HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-12, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1940 A ® Read Every c P RIO sIf 0 S . item - December 12 to Dec. 18 ST. W ILLI'AMS Raspberry Jam large 2 lb. jar 24c Quick Quaker Oats large pkg. 16c Superior Baking Powder 16 oz. 23c and one 2 oz. bottle Hillcrest Vanilla FREE Sweet Meaty Prunes 2 lbs. 19c AYLMER VEGETABLE or TOMATO SOUP 2 10 -oz, tins 1' 7c GOLDEN MIXED Xmas Nuts, per lb. -19c; 2 lbs. for 37c McLaren's Minute Tapioca 2 lbs, 19c McLaren's Jelly Powders, Assorted Flavors per pkg. 5c Catelli's Cooked Spaghetti 2 16 -oz. tins 19c javex, makes one gallon bleach per bottle 15c Hemphill's Wheat Berries 5 lb. bag 25c Salada Tea Sale, yellow label tri Ib. pkg. 37c Brown label ' lb. pkg. 39c Ovaltine, Small.. 38c .. Medium..58c large 98c Hawe's Floor Wax, 1 lb, tin 45c (And one 4 -oz. bottle Hawe's Lemon Oil FREE) Old Dutch Cleanser. join the $29,000 Contest 2 tins 21c. Camay Soap 3 bars 17c Chipso, small pkg.-10c ,...large pkg...23c .,..giant pkg. 49c P. & G. Soap 3 bars 13c Five Roses Flour, 7 Ib. bag ..29c .... .... ..............24 lb. bag 89c Readicut Macaroni per lb. 5c Aylmer Pork & Beans 2 20 -oz, tins 190 Hillcrest Shortening 2 1-1b. prints 25c Singapore Sliced Pineapple 15 oz. tin 15c Aylmer Tomatoes 2 ige, 28 oz. tins 25c Plain or Iodized Salt 2 lge. pkgs, 15c Royal York Cheese % lb. pkg, 15c McCormick's Assorted Sandwich Biscuits per lb. 17c Royal York Coffee, % ib. tin..27c 1 lb. tin 49c McCormick's Butter Sodas 1 lb. red bag 15c 3 Xmas Fruits and Peels Crown Golden Sultana ‘Raisins 2 lbs. 23c New Currants, nice clean stock per Ib. 14c Cut Mixed Peel V2 Ib. 13c Cut Mixed Peel, cellophane pkg. V2 Ib. 15c Lemon & Orange Peel, caps V2 Ib. 14c Bleached Sultanas per Ib. 18o Seeded Raisins, Lexias 16 oz. pkg. 17c' Lexie Raisins with seeds . .perlb.13c WilP-AAPeIFfds.g4�-e% e%4KlP- ,C4greX SATIN MIXED CANDY KiSSES i' Ri:N('1I CREAMSper STAR ('ITOCOLATE IIOIUSEIIOLD A. B. GU1IR BUNGALOW t'IIO('OLATJ4 MOIR'S CHOCOLATES Special Candy Sale CANDIES pet lb. 155 2 lbs. 25c lb. 19c DROPS Der Ib. 17c Mlxi,tt) CANDIESper lb. 195 per lb. 15c i 11), box 270 ]b, box 695 Rossi.Sproat PHONE 8 Miss N. P Ce PHONE 77 111160. BRODHAGEN Private Lyle Douglas. son of Mr. and Mrs. \Vin. Douglas of Pirate, Manitoba (Louise Brodhagetu who were former resident of this district, spent a week's leave at the home of his uncle, Mr. John Brodhageu. ire is at present stationed at Toronto. We notice that Mr. Ed Gies. form- erly manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce and who still spends his summer here, was elected alder. man in the city of Waterloo. lu the same elections, Mr. Gies' father was re-elected to the Public Utilities Commission, heading the poll in a three-way contest. '1"his corner ex, tends its congratulations. On account of the Mitchell bridge being closed for repairs all trucks have to detour through Brodhagen. The heavy snow storms have kept the snow plows- busy to keep this road in. condition for- the heavy traffle. • Mrs. Wm, Riehl Sr. of Mitchell is visiting with Mr. and Ml's. Wm. S. Riehl. ST. COLUMBAN The- Catholic Wnanen'S League. are holding their usual euchre and dance on Friday. Dec, 13. Want and For Sale Ads„ 1 week 25c GOOD EQLJIPMENT MAKES A GOOD FARMER BETTER In the past years we always advised our Customers~ when- ever there was a price advance anticipated. Many dollars were saved by our customers placing their orders with us at these tunes for future delivery. Owing to a shortage of certain materials it was impossible to get delivery of late orders this past season. We advise you to come in and book your orders with us now for your next season's requirements at last year's prices and we will ensure delivery of sante. JOHN BACH MAIN ST, SEAFORTH Dealer for I.H.C. Machines & Repair Parts THE SEAFORTH NEWS TOWN TOPICS Rev. FI V. Workman and Mr. Robt. Scarlett, representing Northside Un- ited Church Rev, W. A. Bremner, Presbytery secretary, and Mr. F. S. Savauge, Presbytery treasurer, at- tended a meeting of Huron Presby. tory 10 Goderich on Tuesday. Mr. Irvin Agar and family have moved to Sarnia. Miss Isabel R. Robinson of Toronto Bible College, who attended the Taylor -Jervis wedding at Clinton on Saturday, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rob. insan, Egmondvllle. She was accom- panied by her friend Miss Neta Reddick. Mr. and Mrs, R. E. MacKenzie and tw'. sons and Mrs. MacKenzie'a mother, Mrs. Chesney, left this week for Toronto where they will remain for the winter. Rev, A. W..Gardiner and Mr. Nel son Keys attended Presbytery sleet- ing at North St. Church, Goderich. on Tuesday, TAYLOR-JERVIS A pretty wedding- was solemnized at. Hill ('test" the home of the brides parents, at noon, Dec. 7th when Willa Fein younger [laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jervis, became the bride of Mr. Robert Douglas Tay- lor. youngest son of 11r. William J. TaYlor and the late Mrs. Taylor of Varna The Rev. G. G. Burton offic- iated. Mrs. .1. Wilton of Brussels, sig ter at the groom. played the wedding music. (liven in Ina uuMane by her father the lovely bride was attire[] in n gown of tenle blue alpaca .steer. em- broidered in chenille, with sburl train and wore t corsage of Briarcliff roses. She was nttend oil by Miss [.Sabel Robinson of Toronto, wearing me crepe, and corsage nt' single pink rht'ysantli501(ms. Mr. Harvey Taylor, brother of the groom, woos granurantan. The bride entered the living [room along a pada of white baby ribbon caught with evergreen formed by two pretty little flower girls, Marlene Jervis, niece of the bride, Marlene Jervis. niece of the of the groom, attired in dainty pink dresses. Kenneth Stephenson, neph• ew of the groom, acted as ring bear- er. The ceremony was concluded be. fore a bank of evergreen and white chrysanthemums. Mter the ceremony the bride and groom led the way to the dining room which was decorated with pink chrysanthemums. The table was centred with the bride's cake and tall white tapers. Luncheon was served to forty guests by four charm- ing whitvesses, Madelon Mason, Non ene Robinson, Margaret Cornish and Mary Rozell. An unusual feature of this event was that the bride's parents were celebrating the fortieth anniversary of their wedding. For the wedding trip to Toronto. Port Hope and Burlington the bride was attired in a black coat with miniton trim with biadt off -tire -face hat trimmed with matching fur and black tweesaortes. They will reside nn the groom's farm in Goderich Township. Guests were present from Toronto Ilurlington. Stratford Brussels, Star fa and Zurich. BRUCEFIELD The motion pictures "Across Circ ado from Coast to ('oast," and sev eral sound flints including "Modern Eaten" (Niagara). "Gem of the Rockies," "Wonderland of Gaspe," put on by the projecting committee last Friday night were of a high order, Next Saturday morning at nine thirty, there will he practice for the ('hristmns concert in the - school room of the church, Next Sunday will be white gift Sunday. 511'. Jas. Swan is improving from his recent illness. Last week Mrs, Tom Campbell of the 2nd of Stnnleg suffered a stroke. Friends hope for a complete re eovery. Mr. Lee Kipfer and Mrs. Atuty Sturgeon of London are home here owing to the serious illness- of the father, Mr. Sol 1' 1p.fer, who had a severe heart attack. We hope to hear of his recovery soon. Mrs. Alex Mustard Jr., who has pneumonia. was taken to Clinton hos- pital last Saturday. We hope• she will soon be able to return horse, Douglas McBeath, son of Mr. and •Mrs. W. 11'TtBeat11, who had his leg broken nine or ten weeks ago, we are glad to report is now able to walk some. We hope soon to see Douglas out again, Farmers' Club meeting will he held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. it rn Douglas on Wednesday ufter- 000ll Dec. 15th, Mrs. Roy McLean of Gull Take Sask., is visiting with her cousin Mrs Wallace I-Iaugh Mr, and Mrs. A. Jury and son, of Saskatchewan are visiting at the EUCHRE AND DANCE in Winthrop Hall Thurs., Dec. 12 Moonlight Serenaders EUCHRE 9 TO 11 LUNCH SERVED, ADMISSION 30c )) DANCE (( to Clayton Steeper FRIDAY, DEC. 13TH AT KIPPEN THERE IS FUN FOR ALL Don't Miss It 1 C. Watson, Manager PAGE PLVE JX e) e) We1t:r:?. Drest Orient ayser Pure Siik Hose J*T d d ■ THE GIFT ALL WOMEN APPRECIATE There is a possibility that Silk Hose will be uff the Market in the near future. Why not lay its a stock of these for yourself as well as for Xntas Gifts. All the newest whiter shade:; are litre,. Every pair in a smart gift box. Service & Semi --Service Weight 85c to 1.25 Pure Silk Chiffon 69c to 1.15 Crepe Hose 1.15 House Coats THE GIFT SUPREME See mu' wonderful show- ing of these lovely new models for Xmas. Tufted Candlewick .. 2.95 Percale house Coats 1.95 Crepes .. 3.95 Velvets, Satins, Flannels 3.95 to 4.95 Cotton Blanket Cloths 2.95 to 3.95 Gift Suggestions For Her Velvosuede, Crepe & Satin Lingerie Panties, Vests, Pajamas, Nighties TOWELS s Linen Face Towels, Guest Towels, Bath Towels el J dN d d e d HANDBAGS Fabrics, Solid Leather & GLOVES Chamoisettes, Kids, and Woollen Gloves 3 y�r�yyyy 59c to Dressing Gowns FOR THE STAY-AT-HOME MAN No gift will be more welcome than one of these stylish new dressing gowns. in heavy lii- mona cloth. All wool flannels or sills. Come mostly in plain shades or polka dots with con- trasting lapels and trim.:All sizes. Kimona Cloths....2.95 to 3.95 Flannels 5.95 to 9.50 Silks 5.00 to 7.50 EACH trt)W'N IN (UFT BOX o New Sensation 46 e) Muffler and Glove Sets FOR MEN Smart weaves 111 pule wool knitted Scarf and Glove 6 c'Ulllb111at. iott. 'They're smart and sensible. C'olol's, white. chamois, green, grey & wine. d Beautifully boxed. - Priced 2.25 2.50 3.75 Visit our store. See the new Forsyth Shirts the richness ess and qualizy of fabric .. , the smart styling and tailoring. Choose now while our range i, c,,rnplete. 1.65 2.00 2.5C c, rtki'' Stewart Brss., Seaf 11055 he will soon be running around again. home of Mr. D. Swan. We are sorry to report that Mr. S. Iiipfer is seriously ill and his family have been called home. Mr. Wm. Simpson of Detroit visit- ed his father, Mr. 0, D. Simpson, 00 Saturday. Mr's. Margaret McKenzie left on Monday to spend the winter with her sisters iii Hensall. We are glad to report that Mr. Jas. Swan is much improved and hope he will soon be well again. Pte. Abe Zapfe of London visited his family here on Saturday. Miss Anna Cornish of London agent the week end at her home here. Plan now to attend the annual Sunday School Christmas entertain- ment on Friday, Dee. 20th at 8 o'clocit. A feature this year will be the showing of films of the Nativity. We Inc glad to see Douglas Mc - Beath able to be out in the car, and HARLOCK Tuesday, the 10tH of December Mr. A. W. Beacom celebrated his birth- day, and Mr. and Mrs. W. 1I. Knox of Londesboro celebrated the 38th an- niversary of their wedding day. We wish to extend congratulations and wish them all many happy Jetutns of the day, Mr. Audrey Knox has made the rise of a driver, We wish hint good luck. Nurse Kathleen Beacons is stiil on duty in Clinton. WINTHROP The annual Sunday School concert and Christmas tree of Caven, Win- throp. will be held on Thursday :evening, Dec. tSth, Highest Cash Prices Paid for Dressed and Live Geese, Chickens, Ducks and Turkeys ALSO GOOSE & DUCK FEATHERS SPENCE'S PRODUCE Phone 170 w