HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-26, Page 5THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1940 THE SEAFORTH NEWS HOLIDAY SPECIALS — DECEMBER 27, 28, 30, 31 NIBLETS "FRESH CORN 2 14 -OZ, TINS 2 . c THE COB" Singapore Sliced PINEAPPLE 2 tins 25c Hillcrest SHORTENING 2 1-1b. prints 25c FLOUR 7 lb. bag -24c; 24-1b. bag 69c Pastry Campbell's TOMATO SOUP, 10 oz. 2 tins 17c Aylmer Crabapple JELLY 2 lb. jar 25c. Hillcrest Toilet Tissue 3 large rolls 25c Maple 'Leaf Salmon r/z size tin 23c Woodbury's Toilet Soap 4 bars 25c Nugget Shoe Polish per tin 12c Newport Fluffs, with free tumbler 13 oz. pkg. 25c Green Giant Peas 16 oz, tin 15c Lipton's Tea, Black or Mixed, red label ya lb. pkg. 37c Oxydol, small pkg.. .10c large pkg, 24c Camay Soap 3 bars 17c Ivory Snow with Paring Knife for lc all for 25c Kleenex. 200 sheets. 2 pkgs 25c 500 sheets 29c Hawe's 'Floor Wax with 4 oz. bottle Lemon Oil FREE....1 lb. tin 450 pint tins 59c 2 lbs. 25c per lb. 10c per Sb. 170 McCormick's Butter Sodas 1 lb. red bag 15c Aylmer Asparagus Cuttings, 2s squat per tin 15c 2 lye. tins 25c Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, 8 oz.....21c r 16 oz. 1 bag 39c Blue Bo Coffee Hawe's Floor Gloss Happyvale Mincemeat Ginger Snaps Chocolate Mallow Cakes Van Camp's Tomatoes Boy 2Sc Club House Olives, 8 oz stuffed or 11 oz. plain per ib. 25c Chocolate Drops per l . 17c French Creams per lb. 15c9 A,B, Gums lb. 13c Licorice Allsorts r/.F'at 1.FaUtroll..'tt-al'lFaLGZ 20--all.`PLtFalg0 0C�'( Wishing You a Prosperous Happy New Yearyn Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce PHONE 8 PHONE 77 TOWN TOPICS Rev, Father Louis Purcell, of Tor- onto, is the guest of his father, Mr. Thomas Purcell. Miss Gladys Thompson, of Niagara Falls Is holidaying with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thompson. Miss Grace Kreuter, of Violet Hill, is spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. McCuaig, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner and family of Kirkton and George Hud- son of Toronto are guests of Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Gasdlner at the Eg. arondville manse. Mr, and Mrs, George Love of Blue - vile and Thomas Livingstone with Mr, and Mrs. J, F. Scott. Miss Norma Habkirk is home from Clinton. Mr, Percy Hoag, of Hagersville, is spending Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Hoag, and sister, Miss Edith Hong, Me. Jinn Scott of Toronto is visit- ing his mother, Mrs. H, R. Scott. Miss Emily Lester of the collegiate stuff is visiting at her home in Nor- wich. Andrew Moore and Miss Annie Moore of Egmondville are in Toronto owing to the illness or their mother, Mrs, Isaac Moore. The natty friends of Miss Belle Smith, who has been quite 111 at her home on North Main street will be pleased to learn that her rouditiou is improving. Ma'. Louis Iioegy is seriously ill with piteunionia. Mrs, William Cameron had the Misfortune to fall and -fracture her hip. She was removed to the Scott Me -Mortal hospital. Pilot Officer Edmund Daly or Tor- onto, is spending ten days' leave with his parents, Mr. and Mr's. J. F. Daly. Mr, George Daly, Toronto, is spending Christmas with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. .1. F. Daly, Mrs. Maud Jones is spending the Christmas season with her family in Toronto. Miss Joan McMaster of Toronto is visiting at her home here, Misses Jean and Annie Brodie of Kirkland Lake are visiting their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brodie. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Barry and daughter Elizabeth Ansi, of Stratford, and J. R. Hillis or Toronto with Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. Miss Dorothy McLaren of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, \lrillian McLaren, Mrs. A. P. Tw'idale, of Niagara Falls is spending Christ mac with her sister airs. J. F. Snowdon. Mr. Thomas ('luff of I'arkdale is visiting his father, Mr. A. F. fluff. Robert and Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto are visiting Mrs. \V, F. hicalillau, .Egniondville, Guelph, Miss Marion Watson is spending Christmas with relatives in Toronto, Miss Bessie Grieve of Chatham, Mise Margaret Grieve of Dresden anti Master Russell Grieve of Windsor are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grieve. Pte. Robert McCartney of tile Can- adian Postai Corps, Ottawa, is spend- ing Christmas at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, Hoover Mellen were Toronto visitors for a few clays lust \veeli. Mi.. G. W, Hill of Toronto is spend- ing Christmas with his family. Misses Ida and Eva Love of To' - onto are visiting. their mother, alrs. John Love. Mr. L. R. Hudson of Toronto 1s spending Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Hudson. Mrs. Robert Hogg of Toronto with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Webster. MRS. HENRY HUFFMAN Tile death occurred in Nttt•Ih lltty Friday. Deumnber ::odes n1 the home of her daughter. lIrs. Harry \Chithanr, of Anne McMillan. beloved wife of alt' . Henry 1luifmtut. who moil about ie month ago resiled at their home on Ganlnlocic street in Seaforth. airs. Huffman was horn in Tuc'kersrnith 8s years ago, daughter of Angus anti Mary aleMURan, on the and con., H. R. survey. She leaves to mourn her loss four sons. John H. of Goclerieh, and Angus and George of Acme, Washington, and Edward. or Vancouver, and three daughters, Mrs. H. Whitham of North Bay, Mrs. Theodore Cerveny, of Detroit, and Mrs. Norman Gilroy of Darter, Nliciti- gen; also 27 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren. The funeral was held from the home of H. C. Box, following arrival of the remains on the noon train, on Monday, Dec. 23rd. Rev. Hugh Jack officiated. Burial took place in Maitland Bank Cemetery. BORN COWAN — In Penetangueshene Gen- eral Hospital, on Thursday, Dec. 19th, to Mr, and Mrs. 'Kenneth A. Cowan (nee Bessie Hillen), of Christian Island, Ont., a daughter. Mrs. J. Meir of Toronto is a guest at the home of her son, Mr. H. G. Meir. Miss Frances Houston of Brantford is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston, Mr. Charles Hays of London is a guest at the ]tome of his mother, Mrs. R. S. Hays. Nit's. Wnt. Murch and Mrs. Wm, Painter of Stratford are spending Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Moore. Pte. Glen Somers of Camp Borden is spending Christmas at his !tome D O LM'AGE-BEN NEW EIS \ quiet. 'hut pretty wedding was solemnized in St, l'iter's l.nther:In Parsonage. Saturday last, Dec,21, when Ruby (iroline, daughter of Mr. and \Irs. (Henry 1 cnnewcis, 1lcKillop, was ttuttcd in marriage to 11,'..Harvey Lowrie Dolmage of Hallett, son of (Nil-. and 11irs. Austin Dolmage ;if Hal- lett. '1'lu' ,bride looked very lovely in a street length dress of 111:11 rose moss erupt' and black accessories, She wore as her only ornament a ,gold locket, giift of the 'bridegroom, and carried pink carnations and fern. airs, 'Lorne ]locker, sister of the bride was 'bricles-. maid. wearing heavenly (blue alpaca crepe, wish lbiack accessories. and car- ried orchid (baby 'mums and fern, \Ir. Lorne Mueller was groomsman. The bridegroom's ,gift to the bridesmaid was a cut glass relish 'bowl; to the (best man a tie -clip and charm. After the ceremony. a 'wedding dinner was 'served aa the 'home of the ibrkle's par- ents, the rooms ,being attractively dec- orated in pink and white. The talble was centred with a 'four"sltorey wed- ding cake and ,Christmas candles, The '60 ,gueslts were received Iby the mother .of 'the 'bride, wearing deep 'rose crepe and a corsage. ,Mrs. Dolmage wore a dress of dark 'green crepe with a cor- s'age.:Mr. and 'Mrs. Dolmage deft on a motor trip through Eastern 'Ontario, here. Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Reid of Guelph and Frank Cudmore and dau- ghter Miss Nancy are guests at the home of Mrs. J. F. Reid. Mr, and airs. Win. Hogg, accomp- anied by their son-in-law and daugh- ter, alt'. and Mrs, Walter Eiffert, of Ripley. and their sou, Mr, Leslie Hogg of Preston, are -spending Christmas Day with Mrs. Hogg's aunt. Mrs. M. Grant, at Brantford, Miss Martha Allen of the collegiate staff is spending her holidays at her home in Wallaceburg. The many friends of Mr. John Sproat are sorry to know he Is ill. Nlrs. Thomas Richardson and dau- ghter. Mrs. David McIntosh, and little sons. Ronald and Eric. are spending (hristuras with Mrs. Rich' ardson's sister and brother-in-law in Guelph. Mrs. Mclntosb and Ronald will also spend a week in Toronto. len MneTavisli of the R.C,A.F.. at Dunnville, Oban MacTavish or the Goderh•lt Airport office staff, and Donald M teTttvisln who le to etching near Kiucarrline, are spending Christ was with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. John MacTavish. Miss Celetlte Staples, night super visor of Stratford General Hospital is spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John MacTavish. Mr, and Mrs. G. F. Grindrod of Mount Forest are spending Christmas at the hone of Mr. A. F. Cluff. Mr. and Mrs. S. Leyburne and fang ily are spending Christmas with Mr and Mrs. John Earle and family, Eg ntondville. Miss Louise Allan of Hamilton is spending the holidays with her par encs, Mr. end Mrs. James Allan. John McLean of Perth Regiment Hamilton, is spending Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. W. Mc Lean. Misses Caroline and Mary Holmes of London spent Christmas with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Holmes. Mr. Sims, Mr. and Mrs, Jamie Sims of Blyth and Miss Carrie Sines of Tor onto, are spending Christmas with Mr. and airs. Lorne Dale, Miss Marjorie Bickel] of Tomato Is spending the holidays with her pa,r ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilic'kell. Mr, and Mrs. J. K. R Brown of Tr,. rnllto and Mt lord Mrs. Nelson Gov enlock and family of Waterford tl art• spending Chris with Mr. aur] 'airs. J. M. Goveulock. Miss Gertrude relu'h of Toronto i - a holiday visitor at her home. Mt'. and Mrs. I1. Me(''adden an'' family are spending ('hi'istmas in Stratford. Mrs, Margaret VanTorne and igen 'ghter Elizabeth, of Lansing. aiic•tti gen, is spending Christens with Mr and Mrs. Herb Weston. Instructor and Mrs. Harry 1Ie. Lend and little daughter Maven ret Isabel (Peggy), of Camp Borden are Christmas visitors with her father, Mr, John Forrest. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Regele end daughter, of Sndbtu'y, are spending Christmas with Mrs. D. Regele. Miss Isobel Craw, supervisor. Park wood Hospital, London. is spending Christmas Day with her parents. Rev and Mrs, R. W. Craw, Mrs. Maude Deem is spending the Christmas holidays with her Brother Mr. Wm, Turvill, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, E. Evans of Goderich are spending Christmas with Nlr, and SEASON'S GREETINGS JOHN BACH MAIN ST, SEAFORTH Dealer for I.I.C. Machines & Repair Parts DANCING! IN LOOBY'S HALL Dublin CHRISTMAS NIGHT WEDNESDAY, DEC. 25 George Weeks and His Band of London ADMISSION 50 CENTS DANCE!! St. Columban Under aaspices of the C.\4'.L. MONDAY, DEC. 30 MOONLIGHT SERENADERS Lunch. Admission 350 SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S EVE Eochro &Danco! Sponsored by Kippeu East W. in Hensall Town Hall TUES.; DEC. 31ST Cards 1 o'clock. Murdoch's Orrhestr All ladies provide lunch General Adinisslo i 25c T a • Mrs. A. W. Moore. Capt. J. S, Goforth of Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKellar of Sudbury, and Miss Margaret Mc- Kellar of Palmerston, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. Mr. Roddy McLean of Millbank is spending Christmas with NL'. and Mrs. R. W. McLean. Miss Margaret Patrick of Toronto is the guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Montgomery Patrick, • Lieut, W. G. While of the instruc- tors staff. Chatham training centre, 'Mrs. White and their daughter Eliza- beth, are spending Christmas w•i'th his mother, Mrs, M. White. Miss Ernestine White, R.N., Tor- onto. has ]been spending a few days with her mother, hies. 1f. White. Miss ',Margaret White. R.N.. Toron- to, will also spend Christmas at iter home. 114x, and (Mrs. John 'McIntosh and two children of Toronto are spending .Christmas in this vicinity. ,Mr. and Mfrs, 'Chas, Sherwood and Miss (Jessie Archibald of Toronto and Miss Alice :Archibald of �Iax'viile, and Lieut. Frank Archibald of the in- structors stag. (Woodstock training centre, are spending Christmas at the parental home with 15 , and tylrs. W. R. Archibald, Tuckersmiroh, ,1d.r. and Mrs. Cordon Mitlson, of Ingersoll, spent the wee]: end with the tatter's (parents. iMr, and IMrs, E. Vole. I\Mr. and Mrs. M. A. (Reid and Muss Reid are spending 'Christmas in 1\tilverton and 'Holstein, ?Mrs. 1', Grieve' has returned from \F hidsor, where site was called three weeks ago owing to the death of her chaug'htet ut-law, Mrs. ,Harry 'Grieve Cone. W. ,C. Batiber, of the Elgin Regrt, London. spent the week end at PAGE FIVE Equipped for War THIS BANK, inspired by the common motive which is linking all Canadians in an intensive War effort, has equipped itself to render a banking service, effectively organized and directed in all its phases, to meet the new and manifold requirements of a nation at War, THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 181.1 C. H. CARLISLE, ROBERT RAE, President General Manager e. J 6\'e wish to express to you 0111' very sincere appreciation of your business during the past year and hope that you. have found in all our dealings the respect and considera- tion that will warrant a continuation of our association fou' many years. to -collie. lJll ail of gnu a mg +Rirru t![hristivas? J. F. DALY FORD -MERCURY DEALER Seaforth Ontario del dT7 WATSON &yRREID ww + To Our Many Clients and Friends AN INSURANCE OF GOOD WISHES FOR CHRISTMAS HAPPINESS his home, Mr. and Mr's. Henry Fnzeesbet•gen and daughter Dorothy Marie. of De troll., are rooting Friday to spend the week enc] with Mrs. Enzensben'ger's parents, Mr, and Mrs: Frank Sills iMiss .Belie Ballantyne left Wednes- day to'spend a eotiplu of weeks in St, Thomas with her ''broths 11r. John Ballantyne and has daughter. Thu.. Sills of the R.0 A.F., 'Cant] Borden, is a 'Christmas visitor with his parents. 1tr. and'iins, F. Sills Pte. R ('. Hurn, of Hamilton is spending Christmas nith Mrs Maras and (Mr. and ,Urs. E. (', IC ha Mr and \Irs, Arthur Porterfield and daughter Faylene of Flint, I\Sich., spent the week end with his father, \1r. Robert Porterfield. Christmas Day guests of .Me. and IMrs. Leo Fortune are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moylan and daughter Denise. of Kitchener; Messrs. Joseph and John Kenn' and Gerald ;Jordan of D'ulbliu, 'air. Thomas 11n'lan and son Frank. of St. Coluntibsn. Jack and Frances Fortune of Kitch- ener are spending Christmas Day with their parents. Mr. and (Mrs. Leo Fortune. ',Miss Ora Hunt of Toronto Bible 'College (formerly of Saskatchewan) is a Christmas week guest at the manse with Rev, and 'Mrs. Hugh Mack. Mr. 1,1. '14'. Rdbertson is spending Christmas Day with Mr and i1ia's. I\V'in, Elliott \latched, Airera'ftenta•n \V. C. Sutherland, of Trenton, is a 'Christmas visitor at his home. Fred Willis of London is spending six clays leave at his •home. Sir and 1\ir 'Harvey Ashton and fancily ,of (Clinton, lair and \lrs. Har - 'oat Pethick and fancily, Winthrop. lairs. D Stevens and son Thos„ of Hallett and .11r. and (Mrs. Ernest Stevens and family of Town are Christmas Day guests of 11r. :and Mrs. Alvin Stevens. Mrs. Allan Hilt of Harriston is speeding 'Christmas with her grand- daughter, \fes Herbert \\ hittsker ,1'r. and lairs C. Ruth are in Georgetown for Christmas with the latter s parents, \it. and (NIrs. Fd. TTill. 'Mrs. Edith Lindsay nclsay .and Rowan of 1Setroit are 'l'hristnets guests of ale. and'\It A. (Vd. Dunlo'n, 'lir 11errill Dunlop 0.f Toronto is spending Christmas with his patents, Mr. and 1Trs. A. \\'. Denim). 11r. Harold Finnigan of Hamilton is spending Christmas with his par• ents, tllr. and 'Mrs. W. J. Finnigan. lairs. Jack 'Currie and daughters, Helen and jean, are spending lehriet- 'mas in Ridgetown at the home of :her parents, (Mr. and Mrs. L. (Whitfield, where a family reunion will lbe held. Miss Marion Scarlett, of Fort Wil- liam, arrived'rome on (Monday for the holidays. 'Mr. R, G. Israel 'of Windsor had flowers placed in Northside (United (Church on Sunday in memory of his father, mother and sister. tMr•, Grace Cameron, of Toronto, (Miss Mary Walker, of 'Ottawa, and Galnner 'Jack Walker, RIC.A.'F., 11ontreai, are spencling Christmas with their'parents, lair. and (Mrs, W. t1. Walker. ;attn. iNeii Tyndall of Smithery is spending Christmas with his parents, (Mr, and Mrs. Harry Tyndall. 'Miss Helen aechely of Hamilton is spending Christmas with her sister, Mrs, Ross J. Sproat. Gar. Harold Free, R,C.A.F., Mont- real, is spending ten days' leave with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs, W. Free. Word of the death of Mrs. Thos. R. Thomson of London was lteeeived on Tuesday, Mrs. Thomson resided in. Seaforth a number of years ago. Her hnsbaud was engaged in the poultry and egg business in Seaforth at that time. His death occurred here in 1918. Mrs. Thomson was a resident of Brussels before her marriage. Bur- ial took place at London. DUBLIN (Visitors; Mr. and \Its, Edward 1-lul• dlian Deltrott with (Nil's. (11at'y C r . in; \1rs Ruth Mason Stratford Miss Mildred \boort air. ;Ind Mr.. 4-Itury Fenn of I,rn.vnrillc and Lora, Fenister o Ostrander with. NIr. and Mrs. 1'. 1lcQuieant 'Ur. and airs. Dan \\'illiam ale, and 111r. lobo McGrath and Hugh .McGrath in Chat- ham; Mr. and Mrs, U. McConnell in Loncl n, ,Mr. and Urs john 'Walsh in Stratford.