HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-11-14, Page 3THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1940
Acquit Exeter Indian
On Murder Charge
Jury At Goderich Sets Samuel
Dodge Free in Case Follow-
ing Death of Jas. Kilpatrick
Samuel Dodge the Indian charged
gc d
with 111ui•detitlg ,Manes Kilpatrick, (17
year 014 Huron County carpenter on
.1(11(0 1111, was acquitted by a jury in
the supreme court of Ontario at 00el-
t-rich last week. Just before he told
Dodge that 110 was free to go, Mr.
Justice Urquhart declared that Dodge
".had received n fair trinl. You have
had a narrow escape and I trust this
will be a lesson to you on the evils of
over indulgence in this form of
wine, and the troubles men get into
by reason of breaking the law by
this indulgence and all the trouble of
this day is because you and Mipat-
ricl< indulged in it. You are free to
go." After listening to the court's
words, Dodge replied: "Thank you,
my Lord."
1-10 was immediately surrounded
by his relatives and friends and
shoot( hands with his wife who with
their children was present, As soon
as he lei'tthe courtroom Dotage pick-
ed up his baby, an infant in arias,
and left the building in company with
his 11011 111(4 daughter.
• Prosecutor W, 13,. Common, IC.('-„ of
the AttorneyGene 7(l's department,
Toronto, addressed the jury for and
hour and a half and defence counsel.
Frank 11. Curran, of Louden:. sPol(e
for 40 1(1(11ute's. :1Ir. J1181i11' 'Li Ell II -
ha et'9 ritarge to the jurors, of which
1.11 Rapson was foreman, lasted from
2 p.m. until 4,18 o'clock. The jury de-
liberated (((1' 3x_ hours and then
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT" to
'('trotted (hair unanimous verdict of
"not guilty."
ill his charge to the jury, his lord-
ship spoke for two hours and a half.
"You unlet have no prejudices
against the ae1,1(8ed because he is
an Iudina," 110 told the jurors, "A11
People are entitled to a fair trial
according to our law. 1 hope you will
not have any prejudice 011 that
ground. Asn matter of fact Indians
are true Canadians, They have been
in this country longer, and ire me
titled Co 801110 emn8iderat11)11 as if
they were 11 1119111 1)01. 0t' oar 11tv11
In r0viewing the ease 1Vll'. Jnstiee
Urquhart said the statement made to
police showed the anon wore working
together and they had been working
harmoniously. •'I canoe to the cousin -
slop the statement was a volnnla.ry
one, and th0lefore, I admitted it be-
cause 1 thought, it had been fairly
taken front the accused, and that the
accused was ready and willing to
give an account of his movements,"
His lordship said it would have to
be decided whether Dodge was put-
ting on an act Winn he was found
kneeling by the bed with shingle
nails in his hand, An axe mentioned
in evl4(goe had fresh blood on it.
By reason of Constable McCoy's
death, the Crown was unable (0
11(091' the 11110 trap 1119 one 08911,
The (Tows argued, his lordship
went on, that the two s1011 were
together. One was fon1114 dead and
the other was in the house and a
weapon 11'1(X•11 could ('(use injury is
there with blood on it.
The jury would have to decide
Whether the anonymous letter 11190199
a doubt. "You have to consider the
question whether two of More men
would have taken chances on having
their fingerprints on the letter. There
has been no apparent motive. I-Iere
are 111(91 two mein on friendly
terms anti !hero was no apparent
reason to kill the other that is
known. No evidence has been offered
about a quarrel. If the accused
struck the blow, he did not run
away from the alleged crime."
His lordship explained the mean-
ing of homicide, manslaughter and
self defence at some length.
Send 'us t'he names to yolur 'visitors.
Plans l'nr a nlr.morh11 service wer0
arranged in p11911(nd this week for
Neville Chamberlain. who died Sat-
urday amid the bomb strewn wreck.
atge of his dream for "peace in 0111
11111,0." '1.'110 tall, lean st(It.'.: (1(in twin(
led 119(9(in front 'ihe Munich part
through the first -tits months of wan
with (c'rnumy resigned as prime
minister May 11, after the British
withdrawal front Norway, and step -
pod front his last cabinet post limb,
more than a month ago. 1111 ox
haunted, ill n(99 Ho died Saturday.
ul his Hampshire country estate.
where the grounds near his huu10
have been 1)001i Illktrked by Nazi
bomb craters. He was 71. At the 1911111
of tite family, his death was not an,
nouu0ed until Sunday morning.
It fell to the lot u1' Neville rhumb,
< han, who once described hi111140f
(s "a man of peace from the depths
of 0114 soul," to lead the British Ptu-
pire to war against. Germany. On Sep.
temin,r 1, 19311, he announced Hun,
following the German invasion of
Poland, Britain was at war. "1 can
not tell what part 1 may be allowed
to play but I trust. I may live to (19i,,
the day When Hitlerisnt has been
destroyed and a restored and liber-
ated Europe has been re-established."
That hope teas denied hint. "Every-
thing I had worked 'for, hoped fur and
believed in during my public life has
crashed into ruins," lie said, "There
is but one thing left for me and that
is to devote what strength and pow
er11 I have to forwarding victory 01'
the cause."
The day war began 119r, Chamber-
lain brought Winston Churchill into
his cabinet as first lord of the ad-
miralty. Churchill became British
Premierin May, 1)1411,
In February, 1933, following the re-
signation of Anthony Eden, ('1(111111),.
919111(1 in effect became the active
foreign minister. Germany annexed
Austria and smouldering embers of
discontent among the Sudeten Germ-
ermans of C10clto•S10valiia suddenly tial'•
ed Into the crisis of September, 1933.
D(ulgel' signals flashed across Eur-
ope and the word "wan" was on
everyone's lips. It was a situation
unparalleled since 1914 but it also
provided Chamberlain with (n role
which earned him world acclaim—
and later, some criticism. Although
on the eve of his 70th birthday, Ire •-
made three plane trips within (1911
Weeks to Gernn(1ny, where, face to
Mee with Hitler, he sought to save
peace. Less than six months later
Hitler's troops Were on the 101(19h,
and the Munich pant was dead.
Chamberlain, with the backing of
France, promptly launchedwhat In,
came Known as the "Peace Front."
Guarantees of protection against -nn•
provoked (att 10l< were extended to
Poland, Purley, Rumania and Greece.
Peace time conscription was intro -
(Impel in Ilritain for the first time
since the clays of Cromwell. By the
end of 19311 nearly (t minima aural
were tinder arms. The nation's al-
roarly enormous defence program was
enlarged and an unprecedented cam-
paign of preparedness set in motion.
C'onc'erning his changed policy, Chant
berinin said: •'11(10 of peace as I am
there is one claim which, if it were
made, must as it seems to me be
resisted if necessary by force, That
Would be a claim by any 011e state to
dominate others by force. since if
such claim were admitted, I see no
possibility of peace of mind or body
for anyone."
Neville Chamberlain was born on
March 1S, 1559, younger son of Joseph
Chamberlain, of Birmingham. In 1111,
the year he stepped into the whirl
of public life, Chamberlain married
Annie Vere, <laughter of Major W. U.
Cole, The Chamberlains had two
children, a son and daughter.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 'weeks '3Oc
We Are Selling Quality Books
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily.
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3 -Purpose Medicine a Success
At first sniffle, sneeze or nasal Irrita-
tion, put a little Va-tro-nol up each
nostril. Its stimulating action aids Na-
ture's defenses against the cold.
And remember —when a head
cold makes you suffer, or transient
congestion "fills up" nose and spoils
sleep, 3 -purpose Va-tro-not gives val-
uable help as it (1) shrinks swollen
membranes, (2) 991199esiuitetion, (3)
helps flush out
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clearing clogging MKS
mucus. Enjoy the
relief it brings. VA1110-11101.
Football Pan . "Throughout he,
match - I was watching one of the
finest backs in England."
His Friend "Ali, there 11'115 a 11g
matt in front of ane, ton."
Air Vice -Marshal R. W. S994197(1 ,
O.B.S., who is a member of th
Air Connell for Engineering :all
Supply, He interrupted an 0ng]1 •
Bering career to tight In the sk'
19(111 the Royal Naval Air Servic'•
and later with the Royal Air Pons.
He became technical (1]rectm• 0'
('(11991a's young air force and has
remained with that broiled'.
Need Certificate for Apples
Sent To United Kingdom
a1 -hn,me nt r apph', to the
1 1 l hint„ I nl (1117 mash• in 111)91-
>i the l A >,jr., (ansdien :env.
he 1 r111 h or Allied 1' rr c.:n•
rcrtiticalc 11)11,; I11 ob-
.frena t1 llnminie al fruit 11111;u•r-
_riifyiog that the apples r,1rd,
',i1 tar re.quiterntlio. elf tin. ll�•-
tnlrrt and l'c.t Art. t,.•t� �,
,I.. 10(114 ':Ir .rut to 1.9411 t, in Ibr
Ki114,1en1 ,rc freigit: or os;,.
hr ugn trade 1 um. 1. r t1y.
c11.apre. 1111(-1 11, exceed ed 1 i
•11I •.('cube, n111.1 'bc ivdn']buIll.:
!ihe >iil Aix; 111
1,•a11t1 uradn, and
ir,r r 1rde,1 0' an authorize,: '111(11 rb'r
111 1'uited 1Ciugrhtnt ,fr•r rh..,ribu-
-:r .:n parcel 1 pint. -
I IJounnt m 1)1,0:Irtlm'nt el 1':1.-
r,colt.tr1': 011( sunt that aht'e that i•.
y,u utiun a sin -t the ,ensure
tr'0(1 Canada by parcel pest 1,i
r:e faired hingdo91 mp 1(1 a maxi -
:11111) weight of 211 11.,11111(1`, (151(111
:Fret they rc'luire inspe•sli(11I)u-
',over/town!, it,peetor. /ht.
of '(11111 parcels is n,1,(ell.
•,199eel ,practical and thlrte,re i9 1114.
Dairy Production in Ontario
The quantity -01' both e e:onery but
(r•r art cht'ddul• oleos, produced in
oloario during October showed. 11
zein ,Iver the production in f)oto0o
I9:19. says the monthly dairy report
tate Ontario department (11' :Iat't
Mucky of c91uutery 11uttrr in Ont.
atria at November 1141, 99119 consider
al,iy less Illau 1 month 01(911( 1', and
1,190 (1(I14idcrubly less than at Nov
919117a9 1141, 1939,
911(1 9r prices advanced !.luring the
month in response to 1i dem:eease in
production, and for October the
monthly average wholesale price at
Toronto 19115 27,3 vents- per pound, as
comparted with 211.3 ('9(lls in the pre
ceding month. and 211 cents in (Mo-
lest', 1939. ('Meese prices advanced
slightly with the1 average at Toronto
for 111e 19011111 of Oetoher being 14.4
cents per pound.
Exports of dairy products from
cantata during September wore vat
11,41 at $2,9115,509 as canlpare4 with
11,112,1911 111 September. 11119. 21los( of
the increase was accounted for by a
rite in the exports of cheese to the
Crated Kingdom.
and For Sale :Ad,, 1 )seek 250
(J' �«
r� u r �. D 9( w
t h i s t ri
tr.,.• 6Ar-41 ht
Johnny has got a baby sister (191100
Mary. The other day his mother
caught Ilial poking the broom in
Mary's face. "Why on earth are you
doing that to baby?" she asked him..
"Well," he said, "I just wanted to
got her used to something."
"((sed to what?"
"Kissing grandfather."
"I had not heard from him for 11 years ...
ykeeffe voice imeadtly oft
"My brother had just landed at 'an eastern
Canadian port' when he telephoned me,"
writes a correspondent. Imagine my delight
and surprise — when I recognized his
voice right away!"
Yes, your telephone gives absolute fidelity
of transmission over any distance, and Long.
Distance Telephone Service is inexpensive,
particularly station -to -station after 7 p.m.
and all day Sunday. Why not let someone
"know" your voice to -night?