HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-19, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19,.1940 THE SEAFORTH NEWS MADE IN CANADA McRILLOP Did you ever see a many lay his gloved hand on a chopping block and apparently lop off his thumb. Prob- ably not. According to a story re- lated to Mr. Gordon McGavin of Mn Xillop this was a favorite joke of a workman in a northern lumber camp when strangers were present, The man had lost a thumb in an accident some years previous. Cordon recent - ly lost a thumb when he grasped an ice cold revolving shaft in his gloved right hand, the wet glove freezing to the shaft. The injured hand ts healing nicely now, but it takes time and practice to oversome the handicap of a missing thumb, especially on the right hand. The above story was told to Mr. McGavin by a man on hie train who noticed his bandaged hand. RJdi1! motoring' ALL YEAR verfreen PLAYGROUND YES, out in Vancouver and Victoria GOLF is played all year 'round! Warm sea -breezes and the protection of the mighty Coastal mountains maintain a moderate temperature in which all outdoor sports take on an invigorating newness. Plan now to visit Canada's EVER- GREEN Playground—for rest or play, the ideal place for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation! Special Winter rates at hotels. The new Hotel Vancouver's spacious rooms and de- lightful accommodations will add to the pleasure of your stay in Vancouver. ROUND TRAVEL WEST THE JASPER WA'', USING THE AIR-CONDITIONED CONTINENTAL LIMITED ATTRACTIVE RAIL RATES Reduced sleeping -car Ares . . . Low meal Mies on trains Always Use.. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS he...- TELEGRAPHS • MONEY ORDERS Speed . . . Dependability. . . Safety Full hformation from any ticket agent Spirit of Christmas Can't Be Beaten There's mitthing to equal Christmas for the feeling that it, inspires in everyone . . that "its good to the alive" sensation coupled with a deep feeling for the wellsheing of fellow num that comes espeviallyatiChri•it- 7:, 1en who love solitude—and their number increases, since in solittule and tine quiet personal yhilosophy that atitemls ninon it, the best escape from modern harassments is Nutind--sud- denly discover that solitude is no:bear- able lo them. The meanest make pre- sents like the rest, and take pride even in a strange excess. Those who are at enmity seek each other ifor reconcile- ment, acid old friends wanni towards each other iti the riche4t glow of amity iand confidence. This season, as Sur long past, we shall 'have quoted to us in recitation and otherwise the classic example of the thettevoleist effect of Cristms on the miserable Scrooge: hut shall we not have some het ter story to tell, in- dicating the iny,tery and power, than this rather ihald and eiententtl tale? The world may be riven: that; al- lowing for motors, airplanes, the radio and other things his ,Christmas, with the customary sadden acee,“ of the tirit of friendship and ibenevolenee, scarcely differ from any ,sther. Ideas and system, of life are eliang- ing eintipletely, the old order totters, institution collapse; 1)1)1 it ean ihe said of whir; vie may call the ,practice of 1 hristina,. a. (51 wh,oltitely nothi114 el,e, that it will remain Christina., k Intlever happens, immutable and permanent, because we hawe been horn and bred to1. because it prov- ide, a relaxation from the strain 0 life to he obtained in no other way. 11, after all other insititations had 'men ig were decreed by mad !governments that 'Christmas also 11111.4 disappear, another Chrisitmas would ins t tt tly the established, like the other, just the ,411110. So far ae anything tinder heaven rtin make a guarantee general happiness for one short spell among the 'prevailing .4loot11, Christmas make,. it. _ • - FIFTY TONS OF CHRISTMAS PUDDING Have Arrived from England in Can. ada, U.S.A. and the Dominions t'anatia has received a goodly share of the 50 tons of Christmas puddings whirl] have now been safe- ly delivered to the Dominions and S. A. in atm& time for this year's 10)11111 08. They have been going out 8111141 midsummer for they will keep for year If necessary and improv( -1 in the keeping. Otto New York buyer has had ted thousand dollars' worth, Ile bought them not only for Christmas but for Thanksgiving Day. Americans with English associa- tions began ten years ago buying plum puddings from England and now it is the fashion in the States. One London baker alone has dis- patched 5 tons of them in basins of special design. Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25c First Yuletide Here Observed in 1604 It IMF, way hank in 1604 when Can- ada had its first 'Christmas. JUSit picture tile scene . envie eollection of huts, a palisade and a land in white. A grotto of French adventurers, seeking what escape they ronld front the biting void, were inside those huts. They were winter exiles in a New A.Vorld, and ithinigs had 11111 'been very haPPY for them. Lack of pro, isions and privation had wrought havoc in their ranks. Disease had attacked 11)an after man, More than a few had not recovered, Hut there was one man in those huts on that Christmas Day who would not admit defeat. Samuel de Champlain was a leader of the party. lit was he who organized Canada's first tChristmas festivities. Despite the shadow that lay inter his comrades, a big Christmas dinner was held, A Cull description of the event has been left for as lily the tpen of a rompagnon de voyage, -It yea, dark when we assemibilerl fur dinner in idle .great common hall, but the roaring fire in the centre, ad- ded to the many lights especially pre. pared for the orca:ion awl hung •from the walls and roof, made all bright and ensv. Thr m.sting 111 igreist pla tors, vt,J., 1.110104111 %% ill, all honor, our import. of Ihe kitehen litiadinr the way with the ehiiiitest eta, which be sat down at the head of cite main table, "And the land 5 rich and fair and 1111 pet the home of thousands of our 'OeoPle• \\*0 haw 011111,1 a new France that Will 1111, day outsitrip 1)11 France in :night, wealth awl great - the scrim was, it could not dispel the misery tthielt tugged aft the heart ,trings. Murmur:, attacking the plan to form a colony in Canada. Qom] made themselves: heard. "Nfen openly deplored the ,chente. It t%a..., then that Champlain rose to his feet. As the chronicler rletwrilie,, as the only time that I have ever seen the Sieur mad. 1E5 eye: flashed and his volee •!remble,1 with tui,,ion, a, lie exclaim. tol, 'Enough! It is spirits .3imrs that make faihre. The climate of this land is rigorous', hut it give.: health and " ' T:uie has recorded mam in 111 hisior.t .if Canada -ince that iirst Christmas dinner was held 111 St. Croix. \eadia, the land of Etangclior• AUBURN Charles Scott, mail c,ntrier for l2„. 12. Nit, 2 stulinfrit, experienced s rry tv, roads on his trip Friday. -\ tram 11111 sleigh .5as necessary 1,1 c, 111 101 the mail, and lie 11111 arrive holm. until itt p.m. on Friday evening. The n111.1 weather here ha, caused the roads in thi. disgriet to be in ;t ‘ery bad ccoulition, The animal "at home" of the St. \ngust \Voitien's institute was held on Friday night in the parish hall. l'n wre.sive euchre was enjoyed. Prize. were won by Alrs. Nilson e- AMter, and Gordon 1,oran. 1)ancing w'as then enjoyed with local talent. The Young itiul held a combined meeting- in Knox l'itited church on Friday evening., Helen '1:11:11 was in charge. 'NI:try Arthur led in prayer. June Marsh ;Nlitnr,t, presided at ithe piano. Ruth read the Scripture. .1A.jtj.kg f '`tfrost:i • Fire Selling Quality ooks Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order, • A aforth SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, e PAGE THREE Many Traditions in History of Mistletoe You'd never .know it, ront the 151101 mistletoe Conte, 4111111 glie ,8111 Saxon mistIstan—"the different twig." 1iil 1511))the mention of 1111' imc., fanird of Chri.tinits derorati ins throught 11, minid 511 rid leigendi The legend has it that Balder, a Scandinavian hero, was killed thy an arrow from a inisgletor Inc. 1 [is death angered the 511115, Who 11111111ed1alei decreed that droll) that time on ini.ile toe should be a mere parasite and should cause no more trouble. The berries- according .10 Norse inythol- ogy were the tears of the igoddess Friggu, :lied at the death of her son. 11511111' the Beautiful. It i. from this legend Gra,: the cust- om of kissing- beneath the mi.tletoe Prang; the .kiss i, supposed to be a token of Ipealle and an assurance dm, the mistletoe is still unable to C1111se F.,OrroW Or misfortune but 011 the con- trary go foster 10Ve. Another tradition, whilt perliaps seems more closely re- lated to the real meaning of Christ- ina., says that the cross was made 13.1 mktiotoo, had been until ,that time a noble tree. Because of tht• cruel 115e to which it was put, the olive -foliaged growth Atts vombmincd •to 1111 as a ,prrras•ite tot other.. MAKE THIS CHRISTMAS FREE FROM FIRE 051- 111briti,r death and des- truction to num,. iJr:H.,11 1m1J1‘... . 1 11 'pally '11111501 homes 15 Christimis, death inni 1- 1110,11 niav )114111 n, .114.. Ccie'irat ion ,,,f '11r1,1 - 11r0 f11.1iVc i" t1. 150 ,cr.r! orld. 11 Cliri:t nr, tinw 1111111erp11. fire 'yir:,r,!, are intr. daced into home-, store. and iittithe daves that do 'riot iinlinarily exist. h:Ver‘ year in (.11111o1:11, women and little children lo,,e 'heir or are scarred 1,w life from fire, -tartiyit- Chri,tnia-• rivearati,m,.. tree., ligit,Mm, Thi, is the ',yarning ibe 1)7)11 Fire arsim:', deettratirin charehe, and plidie parlicidar care in their choice .51 Ile,' oration,. (NI.% (1l(.1.1i]., Made of and :tshe:uts 5110.110 :n• Parl,ing matcri,d and 11111,1.11 !naa (nor, 1.,19111y rlit gime in I .110•11,1 net-to:on, 1.,,,s1 of 11 111..r, frcgmmt 11 or, ca -e. nwrchan:, .JrJrJrd 4)11'11,1111;4 es,17 Jhtring thi- ,caJton croAd, are larger than 115.41. The 1. trce j.t•Je1i demaii- particalar attenti,m. It rot In placed near 1,113 sours he,,it, sncli at, radiators, fire plates stifles :t1i taionl4 againt,1 Silill 115 11' ,111,111,1 be .1, .:,1aVVII that staking or ,falling. it riO 11,11 ;dock a 11.torUay or eXil ;(11(1 11,115 proven,: the C,Cape anyone. l.ight, for the tree should be 01113 of the approved elect ric t3m, and in no 11,5' '41111111 candjes be Used or smoking' permitted near any Christmas itree, fter a tree is bn.itight into the 1101110 it hottrly be- come, drier 511,1 therefore more easil: ignited. The correct Choice of toy, ono nteatt 11111e11 to •ehe littie titles 111 the homes. Those gruttle of celluloid 111•13- l), ignited without (touting in actual vontact with iflaitne 111111 when ignited they Intro with such rapidity that a child's clothing is nearly always set afire bofOre they can (11,1110,11.1 of them. .\ et:Mental ignition of flaiiiiirthle costumet has been tlic cause I vi" 1(1o13 Christina. itragedies: in fact Santa 77/RAC id 720 Cr&h. tO&C,CC JUST LIKE MADE IN C4144" Clans himself must the vi not tii i'mrn his whiskers. WINDBREAKS MEAN TREES 11 (15,11 11,s ex•„wrirneed the ,;•onis .1 4itid1o.tial.: on a windy iiiiner's day. It is crio1121, to say flue; Ochertoi are,t, tre 1y nrich warner 111511 111,1 one.1, Stich r 1)!,) 111 the 1410 11.1,11111 (0)111 11 w a miet,,ity, state: E. T. Coring, Dominion Experimental stat- ion, kaple.ka-ilia. (int. 11)15 can i11,111,415 15 onljt practical mclhoJI j, i115 treet. ,1 11a,1 1.of trees planted or from 51111 the peer tiling 1'1‘,11,5 10551. 14 maintain in tin•ir he a n:l11 11 4111,11 0111 ,i' -1 in comfort. Trr10 11f1s' 11 their valoe for ptirm..te. Evergreen-. are the hest. 1111i3 present the preatt,t resistamm 7,' 111e 1,11•••••agt, of air 111,1 thus stop it most rffecgi,ely. 1!,: mlittiol.'lv 1111,5 arc ...los% groing and tali-, ...min. -:,.tJatt. to mmlirie Doeighittit• trve, omb a: poplars groA quid:3 hut ‘.Ifer resistance tett ximl. 'Pte.\ will 111i0e sati•- fae.tory if planted in a thread enough Perhap. the be, -1 windbreak can he made nip of a mixture of trees such as .1.rnee and Tutplars. 133. alternating the trees in the rims and staggering the rows. effective protection can he built tip in a comparatively short time. quirk growing short lived poplar:: give early .nrotection. When they reach maturity and 'begin to dir, the slower 'growing evergreen, are ready to take their pltiee. No imatter what the conditions are, some tree can 11,11ally he found to suit them. Patient Parent---"Whut on earth is the matter now?" Young Hopelful. twho has been bathing with his bigger brother— "Willie dropped the towel in the watm. and he's dried me wetter than I was before.' Want and For Sale Ads, 1 week 75c mew-Q-ei.nw---awf-QwQwQwQvYQ-o-Qx4-Qwx J. GALLOP'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Chrysler Plymouth and Fargo Deer Wishing All Our Customers and Friends A MERRY CHRISTMAS WO-sW l'i'VO-QUIWWWerk."44.7.ntl Mclehs...ftri DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15. EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. ...60R9IIIMMENVIIMPIMINIET113141..e. 1101086.61.7=61241.11r