HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-12, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1940 The Jervis Bay Lift your glass and drink with me To those valiant sailors, who sailed the sea To the men who sailed the Jervis Bay And lost their lives the British way. This their task, to safely see A convoy of ships across the sea. And right on schedule, they did run Till they met up, with :. slinking Hun. Then the Captain ordered, "Stations all," And those heroes eagerly answered the call. Then the Captain mounted the bridge with a grin, And flashed this message, "We're closing in." Then the rest of the convoy, he ordered to scatter. The size of the guns; well, that didn't matter; His orders were to safely see A convoy of ships, across the sea. Then he steered his ship, straight at the Hun To get in closer to use his gun. The raider's gun boomed; the Jervis Bay shivered From bow unto stern, the gallant ship quivered. And though sadly wounded, they stuck to their guns, And pounded away, at the murdering Huns. And no braver men, I say unto you, E'er had such a task, or e'er saw it through. So fill your glass and drink with me To those valiant heroes, who sail the sea For greater love had no man than they Who sailed the seas, in the Jervis Bay. CAPTAIN R. S. REID, Perth Regiment, M.G„ C.A.S.F. Hamilton. Ontario, December 3, 1940. HENSALL • The. :\rn,,Id i:irele and \fission Stand of (Cannel Presbyterian Church held a very successful. a-fternoon tea rand home hakina and candy .sale in sie school i . n1 of he clittr2h '•n tnrlay lftirneon. Nit.„, Roy Be seil lir.. \(chin lions .ler, in ch rste tIle iii'ml dk,a_.: booth. '\i \ 1lsde had charge ,'re apron . th and Misr. AIsinal A(nliwrn. i]•n:n \leis yen, \larian S.utgster ;:u Mildred Pertly were in charge o` candy. \IIs Meryl Pfaff !lad cit tr"r the tea table. 13hish were `'e li ;-•il'y arranged and decorated in :''1 r na, decorations .1ssieting were first. Ilcleu \noir, Loi. \lac I..trrn, :"Mabe! \Verrkman and 311,, r;eorar \ errs beautiful ttlil nt.- ' ra.'il quilt which the Armild t nc!r members made for /NIP,. :Rel 1 \V. '. \e'Itnr til I tr',:i. .las 1'11 display. Y,P. Hear Summer Camp Report— The '4.'111241':t'..Cnisei held t':e1r rears:sr tllettins .n 31•:i1:1'ay re-. 'mem when tilt '.:relalanlnle aa, ar- ranged try 3! -.. - Ralil Brass and i:Tsa \1.Qucen and :Miss 31a2y t i,iad- o i 1. a de'le'gate sof tate "it—'s. and R,'lb !iess and Idea aril 1.2,le, de:es-air, tram the Sa .,;rth tick•,.;,, who attend- --el summer camp school .It 1 ie,derich 'eieyear. hiss Elva McQueen pre,4- d and meeting ti1, mmnuencr,i w•,11 a sin n:, ,the wards of whirr .were the %intern. The Ser:.rture vas read fly Howard Love and \lis: Mary I ,tat.:11'11 gat', an :it.'2'.tin4 • Actress nn "A I)ay 3t Hes., elayed a melody a' ,nes ;which wire ,21117 at ramp, illtereoill4 -pict- • Ines were sho;vn r,n 1111• screen -'which :c•r2 siker ,it chap and Nliss Ruth Brook very albw described the scenes. The meeting closed in ,insins, "Sot ia; liy Seed," and the benediction. Attend Funeral of Uncle— ,1le..rs. .\. L. Case aid G. M. ,Case attended the funeral of their uncle, Dr. T. E erase, of Toronto. which was held in S. Paul'4 Anglican Church, Dnnuannolt, on Monday. in- len-nett in Dungann.at cemetery. The late Dr. Case went to Thtng_annon at the age a1i thirty where he began 10 a,ractise. He practised there far forty- three years. He suffered a stroke thirteen years ago and then sold his nrartiae to Dr. A: S. \'ages of ,Bluth after which he moved to Toronto where he has resided ever since. The deceased was in his 86th yar and is survived thy his widow, one daughter, -3! 21, Ethel erase of the Toronto stab of teachers, and three sons, Benson Toronto, 111125arch Saskatchewan arc 1)r George i(fase near Toronto. Rev \Vn1 lVeir conducted services in Car incl Presbyterian Chureh on Sunday the cliter sang 1W0 anthems, "The Vtiice ,,t 11111'. Waters," and "1.1.22 :311 11 L2r.l soloist Mrs. 1\V. .1 \I1 lair;n the meteSers ,.f Carne' Church ch nr are preparing a c,mtal: entitled -1 1\'n1111'4 Redeemer,' miler the rise leadership of :1r, \V, \ lI t'Laren This cantata will .11 ,pr enr•r.1 on Sunday. Dec. 22nd. Bev. R. :\. Brook conducted -er- vie- in the United Church on Sunday and ,leficernd a very tine di -emirs, 221 "•l'be Leadership of the Bible," at the melting .rewire. -The elioir "oto; two ........t,,tina t:, GA," and To Ile \\ it lens." The annual community l.'Ir s:mas tree 11a, been erected in front 0f the toe n '2(111 .aril „resent. a very tine ap- pearance with it, eolorful lights. til•', and candy- wi:., 111 ,ais;rtil,luteel Santa flan, on Saturday. 1)ercnl1'ter 21s; at 2.3n in the afternoon. I he atemal Sabbath Seh'. ,1 con- cert w t''` 1,e held in tin' school room .'f . •unci 1're.hy-reri;ut Church nn \Irm,ht' r r,nu. f>rcun%,rr 23rd. 1111 lion al' Senior Iiia:illte Held r 1 lri'tlnas meeting at the halm ie Mr., 31. 11'w.dal,• , 1 \\'et hies. d1y ••vrnine. Roll call ,coals a11,1 t'red- 0,1 a .;lit fon- 'be *ick ,Cilihlrrn's 110"p't1., London. -3! ,s :31.02 Srltwal122 and 11'1e11d. of ,perp: S11214ay Ishii :he fors met'. 1,,221132 , 3It'. and \Ir.. Peter 5,'hwain1. '1Irs, 1). li. Steer i, .pending 12 few day. tin: .,.tel: visiting .with her nn, Cher, lir4. Brazier in London. Mrs. 1). \\alk.. 11r. and firs, .31. ker.laeke and !'illy spent Tuesday in 1.,•22(11)3. :lir,. Steer,.NII. Brydges is spending' a fee days at the home of her .on, Dr. 1). Al Steer. lir. and lir.. Smith and two dau- ghter. of Detroit, attended the Finch - Glenn wedding at the Monte of Air. and .31r•. Gen, Glenn un Saturday. •lir:. Robert llonthron will celelh- rate her 17ith birthday at 'her home here on Thursday. 'Mrs. Bonthron will be at home to her friends in the after- noon. Mr. Bill Glenn of \\'oodstoc.k spent Saturday at the home of his parents. The Christmas concert at S.S. No. 221 11W4It e -I ••e'ILre-f 5 e,( -Wel 0e -f $37.50 CREDIT TERMS i3 U l.{VA•L° Lady 13uiova" 17 iev2tels , 9° This Christmas, give a BULOVA Watch) There is no remembrance so precious os a dependable timepiece —none that lives so long in usetu) service. J. A. WESTCOTT 2EWELLER WATCHES ` Choose now, We will hold any Gilt until Christmas Phone 21188 l' . OPEN EVENINGS SEAFORTH, ONT. a�Ey��P`.y.AIclal10:UO: DIAMONDS .1, Tuckersmith, will ;be 'held on Fri- day evening, December 2Oth. The program will commence at l7.4'5. shanp. The proceeds will be given to the Red Cross. Mission Circle Elects ,Officers.— The llissioll Circle of the :United Church held their regular supper meeting on Friday evening - at Rhe home of 'Miss Rath Brook.,A number of Christmas .carols were stung and -hiss Edna Saanrdercock had charge Of the worship period. 'rhe following Officers were elected for the -coming year: President, i\tiss lianbara Shep- herd; ,21(12 (president,. Misses Gladys Passmore and Elva ..11e/Queen; treas- urer, 1\liss Norma 'Coo'k: secretary, +Miss Kay Drysdale; press secretary, ;hiss Gladys 1141r':enzie: pianist, Miss Ruth i11rotvk; lunch contntittee, Misses :Mary Clarke, !Mary Goodwin and Ed- na Sauudercock. hiss Irene Douglas gave the topic on letters ,frim mis- sionaries in ;japan.- The :letters were read 1113' \lisses Gladys Passmore, Ruth Brook. Elwa 31cQ•tleen, Nellie Fee, :June Sauudercocl: and Audrey Twitchell, Toys 'are to be paoked by the memlbers for Friendship •House in London. Finch-Glenn.— 'rite home of Mr. and *Mrs. George Glenn Was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Saturday at 6 p7II1. when their youngest daughter, /Ilona Stew- art, was united in marriage to Will- iam \\'heaticy, son of Mr. and Airs. A. D. Finch of Clinton, The ceremony was performed in the spacious living room under an arch, centered with -t white wedding bell. Rev. R. A. Brook officiated, The attractive bride looked charming 111 a floor length gown of white chiffon. shoulder -length veil and carried a bouquet of Aimed - can (Beauty roses Miss Helen 'Glenn, or London, sister 01 1111 ibride, was bridesmaid: nearing a door length .gown of tar qlt Vise ,blue and carried a ho'alnel '( ihriarclitTe ruses. Tile wed. dine music wa• played by :Miss Kay Dry,dalc. lar, Ross l'inels brother 1 t'u• ,0.r0o111 1.a loot 111.01. Fol .v- 122.2 the r(•r2Y11I113 a wedding dinner .was served to about thirty guests. 'fahe :bride's t.Jhle was 'beautifully- Br- range,1 with crystal and silver, roses. .lank auul \\hit,. streamers, and cent- red with the wedding cake. Serving were Miss phollis Gill, (:rand Ilendt lira Ruth Laois, Clinton, and Misses Margaret Genn and ,Margaret Mae- (r1uor. 1leusal4. Later the young couple left 01 tt honeyannou trip, the /bride travelling in a blue wool crepe dress, /Meek coat and hat, Thoth trim- med with mink. ':'hey will reside in t'linton. Beep she date open for the novelty dance, Fridas, .1)eccplber 113111. spon- sored by the l'hattllber of l'ommerce, proceeds for the community Christ- mas tree. Balloon,, streamers, noi,e- ntal;ers and inn galore, - Bride and Groom Honored.— \ large tutnt,hrr of neighbors and friend. gathered m \Vat,on's 11(111 at 1'.ippen ,m ,Monday- evetnint: 111 B0111' of 11r. and -Mrs. a4u, ,Mc Kenzie, Jr., wan 13121' recently married. Dalicin.g lw a. eni"vel to the .trains of \furd- k's orchestra. 1)ttrine the 5,11111114 Illr. and Mrs. 11cK.euzie ;were pres- ented with a studio couch. The ad- dress was read hy- lir. Ho\war:l tl-lc lr. The g1'n1011 n1alle 1 fitting. reply and all joined in singing "For They .1re Jolly (loon Fetlnw . - Dr. Harry 'Joy'nt ,tByrom spelt Sa'mrday visiting his leather Mrs. \11211 Joy'nt. alis, Helen therm of Londa spent the week -end at the home of her par- ent. lir. and Ales. (leo. Glenn. Mr. \\'1n. Simpson of Detroit spent the week -end visiting with his graud- sn0thcr 'Mrs. Rolbt, Bonthron, He was accompanied hnn1e .hy his mother Mrs. Lou Simpson who has ,been ,pending the past few' weeks in 17et- 'W.M.S. Elect Officers— - !'he \\')11.5, of ,the United 'Church held their regular meeting on Thurs- day afternoon and elected the officers for the coming. year. Airs. 31 B. Cross presided over the meeting which op- ened ,113' singing the following Christ- mas carols ',Joy To The World, Tloly Night, Silent Night 111:els Front The .Realms of Glory, and Cone Let lis dare Hnn A letter was read from Mfrs. Chas. A. McDougal expressing thanks for kindnessshown during her recent /bereavement. Mrs. \V. Carlisle and Mrs S. 'll rnel' reported the visits made. The following rep„rt• were given were very gratifying. Mrs. Ed. McQueen gave the Notre •Hr�l,p- els, report. /Mrs. 1)rysdale Save the re- port 01 the :3lis'ionary Monthly, and ll r.. C. (rook gave the Treasurer's re pert. \ letter was read. -froth 1\1 r,. E. L. .\fickle expre..in,, her thank, fpr kindness "howl her in her reeds.. ill- ness and also her resi•ggnati,m a, cut'- I erintendaut the Baby Band. Miss . Florence I1V'e'1.h sang' a silo entitled "t;:id \\rill 'fake Care 01 You” ac- companied by ,Mrs. 1)rysdale at the .piano. Rev. R, :\. Brook gave 11 splendid address 2nt the work of the 33'.11.5. wllick was given by Mrs. Stevens, D,mlinion president at the coniertnce held in Winnipeg lohich Rea lir. Bruck attended in Scptent- her. Fnlluwing is the list o1 officers: lion.president,(lir;, C..1. Mel/me:11i ure"ide•ut wars 11'. ,B. Cross; rice .1/residents, lirs Carrie Ballantyne Mrs. R..3. Iiroolc and \Irs, lobo 10.1- er: treasurer, labs C Cook record- ing secretary, Mrs. N. E. (ok• coy re4lunuling ,erretary, lirs. .3. 111'. E. if 111l/hill; pianist. :Ili.: Irene 1)',g - L( .,,,i.hu,l pianist, Mrs. T. 1. Sher- rill: liti-tdonary monthly -secretary. Mrs. G. \I Drysdale: :Christian S es ardship and finance secretary,, Mrs. 33'. Carlile and Mrs. liarpolc; 411'11111 , '" ,cc„ 1!rs. John Elder and \Irs, S. Alerner1 temperance sec., Ili,* J. iSlurray; sitpply committee \les, C. Cook, 3lrs j. I:1der and;Mrs 5, \Inner; Mission Circle sup1., Miss Irene Douglas; ; 11i ion hand sulks, 311 Kay Drysdale Mullis' Band pens Mrs. Kcneeth (Hick assists., (Mrs, 1 2v2, Hess and Mrs. Ed Normntgr,on ere.s see \hiss Hattie .Sutherland. Miss Irene 1)\xtglas of London .pent Friday with relatives and nervi: in the village. -- Ibbs Mary Thompson .pent - the seek end with friends in Imndnn, lir. Don 3Vi3gul- of the staff of tice Hank of -Montt eal. spent the Week end at his 'home in •G'oderich. The many friends of Mrs. William /Davidson will be pleased to heat' she is much improved after her recent illness. Ilr11, and Mrs. \Vin, illcKenzie Sr. of Kipper) proved into the residence which (hey recently purchased from IMr. George Ferguson and are getting nicely settled. Wle welcome Mr., and IIIt•s, McKenzie to our village. Mrs, P. H. Devlin spent Tuesday in Stratford on (business. Presentation.— very eujoyalhie time was spen.1 at the home of \1 L s Audrey /Cochrane on 'Thursday evening in honor o1 a popular bride, (Miss Ilona Glenn, whose marriage tool: place on Satur- day. when a number of girl friend: of the /bride were present Many ,1 1 - ers were unable to attend owing no weather conditions. -.1 sum'ptu'ous din- ner Ivan served from a Ihean11lully ar- 'rangc(I tabe, decorated with red, \01102 and shine candles and flags and (place cards with flags. Following the dinner the (bride was presented with a walnut end table and wall mirror. 'Miss Audrey 'Cochrane read the ad- dress and Illiss Kathleen 'Jones pre- sented 'the (gifts, The ;bride made a :very fitting reply after which contests were. enjoyed. Mr. 'Malcolm Dougall spent a few days last week with relatives in Tor- onto. KIPPEN The funeral of the late Wm. John Slavin was held from the hone of his son Glenn on Friday, Dec, 6. The late 13310. Slavin was born hi Ireland 78 years ago in the cranny of I''er- managh. 110 came to Canada as a young man. lie first worked • as n farm haul for the late 3'. Glenn. He then took alp the 111115011 wvorlt, work' ing tor some years with the well known Kidd brothers of Exeter. He went with them to Montana, later coming to Tnekersmith and look np farming oe the 1243 concession. 1\t' Slavin was a sttecessfttl cattle luau and ('919(1(1 tinny line horses,. Small• Mg are four sons, William, Fred Thomas, mud Glenn; one 5181 O at Hensel]. 1(11:1 one brother in Saslcat- chewvatn. A 1112'1411 ter Ida died three years ago. The service was conduct ed by Rev. R. A. Brook of Hensall United Chin'c'h. The pallbearers were Richard Taylor. Angus Robertson Joltn Glenn, George Glenn, Louis Clark, 301111 Shepherd. 141r. and Airs. Vernon TerryberrY of ('nttanl spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. AleClyutont. Mr. John TT, Hyde and Mr. Howard Hyde of Hensall motored to Toronto un Sunday to see 141r. Shpehnttom who underwent c1 serious operation in a Toronto hospital. Mr, anal Mrs. D. 13. lisle spent Mon. (lay in London. Mr. Rohl. Elgie and Mr. Jos. l'p shall spent the weep end in 'Toronto. On Monday evening a reception was hold in \\.arson's hall 1201122011€ Mr- and 41rs. \\'m, .T. McKenzie who recently returned from their hones moon, Mr, Howard 'Hyde read an ad dress of welcome nod the young ('nitple Were presented with i1 studio 1(111,11. M11Ri(' 2211(5 furnished by Mia'. lode's nrobeat'a Mrs, Archie Parsons and infant sun returned to their homy on Sunday 61-10)1 aril's. Paftersou's hospital at Hensel'. Ails. Ales 31eMurtrie spent tt few (lay's with her mother. Mrs. J. John- ston. Mr. and Mrs, ltoy Butt and family of ]lolniesville visited recently at the home of the fnrmer'a brother Mr. and Mrs. 1144111' Butt, Air. and Mrs. Bernard Keyes, new. lyweds, have returned from their honeymoon, and are getting settled in their neW home near Baytleld. 1411.. 1nu1 Mrs, W. McLaughlin and Maureen spent Sunday wlt.h Mr. and Mrs. 3, Baker of Hillsgt'een. M1., and Mrs. Allan Johnston and Mrs. A. McMurtrie spent Monday in London. Reception for Newlyweds- -4 reception was held in Watson's hall, Klppen. on Monday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Wnl. Mc- Kenzie, newlyweds. The evening was spent in dancing, music being furn- ished by Murdoch's orchestra, with Mr. W. Hayter as floor manager. At midnight Mr. and Mrs. 14IcKe112,te Wart. rall('d 10 the platform where they were presented with a studio couch. The address was read by M1.. Howard 13yde. William in a few well chosen words, on behalf of himself and his bride, thanked the donors All joined in singing "They Are Jolly Good Fellow -s." CROMARTY Thy annual meeting ,:f :Cromarty auxiliary of the 1Vomatl'. \li,sienary ` •viers ea, held at the manse. The president, lirs, William T-Tamil•ton, opened the meeting, llrs. Geo, 1\'a1 - lace read the Scripture, The roll -call was responded to shy a 'Christmas mes- sage. llrs. ',Tames Hill led in prayer. .3Irs. R. Scott read the minutes bf the November meeting and ,lrrs, Hill gave 'the treasurer's report. Mrs. S. hiller read an article bearing on "the closing another year." \fi,1 lf. 13. Currie gave the "(had 'Tidings" ,pray-- er, Mrs. ;Tastes TTill gave a report of the financial standing of the Society She is entering on lar thirtieth sear as treasurer, 1!rs. R (3 Scott 4aec a '3nlnlary of the year's Ir's work in her amend re- port. The president gave an adrires.s cinch all appreciated, latit wished to resign in lfal'or of another .president. Illrs. Thomas Oliver was named chair- man for the election and Mrs. 1\1', Tdantillon was re-elected president with Mrs. Jamieson as first vice pres- ident. .111 the oilier officers were re- elected: - CHRISTMAS CONCERT A Christmas concert will be held at S.S. No. 1, FTullett, on Tuesday. even. ing.. Dee. 17. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WHEN YOU BUY AT OUR CASH PRICES SATURDAY SPECIALS Pure Lard, 2 lbs 17c Best Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 23c Sunkist Navel Oranges 2 doz. 25c Choice Breakfast Bacon Per Ib. 27c Fresh Bologna, 2 lbs. 29c Yellow Sugar, 10 lbs. 69c Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 69c Finest Currants, 2 lbs, 25c Large Raisins with Seeds 2 lbs. 23c Sepoy Flour, 98 Ib, bag.. $2.75 Men's One -Buckle Overshoes Pair 71.49 Men's Overshoes, 2 -Buckle Pr, $2.10 We Are Paying 35c In Tracle For Grade A Large Eggs an Finni W. J. g In Memoriam ,KISTNBR—In loving memory of our I dear son and brother Robert, who passed away Dec. 1013, 1926. Those whom we love go out of sight But never out of mind, They are cherished fn tite hearts Of those they leave behind. —Always remembered by parents, sisters and brothers. In Memoriam BROWN --In loving memory of my dear husband, J111)1es S. Brown. who passed away Deeenther 14. 1938. i 11 all the world were mine to give. I I'd give it, yes, and more. To see his loving 1411111(/ again And greet him at the door. How oft thele comes before me 1 His deur race, kind and true, For death 1(111 never take away Sweet. memories, (hear husband, of you, --Ever remembered by Wife, Dau- ghter and Grandchildren. Auction Sale Of Residence and House Furnish• lugs. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has been inatrncte(1 to sell the following at Killeen at the residence of the late Mrs. \\'esley Frech, on Satur- day, December 14th, at 1 p.m. 11 Bedsteads. 3 dressers with wash- stands. 1 library table, I vouch, .5 rockers, :', atmx'hait's, 1 china eabi• net. 1 extension table, 6 dining room chairs, 1 IR.aymond sewing machine 1 electric' radio, 1 drop leaf ,table. 3 small tables, 1 kitchen eotteh, 1 coo: stave, 1 kitchen piddle -1. 1 rap board, (1 kitchen chairs. 1 settee, 1 spring mattress, rugs, curtains, liti' rdellln, 01(5111114 11111('11111P Wil h Nevit1) ('r, w'hvelhat'rOW, lawn 111040%, Burner electric plate with oven, hull' ala robe, 1 capper boiler, pfet oras. plet11'e t'rames, pots, phis, etc. Property. '1'wo'lit't lis of an acre of 11uu1. Good frame house, recently re• modelled with shingle siding, full basement, hydra, turned.. also good poultry louse. Terms Household effects, ('11911. Properly, ten per cent dish clay in sole, inhume in 10 (lays. Frank 1'pshail, Charles Cooper Execc'utors of the Estate of Mrs. Wesley lr reIlell. Harold Jtteksou, Auctioneer. LOST 131ack Polled Angus cattle feast, yearling, strayed several weeks ago. Dyke Wheatley, Dublin, It. It. 1, phone $411r34, Seaforth ventral, FOR SALE Child's tricycle. Also child's table and chairs, rocket'. .Apply to The Seaforth News, LADIES, YOUNG GIRLS WANTED Make from 710 to 715 a week by selling to an established clientele relatives, and friends, well-known FAMILIR PRODUCTS. F.veryonc: spends money for toilet articles cocking requisites, cleaners, att. (:very FAMILEN customer is a SAT- ISFIED CUSTOMER! Work 5 or a hours a day, benefit by our exper]• cure and you will :unwed. NO RISK —profits assured by working. Let as bele you. Write at nice WITIIOITT OBLIGATION, for our illustrated PREP. catalogue to Miss St -George 570 St. ('lenient Street, MONTREAL. LOST About three weeks ago, on north rand or 21(11 line of McKillop or Hal- lett Twps., tail end of a y_ -ton uncle raclt. Finder pleaSP notify News Office. HOUSE FOR RENT On Victoria street. Modern eon. 2eniences. Occupied by 14Tr. G. 13endet', Apply 10 E. L. Box. CHOICE MILK FED DRESSED CHICKENS Weighing up to S lbs. Please oder a day in advance. if possible. We deliver in town. Phone 851-32. Rcoll'5 Poultry Farm. Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Hugh McPhee Shannon, late of the Village of Wal• ton in the County of Huron, merch- ant, who died on or about the twere tieth day of September, A.D., 1940, Take Notice that all parties having Maims or demands against the estate of the above-mentioned derelLSed must mail pmtieulars and proof of Same• to the undersigned executory 011 or before the 28th clay of Decem her, A.D. 1940, upon which elate the said ex0c21(010 will proccee tat lis tribute the assets with regard 0n13 to those. claims Which they shill then have received. Dated at: Brussels this 7th clay of December, A.D. 1940. MARGARET SHANNON - WILLTAM .7. HUMPHRIES. Executors By their Solicitor, ELNS19R D. BELL. Brussels, Ontario. ELMER D. BELL, B.A Barrister & Solicitor SEAFORTH. TEL, 173 Attendance in Brussels Wednesday and Saturday McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Built ng, Seaforth. Office hours:— TuekdaY, Thursday and Setnrelay 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7:30 p. in, to 9 p. m Notice All books Host be returned 1:o the Pnlilic Library ou or before Decem- ber 24th. Greta 'Thompson, Librarian. WANTED Ohl live horses for fertilizer. Jo•. Alai thews, phone 231.22, Dublin central, collect. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' List, 1940, Municipality of Seaforth, County of Huron Nutt',. Is hereby given that I have (•unlplied with Section 7 of '1'Ii' Voters' Lists Aet and that I have posted np 1(1 my office at Seaforth on the 20111 day of November. 1(1.2'. ta, list. of 1(11 person entitled ire Yate 111 (he ,aid :4Tnnicipalli y 1,t 31 11111(.11mi elm/lions, and that such list ismiains for inspeetlnn. And i hereby e by call upon all .'vete,to take immediate prm'oedings ,' have any err01'S 01' hm1ss]0ns (1.1 1-2121121(1 aoenrrlillg 10 law'. the last nay' for appeal hehrg the 17111 day nt December, 111.141, Dated at Seaforth. 4115 211th day of November, 1940 D. II. WILSON. Clerk of Seaforth. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid• ent,Windstorm & guarantee bond. Rates reasonable. All risks place9 in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES CANADA;3 kqp8e/t PLAYGROUND For rest or play—Vancouver apo Victoria are ideal for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation. Warm days and coolrefreshing nights. Excellent golf courses—myriad sights, in the mountains and by the seashore. Riding, tennis, motoring,fishing. Canada's Evergreen Playground offers them all, in an unexcelled setting. Special Winter rates at hotels. The new hotel Vancouver's spacious rooms and delightful accommoda- tions will add to the pleasure of your Stay in Vancouver. ATTRACTIVE RAIL FARES I ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS—MONEY ORDERS —EXPRESS SPEED, DEPENDABILITY, SAFETY j?od,wed sleeping -ear fares. Low meal 7a1e2 mt trains, TRAVEL WEST THE JASPER WAY USING THE FAIR -CONDITIONED CONTINENTAL LIMITED Fulinformation from any ticket agent'