HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-26, Page 4PAGE POUR
"He got Ilouusiek, sir --so 1'111 ulindi
Australian flyer's.',,
SF \1-t)R t 11 N E\VS
Snowdon 1 r,,., rubh h, r;
Bethei Sunday School Concert—
The program opened by singing
the t,,tinnal antltens and the Maple'
Leaf Forever. Donna Smith .gave the
Nernst, of weleinne. Diaingne, '•'rine
Quiz." by the settee! children. chair
man's address. Dialogue "The Christ'.
Inas Fairies." Norma Leeming.
Yvonne Diegel, Ione Watson. Donna
Smith. Sulo, Leena Smith. Dialogue
"Babes in the Woods." .Tran and
Murray Mills; chorus. "Ruh' Action.
nta." and "Carry On"; solo, Ruth
Dennis. Dialogue, "Sale- Resistance,"
school children; duet. Shirley Regele
and Norma Leeming. Dramatized
song, "Clementine." Dialogue. "Mouse
to the Rescue," Recitation. Lavern
Godkin: chorus, "Good King Renes•
slas." and "Fist Nowell." fleeita-
than. Shirley Regele; duet,. Murray
and ea T , 1i1
n I is recitation, Mervin
Godkin; dialogue. "A Prat -tical Ilse
for Pedlers." Recitation, Calvin Hull.
ey; (ngan solo. Norma Leenting:
churns', "The Gentle Guardian Ang
els, "Toyland," "Santa Claus is
Corning." Recitation. Grant Dennis;
-sale Evelyn Dundas, dialogue, "An
trestic (essful Adv tu« . " Marjory
Backwell and Helen Dennis: solo
Charlie Boyd Dialogue. "Teetchin'
Paw Around." Lois Backwell (]rare
Dennis. A111rray Dennis, Mein ('raw•
ford and Campbell Wade. Santa clues
then unloaded the tree and everYluely
sat 0 Canada.
.Mrs. J. H. Sellers of Morris is visit•
int bn sisterAlts
John It51op. on
the 1a111 of Grey.
Miss Beth Shannon et Stratford
business college, is - spending tate
holidays at Iter home in \Walton..
Some of the teachers that are
spending the holidays at their homes
ate Miss Jean Mefl nald al her
beide.. pith of Grey, Mr. Grainger, at
.Jamestown, Mr. ]lancet Iiryans at
his home, Sib line. Morris_
AIrs. Thomas Young of S1rFillel)
who has been quite sine and under
the doctors eat'e the past three
weeks. Is improving ani ewe to be
alp eVery Clay.
Mr. Thomas Simi -treed of London
is spending some days at the house
of his mother, Mis. Wnt. Shirtreed.
The December meeting of the Kip -
pen East W.I. was held at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Glen Mclean on
Monday afternoon. While a great
deal of improvement could have been
made on both the weather and the
roads there was a good attendance.
•The meeting was opened with the
:singing of the Institute Ode, follow-
edby a poem, "Peace on a Farm,"
read by Mrs. W. Doig• With Miss E.
Clark at the piai\0 all joined in sing-
ing e'0 Come All Ye Faithful," and
"Silent Night." "The earliest recol-
lections of my Xmas Toys," was the
roll call and nearly all the answers
were stories of dolls, some long out
of date, others treasured possessions
of to -day. Mrs. Wm. Bell gave a
paper on the motto, "Tho Times
Bode 111 We'll Keep Our Merry
Christmas Still." Then all joined in
singing "There'll Always Be An Eng-
land:' A number of Christmas gifts
made from oil cloth were then dis-
played by Mrs, Winston Workman,
Mrs. J. Sinclair, Mrs. J. Finlayson
and Mrs. R. Dalrymple. Miss Ethel
Clark favored with a piano solo.
"Star of the East." A vote of thanks
to our hostess brought our meeting
to a clone. Santa Claus put In his ap-
pearance and all the little follcs re•
ceived a. bag containing candy, nuts -
and an orange, Mrs, W. Doig was
then presented with a lovely wall
mirror from the members of the W.T.
and then Santa gave alt the inen)bers
a gift off the Christmas tree, A
splendid hunch was served ihy the
committee and a short time was
spent socially. The W.T. are planning
to have another euchre and .dance in
the town hall in Hensel! during
Christmas week, so be sure to keep
this in mind. The next •meeting Will
be held in January att the home of
Mrs. W. Caldwell,
Y. P. S. Hold Christmas -Concert
The Henna! 1'hrl tinaa venee•rt '50
held in the Veiled C hureh on Wed
n .el y evening, tbs. 1Sth A very
beautiful Christmas tree laden with
gifts adorned the front of the ehtn'ch.
A, very humorous 1111( entitled
1 et m Slick front 1'iutkiu t'reek.'
was presented nted by- seven of the young
p, ople with Lou Munro as Aaron
Sheri:. Edna Hayman as Rosie Berry:
Arthur Long as M: MMerridew, a city
slicker; his niece, bliss Gladys Mer-
ridea, Blanche Watson; Jean Lang
as Sis Rigs; Ivison Torruuce as Clar.
entre, Greets; Gweu ('duper as The
Girl in Red. Music was furnished be
'ween acts by LIr. Arthur hiulayson
1 au -het of Blake school, and six of
his "Blake Buckle Flusters" nitniely
Norma H.ey. Loreett and Vera Orsett
Arthur Gelinas. Stanley Gingericlt
These young people have emelt tel
ens in music and singing and were
nitwit enjoyed by all present. Ante
tate play the kiddies were thrilled
when t .aura appeared anrt. unloaded
the tree;
\1r. Arthur Finlayson. one of 1<1p
pen's popular ynmlg Hien who
teaiIle s school at Blake, held his
Christmas concert en Thursday
evening. The school was tilled to
rapacity. Manny saw the comers
through the school wirelnvs while
Callers retained 111 their lunnes nturll
disappointed at nut being able to
even see through tin' windows. \W«
understand Art will present his 1011
e'•rt at a later dame in the townhall
in Zurich. Here's Ironing fie will.
'Mt. and Mrs. Russell Geoghegan
:cid family of Loudon sp(•id. Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. las. McClyuxn t.
\Ic and Mrs. Relit. Day -men and
515 i',:ree Rale .pent Sunday with
Mie. aucl Airs. Brute Eiehl of rem
51rs. Nellie Detweiter has gene to I
( raveahstat where she has secorecl
a gond position in The hospital at
that place.
Mr. and Sirs. Jane -s \V': Mete -tie
i,w e
n 111 ihe-rl„ b
3 L illie � I Y
f The ynllilg
people ors Monday evening to cele.
brute the birthday of their son Edi-
son A line time was enjoyed Ity ail,
Death rt nttimg feet a heart con-
clition rants vert-ndrlrnly to airs.
Harman Brodhagen early 011 Thurs-
day ac ntew:linq at her home in Tucker -
smith. She had retired on Wednesday
0(1501 apparently in lice 11 -oat health
but towards meriting; suffered a sev-
ere heatit attack and ilia -sed away 'be-
fore medical aid could be summoned.
5175. Erodha ten, whose maiden name
was Mary Agatha Thornton, was 'born
in IMtKillap on July 2, 1h%Rl, a dau-
ghter of the late George Thornton of
England. She was married about 11?
years ago to Harman 'Brodhagen. The
coupie lilted in •McKillop and Taker in
St. 'Marys :before camifng to reside on
the William Carnoehan faros on the
fourth concession of Tuekersmith
Twp. a few years age. She was a
Lutheran in religion and a quiet,
home-he:ins woman. Surviving. •beside
her hualhand, are five daughters. IMrs.
J. Racho, Dahlin: Mrs. •Harvey Racllo,
St, Cabinrhan; IMrs, IW'orman Byers,
Otterville. and ,Misses .Margaret and
'?!iz 'be, lt, at home, also one son, Wil-
liam Brocditagen, residing nn Ithe
highway two miles east of Seafortk,
The funeral was held on Saturday
afternoon, Rev. Dr. Hurford officiat-
ing. The pallbearers were !Messrs Ar-
thur Nicholson, Pearson ,Charters,
Thomas Lane, Maurice Rtut•, Will
Cameron. Wilfred Coleman. Flower-
ibearer' were three grandsons, Doug-
las Reclue, Tier -man Racho. Elgin flys
rr- (Kitchener). Interment took plate -
in \l aitlanrtl'ilndc cemetery.
The timelier, Mise B. Cartes', No. 6
Tnckersmith, held an entertainment
on Wednesday night, Des, 18th, with
a - large attendance which was very
good, and was a credit to both teach-
er and pupils,
Mrs. Sam Whitmore and Mgrs. L.
Tebhutt, who have been on the sick
list: are improving and their many
friends hope to see them nut before
long, -
Mr. and Mrs. Secord 141cBrien and
family spent Sunday with Mr. enol
Mrs. Jas, Landsho•ough.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cnleinttti tit
t bar banquet hell in the Mown
tended he nal l 1
hall at Varna last friday night., and
'Miss Derethy Coleman, wltn wast as•
tending the school of home motto
much, returned home with them.
Sunday Schoc Bold
Annual Concerts
Suppers and Programs Follow-
ed by Visits From Santa
1'h; rhsldret of First; Preaiyterian
c?h1rci1 had a happy time at the annual
ilessengs :upper tw ilii was served
.1 the .dicot room of the church on.
I ri,10) evening. tri $' Sunday sehu,,l
• ,:.le-. The table•s tcere tasteiuily
/lee'ratr,l in t'hria:etas color.,. .liter
0r:.tki110 of good things provide/1,,
atiidren'. _ante; and a short program
•trrnl.;<:: ;c
;Mr,, G. I). Ferguson and
aresidiel .seer tsv Rev. Hugh jack.
were enjoyed. Those taking Part int-
lr is Helen Smith. \Lu•y la•ddes.
5\ull,iant Mnen, \\'il!ianl '•Leek. Alar -
or Donald McKay. Donald
Menti, Ira>i '\\'riy;ht. The solo
"There'll .\l',tats he .\0 England”
▪ sang Ly I\1r . Frank Kling. the
e161,'.ren ioitllu15 its the eltorns. Santa
last •'1511 appeared with 0 pack on
his sone and presented each scholar
shit a rift.
The mental 111ristmas starker
r114i1 ,t a. sercet! to the boys and
1': e is \mgllt in ch,trclt
uulay o? on Friday evening in
',ar sn ail; na- ;a nt,,a enjoyable
5,1.11. The rector. Rcr. 1)r. F1urt:wit,
':t'"e'il ;t. 1il:fil'tmitt at the interesting
j•,isra:n in uv71l0d1 t',e fo4L.ncitte sorsa:
;;art: 1 1nc 1iror e ]raw. Mary
li,,;tecr. to 1li,e t'a-e, \\'itba Pretty.
R�e',crt s110e. Phyllis Pretty. i)oris
Monte, Nan51 No:t. Verna Stei.,I,en-
n r0i:1 \Int ru to t
c n Sylvia
llitryon t 1 Shirley H err m \ plat
-xas 1iun 1iy luhkuet class.
The t'i1 Uma. :rev was to Change of
\1r-. girls' ,:011 11 of the \V.
5., 1,.1: ,t,d '-n a ,tcil'Ullia lsi1 front
Sall; 0 I ;0:1- olt, 1,1"1,C01 led gift.. .\
1 ;,hi ea, 1115.c11'cd to jean liar-
, I , n:a t. ., ,a ser met 01-
t tl.ulc, and a ,alter hilt .o -Marion
11,, i 11:11 who wag al).ettt only two
Suntans ,111.0111 the year. \h s fo'eiplt-
inr E44' tins acsompania.
(!t: '1•ltursdas evening. the anmta'.
C'n•I.11ta. 5111115, .eii,t'1: concert was
held in the basemen, of the Egmond-
cillt• United church with .Rev. l.- W.
Gardiner in l aarg1 . 'I'hvrr was a gnud
attctstianee. r„n.iderittg the had roads.
The program. which was well rend-
ered. was put on by three schools of
:he district, S.S. No, 5 and 5.5. No.
'. 'i'•tr',e r tnith and the Egmandville
pn'ihc school, under the dtrectian of
the. teuhur., Miss Wilson, Slis.
Drover and 4'. 'Mott. Those taking
"ars included: -Ruth 1\'allace 1\ hllixtt
•ilreimeeit. Greet Chesney,, Crater
Vtlallitee. Can)! •t he net: \\-hired
•Deeter. Barbara Nit—Judson, RVihna
!McLean, Phyllis tfloyi,s, list Allen,
lao luene, Bruen Ruth i':cye., Lark
l;oyr'. t 11,11( !Matt 1. Dorothy Eisl-
er and Kaye ['miner. .5 tiny -tot wail-.
din„ ter, ninny Was. : ttlat•d it lknced by
0 eheros. The Eamond0l1c sehool
•.ltt th, r part in the er u;h.nn will' a
res by the Whole shoo'. The fnl-
"vu:a tntttr. tart,! 1•, the "r„gr:ut1:
Ruth \ ineent, Ka,t(t-
551 Iire,.n,Eca Vincent.
i t ,rim 11011.11y, (\lar.arei Ches-
ecv.Fred St ail ••, l rt me Cook, Ray
t , .n)::,t -1 c 15 f 11 ;old •11. 1(y 51,•-
i ?inrhey. Sit' r the 1011 n e anthem
v'es •ntr15. Sana i.l•tit- appeared ar'l and
d.I:e tin. children a ;re::' ,. „range..
c,rndies (401 nuts.
Motioned Penni ~Mae One
'psu•k to interest the• whole fancily 10
work un th•' project.
Another important feature ut' this
project is the elinhinatioe of fire
h cards. Hindi property is lost each
year in Huron by tires that could
have been prevented,
The Stanley Township Farm and
Home Improvement Contest will be
in charge of Reeve Fred Watson,
Hayfield, and Councillors Elmer Web -4
stet, Varna; Wm. Falconer. Bruce
field: Clarence Parke, Zurich. and l
John Pepper. Brueefield. Tltey will be
assisted in securing entries and prize
money by the short course members
under direction of Miss .Tulene
Stephenson and Mr. Allan Hill.
A11 farms entered will be scored in
early April by a competent judge.
After the farm and home have been
improved during the spring and sum-
mer, the judge will return around
August 15th to score them again.
The difference between the scores
will represent the improvements com-
pleted. A modest farm layout will
have the same chance of winning
the contest as a more pretentious
Stanley Township farmers are all
eligible to enter the contest.. Entry
blanks are in the hands of the town-
ship council. As the first scoring will
be done in early April, the committee
would appreciate it if all tite entries
were III by March 15th.
On Tuesday, December 24th, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank O'Brien of Staffs eel-
ebrated their 50th wedding annivers•
at•y: The day was observed quietly in
their home at. Staffa, and friends
called throughout the day to offer
congratulations. Both. Mr, and -Mrs.
O'Brien are in good health and able
to he about every day. Mr. O'Brien
(tarries on his work in the chopping
mill which they own and is operated
by their son Walter. Mrs. O'Brien
does her own housework. They have
been u residents of Statha for the past
211 meets. They have four sons, \ill•
tr ed- of Owen Sound; Cecil of Tor
entre Harold of Elora and Walter of
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 week= :Cite Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25c
The annual meeting of the W.M,S
was held in the church school room
on Thursday last with the President
presiding. A hymn wits sung, follow-
er by the daily prayer in unison. The
secretary read minutes and corres-
pondence. A letter of thanks from
Dr. Margaret Fo'est:erand a card
front the Scott family was read, Roll
mall was answered by e verse with
"remember' in it. The roll call for
next Month will be the paying of
fees, Repots of the several secret-
aries were given. Mrs. W. Manuring
for the Baby Band reported that all
the babies of the community were en-
! roiled but one. which tvas very grati-
fying. The Mission Band had decreas-
ed in numbers from last year. It is
urged that the mothers help persuade
the children to jointhe mission band.
The mission circle report was not as
strong- as might be but fairly good
wont was being done. The Auxiliary
had a good year and went over the
top with their allocation. A11 reports
were Very interesting and iuseiriug.
The slate of Officers for the year 1941
were brought in but was not com-
pleted. At conclusion of business the
meeting was givr'u in charge of
Group No, 4, Mrs. T. Adams Taking
the chair. A hymn was sung. Mts.
Faugrand read the Bible lesson. Mrs,
I. came'.. a rending, "Joy at Christ-
mas Time.” Mrs. Menzies sang 11
beautiful 1$010, anti Mrs. W. Hesk.
closed d tt ith prayer. Owing to the
]afen'ss of - the hour. part of ihr'
program was not given.
The Red Cross ltetd their meeting
on Monday afternoon in cuujuucticu
with the 1\'onien'.s institute, The pre-
sitleut Mrs. R. FairserVivo preside(l.
The Maple Leaf was sung. 'rhe Lord's
prayer repeated in unison. Minutes
and c•orrespondeuce read. one letter
on saving the old license plates off
the autos, for tsar worts. The cont-
munity is asked to leave their ells-
111'ded 01105 at Bull's or Radford's
garages. where they will be collected.
'rite play "Windy Willows," which
the Kinburn people have prepared,
will be pot on in the (otnmnnly hall
on Thursday. Dec. 20t11, Proceeds lot'
Red Cross. It was agreed to send 110
to the British \'t'nt• Vic -tiles fund, and
donate $20 to the Burns' unit, Any
who will ]help with sewing or knit•
ling, please apply to the sewing or
1111itt111g committee. Word bas been
received fl•ont headquarters of the
safe arrival of the following Dec•Ivn•
Mir shipment from Burns, Kltbnrn
amt Loudesboro Red C Cos: 3 ref-
ugees 111)0ons; I]t pairs sox, 4 sweat•
ers. 1 pair wristlets, 1 pair Owes, ri
women coats 111 stains, 11 boys'
rotes , girls pullovers. 6 pair blown -
els: 1 pair sheets; 1 ,'hest protector:
1 pub' Pyjamas.
The Institute• meeting followed int -
mediately after 1 Red truss. AL's.
It. Ftci15ervice• presided, The opening
ode wits sang, followed by the Lord's
prayer in n11]son. Roll call was answ-
ered by Emmett events. ('hrietnuts
enrols weal' sung. Mr. Militia• of the
Rank of Montreal ;:poke mt bathing
rules and exphtineti how the ilrst
hanks were organized. His tail: was
quite interesting and instructive.
Mrs. Stanley Lyo11 contributed a
pleasing solo. The next 111511/1111,
meeting will be on Friday, Jan, 51 h,
when. Mr: White will speak oe
"Peace and International Relation-
ship." Meeting closed by singing
Cod Save the King. The hostesses in
charge served a lovely lunch to
which all did justice.
The White Gift service of the S. S.
was held on Sunday morning when
all gathered in the auditorium of the
church. the S.S. occupying the centre
seats. The choir was composed of
'teen age girls and boys. Mr. C.
Stewart presided. Misses Ruth and
Elva Snell sang Star of the East in a
pleasing manner. Mrs. L. McNall
gave the Christmas story, "The
Black Madonna.'The pastor, Rev,
Menzies addressed the school. A
lovely little 'Christmas tree in front
of the altar made a lovely decora-
tion. The annual Christmas tree will
be held in the church basement on
Dec. 23rd and be in the form of a
social evening.
Mr. Frank F(ngland and children
visited with his parents on Sunday.
Mrs. R. Townsend and Mrs. A.
Wells spent the week end at Ter-
The first skating of the season on
the local rink was on Tuesday night
of this week.
The Mission Circle met at the
home of Mrs. Sidney Lansing on
Monday night for their December
meeting. Ruth Snell favoured with an
instrumental and Beth. Gooier gave
the study book. Mrs. Menzies gave a
Christmas reading. The election of of-
ficers for the ensuing year is as fol-
lows: bion. President, Mrs, Lansing;
President, Miss Beth Govier; Ist vice
Pres., Miss RutIs Vodden; 2nd vice
pies„ Miss Ruth Snell; correspond-
ing sem, Miss Eileen Millar; record-
ing sec., Miss I3e]en Radford; treas-
urer, Miss Elva Snell; pianist; Miss
Phyllis Manning; Christian steward-
ship sec., Mlss Fern Yungblutt; tem-
perance sec., Miss Kathleen Yueg-
Seaf ortb
ette Davis Charles Bayer
Mon, Tues. Wed.
witll theta
an a
1st big Nit
of the now
i season
,.mucky PARTNERS
Cecil's Loftus • Harty Damper! • limb e'Cooae l
Gene Raymond Wendy Barrie
Cross Country
A grand eon edy rotnallce
Coming —
"Lone Wolf Strikes"
"Blondie Has Servant Trouble"
At the request or Merchants and Businessmen. I hereby
anti request the Citizens to duly observee the same
"001) SA\'E TH11 KING"
lrFaV�a't 7t". dr�lf.,RralY,r �-oll+aa
d .
E. Our Christmas Greeting
AND \'Ot'lIS 1\ OUR C'Ol\'ID'lt'NITI-.
\!A\' '('MIS INDEED )EED i
HEARTY (i001) CHEER itto
:• C ri 1
st e s Meat Market
lllutt. electing closed with the bene-
Miss Phyllis \hunting in to he ,•nn-
gratulated on her standing at the
Clinton Collegiate Institute, 1111l'ittg
been awardwd the shield for the
This -hest standing in the 1 l fort, this
vent', also for obtaining .the same
award fin' three years in sucees,ina.
rhe Det•1'ttthet' Meeting of \I'ellum's
Associatem of Varna United Church
was held at the honor of Mrs. Alex
McConnell on Wednesday. 1 )eeeniber
Sth, Meeting opened by singing
hymn 51111, '"Fake Time to 1)e Holy."
Mrs. Violet Metlymont read the
scripture lesson. which teas followed
by the Lord's prayer In unison. Mrs.
S. Beatty read the minutes, Mrs.
Alex McConnell gave au excellent
treasurer's report for the year. The
election of officers followed: Presid-
ent, Mrs, Roy Dowson; 1st vice, Mrs.
W. J. Johnston; 2nd vice, Mrs, D.
Stephenson; see., 1hs. S. Beatty;
treas., Mrs. Alex McConnell; Press
sec., Mrs. Stewart Beatty; devotional
com., Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. W.
Reid, Mrs. Peters; flower mom., Mrs,
E. Foster, Mrs. F. Reid; . visiting
com., Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Foster;
membership con., Mrs. H. Connell,
Mrs. Alf Ings; work Som. Mr', cls
1l0wsau, NI es. 1V, ('li11ter, Mrs 7-.-•
\Irt'nnnell, Mts. ('lttfk. Airs Alt Ina-,
'Ales. %Vin. Stephenson, AL's. A. ,loin
stint Mrs. 11owso1 closed she ne••.,
rug with prayer. .1 dainty lunch
served by the Itostess,
I:,n \I'. t t 1.,. iu .,,ut 111e
n 1 ,N tit., , cl•t. 1 (I'ittnt
1't, nl er Hap' !urn', v tl nails, hey se e
Lindsay McKellar ationipanted hl•,�
yynvihhone 170 w
Radio Repair Work
Phone 75 Seaforth