HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-11-14, Page 4PAGE FOUR
fill: Sri.\hl 111l'II
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1411.5. Wi11111111 KclIrIIty 114 1isitin!
With lrit•u*I at Iielgrave.
Miss f*laggie Kelly is in Tornntc
tuka 11(11310
th1 wedding of her nephew
Mrs. Lawson Kearney has returned
home from visiting Mrs. Eerie Dow
A surprise party was held at
Earle Dow's Friday night in honour
of Mr. and Mrs: Campbell 1)ow, who
were celebrating their eighteenth
wedding anniversary. Friends from
Walton and Brussels attended.
The Anglican Guild held their an-
nual bazaar at Walton on Thursday
night of last week. A large crowd at.
The U.F.W.O. meeting will be held
on November Nth at the home of
Mrs. Arthur: McCall. The topic will
be taken by Mrs. Andrew Turnbull.
Roll call, "Why we are proud to be
Canadians." There will be a demon.
stratioll on variety of cookies
from one recipe by Mrs. Geo. Dale.
D. and Mrs. Bird have taken
rooms in Stratford for the winter and
intend moving in a few days.
Mrs, Geo. T. Williamson had her
tonsils removed Monday in Brussels
and is doing nicely after the opera.
Mr. and Mes. Lorne Carter have
returned after a short honeymoon
trip and are living on the H*tr*n
Geo. Ramsay of :Grey and Ina
Rutledge of Toronto spent iter the
week anti with 1), and ales. Ennis.
Pet-. Mr. Gilbert took the serviette
en Sunday alter being in Toronto all
w,ek with Ince wife, elm rue-, been in
the hospital.
aliee Margaret Kelly. stir line, Mor-
rie. attended the wailing of her
nephew. Mr, Ralph Graham. in Ter.
onto Saturday.
.lir,. Clartmee Bennett smelt - tett
week mud at Ottawa with her hush -
Mrs. E. \\'iii,. who has been visit
ing her 1031 111 hiss Margaret Kelly
in Morris, tetureed to her home in
London this week.
Mrs. Gordon McGregor and limey
of lady friends of \\'iughant atte0(f
ed the bazaar last Thursday In the
community hall.
• -Baby Band Members Graduate. -
The annual graduation exercise: of
the Kathy Land of the United Church
a held a Thursday •littr.n .n in
i• �• h.
the ch, t room t the church which
wa .beautifullyatiullw int ra[rl -with t 'Ital-
ie-tons. yellow and Magee .bally mumss
, ) 'Mre.
and .ink and white art tier t1...
B W. 41.os:s presided int welcomed
thebabies anti their mothers and oth- i
er x t- \ committee we a mai
1 n t k
to w.
take charge 2 selecting 1 :'lint t
ftt,1.s for the ntit year, Mrs. \
E. t, l all\l tut l
or c rt
u u1. en i teat [ tut
Ms during i t et A1ra Ie. 11 \lel
itt ttold an 4:1 *aI1tt1oel
airs. Win. Dee _,(, t a ..11,,s3 aditeee,
.\ linty I1\'al ii 1.u' d 3,1 entitled,
•'Carr, (111." ,1141,'/111:,311i011 rev her
etre. 'Nieto). holt 111 .' t
1 nurini,
SW -113 113 (his Wotli 1.1111 Wir 11,-
lw 11.3115, Sh'. and Mrs. 1", \V. Poker.
111.. 1311(1 Mrs, A, E. Westlake left
Saturday to spend to ween with the
latle-r', sister, hire. Huh, -n of St.
Mrs. S. ('leave left nil Monday le
spend the winter with her dltughtei
til Rad Axe. Mich,
Mrs, M. Gillner of Brantford spent
the week enol at her home in the vil-
Me. and Mrs. C. W. Plater and Mrs.
Claude Robbins and daughter of De•
troll. visited their mother, Mt 'W. J.
McLeod ov t' the holiday.
Sgt. James Galvin of 11.C.A.S.C. re•
turned on Monday having spent sev-
eral days leave with Mr. and Mrs, W.
L. Ferguson.
Mr, Lawrence Fowlie of London
spent the week end with his sisters
the Misses Fowlle,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart of Hamil-
ton spent the holiday at their cottage
Mr. Jas. Cameron of Toronto was
the guest of M1. and Mrs. J. Cameron
over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Smith and
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Lindsay spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gen.
Lindsay, Jr., of Paris.
?lir. and Mrs. Roy Poth and sort of
I Caledonia visited Mrs. Poth's Pat
mos, Mr. and Mrs. R'. R, Jowett, over
the week end,
Messrs. W. Westlake, J. Howard
.11,11 13. Clarke left Sunday on a hunt-
ungiltg trip in the Bruce Peninsula.
Armistice Day- was n1)se1ved in
Hayfield by n s,*vi(e being held in
'it; Andrew's Pulled (lu relt 11. 113,3*
At ll eadee: those resent marched
a th( 11111'Il where ulrnt(n•ia1 w3e11t 115
were Phi l'.'11 by Miss M11111 Ste1'111M
iI.\. for 1 11 111'0 V11101' ant \\ it_ For
gases for the tillage aftr'r whit•h the
uu 1(111(1 anthem was sung. The flag
flew Milt utast in tribute to the late
\e till,• 1 'hembet'lain.
The mental meeting of the Bible
Society will be held in the toren hell
on Sunday evening at 8.3e Rev. IV.
McCleary of Toronto will be present
and will show moving pictures of Af-
rica. It is hoped there will be a large
attendance as these pictures will be
largely. gely. educational and most inter.
, s1ing to all,
The ladies entertainment commit.
tee of the Red Cross held a very sue.
('essfnl euchre and dance in town
hall on Friday evening of last weep
The winners at euchre were: first
ladies. Mrs, F. Weston; gents' first
24. Sturgeon; consolation. Mrs. W.
Hall; consolation. olatiOtJ.McLeod. A
103)' of the evening was the modelling
u nn wa•
of the dresses made by local members
P. a ss e,
of the Red Cross o for refugees 1.n Eng
land. . Thesees d dt WET(' e tem1,de llel by
Helen Sturgeon. Donna Tons D
aur Castle Mrs. M Toms, Mrs, E. II
York, Mrs. W.Westlake,I- Hi in
tnt L. Snelling, while lTes
J Poker
lea v (d .notable music. In the draw
111egol d witch Mr. Fred \\ al ( n
e('te n Stanley, was ( ueltw
f t a •, t the it
ode o' e •eThe pro.
holder l t the ttc tt t No,13. t )
(pods from the draw amounted to
la.75. which was turned over to the
Roil Cross and the proceeds of the
(lance $15!(11,
mother at Me ::,clef 113:'tt(-\rnlstr,ing
:c i 3 1 -, *3 it et it'll. '•1'131111.11 :oa-
k - 1 It I4'r xllie r .I rile
>3 l n
•:t 3111 r. at w.1.x gleam
e n,1Ray \1 •t1.l. n fe1 ,1 1..l
1., ie it :Ter 1:11!1 I v
-1: Iter \N 11113 The
rem I t rArmstrong, ,w.
t t, ri- 1 g
t r1' \ 1 1
ie I \ \
1,t 1, -
*•. 1 I i1 i tpt"'r, h1 11,11 ] 114--
1tLr ';1,,l 12,y NI re, en 1 a rel.
11„ 1 a little *3 let,e:e 1 1
A\visit e laved softly and-mtg.
little ch 1,1ret1, passing
1111-...,m11 tate gate: '1'hcy are 'croltett-
11. !from tt r*' c state. Tito are
11.. '1 t.,. on -ward. To the 111 Iter
fland. Anil tit• 'hest of mieltes 1Pae
tett f1.„111 all ott 11111111, They were
i .w ith their ,ii t.w n a. 1/ty
lless in the aeeenee,tt N1r.. le,
1.. \h'1- anal r,1eeitci letttore 1311-
1 au 1 by Mrs N. E ,C , xk :n the
f NI tint 1 w 1 ,1 213.-
1x.-1:10 I, ot the eMission 1:.1,1. 1'h3 1111.
rest 1.c I ln.l, r- and 111 lain_
r hate. \ imert, the e, rte'
Rath 11 i it , I\l'1) 1101.
\ ,ait'i 1 •ye l:r•ohr,
I lrt(','i:v 13.,'1 ]ti I ,,.,-..' ! it,•
1...l e 1. t l l` _ 'lie.ar'
,1'tI k,A ,-'. I 11. 3 ii.-. 311 1 -lie ''test
•i ,'1 \e ,,,,*3 .•td \les
ee service e e
Armistice .tau was hold i t th
1 l
rl Rev. It Peters 1s
of \,113111 and
Rev. '51r. Wright of 13r ue e IlIlci were
the smokers e f oil t11( o((15lO11. Rttt
owing to the weather the crowd was
1,t s', e -
]I f15 large a fort/1011Y.
int 11}.
The members s of the L.O.L. No.
111,7• with their wives and fa millet:.
sat down to t well laden table. After
supper Mr. Harvey McGee of Auburn
entertained the crowd in his usnsl
ple'a31ng manner anti needless 1n 5(ly
w isthoroughly
wet byal
I. m
Mr. Male. Thames:
Read. Bee,. eclI
. r
Peters rs of Varna, na, Rew DIr. Graham of
Mayfield, and Rev. Dir, ('handler of
Kippeu, gave interesting addresses.
Altogether a very pleasant evening
w e s spe111.
Hlsitnrs: Mr. and Mrs. George
Pilgrim of Forest with the farmer's
Whop, r, Mr C. ('. Pilgrim. Mrs Ward
of Forest was the guest of Mrs. ('
Pilgrim Jr.
Mr. G. 11. \Vonds o1' Toronto spent
1~1111{lay with 1e1:1t1ves.
11a1•*1(1 141!1,1H of Stratford
' 11,111 1Rghlauders spent Sanctity with
vele tires.
Mrs. cobs of (r nn.o•tt spent
Tinir514y 0111* her eleter. Mr M. (3
To Mark Huron
Centennial Next .Year
November Session of County
Council Discusses Prepara-
tions for Celebration.
As the debenture debt of iluron
county will be c feared off this year
Warden George F eagali told the
comity council at the opening ses
soots on Tuesday afternoon that it
could be fittingly marked it arrange -
moats were'lnade to celebrate the
centennial P 1.
t o tl a03111 in o Heron
f d
g f
county ttv Which occurs in 1941.
He asked that a committee be ap•
pointed to consider arrangements for
the historic occasion.
The Warden called this year a sere•
110005 one. The 'Warden's committee
had had the largest amount of work
in years owing to the establishment
of two airports in the county.
An expenditure of 921,000 had been
made for patriotic purposes, w111eh
will be increased when accounts for
telephone installation and other ex -
Pelmet; are received to approximately
The road committee has been hin-
dered in its work owing to wet wea-
ther. A shed for the shelter of mach-
inery had been built at Aubulnl. Fifty
acres of land had been purchased for
the county home and all buildings
The \Vanden asked consideration of
the discontinuation of the Children's
Shelter as there is only mos child at
present there, 135 11e felt the expense
1111(1e1.' 310. eil'etlnlalatl(e, wa5 not
warrant ed.. IIe (•onluleuded the work
done by the 50(1131 serv1ce w'orla.l
1138. ('haffee, By 111,1. 111111011111(3 the
gl'all1 from the Depa('(31(1111 was i11
cheesed from $1110 to $500.
The present set-up o1' the policing
of the county is highly- satisfactory
and (ntuntended try 1'ro111)41al ('nn -
stable Cook, the Warden stilted, ile
also ,sited that couslderaliot he given
to the International Plowing Match.
He announced that n public speak.
filg ,cutest would be held before the
council by the Junin' Extension De•
partment coodurted by J. G. Shearer.
Agricultural Representalive.
The wont of the treasurer, Mr. I.r•
skiue, had been greatly increased
owing to the collection of the taxes
for National Defence, but the extra
work had been undertaken capably
and cheerfully,
The Junin' Farmer's Club won first
in the Holstein class, and second,
third and fourth for swine. The War-
dell thought it importantots❑
t that a coun-
unit of the Federation of Agricul
tm•e should be appointed. The far-
pP t at-
mers are not getthlg a fair deal and
he thought they
not expect to
hold their e 1R
ace with organized nized indua ry unless
they were folly organ-
ized as a unit,
The Public ht i Ibr
aru•s'1 •
statru int,
were:Brussels t cu t �1.r) 35
balrnce �1
1 /4 Exeter. e1]G)1
venue 1 Mh ,
balance, t RS
tt s.
Science lldt $273.25: 'bah -ewe >3 i,2
S ,
elturn 114}1.117, balance 1J94; 1)nn-
1 enurnt $1.77.30, h tl nice. ib cents.
I '1'. Shearer, agricultural rcpres-
10111 ye, submitted financial. state-
ment, .hewing in the junior Exten-
sion Fend receipts et $1,$1((.11,1; ex-
penrhrurw 8-1111.13.75; ,lluren ('onnty
grant, receipts,M
, ,. \ 1,t( t1 r) t )' regret
t wl
adopted ut the absence through ill-
llne _s of Reeve Gettable of llo111114, t*
th el a letter le, sent
Reeve 1ow11111. objection 10 a
res lap ul regerding disenfranchise-
ment tit eel -kite's mel 111th appreeal.
Connell 1,1111'11(4i)
11111(1 a,lt* meet at 1(
,. 3lnrk on Wednesday.
e• 'bride d.. ...t t
th 31(11 an 11.;t groom frit , n t .hurt
heneynl en, the bride Nearing r
Meek teat with 'black accessories. On
their rctnrn, they will reside on the
groom', ferny, Ilataiel1 Line.
Mrs. Dr. M*Gavin of Detroit visit
ed her sister, Mr's, Alex MCLaren,1
hast week.F
Dlrs. Cooper of Toronto visited
with aha and Mrs. Edgar Allen this
Mr. and Mrs. Charles ilemovey and
children of Detroit spent the we •!t i
+'11(1 with MA'. and Mrs. Rev :\k •1
passes. Wilfred Scot( Ross
Iotighton and \\'m. 1113('Lnrn have po-
mmel te their homes all/•r 11 month's
nilil 1.y training' it, \Vouo tuck.
Anse 11 l li Die Xnnghiou of 'fora 1
sl"'nt thw Pad with lit 'r pal 1
Air. and MI-. John Bray nuc! 1'anril:,
d i hr(pihln• vi"i! d Airs. 1 rily''. Par•.
'iii, on 1(1ti4hly.
.1.:l _z ;3'r» --'3.1 iI 1 Tr -try.
1,31111 1tn'pbettsiet 111 (otupeIF t
3's 1 • w,1, 'nn 1111 Ind broth 11..1. 1te. I
t t,,,'1.• !. les,.�r,•, 1.h ,',n: w' t- ralb(1 1e 1b, 11 (1,1(1,•
. :t lo. Mettle,'. W. II. 1lephetin le 1
t\ -•I 11 -:,I -1 , ,1 , .tl 11'•ite litthigcm 'our' (Eery 1.�-t
1 rt.
I _
with d, -,•pest neer,.' w',• if .11 of
the unsling away of John Pethirk
Sr. of SeafortlL after a weeks illness
of pneumonia. The late Mr. Pethic+h
resided a number of years In the viii.
age. \Ve extend our heartfelt symp-
ss of
achy to those who mourn the le
a loving husband father and grandpa
Mr. Harry Eddioott, who spent the
summer on the freight boat, the S.S.
.Empero'. has returned home. Harty
says he liked the job fine.
A very severe wind storm swept
the country and did a lot of damage.
'Nearly every barn in the neighbor•
hood had shingles blown off.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Eaton, Larry and
Keith, Mr, Bill Trewartha, Donnie
and Kenneth Eaton spent the holiday
in Wroxeter -with Me. and Mrs. Lou
Mr, and Mrs. Foster Bennett, Billie
and Mona and Mr. Melvin Merriam
spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Eaton.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Trewartha, Bar
Kara and Ronnie spent the holiday
with D'. and Mrs. Harburn of Sea.
Privates Ralph Davidson and Alex
Kerr .of London spent the holiday
week end with their families.
Waiot and. For Sale. A'ds, Ili :week Mr
UI St"w;n'l 11 ,til tett••e-f 1 th -
-t emit'e 111 inn h 4,I i3, I 11='ill ,.
L 1' 1'. 1131,.11(1, h. e ret m Led
n+ a1., t• t1. tilt 11,1'111. r ,111!
Ln 1.n I
\ nest - 1,j ..,111( , t niu 7 1.1'111,
1,•e3r .14 111 110101 of Air. arta Mrs.
G. H. l3'a3(y, when they Celebrated
tiu'ir w•'drling ttnuiversat•y Tuesday
night. Thune front a :rhstaace- we1'3*
lir. and Mrs. Garvey McGee, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Law5011 a11(1 daughter.
and Dr. 'Weir mill daughter. all at
Townshend Chut r-
There took (place quietly in St.
:John's -Anglican Church, Varna, on
Saturday, November 2,111, a quiet but
pretty wedding at 2.3(1 p.m„ when
Rev. 'Canon W. A. Townshend, as-
sisted 111y' Rey. John Graham, 'unit -ed
it) marriage Elizabeth Grace (Bessie),
younlgest -daughter of ;Mr, and 'Mrs.
Edwin 'Cli'uter, 'Varna, and 'William
Alvin Townshend, -only son of Mr.
and ':Airs. Ernest Townshend, .Bay-
field Line. The (bride wore a street -
length dress of air force thlue 'wvlfh
matching hat and carried a 'bouquet
of 13riarcliffe roses and ,fern. Miss
Audrey -Butler of ,Olintot was lbrides-
maid. ,She Inore -a nawy 'blare dress
`rimmed wit -11 is -lite, with black ac-
lessorics and wore e. 'corsage of
'motze pOm-,pom mums, Harvey
"Muter, lb'roth'er of the pride, acte-d as
host :man. 'Alter the ceremony a buffet
'mclhcan wa's•senved at the home of
Ibride's p.a'ren'ts at which Mrs. El -
',ere McBride assisted in serving, to
i• ett'rlietr, rela'tites, after which
the speaker, ens much appreciate
1'he Nate:mat .Anthem closed 1131. se
Rc , - I. .Ire rtes conducted
the \u,, 141:3111 C lurch iy the recti
Rev. R. 1_\L Weekes, v;, 1m Sunday 111311.
111.4. 3 ,1111nmine0 w'ae also dispense
\ duet was sung by Mrs. s. ,\1"eekes 131
ells A. Rogerson. Se'*u e was held
the. l noted Church with'Roe A, Si
Clair in change, .At the Sunday Sclio
session a piano duet was played I
Lifzahcth Mills and Lloyd Teske
11 r. and 1\Ira Peter Gardiner of 'Lor
-don were guests of friends in 30(3
over the week -end; Seaman and 'Mr
Raintslbot )
ern t of Sarnia spent tl
rweek end with the latter's -motile
I2Lrs George Wilson, and oth
friends, Mrs, Raimslbottonl was fora
erly Doris Barr and is well (know
here, Seaman Raimsbottom leav
shontly .for :Britain.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Norman ,Mitchell,
C'en'tali•t, with I\11., and Mrs. J. \'
Worden; 'Mr. and \I'1.s. W. J. Fell an
family, in Goderich with 'lir. and Mr
5. Fell; 'Clarence Norris o -f Toronl
and Non)'al Norris of Kitchener, exit
their parents, .Mr. and (\lrs. A. '\N
INorns; Harry 1)innen of 'Guelph, an
Albert Dinnen of Gale, 3wvith \'ie, an
Mrs. 'W. Dinnen; Thomas Cooper,
the"R.:A.F., of Shenhrooke, Que., writ
1\1r, and NIrs. Jantes'Raebonr and M
and I\Jrs, Ed Allen; I\Ir. and .Ales. i
Drake in Kitchener with their da'ulIl(
c•r, Miss I:allicl, Alis Helen Alt
"Naughton, of Toronto, with her ,pat
cuts ells and Nils. 1. 11cXau'ghton
Mr. and \irs. \\'iilie-te E!e*rnian ami
Airs. I). Iiizerntait with ,Mr. and \ir.
Rol:tert Stoller and ,\1:1.:. and .Airs, '1,
\V. [emelt Arthur Sulale, harry 1)rak
land Clarence "1'nffin have t•rmelt,
home after completing heir month'
11(1111 try training in \Voedstock, •
Me R1111111 Stephenson and Davi
J. Stephenson of Varna were Calle
to Marlette, Michigan, owing to th
serious illness of their brother, M
\Not. H. Stephenson.
Peres Johnston. Bert Peclt, Ehnnl'
Stephenson and Bruce Mt('linrhe.
I have gone up north on a 111111111)
Airs. Thos. Snowden is in Egmont
vine taking care of her cousin, Mr.
A. Clemens, who is 111.
Mrs. Harold Rader o1 Zurich 1
spending a few days with her Nem
Mrs. Bruce McClinohey.
Born -At Scott Memorial Hoapita
Seaforth,on Friday, da • Nov: Sth,lo. Mi
and Mt .Geo, Stephenson, 1 V rot
1 ,
n a
a son.
• On Thursday aaltrrnu n Nov,\t r
, 7t
; e c•
(e h n Church teas well ell filled whet
t ti
-the \17Ai... held 'heir autumn '11 a 1
t tutu tit
offering. The church was-theauatfull•
ale n 1 ed with !pink and 1 y
sanc r t 1.k n yellow chr
unfit 11311. Oursociety m t tw cuter
timed Varna, ilakr n 1-I1
I 1.1113 1 and Il. reel
eictr NII \N'ill CIar presided a
t 1 1 k
on n and playedsoftly be
the a aI r 1 tel
I 1
-or • n - 1 111 r 11 opened. ?d ie , l s'
fore tl e , u uta t lir r ul
11 I d
ant Ir R. Ai. Peck, 1.r i h l t w i
the meeting,whicln eltnul by 5131 in'
' 111 (lira t there is n Last n,11
\Vest." The (,resident toll,,w'•ed 'try
reading the scripture lesson from Is
d'erintbians, 1.31111 chap. Love, the
greatest thing in the world." Alrs,
kn'bt. llc'Kinley offered- prayer niter
• 'I a • repeated
which rite Lord's prayer wile u, t 1
t I
n Miss Beatrice r Ill . 0 1 then
iu nut n h. t at e 3113 t i t
ia'vtired ars with a rtaditi . 1(1ta. Fritz
-, elrendered
anal Alr.. Bryce t „Zurich
I „
verve bt, niiull t vocal duet, "Ivory
tt t 1 l 1e
Palaces," Oar 11 t speaker, I\Its.
\I•utdc• Sserlintg of Hayfield, who i+
temperance secretary of Huron pres-
byterial, gave an address 011 temper-
ance -work whichh--was intensely inter-
esting 1013! beneficial. •lit : 1lanso,n
(1311 mnthtr number on 1 han'ke gi\-
•11( of 13* rel(n*a'tit-
t lc r suit-
ableat the1 t 1 1,
4h11' dltet followed, Count your
many bee * ritzy,.. by Miss Norcnt
12dhinson, and \It . Ifimo 1 'Stephen-
son. The offering was ellen received,
after which to all sang "Praise (10(1
irran whom all ,blessing, -flow:" NV-('
enjoyed another nunrl,•r thy Nies.
Fritz and airs. ltryce, '3Srinnr'hody is
praying for you."211rs.iGeonge John -
ton o Varna ,eve an interesting
reading. Wes, Elgin McKinley then
moved a wrote of thanks 10 all +taking
})art in the program or helping in any
watt to make the 11iternnen such a
ucce':, seconded by air \V'ni. Ilay-
ter. The `tryout, - () God e u 1'4114 in
ager• 'pa>(' 3331: ',nog-, 101003('14
•4113141'. c;od •••(vI' the i 3,31 ,'' iter.
\11 Peter pronormee(I the hcne11ic-
m. \ ecfa1 leer was spent
,,.,tell, r.
The Huron (:3panty .("1(111 (lrowirs'
Association are planning to (tontine(
11 Au Immo] 1ni.h.
g ,
t fruit show in the'Agrienitural Board
r [b1 -en Logan au of Myth punt. Sun- 1
13. v.ith Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephen -
SIr. Alvin Riley and Dir. Wilfred
Scott left on Monday for a (leer
hunt tip north.
Mrs. Dave DIill5ou and Mrs, Robt.
Grimoidby spent a day last week
with Mr. aucl Mrs. Bert Hoggarth.
Dhivari's are getting to be quite
as th
popular e young peopie of today
are reviving this old time sport.
There have been two this week for
the newlyweds in the vicinity.
Mr. Wm. Moore attended church
services in Clinton on Sunday even-
A memorial senvice seas -held in
.Memorial Hall on Sunday evening,
when the members of the 'congrelgalt
ions of town met 'for a union service.
The guest speaker was Re(v. 'G.G. B'ur-
ton of 'Clinton. A union choir provided
the music which included an anthem
and a solo Ihy Stanley ,Sib(ho'ttp. A. 'E.
,Cook was musical director. I2ien4hers
of 'Ciiniton .Legion, Ibmanch No. 111410 .and
local veterans ooctupied the front seats.
Res. .4, M. Boyle •presided and react
the scripture lesson while Rev.R.
Weeks led in 'prayer. A 'wreath was
'laced on the nle,run*ial tablet I31'y R.
\, Tas'ker and I(hn Cawan, Thoth
'orrrans 1.,f -'-1 emir. The ad -
1r• •'I'., - .. - ' n es given d y
loom. Clinton, on Friday. November
22nd. The display will feature all late
fall and winter varieties intending
Macintosh Red, Northern Spy, Snow
or Fameuse, King, Tolman Sweet.
Greening, Golden Rosset, Blenheim
'Orange Pippin, Bakiwin, Stark, Sal•
ome and Ben Davis.
The objective behind the show is to
advertise apples so as to stimulate
ad e
the sale of them locally and
throughout the Province.
The following is the program for
the lay: 11.30 -Fruit in place, and
judging of entries by J. J. Jcheston,
Dom, Fruit Inspector, London; Chas.
McPhail, Holmesville. 1.30 p.m.-
.m.-Hall open to public. 2 p.m -Program.
4 p.m. -Auction sale of fruit.
All persons interested in fruit are
invited to attend. The display of ap-
ples will demonstrate the quality and
the different varieties grown to per.
lection In the county:
Continued From lenge One.
A letter from the Ontario Associa•
teen of Rural Municipalities, asking
renewal of the 95 membership: fee.
was tabled:
Discussion of the Local Govern.
Alam Extension Act resulted in coun-
cil's decision to give the ratepayers
information about' the longer term of
office. The ratepayers 'eouJd thee'
decide If they wish to trate 011 the
11 re
e lent.
Y $16.63;
, $58.33;
V Snell,
Mr. Storey,
!'a41VCJIAI:K.9ltnlARYtiLY9NlU10:uAl'),'.?•l 1l�YTJ'
� . A RE
Ma1.4'tE Woe=
1"1 ('..
C r+,
0 111
S o
G o
A. d l n N P t
1 n
� ,.t! //n�t
el8V -110" ' 'D . e+ 4GC
Merle Oberon Rex Harrison
"Over The Moon"
A gay 3*0015dy that romps from
England to pay Monte Carlo: Also
Edward G. Robinson Ann Sothern
"Brother Orchid"
Humphrey. Bogart Donald Crisp
He laughter, loved and searched
his way across the world
Walt Disney's Festival of Hits -
Hit No. 1
Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs
and rutty other Great Hits
- "My
Love Came Back"
question. 1.l•
The longer' term goes into effect
automatically unless the ratrrtymrs
vote in favor of continuing the singe(
year' term, Unless i);, 0t' the Nate-
payers petition requesting a vote, no
vote en the matter will be t�ttkPU.
Motion, Keating -Smith, that the
Clerk advertise in the loyal import+
ens 1)01111(111 9 per Local Govt.
Extension Act. iJ40.
Report of the finance eoun)dtlee:
Jos, Storey, wages, $20,25; John
Purcell, $16,03; Ed Brady, $14,33;
Penns; 916,88; James Hagen.
Jos. Heffernan, $8:50; Earl
Habkirk, acct„ 912.65; D. le. Wilson
A. M. Hudson, 923.83; H•
$70; John Currie, $32,5(1; Thos.
$60; J. A, \Nilson, 920; Come
ty 1,t' Illu'o1, $1°25; Cauadia
tinll(1! lIlys. , 5.77•Na
, $ r f , Dr. ll',
$0.'35; Geo. tiei p.' 11 sus Bell
& Thresher Co.. 93; Geo.
tion. 111,115; N. Cliff 2 Sons,
P,t'.C., w•\v., $2,1175,71 1.l
$:3,J75; Bell 1'ekythortl' Co.,
it \Wilson, rash relief', 911;
Sine & Sons, •4811.5;;; Htu•ou
tor, ;Viet,: \1'111. aToatgontery,
D. 1''ergu
.$t, w5; 1.r.
$fi.L'11; U
Geo, A.
IAs Ansi
shall we
She '\\ lint art o1 house
move to?'
. Husband --"Let's try a bungalow,
clear --then you won't always
hearingburglars moving about
x 9'
l a .
. w' +
- ,.
4 :
�f, �.p [.f
L.Sten in
� 0
ON YOUR 1941
Epic broadcasts from London
n the air daynight.
are o and t
Never before has radio carried `
such dramatic interest and
inspiration as the word pic-
tures ores of (a •.
/Britain a t war.
The C.B.C. rebroadcasts are
i service for those
a splend d : 4c; ;
who can oat tune London z,7
direct, but for complete par
ticipation in this mightiest
of all world dramas, you
require a radio designed for
the needs of today -direct
overseas reception. World
Six pushbuttons provide than"locals."
automatic tuning of stations all
at home or overseas. aerial,
:. ., a .....
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i,rot 1
c 1
/. -1
t bt
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xv u1.,. • .
(, t _vYe
to tune
tee, 1
QQ .r
,.; zNt•
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overseas stations
station power
-wave built-in
1,t•;lf `,wPe.,•1;k
Sale Gonlioves
We are extending the Sale for another Ten
Days. All seasonable merchandise was sold
out. We have waited on 2640 customers.
To accommodate our customers, we are
getting in new goods which will be sold
Sale Prices. Come and see for yourself.
Green Front- - Dent.Stores