HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-19, Page 4PAGE FOUR
"She says she's sorry—but she only suits 'off the face' hats"
A vele enjoyable afternoon tuts
;pent last Thursday when Mrs. Wm
• Humphries. president of the Ladi
Guild of St. George's Church. enter-
. wined the members Of the Guild and
\V,A. and several ladies of the village
r . a social afternoon. After a short
• i totiettl period. iod, the minutes were
r, -Irl and the financial report rl oT r1
year was given by the secretary.
treasurer. Mrs. 13, Anderson. Mrs
Hollinger. president of the W.A..
presided while business of the W,A-
• W1)0 discussed. After this everyone
enjoyed a singsong accompanied on
the piano by Miss Mary Humphries
Miss Dorothy Bolton gave a reading
and then conducted a quiz contest
which was won by Mrs. Relley, A
solo by Billie Humphries was enjoy-
ed by all. A bean guessing contest
was won by Miss J, A. Bolger. Dur-
ing the afternoon. Mrs. Shortreed and
Mee. Sellars were appointed to act, as
judges for the pillow cases on which
were sewn patches. Under each
patch was a cash donation. The per.
son putting on (11e neatest patch was
MIs. Wills of London, who ret'eived
0 prize. The lady giving the largest
donation was Mrs. Rutledge who re-
ceived the pillow eases. A few games
of bingo were played, the prizes go.
fug to Mrs. Ferg and little Charles
Hollinger. after this groups were
ferteed and a dainty lunell was sere,
tet by the hostess and her assistants.
Itev. F. Watts moved a hearty vote
of thanks to Mrs.- Humphries and
spoke of the splendid work of the
;miles daring tate year.
Mr. olid 3lrs William Kearney.
1Ir•. and Mr.. Lawson Kearney and
Mss Maggie Lawson visited on
Pheeselay with Mr. and Mrs. -Erie
Dow. Cromarty.
Mrs. Earle Dow and two dough -
are visiting w'lth. ,lir. and Mrs.
William Kearney.
.Miss Maggie Lawson i.: spending
Meme time with M0. and Mrs, ('atop•
hell Dow.
A Christmas tree and cnneert will
be Held in the church at Walton on
Friday night, Dec. 20,
The many friends of 3I•,. ('larene
Martin are pleased to hear of (1(r le.
revery from her recent illaese.
;'.e' Smithy Ss hos] .1 hristnas
. friday evening, Der,. _1111). ..
Program '1 prizes anal diolog:u<..
1 ,sett
31., Win. Bolton of Rochester,
Y.. is visiting relatives around Web
Messrs. George I'otter.1. Stewart
McCall and Harold Bolger we-r•e in
t•1,lford 011 Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Claremee Rte•is, and
baby and his mother and sister Dolly
were in Brussels Sunday.
Mr. Gordon Holland of Camp 110
(lee has been visiting: friends here.
1i--31-,t,y ev tn
friend,. - ;ol
00.,ar gathered ,t the 'Annie ,,f
and Mrs, 11. Ilennewies.
]7• hit l' -r,.
to pre-, in heir ' lata'Iler.
at mis•vli,,iie.' 4' lin,)er.
1)i der e,i m, Mr. fl <r)ry
ib,hietee, of \Vint':r, ,11 lies. 21-t.
t4a- ra! 1 31i-- irn
Is , . and :.iter t',< c,'rc
,e11 the young • '1- thauic, d
•nm' -for the rift- i.nncir was
e e. enin
3 the est 1
and t t r '
est in dancing.
Patriotic Soeiety are holding a
Ken" game in the basemen of ills
school on Thursday evening Der. 2),.
Door prize. Come and enjoy an ev-
ening's inn and at the same time you
will he helping, in a small Way, a
v rirthy cause.
Private Harold Qneren user of
1 rodhagen, a member of the 21.01 ilat-
tasear Perth Regimen:. Listowel, has
been transferred to 2nd Battalion,
i's -ex Scottish Regt. at Windsor.
'rhe ladies of 'the Patriotic Society
sent -a Xmas (box of treats and socks
to Private Albert Rose of 'Camp Bor-
den, Albert was a .former resident
The pupils of St. Peter's Lu'therah
Church Sunday School are 'practising
.for their annual Christmas Eve non-
Election rumors are going their
rounds. Nomination meeting Dec. 30
The Heaping Hand (Mission Band
of 'Caren Church closed a every
successful year by presenting a 'con-
cert in the basement of the church on
Monday evening, Dec. 9. Rev. &Yfr.
Craw acted as chairman. The pro -
ram: consislted of a chores, recita-
tir'ns, songs. a temperance wio, dia-
1,otr., unte••h,\ exercise, violin chc-
tion- :eel a pssostit entitled "'I'hanks-
gitna d ,Its.. Eht• leader and ehtl(I-
rrn 4)e r, 1..1I l str,a,u t'f the
er', w,n•k 4hivh ;Ir).vcd whlet is
nig done lit the Band, 'I'IIe 11(4110
` articles made rhe Tile (land 1(erc
well done and netted 1 thio stint.
Near the close of t11,' program, 110.,
I i tl rc 1001(1',Alto lee. Let
three faithful )ests ,it her time to the
children and who has resigned, was
',resented with .a chrome plated Delis[
dish with three compm'muents and
ivory handles. Maxine Dennison
read the following address and Sltir-
Jey \bontgentery made the pres-
entation Dear airs, 'Poll: The
menrhers of the 11elping 11and
Mission hand wish to express their
gratitude to you this evening for your
many years ef ieadership,I Not
only have you built 01) our Randto
one of the highest in the Presbyterial
nt you have ;given us all education
we shall never forge:. N0 doubt, we
have often tried your patience -hut
yell have always Ivan us by your
,pleasant smile, In appreciation of
your caharbie teaching, we wish you
to accept this small 'Lift, not for its
intrinsic value but for the memories
ewe hope it will (bring to yurt in the
:he smiling years. Signed on 'hehal11
,i the lielpill4 Hand" \Ir ion Ilan,1.I
31r,. 'roll. take)) by complete stir-+
1 rise, t• prd o.ed in 0 few words her
appreciation and wished the Band
"eery surer„ for :he coining years,
liter the singing of the national a11-
11evo, die children pIssed essay.
\lids 31ary t",oi soli of (lip d...
Corners is at present yisitiug her par-
ent-, 31r mid 310- 1.eorge Campbell.
'Mrs. \\'i1' Garinreceived %%era that
her nephew, Flight Lieutenant W. N.
!'rri,ali. R,.\,F.. ha. fleet: awarded the
7)i-tingai,hcd Flyer; Cross. \ paper
received from leis home in Ireland,
•1)y,:- " Flight - 1.ientenamt 1\'illitun
Neill I't'rioli, who has been awarded
the Distingui-iced Plying Cr.'.., in a
son of 31r. ,end Mrs. .1. E. l'rrioli,
Keel, Ballymena. Ile is 23
;se and ass educated art
11,11) urn, \cad1mv. 'joining the
le S.F. a- •a pupil -pilot three -)ear= ago
was eommissi.'m•d the .acne year
,1),1 ,t r r- and t(d flight lieuteriant a
ie.) ;).rl 414,0 10,, brother,. Rohcrt
11111 Joseph 11. S are serving- in
iie North Irish Nene."
The following relatives whit at•
tended the funeral of the late AI. iI
Penpals of 8t. Thomas last Saitut•day
were Mr. amd 31rs. T. 111. Snowden
Miss Mary Suow'101. Mrs. 11. Grain.
ger. Miss Rose Snowden. Mrs. J
Turner, Robert Tm'ner. Mrs. G,
\Weettake, Mr. Harold P0111u(le. Mr
a101 Alts. A. E. Westlake and .310,
Robert Pt -inhale.
A number of old neighbors Desai
the. Ilrousou 1(11' attended the funeral
of alae late 3Ir. S. -Kipfer of Brave
Mild on Monday.
,\L•. Jolm Wild or the Woodstock.
training )'01( 11. spent Snnduy al 111=
Mrs. Brooks of Clinton is vise c1)„
her dadughtc-0. Mrs. \i'. Scntehmer nn
.Ice Swenson lied'.
Goshen W.M.S. held their Decent
b r meeting in the (Sowell with a
goed aattutd00,' The meeting WAS 1)l
g w
((11se a1 Aire. Petce i 1hutn
group. The theme of the meeting sem
—rile world clutch pays hostage to
t'hrist." With Mrs, Peck. presiding
the meeting opened. reacting first se
von verses of 2nd chapter Luke, fol
lowed by ltynm "Silent. Night," Tau
Lord's prayer was repeated in ani
sols. Mrs. Perce Johnston gave 1'
reading, The hymn, "While Shep
herd's watch their flocks by night,"
was sung. Mrs. Peck conducted- the
study book assisted by a number of
Indies. The offering was received
followed by prayer. Mrs: Elmore Ste
phenson sang, "Star of the East."
The roll cali was answered by the
word "Peace." The treasurer's re
port was given,., Mrs. Robt. McKin
ley and Mrs. Elgin McKinley we'(
appointed auditors. The election of
officers then took place, Mrs. Robert
McKinley directing. They are as fol
lows: Past president, Mrs. R. M
Peek, holt, president, Ml's, Robt, Mc.
Kinney; president, Mrs. Russell En
vett; 1st vice, Mrs. Eight McKinley:
2nd vice, Mrs. Peres ,Iohnnton; :rel
vice, Mrs, R. M Peck; 4th- vice, Mrs
Ben Keyes; treaswet', Mrs, Bruce
Me('liuchey; cols, sec., Mrs. Ben
Keyes; see. see., Mrs. Wm. Hayter:
press see., Mrs. R. M. Perk; supply
sec, - Mrs. Rich. Robinson and Mrs
Wm. Hayter; IVlitiaiotlaty Monthly
see., Mrs. George Anderson; Strang-
ers sec., MIS Robt. Robinson mite
Doti sec., Mrs Will (:lark; sept p1'
systematic giving, Mrs John Arm
strong; temp sec., Mrs, Henry P1)
rat); Baby Band .sec., Mrs. Richard
Robinson; organist, Mrs. Will Clark
assistant, Mrs. George Anderson;
Mission Banti leader, Miss Noreuc
Robinson; assistant. Mrs. Elmore
Stephenson. Mrs, Peck closed the
meeting with the benediction.
The Reacher of Constance School,
Mr. Fralick, is pulling; 00 a Christmas
tree and concert on Thursday even-
ing, couuneneing at 8 oclot:k. A good
program i0 ,heing; provided. Come and
enjoy yourself,
The S.S. of Constance 'C'hureh are
holding their Christmas. tree and en-
tertainment on-31onclay evening, Dec.
2,ird, in the schoolroom of the church
at 8 o'clock, The program 1)ill eon-
list of choruses. resit Minns, ilial s ues,
saxophone solos, trios and stale
quartette. A goad program is lbeing
provided. 'Conte and see Sana Claus
and enjoy a coil evening's entertain-
3lrs. Dustin Sinclair and daughter,
Evelyn of ,L'ri,deu :pent the week-
end with 31r. and Mrs. Leo Srephe'1.
\Iids Hazel Jamieson. nurse -in -
training a1 5,tratford 114),1+ilal, spent
the week -end with her parents.
The \\'. M. S. had their Chrisunas
meeting Thursday afternoon. Dec. 12,
in the school roost or the church.
The minutes of Ow previous meeting
, were read by- Mrs. George Addison.
Mrs. John Nottingham gave a splen•
diel Christmas message. A \While
(Gift service Min cotducled, Mrs. R.
Grinlold.I v gave tt musical selection.
3leetitIg closed with prayer.
The regular meeting o1 the W.A.
was held in the basement of the'
church on Dec. 121 h, with the presi-
dent, Mrs. t1, Adams presiding. The
111c(ti opened ri
n t Iht use 4)t hymn
gi nit
I after which Iry
1\ 1. Peter Lindsay.
( 1 .{1111. kl1 .
311s James Hugill and Mrs E.
Adams offered prayer. The minutes
of the last regular meeting and the
special meeting for election of ofllc.
elle were tread and adopted. After
business was transacted hymn 298
was sung. Mrs. Jack Carter, leader
of Group 4, then tools charge. After
singing hyntli 4115 the scripture les.
sot taken from John, 10tH chapter,
first ten verses, was react by Mrs.
Clarence Waldron. All repeated the
Lord's prayer, Mrs, b:, Adams then
gave a splendid tall. on the Birth of
Christ, followed with a song by
some of the school cehiidren. Itynnt
:los was sunt. and Mrs. Carter then
closed the meeting with prayer.
Luncil was served.
Sirs. A. Dexter spent last week with
her daughter, .31 is, Ethel Dexter, at
The death o1' Mr. Solomon Kipfer
a highly esteemed - resident of Bruce
field. occurred 4)t his holds en Friday
evening, Dc, Int 11. lifter to week's
11111 00 with a heart atttack. Mr
Kipfer, the son of the late 131r. and
Mrs. Andrew L. Kipfer. was born I11
IIay township In .lune 1571. He wns
uun'ried Io Rachel Schwarizent•uber
a101 111' Hay township, where they
curried on fanning for a few years
before moving to Zurich when lie had
•a c'onfel•tinlfely store for foul' years.
Iie then learned the trade of barber
lug, which business he has since
followed Ten yea's ago he moved
with his funnily to I3rucetield, Hie
quiet p1 '11011111 manner (0011 fur hint
many friends. Ile is survived by his
wire, cue daughter Mrs,- Andrew
Sturgeon, and one son Lee. of St.
Thomas; three brothers, Rev, Meuo
Tavistock. Jacob 13(11!'151', 'Tan'
lstock, and Moses Kipfer, Kitchener
and two sisters, Mrs. Dim Sc1u•ag
Leonardvi11e, New York, and b'Irs.
Sam Nnt'ziger, Villeins Alberta. The
funeral was held 011 Monday after
noon. private service at the• home
and public• service in the United
Church, Rev. H. Wright officiated
assisted by Rev. W. Bremner, Sea-
ford, -1 former pastor. Mr. Bremner
paid high tribute to the chi,rticter 0t
the deeellsed. 1I1'. Wright. preac•h'tI
from the text, Therefore lee are al-
ways co011,1)nt knowing that, whilst
(0e are at home in the body, 0'•e tire
11 1'rntn tha Lord: throe w,' walk
by faith, not by sight -)1 We are canfl
dent, i say. and wilting rather to he
absent from the body. and to be pre
stint with the Lord. 2 ('or„ 5.8
Hymns, "The Lord's Aly Shepherd
I'll not waif," and "Jesus !over of my
soul," were sung.- i1h'. Sant Rennie 1)l'
I -l011001 sang "The ()id Rugged
Cross." Interment tonic place in Bay,
field cemetery, The pallbearers were
Hess Scott. fiugh Berry. Joe tic
c•nlly. Basil 011,,11110, John Cornish
and John Snider. The flower bearers
were \w ill Scott, AI(1ie Mustard,dJim
Mt•('ully and Glenn Swan. Relatives
and fiends from it dt I nils attend
tug the funeral were from Tavistock
Kitchener, Zurich, Blake, Dashwood
Varna and Henson. Sympathy is ex
tended to Mrs. Kipfer and family in
the death or their husband and
Mrs, Seldou Rose and infant dao•
glite returned to their home a week
Miss Eva Stackhouse is spending a
eine weeks with her sister, Mrs. S
Nettle and family of Glencoe.
Don't forget the Christmas tree
and concert in the school room of
the church on Friday evening. Be-
sides the programme three motion
Picture films will be shown.
The anunal meeting of ,Staffa
Woman's 131 issionary Society- was held
at the home of 1Mrs. George \Ti'vian.
Miss Vera Hanihly 4000 in charge.
The roll -call showed 114 present. The
Scripture were read 4ay Mrs. Thomas
Drown. Prayers were offered by Vera
ffawibly and Marion Boa, 'followed by
a noun rear) by Vera Hastily. Mrs, E.
\Irlw'cmrh and Ian AIdworth rendered
•:los and Airs. Arthur Kemp read 'the
c'hri.tnrl, Si. rv. "'rheOther Wise
The eleCticnt of officers fel-lowed .M
and the following were installed Iby .
Rl \I wor:presmlett, Mr.E. EGE 'j
\ldteith; rCordtelapon . THEATRE
tea e t r•y, e
Marion Boat trcasm a Mrs.natterSeat Ortnatter 'O Brien; runununfty linrmel-
ship, Bless James ;Stiller; -Baby liana,'
Mrs . Thomas Drown, 1iiss(onary ' NOW SIIOWING
;Monthly, ,11rs; Sant •Norris; pianist,
Mrs.- 13. A]dwort'h; mite -box, Mrs. I1, I (TENS AUTRY
1-Iam)hly; •press secretary,. Marion Boa,
-bfter the National Anthem ryas - sung.I
II r..\ldworth closed the meeting With
prayer. I
31rs. George \••1rian served a •dainty
luneh, assisted by 131 r;. Cameron Viv-
ian and 11rs. Robert Vivian.
The annual meeting; of the Annie
Reidle Mission Baud was held at the
house of Betty I\•lacKell;u' nil Saturday
afternoon with ten present. Miss Jean
'McCulloch, 'the president, was in the
chair and conducted the meeting. hiss
A,gnes Scott as leader, read the Script•
lire passage. Ret`. Peter 31inncson led
in quaver.. During the election of Of-
ficers \•lis.. 3;,nes0 Seolit took the
chair. Jean •3!rCulloeh was re-elected
president and \-\'ilnrl Iiantilton 1st
rice -president. Gordon Houghton 40110
elected .secretary an(1 Robert -L Laing,
treasurer. The different reports trere
'favol•a'ble, hitt a Mitre earnest endear -
or to do •h ['ter in 111411 is the wisIt of
the members, Lunch was sensed by
Mrs. 31achelL•u' and her (laughter
'Mrs. William Hough'en 01101 her
lie -hand returned) to their home in
(' vu11't) ,)herr it i, hoped •31-r.
113, xlreu will soon regain his
strength, 3Ir. James Scott is c'0 a
,business trip to I',rr,utta. -
L.O.S. 1035 held its annual meeting
on-Tlursdny last. The following of-
ficers 1vere elected: AV',M, Percy
Johnston; D. 31, 'Nels,u Reid; Chap.
Chas. C. Pilgrim; rec. ser., Watson
Webster; Mt. sec., Russell Co11si11;
1'i1s(len. N1)marshal!. ,
Ostrom; 1st leo[., Robert Taylor;
2nd lec.t„ Orrin Dowson.
The United Chervil and Sunday
School will hold its annual ('lyrist
mos tree Monday evening, 8 o'clock.
Red Cross Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Varna
'Red Cross was held in the township
hall, Varna, 1111 Monday evening,
Dec, 901. Mr, Morton Elliott acted as
chairman for the. evening. The sec-
reting' reported they had shipped 11
shipments to headquarters )luring the
year including 18(1 pairs sociis, 7
scarves, 6 pairs wristlets, 1 pair klree
caps, 1 sweater, 95 soldiers' hankies,
52 pith's Wren's pyjamas. 1:3 quilts, 7
pairs flannelette blankets, 4 woollen
blankets, 39 sheets, 11111 dozen snot
water bottle covers, 7 1108011 and 9
hospital hankies, 8 hospital jackets,
1357 articles of hospital supplies and
249 articles of r'ef11gee clothing. The
treasurer's report showed during the
year 3822.72 had been raised anti
13608.02 spent, leaving a halau1'' of
321)1.70, After the adoption or these
reports the ('lection of officers tool:
place, which are as follows: Honor-
ary president, 51rs. Is, Beatty; presid-
ent, 11Irs. Alf Johnston; vice presid-
ent, Mrs, Alex McConnell; secretary,
Rachael Johnston; treasurer, Mrs. G.
'H, Beatty; assistant ser„ Miss 1.111•
lin Elliott; advisory board, Mr.
Percy Johnston, lir, Mort Elliott, 31r.
Wm. R. Stephenson, Mr, H, A131•
d'iulde, Lloyd Keyes, Stewart Beat-
tie and Rev. J. R. Peters; auditors,
George Reid anti Alfred Johnston. 11
\vas also moved that we apply for a
charter of our own and that we have
a nrenlherslip fee of 25 eellts. The
meeting then adjourned, after which
the ladies made plans to cater to the
Varna Short Course in Home Econo-
mics and Agriculture banquet to be
held on Dec. 20th,
Messrs. Glenn Dowson, Lloyd John-
ston and Ernie McCliuchey spent
Sunday 111 Woodstock visiting Mr.
Jack Me('linchey who is there for
his month's training.
The girls' class of the Varna Short
("Millet, in Home Economies entertain-
ed their mothers and the ladles of
the community to an afternoon tea
o1 Friday afternoon in the hall, Mrs.
J. C. Shearer, Mr's. Fred Watson,
Mrs. Alfred Johnston and Mrs. Alex.
McConnell assisted in pouring tea.
They also entertained the boys' class
Continued Prom Page line
sine Mr. and Mrs
T l years s t t l
R i 37 t a
Smith left Coventry and game to
Canada. They were on a farm in
Hibbert Township neer Stit1811 for a
couple of years and then for 2 years
at. the McIntosh farm in MoKilTop
and during the Last War moved to
Harpurhey when Mr. Smith enlisted
He served from 1910 to 1919 and saw
active service in Belgium. In 1919
Mr, and Mrs. Smith moved into town
aid have continued to live in Sea.
forth. Their daughter, Miss Annie
Smith, resides with them. An adopt•
ed son Jaek Heaton, resides in
Platteville. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hock•
ton and son are expected here during
the week end in honor of this
occasion, Mrs. Smith was born in
Birmingham, England, but went to
the vicinity of Coventry when quite
young. Her parents died when she
was small and she now has no relat-
ives in the Old Country. Mr. Smith
spent his early years in Coventry and
visited relatives there during the last
War- bat these have since passed on.
He has heard of friends in Coventry
whose hones had been destroyed in
air raids In the past year, but has not
received word yet about the recent
terrific raid wliiclr laid waste to a
large part of Coventry. They have
been waiting for word from a lady
who attended their wedding 40 years
"Carolina Moon"
Lucille Ball -Richard Carlson
A gay musical hal with laughs galore
Bette Davis Charles Bayer
Coming —
sago and who was still.living i11 Cots
entry within recent -menthe.
'I'lm Many t'fieuds or Mrs, Stephen
11111 1Yly lire pleased 10 11111)0' she Is
hone trout St. Joseph's Hospital, at
London, after a serious operation,
and is o11 good way to recovery.
[Messrs, Clem and Gerald McKay
from Gall spent Sunday with their
parents. Mr, and Mrs, 'l'lios. McKay.
\\'e are pleased to hear that Mr,
August I3euerm:uur is improving
well as can be expected.
The tine weather of late hoe made
the all the roads passably,
.1tthe request of Merchants and Businessmen, 1 hereby
and request the Citizens to duly observe the same
Christmas: Going Monday, Dec.
23 to Wednesday, Dec. 25 inclusive.
Return Limit: Leaving destination
not later than Midnight (1,S.'1•.)
Thursday, Dec. 26.
Nett'Years: GoingMonday,Dea
- 30 to Wednesday, Jan. 1, inclusive:
Return Limit: Leaving destination
not later than Midnight (L,S.T.)
'Thursday, January 2, 194'1:
Good going: rriday, Dec: 20 to
Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1941 inclusive:
Return Limit: Leaving destination
not later than Midnight (1i.S.T.)
Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1941.
Prepaid FAMILY
A most appreciated gift for
son or daughter away from
home. Mk for details of this
convenient gift plan,
Tickets and complete it formation
from any Agent.
Due to the increase in the price of butter -fat.
starting Monday, December 23rd, new prices for
Milk will be six cents a pint and eleven cents a
Crean'[ will be eight cents a quarter -pint and
fifteen cents a half-pint
g- fee •Vg`c'
We have everything in the Electrical line: Radios. Floor
Lamps; Table Lamps, Electric Shavers, Mixlnasters,
Electric Irons, Electric Toasters, ste s, lalectric Sewing
Machines, etc., etc.
COLORED LIGHTS.—Beautiful colored 'Noma Christmas Tree
Lights, Interior and Outdoor Lighting, Fixtures for Christmas.',.
dwT All models and prices of Radios, See our largel
display. We,�rj.'
also have Battery' Radios and Batteries in stock,
Radio Repair Work
Phone Seaforth
WP-FWWW 's` A 'LAW .;.lPatr-AeaL : gf- l ea-aK