HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-10-31, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS °Grandfathar LivedToBe El al II I{ 1 And Never Heard Of A Vitamin!" - True enough, Grandfather hadn't elle slightest idea whether a Vitamin had two legs or four: yet he managed to live a sane, healthy existenee which ended -just short of the century mark. Then what's the answer. Are Vitamins the bunk? Let's consider Grandfather a moinent, Grandfather lived a simple yet vigorous outdoor life—and that took care of his Vitamin D requirements quite nicely. —Grandfather lived and worked on a farm. Few and far between were the days when he failed to consume his full daily quota of carrots, milk and beefsteak or their equally nourishing equivalents. Grandfather's planners were doubtless refined—but his food most possibly was not ! Grandfather's mode of living was NATURAL—and sci were most of the eatables that Grandma heaped on his plate. So Grandfather got a pretty swell intake of Vitamins A to Z even though he didn't know it! Otherwise his years would have been fewer and less free from misery. Whether for hens or humans adequate Vitamins were essential in Grandfather's time and are essential now, - The • O. A. C. (Ontario _Agricultural College) has done wonders in their search for vitamins. They bar[' given us as a result Need that makes. hens LAY ,\NL).YAY, and chuck lull of vitality. ms {�r1rjt�,i SOLD BY SCOTT'S POULTRY FARM, Seaforth 15 MANUFACTURED BY E. S. WATT and SONS Palmerston, Ont. HENSALL :1I1 -s Edith Parkins -t Exeter ie bolidanItI with )ter parent.. Mr. and Mrs Jas. Parkins. Mrs. E. L \tickle and babe have returned home il•0111 See,tt !Memorial aspire!, Seaf:rth. Mrs. A. Lammie returned to her 11,h17ne in I)r'r. it thisweek after a eery pleasant visit with Mr. anis Mrs. A. L. Case. Rev. Wm. Weir, Ii.A hasbeen con- fined to his room during the past week enteringWitha 'nvere cold Ladies' Aid Meet— . Tee •Ladie .\id elf .Carmel Presby- terian • ('hurcle held their regular meeting on l til tat' 1 t'enillg w1111 Mrs. i\V'eir .presiding m the ;ubsenee of the president '-Airs, F. Farquhar. The Scripture. was read Iby- Mrs. l.:. _ate, after which Mise Jean Dougall led in prayer. Group three presented the (lowing program Airs Rey Neil ace a .reading on the history of the -n When Von and I. Were 1 ono I\I t g'n after -which Mrs. Mac 1)' n all end Mt Margaret D,ngai' sang a vocal duct which concluded the program. The meeting closed with )cod Save the 'king. Bride and Groom Honored,— The towel hall. Hensall.- wa tilled te. the doors nn Friday evening when friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. nClarence Smillie (nee Elsie Ann St's\a,tgIlton) who Were recently married, honored them wills a recep- tion. Dancing Nay enjoyed rte the. strains of �M;undnek's orchestra with i151r. Wm. Hayter floor manager. :Mr, and Mrs. Smillie mere presented with a 'handsome studio couch and mirror, the address ibeing read ?by Mr. Rae Lammie of Exeter. The groom made a very fitting reply. Smale - Harburn. • — A quiet wed -ding was solemnized at the United Church manse, .Norwich. on Saturday at 4 p.m., ,when Rev. A. Boa.. uncle of the -groom, united in marriage Hilda Elizabeth, dau'fehter of Mrs. Archie Luxton, Statfa, and Roy Edward Smale son of \Ir. and .\5110. Geo. Sma'le, Hensel]. Trite bride :wore a street lengtlh gown of !blue French enol with •geld. trim, with bat to match and matching accessories, and ware a corsage of sweet yeas. .Miss Bella Sntale. sister of the green). was bridesmaid and were a street length dress of !Mack 'georgette wool with gold trim and snatching accessories and 'wore a corsaige of sweet peas. Mr. Mervin Haebvrn. Staffa, brother of the .bride, was 'groomsman. -A re- ception eves held at ,the 'kettle of Rev, and Mrs. Boa following the ceremony, -with only the immediate relatives of rite unuracting rarities attending. Lat- er the young ccnnple left nn a `honey- „oon trip to 1Vtcndsor. Or their re- lrn.they will reside in- Hencal'1. •Rhodie - -Ryan.— \ pretty autnamt wedding was sol- emnized recently in the chapel of Iedferson avenue Baptist Chntreh, De- trnit. when Jessie, -daughter of 'Mr. and INIT.,. John Ryan. of Detroit, 'and Alfred Rhodic, son rsf .lir. and -'Mrs. Dot were married. The bride looked charming in a • suit of ,t:ei_e sheer ,Vint. with trimming of sable C -dyed squirrel) with scat and .mate mug accessories with c•ellsage. of roar Illy of the valley, baby nmee, and gardenias Mies Delores Watt, in:dd. of 'honor, chose vendee blue wool gown with dvthlconet trim . and matching accessories and wore a cor- sage of yellow rases, Ibalby mien's and - .gardenias. Mr. Charles,Berge, De- troit, w•as lgroou•antan 1 - wedding ,dinner Was held at the Whittier Hotel God," 'Mrs. Annie ;Saundercock anaved into the dwelling which she recently 'purchased front the Patterson estate Mr. and Mrs. E nue Doerr have mov- ed into the elweiltng un Iltyahway No. 4 vacated Eby, 'Mrs. Satndercook, Rev, R, A, Brook conducted seev- ice, 111 the United Church en' Situ day, and at the evening service (ga'l'e a vert fine tdidres:s in ,the Iforut of a pictere sermon on Ttihe Light of the \\•ark]". this .beautiful picture was shown on the screen Iby the lantern, The choir sang ewo'beautieul anthems "Sing ,to the Lord," and "Hear the Call Ringing." South Huron Plowing Held Near ,Hensall— Thursday, October the .24, broughtwv ideal eather and perfect soil condi- dons for the South Intron Phewmen's match held at the farne of Me. R:dbert !Minn two miles southwest of the v tll•r +e. \ih +art 1,000 !persons attended during the day. 'there were seven classes with 32 contestants •compet- ing-. For the firse time in the history of the South Huron Plowmen's :\•sso- cdatiou event tractor entries Curium- 1 bored the horse drawn !ploughs. All - len Turnlhull, age 115, -'of Dasllw•ood, neon the special event for ,glnvdinIg Ib.y plowmen snider 1116 years. In the Ili -W- OO" classes ion -farmers the reenners were Mr. J. I'tV. h)rtwein of Hensall, aged el years; \{r. John Rowe, Exe- ter, et-er 80 years, and tMr. ;Cohn Me- b:,vati. Brucetield, over 80 years. The match was do chargeof the executive president; \I r. \Villiam Quinn; secre- tary. \l r. Percy Passmore, treasurer, Mr. Archie Aloes -an. The Hen al1.Se- nior Institute catered fair the crowd, and the Red Cross Society operated a ,,;c,,:it •,thick net 1 1 •ahaantial pro, crrds. \\'inners by classes ae folinnws: Cass 11---:\nstia Nairn, 'Munro; 1100 el ;Carter, St. 'Mary,: Miter .\rte - strong, St Peels. Class . 2--•-I eek \Vdl- I\\`ingham; Jane, Hogg, Sea- ret n: Norman f)o,v; Statfa, t :ts,i... 11.,rvry L,wie, e nIrolia; 1:71so - the t, speeial, Lorne PaRsillore, 11x lames 1)o nc:y ti siert i h o•. ise•reteimi, ilea ill I lass 4 - \\it rues 'Thee, Seel fard; \\ iFreil NI ee ,! is Feiner 1 r mote, Esther; \-.:I h., v Feekr. Ces, eees1g ti ulr,, v u, , 11 o.e•orce Cram - se. tum. t„r,, '1'. T. e , Al a- e•y, -Leese ger; El Mitchell. i. \Like. I -esw )tel W. 1, ilirl; Gelericle riass 1e.ge T"rn�1•.t'.; 1)1s'1'.50.011 l'.1*:1111. t I. R. ithc rt. I tensa';: 1. t s'l' 1:: h•rick, Mensal'.. \I Mei earet NlecLaren of Wet - ries. 011 Ili' o,•cl. e11,1 IN her •'ar it str. and Mrs. R. V. MacLaren. Mr'. ^1111.. ' ei Seaforth has mnveet her-, a In re : ht has a (-opted a Ansi site thdr v .:nests present. 11 r., Ryan ,`i„o •with \l r. (ole) 'laicise. A publle meeting of iltc Hensall and Mrs. Rhode. veer, a wine cre.rc• dress. ;4,416 eve trioti er e.e of miweci Branch of the Red Cross will he held autumn flowers. The .lrride and •'ro,,n, in Hensall town lints Thw'sd11y, eve'a- epelt: titch herncynxuvt with ulaticcs Mg. Neveniber 7t11 ,tt 8 pan, All me,m- at Parkhill and with the `aide's end, hers of the Red ( rocs and th)se' me, Hensel'. and NIT. and INIrs..Wm. i and amt), Mr. and .Stns. 1\'a7. Veinier, crested in the work of the Red Cross Kele are cordially invited. Reports will be given by the conveners of the vagi-' nus committees, also a financial state - meet from the treasurer, Mr, 11. Lawrence We are hoping to have a:• FOR SALE representative from headquarters in' 8 choice seeker pigs, for sale; also Toronto to give an address. A brief 10 cheeks, Phone $47r22, Orville musical program will he presented Dttle, and election of officers for the new year will take place. The amount of FOR SALE wm•lt that has been aecomplished by I One seven h.p• gasoline engine, the ladies fo Hensall and vicinity, equipped with magneto and friction through generous gifts of the people pulley, in good working condition. to the Red Cross is very gratifying. Also one circular sow•, 24 in. die - Come and bear the whole slnry. meter, made by Shanley sail Viol• The Hensall branch of the Red rich, I). C. Galbraith, Mayfield, 0111. Cross wishes to take this opportun-, ity to express thanks to the ladies of the Hensall Senior Institute for re-: eeipt, of the sum of $95 receivedl trough their efforts in connection with the South Huron plowing match held at the farm of Robt. Minn. on Thursday, October 24th, and they also desire to give recognition to the gift from Hensall continuation school augmenting this amount. reeci,e l in soldier Jew crepe ;,,ion Red Cross to Hold Annual Meeting em. Born. On Monday. October :Atli,' to Air. and Mrs. 1 Clarke, Jr., twins. ,e -oil and daughter (daughter still'bornl. Hallowe'en Social.- 1'he Young People Union held a H al1....vr''en .,trial in the school room o1 the United Church on !Monday ev- ening with a very large attendance, Mr. Claude Illowes acted as chairman. Elaine Beer sang a solo followed by a reading by Doris Buchanan. Claudette Blowe, favoured 'with a solo, "Play- mates." A reading thy Eleanor Cook was followed by a vocal duet by \la-' Chet Feiehurn and Ruth Hess in cos- tume. Miss Lenore N,.rminton favor- ed with a very humorous reading„ it sled in suitable costume, llrsses ;Mary Goodwin and Ruth Brook sang I a duet, "I Passed By Vour \rind,*.v.' iNliss Gladys Luker ,played a piano in- etrnnrental, "The Rosary.” Rev, R. A. Brock favored with a solo, "In The Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs S C. Ratliwell o1'. Lucknow, and brothers and sisters of the late Miss Anne Jane Reyes wish to express their sincere appreciation of the kmduess and sympathy of friends, in their recent - bereave, m ent, Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs. Daviel Watson wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the sympathy shown in their re- cent bereavement also to Mr, Chas. Boyd for his solo. FOR SALE 9 young pigs, six weeks old. Apply to James Landsborough, phone 665 r 16, Seaforth. GOOD SOUND SPY APPLES For sale. 50c per bus. Come and get them in yotn' own containers. 2 miles west of Varna, on Bayfield Rd., south side of road, J. E. Pollock. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects. In Emend - on Saturday, November 9111 at 2.30 o'clock, the following: Two iron beds, springs and mat- tresses, one woollen bed with springs, dresser, stand, parlor rug, 2 parlor rocking chairs, 0 )lining chairs, dining room table, • small tables, clothes' horse, sewing mach- ine, lotlge, clock, 3 parlor chairs, china cabinet, coal heater, kitchen range, coal oil stove with oven, kit- chen table, chairs, dishes, sealers, crocks, pots, pans, wash tubs, board, lawn mower, buck saw, other saws, lamps, pictures, paper rack and a host of other articles. 20 yards rag Carpet, one-piece kitehen cupboard; 5 gal. coal oil eon, sprinkler, Torrent washing machine. Terms cash, Mrs. Alex Gordon, Proprietress. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE 11f 1':1111 Flinch and lntpleuantis. Unreel Jackson, Auctioneer, has 14' ('eked 1nsu'uctiuus to sell by public 11 001011 011 1s01 1 3, tune e sslon „ Stanley Township, two mays south• t c 1 ee ,.•. c o Nov. wee) of 1 1 11 II l 1. n Tue del .. v rh ei the hour of 1 o'clock ltegiete r e.d Dial Purpose Cattle - 1 colt' die. 1L•urla 1st ; 1 one dta' apt it (01); 1 cow due .peril 22: 1 i•ow du" April 2-1; 1 nevus G•csht•ard S c'pt. runs fro:heme! Oct. Gelb: 1 heifer clue Feb. 111.1; 1 heifer due March 7; 1 iteil'er due April 21; 1 heifer dor April 25; 1 heifer due April 2h6, This is a choke e lot u1' rg. 01011'. 2 grade heifers. 8114) lbs. Implene urs I wagon, -hay and stork reek; 1 set of sleighs, buggy; 1 six foot 11 -e ring mower; 1 sulky Hike; 1 M.11. side mite; I spring tooth cultivator turd broadcasting seete: 3 section harrows; walking plow; whippletrees, neeklolcrs; bear skin robe; fur cum; cook stove: and other articles too numerous to mom tion. Terms cash. Murray Gibson, Proprietor. Harold Jaeiesou, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Eight pigs for sale, chunks. Apply to Gordan Petppie, 011011e 839.12. Gloaming." 1\11-ses Gladys Luker and Miss Margaret. Habkirk of Detroit Greta 'Lammie were accompanists for spent a few days last week in town the evening. Games and Contests and attended the funeral of her cou- were directed the rMessrs. 'Claude sin, the late Miss Margaret E. Hab- Blowes and Carey Joynt. -Cantly was kirk. served at the close. I Miss Edith Parkins of Exeter spent Young People Hold Missionary the week end with her parents, Mr, Meeting.— and Mrs. Jas, Parkins. The missionary meeting of the Mrs. P. H. Devlin returned home Yount; People's Society of Carmel after spending a few days at the 'Church was held on Monday evening home of her brother and sister -M- and was arranged by the -convener, law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett. 'Mr. Jas. !Niggard, Jr., 'nuke presided Mrs. Hannah Workman, Miss Male over the .worship ,period. M'r. Bert el Workman and Mrs. Minnie Sang - Thompson read the Scripture, Psalm ster visited on Saturday with Rev. 1)44+. Misses Lois and Marion Mac- W. A. Young, Mrs, Young and family Laren favored with a vocal cruet. in Fergus. Rev. Wm. Weir, B,A., was in Bins, "God's To -Morrow. Miss [retie Hog- sets on Sunday conducting services garth presided ewer the business. The In the Presbyterian Church there. the were .read and adopted and Miss Dorothy Brazier of London the rail called, Mrs. s\iacMru,gaIi play- visited during the past week at the ed a piano instrumental. 'sirs. C. ,Tied- home of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer. interesting president esf theW4M,S,. gave an a Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron visit- interestinrg address on 'e sang ." Mises ed with relatives in Hanover on Sun- day, and Jean Lave claret. day, - 1\1r. and Mrs. Tack Reid hare mov- ed into the reales Inc the Petty hlodc• days recently at the Roue of her Teachers to Meet Here.— daughter, Mrs. VanLangbton in Tor - The teacher convention wibl. Ibe onto. held in the town 'ball, !Tenets on Funeral of the Late Miss Habklrk.— Novemlber Fath. Tlhe ladies of Carmel The funeral of the late Miss Mao Presbyterian ,Chatrrlt will caner to the garret E. Habkh'k was hold from the teachers.late residence on Thursday after - Mr. Clare Zuede t the •1.A.S.F, o' moon, conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. Petawawa visited this week with his 'rho floral tributes were very beauti- grandfather, Mr. John 'Lntefle, fol showing the esteem in which the hiss Jean Bonthron of London vi:-- deceased was held. Mrs. J. W. Bon- itecl 011 Satteelay with her parents.throe sang a solo entitled, "No Night ale. anrd Mrs. J. W. Benthrnn. , There." The pallbearers were Messrs. Dr. 'Wm. Geiger of I\\'a•tenln.c vis-; Oliver Anderson, Anllett; Jas. Aud- ited on Sunday •with his father, -Ale, Owen (lei ger, \ir;. laanes Patterson a(ienrleel the inset mid Alfred 74unkie, near Exet- er, Harvey Hyde, Mensal]; Mr. Smith. Hagersville, and Mr, Habknlc, Miclti- annual cnnvennen of ,the Women's gan. Interment was in Mas.Taggai't's institutes ,held in Hotel Louden this cemetery. Relatives attended the fu - Week, as 11 representative of the Ilea)- neral from Michigan, Detroit, Hager salt Senior Women's Institute eville, Seaforth, Clinton, Itnllett, Ex - Mies Margaret Buchanan, - R.N., of eter and Thames Roetl lee Httron, has taken 111 .residence Seriously Injured in Auto Accident in the reams in the house of Mr. and Mr. Earl Dick of Dorchester, oldest Mrs 1Wro.- Dorgan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dick, .Mrs. Verne. Smith of Exeter is Hensel], was seriously hurt in an anrnl»ng a.few days 'w -nth 'her :mother auto accident in London last week. when the car he was driving collided with another onto Earl received a fractured skull and is in a serious eourlon. dition in Victoria Tl'ospital, Loel- .Mr Annie Sanodercncic. Rc Brice of Ailsa Craig conduct- ed- services in Cartmel Presbyterian 'Church nn Sunday in the absence of the tactor. RCA,. 'Wm Weir, B..1 '1111 choir sang ewe anthems, ":1s Panted) The slant," Wand "Rise up n \fen of Want and For Sale Ads, 3 weeks S0c FOR SALE Ten good pigs, 8 weeks old, W. J. Finnigan, WANTED Old Live Horses for fertilizer. Ap• ply to. J. Matthews, Dublin. Phone 23x22. STRAYED Roan Shorthorn steer weighing about 700 lbs., gone astray. Anyone knowing anything about this animal kindly communicate with Jackson Bras., phone 5-653, Seaforth. FOR SALE 11 young pigs, 8 weeks old, for sale. Phone 840r33. Irwin Trewartha, NOVEMBER SESSION OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderic:h, commencing Tuesday, No, vember 12th, at 2 p,m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the at- tention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, Nov, 9th, 1940. N. W. MILLER. County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario, WINTHROP Pte; Oliver Pryce of Woodstock spent a day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Pryce, Mr. and Mrs, 'Pryce and -family spent a day at Camp with Oliver recently. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan, Bobby and Jackie, spent Sunday with isIr, and Mrs, 'Walter Eaton, and Mr. William Trewartha. Mrs, 'Gillies of Collingwood has poen visiting her daughter, Mrs. ,Cohn Gillies, Mr. William Montgomery of Inger- soll, and Mr. Andrew Montgomery of Guelph, spent the week enol with their parents; Mr. and Mrs, John Montgomery, The W.M.S. and W.A. of Coven Church will hold their Thank offer- ing meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 6, at the horse of Mrs. Earl Habkirk. Mrs. R. W. Craw will he the guest sneaker. )toll cell will be on Thanks giving. - - CONSTANCE Visitors at the home of Mr. sited Mee. William ,Lewitt on Sunday were Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy hall and sons, El- win anti Jewitt, of Ethel, and Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Jewitt. Mr. and Mrs, William Jamieson and Miss Ethel Dexter of Kitchener were guests at the home of Mr,- and Mrs. Austin Dexter on Surnda.y. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1940 NOVEMBER FIRST, 1940 — YOUR ACCOUNT IS DUE PROMPT PAYMENT WILL BE APPRECIATED SPOT CASH PRICES New Life Hog Concentrate per cwt, 2 75 New Life Pig Starter per cwt, .. , ........ 2.35 New Life Poultry Ceincentrate per cwt. 3.35 Royal Purple Pig Starter per owt. Royal Purple Poultry Concentrate Oyster Shell, per cwt. 3.75 1 05 Oatmeal— I b 20 bag ....79c 80 Ib bag. —2.59 7 Ib bag....25c 5 113. Rolled Wheat 21c Oil Cake Meal, per cwt...,2,08 Royal Purple Calf Meal 25 ib. 99c Royal Purple Calf Meal 100 lb. bag 3 79 36c per Doz. in Trade for Grade A Large -Eggs Solid Leather Boots, and Rubbers at Lowest Prices We ele Finnigan - FOR SALE A good kitchen range, coal or wood, with reservoir. Apply Con Eckert, Coleman St., Seaforth. FOR SALE - 6 -week-old pigs. Apply Roy Law- son, ' 2 miles west of Seaforth, on highway, FOR SALE A girl's outfit, size 4, light blue, coat, leggings and bonnet, also rub- bers and overshoes, Phone (i60i"2. FOR SALE Ilorse trailer for sale, in good shape. ('heap, Apply in W. C. Goven• lock, Egmondville, Phone G631.5, FOR SALE 1110 year-old I eghorn hens, for sale. Plume e1161.33, Seaforth, James Scott, Roxboro, FOR SALE A number of eon's and heifers, to freshen soon; also sone 141111rne steers. Ray Connell, jdt n• 011 .22. . 0l•. ort ventral. .tl t lit HOUSEKEEPER'S POSITION 9\ nag gl. 1 rn al 11111 chereie .re; ;.t1t ,. .. N. \\ rit, bit's. freed 1511 1te li Pei.. Ont. FOR SALE Oliver 70 Standard 'I'racnn', uu steel. 1'u11 2 seasons, 21-20 hp. with m without Oliver plow. Cuelsshtttt tree ter ;dew al•:n for sale. Gordon ltirh- ,t1•dson, }h'uceficld, 11.11.1. Phone 6Gch 25. Sentinel) central. AGENTS WANT FEMALEED—MALE OR - NINETY CENTS' :1N 1I011lt for TWC) $Lad sales of FA\IILItX PRO. DUCTS selling as easily as BREAD ANT) Bt r'rsn1 VOl1R earnings in aot•urduueh tv1111 the. 0111011111 of limo and offnrt you put into your work! ,Apply for I Rha catalogue and parties Mars. G. St. George. 5711 St. (lemma Street. Montreal. COURT OF REVISION Township of McKillop The Township Conned' of McKillop will meet as u Court of Revision o11 the Assessment Roll for the year 1940 at the Carnegie Hall, Seaforth. on Monday, the 4th cloy of November 1940, at len o'clock In the forenoon Notices of appeal should be in the Clerk's hands on or before Oct. 25th. JOHN McNAY, Clerk. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Margaret Isabella Jackson. All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret Isabella Jackson, late of the Village of Ng- mondville, deceased, who died on or about the third day of October, 1940 are hereby notified to sons! in to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of November, 1940, full particul- ars of their claims. Int.mediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distrib- uted or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 24th clay of October, 1940. GEORGE A. JACKSON HENRY M. JACKSON, THOMAS T. JACKSON, Executors. By their Solicitor, H. G. MSIR, Seaforth and Clinton. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of William ie. Trewartha. All persons having claims against the Estate of William K. Trewartha. Farmi'r, late of the Township of Me - Killen, deceased, who died 011 or about the 27th clay of April, 1940, ere hereby notified to - send in to the undersigned on or before the 2n1 day of November, 1940, full particnl ars of their claims. - Imnmediately after 1110 staid hast mentioned date, the assets of 111e said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice to the exclusion of till others, and the undersigned will not be liable le any person of whose claim the niter signed shall not then have notice en the est;els £10 distributed or any pale thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 12th day of October. 1940. IRVIN CHESTER TRh:WARTITA Executor, By his Solicitor, H. G. MJIIIR, Seaforth, Ontario. - ELMER D. BiLL, W.A. Successor to John H. Best BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Seaforth, Ontario McCONNELL & WAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Iluron Office in the Dominion Bank Build. ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Teesday, Thursday and Saturday 1:30 pen. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7;30 0. r11. to 9 p. m. CHOICE MILK FED DRESSED CHICKENS - Weighing rip to 8 lbs. I le tsc order m day in advance. it pos,4111e.Win deliver in town. ]'hunt 81132. Scott's Poultry Farm. PORTABLE SiLO Steil- },alt silage at a nominal Ellet. '1'lu 110SI'0 Portable silo /itices available Iu fur•niers and sioelt ruhet'e rusts 1•c• stnretge facilities equal to thy, .highest priced pernucheut silos. mid at to fractional cost. combined with thin it gives you the added feat- ure of portability. Build the Roseo Silo as yeti till it, and take it down RR the ensllago is used. 12 ft. silo Priced at $7.75 Per trait. 14 ft, silo priced at $8.05 per unit. Murray Tyndall, ]]ruceliehl, Phone Clinton 618 r 12. SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Spy, King. Winne Sweet, Green- ing, Russet, Baldwin and Cider apples. Inhere Clinton 622.24. Fred Alignment, ent, Varna. SPENCE PRODUCE Next to Crick's Bakery. We are in the nnu'ket for all kinds of Poultry end Eggs, Phone 170x' for quotations. II. 11. Spence ee Son, Seaforth. CIDER MILL \\'ill make cider and apple butter Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Fri- day of each week during October and November. Cider still located on the. street. leading to the golf course. West Ward. .Mitchell. Ivied I-Ielmick Proprietor. Terms cash. Telephone 181, Mitchell, APPLES FOR SALE Sprayed apples for sale. Spies, hal- dwins, greenings, russets and outer varieties. Phone 76r11, Hensall. Apply to Wm. R. Stephenson, Varna. KILL THE GERM And prevent disease by disinfecting and whitewashing your stabling now before your herds and flocks are housed. Chargee moderate. All work guaranteed. Only modern methods used. Bruce Berry, Brucefleld. ARTICLES FOR SALE Rubber Goods, Sundries, etc., mail- ed postpaid in plain, sealed wrapper. 80% less than retail. Write for mail- order catalogue. Nov. -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 120 acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and 5, 13th Concession Town- ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit. Apply to The Seaforth News. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Mary Trewartha, All persons haying claims against the Estate of Maty Trewartha, late of the Township of McKillop, deceas- ed, who died on or about the 6th clay of March, 1940, are hereby noti- fied to send in to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of November, 1940, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned. shall not them have notice for the assets so distrib- uted or any pati thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 12811 day of October, 1940. IRVIN Ci3ES'CER TRrWARTHA h5xecutor. By his Solicitor, - H. 0. MEIA, Seaforth, Ontario. INSURANCE Life, Fire, Auto, Sickness & Accid- ent,Windstorm & guarantee bonds. Rates reasonable. All risks placed in first class companies. Information cheerfully given E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCIES_