HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-26, Page 8PAtiE EIGHT WILL CELEBRATE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Nlr, and Mrs. John W. Ortwein, of Heusi'11, who will celebrate the 51st anniversary of their wedding on January let. They are former resideute of Seaforth, Mr, Ortwein will be 91 on Christmas Day. Mrs. Or•twein, who is 79, was formerly Miss Elizabeth Wagner of Zurich. HENSALL Miss Lettie Love, who is on the teaching staff In a Toronto school, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and We. Wm. Love. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gram and fam- ily, of Lansing, Michigan, visited this week with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Gram, Mr. Lorne Elder of Galt is spend• ing the Christmas holidays: with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Elder. • Mrs. McDougall of Blenheim is spending a few days visiting with, his friend. 3lrs. Annie Saundercock. Mrs. John Cairn of Brucelield vis• lted on Sunday with her brother -in new and sister. Mr.:cud ells. \Wnt, Mr. Kenzie. Mrs Harold llauson and children of Thanesville are visiting with Mrs. Hanson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm. Miss Goldie Cross. who has been at. tending Alma College in St. Thntnas is spending the Christmas holidays with her parent,. Mr. and Mrs. \Y B. Cross. Mies Pearl Harpole of London spent the holiday season with her mother feirs. Grace Harpole. Mr. Herb Hedden of Harriston is visiting at the hone of hid mother. Mrs. Catherine Hedden. Miss Mae Melllvenna, assistant leaches at the Cmtthivaiion School. is spending the Christmas holidays Lt her home at North Bay. Mr. Robert Moore wag called to • Toronto this week owing to the ser louts illness of his mother. who and er•wt•nt an operation in Toronto Gen. eeai Hospital. Mist: Violet Sehwalm of St. Tomas visited last week with her ...,rents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm. NIiss Hazel Smillie, teacher at At :coe is visiting during the holidays with her parents. Mn. and Mrs. Jas- wntiitie_ \L•. tend Mrs. Gus Voth and 'laugh• t,: Gwendolyn of Detroit spent the tve'ek end with Mrs. Vnth's mother - 1;e:'.. Lon Simpson and grandmother -Mee. Robert Bmlthron. Rev. \Vnt. Weir and Mrs•. Weer spent Christmas with the latter's • earenis, Mr. and Mrs. D. Bailey, at ?iuutsville, :qrs. Lawrence Baynbani and vial - ren of Exeter visited on Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir. Miss Margaret MaeLnren, Profess - t FARE ANDA QUARTER Good going: Monday, Dec.- 30 to Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1941 inclusive. Return Lim,t: Leaving destination not lazer than Midnight (ES.T.) Thurs- day, January 2, 1941. FARE AND THiRD Good going: Friday, Dec. 20 to Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1941 inclusive. Return Limit: Leav- en¢ destination not later than Midnight IE.S.T.) Tuesday, January 7, 1941, GO AWAY FOR NEW YEAR'S New Faces... New Fun.., New Celebration t Full information from any agent. CANADIAN .N'ATI.ONAL or in History at the Ladies' College in Waterloo is spending the Christ- mas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 91, Y. MacLaren, Miss Alice Pilaff of Delhi is visit• ing with her mother, Mrs, Alice Duff and sister Miss Beryl Phaff. Mr, Wilson D. MacLean of Spring. field. Missouri, visited with his mother, Mrs, David MacLean, who accompanied him home, to spend the winter months. Shlrray-Johns— A quiet wedding WAS solemnized at St. Brook's \ngllcee ('Murch, Lon- don, on Saturday, at one o'clock when Rev. M. B. Parker united in marriage Mabelle Gladys. daughter of 31 s. Aurae Johns and the late Thos. ,inhns of London. and Albert William only son of 'Mr. David Silirray and the late Mrs. Shirray or Hensall. The hide wore •t street length gnwn of teal blue with a fur Iritttmed tut, pan to )match, and wore a shoulder este of talisman roses and a seal jacket. They were unattended Foll- owing_ the ceremony an informal w•ed ding dinner was served at the Change. Later the bride and groom lett on a motor trip. l'pon their re- turn they will reside on the ge'nu's farm Clear HNllslnld, Santa Claus Visits Hensall Beverly Claus paid his annual visit ed by the presentatio11 of the white singing It cane upon nue tuitenlgin', !No. 0—School House No, 9. \A. to Heusalt on Saturday afterntem. gift: \liss Lenore \nrntintnn ;;'nye a clear,' and prayer. `110 minutes n s meeting were read andeetertin, I). it. O., Ivan 1'orsyth; trek. arriving about 2,30 pan. to dislrihute'teading entitled "Others," :\In: to}ice previntt g the gifts and candy to the children I Broderick gave a reading, "'Keep adopted. The roll pall was answered 1 D. h. \is(re,;, 1 Rettn•niug (Meer. A large crowd of eager hoes and; Christ In Christmas." l'he chow 'ung with a Christmas message. Literature girls together with their parents. as la beautiful anthem, '''I'le Light Is from head office was read by Mrs. senlbled at the cmnmunity tree long Conte:' .\t the cvenut;t service :$e C. Clifton and Mrs, C. Houghs Die• before Santa's 'arrival. After Santat beautiful Chri1tnts carol; were illus- mission one 1"ollt School was left over arrived short addresses were given tratt•d and the choir sang from the for January nteel'iug, The secretary giyem by Iteeve R. 14. Shad dick. Rev gallery. firs. Hedden sang a solo, read a letter from Hon. J. U. Gard' A meeting of the electors of the It. A. Brock and Rev. Weir. Lenity \Walke, rhe Sweet .e totem," \Irs, bier re "the war tint liquor re Town of Seaforth will be held in tickets were given to all married lies: ,ung a solo. -While Shepherds strlctions, Deconther ttuestiounaii•e the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Monday ladies attending under the cIn ,11n0 I\Watched Their Fl Cks," \Ir. 1 1 1111 was in charge of Mrs. Cairns. The 1) 1111bor 'r 10, 1940, for the purpose of 131r. (.'laude 131 011, and est the pe„, ..enc a s„1„, "(;eu•:!e Aiary afticet's for 104(1 were. all re-elected: of nomluttilig persons for the offices hour of 4.31/ the draw was mad„ by. : ie 11ei d'hild.” \ mak chorus send.. The topic, "Evil of b'atult Finding, of Mayne, Reeve and Sex Councillors Reeve Slitddiek for the 1nehy into pri,iin4 Dr. L 11. Snuiite, e.\rears. given by Al rs. 3'. ('111tou and Airs. L Puhtte $eitool Trustees; and one hers. First prize 135 c;asl1J was Won 1larry Horton, \\'ils,.,n etterlile, ('imide Eyre, were interesting and melee. public Utility' Commissioner. :Joutin by b1t \A'llhur Dining, Hensall. He ti:1 ,3 es C'oruelius t n*Ic, \\'. O, tioual. Mts. S)tdee looped after the at,ons will be received from e.311 Bund prize (94,, was tion by Mrs i,„„1 1". s:ul "\\e Three h n••s exchange of gifts. The next meeting' e,'eloc•k pen, to 8,10 n'c]oek p.m. (3t•net Dalrymple. Chiselltu•st. 'lined cif Orient :\rc.".:\ mivcd y11rtettr •will he held at the 't. •r t l • W. S 11 s when the report TI3E SEAFORTH NEWS address. !Mists Doris Kercher played Cook, Mabel Fairbairn, Jack Drys• a'Piano sok. A Aug shrill we, follow- dale, Alpine MeEwen, George fetter- ed by a recitation by Harold pilling, bine, Donald Shepherd and Lenore ,veal :oia shy Norma tlrecue. dialog, Normietml. Patsy McDonald, Rath Chriam te 'free 1 rouble Recite_ Hess, Donna Mcl.wen, Douglas Gook. tem ,b) Hannah-1'cp,cr. Selection 'by Helen Noakes and George Beer gave Hyde orchestra. •l hristnas carols the al humorous dialogue, ""Christmas the school, "Silent Night," 'Little Dog," and a dialogue, "A Christmas 'town of illethlehem,• and "While Plot," given by Marion Sangster, Shtphcrds \Watched." Recitation .hv Gloria Twitchell, Jack Drysdale, ihv Bernice :Dieing followed iby at des_ Norma Sangster and Douglas Cook, 1 '•uc, A Qu •;tion of tit 1c1 digs•• concluded the progrant, after which School shorn. "tingle Belie and l'o\- Santa Claus arrived and distributed land." Recitation by .,1Ta1•i+dt• 1)11- the gifts. ryutyle and a piano solo 3,v Mies Mr. Allen who has been training U r.: Ktrthsr. 1)1110 10 ' lhlistntat, with the oou-pefnuurent militia at u031 ``chant cb„nu-, "Ceod Ki14 W'nodstoeli for the past month, re- \\ n .slay,'• recitation ill- , ,, , rd turned home on Saturday, lark • Nee, 1\ it i t u 1 't' Mrs. \\ m. McKenzie spout El fvty coral Sulo, followed •by diairgtrc. days this week at the home Or het lite Storage Meeting.”' lee -Melon erj son -n, -late and daughter, 1\'11, and I eel, '111gn,1ir. election by l l),1,, Mrs. Howard Currie in Clinton. „r,he'u•a, a Rose deope drill and the Mr. J W Ortwetn Observes :eh,,n1 chorus, -Carry On," cu'chdb,Li 91st Birthday.— the program. rite 411,:pill and par- \Ir. J. \\', Ortweim, Otic of Tlen- ente of the section presented the 5+1115 most Prominent residents, will eacher. \lis. Jean teleCl eem with t eb.er\t In 0.1'st llir(hday on Christ- eool blanket and bath towel. Sana en(5 .1)"Y.,,'•'\ pioneer merclla1R_uf this Claus arrived and distributed the Village - r. 'Ortyein has been reeve gifts, and the evening's entertain- and councillor u1 Hensall, has owned menet concluded with singing the .na- stores in Zurich and Seaforth. .Bora banal anthem. in Cat•lstoclt, he went to Heitlellbeng Mrs. Verne ne 'Snaith returned to her as a youtlh and there became ,post- home in hooter alter vpen:ding the master, 'telegraph operaaton and store past meek at rhe hone of her mother 'owner, in tarn. (13Fr. Orttvein was sup- \lrs. Annie Saundercock, eritrtentlent of the United Church Sun - 131r. Robt.Pas.amore, who has been 'day School for twenty -three -years and attending university in Toronto. is now (teaches a olass of lhoys every spending the holidays with his par- Sunday, He is shale and hearty and is THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1940 Heartiest Greetings And Best Wishes for Your Happiness at Christmas AND THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR yy W. J. FINNIGAN���& SON G t0-al'�� .40; 20; l': "-ol°:t"��l'• t'' -o' '-a' Gni In Meinoriam HOGG.-1n loving memory of Joseph Hogg, who passed away two years ago, Dec. 25th, 193S. Today we are thinking of someone Who is loving, kind and true, Whose smile was as bright as tilt. able to :be out m trite village every sunsmne, ems, Mr. and ...Mrs. John trait 1af•e. That someone, dear' daddy, was you. Miss Ada Gram of Detroit 1, visit- day attending to his property and life —Ever remembered by Jint and ing with her ;parents, (Mr, and AI rs; assurance 'business. The members !of Elva. Geo. Cran, Itis family will celebrate his birthday _ \less n\ltltlrecl 1 alitet 'R,\, 0511/611 with him at his 'hotue on Chnstmas ed to London last week after spend Day. int; :once timte with her parenh, 131 IMiee .A31ly Lanmtie of Windsor. is and i\lrs, '(leo. Follir'k, visiting iting with her mother, Mrs, ILam- t\tr. Geo Douglas o London was in mien and sister, -\lis, Greta Iaanntie. town on Monday, - '\Ile. Hugh (Morenz, who has been Reach White Gift Objective— 3m training at \Wood.etock spent Lite "Che White lift service which, was week end. well Mr and L\•Irs. Jack Corbett was largely attended. The church ar Service CommitteeMeets,— ., z . Nomination Meeting Township of Tuckersmith -- The annual meeting of the Town- ship of 'I'tickersmith -for the nomina- tion of candiclutes for etre office of Reeve end Councillors for the year held in the !United eel. ch to 11010 Oh PAL 3311 the held in Watson's Hall, It 1-leasall /.crisp turd Ivppen Kiep31en, one held v, Dec. 31}111, 1')441, vas •objeciivey decorated101I in white, I i The objective was our• l COWed dol- War Service Committee held a husi- I recut U to 2 !p.m. If a poll be recess- ) Mess meeting in Zurich on \Cednesd n .try such poll shall he opened on I\i+tn Ililacee. The Sunday School .001115 and evening. Dec. 111311 flans were made day, January (11 104'1, ,he13•ecn the witht t � lite and 11tri .tions elle with tit • white =i[ contributions 'the to entet+talo and billet the airmen from hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at tlty itil- e t fort .Aubert and Sky dianbor, Cigar_ lowing places and 'by elle ,folktain•1 to:at was $1tSS.t10 Rev. R. A. Brook beet directed service and Mr. Robert ears will Ibe sent to the ho) senvi°gill eSfe3artPoll 1),IZ,O„ \fItrrp Chesney, Passmore assisted at the morning overseas this month, They aim o . ychoul ll L l,e No. service \with the responsive reading.. 'boost the sale of war savings etanups clerk. full No. r \I 1 and Lellilicat',. 'I'lu• little Children un,; " \3ay In A 1 1 \ian er." :\ manger play, ''rhe : EFLELD heart add the Halo" was presented - BRUC Frani I\\''alters, clerk. \o. 4— Twitchell. • .by \lis,e> 'Lenore \ormittton; Gloria The United Farm Women stet at School, House No. 3, , Poll, (`No. 4— T \c11 int 1 Ruth fits:, Patsy \ieDott the home of Mr. and Mrs. \ U.I:,O.t ,l. \\'. ,McIntosh, clerk. i oll Hell. Irmo \Wc+hlher, George Beer and Douglas on Wednesday, Dec. ISt�',:,No i•--Sclnol Hou e N,t, 1, R, D, 'Sell 1).14.6), N1. Tragnair, clerk. 1?dward Brown, 13.8.0., Ray . r- Geach clerk. Pull \o o --5t tan House No. 4, Roy Brawn, NOMINATIONS Town - of Seaforth T ]Colne of Mt•, and prize 1531 wits won ht•-l1rs. Robert ; ,'11 ricin \ll c 1 e, , II'. \\''.1'1 , ole s Y tat t sou e Calnrron. Hensall. I•'onrl11 prize r:F2, Ruth Fronk :old \lessr;. �\W, O. of Provincial convention will he was: tion by Mrs. Richere nn, Hen ( odwin and 11.n•ry 11 11 1) sang given. The meeting closed with sing - salt, and the fifth prize (81, 33•118••1i $ Rabe." Balt Iles: had charge tug. Lunch was served by hostess won by Mrs. Leaman' omelets, and friends. Mr. Allen 1)avidsor, who bus been „f the. lantern. The choir sang :ut Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Harvey of training with 111e Illll•prt•lnitlne1,1 anthem ' P,,, \pee. Hensel] visited with their sister, Mrs Rev. \fans \Veer, B.:\.. ""'---CTed militia at \Vnndstodt is eomldu"c1 to Christmas services in Carmel }'rc hy- �' Douglas last week. the hospital there suffering with a Pte. Abefapfe is enjoying a week severe cold, tcriat Church on tiuuday and wtslned with his fancily during the holiday, i\I r. :tri !Mrs. :\thein �,eprt•r lett hl con, t•et;ation the season's hest Mn. 1,ouis Dutoc, 8 alt1601il spent wishes, he choir s,1ng a beautiful the weer: end with his mother, Mrs. last wet Is for '1''r„rte, where they anthem, "1 Bring tau Good 1clings. will spend the winter 'mottles mitt( \1r:. Malcolm Dougall took the Ali. S. Datot. heti daughter \Ilya \lavi5 Spencer. The (airist las concert Friday S. S. 1, Tuckersmith, ' Ito solo. \less Jilin Cairns 'atilt a Nveiling teas enjoyed by all. Credit Presents Splendid Concert— :delightful :oto, "Glory co tiod is the goes to the committee in charge Presents pupils of S. ti, 1, 'Tuckersmith, 'Highest.” At the eyu,me; service the The motion picture shown at. the 1 1 choir presented their d lu•istmas can- concert on the birth and manhood of presented a - splendid proteratIt on tata, "The World's Redeemer,"under Christ were also very int 51 OSthtg. Friday evening to a very large audi" the direction of the chair -leader,I\}.r• We are sorry to report Mrs. w' en". net Rev. Wm. \\'eir acted a1 \W. .\'. \lacLaren. Chose taking spe- Stevens is ill at. the home of Mr. and ie di r- •e Sant xt•m, l eharrnlan and \ir.sial parts were solo, t•, Rev. I\\cu' Mrs. John A. McIOwat; also that "rctul the singing, and accompanied at Holt Cameron, !Nies.J. N\'. IBonthron. Mrs, T. Campbell is not improving as 410 piano. \ir . Glen hell played the Misses Margaret Don all and Irene well as her friends would like to see. musts for the drills. The programIloggarth: duets, I\1r.. Jas. Paterson' Mrs. Wm, Pepper of 2nd of Stanley opened by a welcome by the juniors, and telee. Malcolm 3augalt, and Mrs.rereived word from England that -her followed by two ,drool chorus... "O \A'. .\. Maclaren and Rev. \Weir. sister passed away during an alt Canada." and "There'll Alway Be' An • 1 r1 i Mis,es Irene Hoggarth duets, raid. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. England." Recitation tiers given by Nie, 'Jas. P114001on and 'Nits. ,Malcolm Pepper. Keith Madge. Bobby Pell and Ger- " t' Doll ell and \fry. W. N. UacT•aren We are pleased Mrs, Alex Mustard old Parker. a (Balt -erne entitled A'an'l Rcv. l\\ cies Trio. Misses 'Cecile l was able to leave Clinton hospital on Hundred Dollar Yeast Cake" was i Hogt;arth 'Mabel \\. ork•atan and Mite. Saturday afternoon. She is now C011 - very humorous. ,\larvm (Madge ang a 'tV A. \facLaren, :\ junior choir of , valescing at the home or her sister. solo which- was follotced by recita- ihovs asci ted with the carols The Mies M. Grealls, •it.ns by 'Cecil Pepper. Lola Worland, Donald Greens., Gerald 'bell and Gor- don Ford. 'Che Hyde orchestra play- ed and L,.tne Forel ,recited. A. drill entitled "A Shopping '1\'e Will to," was (ollowerl by.dem) chorus lolly Old Fellate," and "Jolly. io11) Santa Clans." Recitatiens by Keith- \'olland and Rey Ford. Dialogue, "Holiday (hare-:' followed :b) the chairman's dire Hazard !! ..o Your attention is called to the clanger to life and pro- perty from Christmas decorations, such as draperies, scenery, cotton to represent snow, etc. Displays of this nature and the lighting arrangements in connection there- with add greatly to the ordinary risks of fire. See that inflammable material is clear of and not hung over lighting devices, steam pipes, stove pipes, electric light bulbs, etc. See that the electric circuits are properly fused and not overloaded. Have all temporary decorations removed as soon as they have served their purpose. Remember, nothing can render -these displays absolutely safe, and thatif accidents are not to mar the festive season. constant vigilance and care must be exercised. o A. W. DICK, Fire Chief. church via- beautifully decorated with a eChristuas tree and (beautiful colored lights. Roth services were well attend- ed. Public School Concert-- The oncert—The annual Christmas concert of the Public School was held of Fri- day afternoon in Mr. Claude Blower' room, and was largely attended. Mr. Blower, principal, acted as chairman. and Miss Beryl Pilaff's pupils pre- sented their program first, which opened with a chorus by all the pupils, followed by a dialogue. "Folks Abort Town," A song was sung by Elaine Beer. Betty Smate Claudette Blowea and Lois Hender- son. Dicky Stapleton gave a recite - tion followed by a vocal iluett by Elaine Beer and Claudette Blowes entitled Waiting Up For Santa Claus." Miss Greta Lammie acoom• anted at the piano. Lois Henderson gave a recitation and a Negro song was sung by a number of the pupil; in costume. Beverly and Marguerite More sang e duet and this part of the program concluded with a chorus. Miss M. Ellis's room then presented their program, with an opening chorus, followed by a recita- tion by Doris Buchanan. A dialogue entitled "The Secret of Christmas was presented. A recitation by Billy Bushie and Joyce Broderick sang a solo entitled "Don't Wait Till 3110 Nine before Christmas to be Good." A dialogue entitled "Mr. Scrooge," was given. followed by a song, and dance by Joyce Broderick and Elea1• or Cook. A beautiful star drill by all the pupils concluded this part of the program, after which Mr, 131owes' room presented their program, which opened with a dialogue entitled "Santa Claus," presented by Bob MANLEY Otn' teacher Miss AnnaBeer held her Christmas concert last Thursday afternoon with the local talent of the pupils, which was a grand success, and was enjoyed by a large audi- ence. Miss Beer has returned to her home in Fullerton to spend her vacation with her parents. Mr. Fred Eckert spent a few days last week in our burg. Pte. Fergus McKay, who is on leave from Petawawa for Christmas holidays, is visiting with his wife and family In Hullett. He spent Sun- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'rhos. McKay and friends in Seafo'th and is to report for duty on Friday. The many friends of Miss Ruby Benuewies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harty Bennewies, whowas united in marriage to Mr. Harvey Dolinage of Winthrop on Saturday, wish the young couple a smooth jour- ney through fife. They are going to live on the groom's fine faun in Hullett. Many here a'e expecting their many friends from Detroit for the Christmas holidays, as we are not privileged to visit our neighbors to the South without a permit, and not many dare to he bothered with a lot of red tape. Want and For 'Serle Aids, 3 weeks 50c 1f a poll lie necessary, 1110 HUMP will be held at the following places on Monday, ,lanea•y a, 1941, Cions 9 o'cloek a.m. until 5 o'clock p.m. Polling Sub -division No. 1. al. Rout ledge's Vacant. Store; R. E. Bright Deputy Returning Officer; Grant Praiser, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division No, 2, al Dnu• lop's Garage, John Cummings, Dep. My Returning Officer; John le Scott, Poll Clerk, Polling Sub -divisions Nos. 3 and 4 it 'Town Hall, Jack Dorrance. Deputy Returning Officer; John 3. Broderick. Poll Clerk. - Polling Sub -divisions Nos.. 5 and r, at Public Library. Alex Kerr, Deputy Returning Officer; J. A. Case, Poll Clerk. Seaforth, December 20th, 19.40, D. H. WILSON, Town Clerk. McKillop Nomination The annual meeting of the electors of the Township of McKillop will be held at Winthrop Hall on Monday. the 30th day of December, 1940, for the nomination of Reeve and Come cillo's for the year 1941 and '42. Nominations will be received from 1to2p.m. Should more persons he nominated than are required to fill the several offices an election 'will be held on Monday, the Gth day of Janna•y, 1941. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. until 5 P.cn. at the following places: Poll No. 1. James Carlin's house. Lot 10, Con. 5. James Nolan, D.R.O.; Wnt. Maloney, P.C. - Poll No. 2. Mos. Jos. Hogg's house. Lot 25, Con. 4. Ross Murdie, D.R.O.; Mrs. Geo. Eaton, P.C. Poll No. 3, Jos, Smith's house, Lot 10, Con. 12, H. Benuewies, D,R,O.; Elmer Dennis, P.C. Poll No. 4. Mrs. Dr'iscoll's house. Lot 25, Con. 12. Wm. Somerville, D. R.O.; Willis Dundas, P.C. JOHN McNAY; Clerk. Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Hugh McPhee Shannon, late of the Village of Wal• ton in the County of Huron, merch• ant, who died on or about the twen• teeth day of September, A.D. 1940 Take Notice that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above-mentioned deceased must mail particulars and proof of same to the nndersignetl executors on or before the 28th day of Decent. bee, A.D, 1940, upon which date the said executors will proceed to die tribtit.e the assets with regard only to those claims evbich they shall then have received. Dated at Brussels this 7th day of December, AD. 1.940. MARGARET SHANNON WILLIAM J. HUMPHRIE,S, Executors By their Solicitor, ELMER D. BELL. Brussels, Ontacin. ELMER D. BELL, B.A Barrister & Solicitor SEAFORTH. TEL. 173 Attendance in Brussels Wednesday and Saturday McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hager SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Built ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1,30 p,m. to 5 pan. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to 9 p, in NOTICE We would nppi'eciate it if all ap lancelets for Driver's Licenses and ('tn• Permits would 1111 in the reverse side of their 1940 tickets before pt" senting them. H. 1). Cameron, Issuer• of CinPermits, Clinton, HOUSE FOR RENT On Victoria street. Modern c•utt- veniences. Occupied by Mr. G, Ilender• Apply to E. L. Box. DEALERS WANTED Distribute 900 FAMTLEX neceee • ties from door to door. There is a big demand for toilet articles, medicines. alimentary products, eleallcvs, etc. Sell for guaranteed satisfaction or motley ref,ulded. Reap profits with your first sales, Increase your list of customers every day. Try this hide. pendent business without RISK. FOR DETAILS, COMMUNICATE WI1'H G. ST. GEORGE, 570 St, Clement Street, MON'TRIOAL, FOR SALE 2 young horses, and a number nt young pigs ready to wean, Jus. 14. Johnston, phone 12 on 800. R. R. 4. Clinton. WANTED Colony 111131st+ wanted, 1n'x12' ill good repay. Apply at The New. ot7lee, INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bond> Rates reasonable, All risks place 9 in first class companies. Information cheerfully !riven E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES CANADAa3 veerG PLAYGROUND dace lfe For rest or play :Vancouver anon, Victoria are ideal for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation. Warm clays and coolrefreshing nights. 'Excellent golf courses—myriad sights,. in the mountains and by the seashore., Riding, tennis, motoring, fishing .... Canada's Evergreen Playground offers them all, in an unexcelled setting. Special Winter rates at hotels. The new Hotel Vancouver's spacious. rooms and delightful accommoda- tions will add to the pleasure of your stay in Vancouver. ATTRACTIVE RAIL FARES ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS—MONEY ORDERS—EXPRE55 SPEED, DEPENDABILITY, SAFETY I Reduced steeping-carfares. Low meal rates on trains. TRAVEL WEST THE JASPER WAY USING THE AIR-CONDITIONED CONTINENTAL LIMITED Pun information from any ticket agent A A Ul T1 T1 Al A W d Itt