HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1940-10-31, Page 4PAGE FOUR \l a >e.1.11 BRUCEFIELD ,:lice] _ tL sytig(athy` of 110 -it' many itie•t+,d„ Walton Community Hall ON THURS., NOV. 7th Quilts, Aprons and Fancy- work for sale. Flonie-]made Baking and Candy. Bingo games and fish pond Under auspices of Ladies' Guild and W. A. of St. George's Anglican Church Supper served from 4.30 - 7.30 Adults 25c. Children 15e WALTON On Thursday, Nov. 7th. the ladies of St. George's Church, Walton, are holding their annual bazaar and sup- per in Walton community hall. A good supply of quilts, aprons and fancy work will be an display. Over 30 took advantage of the short course held tach afternoon- of last week in the community hall on "Preparing Meals for To dray's Needs" It was conducted by Miss E. Zavitz, The course was a very help- ful one to all who attended. A social half hour brought the course to 0 close 00 Friday afternoon. Miss Jean MacFarlane of McKillop spent last week with her cousin. Mrs. Harvey Johnston. Cpl. W. C. Bennett of Ottawa spent the week end at his hone here. On Thursday evening of last week the friends and neighbour's gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Kearney in bailout, of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Kearney. The evening was spent in progressive euchre and dancing. Before lunch was served the fallowing address was read by Jack Bryans and Stewart Metall and Har- old Bolger presented au occasional chair to Mr. and Mrs. Kearney: Dear Lawson and Grace --We your friends and neighbours have gathered here this evening to spend a few social hours together, We first want to wel- come you Mrs. Kearney, to this com- munity. hoping as we become better acquainted we will become very close friends, Secondly, we want to con- gratulate you Lawson, an your choice of such an appropriate life partner. We want to show you in a small way, the esteem in which you are held in this neighbourhood. So please accept this occasional chair as a token. It is our sincere desire that you may spend a long wedded life together and may happiness and prosperity always accompany you. Signed on behalf of your friends and neigh- bours -._ Stewart McCall. Harold Bolger. 31r Clarence Grainger. teacher at Button's school. attended the wed- ding of his sister in Toronto last Sat artily. Miss Dorothy Bolton of Roe•hester. N.Y.. is visiting relatives around] Walton. Sirs. Thos. 1'e,lne of 31e•1'iillnp is visdtitt_ her see La(vrcnee Cummings and ether friends. Mr. and Mrs. C'harle,s Snc']ling and (kraught. r of Bayfield, (111104 on Mr. ami Ales. W. J. Humphries on Sunday. Airs. Hugh Fulton and Mrs. Andrew Ina'-, spent a n•1(' day'. with Airs. Ftten's dtnrhte• at Long Ilt•ato•lI. 111.. John it. Murray also spent 0 na Tol'010 to toe missing auay of h, sou and brother. Pi.-\Villi,tio : wt', of Hamilton. tv • ars, pleased ul see MP. 1 Alurdu,dt oil again after his accident. Air. C. Simpson spent Friday at Pet t ralta. Mrs. R. Dawson visited with her parents. Mr. and Alia. Doan. at In- wood. 1'wood. last Friday, Tlte fair weather of the last part of last week and the first of this week have enabled the fanners to harvest their beaus. pest of the beans in this vicinity are pow har- vested. Anniversary services and fowl sup- per were both a success. KIPPEN- Mra (,ille;m uf. f ,,,liwa1 and Mrs Rufus Tnrniutll t,0 Grand Bend visited Serttrltty with the latter's sister. \lr. and Sirs. Elzar Monsseau. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and 1 ()Ti/t' split the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jaques and 31r. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner. of F.Simvillc. Airs. F. Kalish: 1',f Clrtaiud Pend vis. ite,1 en Satitrduy with lir. and Airs W. Horti'y. quite as minden fa.tteittl.d the re- eption in Heusall on Friday evening in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence newlyweds. inning the ,'vein ing they were presented with a studio cnueh. Dancing was enjoyed. music -being furnished by the Murdach m• - chests. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMurtrie spent a day in London last week. MIr. and Mfrs, Charles Ferguson and! Eva of !Merton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horsey. Miss Mildred Pybus of Zurich is visiting her grandmother, Mrs, H. Ricker. Miss Eva Ferguson of Ilderton is visiting at the hone of Mr. and Mrs.1 AV. Homey. Wedding hells are ringing in the, vicinity. Mr.. Robt. Passmore of Hensall.I student in Toronto University, will have charge of the services in they United Church here on Sunday next. Mrs. French continues very poor- ly with little signs of Improvement. Rev. Mr. Chandler will he at Ford- wich on Sunday next, preaching an- niversary services and Mr. Passmore of Hensall will preach at Kippen. A large number from this commun- ity attended the ball. game at Water- loo on Saturday, and all report a. nice outing. HARLOCK Mr. James McHwing and son Mr. Bill McEwing, of Winnipeg, visited part of last week at the home of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McEwing and other friends. Little Jessie Watt spent Saturday at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keliand McVlttie. Wedding bells will be ringing on Wednesday of this weak. The 10th to supply the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hoy of Megaw, and part of the family, visited on Sunday. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson. Mr. Guy Leiper did some plowing for Mr. Bert.Beacom last week. VARNA Death of Miss Annie Keys— An old and highly esteemed resid- ent of Varna, in the person of Miss Anna Jane Keys, passed away on AVeduesday evening, October 23rd, at the hone of her brother-in-law acid sister. Mr. and Mrs, S. C. Rathwell, Lucknow, with whom site had been staking her home. The Late Miss Keys, who was 81 years of age, had been ailing for some time. She was the eldest daughter of the late Timms Keys, and was born on the Babylon line, the family later mov- ing to the Parr line and then to Varna, where the late Miss Keys was a dressmaker for many years. She was a lovable woman and had Maury friends who will mourn her loss. She is survived by two brothers and three sisters. Oliver Keys, Detroit; Prank Keys, Niagara Fulls, Mrs.. Barber. Ordllia; Mrs. Rathwell. Lucknow, and another 'Harriett sister, formerly ]Liss Martha Keys: She was Prede- ceased by three brothers, James Keys, Fred et Keys and Jeff Keys, Nashville. Tennessee, who was head of the Nashville schools. at the time of his death, A sister, Mary Emily, passed on some years ago. The re- ma111s ca1ue to Varnn. Friday after- noon and the funeral was held in the United Church, Rev. Mr. Todd of Lucknow officiating, assisted by Rev. J. R. Peters of Varna. The pallbear- ers were Messrs. Artie Keys, Harvey Keys, Sherlock Keys, Russell Keys, Clifford H. Keys and Lloyd Keys. In- terment was in the family plot in the Bayfield cemetery. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral, besides the brothers and sisters, were Mt', and Mrs, Nelson Keys, Mr. Wilbur Keys, Mrs. George Coleman, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs, S. Hanna and Mrs. Reid, Seaforth; Mrs, McAsh, of London; a number from Hensel], a niece from Elmira, and several other nieces and nephews. Mtniversary services were held in St. John's Anglican Church Sunday, Rev. J, R. Thompson, B.A., of Strat- ford, was the guest speaker for the day and delivered two suitable ser- mons which were thoroughly enjoy- ed ity all present. The social evening held its the hall Monday night proved quite a suc- cess. The program. put on chiefly by Hayfield talent, furnished nndt mirth. peel), artist taking theb• part well: including Messrs. Perdue- and D•+etws_ who so generously_ supplied ood music: alsn '"while motoring to Varna Monday night the Fliver fart ily of Hayfield had a thrilling esPei'- ieuro aft el' humping over several rut" and washouts, when a tire blew out. Air and Mrs. Fliver, their sou and laughter. were ruthlessly- thrown from the vehicle, vvltich '1115 fiver. itimed ami u11'i'ly ruined, and Mis, Fliver l:uo,•t.el speeoltlpss 011' the 11111(0 fort ma, telt' no bones were hrnl:it. but 1111 four occupants 1'" eeiret1 a severe shaking up but stern 111110 to 1'01111.11 1101111' 011111e.+ night.'. The eoncregation of Si. ,John's t'hnreh lure' greatly indebted to the Layfield people. whom we thank one and all, espeeinlly Rev. and Mrs. Graham, in their untiring efforts to snake the program a sut•eess. At the close of the program the entertainers were invited to the Inane of 121•. and Mrs: G. H. Beatty. where refresit- ments were served by the congrega- tion. Mis. Evans of Toronto. Mrs. Stiller of Leamington, with her daneloor. Mrs. Adamson of Toronto, were the guests of their sister, Mrs, \\'. .1. Johnston, Sunday. 31r, and Airs. Harry Thompson were the guests of the foritlet's sis- ter. Mrs. E. Beatty. Hiss Gerrie Thompson of Clinton has spent the past week with her.sis• ter Mrs. Beatty and Edith. .Hiss ,Jean Turner of Seaforth was renewing acquaintances in and around the village. Wedding bells are ringing in our midst. Miss Mary ('hiller. brother Elliott and Miss Woods of London were guests at the parental Monte Sunday. Red Cross Notes Continued Front Page One are to he made: Boys' socks, girls' mitts, boys' Sweaters and mitts, boys' shirts, boys coats and Iadies coats. Please get in touch withthe ladies. at the work rooms if you can assist in any way. We give an extract from a letter received by a Red Cross worker In Toronto from an officer in England in charge of a hostel for the care of 600 children evacuated from Gibral- tar: "I must tell you that the clothes we get for the children, sent by the Canadian Red Cross. are simply mar- velous --lovely and warns and just what the children need. The jerseys and the little girls' flannel dresses are really lovely, they are such pret- ty colours ret-ty-colours and so well made. Do tell any of your friends who are working for the Red Cross how welcome their help is. and with winter corning on we can't have too many warm undies and things, both for the refugee children and our own bombed child- ren who lose every single thing they've got when their homes are blown up. I can't tell you what a joy it is to be able to 8t them out prop- erly. It is always a thrill for us when we get a new batch of clothing and I only wish some of the people who have made the things could see how appreciated they are. TIIE SEAFORTH NEWS LONDESBORO A re -Iv enioyalrl,• weld event,: 1',artit at the home of Air. told 11 hl ,try 1.,m;iso; on \\ ndiesduy ovosis$ of. last week when the friends and neighbors met there and present'sthem with. 11 mirror anti twice ati hump. The following aidross was 00/1(1 by Itttth \'olden whip' Gladys Mountain presented the utlr• roc and lamp: 1)eai• Beat and Ski --We your friends and neighbors of the tenth concession of Indica. have gathered here this evening to extent to you our heartiest congratulations. on Yew recent. marriage. We have always found you both so willing to help in all our social activities. In your thir- teen years of association with us. Beth, we have always found iu you it, true and understanding friend, and we are Very glad you are going to remain in our neighborhood. As a good neighbor and friend, we have always ennui you Sid, willing to lend a helping hand. We feel we cannot lel this occasion pass without show- ing the high esteem in which we Bold you both. We ask you to accept these gifts as a token of our feelings tow - you, and may God's richest bless- ings rekt on you through a long and happy married life. May these gifts as you use them daily, retiind,you of your friends and neighbors of the tenth concession. Signed on behalf of the tenth concession, Ruth Vodden. Gladys Mountain. )Air. Robert Gibbs and slip Donald have moved to Hamilton, where Mr. Gibbs has taken a position with tate lleintzntan ('ompany. there, Miss Eleanor Sprung has taken a position in London. Air. and Mrs. Jack Sinclair and little laughter Elizabeth Ann visited with Mrs, Siuc'hih•'s mother, Mrs, C. Watson on Friday. Miss fern Watson spent Saturday in Teeswater. Air, Fred Gibbs has closed his hone :nut is living at the home of Mr. 'Phomas Millar, Mr, and Mrs. Sidney. Lansing at, tended the funeral of Mr. Lansing's uncle. at Picton, last Wednesday, Its'. and. Mrs, Harold Sprung and Eleanor spent Tuesday of last week in Loudon. Mr, Art Bruusdon of Wadena. Saslc„ is visiting Itis parents here Mr. and. Mrs. Wm, Bruusdon, Mr. Peter Brown of London spent the week end at the home of his uncle Mr, David Ewan. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mountain visited at the home of br, J. Lawson of Lucknow on Saturday. Mr. Glen Fairservice of London spent the week end at his home here. Miss Alnia Carter's many friends will be pleased to hear that she is improving. Miss Gene Forbes spent the week end with her norther. BORN 'I'ItI+:MEER—In Scott Memorial Iios- pital, on Friday. Oct. 25, 1940, to Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred T1'emeer, Iiippen, a son. - BRODHAGEN SIr. and A1rs: .\ll' Dykema ; 1' r etre ';i,-5 3 rlativ•0. Miss. Lords. (il(•on and .lit. (1115 I'm Carlton or - vtak;u t Falls, N.1'. visited with Ait. and Airs. Chas Ahrens. Sir. and Mrs. George Young nF stratlnrd pyres 5Itttday with Mr. and ,Airs. L1e017e Dlegel. Miss llehnt Shortt and Air. Neal Gregory of 17ntbro spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs ]toy Collins. Mr. anti Mrs. W. L, fiaerengeseer and Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Rua, sell Sholdice and Gary visited with Mr, aitd Mrs, A, W. Norris at Stetta on Sunday. The Men's Patriotic Society held their monthly meeting on Monday evening, Oct, 28. The President Wm. S. Riehl presented an itemized state- ment of the shooting match held on Thanksgiving Day, with the net pro- ceeds being $50.41, MANLEY The natty friends of Mr. Chas. Eg- gert are pleased 1'o learn he is pi'oving nicely In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. The late fits eweather has made it possible to finish the late harvest, and now the order of the day is to finish the snot crop before winter sets its, uBt we hope Indian summer will still conte as we did not have a real summer this season, Mr. John A Eckert and his father, Mr. Frei Delottt, and Mrs. Fergus Horan and Mt's, John Murray Jr. at- tended the funeral of the late Agnes Dorshel in Kitellete0 Inst Friday.. Fhc was a fb1ttl00 resident of this Pince anti left here with her p}n•ente about sixty year's ago, DUBLIN .\ ),romp of (au slat's young defend- res, Privates I. ()Monitor, \V. Flan- agaa, T. \Ielady, 1t. 1-)‘,dney, ,front the I\\'o,telstock Training Centre ruled at thrix rc.pcchve hooses on a teirday, Sir. and t\4rs..1. 1)'i-icarn and Miss Ii,9talcnc 01 learn of (,oderich and 5lt', and Mrs. 'las, O'Sullivan of St. Colwell) ,tn spent Sunday in i,ortclon wins -S1 0, 'anti \irs l'.,'1)'1 -learn, jr. Special services were hold. in St. Patrick's church on Sunday evening in honor of the Feast of Ohrist, our Ring, Prayers for peace and consecr- atioh•to the Sacred Heart were offer- ed. Visitors; l'rit'ate L)alton Burns, I:ontlon, ,With hr parent+, i\I r; and Sirs., Frank .Burn 510. and \Irs. Larry Donnelly; \ilss Marion 1)111, London .\hiss Florence ,Sntitli. iC]p- pen,..Miss Veronica \lolyneus, llres- dale, \liss Kathleen Burns, 15111 11111. '\lisp Kathleen Stapleton, Stratford P.usutt s College, Irene Donnelly, Stratford Business College, at their rotptclive haute, (Miss (Slavin 1 es.Sv is sipenalinfi a few tlayS in London Several of aur- residents attended the card fart] •and social evening at St. (oluin'lnul on Friday welting First men's prize Will wort by William Curtin; first ladies' 'prize thy 'Mrs. 51. Barrie: Lucky prize was awarded to ,seph O'Connell. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1949 H?�°``j�id,T E Seaforth NOW PLAYING LAUREL AND HARDY "A Chump at Oxford" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY THOS. MITCHELL PRISCILLA LANE Three Cheers For The Irish Dennis Moore Alan Hale Sure and begorrah—'Tis the grandest entertainment ye'li be sexing, in the season's best Comedy NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY TYRONE POWER DOROTHY LAMOUR "Johnny Apollo" with Edward Arnold An interesting drama of embezzlement and reconciliation Coming — "The Sea Hawk" CROMARTY Miss Marjory Mrpougald is spend- ing a few days with Mr, and Mrs. ,lohtt- Wallace. Miss. Marion Herman of Downie spent the weep end with her friend, Miss Margaret Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Rattan and 111111' sen of Toronto and Rev. and Mrs. Craw- ford .Jamieson of Dresden visited with Rev. and Mrs. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs, George Wallace and Vetnita and V011111 spent Sunday w'i1 Mir, and Mrs, 'finning of Carlingford. Misses Pearl Boughton and Agnes Scott and friends visited in Siut1ae with their Mend 11\rtIss Beth Gardiner on Sunday. - Mr. and Iles, Gordon Scott spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Jahn Kelttr of Altun'o, Messrs. Wilfred Scot], Ross Houghton and Wit. Htlt'btu'n, who are in training in Woodstock visited at their respective ]tomes on Sunday. Everyone remember the hot fowl supper in the Cromarty Church on Tuesday, Nov. 5th. TUCKERSMITH Rodger I. Pepper, a wall ,known resident of Clinton died Sunday in Clinton hospital of a heart condition in his 8611 year, He had been in poor health for the past .sis 'months and ltt'o weeks ago ,was admitted to the het.- pital. He was of F.11011511 parentage, a son of the late jolts Pepper and Eliz- abeth Saunders ane] was '/Orli 30, 11111 arton, Perth CountyApril 14 lig1;. In April, 1871), lie 'married Mary lair h:ut'n and they farmed in Tuckerstoith until retiring; 22 years ago to reside in C'linlou Where ,three years later I51t-s. Pepper passed on. In 15124. he married 511ted=I, widow of Henry Pepper, Gist sni vi11s to mourn his passing. Thep survive also four suns, joint itt 1111th it•y township and Fred, Albert and Ray 11 Tooke rsntith: baro daughter \frs. Frank Layton, Clinton, and !Mfrs I1oward ('rich, •I'u.kersinith, Ther. sure 21? grandchildren and 9 igrca ,tames-rhiddren. .\ full :icer,. Nies :\\ i1liaut \hc t hart, Seaforth, ninety year old mother of lion. \\ Warn rn AIb- eihart, prefilter r+f .kliberta and had;' sister, Mrs, Annie Richardson, Tor onto. are the last surviyiug a>'f a fait-, ily of nine., Roger Pepper had once served phi; township as councilor altd was known a; one of the prosperous fanners of that section. 11e Das Liberal in Polit- ics and '51otlevdist and United chards in retidio,r. .\ !rich.• funeral was ondarted at the residence, Victoria street, on 'Tuesday, Octaher 79th, and interment 00'11 in Clinton cemetery. NORTH McKILLOP Miss Ethel Dentis is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cameron 'Dennis of North Baty. Elmer, Wilfred and Tennie Donnie, also Mr, mid Mrs. William Boyd spent Sunday visiting friends at Eniltro. Miss Florence Dennis spent Sun- day at the hone of her father, Mr. Porter Dennis. Mrs, John Chase, of Detroit, who has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Charlie Munn, has returned ]tome, Mr. end Mrs. William Leeming were visiting with friends in Clinton on Sunday. Mr, John Crozier has disposed of his 150 acre farm to Mr. Rapson of Huilett. win will take possession shortly. Mr. Wilfred Dennis sold three line horses last week; MA', and Mrs. David Crawford are visiting their daughter, Mr, and Mrs. C. Davidson of Wiarton, at&.k ord Has Do See these and other great new features of the BIGGEST FORD CAR EVER. BUILT -- now on display in our showroom. When you see what a value this 1941 Ford car is you'll want to deal now. And what a deal we're offering! Come in today! GET THE FACTS -GET OUR DEAL -AN® YOU'LL GET A FORD! , J. F. DALY, Seaforth