HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-12-05, Page 1Heaven is a place, also a state; It doth ail things excel No man can full it relate, Nor of its glory tell. God made it for his residence To sit on as a throne, Which shows to us the excellence Whereby it may be known. HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER 8 If places that princes build, ( Which yet are made of clay), Do so amaze when much beheld, Of Heaven what shall we say. It is the high and holy place No moth can there annoy; Nor make to fadethatgoodly grace, That saints shall there enjoy. John Bunyan (1628-1088) WHOLE SERVES, VOL. 62, No, 47 SIDAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1940 Ynoee 84. 51 a year. ELECTRIC LIGHT ]BULBS , Guaranteed 1000 hours 5 for 95c .MINUTE TAP0O'CA.--Witt for Pyrex Dish c ;MI1NCE MEAT. -In carton 25c Each HEINZ TOMATO ,ATO CA TS UP - 5 oz. bottle each 5c AYLMER TOMATOES.- Tin OMATOES-Tin JELLY POWDERS.- 6 pkgs. 10c 25c LIBBY PORK & BEANS,- 25c 3 cans HEINZ .PORK & BEAINS.- Tin 10c FLOWERDALE TEA. - None better half Ib. 43c 'LONDON HOUSE COFFEE. - 27c Half lb. PEANUTBUTTE'R. 55c 4 lb. pail JELLO PUDDING.- 3 pkgs, 22c APPLE, STRAWBERRY JAM. - Tin 45c GOOD HUMOR BREAKFAST CEREAL,-Pkg. 25c CASTILE SOAP. - 10 cakes 25c JAVEL,-Makes gallon javel water Bottle .... .... 15c CAUSTIC SODA. -Loose Lb, 10c SNAP HAND CLEANER. - Tin _ 15c MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES. - With extra pack. pkg. 18c MASTER RED HEAD. -One of the best $2.50 owt, A. C. Routiedge Phone 166 THF SOLID, FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister. 11 a,m. "The Discovery of Your True Self," ,-• 2.30 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. "Fidelity in Stewardship," Thurs. 7.45 p.m. Prayer service. Egmondville United Church Rev, A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m„ "Influence Over Others." 7 p,ns. "Christ's New Ideas in Religion." First Presbyterian Church Rev, Hugh Jack, Minister. Sunday School, 10 a.tn. Morning service, 11 a.nt. Subject, "Unguarded Words." Evening service. 7 p.m. Subject, "Where Wisdom May Be Found." Midweek meeting Thursday, 8 pan. McKillop Charge Duff's -10 a.m, Bethel -11.30 a.m. Caven, Winthrop, 2.30 p.m. Com munion at Caven, weather permit- ting. -R. W. Craw, Minister. St. Thomas Church Rector: Rev, Dr. Boxford. 11 a.m,: "A Famous Chapter of the Bible: Isaiah S3." 7 p.m. "A Man Ready to Die for His Faith." Sunday School at 10 a.m. St. Mary's, Dublin 2.25 p.m. Sunday School. 3 p.m. "Isaiah 53-A Famous Chap- ter of the Bible." HOLLAND -W EBSTER Mr. and Mrs. Lorne S. Webster an- nounce the marriage of their eldest daughter, Mae, of Toronto, to 3110 - ward James Holland, soil of Mrs. Holland, and the late James Thomas Holland of Gravesend, England, nt Christ Church, Waukegan, Illinois, on Friday, Nov, 29th, 1940. 11r. George 'Bartlett. of 'Mitchell. and father of 'Mrs. J, 'C, IAGuir of Sea- Ifoeth, passed away on Saturday. Re is su•iwitctt by his widow an(i two dPaugh- tere,'Miss 1.\4ary(Jane Agnes, Stratford .and 'Mus. Muir, and 1Wo grandchild- ren, Shirley and Dona,lcl Muir. He was married at .Seaforth in 1907 to Lydia Borden of 'Scadorth. ,Mr. Bart- lett was -a native of England, Propose Closing Part ' Of Huron -Bruce Line Clerks Receive Notice of Ac- tion To Close C.N.R. From Clinton to Wingham. Whatever action will he taken to• wards a strong protest against the ler ` h C.N.R. to close Ll i s of the N •o oat 1 7 p I line from Ch'n 1u to Wingham, awaits the decision of the municipal coun- cils bordering on the right•of-way concerned. Notice was received this week by the clerks of the Municipalities along that part of the railway, that action is being taken to Have the portion of the railway between Clinton and Wingham permanently closed. Started almost 65 years ago, the Wingham•to•London road, then known as the London, IIurol and Bruce, was I known as the "butter and eggs tram," Older residents of the district recall when the early morning train to the city would be jammed to capacity, the engineer stopping at each cross - Mg to pick up far'mer's wives with their hampers of butter and eggs. The line was always a quite active run, but in recent years the bus and I truck services from London up to the Brace peninsula 11a0e cut in on the reit roa(1 revenue, 1I is understood 11 vigorous pro-, test is planned against the nmol of the railroad in closing this section of the road, It is feared that the clo's}ug of 111e road would mean serious de.' lay lo tine mail from London unless provision was made to have the ex• press and mail delivered from (`110• tent to Wingham by nu'aes of other' transportation facilities. Cutting off of the 1'ailread from Winston to (1107011 would also mean leaving such moires as Belgrave and L cenb0r1 witlotl rail eonitectiOns. e -•d would leave Wingham z, ave by the ft, P. R. or their spm line from leeswatei and It would also leave C. N. R. rail connections from Ton onto by May of Palmerston. The notitltnlinit to the municipal clerks pointed out that. the C. N.R. had applied to the Government to (li8r01(1inre 1110 railroad lice from Clinton junction to Wingham junc timh Indications are that if such tomes about the line will be entire- ly Scrapped nucl the rails taken up. Wingham town oouneil meets tlifs week and it is expected Haat the matter will be presented to them 10 the regular course of tine December meeting. Other township councils will be notified as part of this month's business: Rupert. Township received the notice on Tuesday, and the mat• ter will he laid before the council ' in the near future. THE VOTE IN HULLETT ON MONDAY T11a following is the vote in Hallett Twp. on Mondays when -Reeve James Leiper was again returned to office Mr, Humphrey Snell opposed hint Mr. John. Armstrong is the only new member of the council For Reeve - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-111 L66J ZO einer 3., 33 12 9 35 9- 1 Snow Piles Up Red Cross Notes The Red Cross work rooms will be In Week -Long Storm closed on December 20 and 27. No work will be given out or received on these days. Extra supplies will be available beforehand so that work may be carried on at home. No One . Worrying About A Green Christmas - Snow Plows and Shovels Busy A snow storm which started a G1 week ago Tuesday has ragede d with respite atonly rare intervals tlaroughoet the week, sometimes ac• compauied by high wind approaching blizzard proportions and at other times a quiet. heavy downfall of snow. 'Voters in municipalities which had H. Snell 18 19 24 21 1.8 22 20- 142 For Council - Armstrong 38 36 29 66 18 49 24-250 G. ,Brown 14 37 15 59 7 81 23---186 Ferguson 47 32 25 35 12 40 17-208 F. Pickett 11 25 23 54 )1 27 14-165 Ira Rapson 11 28 13 32 22 32 29-162 early elections, in many cases had Curlers Elect Officers difficulty have reaching the polls. Trains have been running up to thirty minutes late and or hlI At Annual Meeting has 1)5)00 pretty much atmota stand•afc- stfll. Roads were no sooner opened M. A. Reid Named President up than another storm tilled them in aga ln, and E. C. Boswell, Secretary Ott Wednesday it was reported Treasurer there was practically no motor that- fie rayfie out of Seaforth on _north and Seaforth enviers held their annual south roads. mooting in the town hall on Tues. The provinclal highway has been clay eveuing with a good turnout or very rough and slippery. 'l'lle county members. Arrangements have again plows have worked on the county been made for the Club to have the roads, rink on Wednesday afternoons. 011ie. Tru' 1ewpelattu'e• on T0,,, --Any driop• cels elected include: : Past President pod to near zero, the coldest day of Ross .3 Sproat; president. M. 9 the winter so faur. Reid; vice. president, R. J. Winter; ' •_ s(en•etal' (reasuler, 18. 1'. Boswell. SEVERAL FARMS CHANGE JUNIOR WOMEN'S HANDS IN STANLEY TP. INSTITUTE TO MEET Mr, Robert Taylor of Varna has purchased the Isaac• Rathwell farm The. Junior W. 1. will hold their 111 (7'1tlerich 'Township, It wile (MINI regular meeting on Wednesday, 1)y Fred Scotr11ulere, and has over Dec, 11th at 2,30 at the home or Mrs. James It. Scott, The roll tall will )30 answered by a gift for a refugee s 1 chip x1'7(1 i• •e asked > tri L The 111. UI t 1 [C It g g thou1 efts gee sewing into the Weld a g Cross rooms, _ P. D. WILSON BECOMES BELL DISTRICT MANAGER The iloeemrber i'site of "Telephone News" says: P. 11 \\ikon, formerly nl ut carr „f certain exchanges in 'Windsor, nils recently appointed 011-11 telephone manager at Stratford, suceittling I. 11. .111'1Mo:1i, \Ir, \Pil (n ha, had over 211 year,' service with the tele- phone company, which he joined in \lay, 10,20, in ':he accounting (7.0(11'!• moot at Toronto. .-'l'liree, year.. ar.. later, he was transferred to the commercial department, ile. went to \\'indser in latril, volt). ;lu idditi0n 7,1 Stratford, 11r. \\`item sumun'f,e, the ex0hanges at Alweed, 11intoe. Drayton, (lode' rich. Listowel 11111.11011, 'Sett Haar i'buru, Palmerston, Pratt. cute, Sea - DIED IN TORONTO Word has been received by rclal Lives here of the death of Johanna McKay, a farmer highly esteemed resident and widow of the late Geo. McKay, which occurred on Dec. 2nd, at her home. 119 Essex Ave., Torou• to, in her 34tH year. Mrs. McKay was born In Tuckersmith, being a daugh- ter of the late Hugh McKay, one of the early settlers of the township. She was married more than fifty years ago to her late husband, who predeceased 11e1' eight years ago. Af• ter their marriage they settled in Moosomin, Sask. Later Mr. McKay went. to the Klondike and she return- ed to. Seaforth. On his return from the gold' fields in Alaska, they moved i.o Philadelphia, Penn., where they lived for twenty yea's, retiring to Toronto. They had no family. In re.1 ligion Mrs. McKay was a Presbyter• till and a fine type of woman. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Al- exander Sproat and Miss Margaret McKay, both of Toronto, also one brother, Mr. Malcolm McKay. of Goderich. Her niece, itIrs. W. D. Smith, of Seaforth. is in Toronto. at- tending the funeral, which took phare on Wednesday, Dec. 4111, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. forth, St'Marys, and 'Penstock. Manager at Stratford for the past ten :rear'Nit. McIntosh has been traneferred m North' Bay. SMALLDON-JACKSON The Ia>1100dville United Church •parson age was the setting for a quiet 1'01 pretty wedding at seven o'clock on Saturday evening, when Ethel lr- eue, daughter of ;Mrs. !Jackson of Tuckersnaith, € nd the late .1. C. Jark- son, ,hecame the bride rat d-la•old Smalldn11 of Walton. linn•, .\, W. Gar- diner olliciated The ,bride bore a smart navy suit With silver fox fur, navy ielt hat with accessories to match. They were attended 11) lir. 11ace1t1 1..k•un, brother and sister-in-law o,7 the bride Following the ceremony dinner was erred. at the home of Mr. and _Mr,. Stanley 'Jackson in 'I'u kersnlith. The divine1 Iroonl lras beautifully decorated with evergreen, mid flowers. lir. and Mir,. S,maltdun left later em a short wed- ding trip. HEADS COMMITTEE Mr. William H. Golding, M.P.• tf with the three storey wedding 'aloe Seaforth, member fur Huron Perth, and vases of flowers. Assisting were was named chairman of the NMI. MISS S. Finkheiner and Airs. Honey. mittee on standing orders in the Born.- In Mrs. Patterson's Hnspi. House of Commons. nal. on Thursday, Nov, 211411. to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. of Kippen. Again the call comes (''00 workers to make sm•gieal dressings on Dec. ember 6 and 18. Your help is needed i thedressings are e f e n s a to be completed. led. g p The monthly meeting o1' the Sea• forth branch of the Red Cross will be held in Carnegie hall on Monday evening, December 9th at 8 pan, Note that it is Monday instead of the usual Tuesday. Conte out and hear what our Red Cross are accomplish- ing. During the month of NOW/1111)e' 980 articles of hospital supplies Have been completed, 383 knitted articles have been matte, including 286 5001111 0113 seamen's stnekings There have been 2,401 8111%1001 dressings made. In October the refugee comnllttee received it quota of 300 articles, Frons October 19 to November 30th they, have shipped 417 refugee art. ides. This includes 46 coats and the report is still incomplete. Seaforth Ratepayers Favor2-Year Term? No Petition Received Up To Wednesday To Ask for A Plebiscite. No petition had been received up lea arms. to Wednesday afternoon front Sem:1111'• \51 Itiianl Hurt of the Fah emit forth ratepayers 1lskfug for a 0(1(1' to eeselnu. Sttinley, sold ht' furna in the two-year term for council, '1'mvu MI'. George Dow•son, sol of 1}r: John 1 ('I,.a1) 1l. H. AA'ilSor stated. bean -flirt Howson. Babylon Isar U 11110 lou ae•reti price Sumo.couocil tested PM/1k00111011Su Sea - Mr Robs, Elliott of Rabylou, has forth by giving ratepuiers an tumor - sold his farm to ills neigltliol, Mt., Nulty to petition fora vote on the Clifford Keyes. price for the lad acre 6nes",61. r'a'nt being $4,20u, ('litford Keyes has soh] his fifty It is noted that in all municipalities Clintorz Election Had arrow -1,1_ lot 10, con 9. atauley 'Tp.. in Huron w1101'e 11 7l07isete wile 111'14 u. Elmore Keyes. o' the next n1' t I Inn a r t I next 11) at. Siondav's curly , leclo(5s, 1'h«. two• Very Close Result m \Vi u. Hatt i. umving 10 year terns was voted amen. }h'ut olleld. Mr. ani Mrs. Wm. lielSenrie and \vert(• 'I'll(' rl'gnlar ttleellaa of 1111. 1'•tvel1 alltst Two -Year ern or • Club of the S.C.'. Junior "tell (Toss Councils. TROUSSEAU TEA GIVEN was held Tuesday afternoon, Lois FOR KIPPEN BRIDE Metinvhl presided, There were en Blyth urinates to be read and little bust- Reeve: \\'. H, ,\lnrriit 2111, Jahn Arra. Hrrbrrt JnnoO of Kippers tub 1 vtts ri4. ermined (1t a h'ollssean tea not \\'ed• nese. Mater Duncan !Dolt tap 7115) roll- (t- 1)4.1 1lirst :,,u1' rlrrteds: f\P. H. 1 f 1 i Nov,('171111 nlad several Rod ('rots past- Margaret Jones, whose marringe. ('(•ptunee as a Junior Red Cross has 'Morrison .... f;tanley ,.lith ( , tools place on Sat„ Nov, 30th, The been received. After the 1110eting the Jasper 'Cocok 73, Geo, Johnston 63, (50(010 wore welcomed 111 the door by girls adjourned to work rooms for R. H. Robinson .76, F. J. ,S'lavachT8. s1 niug and knitting, Colborne - Mrs. Jones and Miss Margaret Jones Reeve: William Violin: 162; Ncl- whence they were directed 10 see the soli IAld.arty, 93, tro1asrun by Miss 1a'm1a Ferguson. The trousseau w'as 511011(5 int 1115. Of- LOWS FLU RSC HUETZ 'Council ('elected by acclamation): tornoon by Miss Kathleen •toles, the A lifelong and very highly esteem- :Tastes Fealrran, Alex Wadtson. William linens by Miss Gladys Jarrott, the ed resident of Ilgmoldville passed '(`lark. William ,Marsh. chine and silver gifts by Miss Lit- away on Friday afternoon after an 'By-law for two year terns: For 96, illness of over a week from pnmv, against 1150. ? i Rata FFnkbeiner of Exeter. The Goderich guests were then directed t0 the mania, in the person of E1', 1.01114 dining room where tea was poured Fhn•schaetz; son of the late John \facer; E. D. Brawn 1acdama'tion) by Mrs. J. Wren of Crediton and Mrs. - Fllll's('1tuelz, 0110 of 1111' early pion,'Reeve; R. E. Turner ttacclamatkm) A. Keys of 'Varna, Miss Helen 0e1's, in his 81711 year. Mr. rims' 1)epety Reeve: J. IW. Baker (acct.t I"inkbeiner of Exeter served. hl schuetz was born in the old 1101110 in ! Counti4 (six elected): W. C, At- the evening the 141(0518 Were directed ltgmoldville where be. and his sister, tridge.6, : D. D. Mooney, 51516; lar. by Miss Bernice Fhlkbeiuer of 1Ixe- Miss Margaret 'Flurschnetz spent. the !1. A. lCraham 588. 3. L. Ryan 529, T. ter. The h•0usee011 was 5110Wn by 7'1)011' of their lives. Ile was 011 std- E. lttlekln 198, David Sproul 4152. Miss Lillian Flnkbeiner, the linens hereat and regular attendant of the Unsuccessful candidates: 'Charles by MISS Irma Ferguson, the e111nu and Egmmodviile 1uited (harcll and a Cooper AGi Miss Edith Tremblay 1 silver and gifts by ' Miss Dorothy m1(11 of Ihir 5unNtes. Hit Wns 0180 a sly-la1 .or two year terns: For 3187. Munn of Heesall, Those p0ar7ng tea great lover of flowers and people against 451). were Mrs. Root. Mmn1. of IIensall passing often stopped to admire his Canton- al -1d Mrs. M. Ffnkheiner of Exeter, garden to which he gave much at- Mayer Waters polled 346 and The dining malt table Wt1s re1111'rd tention. Surviving are TWO sisters, .slayer -elect t\lc'Murrav had 352. Miss Margaret. at home, and .sirs. Reeve: Fred Livermore 349, \\', William Powell, Toronto. 'rhe Bute- Glen Cook 342. cal. w11ie11 was private, look place on C. E. Elliott headed the race for Sunday 0t 2.30 p.m. to the 16gm0nd- the 'ix seats on the 'council With 47 2 vine cemetery. Rey. A. W, G-00810.' 'cities; P. -Falconer 41x2, J, ;\'°, Nedi- of Egmoltiville officiated. ger '•7111, Wiliiam Walker .1t4, 17. 'Churchill .3T2, M. ',1. Agnew 3'5'5. The Huron County Council defeated ea00111010 was Fred W. ;Johnston 5;34. •Mrs. 1d11an AfeKinnon headed The polls in the !Board of Education elec- tion and was returned with 5111 Totes, 'Others elected were. Airs. N. i\\. Tre(n•artha 40S W. E. Perdue 461, 0. E. Hall -144, Mrs. A. `McInnis '�3, A. 'G. Cooter .3159, 1C. G. Middleton 3154, Defeated candidate, Antoine '0ar011, 130. Clinton .favored holding mirnici•pal elections in estuary. For 3130'; against 304. The referendum on the question 0,1 two year terns for the officials elected this year: 438 opposed to 2010 in favor. For (l ri'unot and C be GiFir that will always be remembered. A. '�%® L `Y A- WA1"C ! SHOP AT AV AUGES IT PAYS l two sorts i t it ti hist JUNIOR RED CROSS , Huron Municipalities Tote even til, 1141, 1'r;. Mere 511own, A tee'rtdtate of a1 Lyon lean, A. Taylor 11.57, ,Chester 2711), honoring 1101' (laughter, Mlss • 4'. erre 103 WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION The Women's Assoriati011 of North Side United 0hm•ch held their ('ego• lar monthly meeting in the vestry of the ('hnrcb on Tuesday afternoon. The chief item of bn0hl00s was the - eleetior of officers for 1941 which re• salted as follows: Honorary Pres.. Mrs. J. 13. Tho» psot; president, Mrs. I. Hudson; 1st vice, Mrs. R. 'Frost; 2nd vice, Mrs. J, (0nsitt; re- cording see., Mrs Grace Hogga•th; oo•responding sec.. Mrs. R. Archi- bald; treas., MISS 17, Beattie; flower and fruit con„ Ma's. J. Finlayson; parsonage con., Mrs. J. McIntosh; kitchen con„ Mrs. W. Dickson; flow- er con, for church services, Mrs. .1. McIntosh; rep. to official board, Miss E. Beattie; auditors, Mrs. Hogga•th Mrs. Russell. EARLY SKATING IF COLD WEATHER CONTINUES Flooding the rime is in progress this week and if the, cold weather continues there may be skating be- fore the end of the week. There is some talk of a hockey team in Sea. forth again this Year, despite the war, and some of last year's team having enlisted. It 4s hoped that three or four of the old Clinton Colts will play here,. as Clinton has not entered 'any intermediate team. No local organization .meeting has be011 announced so far, however, • In the O.H.A. grouping Seaforth is listed in the Intermediate ''Bseries Group 6 with Stratford (II igh1and . Light Infantry), Tavistock, Water- loo. R, Rui>y, Tavistock. convener. a 5011. MRS. MADGE CELEBRATES Keys -Jones. - HER 98TH BIRTHDAY A quiet butpretty wedding was The many friends of Mrs. Mary ,\ladge will 'be sorry '•to 'know she is quite ill Mrs, (Madge will he ninety- eight on Wednesday cif this week. Miss ,Mary Campbell of Clapplson's 'Corners is at 'present at the Route of her parents, 'Air, and 'Nies. George Caniplbell. M'rs 1'l A. Cathie has returned af- ter sttendin*, some ;time with her sister. Mrs. bred' Hess at iTeilsall. Murray 'Rohner, who has been. wol'kirrg dor (Noah Gingericlt. is at present ill alt the hone of his 'par- ents. S1r. and Mrs. \Il', Bohner, near Varna. \Ve trust lMsn'ray will soon the a,hle to the around again. TRUCK TAKES FIR -E The lire brigade had a call early Saturday morning when a Mosher Transport truck tool( fire. The drive' stopped a short distance south of the C. N. R. tracks so that, if was away from any buildings. The are was ex• tinguished before any serious Ilam• age resulted to the truck. The mach- ine bad been stuck in the snow pre- vious to the blaze. solemnized at the United Church manse, Kipper, on Saturday, Nov. 30th, when the Rev. E. F. Chandler united in marriage Margaret Kath- leen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones, to ,lames Bernard. eld- est son of Ml'. and Mrs, Art Heys et Stanley Township. The bride looked lovely in a floor :length gown of sky blue sills sheer, drape model and bishop sleeves, and white accessor- ies, Her coronet was of orange blos- soms and her only ornament was f gold brooch worn by her grants - mother on her wedding day sixty years ago. She carried a bouquet of Briar Cliffe roses and maidenhair fern. Miss Dorothy Munn of Hensall, e0usin of the bride, was 71171 esma1(1 wearing a floor length gown of coral Jei's'03' silk and white accessories. She carried a bouquet of yellow glory mums and maidenhair fere. '1'hc groom was attended by his brother, Mr. John Keys. Following the cei•e. molly a wedding - dinner was served at the home of the br'ide's parents. to about twenty guests. The (lining room was decorated in pink and white and the table was centered,. Reeves - D10410,1 to date f1/1- (late ordate for Huron County Council in 19.1.19 Ashfield: Alex McDonald (ac- clamation). Blyth: W. H. Morritt. Clinton: Fred Livermore. Colborne: 1Willianm Thorns, Goderich: R. E. Turner (acclam- ation) Goderich Township: Ben Rath - well (acclamation). Hullett: James Leiper, Hensall: R. E. Shaddick (accl,) Stanley: Fred 'Watson (acct,) Turnberry: 'Roland Grain (acct.) East Wawanosh: Raymond Red- mond (acclamation) West Wawanosh: Thos. 'Webster (acclamation) Wingham: R. S. Hetherington with the wedding rake. Later the yoiulg couple left: by motor for Tor- onto and other points, the bride travelling in a ciesea't gold, pain mall crape dress, black coat with squirrel trim and matching accessories. They will reside on the groom's farm near Bayfield. ELECT OFFICERS The 01111011 meeting of the W.A. 0110 Ladies' Guild or St. Thomas' An- glican Church was held on Tuesday afternoon when the following o8li - ers were elected: - Hon. President, W. ,1., Miss Jessie (ase.; president, Mrs. Hurford; sec„ - Miss IIolnses; tnensnrel', Mrs. Deem. Ladies Guild -- President, Mrs. George McGavin; 1st vice Pres,. Miss Holmes; sec„ Mrs. 13. Shaw; treas., Mrs. Ada Reid; Dorcas committee. fibs. MCGaviu.