HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 194+2 * THRILLING NEW BIGNESS (in all major dimensions) * DASHING NEW ' ARiSTOSTYLE" DESIGN (with Concealed Running Boards at each door) * LONGER, LARGER, WIDER FISHER BODIES (with No -Draft Ventilation) *SAFE -T -SPECIAL HYDRAULIC BRAKES It's a SiZE sensation , . , a STYLE sensation ... a DRIVE and RIDE sensation * Bigger in all major dimensions both inside and out ... with 3" longer wheelbase and "three- couple roominess" in all sedan models * With dashing new "Aristostyle" design and longer, larger, more luxurious Fisher Bodies that set the new style for the new year * With the powerful Valve -in -Head "Victory" Engine that lifts per- formance and lowers costs •*' It's the new leader by the builder of leaders ... CHEVROLET ... holder of first place in motor car sales for 9 out of the last 10 years! lex CHEVROLETS the LEADER! Teall & Habkirk Motor Sales PHONE 141, SEAFORTH ai'aree- u-d * FAMOUS VALVE -IN - HEAD "VICTORY" ENGINE *ORIGINAL VACUUM - POWER SHIFTEXTRACOST * De Luxe KNEE -ACTION ON ALL MODELS (Balanced Springing Front and Rear and Improved Shockproof Steering) *NEW LONGER WHEELBASE CRIB WALTON • ,mk meeting for the Red Cross will he he'd in the community hall, Walton. next Tuesday, Dec, 10th. 3Irs. W. C. Bennett spent a few days with her husband at Ottawa. -Mr. Fred Rutledge, 31r, Bob Lane. Mrs. Kenneth Rutledge and Is'velyn Ruth•dge of Toronto spent the week end in the village. 41r. Russel Bryatts. R.C'.A.l•'., Trete ton. spent the week end with his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers and son Clayton visited at ileidelhurg over the week end. Sirs. (']armee S1e14s 1h(1 baby girl reterned home Sunday from the private hospital at Brussels, Both are tine. Gordon holland visited his brother last Friday and Saturday foa Bm•• Alen Camp. expecting it to h, his last leave. Master john 4leiss spent the. week - end with his sisters. Misses I-TeIen - and Sena Strl1s In Kitchener. Mrs. Joint 'Mehemet of Stratford has been visiting relatives and i1i ads around Walton, Mr. Silas Joluts101 has heen 011 the •irk hat. KIPPEN \1: s. Ja , 1ti ('lymont spent Last w _ , with her brother, SII'. W. Wagner of Zurich. Mrs. Baird t Stf.ai•tI- 1a London spent a few days at the home of her father. Mr. R. J. Cooper. 011's. Emma McDonald and SIiss Marguerite JIrDnuald have gone to L6inrlsm. where they will spend the -next month Miss McDonald has ar- e. peed a position in Itutiad'ell Cycle anal Toy Shop. \Iis' Margaret Kraemer spent the w.-1; •'nal 401111 h"•r patents at Munro. 1Ir5 Agnes -florin. spent n few daysdaYs last week with friends .at Drys- dale. Miss Mande Glenn of Toronto is visiting with her brother, Mr. George (,lent(. Mr. Lloyd Brock has taken a posi- tion with W. E. Butt, Miss Helen Glenn of London spent the week end with her parents. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Glenn. Mr. Wm. Moore is in Ingersoll vis- iting with his daughter, Mrs. John Witcombe. Miss Esther Dayman was in Lon- don on Sunday visiting friends. The Kippen East W.I. euchre and. dance which was to have been held in the town hall, Hansall on Friday evening, Dec, 6114, has been postpon- ed until Wednesday evening, Dec. llth. The December meeting of the Kippen East W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs, Glen MacLean on Monday afternoon, Dec. 16th, at 2.15. The roll call: "My Earliest Recollec- tions of My Christmas- Toys." Owing to the week end blizzard Hattie is nearly at a standstill around the village. Mr. R. J. Cooper and Mr. Andrew Pell spent a few days in Toronto re - (petty on business. Wedding bells are ringing in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie have returned from their honeymoon and are nicely settled. Lloyd Brock has engaged with Mr. W. E. Batt for a term. The (14(440 of the lucky liekets at D. E. Kyle's store on Saturday fright was a sttecess and many local people featured in useful articles of merch- andise. Mrs. J. W. McLean recently enter- tained some friends to a dinner in honor of Mr, McLean's birthday. MANLEY The many friends of Mrs, Stephen Murray- are pleased to hear she is improving after an operation in .ti t nv J eph s London, last, week 11 s0ent- 1 101 1 watt t has et hl for good and car traffic is tied up except un the -main highways w•1u•re snow 0101.4 aro- operating. Bel nature of - km has changed its course, as in 1861 the 11111 weather was line until t hriCtmlas and ploughing was in Progress while the first snow fell on t'lnlstn1114 eve. and Mere was sleigh- nag for Christmas. The ground was se dry that the muck tires did not go mut until Febrnahy when the first rain fell. And then again in 1919 r when on the .ltli of November if rained all day and on that evening the high wind mounted. Many build- ings. and whiter set in for good with a continued :snow storm 11101 hard frost and no rain till the Last of April. And no damage was 41111• 111 teed or grain in t111' barns 111111 'a ere unroofed And 1(gaiu in 1004 and 1145 we had twit werlts of sleighing he• fore Christmas 1011011 the snow left. and .January was like Spring. Snow tell the Last of the month and erne tinned 11nt11 the first of May. and was the latest spring in uirmory. 11111 after all we had good (fops. So let us hope for the heat. WINTHROP Owing to weather i'onditions the annual meeting of the W. A. and W. M. S. of Caren ('han'ch has been postponed until Wednesday, Dec. 11. at 2 p.m, 0Id Man Winter has come in 1511111' ('(4). The roads have been blocked for cars, but are going again. 't`lte snow plow has been busy. The first euchre and dance of the season was held in the hall last Fri- day night, The prize withers were, ladies, most games. Mrs. P. Little; lone. hands, Mrs. George Eaton. Meta, most games, Mr. Lorne Webster; lone hands, Mr, Bill Alexander. After lunch 11 few homy were spent in dancing. The nexteuchre anti dance will be held Thursday, Dec. 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton wird family. Mr. and MIs, Albert Sperling spent a day recently with Mfr. and Mrs. Lon Sperling of G0rrie. Pte. Alek Kerr of Letelml spent `a few days with his family. HARLOCK As Monday was voting clay the Bullock teacher and pupils had 11 holiday, Mr. Harold Beacom and hIr, Leo Watt had charge of the Voter's at Haa'lock and were 1101 kept too busy as it was a cold (hay and the roads heavy. There were something over 50 votes polled. We understand Mr. Leiper was elected Reeve and Councillors ,John Armstrong, Jaelc Ferguson, George HI'nwn and Mr. Pickett. Mr. Charles Parsons left 111;1 week to spend the winter at his daughter's, \ars. and 51r. Harold Jenkins. in St. Catharines. Mr's, Robert Watson is holidaying for a week in Goderieh.. Mr. Audrey Knox and Mr. Clifford Shnhhtroolc have been cutting wood in Mr, Thomas Knox' hash with the draw saw which they recently purch- ased. We wish 1110111 111(11 with their SaW. Thr re was 110 service ill limns' Church Sunday on account of 1111, roads being bad. CONSTANCE e the The W.M.S.. held a meeting in t school room of the n11u1'zh Thursday (Monition. Nov. 28t1h. Re'v. Menzies conducted the installation of the of - fivers: President. Mrs. Williunr 13111 - ton; first vice. Mrs, John Notting- ham: second rove MIS. Jumps Hu- seeretary. Mrs. Charles Dexter; treasurer. Mrs. B, B. Stephenson; re- cording seeret1n•y, Mrs. Robert L1ny- son: - temperance sec., Mrs. Benj. Snell; literature see.., Mrs. Earl Law - Sell; mite box sec,., Mrs. Lamb Law- son; pianist, MI's, Alex ('a`be`t; as. sistaut, Miss Edith Britton; Press SM... Mrs. C'har'les Dexter; floret sec.. Mrs. George Addison: stewardship sec„ Mrs. Bert Stephenson; sttang- r.l's' see., Mrs. Alvin Dale. VARNA The Young People's Society of the United Church will meet on Friday evening of this week in the church. L.O.L. 103E will bold its annual meeting o1 Thursday of this week. The NIlssio Band will meet at the home of Mrs. McAslh on Saturday Dee. 6th. Miss Dorothy Coleman has been visiting at the home of 1VIr. and Mrs. George Johnston for the past week. HILL.SGRBIIBN= in 00 Mr. Hugh Love made a business trip. to London recently. Bean threshing is the order of the day in this community. The recent. 5110w storm which has continued since alst Wednesday has almost tied up the traffic. At time of writing it is impossible for the cars to 1'lu1. Mo. John Baker is getting ready to chop at. Hillsgreen for the winter months. - :lir. liud Mrs. R..101105 of near Lis towel are at present staying with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson, - Mr, Archie Parsons is wearing - a big smile as it little boy has conte to his hone to stay. We are glad to (report that Dar. Ross Love is able to be out again after being confined to the Meuse for some time. The annual meeting of the Varna Red Cross will be held in the town- ship 1ut11 on Monday night, Dec. 9, at S o'clock. A good attendance is re- quested. CROMARTY Robert Hall Cowie, prominent Car- lingford residout. who flied on Wed nesday last in his 81st year, was the oldest living teacher of Cromarty school. He wkta assistant teacher here in 1878. He had enjoyed excellent health until three weeks ago and death resulted from pneumonia which developed the previous 'Fridley, He taught school in Carlingford for 2l year. In 19055 he gave up teaching at Carlingford and taught at. Sterling Palls, later returning to Carlingford where he operated a general store and served 1111 postmaster. The late Mt'. Cowie was treasurer of the Carl- ingford United Church for thirty years and was superintendent of the Sunday school for several years. Ile was a native of Ntssouri township. His wife predeceased hint in 1927. Surviving are one daughter. Mrs. A. A. Scott, of Vancouver, who flew from British Columbia upon hearing of her father's illness, and a step -daughter. Miss Annie Dunlop. of Carlingford; one sister, Mrs. John Paul. of Pow - ss un. and two granddaughters. On the bus the other day a chap stood up and gave his seat to a lady. She fainted! When she came round she said, "Thank you very much." t -Ie fainted! REGENTtth , Anna Alan Jones NOW PLAYING Martha Raye Joe Penner "The Boys From Syracuse" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY RANDOLPH SCOTT PRESTON FOSTER'. "20,000 Men A Year" ,\"its Margaret Lindsey. A reckless oldlimepilot starts training collegians to fly. - NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY CHARLES STARRETT IRIS MEREDITH "The Thundering West" --'ALSO--. Perry Singleton Arthur Lake Larry Sunnis "BLONDIE ON A BUDGET" Coming — "GRAPES OF WRATH" MISSION BAND HOLDS THANKOFFERING MEETING '1'lisre was a. very good attendance considering the mild. stormy day, 11t the thankoffering Riveting of the Go- forth Mission Band held in First Presbyterian Chnrch Sunday school raonl 011 Monday erten-mon at four o'clock, with the president. Helen Smith, in the chair, The meeting op- ened by all standing and tweeting the pledge to the Empire and Ibe church, followed by the singing or the stational anthem, and an interest- ing program 40'111011 included a recit- ation, "What The Oak Tree Said," be Peggy Willis, a scripture reading by Anna Dupee; "Thoughts On The Scripture Passage," by Peggy Trap- nell recitation, "Do It Now," by 10.11' li11nr Jack, n story entitled, "Prayer Night.' by Mrs, iclttgh Jack and duet, "Shining, Blooming and Singing," by Frances Jack and Kenneth Willie. William ,l'ack's side won the attend- ance contest. The presentation of certificates and seals was made by the leaders, Mrs. D. H. Wilson and Miss .Juliet. ('Tuff, as follows; junto' certificates. given by the Band, Peggy Trapnell, Peggy Willis, Sue Nixon, Phyllis Scott, Anna Dupes. Those receiving silver seals, Frances Jacl(, 211101e Jack, given by their parents. Lenore Habkirk, donated; Jean McMaster, given by the Band. For perfect at• tendance, Jean Wright, Ilelen Smith. William Jacl(, Peggy Willis, Sue Nix- on, Olen Nixon, Frances. Marie Jack, Ronald Jaek. Alva Dupee. The (children responded very generously to thee offering which amounted to aver $16, FATHER OF SEAFORTH LADY PASSES AT D'RYSDALE Oscar Dueltiu•nie Sr.. one of the oldest residents of the French settle - Mont at Drysdale, died last wetk at the home 4414 hiSN son William, on ttite. (Bine Water highway. north 01 St. Ioseph, ill his 'r>ml year. Born in Lower Canada, 51r. 1:)uchartne came to this district when he was eig111 yc.us ai ,t..(', Hr lbecaute isitlely lsn,wit and a popular resident. His wife, .formerly lane '\\'ilsou. died two. years ago. Surviving are e'hree daugh• terA and three sous, (Mrs. Sol - kens, Seaford:: 51 i' . 0444.4' ;leritulette, \foam ,Cannel; 'Mrs, Hartman. '1'hed- ford; t\'illiato, Oscar 'Jr,. and Fred, all ,4.f the 11 hie Water highway; a sister, Wt.,. i'arris'o, of Detroit, anti a brother, Fred Duchunne. of B(id lit, Slichigan. The ittnerai service was held at St. Peter's Church, at the French Settlement. on Saturday, at S.30 a.111. W. R. MEDD, TROWBRIDGE, WAS 'NATIVE OF BLYTH William 12. 51edd of Trowbridge passed away in his 89411 year. He was a son -of Henry 'Medd and Susanna Richardson [Medd, born in Torr.. 'Ch1 F(.ibruary 7, 4'877, in. Blyth, he was united in marriage to 'Miss Hallett IIeasciwoo I. He was a carpenter and contracts)`, and was a member of tie. Trowbridge United Church. Surlivin; besides his 0111' a daughter. Mrs Robert- 1Iannilton, in Saskatchewan, and a brother. !balm -54 'dei, cif .1 1111100. The funeral was held frons the lrow- hrldge 1'nit(•d IChnrclt, with h(4.. Sir. Spell ,'1 Ethel 0itici1li1(4'. c e. c c fem e e e e ,0 e W, ELECTRICAL GIFTS COMPLETE DISPLAY OF ELECTRICAL GOODS We have everything in the Electrical line: Radios, Floor Lamps. Table Lamps. Electric• Shavers, Mixmasters, d Electric Irons P lechic�Toa5 Toasters. Elect Sewing Machines, etc., etc. o•v te,.+ ielCOLORED LIGHTS.—Beautiful colored Noma Christmas Tree Lights. Interior and Outdoor Lighting Fixtures for Christmas. RADIOS Alla models and )rice. d prices Raclx)ti, See our large display, also have hatter} Radios and batteries in stock. '4 Radio Repair Work EXPERT RADIO REPAIR WORK T ELECTRIC Phone 75 Seaforth C:i�F�l�F�l'tr,.u���•le-e l'�.F�l':Gt"-o ��-��_tr�-e ''�� V�=o 1941 CHEVROLET Illustrated above is the smartly -designed 'few 1941 Chevrolet Master De Luxe Town Sedan. Still greater roominess,.sta- bility and riding comfort are among the many features o1 the new Chevrole. which this year is presented in two Serie the Master De Luxe and Special De Lux.,. t4'