HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-19, Page 6PAGE SIX
The cheek of Mabel, did not re- ions by doing thlugs which may seem
cover all its bloom until the canoe praise -worthy and hold; but neither
was again in the current, down which Eau -douse nor myself is or that race.
it floated swiftly, occasionally im- My nater' has few turns in it, and is
gelled by the paddle of Jasper. She a straight natur'; nor would it be
'witnessed the descent of the fails likely to lead me into a vanity of this
with a degree of terror which had sort while out on duty. As for Jasp-
rendered her mute; but fright had er, be would sooner go over the Os -
nut been so great as to prevent acs- wego falls, withouta looker-on, than
rafratiou of the steadiness of the do it before a hundred pair of eyes,
youth who directed the movement 11311ov the lad well from much con-
front blendille with the passing tor- sorting, and I tent sure he is not
eore ht truth. one much less sensii- boastful or vain -glorious,"
ire might have had her feelings Mabel rewarded the scant with a
::.wakened by the (001 and gallant 801110, w•liiclt served to keep the
a.ir with which be had acceatpilelte3 vanei'5 together for Some 101)10 long-
thi5 "x11011.- 110' 11131 stood er; for the sight of youth teed bean-
firnlly elye et. hotwithstul(Unl; the
te,ge;'caul 30 those m3 the shore i;
eee evident that. by .i timely appli,-
:aion of his skill and strength. the
;ewe 11a,1 received 0 sheer which
.1!one e: rrie,1 it ('leer of a rock over
The 13)11113133 Baler was heaping
jets a"eau;---naw leaving the
nen =tele visible. alai now• ''oder-
it with a limpid sheet.. as if
.: , 11in.'ry contl'('ted the piny or the
-11111.: at. The 1,1)031" ('ahnut allwily'5
.-x31.•55 01)1.1 3310 ,•yes view; 3)111.
;,1;11301 0aw enough. even in that me-
%eent ,,I Ivan TO 1401141 0H• „ser ill
the 3)1,3 )1';0 p1'1111'01 ell by
claming,' canoe 11114 the ntuu0vel
..•e rsnlsen.
She 1111114.1 tell 311111 itlshli-
reeling which Miele woman 51)
' 110n:ay n, 3311111, by foaling :Addition.
1)l s •rmity- in mating herself under
1 is ,.are; :(nil. ter the Met limo 111111•,.'
.11:0 Fo) Stauiwix, eh.' eea, „n'
i}' ret le epee 11) 11). Yruil 131319; S 1
.ill :he Erivth d .ee the ether
n„' 1 pt pal, near l( 3c11, 131107'
n. •l,.'. t lthuu(ti•1. I. fleeting
wee: most. it, crew. 111e
.'I•.11le:11 trey principally tn131n-
•..L•-,1 With fila) o'rsoll; .laxpr3' sei-
mi -pr -a131111; 111l1 -Ss :uldlr..,•.L :331d
1010131)1 Jy ,;01331)11.111* a 07r111131»'0i1 171
111:11114 4,111,111 1)t his oW11 humt.
':11ir11 might have been remarked by
.lcru0tenled t0 his erlialt'ily
nddeut, aarele511 luaun„r.
-we know too well a womlau'(
;gifts to think 01 ('arl'yillg 511e Serge-
-10;1'5 daughter over 111 Walls." said
Pathfinder, looking at Mabel, while
:e addressed her uncle; "though 1»v'
'been acquainted with some of her
-.-s that would think but little of do-
ing the thing."
"Mabel is taint -hearted, like her
mother," returned Crap; "and you did
,cell, friend. to humour her weak -
7.1 -SS. You will remember the eh31d
110 never been at sea."
"No, no, it was easy to discover
'nal; by your own fearlessness, tiny
'ue might have seen how little you
creed aboutthe matter. 1 went over
. ,:ce with a raw hand and he jumped
1)t of the canoe hist as it tipped.
::ad you may judge what a time Ile
..ill Jf 33."
"khat became o1' the poor fellow?"
_stied Cap. scarcely knowing how 10
;eke the others meaner. which was
-., dry, while it ♦ 811 .co 1impl(,, that 1e
obtt511 suhjert 3311111 1110 old
:iso)' might Well 115 re $uepected 015
1,cerity. "One who has passed the
k*owo how to feel Mr him."
1a1: was a poor fellow. as you
and a poor frontier elan 100,
11.003331 1,e cam,. nut 10 show his Skill
ata011g us ign0lanter5. What became
-�t him. why.. he went dow•tl tike ;11115
•(lpsy--turvy like. as would itave hap-
eeeed to a eoln't•honse or a fort."
"If it ,ho01d jump out of a canoe',"
eterrupte(1 Jasper, smiling. )hough
he was evidently more rlisposerl than
sis friend to let the passage of the
fails he forgotten.
"The boy is right." rejoined Pelle
ell -
fltder. laughing in Mabel's face. the
"a10es being now so near' that they
..lnlost 3ou('hed1 "rte is 111(13111nly
right. But you have not tolyl 30 what
yOu think of the leap 'We took?"
"It was perilous and bolls," sant
Mabel; "while looking at it, 1 could
have wished that it had not been at -
'tempted. though, now it is over, I
':an admire its hciclness anti the
steadiness with which it 14,3(8 made,"
"Now. do not think that we did
this thing to set ourselves off in fe-
male eyes, It may he pleasant to the
young• to win each other's good opin-
ty was so rare on that remote) front-
ier. that even the rebuked meld sett
mortified feelings of this wanderer ...of
the forest were sensibly 13010111111 by
the Meowing loveliness of the girl.
-.We did it f113' the best," Pathfinder
contained; ''twas all for the best.
Had we waited to carry the canoe
110005 the portage, time would have
heel* lost, and nothieg is 50 pree10115
1311 time when you are mistrustful of
"But we eau have little to fear
now. 'l'lte canoes Move swiftly. and
10.0 ]lours. you have Said. will carry
11s down to the fort."
"it shall be a entitling Iroquois
who hurts a hair of your head, pretty
rate; for all here are bound to the.
Sergeant, tool most, 1 think, to your -
s111, m see 3'0(1 safe fl'onl harm. ,l111.
Eu(111t oe! what is that in the river,
of the 1033'(')' turn, yonder, beneath
th ' hushes, 1 110-1111 si3/0111115 1))1 Ila,
tI Jc?"
"ri.o the 1.33 Serpent, Pthfinder;
he is nm33cin3 signs to tis 111 a way I
don't 1111(301'St(ttltl,"
• "Tis the 1)3t'peut, as Sure as I%11 a
white man, and he wishes us to drop
11) Dearer 30 his stem. Mischief is
browing. of one 1)t' his deliberation
and steadiness would never take '11315
trouble. t`otnage, all! we are men,
11131 must mete devilry as 131eonle.s
our colour and our callings. Ah. I
Revel' knew go(3(3 ('0(11e or boasting;
and here. just us 1 was vaunting of
our safety, comes c1131Ige1' to give )1)e
the lie."
Art. stryving to compare
With »attire, did an tuber greene
Frain d of wanton vvie flowing fayre,
Through width the fragrant
eglantines did Spred.
The Oswego, below the falls, is a
more rapid, unequal stream, than 11
is above them. 'there are places
Where the river flows in the 'quiet
stillness of deep water, but many
shoals and rapid occur; and at, that
distant day, when everything was let
its natural state, 061ue of the passes
were not altogether without hazard..
Very little exertion was required on
the part of those who managed the
conn. -5, exc0111 in those places wllere
the swiftness o1' the current and the
presence. of the rocks required care;
then, indeed, not only vigilance,, but
greet loom, :5, readiness, - stud
streegth of atm became necessary, in
order to avoid the clangers. Of all
11(15 the elohioan was aware, end he
had judiciously selected a spot where
the river flowed tranquilly to .inter-
c•ept. the eano('ll, in order to inane his
communication without hazard to
those he wished to :peak.
The Pathfinder had no sooner i'ee-
Og111101 the form of his red friend,
than. with a strong sweep of his
paddle, he threw the head of his own
lanae. 3110333)10 the shore, mOtioni»g
for Japer to 10ll0111, In a- minute
130111 boats were silently drifting
down the stream within reach of the
bushes that overhung the water,: all
observing a profound silence; some
Dom alarm, and others from habit-
ual caution. As the travellers drew
nearer the Indian, he made a sip)
for them to stop; and then he and
Pathfinder had , a slant but. earnest
"The chief is riot are to see 5115'
miles in a dead log," observed the
white man to his red associate; "why
does he tell us to stop?"
"Miugos are in the woods."
"That we have believed these two
clays; sloes the chief know it?"
The Mohican quietly held up the
head of a pipe formed of stone,
"It law ou a fresh trail that led
towards the gau'ris00,"--far so 1t was
theusageof that frontier to term a
Military work, whether it MMtl Otile
pied ar not.
"Thal may be the bowl o1' a pipe
belonging to a soldier, Many use the
r'ed'skin pipes."
"See," said the twig Serpent, again
holding the thing he had found up to
the view of his evieud,
The bowl of the pipe w'a3. of soap-
stone, and tray carved with great
('are and with a very respectable de-
gree Of 01011; in its centre was 11
Shia11 mark, made with an accuracy
which permitted no doubtof its
meaning. -
"That does foretell devilry and
wickedness," said tate - Pathfinder,
who had all the provincial horror of
the symbol hi question whichthen
pervaded the country, and which be-
came so incorporated with its preju-
dices, by confounding mere With
things, its to have left its traces
strong enough on the moral feeling
of the community to be discovered
even at the present hour; "no Indian
who was not from the Caaada.s would
dream of carving a thiug Idle that 011
This pipe. It looks fresh, too, Chiug-
"The tobacco was burning 'when 1
found it.,"
"'That is close world, chief, Where
was the trail?"
The Mohican pointed to a •spot 1101
a 11111111red yards from that w'her'e
they mood..
The natter now began to look very
serious, and the two principal i;uides
conferred apart. for 5eve1'11! 01in tele,.
when Moth a:wendeel the bank, ap-
lrroaelted the Indicated :mut, tool ,x•
unlined the wail with the utmost
e:nv', After this investigation had
lasted 33 quartet' of an hour, the
white 1111111 returned 1)1011e, Ohl red
friend hawing disappeared in the
The ordinary expression of the
countenance of the Pathfinder Ovals
that of simplicity, integrity. and
sincerity, blended in an airof self-
reliance which usually gave great
eonlideuee to those who found 1110111-.
de1Ve5 11i1d,•1' ]lis care; 11111 1)00' a look
Of ('0111,'1')) ells) 11 51)11(11' Ower 111s
(.51 face, face, that street: the whole party.
"What cheer, Master Pathfinder?"
de -weeded Cap, permitting a voice
that was usually deep, loud, and con-
fident to sinit into the callti0ns tones
that better suited the clangers of the
wilderness. "Has the enemy got be-
tween us and our port.?"
"Have any of these painted scarce
mouelles anchored ol'r the harbour
towards which we are x'tmnieg, with
the b0pe of cutting ns off In en1111»
"It may be all a5 you say, friend
Crap, but I ton hone the wiser rot'
your words; and in tdc1c10 11 times
the plainer a man makes 110 Eng
fish. the mister he Is understood. 1
know noilting of ports and anchors;
but there is a direful Mingo trail
within a hundred yards of this very
spot, and as fresh as venison with-
out salt. If one of the fiery devils has
passed, so have u dozen; and, what
is worse, they have gone down 1.o -
wards the garrison, aid not a soul
('tosses the clearing around it that
some of then' piercing eyes will mot
discover, when sartaiu bullets will
"051131otthis said fort deliver a
broadside, and creel' everything with-
in the sweep or its hawse?"
"Nay, 111e forts this -a -way are not
like forts in the settlements, and two.
or three light cannon are all they
have down at the mouth of 3115 river;
101(1 then, broadsides fired at a dozen
outlying Mingoes, lying 1)011110(1 logs
and in a forest, would be powder
emelt hi vain. We have but one
('0113se. um/ that is a very )(tee one,
\\'e are jwi1ma1wally placed here,
both weepy), being hid by the high
bank mud huelty5, from all ev05,
cen). (salt of any 10(130*' (11) 3 (fly ole
pestle. Here, t 11'11, We 11113y slily `Willi -
Ohl Witch 'pt'r•,c'(13 fear; 1,.it how to
get th,' 131.01Hlirsty devll$ all the
stream again? Iia! 1 have it, I have
13 it does no good. it can do 1)0
harm. 1)o you see the wide -topped
chestnut here. Jasper, at the lust
turn In the river on Ota' 110')3 side of
the stream, 1 131ea1?"
"T11u1 near 3110 fallen pine?"
"The very 0)3»10. Take the flint and
tindeiebox, creels along the bunk, and
light a fire at that spot; maybe
smoke will draw thele above us, ;'11
the menewhile, w(' will trop the
171)0000 van -1'11113' down bey'a»d the
point below, and find another ,;leiter.
flushes aro plenty, 111)d env: '1 ere
easily to be had in this region, as
witness the many anlbus11me(1.0."
"I will do it, Pathfinder," Jallpel'
said, springing to the shore, "In ten
minutes the lire shall be lighted."
"And, L`au•douce, 1150 plenty of
clamp wood this lime," half whisper-
ed the outer, laug1311133 heartily, in his
own peculiar manner; "when smoke
is water, water helps 10 thicken it"
The young man was soon 011', halt-
ing his way rap0diy towards the de -
shred point, A slight attempt. or
Mabel io object to the risk ti'as dis-
regarded, mud 111e party immediately
Prepared to change its position, 138 it
could be seen from the place where
Jasper intended to light his fire. The
movement did not require baste, and
it was 1118310 lel'1ti1'e!y 80(1 with Cal'o,
Tlie ('111)005 wore got clear of 1119
hushes, then suffered to chop flown
with the stream until they reached
the spot where the chestnut, at the
foot of which Jasper was to light the
fire, was almost shut out from view,
when they stopped, and every eye
was turned in the direction of the
"There goes the smoke!" exclaim-
ed the Pathfinder, as a current of ah'
whirled a little eohlnul of 111e vapour
from the land, allowing it to rise
spirally above the bell of the river.
"A goad flint, a small bit of steel,
and plenty of cry leaves make a
quick fire, t hope ban -donne will have
the wit () bethink 131111 of the damp
wool now when it may serve us all a
good turn."
"Too much 5)101(e --too '1)11X11 mile
Meg," said Arrowhead eetltentlOusiy.
"Thalis gospel tr1111, Tuscarora, 11
the Ming0es 111E0'1 ltnow 111111 they
are neat' soldiers; but soldiers coin•
needy think more of their (1111aler 1)t
a hall. than of their wisdom and
clanger, No, no; 1e) the boy pile on
his logs, and smoke them. well too; it
will all be 10 id to the Stupidity of
So010)) or Irish blunderer, who is
thinking mo1')' of his c>alnnvl1 or 1105
pot aatoea dant of Indent sm3eunlvcn-
thew5 or Indian rifles."
"And yet. I should thick, from ell
tr, have heard in the towns. that the
soldiers onthisfrontier erre 115011 10
lite 1r'tlti('e5 of their enemies," 011 111
Mabel, "11114 bee01110 111 Most 1)5 it'll'
as (Ile red glen th)'niselves,'.
"Notthe'y, bxperience makesthen)
but I1ttle wiee1 ; mei they whet'1, and
platoon, and battalion it 1)60(31, here
v'el.:,. _ ,- ^..r'L ��i.%1 '"ll'' „rce:-s+•eDvMe). �-1_-e-:iNeeeerie
�.:%.N.-o-- 1 ' y i•�+ .,,,�+.w✓,^• %�N����Y�, ri1'�� ~r/
e)' `iy',r ,-.0roo ran, `ii+.'. 21 y ri'L•. ..r". �rir .ariv.�^,n;�..., ��.i+,srfi✓
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6 p.m.
Free well -baby clinic will be held
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Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
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Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
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throat hospitals, London, Dug. At.
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Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. Also at Seaforth Clinks first
Tuesday M each mouth,, -63 Waterlte
St., St1'atford, Telephone 267,
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be made for Sale
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writing Gordon 3331, Creht, 00derlo11.
Charges moderate and satisfacti('1
F, W. AHRENS, Licensed Auction
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Sales Solicited, Terms on Application.
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phone Harold Jackson, 668x12, Sea'
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Watson & Reis
t 1nc1essurs to James Watson)
Atl kinds of Insurance risks effect-
er. at lowest rates in h'irst•Class
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Wm. Knox, Londesboro;
Vice President, W. R. Archibald,
Seaforth; Secretary Treasurer, M. A.
Reid, Seaforth,
F: IIIcKercher, R,R,1, Dublin; John
E. Pepper, R.11.1, Br'ucefleld; J. F.
Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Myth; Win. Yeo, Holmesville,
Alex Ilroadtoot, Seaforth; William
Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt,
Dublin; James Connolly, Goderich;
Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R..
Archibald, Seaforth; Alex Mofllwing,.
Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Hugh Alexander, Walton.
Patties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post -
the forest, just as they did in
their parks at home, of which they
are 1111 so fond of tallciug, One red-
skin has more cunnilg in his natal'
than a whole, regiment from the outer
side or the. water; that is, what I call
cunning of the woods, But there is
smoke enough. of all conscience, and
we had better drop into another
cover. 191e lad has tlu'orvn the river
on hie fire, and tbel'e is danger tll.a.t
1110 Miugoes will believe a whole re -
011 . 15 out,"
While spealihtg, the Pathfinder pee -
milted his canoe to drift away 31'0 hi
the bush by which it had been re
(3linccl, and 111 a couple of minutes
the bend in the river concealed the
smoke and the tree. Fortunately. a
51111111 indentation in the shore pre -
:willed itself, within a few yards of
the point they had passed; and the
two canoes glided into it, under the
impulsion of the paddles.
Want and For Sale Ms, 3 weeks '500