HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-11-14, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
When the pullet;: go into the laying pea, it is not difficult
as a rule to get them. started laying, and to obtain very
high rates of prodnctiem for a short. period. High produe-
tion, however, is More often than not ac'conlpanied by a
steadily decreasin s body weight, and under Snell condi-
tions a Aunt) in production or a tuoult are the usual result.
Avoid Winter Losses Now
eye that your birds. are vetting a tuash that will not only
give gaud Egg Protlut'tiou, but will also Maintain the body
weigltt of the bird. The e).1, (', at Guelph, after several
years of experimenting give us -a result a mash with a
grain base that will take care of these ioqutrenlents.
icter1a Layio,# lash
Palmerston, Ont.
Hensall Red Cross
Elects Officers
Rev. R. A. Brook 1s President -
Committees Report on the
. Year's Work
(la Tharsday e to ail. \ c,'n n r 7,
th,annual pu',1i merlin t the Hen -
i' 't1.ta h Of the IS: 1i. ro was held
in tht. Hensall town isml at a p.m, A
lair nmatther tar sitire•n, were paten;
and a very profitable time was exper-
ienced try all. The chair was taken by
our Reeve, R. E. Shaddick. Mrs. R.',1.
.Moore acted a ocretary The meet -
mg opened with the singing .1f 0 Can-
ada. Rev Turkheim of Zurich led in
prayer. Inspiring and enheartening ad-
dresses were given icy Rev. M. A.
Hunt of the Anglican Church and
Rev. W. Weir of the Presbyterian
,Church Music in the .forth of .olds
and trios was presented by Airs. Jas.
Bonthron, T. J. Sherritt, Sant Rennie,
.Mrs. iMac Doulgall, 'Mrs. Andrew Dou-
gall and her daughter, Margaret. The
p re; dent of the local 'branch, Rev. R.
A. Brook, expressed thanks to all who
had helped to make the year's work
such a success. The work had really
'been two-ifold, Financial .ieffort and
definite labor in making articles of
clothing and comfort for those in His
Majesty's services. Special thanks
was extended to the officers and the
conveners of committees for elicit 'co-
operation and loyalty,and to all who
ata in any
r n oted the
work of
the organization during the year.
A comprehensive statement of the
work of the finance committee was
given Iby tW9lliam Davidson, chairman
of the committee. Tn a few well ehos-
en words he sincerely thanked the
citizens for their liberal 'personal gifts
and alto the many and various groups
which had helped to raise money, not
overlooking especially, the splendid
spirit of patriotism shown front sev-
eral junior groups, Who all helped to
swell the tonal money raised for Red
Cross services.
The financial statement was then
Given by the treasurer, H. A. Law-
rence of the Bank of Montreal. This
,ttrecise statement revealed that the
stn of 53,390 had ,been rated iby the
Branch Miring the currant year, and
that a balancen+ 5120(1 was• on hand
after remitting to Toronto the requir-
ed ''nota ,t1 receipts for the national
campaign funds.
\V, 0. Goodwin reported for the
purchasing committee. He stressed
the fact that the largest hulk tai the
material and supplies hail !been pur-
chased from the Canadian Red Cross
headquarters. where the prices were
satisfactory and the quality of the
graids neiforni and good.
Miss Reynolds and Miss Tree re-
orteii for the cutting committee. The
amount of actual work done ray this
committee was ,very praiseworthy,
The hospital supply committee re-
port was ,presented by Mrs, D. Steer,
through the secretary, Mrs. R. J.
More. The sewing committee report
was c;i.ven ,hy 'Mrs. Robert Patterson,.
and it told of match hard work in the
sewing room at I-Iensall, as well as in
the homes of our people. This involv-
ed many tpereonal contacts on 'the
mart of the convener, but the work of
the committee as a whole. and the
sewers thrdughonit the entire com-
munity, reveal the fact that though
our people generally are ,veryibusy,
they are not Ston 'husv to do some-
thing for our soldiers and sailorsand
airmen. ;Mrs, W. 0, Goodwin :outlined
:he ,toric iloqe hy the knitting 00111-
nr,ita r, which merited and received
applause. imis, l erwl fiat',
tut'mitt r of the advisory c,nnmittee
9y r;rt a of hr r position on the school
teaching staff and as president 1..f the
tare a' Women's Institute, reported
that 18(1 Ih.. of jam had .been preserv-
ed and scut forward to headquarters
uc her
staff ,.'f willing workers in the
Institute, c
The .hipping committee report was la
presented its. Mr. Ross MacKay who , al
certified that all the goods had been V
packed according to requirements and ct
sent forward with a m'inim'um 1.f de- (.
lay Hi,s thanks •was expressed not
only to the members of his OW11 cont- w
outlet's 'hut to the many tradespeople it
of the village .who were always will- a
ing to assist hint in the task of !boxing 0
and packing Red Cross shipments ibv e
sttpptrin,g gratis articles necessary for cls
pact ng work. iD
\ nominating committee for chaos- t\\
ins* officers for the new year ,was then S
on motion appointed, consisting of^ c
IW. t7, Goodwin, Miss B. Pfaff, [Miss D
Reynolds, Dr, Donald Steer, Mr. \\'. w•
Davidson, The election resulted as tr
follows: M
President, Rev. R. A. Brook; vice
presidents, Rat', William 1\Nteir, Miss C
?:I. Ellis; recording secretary, i\Irs. R. da
J. Moore; corresponding secretary, au
Mrs. Walter 'Spencer; treasurer, 'Mr. +
H. A, Lawwrence; assistant treasurer, w
'Miss Mary Thomson.
Time and space will not permit giv- oc
ing a detailed repent of ail the work i\
the committees have accomplisihed is
during the year, but the outstanding tit
features of the reports were as fol- th
lows: The hospital committee com-'pr
.pleted 14'4 trianguar sling ibandalges, Sc
71 !pneumonia jackets, 53 dressing -ria
,gowns, The sewing comtnittee coin, A.
pleted 1117 lied jackets, 77 pairs of tM
pyjamas, 718 gowns, 108 pillow cases, w
b61 handkerchiefs, 20 quilts Ihesides 44 ed
other articles of comfort. The 'knitt- R
ing c,nnmittee has completed 2,602 w•
article., including 11(149 pairs of socks, •\1
1211 sailors scarves. 100 pairs of wrist- so
lets. ,Wt pairs f mitts, 48 sweaters. re
Besides all this work the ,branch has X
trade ready .cores cif article, for tlfd 1Ha
use of refugees. Hi
Red Cross 'Notes.- Ti
Two shipments of Red Cross sup- en
plies must the recorded at this -tittle. chi
The first was shipped in the nts,nth of 111
Septeut4,er. The following articles an
were •,tu,t,leterl, inspected and for- of
warded: 13 dos, .pairs of socks, 9 'prs. go
seamen's socks, .7 sweater. l ribbed go
hehuet, 3 Ralaclan•a helmets, 7 large f1.
sailor scare's, 103 small scarves, 12 ha
pairs of mitts. The second shipment sai
went •forward on Nove'm'ber 7th and ref
covered these ;,rods: 117 rloz, pairs rt1 146
:seeks, 4 pairs of seamen's socks, 3 ph
dozen pairs of mitts, 5 helmets, 2 doz: Re
wart•., 3 sweaters, 5.y .bed jackets. .wr
Along with this second shipment also ('1
went forward. a shipment of. goods trio
Mr refugees, including 11117 articles :of talc
clothing, which will give condort and
protection to many- ;boys and- ,girls.
Also three large quilts. Again the
'tbranrh desires to express to all the
workers congratulations- and thanks
for completing this work and getting
it.9way ill gcaorl time.
Elliott -Lamont. •
A quiet .coaling, was solemnized at
.:the 1. niterl Church manse, Varna, nn
Tuesday, November Fath, at 10.30
a.nt., When 'Ren. Peters united in
marriage, Margaret Agnes, only dau-
ghter if lilr. and MTS. Roy Lamont,
hear Zurich, and Melvin James, the
youngest son. of Mrs, Minert Elliott
and the late Aubert Elliott of Grand
View, alta. The 'brute looked cha
Ma in 0 G•his,per thine cxt:pe ch,
with bracelet slec ve.s and nits telt
accessories. and wore a corsage
pink talisman roses. She ds. v
the grandmother's. pearl neckla
\la . Sally \lanson, cif Henson, e
sin of the bride, was ibtidesm
wearing beige wool crepe with
and 'black trim, with 'black access
les and corsage of Better Time ro
'\lr. Hilton Laing, of Exeter, w
Igroonisinan, Following the cereuta
t wedding dinner was sent•ed at
home of the brides .parents.
:groom's gift to the ,hricle was a sit
tea service• to the I',ridesntaid sit
I candlesticks, to the :groomsman,
:leather bill fold. later the. you
I couple left on :t motor trip to Ea
!ern Ontario. The 'bride, travelling
a nut;l'terry crepe dress, Ihaby tat
coal and black haL- On their ret•'
they will reside near Zurich,
lira, .\cuie Logan, \les. Mart
Harvey and I\1r. Geo. Hudson atter
ed the ftutesft of their sister, the!1
+\±its. Sarah Troyer, in. Seaforth,
Bride and Groom Presented
With Gift.
1 \ large number of relatives a
friends of :Mr. and ;Mrs. Roy Sm
rathercd in their honor at the tot
11011 on Tuesday evening. They we
presented with a ,1ri'Iiigh1 and miry
the address 'bein:, read by Mr. All
�old(t 1. Dancing was enjoyed. 3In
'Sy \I:eXicltol's orchestra.
Young People Make Presentation
to Former President---
.A very c joy -hie evening was 3115
at the home of \1r. and ,Mrs. Ca
Stonewall on Tuesday evening telt
the \'Rtlttt Peorph s Union of Chis
Imes: Cnitr 1 Church :gathered at
ere •aced \Ir,. Gilbert ioluns, forum
It Hiss Jean Veinier and form
President of :he Young People
I iti, t ain't a Pyrex Casserole at
Silver stand anal a Silver Dish. \Ir
Johns, ,tltlt sigh taken by topri
made a litho.; Roily. The address ww
re ad by \It lienson Stoneman, R
treshntents were sewed by'the host-
Presentation of the 0.13.A., Chem-
pionship shs C
p u:
p p
The town hall, Hensall, waspaace
Lin Friday evening for theofficialpre
.entation of the ()..13.A. chanupionshi
cup given thy the Dominion 'Life .\s
satance Company to Stan Tudor'
baseball team. This is the first tim
Hensall ever won the championsllit
Euchre etmuteneed at 8,30 and us
enjoyed .111101 lt),it) with the follow
nig prise winners: taches' first, Mrs
Olive Hudson: larlie. second, \lis
Gladys \leKenzie; consolation l\lis
Beatrice atrice Cooper; gents' first 1)t. • .9
R. Campbell: second I\\''nt, Hyde'
consolation, Gs'orge Sangster. Reev
Sh oltlick was chairman 'Inc - the ev
ening and inarod'ueed the Ibasdhal
team its m utatier and executive ant
the guest speakers. 11 t', D. H. \\'il-
son of Seaforth, Pteident of :the
South 1-Perth-Perrlt League, congrat-
ulated the boys and their manager on
the ,way they played the game, and
called on \Ir. J. C'. MacDonald, - of
.Cltesley, 'president of the Ontario
Bt.ehall .\s.sociatfnn, w'ho wa very
outpliinentary' to the I-lensall !players
nd their management. •\le. 0lacDon-
d .presented the cup to Mr. Ed.
ascito in the alb once of the captain
f the team, .\1.r, Dult Brown, 1\I•,
'ascho thanked the president for the
Clop and called on Ret. '\Vat, Weir,
w•Ila gave a 'brief address, cotnpli'ntent-
tg his fellow ;players individually and
Iso thanked the manager, .Stan Tud-
r, and the executive for their co -op -
ration its helping then' .to ca,pt,ure the
antpionsltip this season, I\ltr. ,TiIac
onald, with the assistance of Mn.
'ilson, presented the :medals. Mr.
tan Tudor, the manager, was then
ailed upon and (gave a brief address,
ancing followed the ,presentation,
ith music by Steve Dtutdas' :orches
a, of Lucan.
emorial Services Held Sunday. --
Remembrance Day ,was observed in
armel ,Presbyterian Church on Surl-
y afternoon at 2:4151 Ip,m. under the
spices of Exeter-Hensall ,Branch,
Vo. 167 of the 'Canadian Legion. The
ar veterans and the d(st ,unit of First
ussars marched to she church and '
copied the front seats..Rev. W.
'eir ,presided over the senvice, ass -
ted Iby
M. Ham. Tollori
e call to wors'h'ip, �Q God 01v 13e '
el" was- sung. Rev, IVr•". \Veir led in
ayer and Rev. A. \1e Hunt read Ole
riptu•re, The choir sang an app.rop-
te anthem, "He Shall Give His
ngels Charge Over Thee," soloist,
r,, 7. \V. Bonthron. The Last Post
as sounded Iby !Bugler Beer, follow -
by a two 'minutes' silence and the
eveille Iby 'Bulgier Beer. The offering
e t received and dedicated iby 1( '.
r. Weir. \!r 'Carey Joynt sang a
lo, "Lest 1We Forget," Kipling's
sessional hymn. "Great King of
atiens" was sung and Ren•. A. 111,
titt delivered an excellent address,
• text was St. Paul's Epistle, 2nd
mothy ,2:2, "No matt that .warreth,
tatuglctlt himself with the affairs of
s life," Mr. Hunt (paid tribute to
e men who Taug'ltt in the last •war -
0 we wear the ;pwppies, the symbol
sacrifice. He told the soldier to he
od soldiers for their country and
od soldiers for Jests Christ. The
catcst tribute yott have is to endure
mishit) and the a good soldier, rte
0. The service rintinited at the
totaph conducted thy Mr. Sidney
ac.\rth•m•. '\i rs. 11innie Sangster
aced the wreath' for the :province,
eve R. E. Shaeldick placed the
oath for the. town and Mr. Alfred
arke placed the wreath for the 'Le-
n. \lr, MacArthur thanked all for
ing •part,
Miss Idelen ,Boyle, R.N., Mrs,
Boyle, Mr, :Milton Boyle, _Mrs. Weeks '.
and Vis, Fiances Weeks ,visited on v
Sunday with Mr. Thomas and Miss
Florence I\Vclsh and '11r. and 'Mrs, Alf
Clarke. - i
Pte Royce Welsh of 'London .visited -11
over the week end ,with his father,
Mr. \Vat, Welsh. - - 1
riles, Harold .Simpson and daughter 9
Gwendolyn of "Toronto are ,visiting \
the formeer's parents, Mr. and Mfrs,
Fred Daters. Ia
The Arnold Circle of 'Carmel church a
will holdaa crogatiitole party at the n
home of Mr. and 1M.rs. !MacDougall nt
Friday everting. 1
Mg Of desirable Farm, learnt Stock.
of Implements and Household ialects,
ore l'i'ed W. Ahrens, Auctioneer, has re•
ce, eeivecl instructions from the under-
"' signed Administrator to sell by pub-
aid,t' tic auction at Lot 0, Con, 8, Town -
red ship of McKillop, 2% utiles West of
or- Brodhagen, then 1 mile south, (or 5
ses, miles east of Winthrop, then south),
'as on Friday, Noy, 15th, the following;
my Horses --1 aged mare supposed to
the be in foal; 1 sucking filly, 1 Belgian
1'he colt 1 year old; 1 blade Belgian colt,
ver 3 yoars old; 2 draught mares 12 years
ver old,
a Cattle -1 Durham cow with calf
nig by her side; 2 Durham tows suppos
st- eel to be in calf, due in. May; 1 Here-
in ford cow, due at time of sale; 1 Poll -
11,h ed Angus heifer, supposed to be in
tra calf; 4 calves 1 year old, 1 bull 9
months old,
ha Poultry -About 12 good ]tens,
d- Implementa-Binder, M.H., 7 ft.
ate cut; 1 M H. mower; ; 1 M.N. hay
on loader, 1 M.H. side rake, 1 aid. clump
rake, cultivator; 1 M.H, 13. hoe seed
drill; 1 steel land roller; 3 section
harrows; 1 scuffles; 1 top buggy; 2
nd cutters; 1 wagon with box and stock
ale rack; 1 hay rack; 1 bob sleigh; 1
50 gang plow; 1 walking. plow; 1 set
re settles 2000 Ib. cap.; fanning m10;
u,, McCormick Deering cream separator,
en nearly new; 1 sugar kettle, mills can.
sia 1 disc, 1 root pulper, 1 wheel bar-
row. -
Harness ---1 set of team harness,
cedar posts, cross cut saw. forks,
nt shovels, hoes and a ]cost of other
1.i articles too numerous to mention,
11 Feed -Quantity - of turnips and
,1_ unangolds, abort 20 tons of hay;
td about 20t1 bus. wheat; 75 bus. barley;
about 500 bus. mixed grain; 150) bus.
c1. buckwheat, Furniture -1 cook stove with pipes,
tel kitchen table, lcitcllam chairs, rocl-.115
chair, 1 mut, 1 glass cupboard, 1
kitchen sink, 4 wooden beds with
'e springs, 2 stands, 2 dressers, 1 e'x•
]ensu'' table, 6 dining room chairs,
ei'gan, several small tables, etc.
Also 0 frame barn 24x30, with good
and cool'.
r Farm
rlrerew 'i
11 also be offered
l at the stone time mid place, subject
to a reserved bid, the farm property,
consisting of 100 acres more or less.
11 known as Lot 0, Con. 8, in the Twp,
- of McKillop. On the said lands is said
to be erected a brick veneer house_
e a batik barn and driving shed, 1
Sale to start at 12 o'clock sharp,
Tern's on .Farm made known cm day
- of sale, -
Terms of Chattels -Cash or appi'ov-
s ed cheque. No reserve on chattels as
everything to be sold to the highest 1
bidder to wind up the Estate of the
late Henry Beuerntann. Auctioneer's
e decision final in case of dispute.
- ' Dan Betterment), Administrator,
1 Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer,
Fresh Pork
Tenderloin lb. 30c
Fresh Bologna 2 lb. 29c
'Recleaned Currants - -
2 lbs, ,.. ,,,, 25c
Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. 35c
Quaker Oats-
Large Pkge. ... , , .
Rolled Oats -
20 1b. bag - 79c
Niblets, 2 tins 23c
Aylmer Soup, Vegetable
6 Tins 28c
Aylmer Soup, Tomato
6 Tins 28c
Calumet ,Baking Powder -
lb. tin - 23c
American Blend Coffee -
lb. ....,.,,,,, 33c
Fine Japan Tea ib, 49c
43c in Trade Only For GRAPE A LARGE EGGS
Greb Boots, Rubber Boots & Rubbers at Lowest Prices
We J, Finnigan
Auction Sale
Executor's Sale of three Farms.
Farm Stock, and Implements. Will be
held on Lot 8, Huron Road Conces-
sion, Goderich Township, 3 utiles
west of Clinton, on Friday, Nov. 15th,
at 1 pant„ the estate of George Mair.
Norman Mair, Executor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
House trailer for sale, in good
shape. Cheap. Apply to W. C. Goven-
lock, i'grnondville. Phone 0111115.
Six purebred Berkshire sows, about
two months old; also a ntnnhee of
chunks from 50 to 60 lbs, Apply to
Pete Maloney, lot 8, eon, 4, Mc thug
Quantity of cabbage for sale.
Harry Palin, plume 8441.15, Seaford],
10 good suckers, seven weeks old.
Also 3 chunks ton weeks old. Apply
to Robert Clrmnoldby, Constance.
Eight pigs for sale. About (i0 lbs,
Picone 836.25. Joint -McNay.
Good dairy cow doe to- freshen in
10 days. Also stack of wwhi.at strata.
Mrs, Paul Dinig, photic 11(1211. Sea-
Small ]rouse on Gaderich Street
East, at t'easonfthle rental. Apply to
Martha Sholdice Estate, H. G. Melt.
Young girl wishes housekeeping
itis. Lorne Elder of Galt spent Tate position in town or country. Phone
Mrs. John Elder.
week cold with itis ptU'euts. Alf. and 6521.15, Seawall.
Mr. and Mrs, Don Rigby and (la
gltter Donna of Blenheim visit
over the week end with Airs. Rigby
parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Stewart M
Mr, Duff Brown of Ole staff of t
Banof Mnnteeal enjoyed a week
, holidays at his 'sone tit Manitouli
Mr, and Mrs, Gus Votb and daugl
ter Gwendolyn of Detroit visited ove
the week - end with Mrs. Votht
mother, Mrs, Lou Simpson, at
grandmother, Mrs. Robt, Bonth ro
They were accompanied ]tome b
Mrs. Simpson, who will spend thee
weeks in Detroit,
Mrs. Oswald Walker of Cromart
and Mrs, Darrell Parker of Thant
Road were recent visitors with Mrs
Martha Murdoch,
Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Case spent 01
week end in Toronto.
Miss Dorothy Brazier of Londo
spent the week end with Dr, an
Mrs. D. G. Steer and Patricia,
Dr. Wm. T. Joynt of Brockvill
spent the holiday with his mother
Mrs. Alice Joynt,
Mrs, John Murdoch of - Brucefleld
spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss
Minnie Reid.
Mt', and Mrs. Glen Bell visited on
Sunday with the former's uncle and
aunt, 1411'. and Mrs, Roy Lamont of
The Young People of Carmel Pres.
byterian Church are holding their am
nual anniversary on Sunday, October
24th, when Mr. Andrew MacKenzie
of Toronto will be the special
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Love and family
of Hillsgreen visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. MacKenzie.
The Hensall Senior Institute 'met at
the hoe of (Mrs. Thos. Sherritt on
Wednesday es -ening.
A great deal of excitement ,was
•caused here on Monday evening in
the wind and rain storm ,when a high
tension hydro wire caught fire in an
evergreen tree at ,the home of ,_\I1.,
and \irs. Ro'bt. Cameron. The town
,was in complete blackout. The fire
bell rang and the fire engine rushed
to the scene as it 'was :feared ,the
house might catch fire in the ,high
wind. No damage was done.
!Miss Nora Petty returned home al-
ter spending, several days with her
aunt, -Mrs. Martha- Murdoelc:
\i r. Ferris Catitelon of Schomberg
spent the week end with his mother,
\irs. Kate 'Cantelon and attended the
official presentation of the O.B.A.
'Championship Carp in the town hall
Friday evening. Ferris was a former
player :on the Hensall deans.
\I'r. Heel) 1-Iedden of lHarriston
spent (Monday at the home of his mo-
ther,, ,Mrs, Catharine 'Redden. -
�Irs. !Joynt (Miss Beatrice Joynt,
\ir. and .Mrs, 'McMichael, of 'Listowel,,
kited 011 Sunday with the 101,111O1'.$s
ort Mr.. 'I', C. IJtoynt.
Mr. Lloyd 17e:Mien orf St. Cathar'-
nes client the week end with relatives
Mr. and Mrs. n 7l
'Gets of
Detroit are.visiting witch .the tatter's
r thcr-iu-late and sister, IMr. and
It l\V'nt. Daniels. -
tTtIi.'lohn Ctai:g,,\ftss!HannahCraig
Miss '7111rray have returned home'
fter an extended visit in the Prairie
The Young People', anion of the
'niterl C•hmrch intend visiting the
ell Get your Gratin tested. Bags ou
,,c 'land at Clark's Gas and 011 Station.
e,- Geo, T. Mickle & Sons pity highest -
market 1u'icos, Elevators. at Bruce
CI_ field, Kipper and Hensall. Sant
h Chesney, phone 146.
15 choice York pigs ready to wean..
t• . Two litters, 10 and 5. Apply to Jas,
i' Landsborough, Phone 6651.16.
e, Lot 35, Con, 3, East Wawanosh, 200
acres, Hilly pasture, two Rowing
es springs, some bush. Price $2800.
Lot 16, Con. 17, Grey, 100 acres.
Stone house, two barns and ample•
e' meet sited. Good well with windmill.
Price, $3750. Immediate possession.
n Part Lots 27 & 28, Con. 14, Htdlett,
d 233 acres. Pasture, good well with
l windmill, also flowing spring, some
e bush, fair house, no barn, part of
farm suitable for cultivation. Price.
Suitable terms can be arranged.
Apply -James McFadzean, Brussels
Ontario; or, Fred Moloy, Thedford.
Notice is hereby given pursuant
Ito The Change of Name Act, 1939.
Ontario, that the application of
Elizabeth Nettie McLeod, of the
Town of Seaforth, in the County of
Huron, to change her name to
Margaret Campbell McLennan, will
be heard before His Honour Judge
, T. M. Costello, at his Chambers in
the Court House in the Town of God•
erich, on Tuesday, the 10th day of
December, 1940, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon, or so soon
thereafter as the application may be
Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Applicant
county home at !Clinton next •Mlonclay
everting, November 181th, where they -
will !present a Iprolgrain.
!Mrs. Al aeM artin, Elaine Hoskins,
Tuition and-IJacq:ueline H•edden .of .St.
'Catharine., spent .the ,wee'k end holi-
day 'with relatives :here.
72ec. 1Z, A. .B'roo'k conclucted serv-
ices in the (Inked 'Church on Sunday,
speaking at the evening service on Ole
famous author of hymns, Isaac Watts.
'Pile choir sang two anthems, "Peace
Be Still," and "Jesus Shall Reign."
Mrs. Gen. Hess sang a solo entitled-,
"Pal Not Ashamed '1'o 'Own ,Mv
Lord." '
Mary and Margaret Murphy spent
the week enc] at their hone.
Mary and Rose -O'Connor spent the
Week end at their home.
The boys who were, training for
the past thirty clays, have retut•hed
1471.. and Mrs, Harry Krauskopf anti
family of Detroit spent the week enol
at Monte.
The many friends or Miss Barbara
Carlin are glad to hear that she is
Miss Beth Carlin of Chatham spent
the week end at her hone
Successor to John H. Best
Seaforth, Ontario
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
Telephone 174
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build.
Ing,Scaforth, Office hours: -
1 uistLty, Thursday and Saturday
1:30p.m to 5 pan. Saturday
evening; 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m.
With hard and soft water, lights
and garage Possession given right
atway. Apply to W. J. Barron, 0011e-
riell St. ]East, Seaforth.
Store your silage at a nominal cost.
The 100SC0 Portable Silo makes
available to farmers and stock raisers
ensilage' storage facilities equal to
the highest priced permanent silos.
and at a fractional cost. Combined
with this it gives you the added teat•
oro of portability. Build the hose's
Silo as you 1111 it, and take it down
as the ensilage is used, 12 1't. silo
p1'ittd at $7.75 per unit. 14 ft. silo
Priced at $8,65 per unit. Murray
Tyndall, 111.uc'4.41eld. Phone Clinton
Spy, Bing, Tatman Sweet, Green.
rug, Russet, Baldwin, and ('id,•t
apples, Phone Clinton 622.24. hied
McClymont, Varna.
For sale, 50e per bus. Coma:, and
get thern in your own containers. 2
miles west of Varna, on Hayfield Rd.,
south side of road. J. 17, Pollock.
Will make cider and apple butter
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri-
day of each week during October and
November. Cider mill located on the
street leading to the golf course,
West Ward, MitohelL Fred Hennick
Proprietor. Terms cash. Telephone
181, Mitchell.
And prevent disease by disinfecting
and whitewashing your stabling now
before your herds and flocks are
housed. Charges moderate. All work
guaranteed. Only modern methods
used. Bruce Berry, Brucefleld.
Old Live Horses for fertilizer. Ap-
ply to J. Matthews, Dublin. Phone
120 acres, mile east of Walton,
Lots 4 and 5, 18th Concession Town-
ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame
house, excellent gravel pit. Apply to
The Seaforth News.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of Margaret Isabella
All persons having claims against
the Estate of Margaret Isabella
Jackson, late of the Village of Eg-
m.oudville, deceased, who died on or
about the third day of October, 1940.
are hereby notified to send in to the
undersigned on or before the 18th
clay of November, 1940, full pat•tfcul•
ars of their claims.
immediately after the said last
mentioned date, the assets of the
said estate will - be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto.
having regard only to claims of
which the undersigned shall then
have notice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not thea
have notice for the assets so distrib•
utect or any part thereof.
Dated at Seaforth this 24th clay of
October, 1940.
By their Solicitor,
H. G. MEM,
Seaforth and Clinton,
Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid-
ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds.
Rates reasonable. All risks placed
in first class companies,
Information cheerfully given