HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-05, Page 7THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1940 OLD SOLDIER LEARNS NEW TRICK Li ai. ,1. L. Halston, Minister nr N:UIoll tl D(1'enee, 1, shown Hero as lie Irk(' t Bryn tnaoiline grin amine a recent training camp visit, Col. Ralston, a of:ear,n of the last war; look a delight in trying the new werlpon. DUNKIRK STORY TOLD BY B.C. MAN • . c n. R. \\ l'nni,ul', R.1'.N , Vint ou3' • one of the aic \lr3 11''0, has al- t•ea 1. �, I more th;ni his fair ,Icer, ,.if cxe'! 'hart,_: hiss nava' 'ar,•cr. •,1.,ils dnrim, , t.rctlttlion 1( lli• •'1•r apt, Dunkerque 'su 11011 lily 111, "(11.1, i 1 S1.1 Vivi Cro., '\, an100133 mems with !le,pain. a ' •1 reason i',iliit-, the :0,1111.1 1.10 4 -how ed .:rrat 3-,i311 2.4i. and a.x. BUS TIME TABLE Summer Time Table Leto es Senferth for Stratford: o., It 6,22 n,m. -and. 5.16 p.m. Leaves Senforlh for Badoriells 1114: eeip3 Sunday and bol.. 1.115 p.m, and 7.40 p.m. Sun. and bpi., 1:05 p.m. and 9.29 p.m, (bnneenon at Stratford for Toronto, It n'Elr,m, Buffalo, London, Detroit, "m. i -+tock, Wnridotnclt, Brantford be:1'v: Queen's, Commercial, Dick House D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Office - Commercial Hotel Electro Therapist - Massage Hours -Mon. and Thurs, after- noons and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation -Sun -ray treatment. Phone 227. 11111(81i:31 in -131(3 141114 and nmtmtin: str21(l10l craft ;11111 tripling the unto- 'e1' of 1(.'n he t0 „old e rlinarily have teen etarntne. work wa of codr,e, ,(lmr 1111- 11„r the (33.1111' .tinthia1 and shy'.lin cnulitiere l! e\bie:11 1110 1v"8111 i5 f:nnil1ar aln1 •3, 113.11 wade the e. hole rat i,131 one of the war epic., of all Blue. 1'iiirbrell has :ince recorded his ee.- 1oft a. if it were letval 1 nine: -The fir.1 111411 1 13eu1 oft 1 \ta in c•.nnnand ,(i a 9th ton y a lit " he re- lated. '1\\'•e went ,c.1' to 1)llikerrsnc 1(d aneb„red a, 00, 11'lloi( a5 we geldgag.-wIti h y1 etrett). close, A :(,with dropped so ,lyse to the ship That the tessel gat,. a 1 hrific lurch. brcakm2 ((3r ca'iles. \\'e nitiftc,' 111 .o .ior, ;111/1 '10111111 our,rlyes stranded. l'hert' t\' as al .wait of vii' holir. fore the title 900trld come in and float ,free," 110 continued. "I could see near illy two yachts that had been beached anti abandoned. i figured 1 could tl:r.4e them and divide nay crew to diad them. 1 undertook to do this, and with the mval11vhle brie of ley men, 1 was able to '3(83 the yachts manned so that when the tide canoe in they were 'it eful ships. ('here was finite a; bit of Ibonlhing, bet fortunately :here were 110 casualties among my nu•n or the three yachts." '1'hrougll his initiative t 11 night "I'imlbrell was responsible for the eivac- 0ati011 of about 2011 men. "I'hr second night across 1 loom Itiler0 were a couple mare standt.01 yacht -type vessels," Timlbl'ell went on. "C)ncc• again we were 141)k• when the title canoe its, to refloat and elan these vessels. There was still a lot of bomb- blit it was at night, and (nice more w(' fortunately were a'bie to get i:✓.-.-!.-,.�',e1'"r'.Y�'.✓..�,r",'..r.-r�..�",.-'<-".2'.r+:�fe-"..1✓.-,.a.:a:: THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every clay through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Newspaper it records for you the world's clean, constructive doings. The Monitor does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does ft Ignore them, but deals correctively with ttlom. Features for busy mon and all the family, including the Weekly Magazine Section. The Christian Silence Publishing Society One, Norr:ay Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter my subscription to The Christian Science Monitor for n period of 1 year $12.00 6 months 66.00 3 months 83.00 1 month 81.00 Saturday issue,. including Magini016 Section: 1 roar 82.60, 6 lanes 260 Name Address Soniple Coli on Requ rt k plc to Monthly Statefi;-enis We can save you Money on Bill and Charge Forms, standard sizes to flt Ledgers, white or colors. It will pay you to Bee our samples. Also best quality Metal Hinged Sec- tional Post Binders and Index The Seaforth News PHONE 84 THE SEAFORTH NEWS hack without serious mishap. "We .found we 'frequently were at- tacked Iby iGerlmiti-U•(bdats, 'They - 'would swoop M 4o atbout.?'55 yards attd sweep els with machine-gun fire. We had 'a -.few of the army's -Brett guns on (inti' ship. and in (301315' ease 3^13 were able to drive the 'l! -boats tel. -and we did not have a single ca -malty as a re- sult of U-Ihuat 41re. The second might the Ibron'ght out, approxiul>ltely' 110 men i1( the three aessels, 'I'Ihe third Mehl was the final night of the evacuation. They 'put ole in command of three yachts going over,': said the young sadh-lietncnanl, "Oa the w'ay over 1(111' [became unseaworthy and we had to sink .it-aiter, of course we had taken off the (I've. I\V1, goe, ower 11( Dunkerque and it 1035 a pretty tjekjitfat pioeo 1'C Irs,iness. The b8ml,ing was ;bad and the ,hc iiia, t,', was terrific. '1-1'wt51er, 310' were able 113 ,gr; away with about. 375 nom this night. -(n the return trip a traw- ler ahead of me was sunk Its to meg- 1te.11r 1(3111e . . 11'1' picked up two of the crew of fifdeen-all we shies" Ski Train. ((Milia Parket said 'Times) It has been rc.lssln'in.; to hear the new INtinisamr of Education, the Hon.' Duncan - \I r.\rthur, rtipealedly refer t„ tin need for p ting greater enlplhasi- ,1!rou the moral ;ul,l sP;rumals :c. , t 'f ante:A1io11, with .a Clew to the Ilr- 1'bnuuenr „f character. 11( his a'idlc.s atd'lllingwon'1, lar. \(a\rthut iasi-, cal the collapse of I rsnce to the fact that tate Ration placed its s'de 1(1 1131 ,(,ince for defence on mi10(111y n11•as- lirl•3, eel the Ile„ Ice! of the moral and piritnnl lift, Ile collect upon the tea- chers to inculcate -nett moral-i•ued. ar(1: as would too,hen the moral and hrtellecttal lmiscics of the roving generation. Since exa11lple is acknowledged to be lite ;most (111(7111 m(tlns of influenc- ing youth, we wpnld rl.peceftilly gest to the Hun. the Munslter of Edu- cation that he should try his hand at !bringing the Attorney-(rencral of On- tario, and perhaps some other: of his colleagues, to see the ada•isability of lending Government support to strengthening the mural fibre of the dation, rather It1a0 advocating meas- ures calculated to breaking it down. Mr. Conant's latest stove in the hitter direction (811413''' ((((3411 for an amend- ment to the Lord's Day Act, author- izing Sunday excursion trains. The avowed purpose of making this furth- er ;breach in the Lord's I)ay Act is to encourages weekend skiin',,particular- ly with a -view to inducing A•In1ricans to journey into Ontario's snow m- enet-, on pleasure hent. herein the have a ,irank advocacy of the mater- ialism and plca,11re seeking which 1)r, 11 ,Arthur meows to be the chief cause for the collapse of Prance. .at a time when the ;Churches and the people of 'Canada and the Empire are being, called 4ltpou to rededicate themselves to the 'higher values of the spirit, the Attorney -General of Ontario, with the consent he alnlotulces, of Itlhe cab- inet, takes steps to further undermine the Christian .Sunelay, which is one of the chef (bulwarks of Christianity, and `10 encourage the substitution -of the continental day of pleasure, which 1s recognized to the 011e (13 fh(' factors in the breakdown of French national character, 5Ir. Conant propose; to avid materially to the number "f persons depril1d of the opgan•tnnily of wor- ship thy (hying required to labour on Sunda) , in order to minister to the pleasure ,>'fothers; and lie 33140 pllres ',trivial approval on the ;n'ineil>i1' ,:xf devoting the day 3'' p1('asnrc instead of to tvn•,hip. Ile further sn143(ests 3,, [ollunitnitir•' in the .now :hyla, with fa(.ilitie, for winter ,pori,, shat they should a+cuulon fLe old ur.u't1'r of ,l, voting Sunday t3, spiritual matter's au," ifxtld 11.11 it into ,1 . ;rnfh lar mono). -gelling. I)r. \fcarthur can scarcely aar11 that this is a utrlh„'i stetwtheniin Ih<, 1u,(l'1l 1uu:,d1,•, of our people, \ i 1(' a, ()vinic i, ,'on„erned, ,t r. hue sl'i.tiOil that !hero i- +i-lron4' +l'11111t11'nt against Inraite„ llil-. t11411 into n ,\e,d:old winter resort, \Ce (1 Inst 3.133 t .3 01in' of' our nei.,j111,,,r. fame, or netorie•v in that respect. \\e x01111 r •x11•11cr \Ir. Conant .leas ever n•acelled 1111 a •Icim4. train. If not, In- hot-miming n- hot-mi .ng hi- 3 l y,1'' tvi 113(1site !Mu. 11, s11,'(11,1 ru:(lie one or t,n, stub uul i hd:•e f'n• II, in -elf w.tet=l r h'• lona 'n,' d>ini,1,111.; the sell- Mi11!; of the •'nitb " f file 1'ro,,; 13.3 ay. e1(, : ncl.t•iu ; this m"'he'd ."f 111114111 a1'' of their Stunia) Watch Out For Shysters Niagara ("18(ls 1110iew Always during any time of pat- riotic excitement. and particularly during a oat', there are scoundrels who seek to cash in on such fervor. With lues away, as they are in many et1919 00w with the fighting forces, such 111„11 50e1t to prey 01( 1110 wives and families. Others seely 10 take advantage of patriotic impulses and raise funds, most of which seem to move 111 one general direction. the Pockets of the promoters. Thus is what A. It. Haskell, general -ntan- age' of the Toronto Better Business 13nreau, says of such shysters. "Moillel's, wives and sweethearts of enlisted 111911 are particularly be- ing preyed upon at the presentfine with various farms of rackets dis- guised wilder all manner of false patriotic pretexts. Dime's and dollars are c1ntintthlgto Dour into the bands of hundreds 00 schemers who are nlasgttet'adhng, during tate critical Period of our history, under the guise of patriotism. While the public is only 100 happy to contribute to worthy causes. these slick and sly Individuals are waxing fat on the proceeds or their rranduleni schemes. Interested only in the satisfaction of their Ow11 avarice, they leave a trail of anguish and tpulncfa1 loss behind 111e1IT aS a 1'081111 of their ilet'nl'ioll$ op011111ons,'' PAGE SEVEN IF ENGLAND DIE ! The following poem, written by Mr. Harold Gaze, a New Zealander, now resident i01 Pasadena, 00119 at- tached to a communication to the Canadian Government: if England die? Our thoughtrefuses it, As something gross, impossible to hear! For at her death dies honest justice, too; - The strength 111a1. held anti made Lite world more !'air; A breed of Men (n1' til'( womb lnay 110 mores bear. To 111e514 a. callous world that lot her die. Sho011(1 G1lglend !lie. the w,1(111 will feel 11 void! A something will be missed front heart and mind That not all creeds our culture eau replace....... Finding nude other 111 to play her role: The sunt 31 lid substance of lilts UNli's fah' serol] Shall crumble to deer,ly--.if England (tic, aituttld ('luglaud die . -dread anarchy may r1)113-.; 1 -thatching 111'• sceptre from Ler falling hand- Lighting and Llghltng a ghastly pyo' whose flames consume 'rho soul's :strung edifice un 10111111 WO 14 Laud, - '1'111 frlv'doui, trope and all we nobly planned-' All we have well front barbarism aims! --if 1','ngla1111 1110. IC England die -1 nobb' steam that tEeds The lovely delta wh,•re• 0111' 01e is east Dries! and we wither, as the -;seed Mount to renew the world from out 11„1' 11Et8(: ilex (nos, iter iv1:911001 alfa her soul all. Invl, We shall revere and prize ---loo 1111e1 if 'England die. - 10 England die --we plunge into elle night:, Where tyranny and hate -'- t win bandits --stand. Knowing no urge but greed, too right but might, No eultu09 lint a sword Al blood drenched hand; And all the sapling framework of this land -- Robbed Mobbed of its promised fruitage-- facles!---if England die. If England die? But this may never he, While there is red b1000 in the ve1118 Of 111e11! White there are hearts and minds of 1101119 build! \Whilst God- -within His Heaven. cares! For then Nolte can mistake the road! None wonder when To Strike! --for freedom anti the heritage of men: -ere England die A Local Defense Volunteer i1( a lonely spot cried "Halt!" to a maul i1( a ear who promptly (13111ed, "Halt!" said the L.D.V. 1(gidu. "1 have halted, said the motorist. "What do yoll want nae to 00 >1pxt." "i don't know, said the L.D.V. "\1y orders are to soy, 'Halt!' three tinges and then shoot!" - 'l., „'tries of roar visitors Westward the Trend of Winter Travel DEPORTS from passenger agents A%+ of the Canadian National Rail- ways indicate that the trend of travel this wintee will he westward. Many hundreds of residents of East- ern and Cental Canada wlio annu- ally head south when the cold weather sets in, will have to seek a winter resort at home because of the restrictions on travel to the 'United States necessitated by wan• conditions, and the hundreds of 918- (1100es reported by the railway's age,lis indicate that the "Continen- tal Continenttl Limited" will carry many to the Pacific slope of British Columbia via the Jasper National Park route. This region has been rightfully nutted the "Evergreen Playground" and visitors to Vancouver and Vic- toria soon learn of the mellowing influence of warns ocean currents wilicll serve to maintain pleasant temperatures throughout the winter months. Foliage remains green - hued, roses and other blooms really may be piciced at Christmas and New Year and at the festive season native holly offer's its brilliant ber- ries like 17 touch from a ta19 by Dickens. For the energetic, golf is available on links playable the yeah' rotted, while for anglers, sleelhead trout and tyee salmon a 111191d in the inland and coastal waters of British Columbia. In the above pictures are seen Victoria's beautiful inter harbor', with Parliament Buildings in the background; a bridle path and golf course in Canada's "Evergreen Playground" and successful tyee salmon fishermen as well as one of the skiing slopes in Jasper National Parlc, in the heart of the C 33180(1,11 Rookies, where those who travel by the "Continental Limited" will tits• covet" new winter beauties in 1.'(5. the continent's. Ingest and most Scenic national park, - - e The Secrets J Good Looks y9 BLEMISHES TO BEAUTY \10: blemishes are susceptible .la treatm0111, and this %%eel: I deal with several of the nt 1 1;111119 (I then;: (host, which oro}- 1l, ,o frequently it your letters. Tiny red veins 0)11the ehcelss ,cora quite a lot of 4(110141. '111(10 can the dire•,( thy electrical treatment, but this is rather costly. The remedy for tnq;t q>t•:,ple i, to wear a fairly heavy make- up, Don't wash i1( ,tither it Cry cold''-. ter:, -ho! stater, and avoid friction 01': the face. ilirthnl:1'•k. stet scars rause untold. miser:, t„ women 9.111 aro at all sett-i- tice, Tliese, again, can :,e.. removed. lVel. ((11! 'he- trea•nuent i, 'heynn 1 the .purse „; 11(.,1 ,\'Iden. Il,nsrler, A+,d't de. - pair. .-1 „•1• utakp- -I,will ni,ni lli, . i it do. 144 entirely 'Intone t'1(,: 113;11 e ntf:ug to Ilse •e;... -nt for 1',:.1 tet•cs! I"hi di -ter sin 1bleniisit may he ;•an -ed ,y 11,,Ar ara11111ion, trouble 11,11(81111'i the n1i8', or some di: •-t: 4i4Iorhlo e (:cid s1 ewers, nll„,n d l,y hri h ru!,.1ing. tenni fur procc• the circulation. 1f there is (((4'' 041i disorders, avoid stinitrlants, condint-in, and tint hot drinks. 10 wither of these cause:, consult a doc- lr'r. - Rlackhearls are a pltngue 1that's just the •word for them!) You can •do much to ,prevent their avec:trance. though, by properly cleansing your skin..' Wash regularly rind often with ipalnlolnve seat,, which is so gentle and soothing and yet so thoroughly cleansing. Taboo rich foods, but eat lots of fresh vegetaible and .fruit. ielailed 1lIlOOnlatien '_,n lbeaotifying and specific 'treatments ,for (blemishes are given in my - informative 11000 booklet on Beauty (Care. Send -four our -cent stamps and ask about your personal theauty problems, Address: Miss Barbara Lynn, Box ,7:5, Station 11.. \6on'treal, -011e. OPPOSED CLOSING VETCRAFT SHOP Pr, nl 'rite Canadian \'ctcran) "The of the Ililutadittit Legit pit Toronto,ic1. 11 "het up" over the suggestion that it will he closed .13y the D +ntinion G(n'- ('rtituent. \lenlihcrs feel that. rather than ivmsidcration of elosng a depart- stent-w-hlr11 has heed of sod( ontstlnd- ing value to disabled vrrtcrans, iho't3ht hanlrl be given to all ext ensi((n of the services a, a Dart of the program of rehabilitation of those who come home from the present war disable,1. .\t a recent nlr(•ti113( the branch ad- opted the ','Mowing resolutions, 'lad is seeking the sngnport of all es-s,rc'ies wen'. groups thron4hont the 1)on in-. ion in ('onn''3ti,,n therewith: "(Trus 1h.. rontentplated Hosing •.1 t}rc.-\'rtertit Shops .by the 11on1!u- 1,m '. i1'; o rIulrnt be titian-:1„mrd and 111:3(01,11ot's ',e enlaroed, rather titan to carry on the nrunmiacmn' • .,' Clll':,l war work, such a5 1118ki1 office, canny and iharracl;r,u,nt are, repairs and 11lai11tcn111e:• of saute, and later he 1090,( as vociti,mal (3014". 01:,11: ,nen d,a•h:t•ze,t frog. 111.' -..5,5.('. :1. srli,', Its :11111 :n0ri:^,nif, i. 'lllif,ll , rteer:ion in civil life. 1,= ('I''1at all '1!z'rinlanenl-•,,"10 ion, in 111e "Trainee Canon," and e.1.1.1".111,...111 .1011„1,, e'1',, new- 'bei% .,:t 13' tir,s411 13'1 Van ..la 3.)e fi'ar;l Ivy 110'11 '1013,, 111190 h:, , honor:0.1y- diselfarged Inlet the ;C.F.I.'. 110 C.:\.ti.P.. 'tn,l no: 1.10 co1191 1(3113 1913,, drift by t.11:ing positions in these •a- ai'•'.hment,•. i 33 'Plat ,(11 nneni- 3.k,reed 1.1,111 the 1 ,.\.5.1'. ire .031:.! „01' c1':.'• Irv,, !1'.'iil li'-i1 (t('34141011_ 111 1'1,1 i1iR4 •-j,;1'i ;I;, -i ei. e. 1harge, 81131ia5,' l'1'i.c'1,'.' 31.30130 - :al to ex-10('ll e9> .14 the 1 161'. i31 (o'' :cid 111">, 141 Free transportation A.M. '. 33.licrs on f'at1 ugh. - 51 '!'hat the t :uva'liau-Lr::ion \\'ar Sercir(•, :113'. regltestc,l .to open ann af- fect• in •Christie Street iiospit:1! tot - der 1110 auspices of the t'auxi1an Leg- ion. and have on file therein c‘lpies and anit'ndntent3 or all act. anti regulation (pertaining 'to trcat111(1110, hospitalizations, pensions, civil service. etc., concerning men aliscllarged front the IC.F,F, and the ('.A.S,F., with a competent legionnaire in change thereof: NEED A BEAVERBROOK Canadian Aviation What about aircraft production ? If tlhe Government is satisfied with . the year's achievements, certainly it Stands alone in this regard. Admit- tedly there are many valid reasons for delays and postponements. But the only final test is the actual pro- duction of aircraft. So far in this war, we have not measured up in this test.. What are the reasons? Recent organization. has tended toward central direction of the entire manufacturing effort. \\•ant and For Sale :vis, 3 weeks 50c