HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-12, Page 6PAGE SIX
'Sartin; the path lies over the
falls, and it is much easier to shoot
ahem than to unload the canoe and
to carry that and all it contains
around a portage of a mile by hand."
Mabel turned her pallid counten-
ance towards the young man in the
stern of the canoe; for, just at that
moment. a fresh roar of the fall was
borne to her eau's by a new ctu'reut
of the air. end it really sounded ter-
ritie. now that the effuse w'as ander•
"ICs thought that. by landing the
t• .nates and the two Indians." .lases r
lithely observed. "w.' three While
,.. .,. all of whom are used to the
'eater. alight 1.11Erc the rano.. ever in
safety. for ee often shoot: these
'Anil We counte21 011 y:ul irked
ee.rizter. ss a.. mainidy. sat rd Path -1
nder winking to Jasper ever his
s'1,.tlider: "feltyon aro ee('astltlled
waves tstutbling :them : and
ei*.bout some one to steady the
c: r gie, all the finery of 1he
s da11i titer alight be wasb.11 into
4eh- river and be loot."
rap was puzzled. The ilea of get•
Lie nrer a Wit o.rial was, perhaps.
s„liens iii his eyes than it
a, ulei hat'.- hirer in thoso of cue
!•Nally- ignorant of all that pertained
t= tate; lel he 111111,411,1 0011 the
r.1 -1 Of 111 lenient. ane] 110 ootid
l,.ei2:'11ess 01 10111 wlie11 . NOnsOd ro
lee fury. Stilt bis pride' re-volt.-ei at
the thought of deserting the heat,
wants ethers 110, only st.,aelily, blit
11y. pt i >•"! to ro111inite in 11.
NiN.erivitbstionling the latter feeling.
".:i 1 1de innate as well as a Biuret
etialitiees 111 dung,] 11 would pre -
b .n1) have deserted Iris pest, bud
1 the images of lldiaus 1 "flog
seelps ileo] the Ilam au head 1 taken
se strong hold of his fancy a to in -
11:1,E. 111111 to imagine the ranee 0
to It of Oanclnal'y.
"'What is 10 be done with ?lag -
11 -1. , be demanded. affection for his
niece raising another qualm in his
nuscience. "We cannot allow Mag -
nes t0 land if there are enemy's In -
:thins hear?"
"Nay, no Mingo will he near the
'portage; for that is a spot too public
ler their devilries,' answered the
Pathfinder etintidently. "Natal' 18
ratltre and it is an Indian's nano' 10
found where he is least expected.
No fear of him on a beaten path;
ler he wishes 10 come .upon you
when unprepared to meet him: and
the fiery villains make it a point 10
deceiveyon. one way or another.
Sheer in. Feau-douc0, and we will
land the Sergeant's daughter on the
end of that log. where she carroaeh
the shore with a dry foot.”
The injunction was obeyed, and in
11 few minutes the whole party had
left the canoe, with the exception of
Pathfinder and the two sailors. Not-
withstanding his professional pride.
yap would have gladly followed; but
0 did not like to exhibit. so 1111-
,-quivocal a weakness in the Pres-
ene-e of a fresh -water sailor.
"I call all hands to witness." said
:e. as those who had landed moved
away, "that 1 do not look on this af-
fair as anything more than canoeing
le the woods. There is no seaman -
snip in tumbling over a waterfall,
which is a feat the greatest lubber
••at perform as well as the oldest
"Nay, nay, you needn't despise the
Oswego Falls, neither." put in Path-
finder; "for. though they may not be
Niagara, 110' the Genessee, nor the
Cahoos, nor Glenn's, nor those on
the Canada, they are narvous enough
for a new beginner. Let the Serge-
ant's daughter stand on yonder rock.
and she will see the manner in
which we ignorant backwoodsmen
get over a difficulty that we can't
get under. Now, Eau•douce, a steady
band and a true eye, for all rests 011
you, seeing that we can count Mas-
ter Cap for no more than a pas -
The canoe was leaving the shore
as he concluded, while Mabel went
hurriedly and trembling to the roclt
that had been pointed out, talking to
her companion Of the danger her
uncle so unnecessarily ran, while
her eyes were riveted on the
agile and vigorous form of Eau -
donee, as he stood erect in the stern
of the light bout, governing its
movements. As soon, however, as she
reached a point where she got a
view of the fall• site gave an invol-
untary but suppressed servant, and
covered her eyes, At the next in-
stant, the latter were again free, and
the entranced gill stood immovable
as a statue, a scarcely breathing ob-
eerwor of all that passed]. The '10(1
1ndla115 seated tlimus Ivas passively -
on a log. hardly looking towards 1
su'eam. While the wile 01 Arrowhead
saltie near 31ube4, and appeared to
watch the motions of 1110 canoe with
+01110 such iitereSl as a child regards
the leaps of at tumbler.
As seen an the heal was in the
stream. Pathfinder sank on his
knees, continuing to use the paddle,
though it Was atowly. and 111 a man-
ner not to interfere with the efforts
of his compaction. 'Pile latter still
stood erect; and, as he kept his eye
on sone obje'c't beyond the fall, it
was evident that he was carefully
looking for the spot proper for their
"Farther W. sl, bey; farther west,"
101111ered Pail—unifier: "there where
y5,11 see the Water 1'011111. 111'111g the
top of lite dead oars in a 11110 With
the steal of the I11a111ed h0111100k."
Eal-donee nr,tde no aa150,,'r; for 1110
ranee' Was 111 1110 centre of she.,
'11 1m; with its head pointed tow•
arils the fell. and it had already be-
am n, qma I 011 its Mot 1011 by the in-
creaed force of the v1111.011 1. At 1hat1
moment tap would elteerfully have
relocmleed every claun to glory that
could possibly be a('1uired by the
feat, to have been safe again on
shore, Ile heard the roar of the
water. thundering as it might b0,
behind a screen. but becoming 1110''
and I111n'e distinct. louder and 1.1111-
er. and before him he salt' its line
101111ng the forest below, along which
the green and angry element seemed
stretched and shining; 1111 if Ile Par -
tides were about to lose their prin-
ciple of cohesion.
"Down with your helm, down with
your helm. man!" he exclaimed. un-
able any longer to suppress his anx-
iety. as the cnn05 glided towards 1 h
edge of the fall.
"Ay, ay, down it is sure enough."
answered Pathfinder, looking behind
hint for a single instant, with his Wil -
(11, joyous laugh; --"down we go. of
a sa'tfnty! Heave her stern up. boy;
f'a'ther up with her sta'n!''
The rest was lilte the passage of
the viewless wind. Eau -donee gave
the required sweep with his paddle,
the canoe glanced Into the channel,
and for a few seconds it seemed to
Cup that he was tossing in a caldron.
He felt the bow of the canoe tip. Saw
the raging, foaling water sweeting
madly by his side, was sensible that
the light fabric in which he floated
was tossed about like an egg -shell,
and then, not less to his great joy
than to his surprise, he discovered
that it was gliding across the basin
of still water below the fall, under
the steady impulse of Jasper's
Tbe Pathfinder continued to laugh;
but he arose from his knees, and,
searching for a tin pot and a horn
spoon, he began deliberately to mea-
sure the water that had been taken
in the passage.
"Fourteen spoonfuls, Eau -donee;
fourteen fairly measured spoonfuls. I
have, you must acknowledge, known
you to go down with only ten."
"Master Cap leaned so hard up
stream;" returned Jasper seriously,
"that I had difficulty in trimming
the canoe."
"It may ,he so; no doubt it was so,
since you say it; but I have known
YOU go over with only ten."
Cap nOW gave a tremendous 1ten1,
felt for his queue as if to ascertain
its safety, and then looked hack In
order to examine the danger he had
gone through. His safety is easily
explained. Most of the river fell per-
pendicularly ten or twelve feet; but
near its centre the force of the CUT -
rent had so fur worn away the Pock
as to permit the water to shoot
through a narrow passage, at an
angle of about forty or forty -live de-
grees. Down this ticklish (0505111
the dote had glanced, amid frag-
ntenis of broken rock, whirlpools,
fo8111. and furious toesings of the site
MOM, wlieh an uninstructed eye
would believe menaced inevitable de•
struction to en object so fragile, But
the very lightness of the canoe had
favoured its descent; for, borne on
the crest of the Waves, and directed
by a steady eye and ail urns full of
muscle, it had passed Idle a feather
from one pile of foam to another,
scarcely permitting its glossy side to
be wetted. There were a few rocks
to be a101(11d, the proper direction
was to be rigidly observed, and the
fierce cnrrenl did the rest. (Lest 111e
reader suppose we are dealing purely
in fiction, the writer will add that he
11ac1 known a long thirty -pounder car-
ried over these same fails in perfect!
To say that Cap was astonished
would not be expressing half his feel-
ings; he felt awed: for the profound
dread of rocks which most. seamen
entertain camein aid of his admira-
tion of the boldness of the exploit.
Still he was indisposed t0 express all
by felt, lest it might be conceding
ton much 10 favour of fresh water
and inland navigation; and no Homier
had 110 110111ee1 his throat with the
aforesaid hem. thun he loosened his
tongue in the usual strain 01 super-
"I do not gainsay your knowledge
of the ehalutel, Master Euiedouci'.
and, offer all. to know the channel in
such a place is the main point. I have
hail cockswains with me who coals]
conte down drat shout roc, if they
1(117 knew the channel." - .
"It isn't enough to know the chan-
nel," said Pathfinder; "it needs
nurve.s and shill to keep the canine
straight. and to keep ]ler ('leaf' of
the Pocks tom 'there isn't involve'
boatman in all this region that ealll
shoot the Oswego, but Earn -donee
there, with any :certainty.; though,
now and then, one has blundered
through. 1 can't do it myself 11111(ss
by meths of Proviudence, and it
needs Jasper's 1lanci and eye to make
sure of a clry passage. Fourteen
spoonfuls, after all, are no great
matter, though I ]wish it had been but
Your Telegram Talking Reporter -
November 26th masted the comple-
tion of 6700 newscasts Made by this
veteran newscaster. Twice daily, over
CFRI3, Jim Hunter gives the news of
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So popular IS hes that his newscast
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program heard in Ontario, Friends
from far and near will join with his
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]frilling Company, in wishing hint
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is al Cnderich Old Boy.
ten, seeing that the Sergeant's dau-
ghter was a looker -oil."
"And yet you conned the canoe;
you told him how to hent unit Clow 10
"Human frailly, master mariner;
that was a little of white -skin moor'.
Now, had the Serpent, yonder, been
in the boat, not a word would he
have smitten Or thought would he
have given to the public.. Alt 1)11111111
1nntes how 10 hold his taugue; 1,111
we white folk fancy we are always
wiser than our fellows. I'm curing
myself fast of the weakness, hot it
root the tree that
needs time o cc t 1 t
u d 11 t t
has been growing more than thirty
"I think little of this affair, Or;
nothing at all, to speak my 111)101
freely. It's a Mere wash of spray 10
shouting London Bridge, 1111111 is
clone, every day by hundreds of nor•
sons, and oftenby the, most delicate
ladies in the lap(]. The king's majes-
ty has shot the bridge in his royal
"Well, I want no delicate ladies or
king's majesties (God bless 'em!) in
the canoe, going over these falls;
for a boat's breadth, either way, may
make a drowning matter of it Eau-
douce, we shall have to carry the
Sergeant's brothel. over Niagara
yet, to show hint what may be done
in a frontier."
"Tbe devid! Master Patlttinder,
you must be jolting now! Surely it is
not possible for a barlt canoe to go
over that mighty cataract?"
"You `t110vet• were more mistaken.
1+11051er Cap, in your life. Nothiug is
easier, and many is the canoe 1
have sten go over it with my own
eyes; and if we both live I hope to
satisfy you that the feat can be
done, For my part, 1 think the larg-
est shut that ever sailed 011 the
ocean Might be carried over, could
she 01100 get into the rapids."
Cap did not perceive the whtit
which Pathfinder exchanged with
Eau-douee, and be remained silent
for some time; for, 500th to say, he
had never suspected the possibility
of going clown Niagara, feasible as
the thing must appear to every rine
on a 1115001111 thought, the Peal diffic-
ulty existing it going up it,
13y this time the party had reach-
ed the place \Were Jasper had left
his own canoe, concealed in 1h0.
b11811es, and they 1111 re-embaked;
Cap, Jasper, and his niece in o110
bona, and Pathfinder, Arrowhead, and
the wife of the latterinthe other..
The 11(111icaun hail already passed
down the banks of the rivet' by 1111111.
looping can I1111lsly and With 1 h 11111 11
of 11is 1,1o1110 for the signs of an
The Culled States are now getting
X2,000,000 10111,e110l,0001 worth of Stl-
ville flow tailored men's wear from
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famous es "0111111111'S to gentlemen"
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throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
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Auetioueer for the County of Huron.
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Chairges moderate and satisfaction,
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ser for Perth and Huron Counties
Sales Solicited. Terms on Appllcatl' n.
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The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, Wm, Knox, Londesboro;
Vice President, W. R. Archibald,
Seaforth; Secretary Treasurer, M. A.
Reid, Seaforth,
F. MtKerchel•, R.R.1, Dublin; John
E. PePper, R,R.1, Brucefleld; J. F.
Prueter, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Blyth; Win. Yeo, Hoimesviile,
Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Wllllatn
Knox, Londesboro; Chris Leonhardt,
Dublin; James Connolly, Goderich;
Thomas Moylan, Seaforth; W. R.
Archibald, Seaforth; Alex McEwing,
Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;
Hugh Alexander, Walton.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post•
ing at anything from twelve to twen-
ty guineas (fifty-eight to one hundred
The demand for British men's
wear grows so strongly from month
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ain's tailors, bootmakers and saddl-
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army of fitters from 300 British tail-
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American men continue to look to
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grave step."
"Step? My dear lad, it's a flight of
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