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The Seaforth News, 1940-12-19, Page 8
PAGE EIGHT oirsomaamorammossiosioa THE SEAFORTH NEWS 1st zfFe-tl•>sPL:faoP WQVPQ A'0-T'e4Q. ►'et ,WQ� USEFUL GIFTS so JET L For The Entire Family Just a few of the many Christmas suggestions at Special Prices Smart Boxed Ties ......... . ..... 29c and 39c 1, Men's Fine Kid Gloves, brown & black , , .$1.00 Boys' and Girls' Bathrobes $1.95 Men's House Slippers, with zippers .98c Boys' Leather Helmets 89c Boys' Windbreakers, in different patterns $1.79 Ladies Full Fashioned Hose, chiffon or service weight, all sizes. Extra special 59c Ladies' Fur Trimmed Motor Boots $1.98 ,0y Pillow Slips, Maderia style 98c 29c 39c 49c 19c Special 49c 69c MERRY Towel & Face Cloth Sets Rayon Table Cloths Quilted Bedroom Slippers Children's Wool Mitts, all colors Twin seam Silk Slip, 75c value— white or tea rose Ladies' Silk Vests & Bloomers sets THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF WISH YOU A XMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR OPPOSITE FrontI��e��©ears � POST OFFICE, SEAFORTH �4U''..+a'� l':/'�� '��LC.ft' � `;:t'.a'�a `:•a`�.�� ti�,F� \1+...'<"� '`��a �S `:�.a� �'l; HENSALL Bern --At Mrs. Snundt•rcuc k's Has• ,ital. Hensel]. on Settee -lay. ih'et'nr :,•r - 1•Ith. to Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. getter id Chisclhutst, twins—a hey. :.it girl. Observes 87th Birthday— Mrs. Hebert Bonthron, one of Hew saile oldest residents. celebrated her s th birthday at her home here nu Thursday. Mrs. Ili,nthron recetved :Itat 1 visitors during the a€ternoom ci burg her many more' happy birth. lays. She also received many earths '.•nuts 3110 gifts. 'Mrs. Mae\iartin Elithr her eldest daughter. of Bar- o- •given the guests, and her .anghtt'r, firs. Lon Simpson. who re -Kies with her. served a buffet hutch• .,,g1 The homy was beautifully decor. ,-d with ruses, mums and planta est she et . t inn. Mrs. Bouthron'e n;,la n tram, was Marta White, and sii: was horn at Hoag rville. and has .n.nt all her life in this conununity. She has three daughter:. Mrs, Jae. :hAiaiartt tEditltt. Barrie: Mrs. 'Mae -i vain. near Toronto: and Mrs. 'sine Simesen, il,nsall, and three ur Mr, Wm. Bnutduon of Detroit mew its California. tut 1 M ni s. lautes. scud Fred Poulhrn», Ile nsall. Institute Holds Christmas Meeting - The hone, of Mrs. G. M. Drysdale %vas beantifttlly 1h -emitted for the ' 11'6111as mmeeting of the Senior `.Votn'n's institute. held oo \Vednee. .:t1• evening. Two b,atttifttily decm- wed trees were arranged for the ne. n -wit, and the utalltei in the spite• n> living room was artistically dee. _,,,tnd. The members were received by Mrs. Drysdale and the co. ilosfns1s. Mrs. Peter McNaughton. Alis Beryl Phaff, president, presided aver the program, which opened by singing Christmas carols, followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. The roll wall was answered by the gift of toys for the sick children's hospital in London. Many beautiful gifts were rtsceived. Mrs. Wm. Weir and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale were appointed to pack the gifts. Miss Florence Welsh sang e delightful Sulo entitled "The Gift." Miss Greta Lantmle accompan- ted at the piano. The motto, "A Christmas Carol and It's History," was very ably given .by Miss Greta Lauimie and the following carols were sting in keeping with the motto "As With Gladness Men of Old," and "Gentle Mary Laid Her Child." Ml•. Currey Joynt. favoured with Iwo coral solos, "Sylvia," and "S»iiliu' 'flora.'. Miss Florence Welsh accompanied at the piano. The demonstration 01 wrapping Christmas istmas parcels, which was given by Miss Beryl Pilaff. was very beautifully done. Misses Kay Drysdale and RutIi Brook favoured with either duets. Mrs. 1. O, Smillie gan'e the ('hristmas story entitled "Tho Other Wise Man," which was very interesting. Miss Beryl Pilaff mooed a vote of tlian1(5 to the host ess and co -hostess for their hospital• spent the week -end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwsin, Mr. Harold Bell left this week for London, where he has accepted a posltio11 with. Mr. Lorne Manson. MI'S. Verne Smith of Exeter spent the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs, Annie Snundercoelt. Mrs. James MaeMa.rtin cf Barrie visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Robt. Bonthrou, and sister Mrs Lou Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and Ross visited on Sunday with Mrs, P. H. Devlin, Miss Nora Stinson spent the week enol at her home in London, Luzon-Hodgert— The 'home of ,Mu and Mrs John A. IH el€gets ul Kirkton, tea, the scene of a very pretty wedding, on Saturday at In o'clock high noon when their daughter •Aiildred Leith, was united in marriage to Elgin Wood son. of Mr. and Mrs. 'John Luxton, Centralia. Rev.. 1\\''m Mair, p t or of 'S'hames Road church, officiated, There ;cere- mony w• as performed under an arch .Christmas Clrristtvas concert at of evergreen, with a large white 'bell S.S. 1 1 The annual uth will be held on in the centre. The bride looked Friday evening', Dec. 24). Proceeds charming in 'a (floor -length gown of iii aid of Red Cross Society, ,pondre •blaze net, and carried a :bot Carmel P.reslbyterian Church con- quet of talisman roses. IMiss Alma cert ,will be held on +Monday evening, Borland was 'brid•esntafd and wore a floor -length gown of pink hoer and Dec. 235d. carried a Ibott,quet of caniattions, Mr. KiPPEN Fred Luxton, 'brother of the groom, was chest man. Mrs. Alex (Viacieath Mrs, Jim Cooper has been confined of • Varna, played .the wedding to her room for the past couple of music. The soloist Miss Ruby Sirup- weeks under the doctor's care but is son sang "I Lave You Truly," Foll- improving nicely now. owing the ceremony a sumptuous MT. and Mrs. Holmes of Parry wedding dinner was served to some Sound are visiting with their many wrnty 1.eneste. The bride's tathle was friends in this vicinity. decorated .with pink and white Mr. Wm. Workman 10 co111111ed to streamers, 'pin'k Iapert, roses and the house the result of a tat aceidenl centred with the three-tier wedding on the icy roads cake, Setting were Mrs. Russell Mor- The school entertainn)eut at No. 2 ley, Whalen, \Jiss Blanche Whiting, recently was a decided success and Exciter, Miss 'Jeanette Hodgert, Sea- a great credit to teacher and pupils forth, .el iss Marjorie I\klJOtlgan, Mr, and Mrs. Abe Forsyth enter Henson assisted by ;tiles !10-sie tallied a few of their friends to a so Hedger! of Exeter. Later 1110 young real evening recently which was temple left on a motor trip. The 11111011 enjoyed by all, bride travelled in a black sheer dress The December meeting of the W. with 'turquoise trim, black coat with herder trim- and bluets accessories. Next Saturday. December 21st, • u•is going to be a lucky day for lire married ladies who attend the Christ- mt''ret celebratien in ftensall. The merchant: ut Ilcnsall are anxious to show their i,preciatic,n of the seism - did patronage given them ,luring the Christmas season and have donated $1..110 to the given away to the hold- ers of Rhe first five tickets drawn on Satrrday afternoon. Free tickets will be .given away at the tree font .2 to 4 o'clock. to each married laity attend- ing the visit of Santa (Taus. The `Week -end with relatives at Dundas. 'Mr, and ,bars. J. W, Bouthl'on spent Tuesday in London, White Gift Meeting— The Young People's Society of ,Cartel Church held their worship meeting on tAlonclay everting tvitlt the president, Miss Irene 'Hoggart+h presi- ding, assisted tby .bliss Haunch Mur- ray. The meeting opened by singing C hristnlas carols folloaved by .prayer by'Miss Violet Hyde. The Christ- mas scrnptme was read by Miss ,Blanche Thompson. A patent entitled Bethlehem's Star' was +given by Miss Marion Sangster. Misses Irene 1-leegarth and 1Althei Workman sang a duet entitled Day .of Joy ' and Gladness" accompanied by Mrs. iMac llongall al the pian,. Mrs. I. ,nnilic was the guest speaker and gave a splendid address on "`The Other I\\ase ;Maui The meeting con- cluded with a "white gift" party alt which many beautiful gifts 10000 re- ceived and will he sent to the Sick IC'hildren's Hospital in London. ivy. The meeting closed with singing draw Hill take place at 4.31) p.m. "O Little Town of Bethlehem." and .\its. tiro. \\'Riker returned home the national anthem, after which re' e.r s;,cn,liee several deys visiting iiesluuent5 were served• with rain 1,1es n 'I'nrentu. Mission Band Christmas Party v\Ir. 'Carey Leen i assisting aR the lite 'Mission Rand of the railed „,,,,,1 ,,,,,l office dnri i the• Christmas Church preeenh d n very lbw Christ. ..ca,e,,„ mos program in the school room of R„,.. \\'at t\\-,•ir celoweeii services the there! on Friday evening ander ;;r Carmel I'veoi,vterian Chinch .,❑ Om t•et'y able leadership of Miss Kay 5.t.ii1 iy.. \ mix -d 1111a0 , 1e. ronrlaris• Drysdale. A number of members tools ia, 'NI Irene lioggartlt and pair fu a 'arid play- .•tHthul "Pi4 ', ,, \\'orktnan .1nl \les,rs. J'.anes itrittts to Ilei hlehu•t!.” '['Itis cnSt unt5F. , xm•n• very Lea 0i 11111 a td were etude i--nt.,,n;;h and SII ++ ',tv 1.m sari`* liar` 1'lrinr t)wa \VaY Le rd" a. by 'Irk. R. .i. Patterson and 'Ars, q'' the 111011114 service and the choir" Sheerin. 31iss (10,1,1 LaultuL' played sang, a 111111ifel anthem entitled "Gott the 11101 fur this Play widle Mrs e. :he hairs." at the evening service, singingdeu and M. Bess led in the The \Vnhrlt, class of the 1'nited singing. Rev, l0. .\. Break 1,•115 (spec t'1l:arch held a business lnee''ting on mutt for the program. Elaine Iieet and Billy Carlisle gave readings and Friday evening, after which hmrlt Billy and Betty Mickle played a leas served. piuna duet. Lantern slides were also t\\bite Gift" itetI s cell be oh- shmvn and the story of the first pie, c'r'ied at 1,11201111:1 lie\ Chinet+ nn Son- tm•e entitled "Seven Little Travel- day, T)ec' • 1 \longer ,play "1'lte 'ere." was told by Miss Jean Mttrray He•1rt and the. Hal, w^i11 •lie present - and the second picture entitled to ut the u1110rI c sec1'ice. The "Uhlea, tete Bltil Boy," was told by church will the decoralled for rhe Miss Annie Consitt, The program service. concluded by singing the national W.M.S. Elect Officers— a anthem. and the beoedictimt. I fete annilat meeting of .the \\.m,S, Dr. Smith and son of St. Marys, of Carmel Presbyterian Church was visited on Sunday with Mr. aitd held in the schoolroom of the church Mrs. George C. Petty. Mrs, Smith 1111 'rltttrsday. afternoon with the pres- and daughter, who have been visit. idem Nits' C, Hatdson in the chair ing with Mrs, Smith's patents, Mr. and lire. Petty, aeeoutpanied Di' and opened thy singing1011 " r , H1 the Snaith home. 1 \\ 'orad" atter which )Airs Hudson Mr. Milton Ortwein of London iv, in ,pee)•er. The Scripture, Luke 2, was read thy .Airs. Minnie Sangster. 'I'ite minutes of the previous tweeting were read and adopted and the roll call answered with "llepe." "Holy Night. Peaceitl Night" was then sung. A very ,pleasant feature of the program was the presentation of a Life Melltbership certificate to Mrs. eye e. e c- c e WW c e_ W `Canadian Clipper" 87.50 CREDIT TERMS SIJLOVA, "Lady Seaiova ' 17 jewels Tisk Christmas, also at BULOVA Watchl There is na retawmbrante se pasaious as a depoadablo /Ltaop1000 —noire that lives s0 tong -In useful service. 7$ 'Goddess' of Time": i7'; towels ifee J. A. WESTCOTT JEWELLER WATCHES DIAMONDS Choose now, We will hold any Gift until Christmas Phone 218 OPEN EVENINGS SEAFORTH, ONT. .41-kAty�AP-M.OMtaan=0:EAMRTa0 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1940 BUY IN EGMiONOVILLE Satin Mixed Candy, 2lbs,.,,25c Mixed Nuts, first quality, ib. 20c Fresh Brazil Nuts. 2 lbs. , ..35c French Cream Candy, 2 lbs. 39c Chocolate Drops, 2 lbs. .. , , 37c Humbugs, 2 lbs. 29c Sunkist ;Oranges, dos, 15c to 40c Grape Fruit, 7 for 25c California Grapes, 2 lbs.. . 25c New Currants, 2 lbs, 25c Large Raisins with seeds 2 lbs, - 19c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 23c 30e per Doz. in trade only for Grade A Large Eggs W. J. Finnigan In Memoriam Hart. -1,1 loving memory of Mrs. jean Here who passed away one year .ego. Dec. ;1S, 1939. "Free '900411 sorrow, free from Pain, Free drool the daily •tank, In God's tare site's resting, What mare is there to ask." —Sadly missed by sons and (IatiCgh- ters and ,grandchildren_ Nomi-nation Meeting Township of Tuckersmith The annual m00(ing of the Towit- ship of Tucker smith for the nomina- tion of cendidates for elle office - of Reeve and Councillors for the year 194t1, vsiil the held eat \\ atsou's Hall, hintent, on +Monday, 1)vr, 30th. 11).45 from 11 to 2 p.m, 1f a poll .be n0ceee- a y .such poll shall he opened on 1Nlon- M. S. was held on Wednesday atter- docs January tits, 10)41, ,1 •gen th, noon, Dec 11111 at the home of Mrs. ,hours of 4 a.m. and 5 pen. at the fol - Ti. MtMtu•trje, with a large attend- i'lowing ,places and hy elle Sollteeine once, The meeting Was presided over ot7iceis, Poll No..1—Moore's hatchery 1 ii Stewart, U.R•O., Harry Chesney, by Mrs. Chandler and opened with hymn 53, Mt•s, Allan Johnson read the scripture lesson. 0 Come Let Us Al H"11 ung and Mrs clerk. Poll No, '2—School House No, 1, Edward Brown, 13,10.0., Roy Atc- Geochc clerk. Pull No 3 School House No, -1 hon' Brown, 1),14:0„ Adore Him was then sung, a • - ean led in n•a er, Mrs. Drank I\\'alter Icrh. 1'011 No. -0 J. B. McL I Y �chanl house Nn. 3, 'Phos. C1 apniall, Henderson sang a very pleasing 00111 o., I. \V. •AlrInt,-h. clerk. Poll "I Cannot 'i'ell Why, He Whom Nee 5- Sclrnnl douse Nec. 1, R. 1). Angels Worship," accompanied at the 'Cell. 1).14.0., AL i'racluair, clerk. i M J. B McLean. Hvnm 0,11 !No. d tirhunl Ilonsc N, . ee I), 1. Aic Gre , Returning was 111 several parts was taken by Mrs. John Cooper, MIS, Allan John- A CHRISTMAS GIFT Send soul• hest (`hrlsimas wishes Son, Mrs. Norman Alexander, Nlrs, L. by a ca»;uy, the glfi that is tiiffrreut Mollis anti Margaret Sinclair. Mrs, All eolmw, 11150 emun•y hens. Mrs. Henderson then 511tlg "I Cannot Tell Hurry W, Hart, \'irtnrin St.. Phone How. He \\'ill Win the Nations." 2224\V. This was followed by 11te, business discussion, when it was moved by .firs, W. W. Cooper and seconded by 'Mrs. 11, Jones to select all nflicet's for the emning year. ilytun yes leas then sung tinct the meeting closed by repeating the Lord's prayer in tnti- 8011, 14111011 Wits served by Circle N0. 1. The Sunday School ('in•istutas (con- cert will be held on Wednesday even- ing, Dee. 18. The Young People are presenting a play, "Aaron Slick Front Punkin Creek." p11111a )y rsun Mattin,'1).14,O , Ivan Forsythe clerk, 57 leas 111e11 511(15. The topic W1111'11 05Tirrr NOTICE We would appreeiate it if till ap- plicants for 1liver's Lit•euses 1111d (;n• Permits would till in the reverse side of their 19411 tieke)11 Before pre senting thm. II. 1), (entitles% issuer of ('al' Pel'tli15, Clinton, RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Llmt sago gttiekly relieved by using Rune ACAPS. Recommended - by 1hotismnis '1l'ho have gained better health. 110•• Kinrlsey's Drug Store, FOR SALE A large size Quebec coal stove: 0 cook *novo, cool or wood. Also a Pllil(o radio in fair ('nndition. 1-T. Mrs. Joseph Linden, who has been Musgrave, Pgmmtdville, phone 083r2. viit 1 1 daughter Mr. and Mrs s uler g Archie Parsons, returned to her home at Denfield on Friday. Mr. Clarence Taylor of Crumlin spent the week end with friends in the vicinity, Miss Irma Ferguson and Mr. Arm' mid Gackstettet' spent Sunday with relatives at. Woodstock and Inger- soll. Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones visited on Sunday with the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. Parsons, of near Crom- arty. Master Gerald Parsons is visiting Itis grandparents, ale. and Mrs, J. J. \\'. Booithrnn in recognition to her Linden, of 1)enfield. inn„ and faithful services, having Mrs, Mina Love is visiting her son, completed ten year' of 1\\'tleo-and Air. and Mrs. Roos Love. Welfare work. airs. 'J. Daila, read Love - the address and :Ales, 1). Parke made The euchre and dance held in the the presentation. Al r-. 110110ron town hall at Hensell on • Wednesday made a very fitting reply. The .hese- evening and sponsored by the Kippeu annual meeting the various secretaries Fast W.I. was very much of a snc- tees was cliscnsced. -This being the gave their reports which were most cess. Forty-four tables playing euchre gratifying. 'Rev. \1'm. R't•ir gave a gave evidence of the good attendance, splendid address, ,Nirs, Weir ',resell- The prizes were won by Mrs. 1-I. ted the r0411'1t of the nominating COM - Millet'. The following are the ofti- Hugh 1111Sn1'Y whsle the men's eve-. for the cooling y ear: Hon, Pres., Mrs. 111. \mold; President, AIrs. C. prizes went to Mr. J. Shepherd, Mr, ITuelsou, 1s4 vice ,rres., Mrs. 101.. \ E. Smith and Mr, F. Brock, During 'AlaeLaren; 2nd vire tires., \Ire. Jean the evening tickets were sold on at Alanson: 3rd vice .res„ \Les. J• motor rug. the lucky ticket. being Datta secretary, \11 Geo. Walker; motor by Mrs, Jack Taylor. After a treasurer, Mrs, A D NtPwen: -J,a,p- i,ly secretary, Nlass ralitelle Reid; splendid lunch was served a few welcome and welfare secretary. tele& hours were spout in dancing to •i. 33', Bonthrnn; glad tidntg. sec„ music supplied by Murdock's orches \Its. D. 33vieire n liter +titre +cost tea. One of the projects undertaken 11ha1' 1p etre. R A. \t rsI wren; by this W.I. was the malting or a home helpers sec Airs. Thos. . Iftttf- frit ass, tart, Nies. :\omit. 1e man; took Book and daring the evening student sec., AI rs. 1x •1', Al at Laren; quit a number of these very nice pianist, Airs \\'. A. Macl:arett. Mrs. hooks were sold. We have still grille vocal sol(o \t', A. \0 acerominnen rilied lfavcurd with a he. At[iss m number on hand and anyone wish- \lem9 Reid at the piano. The. !Peet- fug to give an attractive Christmas ing closed by singing "Jea1s Master present should gee these books. IW hose i Am," followed hy the bene- - Ml. and Mi s..1D. Stewart. have .kion ! t Rev, Weir, \ motor ear accident muttered an gone to Hensall 1.o spend Ole winter No. 4 highway at Flen:all on 'l'bttrs- months. Mrs. Morley Cooper' has been vow day when a car driven h)' Afr, \Van. fined to her home through illness fm' ee:tid nran of IUppet iv nig north, the past two weeks. li ltd with •a truck (bilge '1 lir, Mr„Donald totynlan spent the week \i 1a i,'it of Goelcrteh, gtoutg south' end In Goderich and London. Mr, •.'Aorknran received e lhrciken rib Mr. and Mrs. Clif'for'd Watson and and 'knee abrasions, hr vehicles Mrs. James IVIcClyntont spent Tues” A : erre. damaged, ''fie accident is at- clay its London, rihutcd to the icy conditions of the Pte, Chas. Me.Miellael is spending highway. _ a 'few days with friends around. Kip" The 11111.11111 Christmas concert at pen. 5 5. No. ,1`11 Ilaywill Ste held on A large crowd- attended the auction f iurscl.Ix cveninsg, Dec. 11Jtlt, 1 sale aet the t'esitienec of the late Mrs Nor and •Mrs, Stan. '1"odor spent the \\`esley i'renclt last Sattn•day afte' di. FOR SALE 13 young pigs ready to wean, also some good chunks. Apply to Herold Pelihale, Bayfield. - FOR SALE One Yorkshire sow, O.A.C. 'breed- ing, currying second lifter, good indi- vidual, Apply Gonion Elliott, Brim- field, Ont. HOUSE FOR RENT Ou Victoria street. Modern 1011- venienee.4. Occupied by Mr, 0 Bender. Apply to E. L. Box. ELMER D. BELL, B.A Barrister & Solicitor SEAFORTH. TEL, 173 Attendance its Brussels Wednesday and Saturday McCONNLLL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McCenneR, H, Glenn Hay, SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 CHOICE MILK FED DRESSED CHICKENS Weighing up to 8 lbs. Please order a day in advance, if possible, We deliver in town. Phone 851.12. Scott's Poultry Fern. Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Hugh McPhee Shannon, late of the Village of Wal. ton in the County of Huron, merch- ant, who died on or about the twen- tieth day of September, A.D. 1940 Ttilte Notice that all parties having elahns or demands against Ole (slats of the above-mentioned deceased mast mail particulars and proof of same to the undersigned executors• on or before the 28th clay of Decem- ber, A.D. 1940, upon which clave the said executors will proceed to des tribute the assets with regard only to those claims which they shall then have received. Dated at. Brussels this 7th day of December, A.D. 1940. MARGARET SHANNON WILLIAM 7. HUMPHRIES, Executors By their Solicitor. ELMER D. BI13LL Brussels, Outario. noon when fair Prices were realized Iii'. and Mrs, Sam Cudmore of Seaforth spent Sunday with Mrs. 5 Workman. Mr. and Mrs. J, H. D. ttpshall loon gone to Toronto to spend the winter Mr, ?Jpshall intends tttleing a Course of study. "What- dict yoti give your baby for his first Christmas?" asked -Mrs, Rich. "We opened his money box," re- plied her friend, "and gave him a lovely electric iron." E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron - Office in the Dominion Bank Built ing, Seaforth. Office hour-s:— luesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m, Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. to' 9 p. m Notice All books must be returned to the Public - Library nit or before Decem- ber 24th. Greta Thompson, Librarian. HEIFER LOST Strayed from the farm of J, Wesley Beattie, a fat roan heifer. Anyone having Information please notify .1 'Wesley Beattie, Seaforth, Phone 96 or 153. WANTED TO HIRE Tank wagon driver, knowledge ni truck operation and care required. Reply in own handwriting, giving education, marital status and former employment. This will be steady swore:. 1'e1s0ns employed in war work will not be considered. Apply to The L4ettfot'tlt News, MEN WANTED 1 AM1LEX gets and keeps its deal- ers through ttrst class sealer., a t•nntplete training; tont by slut goal ivy products that otistamers can't help lett keep on buying. With or without experience au honest hard worker (art make his living, Start this independent business with a capi1111 of $50 in an exclusive teta•it. pry. Build not only for today but for the future. wrrnoIST OBLIGATION. ask for 1etnils from FAMILE:i PRO, DUCTS, 570 St, Clement Street. MONTREAL. INSURANCE. Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid. ent,Windstorm & guarantee bond;. Kates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES [11N ADA:3 re9 PeeH P PLAYGROUND, 4 For rest or play—Vancouver and Victoria are ideal for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation. Warns days and coolrefresbi ng n fights. Excellent golf courses—myriad sights, in the mountains and by the seashore. Riding, tennis, motoring, fishing , Canada's Evergreen Playground offers them all, in ao unexcelled setting Special Winter rates at hotels. The new Hotel Vancouver's spacious rooms and delightful accommoda- tions will add to the pleasure of your stay in Vancouver. ATTRACTIVE RAIL FARES ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS—MONEY ORDERS—EXPRESS SPEED, DEPENDABILITY, SAFETY Reduced ileepl»g-carfaxem Low meal 1.ates on trains TRAVEL WEST THE JASPER WAY - USING THE AIR-CONDITIONED CONTINENTAL LIMITED. Ju11 informationfrone any /icket agent