HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1941-01-02, Page 4PAGE TWO TIIE S AFORTI NEWS Young I honour of broadcast _. p!totograp don Cart has beer Propo Sri iv. I)ey 015 to i1C sI at tt e I said to a man who stood at the gate of the year, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown,' and he replied, 'Go out into the dark- ness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than a light and safer than a known way!' This quotation was written by Miss c\1. Louise Haskins and was used in world-wide radio address by His - Majesty, King George Vl. from Eng- land, Christmas Day, 1939, fits hricfp � .. scar wi i1' e. HE 5i:,M:clE'rii Ni:\\'S Snowdon Bros., Publishers (40 WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Bert Anderson and r and Mrs. Earl Mills and family ant Christmas Day with Mr. and John Mills at Blyth, and Mrs. W. E. Manning and `.ers Gail and Jane, of Landes• -sited with Mr. and Mrs. B. a, on Priday of last week. Coutts of Preston spent the with his parents, Mr. and /sew Coutts. 1d Mrs. James McDonald and Mrs. Andrew Knight and Laura and Miss 3. A. Bolger istmas day in Seaforth at of Mr. and Ml's. James pent Christmas in Te - 1 d Norma Stela of witl,•Y•ft heir ' his tglt H ACTtK son. F. C1ay- Ftitiays at Pati, Petr -onto spent the tofal. th her par - Dundas in Sixteen ladies were present at the December meeting of the W, M. S. The society agreed to buy -World Friends" for the mission band. Hynut nS was followed by prayer offered by Mrs. 1lroadfoot. An item on the tem- perance campaign to be -started at the beginning of the year was read by Mrs. Bryans. The Sth of Morris groat) presented. the Chr•istntas topic and duets were sting by Mrs, Lawson Kearney and Mrs. Harvey Johnston. Toted Mrs. M. rte Cosby Granton. Total and Mrs. at 'On and Max - dolt. Total Ope.• \''' nc. to11 of holiday Tefe1 in ClM-r. and and Deficit which ole, by Donations DUBLIN Mrs. Simpson and daughter re- t urned 'e•turned after spending Christmas with her parents in Toronto. Mrs. Gar Smith returned to Lond- on hospital for treatment. Mrs. Hamilton of Windsor with friends, Mrs. ('tate McGuiggan at her home 111 \WoodstOelt. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds of Detroit and Joseph Carpenter of Chatham with Mh'. and Mrs. Joseph t'upenter. Miss Florence. Smith with friends in Galshill. Mrs. Alex Darling with Strut ford ['tends. Miss Katie O'Connell of Loudon spelil ('1111.1nrts at the home of her sist ors. Nominations for trustees of the vill- age of Dublin were held Monday. Dec. 311, when 1\irs. Anna Looby. John Darling and Dan Costello w'e're elected by acclamation. A Vote of thanks was given .Airs. Looby for her work. In a short speech- site thanked lite other trustees and the Hydro commission for their en - At the 1iibbe.rt township noutiine tion all councillors and the reeve were returned by acclamation. 'Miss' Katherine l.)'itourkc spent her vacation with her sister in Zurich. '11r,..May. an old resident of Dub- :. .'.'r many y'c_er+. .1i011 111 Strat ford 101(11al on Sunday and teas buried in radon on Tuesday. Mr. and IN -Ds. Dan Williams spent 'Inlay at the 1101111 of Mr. and Mr-. F. A..NlttSt tan, Seaforth. ND-. and Mrs. I\\alter Blonde of Chatham. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. 'C'ouliu elf ;mean, spent Christmas .11 the lanae koi llr. aril 'birs. John I\Ictlrath.. 'Mr and Mrs. Feng Reynolds return- -0i to their home in Detroit 111 Sun lay after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carpenter. Ann and 'Jack IRyan spent Christ - n0 at the home of their sister. 'Mrs. o, E•vans of C,oderich, Mr. William Jordan is quite ill. We are sorry to hear Miss Maty ale is i11 again in Scott Memorial lospital, Seaforth. _ kMr. Edward Molyneanx of Mont - al, Quebec. spent Christmas at the ne of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moly- Lex.. • Gen McCarthy and Mt'. Thos, `c, Toronto were Christmas tient home. ,-caret O'Loughlin and ncl son Prank spent THIS SIh friends in Dublin. s. S. Griffin of Godei'icb, Harold Smucic of Kitch- Chrfstmas at the home :VD's. Thos. Molyneanx. Misses Fera and Genevieve Feeney of Toronto visited with their mother. Rev. Father Jordan of Imlay City spent the week end with his mother Mrs, Teresa Jordan. Mr. John E. Molyneaux of O.E.C., Toronto, is visiting with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hallman, Mr, and Mrs, Ferg Reynolds of Detroit were Christmas visitors, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCormick and fancily spent the ween end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Iirauskopf, CONSTANCE The Young People of Constance are putting on the play Windy Wil- lows hi the Forester's Hall, Cons- tance, on Friday evening, Jan. 3011, the proceeds to go to the Red Cross. Conte and enjoy yourself and help along a worthy cause. Those who held family fatherings at Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dexter, Mr, and Mrs. George Leitch. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson. Mr. and blrs. Nottingham. Mr. and Mrs, John Caries, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Steplten- sou and Mr. mtcl. Mrs. Howard Arm - Mr. and Mrs. (loss Mctlregur and family spent. Christmas with Mrs. Mc•Gregot•'s parents at Clifford. 11r. and Mrs. Wm. Britton and Mr. .Archie Hoggtn•th .spent Christmas at. the home of Rev. J. C. and bit's. Ib'i111111 of Inwood. Mrs. Britian spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Mina Wynne, of For- est. Miss Jean Anderson of Toronto visited at the home 01 her aunt and uncle. bit'. and Mrs. Oliver Andersml. Miss Elltel Dexter of Kitchener is spending a week's holiday at the house of her patents, Mr, and Mrs. Austin .Dexter. Mr. William Thompson watt able 10 he brought home from Scott Memor- ial Hospital on "Saturday. Mr. Thomp- son has been laid tip for 50010 time but his many friends hope for his full recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Franck: re- turned from thole holiday in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKellar 01 Sudbury were visitor's at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Carter and Mr. and Mr's. John Ferguson on Friday. The trustees of S.S. No, 1, Hallett, are Messrs. Robert Jamieson, Alvin Dale and Clarence Weldon, and sec.- treas., ec:treas., Mrs. Leo Stephenson. A quiet wedding took place on De- cember 26th when Cora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Chester Glicldmi, of Blyth, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Frederick Riley, sort of Mrs. Charles Riley of Cole -statlee: The marriage was performed by Rev. A .W. Gardiner in the manse at Egmondvilie. Miss Stella Armstrong of Sea - forth is spending the Christmas holi- days at her home here. Miss Olive Grimoldby of Winthrop spent Christmas with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs: Robert Grimoldby. Miss Jean Wakefield visited with friends. in Wroxeter 'over the Christ- mas holiday season. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Riley and fam- ily. lits. George Riley Sr. and NIt'. and Mrs. Joe Riley spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoggtu•th. bir, and Mrs. David Millson and son and Mrs. Thos. Pollard were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grimoldby. Mrs. Chas. Degeer of Saskatoon spent a few days with Mrs. Henry Colclough. Mrs. Leo Stephenson spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Logan of Blyth. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Armstrong were Mt', and. Mrs. Peter Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dale and son, Miss Edna Armstrong of McKillop, and Miss Stella Armstrong of Seaforth. ', r'' '1 Lk' 6 e it THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1941 THEATRE Seaforth NOW SHOWING Gene Raymond Wendy Barrie Cross Country Romance Added Western Featurette MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Penny Singleton - Arthur Lake "Blondie Has Servant Trouble" Warren William Joan Perry "Lone Wolf Strikes" Light hearted—light fingered, and a heavy burden to the baffled police NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Thos. Mitchell Priscilla Lane "Three Cheers For The Irish" Coming — "Saps at Sea" Nsarassmossameassamasassk COITIMI in1cati011 LONDESBORO The day of meeting of the 'Wom- an's Institute has been again changed from Jan. 3rd to Jan, 7111. lir. White. who was to speak on peace and international relationship. was not able to be presenton the 3rd, but will be on hand on Tnesday the 1'tlt of January. Roll c•nll, sug- gestions for peace a1 home. 111 rs. George Moon ]las charge of the music, Hostesses, Mrs. J. P. Mann- ing, Mrs. B. Brunsdon, Mrs. A. Wells and bit's. (Rev.) Menzies. Thu Red Cross will have their meeting the saute day and will begin at 2. o'eloclt sharp. Material for se10- ing or knitting will be there to be given out to those who wish it. - Mr. and Mrs. 1W, T. Ilruusdon. life long residents of Londeshoro, quiet- ly celebrated their fifty-sixth anniv- ersary of then' marriage on Sunday, Dec. 29th. Mr. Brunsdon is not at present enjoying the hest of health. \\'e are sorry to report the serious ililtess of Glenn Fairseryice, who has been working in Loudon most of the summer and fall. bis•. J. P. Manning took Glenn and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fairserviee, to Toronto on Monday for a serious operation on his brain. At time of writing nothing farther of his condition is 'mown. Mrs. James Howatt of Auburn is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. J. P. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Whitely, (lode - rich. Dr. and Mrs. L. Whitely. Gerrie, Miss 1-Ielen Yungblutt. London; and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mountain and Gladys spent Christmas Day at the hone of Robert Yungblutt. Mr. and M rs. C. Trophe, Chicago, spent a few days at Christmas with Miss B. Maths. Mrs. Menzies, organist and choir leader of the 'United Church, enter- tained the members of the choir on Friday evening when a very enjoy- able time, was spent together. Understanding Our Farm Problems Editor, The Seaforth News. Dear Sir, ---According 10 the admon- ition of King Solomon and the exper- ience of countless wise men since his time lye should be primarily interest- ed and occupied with acquiring wfs- 110-01 and understanding, 'We, as On- tario farm people, arc shortly to be ,,liven a unique opportunity to better understand our (problems in this com- plex, war torn and insecure world. 110 unung Jan. 21st at 9.00 p.m. there is going to he a series of farm broadcasts under the general heading Partners' 'Radio Forton, There will be 12 hroadcasts, one each week until the series is completed. (Mr. H. l-1, Hannam, who has Beard a recorded sample ,broadcast, writes as -follows: "It is exceptionally good, the chest thing of its kind I have ever heard. It seems to the that it is going to be so good that yttu cannot reconr- mend it too highly to your. people." In order that carat people can get .the most educational value out of these 'broadcasts, a movement is tieing launched to ,get listening groups est- ablished throughout the entire prov- ince. This movement was initiated by farm leaders that the 'provincial .gov- ernment is .giving financial assistance' to stake poseilble office facilities in Toronto, This Toronto office will give guidance to, and carry on correspon- dence with, 'the local listening groups. Ides Lennard Harman has been zips pointed provincial secretary and Id- oliice itt Toronto is located at .)d Duke street, 'There need he no definite size for a listening group, An 1. grey:cion of fifteen to thirty people is what could be easily accommodated in an average fartu home and would he a suitable size. The listening sones would re - tate their meetings among ntcnihet's of the group -who have radios -in their home:. 'What needs to he accomplished right away bef,ire these t•atttable f,t broadcasts :tet under z1- is for 111:1(11 - rnnonunitrmindecl pt'o,tle to call in a few of their neighbors, have an orti- ttnizatian sleeting anti elect necessary/ officers. The most important office would he secretary, to carry on some correspondence• with the 'Toronto tif fice. '.Here is an opportunity for its all to give support 10 11 nik,Vetnen1 that will be mutually -helpful to ourselves and our. neighbors. A-- farmers we have everything to maid and nothing to Io -e. by ,tg4re,siyely seppOrting anti promoting these lieten+n.: -grasps. yon who hare Ibsen interested cnouglt 1„ read this article thus far should take the initiative and call in year neigh- bors and form one of these listening clubs. 11 we are not seining and int- erested enough to put forth 'this little :hit of concerted effort for the welfare of 0110 industry, agriculture is indeed in a helpless state. (fur farm Ipapers are :1vorathle to the !,lea and no doubt will convey ge- neral information but for ,accrete, de- finite information an ong,IIiS.atl tl and the conducting of these listening grc.ntps, write the -1'or,rr,r' .tiice. The address is 31r. Leonard Hat mem file 1-1111:11 Secretary, Farm 1{a,1i, F.1t•tun, ry Uake Street, I',10out'. 11th u4lc the. writer time letin• its t limited 1 .hall 5111310 4)00 any listening ,group any assist,utce. I can. K. K. 1:\o'h.` ta'2i'. ISippt'o, Ont. The baby was being displayed to admiring callers. "Dear me!" exclaimed one visitor, who seemed to find it difficult to know what to say. "How like Ms father!' "0h, that only the wet weather," replied the young mothercrossly. "As a rule - lie's quite cheerful' looking." Send us the names of your visitors. a VARNA The next meeting of the Varna Red Cross will be held 011 Wednes- day, Jan, Sth, in the township HMor,lidtmayd v:Misristo, rBsi: j,Yybi�nr,iattutnrdg . lmil. .: voa oAfrst.heL CChhruitsetrmaesntderalyalned their fronmn1s ees, tle daughter• of Setert(1 .,Plour nml Chr+stutati day with tht torment, with mother. Pte. Harold Elliott of he L. lis eiscr Stratford, and Alvin Ellin, of Jq Ctttt- chener, spent Christmas 1 the pltLnrge ental home. larger Mr, and birs. Wildfoug ,trd fanatti any. of Hay spent Christmas loth rite 1' 1not}t- ter's parents, Mr. and birs. Utaeetlr pig - Mr. and Mrs. Ifarold Elliott of hewers, troll. Mr. and Mrs. Bttil of (t [tit mit spent Sunday with tit" 1a ''t; poi•ic mother Mrs. Mossop. t a to a. Master lttrui„ c'L•uk 0t'ig..'1 1011s the, guest Inst week of hh grim +' par, nt.•., SIr. and 'Mrs. ( ('lark. Mr. and Mrs, 0. 11. l Daily :niter. 4 Mined two ah' tome moo at their name 1tnrday :11t_ht. Mrs. Mos -op spent i'hthttuas in Ilaytt,del with herr sister, Mrs. Dewar. 31r. 1'. 1'. Pilgrim Sr. lir. i', Pil- grim Jr. aril Airs. i'ilgrim and hilly spent 1'hri..tmas with the toOlt1''r's daughter lu Clinton. Mrs. \\ohlt of Ripley i,as reit/111E41 hutu,' after spending a weer: with. her dt119111, 0 Mrs. 0. II. Beatty. ht many people there exists 0 de- sire t„ establish contact with ,fbciats ire uniform. So you can understand what prowpt ed a stattll 101111 o11 a great 11111,1 to tlppruudt on., of the officers he encountered o11 deck. He walked lip to the uflieer importantly and, with $pbdced exeitenteut, show- ed hint 11 bright sefew he had picked tip. "I've just tonna this;' h,• said, "I thought you might know w:h"r,• it belongs." d e) 1) ,e4 Io All models and prices of Radios. See our large display..: We also have Battery Radios and Batteries in stock. Farmers are particularly requested to investigate our line of Battery Radios before buying. P Now is the time to get the most enjoyment out of a Radio, when radio reception is at its best. We carry the well known Intakes such as Westinghouse, DeForest, Rogers, •c Sparton, etc. Complete Display of Electrical Goods Radio Repair Work EXPERT RA910 REPAIR WORK BOSHARt ELECTRIC Phonj p Seaforth l':%Fkl'2Fal/F-allF- ; l �z' -mo_'al'lo Iii-AfF-n�'t