L,ec d, 1) nnic and PIste mouths, after an illness of two arc arch -]nettling the n t eri'.tnets holiday weeks. I-1 teas been iu Aibaln C.T, traiin Det aucl :•cute to Canada with his parents r,t h r. 1 c guson is :Speeding and ttl' 1 iu R'uterhu, county he holiday season with his sister. where he was educated and i t l y d tool Ill Mi. . Nora 1' erstm•se ei the teaching Profession tutu taught tiehool L'oard1was held tinthecrscl ao sc•hnul. in 51. 1;. No. 8 }u the Clays last 'I'hw d•d}-. .air 1. �I'case, w•'hn has when it was the log ;wheal built 'u ,lpi•u n the 'hoard Iris• the past. -7 the hush and lived with his ..tarn :car: tt i nee 001114to ill heslth Airs. Henry Kt•cutskopf, who prede- and lair. '1f Westlake was elected in censecl hint uialiy years ago. He nes bit l'1 lael;aclieid Red Cross held a three nephews , John and (iein'ge roc}ue cud lanes is the town hall on Krauskopf of Dublin, and (Shuttle 1 htrrsd tt cvcnin�.. The wxnnets fa' Kra uskopf of California, and ono euchre, l e werad s. eat It-ro \V niece, NIrs. Itsgerie, also M ('all fin vei;cnt.rrtr tt ]. a(tl Ittvidsnu; fornia, He is also survived by ,hret ntol:uiult, i d.li_ b: nota: Don sons and live daughters. He iangbl itizr, 11 n, Heard. Draw for bog of. school in 1lartielc Township 1 al hoi„]ttes, \brs. Geo. 1llion. She and took up residence hl Mildmay had it auctioned Mai' he Lindsay and . was appointed manager of the , nought it in • F. from10. Port • Acut lbet:t. Bell 'telephone Co.,n years ago. IIs etas Houle to Pte, Alt Scotilnner. also ran 11 coutcy1lteer's s-411 ialrs.'i Grah•tm reading the atbdress; while leis two slaughters Mary and l_ a a alt to 11 \. C Cuss Clad . ata Emily at home, still conduct the ei1d Hayfield tbov. Owingto serious business. Ills wife predeceased bim ahleslo hte pr,'alle r J'ohmon was. tm many Years ago. Out of an attend- a'i.tt,a, in 13,viielcl (luting Chi, only two of his pupils remain Inti t • member hint, Mr. Matt Murray of 1'owlie V. ante and family and Iowa and Mr. Con. Eckert of Seaforth, et, 1raP:IvalDcv'a Mr'Coronto,Irat Bhor __Murray home salt s L,. Elliott, Detroit, ale. and Jit \T. (Miller and Rosemary, of ST. COLUMBAN IS'ht, Clemens, at ,Mrs, fan' E,lliatt's; Miss Mary McGrath, Torouto, Mrs, 7Ir, and airs Raba taSicicllttoaa •aI Rafferty, Brantford Mr. anti Flensall at \1ts.'-N•'W. Woods. ante of sixty at the school here, utak 11 10 '1.. 1 iIme, it ain to re 1 \f i o ebI r /u, ch at I\'I tses Dan — -- Mrs. Chas. Scmittendorf, of Buffalo, A bus was crossing over Wostmire spent the Christmas holiday with ster Bridge. One of the passengers their mother, Mrs, Peter 1:3, Mc- an American, gazed out of the win Grath, and IVir. and Mrs. Angus dow at the Thames with great sccrli Kennedy. "Say, 5o," he said to the 'conduc Indies Marion .McIver, nurse in train tor, "what's that little stream over ing at St. 'Josephs Hospital, 'Chatlr there?" t 0111, attended the ortna d 1 d' tiara and first With well -reigned. ooi,cera, the. alae radiator mast be leakin' aga' a mass roE her brother, Father iTohn'Me- nductor answered: "Well, clam11! Iver,