HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-05, Page 21'AUE. "WO
that re'e'rnit filer .4111
\\ 4.01 i0 11\\ fol sulil.>(n•n.•.
Fra ip_„
\V. ,o+., well-known 111:1w11
1111siti 1t. '110' token lo SiO3
ford • - -.1 :l. -pi1al with a t" e-
1.u1n'{ u.. +.:,-,1 when h: .,:1
Ionileta. eee lace
;, _ - .. -
wl'.1 - ..
Not R.?ata For Winter—
with +r,Id apprelleu"i'n hyo
the 1)1,1:, ' 1 e: farmers in this snr-
tiou. loot',.- ii i' (0 of turnips ;fro edit
Ont atlt r m.r:l$' easlr.0 11)41.' tall
phlwin> be, +u dam's 'Tito ant irur..
able , o : -1t1. r is largely respite
site.- to, e0tdttt,u.._..-llildtuay.
E2 Years; cn County Council—
• ! i 1 +ondading no* 221141
eobeecie1):: yeayeae as a member of the
Ch y +• 10 r.'ant'il and it is my
intend,. be a t'au11ldate fey re -
e-011 t 0 r. ti routing municipal
elec tt e 1 "aide was the answer of
Chatlt i. arta Nornianhy township's
papular 1 hen questioned in an
!Melva (_ten Sound on friday'
as to 411 101e.-1.1)011: for the. (Tuning
y41414 11 , an is 72.—H1) never
Seeks `41;a:8ers1ip—
R i•,yl 1141 Redmond of linst
IVaw cuss thrown 1as hat into
the rte a 11' the Wardership of
H0100 + 7ty for 1.941. Following Ids
acclaimer e. as Reeve on Friday. he
kelt the .1:01h1,10 -'rimes Chet le- was
detiniti' 4 ',1 t?.•r facie. The haclugnt
Reef,. ::) 1 \\'awaneeh is on., 1-r
th. t`1)l ep,.:ar memof ththeeblill('lt - •ing't;ar11 Advance-Timee.
Moving Esst—
Ars. H. E. Keddy and 140',
so e,, L . ,111111 •Douglas .. of
ittletrera a
f are visiting with the
former'. - 1,• nlee 81141 sister, 51r. W.
C. leer N -)tie Keddy. of t -•
huhu- .• Keday has dispoeed 1 lois
int, , '( SI -hurt and ]1).e d 1)i+Ir•+l
Acclamation in
Goderich Townshlp—
At the nomination meeting in H
mesville village hall on Friday aft
noon, the members of the present
Goderialr Township Council were
lurue(l to office by acclamation,
serve Por the Years 1947. and 10
The Council for the next two yea
is: Reeve,Benjamin Ratlti�eh; cut
c•i111ra, l-1aa•ry ('1)rey; HOberf Suri
George(:truth unci James Sitrling. T
last-named replaced the 11)-t1- lTe•rb
Cox in fife Council in August oft
}•true. The meeting. presided ocor
RobertG, Thompaou, 'f0lvnsi
(`perk. was nue ofthe cuost slimly
tr•udetl and quietest i1) many ,years.
illy- .Arthur Lanlaleyt
Britain', "Spitfire ' lighter was real-
ly horn 16 year's ago. It begat. its by the laic Sir lfaury Royce, who 1)l
amazing career in 1925 as Super` the free 1)L' 11 sulrl newspapers o1)
nlatd11e 04 m,ntoplane. designal - crud
built to take part to the tithueider
Trophy lac.' oft' Baltimore. 1. .A..
re -
( Smith,
',dee anti met). truck. 44(411 (he
sieee,e, le j,lge !s heueg either
1-4—Melee.) er reheat. 'no. 1)111 ht'ui�t 'cos
'Ault tri 1,' by the Toronto lltitila,
et ,1 11,0 1)t $14771.1111, 004,1u.
•:ir„ n( the nbR4m,')4l0 At the time it
was built it 40)40 ct1asld1'r011 lilt` lar
-.I 0,11'1 ill l,ptir;,' MO4514 art!ou 441111
'h„ 111,1 .unn'uc1 hull Mpecitiruli0ns
ailed fur a 0(4:444 of 114 feet. lin feet
i1) ''Icor- and 214 feet wide. The
weight of the bridge was to he 700
lbs. per lineal tut,) 141141 11 Will, de:
.signed lo carry a rolling load .0' 24410
Ills. per lineal foot. The abutments of
the structure were tendered for by
many my local concerns, , George Skinner
ling the successful bidder. His ten-
der was, to supply eight fuck St.
Marys quarry 510111-' and to complete
the work for $2939.00. Thus rite total
cost of the bridge, exclusive of the
renewal of the former -bridge was
5.1414.014. --Mitchell Advocate.
At The Airport -
1 ice more \vr,,-\noon twin -engin-
e.] i mhing planes have arrived at
Pelt r, \inert and (tie training has
'wen i1) 1 r.+ l ess for some time.
t" le.e E00115h plane• randrvclop a
-gt•ed of nearly 10,1 hundred miles
nn loon. and are use 1 in active eel -4. -
Iva, ' iricull y in 1)t 11ork. They
''`ales a crus 111„ radm '1! over four
le, n' :nii 1100 p ut:ienl (rl4 evil adapt-
ed for trainhi_ tntrp e.. ,Night train-
ing to -tart in a few days as
-'1-,11 a,. lighting 'facilities are emu -
aa -ted, This part of the fort: Albert
pro.(ranu ie now on the last lap. 1•es-
tvriay afternoon ,.now - cleaning
equipment, a (om linati, (1 pion --
at, aver, 04- 1(;1111 on the Navigation
Schon1 rime -toe for 0he fir -t time It
ea, in the nature of a trial workout,
for t1), 011001 has um heavy enough
t require- plowing. The -nlud niti,.-
:.1te, t i- hoped, is '.t thin: of the
"cot t il 1 t• air 'rt. -1'hc camp
r hire all ,i'tn ,ravelled. iullnw-
in:; e. mpletinn ,.f unaer.ro•:uol work,
an] 1 .• nr,ne:try '31:1,%- 41c40'idk- have
,curt eetc'I ''e'leveu I gilding-.
IX` . f_ East, tlthnna. l - 1 0.101 :4- rade dot 00 the
Platt' 1 e' :. :1)mrlefinit+ F.a••- -t a . l: ,1-,T . _1,. 00 44)41(' iu'tr eti' 41
t-14 \t: ::w. _ heal n1 I n epee. t1-, last i.0r' 104
r•- :430'0 1, Boil, lrrye
a130,13cveocing— ;1, ,, en e •cd i1). (> t ''➢lr (*ardent -
A`r \L Ffenrp F.fiher, h`.gu-
�. 1411'.) 1 1,•'4 4''1)4 petnnt..
ly idents 1)4. 1'r
t t1:.:'n 31i,110. ihin3 1111 :tint
• 1 'a, t t 'r:rr 11,:1);e.
e, ,1).t. 1),:14 n 11.)4--,t- hot cc
T l tech foe t'ie
Ta, ,4('I 1)e the
we.. ,s±1)a- 4)4111 .te:;nt-
1)'n 110: new
(401,1.1 • h �ti;•t4) waaidit
4111 I./ n; 21. 401'') til«4 '4 '1••
en' r r• hitt, of their e.
H. a. 4,- ,1 r, end alr-.
4714.. _ ye•:11 1)i'
4r.•u.airrie•d i1) r1) -'Polio,
i1) 11,) '1 .. :act 1111,,''' t'e•ald' 4 10,
[te:r .444,!: r (0 r1)'• F:vant',' li •a'.
t111044 • i--ytnud lits \ii•�'
A1pl. r // -r r NI4's Ell nen
std ' 11 , llichieau. and the
gl •,,1)..i. r lade Mr. Ren. 1011111
Mime' '.: 141 ''Ir. and Mrs. Iililb.-1
wet 1.'r un editor and for many
y1•41,, }: