HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-26, Page 3THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26. 19 0 TIIE SEAFORTH NEWS PAGE THREE Battle With Snow in Huron County The County of Huron has, for tin past few years, kept ripen for motor vehicles nearly all of its 39(1 miles of roads for most of the time during the winter months writes T. R. Patterson, County 'Engineer of the County of Huron, in the recent issue of Engineering and Contract Record. As in other places, the sentiment of the public towards snot), clearing has changed greatly, the practicability and utility of the work is more gen- erally appreciated and now the do- mande are for more and .better ser - Vice. The county equipment has also, from time to time, cleared township reads and during the coming winter several townships may arrange to keep clear all of their roads. Twelve townships in this county Early, Next Week Because of the holiday, all news and advertising Intended for next week's issue of The Seaforth News should be sent in to reach this office not later than Monday, night. Thank you. are located in an area having a lfigll average snowfall and we have severe eonditlons generally, Snow condi- tions last year were the worst with which we have had to contend. Plow- ing commenced about Christmas and continued until nearly the middle of April, No thaws occurred to lower the snow and almost daily storms necessitated piling the snow in high- er and wider heaps along the sides of the roads, while the traveled por- tion shrunk to narrow trails, At such tinges users of the roads are subjected to much inconvenience and, at times, hardship, but most people are very reasonable and we receive very few unwarranted com- plaints, Although such a winter is the cause or many headaches to all hav- ing to do with snow clearing, it is 0 source of satisfaction to be able to look back and realize that which We most be prepared for, and when milder hinters occur there is the sat- isfaction of knowing that the extra service given during each years n(oh'e than compensates for I,he bad condi- tions of the bad winters. Open winter roads have improved living conditions greatly in the coun- try, It is common practice now for wealthy city business and profession- al men to acquire faros in the come try on which to establish ]fomes. The farmer has many of the advan- tages which these men are endeavor. Golfing Riding:/ �ngr Mokor ALL YEAR ROUND verfireen PLAYGR0I1ND 1't mountains maintain a moderate temperatu in which all outdoor sports take an invigorating newness. Plan now to' visit Canada's EVER- GREEN �r ER• GREEN Playground—for rest or play, the ideal place for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation! Special H Winter rates at hotels. The new orcl Vancouver's spacious rooms an de- lightful accommodations will add to the pleasure of your stay in Vance ver. TRAVEL WEST THE JASPER WA': ,14 USING THE AIR-CONDITIONED CONTINENTAL LIMITED ATTRACTIVE RAIL RATES Reduced sleeping -cur Ares ... Low meal tales on trains fAlways Use .. . 11 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS TELEGRAPHS 0 MONEY ORDERS Speed ; . , Dependability ... Safety Full itrformation from any ticket agent .00 sKI-114 ASK Ao1.TaQr1ClE5 CAH 1.O DOES YOUR NOSE FILL UP, $PWL SLEEP? 3 PU POSE MEDICINE If your nose fills up, makes breath- ing difficult, spoils sleep —put 3 -pur- pole Vicks Va-tro noi up each nostril. Va-tro-nol does 3 important things for you: (1) she nks swollen mem- branes; (2) soothes irritation; (3) helps flush out nasal passages, clearing clogging mucus, relieving transient congestion. It brings more comfort, makes breathing easier, invites sleep. When a Cold Threatens, use Va-tro-nol at first sniffle or sneeze. Helps to prevent colds developing. VA'TRO-NOL Ing to secure, and with cleared roads during the winter on which in oper- ate cat's, life on the farm becomes much more attractive. With open roads medical aid can be secured much more quickly and surely this advantage alone is of enormous value. In daysgone by this county has expended as much as $7,0011 in a whiter providing roads for sleigh trafficand clearing snow piles from the road in the spring. About double this amount of expendituretwill keep them clear of show for motor traffic during the average year, while the advantages are enormously greater. Assuming that roads aro covered for three months of Ilte year. the month- ly cost 01 maintaining a mile of coun- ly road during the 511010101' May he Placed at t.10,(0. If snow ideating cost 93101n per mile for the winter, Ilia monthly cost would he $12.110 iter mile, so that relatively the whi- ter cast Is 11111('11 less than daring the summer. I have not observed that snow clearing causes tiny ap- preciable increase in the mainten- ance cost of road surfaces. One of the chief advantages r0snnt- ing from reconstruction of ono roads is in connection with snow 001110001. Narrow cuts through hills are a source of trouble. ns they fill quickly and the space for the snow plowed out is limited. Narrow grades do oat p0rntlt of flat snow being Pushed hockasfar as it should he, and the plowing units are frequently in date•r 111' dropping over the shoulder hon the ditch. A realization of these circumstances will hasten the regrad- ing of township roads as well its moil math:. Thr roads to he kept (1pon daring any year should be determined early in the ,,anon in order that adequate equipment may hp provided and so that plowing may he done from the time of the first snowfall. and no snow he permit ted to become packed of frozen on the read. Such ;;new and ice: is the Pause of mile]) trouble to plows, and It is oat. difficult 10 realize that loose, newly Fallon snow is much easier to remove. Whenever practicable we leave about two or three inches of snow on the roads for sleigh traffic. The Caunty of Huron owns seven plows—all of the V type, ane of which is kept In reserve to do the extra work that usually develops. This year it is our intention to se- cure extra snow plowing fittings so that a truck requiring repair may be quickly replaced and the plow be putj hack to work. II These plows ore propelled by a crawler tractor, one tandem grader, one rout' wheel driven truck, and rear -driven trucks. The truck plows clear away the loos snow during slid immediately atter a storm, and the crawler and grader units are Particularly necessatty for heavy work and to assist in pushing back the balks of snow on the sides. Ordinary (.rucks of -three-ten capaci- ties are now powered with as much as 1 O 11.11. and will do a surprising amount of work. Admittedly snow clearing i:5 the cause of 100.0 111'', pairs than or'dinar'y summer work, hut. repair .costs on such trucks are relatively low. Chains are the cause of increased impact on 1(1(140 plow trucks so that we use the snow type lug tire, wi111001 chains, and replace them in the summer, ns such tires are not satisfactory for high speed summer work. None of our truck wings are of the full hydraulic type, but the purchase of that type of wing is to he recommended, as there are so many obstructions to be met with that much time would be saved to the outfit, and more comfort pro. vided for the operator if such wings were ((110(1 It is our practice to pro- vide heavier plows than that recum- mended by 1he manufacturers s0 that there will be no need to take th0(1! 30 the shop for reinforcing 00 repair. 31 00000011, (.Ile larger thews will 1111 prate sntinfaetorily in sleeper .snow. Our plows are operate! day ,utcl Bight when titre is plowing t., the past we hlln• Used only two shifts of operators. but the work is strenuous. and this year we tire r,Ab Mitering three shifts. The foreman in charge of each unit is recent., -d 4,, telephone lay oliice en•h clay report progress and eenditiuns and receive any special instrucllons. Whore practicable, heated gulag,' acennnnoda11011 is provided blit 1c11 of our mots are seldom 2011-hin rea,11 of a home garage and (114 (00 big u, be accommodated in tit local garage. sn that they must be strvice0 urn- side, often in a storm, 11peratnr Knelt plows iiia work of hardship and endurance, alai it ig ilu,tbttul if 111111ty who used the open 101,11 Ih the winter re1(11130 (.hat it is made pos.- ible by leen 0110 carry oat 110)11 as greasing a tractor durin0 weather storm, in the snowdrift. Attacked By Mink — When examining mining a : u 101111)-1111(11) on Sunday. It0, .1 1,:, Val received a nasty t9((, Ll :1, 301)!)1 OW ablaut hit 001.. `t s 11ee0eiti1117 in MINN' tree we,411.41 togathe1' 141(1 Rtiidles. '�+.'.f:ciia 14: Advance -Times. joins The Air Force— Air. -1o•, Anderson of 1-11,,, . received word of ghe 114 0 111 hi. sn, Marry Anderson, Ii , n'• ":, (dirket. as a ndert 111 !tier 1t l,t :o. •.:.11- adnol .\ir tame and i- :I: ,,r-'141 stationed at 'Trenton. \l r. to,lcr-,.0 had 434411 (1i•111104,n as a dyer 41tile STANLEY TOWNSHIP'S OLDEST RESIDENT PASSES 311x. \\'alter 11ad6''. Stanley township's resident. who paned 113'143, t'eelll.ly in het' 10111 year. Mrs. Made,', 40'1111 ',('1414 a (::11;1'1' 41' Urc,u;�hir,.. Ental n,t. had lived e444.4 v.i., The Week of Prayer . !le . n.1.1'.1., Will Begin Jan. 5th Thr. \\-eek of Prayer, ,Ian. 5t11 to 1 2111. sponsored by the Wnt'ld's h t al_ _ehel.l Alliatwe which has its 1a :Mom tiers in London, Englund. Th,. 1,1)•.1 elmiet ,: have mads the 011001,110 ,:rp'elnenis f(11' the we0k '49 111 ager: . 11onday, ,hal. 0. Young 1'0'11910,4 Night. in Presbyterian 1.'hm'cil; speaker. Ibv: H: V. \Vorkutan, 11.A. Tuesday, .1 M. „ Egnxnelvilie- 1-nited. 14311(2)1Ed 01b,(011, - 1‘ ,,1 - rat .Tan. 'l. Thlirnes 1( i 1. t1 Gardiner. 1.3. .- TI -d 1.13(. 9. 1h1lttien Artily ;, 11. „htek.1 -A. United Lel'. 11r. -Hurford. Tile: ,= -a'i11 10'0 a collection at 4,11(11 . ti,, ;u nisi et 11):' Bible Society. Noir ,i -.ore. REVIEW OF THE WEEK .. .. ,C,411 r,. . ,, -1 lJc;01' 01*Cr1144.0 �.4'� e i•n.' tL :t 1., CANADA DELIVERS THE GOODS 00 Ire Sem q Quality B1 -Q Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All stoles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. e.aforth \ew SEAFORTII, ONTARIO, S 111, .1111,0 11•.11,:(1(44', vehicle trent a ('annular factory is shown a4 it is oacied for rllLnrrent t1' ti reit Retrain 111 101 East Ccast port. Hundreds of these ate being sou:die01) by the Canadian automotive industry daily ,for use 1,2 home and abroad. J.GA-ILLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Dealer Wishing All Our Customers and Friends A MERRY CHRISTMAS `c ?l.Vao C ''' +i'e-:c�'eT� DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD.