HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-26, Page 6SUBSCRIBE NOW TO YOUR. FAVOURITE MAGAZINES AND THIS NEWSPAPER AT A ties PAGE SIX 'A '�'. ' S :?, `s,. �+..d4+�±t.R`t:+;t.�e�+_•''�.'i 1• 4. better spat could not have been found for the purpose. The bushes 'were thick, and overhung the water, forming a complete canopy of leaves. There was a small gravelly strand at the bottom of the little bay, where most of the party landed to be more at their ease, and the only position from which they could possibly be seen was a point on the river direct, ]y opposite. There was little danger, however. of discovery from that quar- te-•. as the thicket there was even denser than rohnnon, and the hued brceud it was s0 wet and marshy ars to "ender it difficult to h,• crnddeu, •Titin is a `;ilf, 1..J Ver." said the I'othdnder, after he hurl taken a scrutinizing survey of ills position: "tut it ntay be ne'cessary to make it sa:r. Master Pap, -1 ask nothing of y•.,11 hut silence. and a quieting of s,tolf gifts as you may have gut at sea, nleile the Tuscarora acrd 1 stake 1, avisfon for the roil hour." The guide then want a sheat dist- int, the hushes, ,ieeouipanied t:v the Indian. o13''' the two rot off 110-. larger stents et several alders anti other crushes, using the utmost c.:::s not to matte• a noise, The ends ct these- little u., es eve -re• ferer•d int, 71.1. 113 1, n1(side 51 the t•800e,', tht- eis aft of the water t''ing very 'rift 1r :Ind In the to 'e of ,en nrhuues w effectual - re.n was inter. std ween them and tic Pr'iuci- 1'-'. ; , int of danger. V ue91 ing, sols ' , 1 eadiuess 3w, -r,' manifested in t,.:: ;.1 this .imply .132,algenu t t h the two w erka:en to>r• •-,,/011• ,rw,nu•• i by the utitutal.. r n.t• .fins bank. the indentation n 11 t..sbere. the stial:ewness let the w _ . and the manlier ill whir 11 1.. gel irtletws QipPerl into tile, Tile Patt11in to h ul thv ad-! to look tot ln1-i1 s Which bud (, I t •nus, things easily iiy tool ,l in . ,.1.•'t a place and by r-011130 hrnn se•;, to riiatanee Isneaitli the Mend, • permitting the hatter 10 Touch the cater. the artificial little thieke•t ti'si 005 the appeat•ane , of growing the stream, which might have ex• L •,.1 , nspieion; but one passing it 1. 18d have thought that the hushes • .t mit horizontally Irma the bank before they inclined upwards low - mos the light. hi short. none but an enasnally distrustful eye would have iter turned for an instant towards e .pot in quest of a hiding -plaice. "This is the best cover 1 aver yet g ' into," said the Pathfinder, with •., quiet laugh alter (laving beau on outside to reconnoitre; "the eve • of our new tree- fairly touch e of the bushes over our heads. .:rt! -yonder eomes Eaudottee, wad- ., like a sensible boy, as he is. to -,:w- bis trail in the water: and 'we ail soon see whether our cover is l;r,,r1 for anything or not;' Jasper had indeed returned from -s duty above; and missing the ,nes, he at once inferred that. they ,:c dropped round the next bend in Orr river, in order to get out of sight 1.i the tire. His habits of caution im• 't:ediattely suggested the expediency stepping into the water, in order ,r, there might exist no visible t•rnmunication between the marks -t on the shore by the party and los place where he believed them to have taken refuge below. Should the Canadian Indians return on their :'ani Hail, and discover that made by the Pathfinder and the Serpent in their ascent from and descent to the river. the clue to their movements weul(1 cease at the shore, water leav- ieg no prints of footsteps. The :poling man had therefore waded, knee -sleep. as far as the point, and was now seen making his way slow- ly down the margin of the strearn, searching curiously for the spot in which the canoes were hid. 3t was in the power of those behind bushes, by placing their eyes ).tear the leaves, to find many places in look through, while one -at a little distance lost this advantage. To those who watched his motions frenl be- hind their cover, and they were alt in the canoes, it was evident that Jasper vets totally at 'a loss to • imagine is where the Pathfinder had secreted hhnself. When fairly round the curv- ature in the shore, and out of sighs of the fire he had lighted above, the young man stopped and began exam- ining the bank deliberately and with great care. Ot•oasionally be advanced eight or ten paces, and then halted again, to renew the search. The water befog tnuell shallower than common, 11e stepped aside, in ot'dei' to walk with greater 1 rase to himself. and caste so near tate artificial plantation that he might have touched it with his hand. Will he (11leet5d nothing. gild was actually passing the .spot wrheen Pathfinder madc au ore11(3g i oneatli the branches, and called to hint in a low voice to enter. "Phis is prelty will," said the Pathfinder, laughing; "though pale• face ew'e0 1)11(1 ('5)1.011111 eyes are 11S diff'er'ent as: ht111111l spy -glasses.. 1 would wager. with the Sergeant's daughter here, a horn of powder against a wautpnin•bell for her girdle, that he father's rijimen1 should /nevelt by this embankment and never Lind nut the fraud! But if' the \Iingee's septally get down into the ilei of (ho river where Jasper pass• ed, 1 ''11mtid tl•5nlble An. the ninnta- tion 11 will do l'or th, a oyes, ew'e(1 across ss Ile sur„un. bowl -von anti will not bet without its use, - "Don't you think, \taster Pathfind- er. Hot' 11 would hr• wisest, after all," said Pap. "to 5,') under way at once. 11,1 ,'urry sail hard dews stream, acs con .13 we Dee- satisfied that rhes,• l;w„els ,u•1.. fairly 3,015rn of ns? We. `eanwu Bali 11 10''taa rhaoe !1 long 11.1 ( wouldn't move itom this spot tm itt we heat from the Sat•P(-ul. 311113 the Sergeant's pretty daughter here in nor comp30iw, for all fire powdor in rhe lua53(1nte- of 111e fort below. Sartain captivity or O'lailt 311.1111) would follow. 11' a 1.11(151' fa'n,. 012(11 11s lin- 111aiden we }hare' in charge, 5('1(1(1 lilt cad the ('urea like old deer, it might, indeed, do to quit ;he teethes. for by staking a circuit tee 1unld- reach the garrison before morning." "Then let it be done." said Mabel. springing to her feet 111111511 the sud- den itnpulse of awakened energy. "1 am young. active, used to exercise, and (amici easily out -walk my dear unc•]e. I,et no one think me a hind- rance, 1 cannot hear that al] your lives should be exposed on my ac. (q int." "No, no. pretty one; we calf think you anything but a hindrance or any- thing that is unbeet sling, and 030111(1 willingly run twice this risk lo do you and the honest Sergeant a serv- ee. ilo I not speak your mind, Eau - donee;'" "To do her a serv(ee!" said Jasper with emphasis. "Nothing shall tempt me. ID desert Mabel Dunham until (1115 is safe in her father's amts." "Well said, lad; bravely and ]inn• espy saitl, roc; and 1 join in it, heart and hand. -No, no! you are not the first of your Des I have led through the wilderness, and never but once did any harm befall any of them: -- that was a sad day. certainly; but its like may never come again," \1 15(11 looked from one 0f her pro- tectors to the tither, and her fine warns eye: sw11111 in 1ear:. Frankly placing a hand in that of each, she answerers them, aho4;11 at first her voice was choked, "I have no -right 10 exp0st yon .all n,y 1550(1(1(1, \Iv dear father will thank yon, I thank ycm, 'God will reward you; ihud let there the ne unnce>'.ary risk. 1 ' can walk far, and have often gone miles on some ,girlish -fancy; why not now exert my -0114 for my life -nay, for your 'precious lives?" "She is a trite drove. Jasper," said the Pathfinder, neither relinquishing the hand he herd 'until the girl herself in native modesty, saw fit do with- rlraw it. "and wonderfully winning! We get to ibe rough. and somdlimes even hard-hearted, in the woods, Ala - ,bel: brut the sight of one like you brings ens ,back again to our y(lting feelings, and -cloes ;is good for the: re- mainder of our days. ] daresay Jasp THE SEAFORTH NEWS er here will tell you the saltie; for, like me hi )the forest, the lad sees ;but few such as yourself tot Ontario, 'to soften his heart and remind hint of love for his kind, ;Speak out now, jasper, and say ii it is not s0?" question if nutty like ,.Gabel Dunham are 1,' r'tu' found - anywhere," returned the young man gallantly, an hone:t sincerity glowing in his face, that spoke more c•lagnently than his to0,gtte: "yon need not 'mention aoolds and la'lscs '333 challenge her equals, hilt I 5011111 go into the 'settlements and towns." "\V1. had better leave the canoes," I\lanbe1 hurriedly rejoined; "fort feel it is no longer .afe to ,he here," "You can never do it: you can ne- ver d,o it. It would he a march of more than twenty stiles, tied that loo, er'f tramping over thrush and roofs, through :tramps, in the dark; the trail of such a ,party would ,h1 %vide, and we slight have 10 tight our way into the garrison after all- - W11 will wait for the 5(lohicau," Stich appearing Ito Ibe the decision of him to a11, in their (present strait, looked up for cciautscl, no more was said on the sulbjeot. The whole party broke up into •groups: Arrowhead .1111 Ili. wife sitting al10111 under tete rushes, conversing in 11103tone, the 311a11 speaking sternly, and the woman answering with the subdued mildness that marks the degraded condiltion of the :quaff'. Pathfinder and Cap oc- cupied one can„,chatting of their different ,dventnles ,by sett and land: while Jasper and \la=bel sat in Ha, other, making ,3ri'ater prn8r,•., in in- tinl:tcy m single hour than might have ',eel) c•ltcctel under oilier cirr- tim-tinlre, in a 1 ,31.1-; 11101116. \n'- ,1itl,.9a1l111(1 their .11114011 .1. ::a1,11 1'11' 3'•31'11.)', the tinny tle8 'y `(y, tend 3'11 young pe•e',:v in enlr11 - 11a1', were astonished when Cat' in- formed lhent how- Ion_ they had thus beers oeestteled. "If „111 ,1,a'.d smoke, •\la.ter Path- finder," 514.5r1e11 the old -sailor, "ibis 11,511) would he son:, ennu41: ror, 1„ wive the devil his due, you have got the ranee, handsomely land -locked, and into moorings that would defy a monsoon. The only hardship is the denial of the ]ripe," ".-rhe scent of +rete toharro would betray as: and -,where is the 3191. ,, taking all these preeanti•m a5:om1 the \Elle . eye., if et, are 1.1 tell '.tint T]IURS'DIAY, 'D.E'CZ1ViBE'R 26, 1940 where the cover is to 'be found through the nose No, no; deny your ap'p'etites; and learn one virtue from a ('13311311(11, ‘ "ho will Pass a week with - oto sealing oven, to :get a single scalp... .1)id you hear 114310ng, Jasper?" - "The Serpent 1s coming." "'Then ken us see if 1ILLItican eyes arc 'better than them of a lad wlio follows +the water." 'lite (Mohican had indeed trade his appearance in the sante direction as that thy which llasper had rejoined his friends. Instead of coming directly 011, however, no -sooner diff he pass the !heed,- where iu' was concealed from any who might be higher up. stream, than he moved dose ruttier the i3:urk; and, using the utmost eau- -the!, Leet a 'position (where he could look hack, with his ,person sufficiently t enreelcd lis the /bushes to prevent its 'being seen by any in that quarter. "The Serpent sees the knaves!, whispered Paifhtirid er. "9s ('nl a Christian white man, they have 111(1 at rbc hail, acrd have auvhushed the smoker 'Here` Here ;t hearty but silent laugh in- ,crrupted his words, and nudging t'ap with his elbow, they all continued to wards the sort. moil the latter caught chm,ok in profound stillness. "rhe'\1o• Rican remained stationary as the rock on which he sttond, fall ten minutes: and Ellett it lyse apparent dna some- thing of interest had occurred within his view., for he drew hack with a harried nuuu11'r, 10,'1(5,1 amhtusly and 1:ee111y alone the margin of of :he stream and stored quickly o:,ow• 1 it, taking rare to lo.e his trail in the shallow :1 our. lie• Ail, cyidcnilw i11 a hurry and ('(113111335(5. now looking behind i11iit. and thin e.I"lins eager ,;lances toa1(1'e1, every 1.,o•: on the shore where he tlefewli1 a canoe might he 4','11111 sled. - "Call flim in," ',wirspervd Jasper, scarcely able to rt'=team his ilnpal- i1nce,--"call hint in, ,or it win the ton late! See! he i. 1(3111ally pa.sil10 us,., "Nutt so, not so. 1:01. ttnthin,g press- es, leveed on it," returned his cont. ;notion, "or the Sar•pent would ,be5111 to creep, The Lord help its and teach ns wisdom! I d0 linoirvc even llti0g- ach:ao, k whose sight is as faithfill as the „nuul , scent, of erlook, ns, and Wit not lied ontt the autints unen't 3133 11at'e made!" Thi.. extt'tation :3a, un thtil•ly; for the \words were no -.,niter s;1,:11cen than the 111,11:111, 3w hr, had at'. 'Wally -got several feet lower down the sttreant than the artificial cover, e,tt'ddenly stopped; fastened a keen - riveted tglanee 0(111)115 the 'transplant -- ed bushes; 'ade a few 'haply :,taps dittckwvards; and, bending his body an•d carefully s'eparatiitg the branches, he appeared among 4'11cn1, "'rhe accntsccl M'in;,ns!" said the d'ath5nder, as soon as his friend teas near 1.11(111511 to .be addressed with ,prudence. "Iroquois," returned the sententi. ot13 Ilntlian. - "No platter, nn ntadter; irodaois, -devil, \Iinq;n, Mengwes, or ,furies. -- all are ,pretty much the same, 1 call all rascals ,\fingos, !Come hither, chief, and let us 1:0(1warse rationally." \\'hen their private contimanieattion was over, Pathfinder rejoined the rest and 111adc them acquainted with all he had learned. The 5(lo'hican had .followed the trail of their enemies sortie dislta11Ce ,10- wards the fort, until the latter caught sight of 1Jaspet''s fire, when they in. skantly retraced their steps, It now became necessary' for [Chingachgook who eau the greatest risk of detection, to Tied a cover where he could sec- rete himself until the .party might pass. '111 w -as perhaps fortunate - /for hit' that the savage, were 1/0 intent on 1111s 1.1(34.11) cliscov(ry, that they did not he.sitowt the ordinary attention on the signs of the forest, .-\t all 53 ems. they passed hint swiftly, fif- teen in number, treading lightly in each Other's iooastcps; and he was enabled to .get into their rear again, After proceeding' to the place where the .foot,teps of l.'athliuder and (15,11 ;Mohican had joined the principal trail, the Iroquois had struck off to the ri- ver, which they reached just as =jas- per had tikapp'ared behind the bend 1'he smoke ['x':115 now in plain view, the sr/ages plunged into the 31,0,d, 811,1 c'n,-lealnre,l 111 aI'proaeh the fire me., en. Chingachgnok profit- , 'I :)y this occasion to descend he (:lice water, and to gain the bend in the river also, which he thought 111,1 been effected undiscovered. Here he paus- ed, a, has been str.ed. until he sa33 his rnlmlic, a1 the tire, where their stay, iowe,tcr, tail• 1131')' .hart. 0-1 the 111,tiee, of the Iroquois the Ill.,hio:m could jto155 only be their -tots. Ile thought the) 1,:,•I d:•tccled the artifice ni the lire, and t11re. Aware :11'11 fl ',sol .41.11 kiu,l'e,l 331111 1 wiles TO SUBSCRIBE TOTHIS NEWSPAPER' OD YOUR FAVOURITE MAGAZINES �G -E SENSATIONALLY LOW PRICES. 1'` s • Ilh•, i'C ei"."r5`'9�..'`'.wr%r. ..}�y`� �«..s"�fni.:%Si��.,.+nY rsr.^t✓r:.w��i. .,..i.�Ye-��.r,►N��,����" y'y`�i �',+''�'-vw.a"`',^'...'- rw r.r.�'•�-��i••4-i�N✓i ►rt�~t .i i.� .M�� Y,. ✓✓. //,Ir ♦r'e•H• 1i"r'N� ;. _'>;i„l.�..�'..s•C: M1„a.u�if'r.,iI,.r, .,. w+%N',ti..✓..se.:4474�r'e►r�r'."r.^ ,- N✓ rirt �v_✓__✓. f-,^- 'flµ�rrb�Nr74" These These offers are good for new or renewal orders. It will pay you to look them over and send us the coupon today. 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G ewalt:ta m; 1 eoeluso 6 below tho caw tie:tree wit11 a reales 7'111(1 paper. 1 am checking{ w¢hea oa [ 1 Ada-7awtt7 t I Feeocc-lfr0me (1 =nos Bdagasame name Part Wane & t..,,..,...»....... p7owlu,r®. .. e PROFESSIONAL CARDS MEDICAL SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. B. A, McMaster, M.B„ Graduate of University of Toronto. J. D. Colquhoun, M.D., Q.M„ Grad uate of Dalhousie University, Halifax. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up•to.date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment, Dr. F. J. B. Forster, Specialist in Diseases of the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, will be at the Clinic the first. Tuesday in every month from 4 to 8 p.m. Free well -baby clinic will be ].field on the second and last Thursday in every month from 1 to 2 p.m. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H, H. Rosa' office, Phone 5 J DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto, Late Assistant New Yorks Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, - Moorefield'a Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 tc 4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinic first Tuesday in each month, -53 Waterier St., Stratford. Telephone 267. AUCTIONEER CORDON M. GRANT, Lieeuseri. Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Arrangements can he made for Sale Date at the Seaforth News, or by writing Gordon 11i. Grant, Goderieh charges moderate and satisfaotfor. guaranteed. - F. W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction ser for Perth and Huron Counties Sales Solicited. Terms on Application Farm Stock, chattels and real estate property, R. R. No. 4, Mitchell Phone 634 r 6. Apply at this oflioe. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed in Huron and Perth Conn, ties, Prit'es reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. For information, write or phone Harold Jackson, 6551.12, Sea forth central; Brucelleld RILL, Watson & Rei,.i REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (3-343 •essora to James Watson 1 IIAIN ST„ SEA -FORTH, ONT. All hinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates In First-Cle.( companies, --0 The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, Ont OFFICERS President, Wm. Knox, Londesborr., Vice President, W. R. Archibald.. Seaforth; Secretary Treasurer, M, A. Reid, Seaforth. AGENTS F. Illcltercher, R.R.1, Dublin; Join. E. Pepper, 11.R,1, Brucefield; J, F- Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth: Wm. Yeo, Holmesville, DIRECTORS Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; William, Knox, Londeaboro;- Chris Leonbardt, Dublin; James Connolly, Godericht Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Alex MCEwing,. Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Hugh Alexander, Walton. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended -to -^by applications, to any of the above named officers. addressed to their., respedtive post. offices, - to mislead t111335; for, after a hasty, - exanlhaaltion of the snot, they h•ad se- parated, some pillaging again into the woods, while six .or eight had •follow - el the footstopa of Jasper along the shore, and conte 'down the stream to- wards (the place ,where the canoes had landed. What course 'they might 'take 0l.ifc1tching that spot was only to be • conyedtured; ,for the Serpent had 'NBC the e'fitergency •tn the 'too !pressing to- del'ay looking 'for his ,friends any 'long- er. Front some indications that were to the galthered from their ,gestures, Irowaver, he dinnein: it 'probable that their enemies •nziglnt follow [drown in the nlaugin pf tt e stream, butt 'could not :he Certain. As the Pa'thfin'der related these facts to 'his companions, elle profess- ional rofess-1,10 )' ,feelings of the two [other white men came uppermost and both nat- erally-reverted to (Sherr habits, in quest of the means of escape. Want an•d For Sale Adis,, 3' weeks 50o- 1.