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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-05, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Red Cross Notes.-
The Hensall branch of the Red
CCross is calling for more helpers so
that work on hand may he completed
Iby the- end of the year. A ne'w quota
'of •work for the next Sour months
'was received a few days ago. Besides
a greatt deal of •sewing and 'hospital
supplies the following knitted tgoods
•are asked for at an early date: 5
turtle neck sweaters, 5 pairs of two-
way mitts; 5 rubbed helmets, , long
seamen's stockings. \ny- 'knitters
who are free to take tap this work
,please ,get in touch with the con e ser
of the 'knitting comaflitte. \Its, W.
0, Goodwin, as soon as possible. \Ve
:appreciate •the- 'faithfulness and regu-
larity of many of out ladies in their
:attendance at the work rooms- The
Christmas season is usually a busy
one dor the Women folk, hut in view
of the ;very grave .situation overseas,
and the many and urgent needs At.
the present time. which are sure to
increase in the Spring, we hope there
will not be any 515okening up in Red
'Cross work. The roosts are open on
Mondays anti Fridays Of each week
from 2 to 45 p.m. If any in the country
cannot attend the Work Roosts and
yet can sew at home, please get in
touch with- Mrs, Robert Patterson,
who will gladly supply you with
sew'ing'. Arrangements are now being
made for a meeting of the executive
-to • otnplete our onganisation of com-
mittees for the tNeW Year. The ,presi-
dent !Mr. Brook. will be pleased to
have any su'gge non. than will snake
our wottk mote. etfieictit.
Ret', '.Vsn. Wein conducted services
in Carmel Presbyterian Church on
• Sunday. The choir sang two antic.
ems entitled ''There Be The t'lory."
and "Sweet Hour o1 Player,"
The Arnold Circle and Mission
Band If Carmel Pre hyttion-Chnrch
win livid a yea and home baking' amt
,end at tiie .cite 1 room nf the
Satstrday. Dee. , biz ' 11
.Vohelo Class Present
Fine Program
Tile members of the \\ ahefo 1 lt. s
e•' the 1'nitcd Ch.irrli Sabbath Se-i,enl
presented a v tr.o:t .program in the
,rh,eolroont on Friday a -vends!, which
,e`'arg••ly attended. The pn,,gram
ned with 1 ot-50 tongs snti.t'e•'I
Want to NI arch with the in
fsntrv," and 'Carry 1)n.'- sung llv
'Misses Gladys Passmore, Norma
'l'ook. Ruth Brook and \carr Good -
tile. Misses hay Drysdale ,ui,l Ruh
t',-''oik played guitar seleetioes. Pic -
tare view. on "a trip to the :South,"
acre .shown by \li.. \tararet
devi5, +lrielt were ver y interesting.
tars.. 'Heiden ni Sirs. Hess sane 4
i"atria' duet entitled }bee-." Mss
Florence Welsh 'tceotnipanied at the
piano. A vocal solo entitled {)n the
Re sal to Mandalay" was sung by Mr,
Carey loynt accompanied h,+. IMiss
Florence'Welsh at the piano,
\ very huuutrons reading entitled
.\t the It ill (tame, was 'eery aihiy
;given by Miss Mattie Ellis. A: play
"That's What a l hey \I1 Sat, wits
presented thy Misses Elva McQueen.
Mary Coleman GlastyS, 21cKenzie and
Mrs. Peter MrN'aughton and Messrs,
,lack anter Ed. Corbett and Edison and
Ross Forrest all taking their parts in
a tarn eispaible manna. Refreshments
were served by the class at the close
of the program.
Y.P. Elect Officers.
..NI Elva SlcQuean presided aver
thi tweeting of the Young, People's
•inion held on. Monday evening which
opened by singing a hymn followed
by the land's sprayer in unison. The
minuses of the previous meeting were
read and adopted and tete roll called,
alter which \Inas G1a'dy' 'McKenzie
read the Set iptnre. The topic on "The
Life and I\\Iosk of Rey. 'etas, Evans,"
was given by I\Liss Ruth tBroOk. Miss
Edna Saundereock led in prayer, Rev.
R, A. Brook then ,presided for the el-
ection of officers as toliows: Presid-
ent Miss Ruth Brook, 'rice president,
'Miss Gladys McKenzie and 'Miss
Gladys Lnker. Secretary, Bob Hess:
treasurer, (Carey ,joynt: fellowship
conveners, blesses Gladys Passmore
and Norma Cook; Christian :Missions.
Miss Elva \IeQueen and Howard
-Love: citizenship, Misses Edna-Saun-
clercock and .slug Goodwin; social,
Mrs. Heiden, Miss Gladys Luker and
!Sir.. Hess; pianist, Miss Gladys l.u'k-
e•r assistant protist, +Miss Greta t -ate
inn stress secretary, Mrs. - tHedden.
Sir Carey 1ovnt wave the treasurer's
report. It was (limited to contribute
he the\l. and 1\l. fund.
Bride..Elect Honored.-
\ \cry enjoyable evening was .pent
Saturday .0 the home of i\l.r. and
Mrs, t e'e Glenn, when about seventy-
five net liner, and friends gathered
:ins 1r5resented • their daughter. Mona, •
le -hie -elites with a miseellanoons sho-
wer, .\ slum program was given in -
chiding a reading by Mrs. Agnes
ll, rtes, ,piano s,.los by Sirs, John
111,I,-5,11 and' \lits Andres' Cochrane. i
Mrs. Edgar Butt and (Mrs. William
Fytc sari, a duet entitled, "Roar .if
rra'ec." tJoyee Broderick fa von red
with song anti dance nnniber accout.
pained 1,y Mrs. Broderick at the tri, 1
inn \ healthfully dee ,rated wagon in
the .hate of a wedding cake and de-
corated gaskets were brought in load-
ed i.sith ue;antiful and useful gifts by
Jeep \lc.\llister, Patsy Mitchell. ;tut!
Wilma Krlr 'rile decorations acre
arranged iy r. . attcrson ane
the program by IM r.. \\'til. Kyle and
Nirs Stanley llitcheld. The (bride made
1 In loving memory of our dear t
father, Mr. Theodore Dexter, who 1
a reply thanking all 'tor the ;heautifu
gifts, Lunch was served.
Arnold Circle Elects Officers, --
I 'Mrs. Melvin Moir was hostess at
her home on ,\l'ond4ay 'evening' to the
Arnold Circle of 'Carmel Presbyterial
C'hureli. !Airs. Roy Pell presided acct
the meeting wrench opened Ihy soft
music played by Mrs Irene Hogarth
followed Iby singing„ after which Miss
Sally Manson led in prayer. The
scripture .was read thy Miss .Mangare
Dell, The'business was discussed and
committees appointed for .the tea ares
home -cooking sale to be held on Sat-
urcday. [Miss Helen \loin •gave the an-
nual treasurer's respott. Miss Hannah
Murray presided over the election of
officers: President Miss Sally '\dan-
oan, 'vice president, \h.: Beryl Pfaff;
secretary, 1li.s Violet Hyde lireatar.
er Miss Helen 'Moir; pianist, Mrs.
Slasllougall; supply secretary, Sirs.
Melvin Moir; welcome and welfare,
\Irs, Roy Bel'l, At the conclusion .of
the ,program a delicious hot roast
goose supper was sewed Ihy the host-
ess. Miss Beryl 'Pfaff moved a vdte of
thanks to the 'hostess.
•21 r. John Tapp lies returned from
pleasant trip,
I Slr, Abe 'daises of Windsor spent
the week end with his relatives in
and .around town. - -
i Carl Passmore returned: home
(Monday after a 'business trip to Tor-
Rev, 12. A. Brook conducted the
cervices in the United C'hurch on
Sunday and the choir sang, "Lead- On
i The 'hingo and dance which was 'to
have. Ibsen held on Wednesday even-
ing tinder the auspices .of the. Hensall
branch as the (Canadian Legion. has
heee postponed indefinitely owing to
the severe storm.
Mr. Lloyd Heckles of tit, Cathar-
ines, ,,petit tine weds end with rela-
tive, here. }le was accompanied hack
sly Mrs ill hit and family,
21r. and Mrs. t. 'lte Flynn of Lon
cln spent tett week end with the l at-
to s parents,' t\li anal Sirs, ;Lit. I'at-
km . -t
\lis . 121va McQueen has taken a
position at the 51. to $1.00 store for l
the Christmas season,
The Hensall Senior institute will
hold their l'llrislnas meeting et the
holm of Mrs. - G, .\l, Drysdale. The
roil call i. ;o he answered with a gift
for the Sick Children's Hospital,
Keep the date open for tete novelty
Christmas dance, sponsored thy the
Chamber of C'onuncrre on Friday,
December 14th. ltallo,eus, hats, noise- I
ua'ke r, galore. Proceeds in aid of the
ron111111 ilii • Christmas tree.
in Memorials
t passed sway Dec. 4th, 1917, attd the
late Mrs. Dexter, who passed away
1 on Oct, 5, 1921,
0, how oft. they come before us,
• Their dear Saviour, so sweet and true
Resting now in peace with Jesus,
t Loving hearts still long for you.
-In loving ,memory, by the Family
Motion Pictures
Friday, Dec. 6th, at 8 p.m.
We are showing the Canadian Railways' beautiful film
"Across Canada from Coast to Coast"
And Several Sound Films including
"Modern Eden" (Niagara)
"Wonderland at Gaspe"
"Gem of the Rockies"
Be sure to come out and taste this wonderful trip with us. and bring
your neighbors along. We will have luxurious Sleepers, delectable
Diners and air-conditioned Coaehee, and we can assure you of an
enjoyable evening. FIrst (Tess round trip Fares will be only
Adults -25c. Public School Children -15c
Children under five -Free
GIVE him the watch that's
specially built for Canada's
fighting forces ... The smart,,
accurate 15 -jewelled Bulova
"Commander"... Absolutely
water -lite -built to stand
the gall --priced for un-
equalled Bulova value 1
5211115550 FOR
ACTIVE sE841(1
Choose now. We will hold any Gift tmtil Christmas
Phone 218 SEAFORTH, ONT.
1 Sims -McElroy -
:A pretty wedding was solemnized
Friday afternoon in the manse of
Ilan Avenue United t'ho•eli, Tor-
onto, when Miss Vivian Irene 51e -
Elroy, daughter of Mrs, Idith E.
Bell, and the late John McElroy,
Blyth. bigamy tate bride a1' John
Jtuntas 0e101 Stine, only sou of W. J.
Sims and the hate Its. Sims of
Myth. Ito.. J. P. MacFarlane - offic-
iated. The bride looped lovely in a
street length dress of beige crepe
trimmed with brown velvet, small
brown velvet hat with until 'trim-
ming and wore a corsage of roses
and 01111S. She was attended by ber
twin sister. Mrs. A. E. Bender, of Tot
rtitito, in dusky pink with black ac-
cessories, Emerson Freestone, also
of Toronto, was groomsman. The re-
ception/ was held at Crofton Villa.
Cooltsville. After the honeymoon the
young couple will reside in Blyth.
'Mrs, F. D. Hutchison of St. Cath-
arines (petit a week with -Mr, and -Mrs.
O. W. Reed and ,\Ir. and !Mrs. Rob-
ert Sadler; Mr. and Mrs. A. Jeffery
and Spencer and Mrs, }\V', Sadler !n
Stratford; Sir. and- Mrs. O. W. Reed
visited 111 Hamilton with :M r. and 'Mrs
F. ,Congdon; 'Mr, and .Mrs. Y. O'Brien
visited in Owen Sound with their son,
1A', E. O'Brien; Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Lawson and 'daughter, Sandra Iran,
with Mr. and ,Sirs. Walter'O'Brien:
Fie. Jack Drown of Hamilton, \\'.1
Drake and Ross Hogarth and Horvey
Drown od 1\\'w,od•tock Visited at their
homes: Robt. Barr of Mitchell with
Slr. and Mrs. John Sadler; William
Thompson is visiting in Toronto. The
W. A. will meet at fire parsonage on
Thursday afternoon,
Owing 4o the great fall of annw•,
meetings have been poorly attended
,but now that horses and cutters and
cheery ibells have taken the place of
cars, things will go better.
The Thatfkofferintg service is post-
iponed until a ,later date.
The annual meeting of the W.M.S.
will be held on 'Thursday afternoon at
the manse and a full meeting is
The bazaar and supper were thin-
ly attended owing to bad rdalds and
stormy weather, but a pleasant eve-
ning was :spent socially by all who
braved the stork and the three
groups, 'Ladies' Aid Marion Ritchie
group, and the Annie Reidie Mission
Band were all .pleased with the differ-
ent sales of work and candies and
William Boughton who has ,been
ill in 'Victoria ILns'pitad, London, ,for
the past two weeks will return only
as .tar as the home of his -'daughter,
Mrs Keniip 'h(itcheil, as the roads are
not at 'for motoring to his home here,
\lis Lila I:McCulloch, superintend -
551 ni the \A itichelst.a 'Con'tinuation
school, had to 'leave her car at her
i1•'ane here and return Monday morn-
ing with horse and cutter,
, Her Father --"And- what are yon'
prospects of promotion, young ratan?"
Her Suitor "Excellent, sir.
There's nobody in the firm below.
Auction Sale
Of Residence and Rouse Furnish.
Ings. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has
been instructed to sell the following
at Kipped at the residence of the
late Mrs, 'Wesley French, on Satur•
day, December 14th, at 1 p.m.
3 bedsteads, 2 dressers with wash-
stands, 1 library table, 1 conch, 5
rockers, 2 armchairs, 1 china cab!.
net, 1 extension table, 6 dining room
chairs, 1 Raymond sewing machine.
1 electric radio, 1 drop leaf table, 3
small tables, 1 ititchen couch, 1
nook stove, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 cup.
board, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 settee, 1
spring mattress, rugs, curtains, lin-
oleum, washing nnacliine with wring•
et', wheelbarrow, lawn mower, 2-
burner electric plate with oven, buff•
alo robe, 1 copper boiler, pictures.
picture frames, pots, pans, etc, -
Property -Two-fifths of an acre of
land. Good frame house, recently re•
modelled with shingle siding, full
basement, hydro, furnace, also good
poultry hoose.
Terns --.Household effects, cash.
Property, ten per cent cash day of
sale, balance in 30 days.
Frank Iipshal}, Charles Cooper.
Executors of tine Estate of Mrs.
Wesley French. -
IIcu'old Jackson, Auctioneer, -
01' Farms, Pawns Stock, and Imple-
ments. Al Lot 15, Cori, 1, MCICiltup
Township, 2?% miles ens( of 8eafoth,
on No. S Highway, on Monday, De-
cember 9th, at 1 p,m,
Joseph Carlin, Proprietor,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
20 head of Scotch Shorthorns
111 females, 10 males
At Elmandorph Stock Farm, Varna
AT1P.M. -
Ilet•d full accredited; blood tested.
clays same as etish without interest.
Tants cash, as bankable paper 30
IDuncan Brown, Harold Jackson,
For S. 8. No,, 7, Tttchersmillt, dut-
ies to comment,. Jan. Lith, lloteitant.
State salary. Applications received
till Dee. 1111 It, Edgar Alimt, Secretary.
1t. It, 3. 5;2111fot-tit,
A driving mare for
stile. Phone
Hut'se t•isiug eight years old. Sow
currying fourth litter. Also a5nnllri
15(1 bushels turnips and mawgels, and
two loads of hay. Apply to :Russel
Hayter. eeafortll. T1.R.4,
75 Barred Rocks ready to ]sty,
Janes Mnt'ray, phone 3152r24, Sete
23 pigs weighing from 75 to 1041
lbs., also 17 seekers. Apply to
O'Reilly Bros„ Lot 12, Con. 2, Mc-
Killop. Phone 461.3, Dublin,
Ten pigs ready to wean, l:hner
Hackwell, phone 5543r4. Seaforth,
10 pigs six weeks old. Peter Read-
111an, North Main St., Seaforth.
A. red roan Durham steer, aabout.
1000 lbs. Has 1101116 en, Reward 2nt
Information leading to recovery.
Please notify James Medd, Clinton,
1.11.1; phone 041r11, Seaforth,
Young girl would like position In
store or doing housework. Apply to
The 'News office.
Distribute 200 FAM1LEa nec•essi•
ties from door to door. There is it big
demand for toilet articles, medicines,
alimentary prodnets, cleaners, etc.
Sell for guaranteed satisfaction or
stoney refunded. Reap profits with
your first sales. Increase your list of
customers every day. Try this hide•
pendent business without RISK. FOR
G. ST, GEORGE, 570 St. Clement
IF BACKACHES are slowing you up
take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches
are relieved after the first dose
McKiudsey's Drug Store.
Attendance at the various churches
on Sunday was hampered by the
heavy roads anti snow drifts. Wally
cars were stuck on the sideroads and
cutters and sleighs were the only safe
means of transportation.
Janes MsNairn .vho has been de-
livering:h'ead by motor on his reg'nl-
ar route, was dhhged iso snlbstttnte a
sleigh Intik with horses this week,
6;Ls team %Odell lacked experience
gave an interesting spectacle of kick-
ing and (hacking and becoming fright-
ened on Main sttreet when the driver
was endeavoring It ibreatk them in to
Ihe intracies of a.bread truck and ac-
custom sham 'tri all the sights, The.
proverbial group of men and sinal'
boys added to the interesting .scene, -
You Save When You Buy For Cash
First Grade Creamery Butter
2 lbs. 64c
Seedless Raisins 2 lbs.,, 23c
Pastry Flour 24 lbs, 69c
Pure Lard 2 lbs. 19c
New Lemon Peel lb. 25c
New Orange Peel lb. 2$c
New Currants 2 lbs, 25c
Fairbanks Carbolic Soap
6 Cakes 22c
Roberts Cough Syrup
Bottle 35c
Parmeless Cough Syrltp
Bottle 35c
Buckleys Cough Mixture
Bottle 40c
Wampoles Extract of Cod
Liver 51.00
Darleys Hog Worm Powder
ib, pkge. 25c
Big Ben 'Loud
Alarm Clocks $2,95
Rubber Boots & Rubbers at Lowest Prices
W®J. Finnigan
'01 Farm.Stock and inxpl'ez»ents.-
Ifiaro'ld lJackson, auctioneer, has re-
ceived instructions from tete 'under-
signed to sell Iby public auction at
Lot 4 'Con. '1, 'Stanley Tp., one mile
north of Kippen, on Highway. on
Friday, Dec. 6th, at '11.30,
Horses --4 ,bay driver, 1 team gray
'Cattle -1 Durham cow with calf at
foot, ,h !black cow with calf at 'snot, 3
black heifers, 2 years ole}, 3 lblack
steers, 2 years old, 2' steer- 1 year old,
1 heifer 1 yr. old, 11 Hereford boll, 7
immti1s nld, 1 1lu'e,ford brill, 4 months
old, 1 black Hereford heifer 7 months
old 2 spring calves.
Hee 1'ork pigs around 7(1 Ms,
Implements, - \\ alkine; 'plough, 'gar-
den senffier, set of light slu.yhs, cut-
ter, buggy, light wa'>;un steins Ihnat,
ptq crate, wheelbarrow, scoop ahotei,
1i -i sa steel ;gats, iron kettle, 2 tolls
of fence wire each twenty roils long,
1 wire feed basket, shovels, crowbars,
Daisy churn No, 3, set of simile har-
ness and bens, I set daurblc' harness,
hill line of caripenter and :garden
tools, 3 steel nil drums and taps, 0 -
gal, ;gasoline tank with tap, 214 -foot
extension ladder, crossent aur, 'buck-
saw, egg cases chicken crates, other
articles too numerous to mention,
Brooder stove, co9onw house 12'sda'.
1 pair of geese.
Terms on stock --0 months- credit
on furnishing bankable notes. Imple-
ments and other articirs cash.
No reserve as everything; must he
u}tt. in 5115e of lied weather, will lie
lice' Hader c nrcr,
Ono, H. Hyde, !\Its, ,'11.11. Monteith,
Proprietor.; learned larksn11, \tie.
Clerk's Notice of First Posting
of Voters' List
Voters' List, 1940, Municipality of
Seaforth, County of Huron
Nntic•e Is hetehy given Haat 1 slayer
enntpliecl with Sectima 7 of The
Voters' Lists Aeet and that 1 have
posteil up at my office at 8tlnlm'th
on the 20th clay of November. 19411,
the list of all persona entitled to
vote 411 the said Municipality at
municipal eleetious, and that such
list remains for fuspectiml,
3ltd 1 hereby call upon all voters
to inky immediate proceedings eding s to
have any errors or omissions cors
rested arenrding to 1(11', the lust clay
for appeal being the 17th dray of
December, 1940,•
Dated al Seaforth, this 26th day nl'
November. 1940
0, 14. WILSON,
Clerk of Seaforth,
Barrister & Solicitor
Attendance in Brussels
Wednesday and Saturday
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Built
ing, Seaforth. Office hours: -
Tuesday, Thursday and. Saturda•:
1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
vening, 7130 a, in. to 9 p, m.
The former staple at the Q'ueen's
is naw' an'ailablec, A. W. ,Moore,
Weighing up to S lbs. Please 0111,^'
a dray in attentive, if possible. We
deliver in town, Phone 851-32, Sentr•s
Poultry Farm.
And prevent disease by disinfect g
and whitewashing your stabling nr.
before your 11erds and flocks are
housed. Charges moderate, All work
guuranleed. Only modern methods
used, (linear 13er1'), I3racefleld,
(ted dfvc horses for to illiza-l. Jos,
\dattbetvs, 1(11(1)1.' .1:1122, 1)111.111
t'r'owel, rolIeet.
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid•
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bond.
Rates reasonable. All risks place;
in first class companies,
information cneerfully given
On Nartit Main street, frame house.
eight renins, lights, hard and :soft
water, good cellar, furnace, only halt
a bloilt from (,odericlt st. Apply re
Phone 83101.12, Seaforth.
Colonel (to Irish servant). -"This
is going to be a terrible war, Pat."
Pat -"Sure, it's going to be a
terrible war, ser, but it'll be better
than no war at all, at alL" ,
YES, out in Vancouver and Victoria
GOLF is played all year 'rounds
Warm sea -breezes and the protection
of the mighty Coastal mountains
maintain a moderate temperature in
which all outdoor sports take on an
invigorating newness.
Plan now to visit Canada's EVER-
GREEN Playground -for rest or play,
the ideal place for a thoroughly
enjoyable winter vacation! Special
Winter rates at hotels. The new Hotel
Vancouver's spacious rooms and de-
lightful accommodations will add to
the pleasure of your stay in Vancouver,
Reduced sleeping -car frees ... Low meal rates on trains
Always Use .. .
Speed ... Dependability . , . Safety
Full information from any ticket agent