HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-19, Page 1If you can't be a pine on the top of 0110 b111, - Be a scrub in the valley -but lie The best little scrub at the side of the rill; Ho a bush if you can't be a tree. 1f you can't be a bush, be a bit of the grass, Some highway to happier make. We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew, S161-11; . . . . ‘ : . HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER no, hN 8 There's something for all of us here; There's big work to do and there's lesser to do,. And the task we must do is the near: If you can't be a highway, then just be a trail: If you can't be a sun, be a star. It isn't by size that you wM or you fail - Be the best of whatever you sore, WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 62, No. 48 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1940 t -none 3-, 51 a year. WISHING YOU ALL A 4 4 - 'GOOD ,MIXED CANDY - 15c lb. CHOCOLATE DROPS - 18c lb. 1 LB. BOX CHOC'O'LATES - 25c Each CHRISTMAS KISSES - 18c lib. INAVEL ORANGES - from 19c to 50c a doz. MIXED NUTS - 19c lb. ICED CHRISTMA.S CAKE- .. AKE-., 25c lb. CALIFORNIA GRAPES- ,,,.. 2 lbs, 25c RIPE TOMATOES- 17c Ib. CELERY HEARTS 10c each HEAD LETTUCE 10c each SALTED PEANUTS - 13c lb. A. C. Routietige Phone 166 (( THE, 5011D FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT,' Le Ls BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. 11. V. Workman, Minister, Christian Services, 11 a.m...Christmas Message and music, Subject, "The I)a.y Spring 1"'rom On High." 2.30 p.m. Sunday School Rally. 7 p.m. A Special Evening of Music. Senior tn1cl Junior Choirs combined for u great evening of praise. Thurs., 7.45 p,m. Song Service us - ng favorite Christmas Hymns, St. Thomas Church Rector; Rev. Dr. Hurford, 11 a,m., "Preparing the World for Christ." 7 p.m. Christmas Carol Service. Sunday School at 10 a,m. Christmas Day - 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 11 a.m. "A Christmas Message," St. Mary's Church, Dublin 2.25 p.m. Sunday School. 3 p.m. Christmas service. Egmondville United Church Rev, A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m., "Is Christ in Your Christ, mas?" 7 p.m., "Attempts to Reach God." First Presbyterian Church Rev, Hugh Jack, Minister, Morning service, 11 a,m. Subject.. "The Message of the Christmas Sea- son." Evening service. 7 pan. Subject, "The Fullness of Time." Christmas music by the choir at both services. Midweek meeting Thursday, 8 p,m, Sunday School entertainment Fri. day. Supper for the children 6 p.m.; concert 7.30 p.m. Parents and friends Invited to the concert. McKillop Charge Bethel, 10.30, Craven, Winthrop, 1.30. Duff's, 3 p.m. Change of schedule, beginning Dec. 290.-R. W. Craw, Minister.. T uckersrnith Favors Passes For Soldiers Statutory Meeting Heldt-.Medi- cal Health Officer Makes Annual Report The Tuckersmith council met for the final meeting of 1940 in the town hall at Seaforth, on Monday, Dec. 16th. All members were present. The village of Hensall was paid the share due them of county rate and school debentures on propertiestransfer• red to the township of Tuckersmith. $63.60. The council endorsed the reso- lution in favor of the federal govern- ment issuing passes to soldiers on active service. Bylaw No. 11 to auth• arise the payment of council and offi• cials, and bylaw No. 12 In regard t0 nomination and election were Pass* ed. The treasurer of McKillop tele• phone system was paid $00 for levies of subscribers in Tuckersmith, and J. K. Cornish, treasurer, Tuckersmith telephone system was paid for levies $4627.85, and 5585.94 long distance charges. The county rate, 513,460.54 was paid to the county treasurer. 1)r McMaster, M.Q,H., appeared before esouueil and tread his medical report in connection with the municipality. which was deemed very satisfactory. and the council complimented the doctor for the sincere interest he took in the health conditions in the muni cipality. John H. Earle was ap- pointed school attendance officer Cor 1941. The weed inspector, W. S 13roadfoot, gave a full report of sins work for the year and was paid itis salary, $40.05. The town of Seaforth was paid $30 rent for council chamber and $25 for share of division court costs. The following other aecolnts wern ordered paid: Saul Williams. I rebate dog tax, $2; Seaforth News advertising, $25,65 H. McMillan. room rent and exchange, 513.72; Leo i o tnne, milk, relief, $15; 1). 1". Mc. Gregor, B., M., and I). registrations, $7.50; W. M. Sproat, wood, relies' ' $ 25; E, P. Chesney, expenses to Toronto, 57; S. II Whitmore, ex ueuses to Toronto, 57; D, McLean wood, relief, 53; E. P. Chesney, post• age, $3 D. le. McGregor, postage 53; S. H, Whitmore, telephone and post- age $4,30 D. 1"'. McGregor. printing it...usurer's and rood stateuu'515 525. .it. F. McGregor, clerk. Christmas Services at SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT The aminal Sunday School supper and program with rime will be held in the parish hall of St. Thomas Church on Friday evening, Dec. 20th. The program starts at 7.30. ISAAC MILLER The death occurred at his home on Railway street about noon 011 Wednesday of Isaac Miller, In his 79th year. The deceased had been a resident of Seaforth for the past eleven years. He is survived by two sons, Fred and Arnold. of Seb.fo•tb. and two sisters;,Mrs. Kruger and Mrs. Miller of Dashwood. The funeral Will take place en Friday. - St. James''Church High Glass will be celebrated al midnight on Christmas eve by riot pastor Rev. Felhsi' Hussey, The - Christmas sermon will be preached by Rev. Father Collins, C.S S.R„ of London. Beginning st 11.45 p.m. on Christmas eve, the carols will be song, and during the Mass, the choir) will sing C'oncone s Mass" and "Ad - j este Fideles," Low Masses will also be: said 011 Christmas morning. WILL CELEBRATE 40TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Mar• ket street, highly respected Seaforth couple, will celebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary on Monday, De. cemher 23rd, They were married at Christ Church, Coventry, Englsnd on Dec. 23rd, 1900. Continued on Pogo Four CHRISTMAS MEETING OF MAE LANE AUXILIARY Bride -Elect, Miss Ruth Thompson, Honored The Christmas meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held at the home of Miss Winnie Savauge. Whits gifts were brought by the members, and the evening closed with a presents• lion to Miss Ruth Thompson, bride - elect, and lunch, The first vice president Mrs. Bech- ely called on Ml's. Hoggarth to open the meeting with a reading "Christ• nn tS Meditation," which Was followed by a hymn, "Hark the Herald Ang- els Sing." and prayer by 1VIrs. Moffatt, Miss Fennell then took charge of the business of the meeting. The drain items were the annual reports from the various secretaries and the re, port of the nominating - committee Mrs, Christie, -Mrs. Chamberlain and Mrs. A. Smith. Mrs. Chamberlain read the repot which included the following officers: 1 -Ion. President, Mrs. Workman; 1 past president, Mrs.. Close; president. Miss 'Fennell; first vice pres., Mos. Bechely; second vice pres., Mrs Savauge; this'd vice pl'es,; Mrs. Moffatt; recording sec., Miss Wood; corresponding 5e11., Mrs, A. Smith; treasurer, Mrs, H. Steinberg assist, ant, Miss Margaret Crich; Christian stewardship sec., Miss 10, Lester; temperance sec., Mrs. W'esteott; oris• sionary monthly see., Mrs. Hoggarth; baby band sec., Miss Luella Baine; literature sec., Miss J. McLean; flower see„ Mrs. McGavin; Press sec., Mrs• J. Currie; assistant, Mrs, W. Barber; community friendship sec., Mrs. Close; assistant, Mrs. Weedmalk; supply convener, Mrs, Gallop; mission band leaders, Mrs. W. Berber, Mrs. Hoggarth; social convener, Miss Wilma. Seip assist- ant, Mrs. Chamberlain; pianist, Miss Mary Barber. The meeting was then put in charge of Circle 4 with Mrs. Snell presiding. It was opened with "While Shepherds Watch Their Flocks." and prayer led by Mrs. Goodie: in place of the regular scripture read. ing; Mrs. Close read a. poem based on •.-..Continued on Poen Five Seaforth WW Observe Boxing Day Holiday Town Council Holds Statutory Meeting. -Day After Christ- mas Declared Holiday 'rite statutory meeting of the town council was held in the council chambers at 7.30 o'clock Monday evening, December 15. Present were Mayor J, J. Clutf, Reeve .1. H. Scott, Councillors M. A. Reid, J. E. Keating, H. E. Smith, R. G. Parke, C, Holmes, F„ S. Sills. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed, Report of Dr. F. J. Burrows, M.O.H., received. Reid -Keating, that the treasurer's statement he adopted and the requir- ed number printed. Reid -Parke, that the council grant $20.00 to Christmas decoration for Main street. Sills -Keating, that the Mayor pro- claim Thursday, December the 26th a holiday and request the citizens and merchants to observe same. The following accounts were pass- ed: J. F. Daly, $15.35; P.L C , $37.28; Dr, F. J. Burrows $333.2(1 Hays & Meir, retainer fee, $100 Jno. A. Stewart. $1.55; Whittier & (o., $15.13. SAM SCOTT ELECTED PRESIDENT OF Y. P. U. The Young People's Calm' of Northside Ignited Church held their weekly meeting on Tuesday evening December 17111, with the president Sam Scott presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of hymn "Joy to the World." followed by the Lord's prayer repeated in unison The business was discussed and the following executive was elected for the year 1941: Honorary President Rev. Mt, Workman; past preeddenl Saes: Stevens; president ba in Scot ; citizenship convener, Jessie Ilennis: missionary convener, Jean Simile; social convener, Alice Hudson: levo tion convener, Isabel Forrest; secret any, Maxine ' Laurence assistant lreuo Workman; treasurer. Edina Rohfrietaeh; Press secretary, ('native Lee; pianist, .Laurent, Broughton: assistant, Ethel Storey, Sant Senn had charge of the re- mainder of the meeting The Serie lure reading was taken by Verna Storey. Luke 2 1-7. M1 Workman spoke on "The livohntion of ('1'1'isb inns", Hymn 307 was slang anti the meeting closed with the Mispah leu edic•tinu. North Side W. M.S. Elect 1941 Officers Mrs. Roy Lawson Is New Pre- sident, -Annual Meeting Is Held The W. M. Auxiliary of North Side United Church held their December meeting last Thursday with 34 meinbers present and Mrs. Roy Lawson in the chair. Hymns ap- propriate for the Christmas season were sung. Minutes were read and reports given. A splendid Watch Tower reading by Mrs. McMighael "Faithfulness in Little Things." Temperance reading, "War Experi- ence," by Mrs. Keine. Mrs. Finlay- son, inlayson, leader of gtonp six, had charge of the Christmas programme, "The World Church Pays Homage to Christ." Assisted by Miss Jean Fer- guson. Miss M. -Somerville, and Miss Lawrence. After singing "Joy to the World," and "The hing", the meeting closed with the benediction. The following is the new list of offic- ers for 1941 brought in by the nomin- ating committee: Honorary president, Mrs. Jas. Beattie; past president, Mrs. J. C. Laing; president, Mrs. Roy Lawson; first vice president, Mrs: H. V. Work- man; 2nd vice president, Miss A. Lawrence; 3rd vice president, Mrs. \\r, A. Breinner; recording sitr'y, i\'lrs. A. Pdrteoits; treasurer, Miss .limit, Ferguson; Christian stewardship sec. Mrs. Robert Archibald; correspond• ing sec Mrs. Margaret Cuthill; liter- ature se'cr'etary. Mrs. F. Ilarhurn; Press sec'y., Mrs, C. Glees; temper, auto seey., Mrs. '('. C. Kaine; ills• sionary monthly- Miss Jean .Fenger son, Mrs. W. Webster; community friendship. Mrs, J. Finlayson, Mrs. C'onsitt associate helpers, Mrs. .1. Barron, Mrs, 1D'Quaig, Mrs. Fee; supply committee, Mrs. J. -Simpson. Mrs, Barron, Miss Bristow; finance connuittee, Mr's. R(lhE'l•t Archibald. i14rs. R. Lawson Miss A. Ferguson. Mrs. ilinehley; baby •• band leaders, Mrs. S. McIntosh, Mrs. F. Storey Miss Luella K aine; mission hand leaders. Mrs. William Barber, Mrs. Grace Hoggarth; auditors Mrs. J. Finlayson, Mrs. J. C. Laing; ltey wo- man, Miss Annie Lawrence. Early, Next Week Because of the holidays, all news and advertising intended for next week's issue of The Seaforth News should be sent in to reach this office not later than Monday night. Thank you. d'R J Christmas At Savauge's Isf always a pleasure to the buyer who is seeking Good Gifts at a reasonable price ---- for two good reasons. First, there are thousands of gifts to select from and second,- the prices are always reasonable. And then, too, it is a friendly store to. shop in. You will like to shop at this store. We offer just a few suggestions from our Gift Shop. 97 piece Dinner Sets British Made .. $23.00 Ladies' Toilet. Sets [� $2.50 up d d dt 62 d' d el d J Jy Ladies' Travelling Sets $10.00 up Lovely Walnut Mantel Clocks $12,00 up Burled Walnut Chime Clocks , $16.00 Silver Plated Tea Sets 3 pieces ,... $10.00 up Silver Plated Flatware • 26 pieces cased ,.-.,,,,,,., $10.00111) Gents Travelling Case. Leather $5,00 up Ilec'tric Shavers $7.50 tip Pocket Watches $1,45 up C'ent's Wrist Watches $4.95 up Ladies' Wrist Watches .,,.,. $5.00 up Waterman's Fountain Pens $2.50 up Silver Plated Tea Service. Tea pot, Sugar and cream.. $10.00 up • Costume Jewelry 50c up Chests of Silver Plated Flatware . , . $10.00 lip Compacts --- 59c to $5.00 Lockets )Beautifully Cased $3.50 up Locket & Compact set, Beautifully Cased $7.50 up Cuff Links 50c pair and tip Kitchen Clocks $3,50 up 32 Piece China Breakfast- be �. $5,00 up �e (lasses for those who deed then) ....$5.00 up t; Knives & Forks, ,Silver Plated Rogers Quality, and with stainless steel blades in case. very special $4.25 Big Ben :Alarm Clock $2.95 Carving Sets e $3,50 up (r Christmas Cards, Wrappings and Seals in great variety. Thousands of them. fp 4 We are showing a real nice line of Gifts at from as low as 25c up to $100.00. Never before has our store been sc heavily stocked and never were the values better and best e of all our buying was done early so there are no added taxes this Christmas season, so SHOP AT SAVAUGES IT PAYS Wishing you avery Merry Christmas Season i0.�al0a�a' ,10-: egg' -;4;CUXMMUy�i,"�a�ly'� .sr-� ' ,a .7• � h The Week of Prayer Will Begin Jan. 5th The Week of Prayer, Jan. 5th c 12th, sponsored by the Wella, Evangelical Alliance which has its headquarters in London. England. The local churches have matte 1lre following arrangements for the WE',20 of prayer: Monday, Jan. 6, Young People's Nirilt in Presbyterian Chinch; speak Rev. Id. V. Workman, B.A. Tuesday, Jan. 7, Egmondville 11111 Captain Edmiston. Wednesday, Jan. 8, St, Thomas Cllttn•ch, Rev. A. W. Gardiner. B.A. Thurs., Jan. 9, Salvation At•nty c .. del, Rev. H. Jack, B.A. Friday, Jan. 10, Northside 11.1111,.•1 Church, Rev. Dr, Hurford. There will be a collection at eat nmeeting in aid of the Bible Society, WILL HOLD CONCERT .Egmondville Sunday School c. • cert will be held on Thursday eve;r ing; the 19th, at $ o'clock. at ,. church, Red Cross Notes 1'e:r, rth branch of the t':o1ad- . .c'1 Cross Society extends greet, to its many immirr•,1- of entlnls- \corker,. in the branch anal the ,t its \Velu,n, \Ioncrieli, St Colum- r,•.". 'olnm- i+,. , ,:)atf's, :01r11illol, \\ inthrol' and hutior 1L-cl Cross Societies who corking with us. 111 dace \corked hiatlly anel well, keeping in minis ,e w atclnvord n' the i\Vomrn \Wal' 4,0i,.rk committee,, '61(115 the >t is enough.' ...V.: are grateful tsr' the in':ere.1 that cn ,1101\ in se, many lanoline Mach has them' done hut much remains to ht• .done. We .pray u,l' \cin hasten the day \darn -r shall cri,e and there \will indecl eacr on earth, ,_"lodwill,to .nen." .Ire niik'lted to the Library 1 for the 11,0 of the workrooms, 'lir! •Gleno.- and Po) Scout, for 16 1 weeks\' ',5t,l alien', the junior l,3't n,an tn"utnte- for making .574 ,mounds -oaf jam, the lural newspapers 1„* their Tallied space and to the .r, ani'ra1ions sponsoring on •cat, Ifichalf- `1lrc donations ,ti quilts and blank - have 111con most acncrots. response for -?gods throughout :r ha, :Wade it p ,,,,ble to carry n rnr Work sureIsstt•Ily. FiRST MATCH HERE ON FRIDAY, DEC. 27 The schedule fon' group 6, 0. H. A. Intermediate "R" Was drawn up at a meeting held at Tavistock on Friday night. Robert Rudy was the convener. A double schedule was decided upon. The teams represented were: Waterloo, Seaforth and Tavistock, 11 101(5 decided to declare a winner by Feb. 15. Waterloo Siskhns a rraug- ed to play their )tome games at New Hamburg. Dec, 27 -Waterloo at Seaforth. Jan. 3.---Seaforth at Tavistock. Jan. 8. --Tavistock at Waterloo. Jan, 10.-Seaforth at Waterloo. Jan. 14 -Tavistock at Seaforth. Jan, 17. -Waterloo at. Tavistock. Jan, 21, -Waterloo at Seaforth. Jan 24..--Seaforth at Tavistock. Jan. 27._. -Tavistock at Waterloo. Jan. 30, -Tavistock at Seaforth. Feb, 5,-Seaforth at Waterloo. Feb. 7. -Waterloo at Tavistock. For the pray -offs, the -first Gild second teams will play off, the first team to have choice of ice. The decision willbe the best two games out of three. In the event of a tie at, the end ofthe second game a toss will be trade for the third game,